Found Gun and Human Remains Underwater in the River While Scuba Diving! (Police Called)

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[Music] I'm glad to see you not me you on that wire I'll say that I saw snake and that was a big no for me big now I have no idea what kind of snake it is it's probably two feet long oh no balls just make weight this way I don't know if I want to go in now dang I don't know what kind of snake that was if you guys know let me know in a comment section below yeah you guys have fun with that the dangers were gonna be facing today our snakes I think alligators for sure and turtles we have to be super careful the waters really murky and if we come up on any of those it's gonna be pretty scary but I think it's gonna be worth it man and hopefully find some crazy stuff but worst case Chris if something does get you I can swim really fast and I should be able to get away so that's good so if one of us gets taken the other person has to jump on that alligator deal well just grab it yeah so we just put a drone up in here to show you guys what it looks like from above but what's really cool about the spot is that there's actually two bridges to search under you have this big main bridge all the cars go across and then over there there's a railroad bridge I don't know how long these bridges have been here for but I guarantee we could find some crazy stuff underneath the water here and I'm super excited to dive down there to see what we can find I don't have a lot of gear today but I do have a scuba tank a pair of goggles with my camera on top and two big dive lights these are actually some of the world's most powerful dive lights one's going to Chris one's going to me and like I said this water it's super super dark and red hopefully with these lights we can light our way and hopefully find some cool things down there and I also have a little treasure bag if I come across any treasure or even trash I'll put it in this bag and we'll take it away and throw it away at the end of the dive but let's go ahead put this on their back walk on out there and hopefully find some good things I'm fun with the snakes which is like we're headed down a snake land so that hopefully we can pass the cool stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is different this is a this is something we didn't expect to find today I believe this is an urn with human ashes inside of it and it's honestly super beautiful man there's a bunch of birds on it and I believe at one point I had a lot of gold on there but there's no telling how long has this been down there we both thought you know at first it could hold something really valuable inside but at a closer look we realized that I would say 95% this is an urn and that this human remains inside of this and we're gonna put this back exactly where we found it but as the treasure hunter you can't help but think you know what could potentially be the inside this you know gold or other cool things but as you shake it around it doesn't feel like anything jumping around in there it just feels solid and I think this is actually someone who passed away you just never know may need to pull some up and it could have a bunch of gold inside and there's your life savings or something that could be like an awesome story but we just didn't know but now we know I think it's just an urn we're gonna put it back where we found it Chris you know it'd be funny if when this video goes up if someone saw that online and realized like that's worth like a million dollars and he's like a super rare vase or something and we just threw it back because we thought it was like I'm you know like I earned you just got to go without your heart feels like and we definitely thing that could be an urn and that could be someone to level one so we're gonna place it exactly where we found it I definitely think it's the best way to handle that it's a cool story we thought we'd share with you guys you know we did want to leave that out the videos just because it's interesting you know you just never know what you're gonna come across in there bridges and inside rivers and stuff like this and that's another crazy fine man [Music] [Music] dude Chris just found a gun what yeah he found a little pistol no way where is it this little powerful check it out whoo that's crazy yeah that's craziness it doesn't look like it's going down there for too long either yeah Wow shaking cool chris is over here taking his gloves off I tell him to keep him long because what if you get his fingerprints on it Chris this would be the ultimate cover-up what if we do that weapon in there ever plot twist this is all planned by me that would be like a great way man to get away with things but no that's not okay Wow it doesn't look like it's been down there for too too long a little bit of corrosion but not much I bet they can get a serial number off of this oh for sure dude yep look at the magazine in there right there wow wow that's pretty incredible find some crazy stuff at this bridge and we got lucky today and crisp on a gun we also found some other cool stuff like collectible glass bottles I found a few Pepsi and I think dr. pepper bottles and I think you know a Gatorade bottle as well but you know although man we got super lucky today and you know honestly found some incredible stuff what went through your mom and you found that gun no way I can't believe it so is this your first gun you have ever found it is my second that I found a second guy yep every time we find a firearm underneath the water in the river we always had them over to the police we think that's the best way to handle things there could be serial numbers on this and this could be used in an open criminal case to help solve a case so that's our goal and every time we find a weapon we always send it over to the police so we're gonna give him a call and some we found a pistol while diving into the water here in the river and we'll go from there but what a fine Chris that's also good thank you babe now I guess the plan is to hand that over to the police with Chris's fingerprints all over it and we're gonna get him arrested we're sitting at the bench right now I'm about to call the police I'm not gonna call nine-one-one it's not an emergency but I'm gonna just call I believe the police department in white Springs so let's go ahead and get in the call hey how you doing my name is Jake we were diving in the river today and we found a firearm and I'd love to hand it over to the police Christian or white spring song white spring side a Ford f-150 Jake and my buddy's name is Chris thank you ETA bunny chess yeah three minutes and yes ma'am all right bye-bye we've handed over weapons in the past before but that woman did seem very adamant in a sense of like don't touch it when the police officer comes so on the back of my tailgate we have they had the gun sitting on top of a mesh bag like my little treasure hunt bag and then when he comes we'll tell him it's on the back of the truck and I think we should be completely fine jig right Chris Frantz nice to meet you wouldn't Chris and I we're diving out in the river we found a firearm and we love to just give it back to you yeah yeah that'll work that's pretty neat thing they say have one kind of like it's not a 32 had a 380 and y'all just found out my contest I know we actually found an urn down there too I don't want that but we have video evidence and evidence of everything so if you guys ever need to use it yeah you're welcome to okay you know you're welcome to have any footage to help you guys yeah what I'm gonna do is I'm I'll have to log it into evidence as long as it's not wanted for a murder all we'll do is put it into evidence and then get a destruct order to get them destroyed so no way we can do it they take him or what I take them I take them to this big incinerator just well that's awesome oh I see this is a cover-up he put that gun out there he's gonna I'm surprised y'all found it with the way I do it is really dark out there too like you couldn't pay me worse that you found Alabama mm-hmm three six eight six seven you Anson you're not a long time huh and I really wanted sports okay so I was gonna take you to jail if you would he's scraping the gun on the tree y'all get mad at me again you know he's trying to cover up everything I see you I see what you do but you said he wouldn't want to get in the water though I just hang out up here pleased officer take the gun apart check that out right there yeah that wiped off maybe yeah I'm gonna be hired I found the serial number thank God for Google I really to me it looks like it was saying it's 36 caliber looking at that 33 6 yeah Cal 360 is actually a 32 that's weird I don't point fingers anything but the springs on the gun how do you know asws 2 again hey I got a Celtic here and I think I've got a serial number I'm just not sure do you want to run it for me we'll see it's a 32 caliber Celtic and it's C al 3 6 that is stolen stolen whoa ten-four can you can you print that off for me and thank cities wonderful gentlemen I have a report to do if you would print that off I'll get it from you yes sir appreciate it that's crazy what's going on that one stolen I have the evidence bag he's gonna put the gun in the evidence bag seal it up take it off thank you sir thank you so much no problem I've got the follow to deputy he's coming down here with a five-foot Gator he caught if y'all want to hang around to help us kind of get it out of the car that's a fine for Gator you'll put it out where we're done I want to come back out tomorrow it'll be gone oh sure man's here with a big alligator it's gonna release it right where we were swimming we actually have to come back here tomorrow so this could be her story he was in a man's yard the male man didn't want to kill him that's good though and so I went under and Cody right new Commissioner Esty good that's the best way to go about you don't want to kill animals to kill it you know I mean yeah you know I fully support what you did that was really nice I'm born in these woods my going get out off the pillow well yeah they're strong when you think they are yeah I didn't realize they were that strong I mean I'm strong I look out get started rough under now once you get that mess in there he might try to run you all might want to move we have to come back out here tomorrow tomorrow he's by far the nicest police officer ever met in my life I've done this but we've done too few times before and and I shout to him seriously what's your first name again Brandon shout out to Brandon Marsh and if you guys are watching and he had the ability to he needs to race he's unbelievably nice really appreciate it man no it's cool man what a great way to end a date I found a gun and released a gator in the water exactly where we're going tomorrow so if you guys don't see that video stay tuned we're gonna be uploading another adventure from this bridge tomorrow if you guys aren't subscribed make sure you guys subscribe so you don't miss that video also make sure you guys check out Chris's youtube channel I'm gonna have a link to his video in description below make sure you guys head over watch this video subscribe to his channel he does a lot of fossil hunting videos he goes out for like shark teeth and cool crystals it's how I met him and honestly I'm sure you guys would love if you like my stuff you're gonna enjoy your stuff so thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 4,601,237
Rating: 4.8996544 out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, found gun underwater, found gun in river, found possible murder weapon underwater in river, found gun, best river treasure finds, dallmyd, gun found, found human remains underwater in river, police called, called police, cops called, scuba diving, found underwater, found in the river, found in river, treasure hunting, searching for river treasure, scubadiving, swimming, found gun scuba diving, gun found in river, Found Semi-Automatic Pistol Underwater
Id: 8iMogaIon7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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