We Found 3 Stolen Guns, 17 Phones, Computer & More in River!

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- Hey, I got a... Some divers that recovered a few guns and several cell phones, a laptop and two wallets. - Driving around the country in this RV, hauling a trailer filled with their dive gear. Searching muddy lakes and rivers looking for missing people. The team stopped here in Fulton County, after a tip about a car in the Chattahoochee River. They didn't find a car but found plenty of phones and guns. (lively upbeat music) - I don't know if we're gonna have anything here. We're like on the outskirts of Atlanta right now. I think there might be a couple of stolen cars in the river here. - Yeah, there's a pretty good chance. - Let's get the sonar in the water (keys jangling) and I'm gonna say four cars in here today. What do you think? - Four? (clapping) Three. - Let's go find out. Morning, sir. - So, what are you guys doing today? - So, we're throwing some sonar on, we got a tip there might be a car or two in the river at this location. - Yeah. - So we have a team of divers, Adventures with Purpose. - Well, I'll do my due diligence, whoever's going on the boat, do you guys have... - 100% yep. - Okay, awesome, awesome. And you're gonna put a motor on it or just? - Yes sir. - Okay. Is it registered? - So we're out of Oregon. We're at where we're at. - All right. In Georgia you have to have like I said, explained to you before, you have to have it registered before you put it on the river. - Okay. - So obviously, you won't be able to get your stickers and your decals and all that today 'cause you're gonna be here for what? One day. - Yeah. - So got this number right here you can call that. - Okay. - [Answering Machine] Thanks for calling the North (murmurs) To register a boat or vessel, (beep) press three. - I appreciate your time today. You've been really, really sweet to us. - [Woman Caller] (laughing) Okay, Jared. You have a great day, and good luck with everything. - Thanks, bye bye. Yeah, we're legal. - [Man] Yeah, we did it. - Uh-huh, on the water we go. (boat engine starts) (boat engine whirring) (upbeat classical music) (boat engine whirring) - So we're casting, apparently here, we're casting, roughly 30 feet out, left. 30 feet right from this. And so you can see like seven foot segments. If anything, though, this is near the la... Whoa, wait a minute. What's that right down to the left... Oh, never mind. That's the bridge pillar. Yeah, we're close to Atlanta. And this river, River Chattahookee, (stammering) yeah-- - Chattahoochee. - Chattahoochee. Civil war and a lot of crime down here. (upbeat classical music) - [Jared] Sam, I think we might have a car by the bridge. - By the bridge. - [Jared] All right, we gotta get back. Let's go check it out, at a different angle. - This part. - Yeah. All right. Because we hit on that before we hit the pillar. So it's on the other side, just down from there. So, I won't even say it was like 30 feet before we got to the pillar. Right now we're about 50 feet from the pillar. Right here. Right there. Actually we have two, I think we have two. - [Sam] Yeah, that's what I was saying. - [Jared] Look, one, two. - [Sam] I pointed to the one and then the other. I was wondering if that was the pillar. - [Jared] And then this is the pillar over here. - [Sam] So you've got the pillar on both sides. - [Jared] No, no, the other pillar is gonna be over there and we're not shooting 20 feet to that one. This is right in the middle right by us. - [Sam] Yeah, that's true. - [Jared] So we have two possible. I want him at different angles. Know what I mean? - [Sam] Yeah. - [Jared] I wanna say that they're cars, 'cause we were looking for cars, but they could possibly not be cars. - And they're both the exact same shape. That's also weird to me. - [Jared] Yeah. So they may not be cars. I want them to be cars. - [Sam] I want them to be cars too. - [Jared] Yeah, it could be old bridge. (upbeat classical music) (boat engine whirring) (water splashing) - [Jared] Bummer! - [Sam] Not a thing. - [Jared] Not a car. But what we do have down there, Nug, is not just the new bridge there, but can you see the pilings for the old bridge? - I can, but there's no bridge remains. - [Jared] There's no old bridge. So you have a super old bridge that used to be here. I say we're diving anyway. - Yes sir. - Okay. - [Jared] Let's go see what we can find. - Yeah, absolutely. (water splashing) (Jared whistling) - The two of us are all suited up, ready to get in the water. So be sure to check out, "Exploring with Nug", who is the gun whisperer. - The gun (laughs), new hashtag, the gun whisperer. - The gun whisperer. (Nug laughs) - And with this bridge, the new bridge, the old bridge. Give us your take on this one today, Nug. - Well, it's anybody's guess with the new bridge 'cause people could throw stuff off at any given time. The old bridge, depending on when it came down, there's gonna be a timestamp on all of them. - Yeah, I'm going to have a little bit of fun. Unfortunately, as you already know, there are no cars in here, but we're still gonna find something worthwhile. (upbeat playful music) - [Jared] Hopefully we have enough line out. This river is only about 10 feet at the max, so we'll just go 15 feet on this. (upbeat playful music) There we go. And that should keep us nice and visible, and no boat will run us over. All right, let's go see what we can find. (deep breathing) All right, so far I can't see a dang thing. We got to get out here a little bit further. (deep breathing) There we go. Now we're into the main current, now we can see over here. (deep breathing) The main thing that we want to do though, is get down to the bridge, and really search. (upbeat playful music) (deep breathing) Should've brought an anchor with me. Got a nice little hike back up too. (deep breath) All right, let's go across the middle a little bit. All right, what I'm looking for is a nice little eddy that we can sink into. (deep breathing) So far, we're not sinking into anything here. (upbeat playful music) (deep breathing) All right, dropping into a hole here. Here's a nice little eddy. (upbeat playful music) (deep breathing) There we go, that's what I'm looking for. (upbeat playful music) Well, I think I got my buoy stuck up above. (upbeat playful music) (deep breathing) Nope, okay. Buoy's good. (deep breathing) We got a nice bedrock bottom. (deep breathing) As you can see where like the sand ends here, and then you come around here, and you have just the bedrock here, this is a good place to find hidden treasures and gems. Oh, is that gold in there? Oh, look at that gold! Whew! Wow, I wish I had a gold catcher. Look at all that gold. There's gold there. Gold there. Holy moly! I found the motherload of gold in here. Look, there's a nugget in there. I just don't know if I can pick it up. My gloves are too thick. We're going to take my glove off. So a couple things I'm going to run into. One is, my ring falls off when it's cold. (deep breathing) Don't want to lose that. And the next thing is, let's put this glove in the bag. Let's not lose that one. Second part of this equation, I'm going to take this glove off. This is my catch bag, for these little nuggets that I'm finding. Okay. Gold nugget. (upbeat classical music) One nugget, thank you. (deep breathing) (upbeat classical music) (water bubbles bubbling) I see people that do this underwater, they have like a little gold catcher. (deep breathing) (water bubbles bubbling) (upbeat classical music) All right. Well, anyway, we'll take those, we'll analyze them. See if the boys make fun of me or not. On that note, let's go find some more stuff. (deep breathing) (water bubbles bubbling) What!? Did we find it? Is that a gun? (classical music playing) (deep breathing) I don't know. Nope, I don't think that's a gun. (classical music playing) (deep breathing) What is this? (classical music playing) (deep breathing) No idea. Almost like a Gatling gun. (classical music playing) (deep breathing) Transmission maybe? (classical music playing) (deep breathing) Okay, what is this? (classical music playing) (deep breathing) I have no idea what that is. (classical music playing) (deep breathing) There's a gun right there! (lively upbeat music) (deep breathing) Look at that! (lively upbeat music) (deep breathing) We found a gun. (lively upbeat music) (deep breathing) There it is. (lively upbeat music) (deep breathing) I'm still having problems with all my line over here though. Yeah, I got my line all over the place. I think I might just have to ditch my line, and buy a new one. Because it's tangled up everywhere. Like this is getting dangerous. Really sucks I lost a dive flag. It is what it is, part of the game I guess. (classical music playing) (deep breathing) Let's head on over. We must be close to the shore because most of the current died down (classical music playing) (deep breathing) Let's make our way up the bank. (classical music playing) (deep breathing) The reason why we're going to the bank and not to the middle of the river, because I lost my buoy. And if a boat comes by, I don't want a boat to hit me in the head. I'm surfacing. (engines whirring) That was a dive, like I haven't done in a while. (Sam chuckles) A lot of current. I had to do a nice little hike back up here, - Yeah. - Downstream. (engine whirring) Listen, I had to take my gloves off, so I could put the gold in there. I don't think I did a very good job after all. (clanking) I don't know which glove it was in. (clanking) Well... - [Sam] But it's like actual gold. - I'm gonna say it's gold. - [Sam] Like those like gimmicky things that have gold in little glass bottles. - No, it looked like real gold, all right. (Man laughs) I'm down there, and that's why I took my gloves off so I can start picking it up. But didn't have any like gold collectors. So I like started putting it all in here, but then the current was blowing so bad, and it looks like these got turned around in there, then it washed all my gold. Like I probably had like at least $73,000 worth of gold. (Man laughs) - [Sam] Is there anything else or is that all? - Oh no, I found something else. I'm so excited about the other thing I found. We're gonna have to call the cops. It's a nice, slow reveal, okay? See that? Slow. The magazine is still in there. The serial numbers are still on there. Actually, I think they're still on there. I can't tell if they're actually scratched off or not. It almost looks like they're scratched off there. So we may have to like clean this up a little bit for the cop or let him clean it up. And just for the record also, like fingerprints, okay? After it has been under water that long, okay? Fingerprints are not going to... I probably shouldn't be telling all the criminals this, right? Your fingerprints after a certain period of time, underwater will not actually stick to the gun. So, I'm not too worried about my fingerprints being on there. Just for the record. - [Jared] He's acting like he was dragging something really heavy. - Yeah, yeah he is. - Did you see that? - Let's go see what he got. - [Jared] He was like grunting. - Okay, first of all, what did you find? - [Jared] What did I find? - Yeah, did you find something? - [Jared] Yeah, you act like you beat what I found. - I don't know, I mean, it's kind of like what? A nine? - [Jared] No, it was a 40. - You found a 40 caliber? - [Jared] I think so. - Yeah, well, I'll see your 40 caliber-- - [Jared] Yeah. - And raise you a fully automatic. - It's raining out here, Sam's getting a little bit wet, but I say that right now is a good time for today's episode sponsor. With you getting wet, I'm staying dry. And the reason why I'm staying dry, is because I'm in an O'Three custom dry suit. That's right. Check it out. It's an O'Three custom dry suit, where I'm not getting wet at all. - But I am. - If you are a diver in the market, for a dry suit, a dry suit of any kind, whether it's off the shelf or a custom dry suit, check out O'Three custom dry suits, because they are taking care of us. So thank you O'Three for supporting us. Be sure to check out the link in the description. If you need yourself a dry suit or you know what, they also carry wetsuits, hoods, gloves, whatever you need in the way of, (makes random sounds), you know, protection like that. Check out O'Three. - A fully automatic AR. (Jared exclaims, laughs) - Yeah. - Is it nuts? - [Jared] Wow. - I actually think it says SR-15. It has a switch on the side that goes semi to fully. I don't know if that's just for show. - [Jared] SR or is it AR? - It says SR-15. - Really. - I've never heard of it. - [Jared] Have anything? (Man shouts in background) - Yeah, we're not done yet. - [Jared] Wow, look at yours. Got himself a shotgun. I like that. - You're a gun guy though, this says SR-15. What is that? - [Nick] A knock off version of the AR. - [Jared] Oh, it's not even a real AR. - Boo, it's a 22 or so (laughs). - I found some guy's wallet. - Oh, nice. - It looks like a lady's wallet. - Money? - I don't know. I haven't opened it yet. I found somebody's shoes. I didn't want to dig down any further. - [Man] Found any feet in them? sticking out. - There's some bags down there, man. - Were they attached to... - I don't know. - [Man] I'll set up here. - Nick has all types of incredible finds. Yeah, he found a (clanking) lady's purse. You got it? - [Sam] Yeah. - Oh, Oh. (cutting fabric) - [Sam] Oh, look at that. - Oh, yeah, there's cards in here. (cutting fabric) Oh, we got visa cards. - [Man] There's some, there's... - [Jared] So you guys remember the rules, right? (cutting fabric) - Yeah, we split it. - Splits. - [Man] Halfsies (chuckles). You know Nick is not here. - Nick is not here so... - [Man] He doesn't get the half. - [Jared] Even though he found it. - [Sam] He doesn't get it (laughs). - [Jared] Even though he found it, his didn't get his... He doesn't get his (exclaims). Oh, my goodness guys. - What!? What!? Do me a favor, let me see. - [Jared] Yay, there's like a whole lot of nothing here. (Jared chuckles) - [Man] Ooh! Dude, you just made me shiver a little bit. - [Jared] Yeah. - So I had a pretty crazy discovery while I was in the river. Well, first off, first off, let's get this this casual find out of the way. (Man laughs) - [Jared] That is insane. - And, okay, I pulled up a trash bag first, right? Pulled out this laptop. - [Jared] Nice. (Clanking) Oh yeah, that's great. - All right, We've got the green bag. - [Man] I heard somebody say 50 phones. - 50. - Count 'em out. (Man laughs) - 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 phones. - In one bag. - [Man] That's a wide variety of phones for one bag. (water splashing) - [Jared] Yeah, as soon as they get up, if we have an answer of a body or not, we gotta call the cops for those guns regardless. - Okay. - We can't even make it across. - [Man] We made it across so... - That was a different river. - [Man] You could not make it across. - (chuckles) This thing sped way up. - No, It's still moving the same. - [Man] Huh? Okay, I'll make the call. - [Jared] Yeah, yeah, make the call for PD. - Well, I just got off the phone with the game warden. I was there earlier. I was talking to you guys. - Yeah. - And apparently Fulton County got in touch with them, and they want to pass it off on them since technically these were found in the river, which is their jurisdiction. And he just said he didn't want them. So he's going to call them back and try to get them to come back and get 'em. - Oh, men. - So, I mean, worst case scenario. I mean, we got some new guns we get to clean up. (Man laughs) - Oh, wow. That's wild. I mean, this is definitely stolen, that's stolen. - Yeah, I'm sure that didn't fall out off a fishing boat. - No, no, no. (Man laughs) - Just out here doing some duck hunting-- - We got some pirates. - Yeah. (both chuckle) - [Man] Oh, it's about time. Why, I didn't think this day was ever gonna happen. - Welcome to the party. - Hey, how's it going? - Good, how about you? - Good, good. - I got a couple of guns for ya. - Okay. - Couple of burner phones. Every agency seems to want to pass it up to the other agency so... Somehow you got the short straw. - And you are here now. - I'm here. (rain pattering) Let me see what you got. - Absolutely, come check it out. (people talking over each other in the background) So this point in time, not a whole lot more to report. We're gonna let-- - [Police Man] All of this were together? - Dan, Dan, the camera man jump back in the RV, so that we can do this thing. (Dan and policeman talking in background) Thank you for hanging out with us, with another episode of "Adventures with Purpose". If you've not already done so, make sure to subscribe. That way, you'll get an instant notice anytime we upload another video like this. We'll see you next time, later later. Bye, bye. - Left side of the bridge. (gentle outro music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 391,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: underwater treasure hunting, river treasure, river treasure hunting, scuba diving, found gun, found gun in river, found gun underwater, found guns underwater, stolen gun, stolen gun found, found phone in river, found phone underwater, stolen computer, drysuit, drysuit diving, adventures with purpose, mrleisek, othree drysuit, computer found underwater, found computer in river
Id: 4afOVs28Nm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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