Fort - How To Play

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hi and welcome to watch it played my name is rodney smith and in this video we're going to learn the 2-4 player game fort designed by grant rodiak and published by leader games who helped sponsor this video here's what i remember about being a kid i loved flying with toys pizza was my favorite food and i always wished i could have a fort in my backyard for me and my friends well now i'm an adult and most of that is still true okay all of it's still true which is great because in ford that's exactly what we'll be doing so join me at the table and let's learn how to play to set up have everyone sit in a random order around the table and then each person takes one of these player boards which they'll flip over you'll now find the matching cards shown here and these will be in the game's deck of cards and they'll be easy to find because these ones will have a star by their name and they represent your two best friends now flip your player board back over and then collect the score and fort level marker that matches the color of your board and put the fort level piece into the zero space here we'll be setting up a two player game in this video using these two boards so now we can return the other player pieces and best friends to the box now put this victory point trackboard in the center of the play area and have players put their score markers on the zero space of this victory track also place this macaroni sculpture card nearby you'll also set the pizza and toy tokens nearby and i've put these in the game tray that i have and if you'd like to get one of your own you'll find a link in the description to this video the cards with this back are the made up rules annual shuffle and then deal a number of these equal to the number of players plus one into a face down deck by the board the rest of these you'll return unseen to the box the cards with this back are the perk cards and you'll then shuffle and deal a number of these face up in a row equal to the number of players plus one and then return the rest to the box this is the deck of kid cards which you'll shuffle into a face down park deck and these have the same backs as your best friend cards so make sure you don't accidentally have any best friends in here belonging to boards you aren't using remember best friends are easy to find because they'll always have a star by their name from this park deck now deal three kids face up into the park area which is the space below the victory track board as indicated here each player is now dealt eight kid cards which they can look at but should keep a secret from the other players then take your two best friend cards and shuffle them together with the eight cards that you just drew into your own personal face down deck that you'll set by your board then each player draws five cards from this personal deck to form their opening hand then determine a first player randomly and give them this first player lucky rock the rules also include an advanced setup which will give players more control over the deck of cards they end up with which is explained here but i'll leave this for you to discover on your own as it's only recommended to be used after your first game otherwise that's the setup in fort the players reach kids trying to have fun they want toys they want to eat pizza they want to hang out with their friends and they want to build sports and the player who can do that the best will win the game is played over a series of turns starting with the first player and then going clockwise around and around the table the player taking their turn is called the leader and their turn is made up of five phases starting with the cleanup phase here you'll discard all of the cards in your yard which is this area above your board now some of you might be saying rodney wait a second there are no cards in the yard what are you talking about that's a very good point you skip this phase on your very first turn but in later turns you'll likely have kids in the yard so let's pretend it's a later round and i'll just throw a couple kids into the yard and we can see how this works the cards will show the various friends you might have and any here are ones you didn't play with during the previous turn but they stuck around in your yard anyway so now you move all of them to your discard pile which you'll keep here beside your deck next we come to the play phase of the leader's turn here they'll play a single card from their hand if they want to if they decide not to or can't then they just skip to the next phase but let's play something so we can see how this works the cards are the various friends in your neighborhood and most will have two boxes here representing the actions you can perform with them the top is their public action the other is a private action and you can use either or both in either order but you have to finish resolving one before you resolve the other now there are all kinds of friends and they all have a variety of different actions represented by these different symbols but don't worry about what all of them mean right now we're going to go over them during the video the game also comes with a player aid for every player and this will remind you of what each of the symbols mean neat let's start learning some of these symbols by looking at this top action here on dash's card as the player reference shows this represents adding a pizza to your stuff these tokens here are the pizza and this area of your player board is your stuff this is a similar curve but instead it allows you to add a toy to your stuff so these are the toy tokens here toys and pizza that you collect will go into their matching spaces here on your board and you can only have as many as you have spaces for so at most four pizza and four toys the x that we see here represents per and then we see a skateboard this is just one of the six different types of suits and you'll find all six of them shown here there's also this symbol the coin and it's special because it can be treated as if it represents any one of the other suits the suit of your card is this symbol here shown in the top left hand corner so dash is from the skateboard suit so now looking at this action again we can see that this means you add a pizza to your stuff per each skateboard suit on cards that you play this turn but earlier i said you can only play one card during this phase well that's true except if the action you're resolving has an x like this one does then you can play extra cards to improve the action you do this by playing any additional cards you wish to that match the suit shown after the x so maybe i'll play thunder here since he also shows a skateboard i could also play puddin some cards like hers will show two suits you can only play a card if at least one of its suits matches and this has a coin which is wild so i could treat it like a skateboard we'll just ignore the crown again notice dash has a skateboard on his card so we count that too meaning we have one two three skateboards this means we get to add three pizzas to our stuff which we take from the supply and then add to our board like this the first card you played is called your played card these other ones are known as your added cards but you have to be careful about these you can only add cards if their suits do something for example i couldn't have also played this card as well because now that's a total of five skateboards but i can only hold at most four pizzas so i couldn't have played all of these maybe instead i would have only played these three and then that would have allowed me to gain four pizzas sometimes you won't be able to fully resolve the action of a card you've played even if you aren't adding anything to it but here doesn't have an action that you can add to remember you only boost actions that show an x but look at this symbol here when you see this it means you can add either a pizza or a toy to your stuff when you get to pick if more than one of these are shown together in a single action you must pick all of the same thing so if i picked toys i would need to take two toys i couldn't take a toy and a pizza but if you look at this example of my pack it doesn't have room for two toys or two pizzas i could only partially perform this action and take just one of those things and that's okay you can partially fulfill one of your actions as long as you fully fulfill the other action on your board now remember i said that you don't have to perform both actions on your card but if you're only going to partly fulfill one of them then you must perform the other action fully so you can still do the actions in either order so just to be clear if i wanted to perform this action i could only take either one toy or one pizza because that's all i have room for but then i have to fully resolve this action i can't skip it like i would normally have the option of doing and this is the symbol for either trashing a card in your hand or your discard pile once you have a discard pile you're always free to go through it in fact any player can check anyone else's discard pile if they want to and when you trash occurred you return it to the box it's no longer in the game just keep in mind you can't trash a car that you just played or added to these will still be in front of you on the table so they're not in your hand or your discard pile which is where trashed cards have to come from okay so to recap during the play phase the leader will play a single card if they want to and then perform either or both of its actions in any order and you can partially fulfill one of them as long as you fully perform the other but remember earlier i said the top action is public and the bottom action is private what does that mean well after the leader has fully resolved their card in the way that they want to the other players in turn order can follow the public action the top one even if the leader didn't use it themself and anyone who decides to use that action is called a follower during this phase now to follow a leader's public action the followers must discard one card from their hand with a suit that matches at least one suit on the leaders played card if the leader had played a wild like we have here they declare what suit it represents and then followers would have to play that suit so if a leader had played bud and said this represented a shovel as a follower another player could discard this which also shows a shovel but if you're going to follow a leader's action you must copy it exactly and be able to use it in full so if the leader used this to collect two pizzas the follower would also have to take two pizzas if they didn't have room to take both they couldn't follow if the leader added to their public action like we see here then when i follow i'll only be getting one of that thing let's say in this case the leader collected three toys by following i'm only going to get one toy when following i can only play a single card i can't add to it the exception is if you follow with a double suit like the scrappers here now i would get two toys since i added to my initial symbol but still only played one card the great thing about following is that you can do it each time another player takes a turn as long as you have the matching suit to discard each time and this means that even when it's not your turn you still have things to pay attention to now with all that understood let's go through the rest of the action symbols and make sure we understand how each of them work if you see an x through a pizza or toy that means you must pay that thing removing it from your stuff and putting it back in the supply this triangle represents the word then it means you must do the thing on the left and then you get the thing on the right and you must do that thing on the right if you're able this is the symbol for victory points so this means pay a pizza and then gain a point and you do that for every skateboard symbol on this card or any that you added to it so to resolve this action now i would pay one two three pizzas and then gain three points any time you gain points during the game move your marker that number of spaces forward on the victory point track here moving on this symbol represents moving a resource that is either a toy or a pizza from your stuff and putting it into your pack that's this labeled area of your board here so let's say we decided to move a toy into our pack as we're reminded here your pack can only store a total number of toys and pizza equal to one plus your fort level your fort level is shown here and right now it's zero we'll see how this can increase later but for now that means with only one item in our pack our pack is full anytime an action requires you to pay a resource it can come from either your stuff or your pack and to benefit from moving things from your stuff to your pack is that it then gives you a little more room to add new things to your stuff another benefit of having things in your pack is that a symbol like this lets you copy your pack meaning you gain whatever is currently in your pack as new items for your stuff which you take from the supply this is a similar icon but it has a frowny face and this means that you copy another player's pack taking a copy of what they have there from the supply to put into your stuff we've seen this trash symbol before but when it's in this icon it means that you pick any one card from any other player's yard and return it to the box and again we'll see how cards end up in yards a little bit later here's another trash symbol but if it has an arrow like this it means you trash the card itself so here i would get a victory point for every shovel symbol played with it but then wart gets trashed and only warped not the other cards that were added to him here's a simple icon this question mark means you get to pick any one suit and you can even pick the coin as a suit you don't have to pick the suit that is on this card but if you don't then it won't count towards this effect so for example maybe i choose the book suit i would now get to add three pizzas or three toys to my stuff this symbol lets you replace a pizza with a toy from the supply or a toy with a pizza and those replacements can happen either in your stuff or in your pack or both this action symbol lets you add a card from your hand to your lookout your lookout is this area of your board here and when you add a card to it you just slide it so that the suit symbol is appearing in this space you can add additional cards to your lookout over the course of the game just slide them underneath like this so that their suit symbols continue to appear however the total number of cards you can have in your lookout is limited to one plus your fort level right now i only have a fort level of zero so at most i could only have one card here however you can place cards in your lookout that have more than one suit like this so now my lookout contains two skateboards but only one card so it satisfies this restriction either way once a card has been stored in your lookout it stays there for the rest of the game the benefit of your lookout is that when you're the leader it can add its symbols to matching any x actions that you take for example if i play dash on my turn in addition to any other cards that i add i can also choose to add these two skateboards to the effect but i don't have to i can ignore my own lookout if i want to if another player is following with a card they've played from their hand then they don't count anything in their lookout here's another action symbol and this one means that you count all of the cards in your lookout but not the suits just the cards so here i would get a victory point for every card in my lookout so one two three victory points now we come to a very important symbol this one for advancing your fort to do this look at the resources shown between your current fort level and the next one and then pay that amount back to the supply to move your piece forward one space here we see two resources and they can be either toys or pizza or one of each let's say we paid a toy and a pizza back to the supply then this token would advance if we want to advance to the next level we'll need to use another advance for action and this time it will cost one pizza one toy and then one more of either now sometimes an action will have a plus or minus with a hexagon and this means the cost to do the action is reduced or increased in this case you would pay one less of any type of resource when advancing your fort level either way when you advance your fort remember this means you now have more room in your pack and your lookout also if the space you go to has a symbol under it here you gain an immediate benefit this one means you get a made-up rule that means you take these cards privately and then pick one to put in front of you face down putting the rest back your made up rule will give you a unique way to score points at the end of the game as we'll see when you reach fort level number two this symbol here means you pick any one of the perks that were placed during the setup and then you take it and put it in front of you this will provide you with a special ability some of these have ongoing effects for the entire game others can only be used once we won't go over each of these perk abilities here in this video but you can find more information for them here on the back of the rulebook if you have any questions if you're the first player to reach level five which has this symbol it means that you claim this macaroni sculpture which is worth four points at the end of the game if anyone else gets to the fifth level of their fort later they don't get the macaroni sculpture okay well now we've gone through all of the actions well except for one that i'm saving for later but after the leader plays their card resolving any actions on it they can or wish to and everyone else has had a chance to follow the leader moves to the recruit phase and here they must take one card and it can come from one of three different places they can take anyone from the park and if they do immediately draw a new card from the deck to replace it or instead they can recruit by drawing the top card of the park deck or they can take any one card from any player's yard again we'll see how cards end up here but if you take a kid from a yard a new one isn't drawn to replace it either way no matter where the leader recruits from they then place that kid into their discard pile with that understood i can now show you this last action symbol which i said i was saving for later this is the recruit action and it lets you recruit a card just like we described for the recruit phase okay with the recruit phase over now we come to the discard phase and here the leader takes the card they played and any they added to it and puts it into their discard pile then they check their hand if they have either of their best friends there the ones with the stars then they discard those as well any cards the leader has left in their hand they'll then put face up in their yard area facing away from themselves so other players can see them easily when they might want to recruit them during their recruit phase any kids that remain in your yard when it gets back around to your own cleanup phase at the start of your next turn will then go directly to your discard pile as we learned about earlier okay so after the discard phase we now come to the draw phase where the leader will draw five cards from their deck now if you ever run out of cards to draw and you need to draw more shuffle your discard pile into a new deck and then keep taking as many cards as you're owed then your turn is over and the next player in clockwise order becomes the leader and takes their turn and turns will continue like this until the end of the game is triggered in one of three possible ways one is if any player has 25 or more victory points another is if a player reaches fort level 5 and the other is if the park deck is completely empty even if the park itself still has cards when any one of these triggers happen the leader will finish taking their turn and then you'll only take as many turns as required to ensure that everyone has had an even number of turns in the game this means that the person seated to the right of the person with the first player card will always get the last turn so you'll keep playing until they've gone this also means if the end game is triggered during their turn then that was the last turn of the game now everyone reveals their made-up rule if they have one and then adds up their victory points this includes the points on the track plus the value of your fort level marker which is shown above it along with the four points from the macaroni sculpture if you have it and any points you gain from your made-up rule for example this one says that you get eight points if you have the most cards which includes any in your deck discard pile your yard in your lookout and in your hand if you're tied for the most cards and you get four points but your made-up rule only applies to you if someone else has the most cards they don't get eight points we won't go over each individual made-up rule as they're explained on the cards themselves but you'll find additional details about them here at the back of the rule book as well with the scores total the player with the most points wins and if there's a tie the tied player with the highest fort level wins and if there's still a tie the tied players share the victory and that's how you play fort if you have any questions about anything you saw here feel free to put them in the comments below and i'll gladly answer them as soon as i get a chance you'll also find forums for discussion pictures other videos and lots more over on the games page of board game geek and i'll put a link to that in the description below and if you found this video helpful please consider giving it a like subscribing and clicking that little bell icon so you get notification anytime we post a new video but until next time thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 64,622
Rating: 4.9532437 out of 5
Keywords: Leder Games, How To Play, Tutorial, Card Games, Rules, Instructions, Board Games, Play Throughs, Miniatures, Grant Rodiek, Board Game, Instructional, Game Rules, Tabletop, Watch It Played, Learn, Learn How To Play, Fort, Learn To Play, Tutorials
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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