Fort - 3 Player - Leder Games - (Quackalope Gameplay)

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hello welcome to quakkaloop thank you for joining us today we are giving you gameplay coverage of fort a brand new game from one of my favorite publishers of all time leader games uh which you're already aware of because let's be honest the odds are you found our channel through something along the lines of root coverage oath coverage vast coverage and and now of course for coverage as well this is a fascinating little deck builder and mike you pointed out hand management game yeah yeah definitely uh we just got done playing our first kind of solid round through it at least with with you two yeah uh i have played prototypes and tts and everything like that so this is this is one that i've experienced a few times which means i should be primed to win now it's your time well let's be honest it's our time because we've played a few games uh by the way this is sean he's uh one of my kentucky friends who's now joining us for coverage on the channel because i'm slowly i'm slowly finding people in kentucky to play with this is mike i already kind of introduced him we don't do formal introductions because you just should know them they're much more important than i am and slightly more handsome uh either way i've probably rambled enough will you go ahead and do what quackalope is known for which is read the flavor text there's a lot of pressure for this trust me about seven percent of our audience tunes in solely for the flavor text reads so really lean into it here there we go you're a kid and like many kids you want to grow your circle of friends grab a bunch of pizza and toys and build the best fort naturally by doing this cool stuff you will score victory points and at the end of the game the player with the most victory points is the winner ford is a deck building game with a twist your cards not only let you take actions on your own turn but also let you follow the other players actions on their turns will you devote yourself to your own posse or copy what the other kids are doing keep an eye out though if you don't actually use all the cards in your hand the other players will get a chance to nab them after all if you don't play with your friends why should they hang out with you anymore yeah that's a fair that's a fair point and now i'm concerned i'm going to lose both of you all that being said we're going to go and play the game i'm not going to do a full teacher how to play on this in fact we have a full review here on the on the channel already that we released about a week ago diving into the specifics of what i find interesting about this game and if this game is going to be right for you or wrong for you uh for now let me go ahead and set up what we're doing here the objective of the game uh and what people are seeing and then we'll just swing into the gameplay sounds great so the object of this game is to be about as efficient as possible with your hand management or with the cards that you're playing to score as many victory points as you can the game is going to end in one of three different ways either we make it to fort level 5 one of us someone crosses the 25 mark on the victory track which can happen through playing cards out of your hand or the park deck here completely runs out of cards so those will be the ways that the end game triggers throughout the play of the game we're going to be following our turn summary on our board here the most interesting thing about this deck builder or this hand management game is that your marketplace is going to also be other players hands so as i'm playing i'll start my turn by playing a card i'll resolve the top action which is a public action that anyone could take the bottom action which is a private action that only i can utilize uh using extra cards to buff those actions get extra resources and potentially score more victory points then i will recruit from somewhere on the board and i will add whatever is left in my hand to what is called my yard meaning anyone for the rest of this turn cycle before until it comes back to my turn could take these cards from me now i've just given you all a spoiler of what i have in my hand and there was a card in there that was pretty nice so i'm just never going to make that available uh i'm a little disappointed that i've now shown that to you you're not a first player no he's first player still i'm just just throwing that out there that probably was not good for me to show off uh but that's that's the general that's general core of the game um pretty straightforward pretty simple the most complicated part of this game is going to be the mathematics that go into the iconography at the top but i i'd have to say leader games recognized that because they printed uh rules and reference cards that are the size of the box so that everyone not only has one on hand but they're easy to reference they're easy to see um and once we got up and running we were able to work our way through those uh through those iconography a lot easier uh anything else i missed anything you want to add other than you're gonna win the game let's hope so let's hope so well it didn't happen the first time we played but i believe in you this is very true i believe in you this time uh your first player i believe all right well i'm gonna start with tink okay and part of playing the game is you need resources to upgrade your fort make your fort stronger pizza and toys sheets and toys so it is i get one toy for every glue card okay and that is going to be your top public action which means we could play a glue card in order to follow that action and i am going to choose to follow so i will also gain a toy yep uh i am absolutely going to do the same so i am also going to gain a toy as well now you could if you had more glue cards in your hand play additional cards to modify that action correct okay sadly i don't have any and then your uh your bottom action there oh yes and that's uh lets me convert toys to pizza for every glue which isn't good unless you want to get a pizza now that doesn't no it doesn't really benefit you and then i have to make the rest of my hand of course you were and you're oh that's right i think we're going to recruit one girl you need to recruit first and i'm going to take icky and sticky there was a bad mistake last time we played you gave it up last time you played yeah i couldn't i didn't have anything all the way around you weren't uh you weren't a very good friend if i'm gonna be honest no i wasn't horrible so there's the yard available for everyone so we we could now take any of his cards from his deck that he didn't pay attention to if we decided that we could be better friends exactly which if i'm gonna be honest i'm not i'm not saying there's not some in there i want that's that was tough call all right i'm gonna play patch who is a blue card if you want to follow you will be able to get a toy for a book if you have it yeah i'm following you with a wild i will do the same okay now unfortunately the private action isn't going to help me out at this time because it would require some glue i don't have anything sitting in my lookout yet yep and i didn't play any cards that have multiple suits to follow yup so at least get one toy though and then i'm gonna recruit and like i like this captain guy here oh that's your best friend yeah so some of the cards have stars on the bottom of them next to the names those are your best friends they're not going to leave your side they don't go into your yard instead they're always going to come home with you correct all right so there's my yard all right what do i want to do so one of these cards i've got a little bit of math here recruit a card plus gain a blue for every all right absolutely i'm playing babyface here math up here you always do parentheses first and they have to be you have to be able to do them and then it goes to the multiplier so in the parentheses i'm going to recruit a card then i'm going to gain a toy uh add a toy to my stuff for every squirt gun that i have i'm adding the scrappers here to modify that so i get to recruit i get to recruit three cards but i can and then i get to add two toys because you would fully resolve the bottom one yes yeah yeah so you get so two toys three cards one oh i see where you're going two oh and i didn't see rocket bros there i'm i almost hit him underneath the other two yeah those are all coming over to me then i could gain a toy down here below if i wanted don't need to although i could have done yeah either way i think you had to do that because you couldn't fully resolve it you all can follow if you'd like to play a squirt gun though you know what i think that was a good time as any all right you mike you get to choose first sadly no squirt guns are in my hand i'm going to play my wild as a squirt gun yep which will allow me to follow along so you get to recruit a card gain a toy yes so i will and a toy and i'm going to recruit a card um yeah i'll take einstein down there different method this time and then i add my hand i add thunder up top here and i'm going to draw back up five cards yes yeah all right i feel good about this so far that was a pretty rock star no okay i'm gonna play penny given how poorly i've played the last two games i mean lost by lost by percentages so penny lets me take and put uh any either pizza or toys and puts them in my backpack will your move a resource from your stuff to your pack yes yep and i played with another one so that's two which is the maximum i completed my backpack you can only have a plus one oh yeah your first zero zero oh that's right oh two last thing it started at one it's only one so you couldn't play that second card that is right here okay all right we'll just play that one then sorry i know thank you everyone for keeping me honest right right so that's so that's good yeah anybody wanna follow i am not following i am gonna follow okay playing bitsy oh adding one down there private action is i get a victory point for times my backpack so that's one victory point yes sir and then this hand gets available oh i get to recruit first i'm gonna take thunder [Music] okay i knew i shouldn't go tell him to go skateboard out back all right so we clear the yard i'm gonna be honest with the first part he always has cheetos on his fingers oh is that right yeah not a board gamer no but the problem is he is really loves board games also loves cheetos it's a real problem that's bad bad combination i like this so i've become good friends with ghosts oh geez because he doesn't let anybody take a public action he's cool but i will choose crowns and so i gain two resources times crowns so i will take two pizzas please there you are it's kind of greedy of me mm-hmm and then zip never leaves my side and bug is hanging out in my yard nice and my turn by drawing that back up to 5. all right so here's what i'm thinking i'm gonna play crash which means i can trash a card for every uh squirkin that i have only gonna do one so you can use your discard pile also oh it's from a lot more that is true diverse than me doing two yeah do and two you're welcome thank you and i think you were gonna have a lean mean squirt gun deck there i think that's something i think i'm getting rid of let's get rid of bitsy let's get rid of tiny out of here you're such a terrible friend i am a bad friend you just kicked them out kicked them out of the park they just went that's true that is true uh i gained two reeses down here at the bottom and you all can can totally follow if you would like if i had a discard pile i probably would have followed but i just reshuffled so it's not not good timing for me right now oh i'm i'm dumb no don't say that oh okay you want to take back your huh i would say that wasn't a wise thing to put into the yard but i put my double skateboard in first round so and i took that and i took that all right i gotta i gotta select one thing though yeah recruit away i really would like something that lets me start adding i think worms gonna be that all right you didn't seem upset what's wrong with worm i guess his name is word he did not seem offended by this you've been taking all my people's anyways all my friends i've known seven or eight good people we're gonna play this tink is it with you and glue he's doing that last time well i started out thinking it was a whiskey model so that's okay i have a problem i think you've been huffing blue and you're gonna have a problem right right that gives me uh three toys you all wish to follow i'd like to consider it i'm gonna follow i'd like to think about it wild card yeah doodles is gonna follow right here and i'll take uh i'll take a toy i think i sling a toy my way too i'll do it and then i'm gonna convert this one as my product something to uh into a pizza into it and then these get discarded you know what i think i just yes it has to be uh it has to go yes what what what what are you talking noodle twins needs to come over to this side of the park but then you have you can have thunderback that cheetos turned me off sparky he doesn't get that oh that's right he's a loyal friend that's right all right those cheetos wouldn't didn't go for you it didn't go for he showed up with that bucket and you're like no sir now here's the problem i'm gonna i'm gonna include you all into an issue that i'm already running into i got a lot of squirt guns i got nothing that like victory points maximized by squirt gun gun a good placement that's an issue you could get a made-up rule that does that so we're going to go ahead and send out captain my captain here which is going to let me build my fort the first stage of the fort following okay perfect can i follow with the noodle twins yeah those two you can overpay it yeah okay so we're all paying two resources because these icons show so i just wanted to be clear so but before i want to make sure i copy somebody's backpack before they use their stuff can i choose to do that first go ahead okay because i just want to get one of your all's pull it in and i'm paying two you're paying two paid by two you're paying two and then i'm gonna i'm just gonna pay two toys since i've got so then is it internal is it now that copying of the backpack goes to your stuff not to your backpack not to your backpack oh correct so i would have to do it the other way i'd have to build the fort first and then yep yeah so we're still good but your placement's right and i think turn order is i'm the one doing it first wouldn't i choose yeah because we're all building stage we're all going up which unlocks us end game scoring conditions yeah and these are going to be they're going to be uh what are they secret made up made-up rules so these are these are modifiers that give you a bonus some of them could be things like uh for every four plus symbol you have or some icons that you have you get extra victory points uh i know i had one that was if i stay at a certain fort level i get bonus victory points okay things like that mine previously was number of crowns i that i had [Music] so he's going to go to the discard pile those go to the yard miss you one two three hmm i'm actually in a bad spot right now exactly where we want you to be because i don't want to get rid of i don't want to i don't want some of these cards to come to the market so i just double checked the rules uh and it turns out because let me show people what i have in my hand because they're going to see it go to the market anyway parentheses have to be fully completed so the first time i did this amazing series of actions where i recruited three cards and gained two toys could only have actually done that uh twice because i would have gained two toys recruited two times i did a third one beyond what i should have i'm kind of paying the price for that now because this time i could only do it once correct uh or i could actually do it twice of course i could do it twice but the scrappers are entering my yard they are which is the most painful thing that could have happened to me i have now lost both of my and mike switch seats i've lost both of my duel so uh i am i'm disappointed not only that i messed up at least one rule but uh but now i'm but now i feel like i'm suffering for it i think you are paying your penance so i'm gaining two coins i'm going to recruit two cards and i feel like i don't even really want a bunch of the cards out here i just didn't want to lose these well now so and now you played them i would like to follow that action you can i will follow that action with that while but i gotta complete my ruler yep go ahead and the park refills as you pull them right so they'll be available yeah they will let's see i'm gonna pull pull this one that isn't something disgusting i'm gonna pull captain he's a good it's a good one so i did my double recruit not able to do the bottom part of that card but that's okay all right scrappers are entering my pile now i still have a normal recruit now technically the scratchers go ahead and do your well now technically the scrappers don't they're there yet they're not there yet they're still in your hand well yeah yeah you couldn't take it you wouldn't be able to take it yes i'm gonna take uh which one you want which one which one do you want i think i'm gonna take warp i didn't like warren but i like work and i gave him the toy okay now that i'm i'm losing i feel like i'm i feel like i was feeling good for a moment and now i feel like things are falling apart for me so i got my normal recruit action you're not following are you i'm not following now i'm gonna take dot that's the one i wanted and it is all right it's on to you okay now this hmm all right well these go away come back to my discard no one wanted them i'll take them back it didn't work okay i want to play sparky my one of my best friends i see something that might be coming your way though and i will pay these resources uh-huh to go up oh oh i need to redraw you do so i can follow you to the moon and back i'm absolutely following you i am getting left behind and i think the perk that i'm going to pick up for getting to the second level of my fort is this extra large backpack oh nice and i get a perk as well so let's see here i have bribe on your turn when you use tree symbol you may add cards to your lookout from the park interesting copycat when you follow when following you may discard up to two cards yeah we're doing that let's have a nice cycle we're doing that okay and i didn't get to follow you you got your recruit action i'm gonna oh let's look at this [Music] i am going to take the scrappers just to deny jesse that in his hand however icky and sticky get back up out there they need stickies on the market so i'm gonna clear the yard they're like heading down to the local uh dollar tree you're able to like sweep in and be like hey yankee sticky how you doing oh man you got some nerds yeah i like ghost because he's a little creepy a little creepy just a little bit and he doesn't play with the other kids no no he has no top action i think now is the time to bring zip out and build my fort can i do it since you i cannot you all are resource to pride so this is my turn that's an excellent time excellent time so at this point it cost me three a pizza and a toy and then one of my choice so we'll throw another toy out so i will jump in and i like the way you were describing that pride we're gonna give that a go so zippy is out and a lot of stuff is in the yard i don't feel good about that i feel bad who are you recruiting oh thank you um whoa you like ghosts you've had good history with him he brought you to victory last time so okay on to me i believe i don't really want to play this but i think it's necessary at the moment i'm playing worm uh no i'm not playing worm no i am playing more i want to add a card to my tree fort i think that makes sense so i'm playing my bottom action here the top action doesn't even matter because i don't got anything to look at at the moment bottom action though i'm going to add some rocket boots to uh to my fort they're hanging out up there i have nothing to follow marketplace is going to be babyface and punky what are you recruiting i um i think i've got a turnaround is fair play it is i felt like i needed to leave vicky and sticky for you to get a little redemption is that right appreciate it okay if you're gonna build your fort you need some resources so i'm going to play tink again okay for two glue and i'm going to convert one yeah i'm into that and guess what because of my card modifier i get to play i get to play extras oh i don't need extra i'm just playing nikki and sticky so just two toys i thought i was gonna be slick there that came right on top of your deck yeah well i'm good at it here we did yeah slight of hand good shuffle i don't know what can i say the noodles oh my gosh man whoa yeah i don't know about that one that was a painful hand it was there wasn't much you could do with just doubles and all right so nothing match up with the yard up i am feeling pretty good about giving those to you honestly you might have a back i'm not too upset about this i'll come back and visit i didn't need him for i didn't need him that much and you're kind of disregarding them if we're going to be honest you sent him out for some uh some espionage is what it was wow all right i'm gonna go so i'm going to use this as a wild but counted as a shovel so that i will get two slices of pizza would you all like to follow the shovels no i will follow and then i'll do the personal scoring which is victory points times my four i'm currently at four level two i get two points on the board impressive i'm not who are you recruiting i am going to pro who am i recruiting that is a good question uh the new ones so those were played this is my yard except for zip doesn't hang out in the yard okay crash is being played top action i get to trash a card for every top two that i have uh and bottom actions i gain two resources you play that card every time i don't have a discard bottle resources and let's see what i gotta be honest i almost at this point have too many of these in my deck so we're we're gonna trash two of them follow the mic i don't think it's advantageous for me to follow these are popping into here these are popping up here you're coming over to visit i'm i'm being helpful you could have partially fulfilled the bottom action on that problem i did fulfill it okay i didn't see you grabbing resources sorry i took both of those both of those pies this card look don't tell me what to do i just want you to be able to follow i'm such a good neighborly friend finally i get things in my hands that i need this is on the bottom look how many cards i got here on the bottom of my deck is like the three cards that i've been i've been looking for you just take some of these now maybe you're welcome to them if you'd like i don't even like kitty i'm kidding i'm so sorry oh goodness all right we're going to use my wild so that's going to take these two and put them into my backpack yeah i'm i'm following i'm not following and i'm following with two cards because i can do that so i get to add such a copy cap i get to add two into my backpack solid and that's that's my maximum backs backpack storage yep and i get three victory points because i have three i should do my backpacks you do you get discarded sparky does not go up there in the yard that's my best friend and old cheeto fingers is uh back out there no one wants them you got stuck with them apparently thunder came over he's been spending the night for a few a few days in a row now he goes home to get a new bucket and he comes back and he's one of those kids he's like six knocks at your door you look out the people you can't see that no one's there so you open just to see like who the heck just knocked but you think someone ran away he's just standing there huh hi mike can you come play no no you're out you want to go this round don't go that route i'm gonna ghost you ah you and those man i can't follow so two times crown or yeah resources times crown so i'm gonna gain two i'm gonna get a couple of toys you do a good job of this i just like to play my own sandbox and not invite people over clearly oh i need to recruit thank you you're welcome i'm gonna take doodles so this is discarded toy gained victory points times the number of blues no oh the bottom part or the top one yeah bottom part yeah i think kitty you weren't treating her right all right all right can i do anything worthwhile at the moment i don't think so four plus yay you're moving up people following oh yeah i figured the noodle twins are gone hello noodle are you following me no i'm not i don't enough resources so i am and i get to copy someone's resource bucket i don't have one i'm copying your resource bucket nicely oh but aren't you maxed out oh it goes into your stuff they go into my stuff yeah so i'm gonna pay two two and one of my choice i think i'm gonna go with the toy so some friends for you to potentially take and this is your discord pile correct not your marketplace yep and i think you know i think dash needs needs a buddy there's my scalp okay yes okay let's play tank again grab some toys all right all right i'm following so am i following with three because i can do that type of stuff filling up all of my toys that was actually a great play for me thank you he's always looking out for me i gotta be honest i'm actually gonna convert all of them i've been telling people mike solid guy he'll always look out for your gameplay it's true i'm looking for two of them the pizzas though with my room version i like his subtle like thanks guys i'm still playing thanks guys okay i'm not i need to recruit i'm not in the mood i was just trying to play a game for myself now you're giving me credit for playing for you i here's the i'll throw this out there you know what i want worm back if i'm taking worm back taking worm back if i win mike i'm gonna give you partial credit all right that works for me so it's really a victory for both of us i'm gonna clear the yard i'm going to play bug so follow with shovels if you'd like to gain some pizzas per shovel i'd love to if i had shovels i'm gonna gain two pizzas from that and you have no idea so if i remember we can modify that with a wild is that right we said that right you can say that you're wild as a shovel and follow yes yep but you want to play one card when you follow okay he can play two that's right that's right so worm or no that's wart i'm right but i do want to follow and i do want the pizza though all the w's and i'm gonna score victory points i'm on level three of the fort so one two three goes to my discard pile and spike is in the yard are you taking you recruited oh i like my scalp okay crash pups back in here i got to figure out who i want to play from the top now this is a little bit of an issue because all right i feel like i got to do this i'm playing crash down top action i could discredit card if i wanted i think i'm gonna discard my other crash i don't think i need two of them i'm taking two resources there's gonna be two pizzas down there on the bottom man uh and i'm not you know what yeah let's play let's play a modifier let's toss that in there who do i want to trash decisions and you're definitely the bully on the block i'm i'm not playing that decision here that's going there they're both they're both entering the marketplace and i'm going to take oh dear it's time for spike spike needs look his mom called my mom said you were a bad influence she set up a playdate i don't know what to tell you i have a feeling he might end up over there in the trash pile i brought t-rex models look i cared about each one of those friends it's not my fault oh my goodness that's not what i'm hearing from the pile of the lost penny lets me put resources for my stuff into my backpack my glue i'm gonna put these here i can do that because i have my extra large backpack i'm following oh wait i don't i don't need to follow twice because i'm at what three so i can only add one anyway following once yeah i'm following once okay and i get five victory points for my private [Music] backpack for my backpack i don't believe it and then old thunder's back out there in the yard oh he is cheeto dust you can have buddy i am not in on that oh you know what else i forgot what's he even do he adds to a backpack and he gets a pizza not bad um i'm gonna recruit this captain [Music] not cool i put babyface out there thinking it might distract you all from recruiting the captain i gotta be honest that was a strategy i almost did i didn't think i didn't think the captain was gonna make it the whole way around the table [Applause] really yeah i'm gonna follow that i can't do nothing i will get my two toys call it a day zip never leaves my size bug is in the yard yes sir down we go dot is going up top welcome to follow if you uh if you can i'm doing fort minus a resource so i'm paying two and then three i'm sorry about that you're fine we're moving up to level four now level five ends game yes it does you following i was waiting to see what mike was i follow okay and i'll pay two here two here and one pizza there and i go up i'm so i've got three and three when i pull the pizza out of the box pack and that'll get me up to there as well fill the market yep who do i want to who do i want to pull into this party oh i just i hated leaving that card out there yeah all right onto you mike all right thunder back into the discard oh look at that hand what was it again look at that hand oh i'm gonna play one which gives me a pizza not there yeah i'll take a pizza i'll take a pizza pizza and then i get a victory point per shovel so that's two victory points certainly is and then this card gets trashed all right what are you talking about me being rude to friends right dogs are going crazy in the background which is apparently just a standard of my current filming studio so we've got three great pyrenees downstairs uh they're both adorable and loud so you know i feel like it's thematic to the game though oh totally dogs in the backyard yeah i'm gonna take this dash or don't all right he is and put that dash out there oh my gosh it's a good way to guarantee you still got one in your deck double down all right so we need to do some stuff and things here no yard to clear so we're gonna go right now do i win you know what i'm gonna play this card which is gonna let you all build your fort if you'd like only we can follow only if we can follow would you like to follow anyone i could follow but i also don't have resources to build set forth so i can follow i can follow i don't have what i need to follow so you can't follow and i am only going to use the bottom action and i'm going to copy this nifty backpack you've got full of goodies i'm so disappointed that i could not use that build for action because i would have ended the game right there yeah i kind of noticed that you hopefully didn't here's the problem i still have zero victory points me ending the game may in fact not be oh that's a lot of points though that is a lot of points there's a lot of points i don't know if you i'm curious to see if you could catch that what's my secret score since this this just seems like we've been discarding the doubles the whole game they're hard to use sometimes yeah like they're really powerful to have on hand but they're not always convenient well in classic deck builder fashion if you don't have something to pair them with yeah that's what happened to me when both of them went out onto the board yeah okay discarded down all right now the dogs are showing up way more than i'd prefer them to if i'm gonna be honest so much dog all right i'm playing doodles and icky and sticky it's gonna gain me three of uh these up here and victory points based on backpacks so i am finally on the board with four total victory points nice uh recruiting action was that a glue thing you did there i would like to follow it is you can follow if you'd like and i get one oh that was a toy yeah toys per game toy toys for glue um chicken dash i will do toys per glue as well okay there we are there's my market i already did yep i took his death oh you took his dash oh you swap dashes now let's see if i can get that dash into my hand uh spoiler alert nope those are you sitting on the edge of your seats all right we're gonna do we're gonna play dash let's get pizza for skateboards so that's two pizzas i'm gonna copy with a wild i would personally like a pizza as much as i would love to follow i'm not going to okay that also gives me victory points backpack so i get three more victory points and then i get to recruit i'm gonna take baby and then we get a penny and a captain out there oh it's just just it's tough it's tough i think i'm ready to go here boom so we're going to do this action which is a solid book if you'd like to follow nope um you gain a resource of your choice i'm gonna grab a slice of pizza please give me a book are you kidding me and then i get a victory point per book so i get three victory points and then einstein gets trashed three yeah i needed to be able to follow all right let's see if i can tiny's in the yard see if i can clutch this one down dot's going in you can copy forward if you're able to uh i'm doing four minus one resource so i'm paying three blue four blue and two and two pizzas because i'm minusing one pizza value there that is going to move me up to five i get the macaroni sculpture and because you were the first player that ends the game we still get a chance to follow i trigger a name you can follow you can absolutely follow me i once again do not have resources to do the level well that's a good thing i got that wild card you've got a nice you've got it and so it takes three it'll take all your resources it takes everything but that also bumps me up into the final stage there i think that might be enough to help me clutch it let's see i'm really curious where because i think in-game scoring is gonna come i feel pretty good but i'm not i'm not sure all right i didn't score a lot off end game so we start victory point track then we go to our score down here so i'm adding 23 to four so 27 i have nine nine to 14 so 23 23 to 8 so thirty-one thirty-one that's a bad sign i gain four because of my macros yeah you got it i think you're going to be end-game is the question you're gonna beat me what is yours you kept getting the cards i wanted the end of game score one per plus action i only get two more points i swear one for pizza i only get two more points as well oh what's the thai tiebreaker uh what about me guys oh yeah what do you do yeah what do you get mike sorry i get one one point per resource in my backpack so i get three good job mike all right so let's see in game time beats interesting do we share on the tie is that where we go in the game player most victory points is the winner if there is a tie the tied player with the highest fort level wins if still tied share the victory not acceptable oh my goodness not acceptable how should we determine this who has who has the best uh who's the best group of friends oh he's grass-fed straws now i'm laying out my friends here and i'm going to debate with you which which group of friends is the most solid i've got bug you know what i think it's if you have uh cheeto hands you win yeah i don't think i did he was oh no there's thunder right there easily the most iconic friend you got the biggest friend group though but i got icky and sticky and scrapper i got noodle twins and two ghosts did you keep your best friends yes but you have to keep your best friend no you could you could trash you're stuck with your best friends you can trash your best friends i feel like well you can trash your best friend yes i don't have any best friends when you choose to trash your kids you can trash your yeah i think they need to add that in there yes if you end the game if you if it is a tie the whole way across the board whoever no longer has their best friends left yeah i was tight with blades and zap the whole game what a shame what a shame either way uh that is gonna be fort uh what do you all think you two are i mean i'm doing a full review um i'm also though a massive fanboy of leader game so i am primed to like this just you know there's some bias there sure uh what's your all sense is the first day you've actually sat down and played this what are your honest thoughts it's it's really good i i said earlier that deck building games are not necessarily my forte sure but this does a lot more than just a simple deck builder it's more than that you do have to i said manage your hand you have to manage your resources sometimes you may not even want to follow to keep the cards in your hand to use for multipliers so there's much more than the deck building which is probably my least favorite mechanic but this was a lot of fun i i might have to get this game oh it's solid solid game um i like how different the two games were that we just played before going on camera and now like the last game that we played before going on our lookouts were a lot of people on our lookout that's right so we were multiplying like crazy and we triggered endgame off of i built the final stage of the fourth is that that's how we trained it okay because you were going to close you were going to church i was going to trigger it on the night we were we were inching on victory points the game that last game the previous game did take a lot longer we were sure whatever reason the deck was familiar with it yeah the deck was lower too so we we played a lot i just felt like this was a lot different like i had nothing in my lookout mike you've got nothing yellow yeah i think you had the rocket bros and that was it yeah and then so that multiplier i mean i didn't have hardly any cards that did multiplier except for ghosts so i was just cycling the ghost um but i like how it was so different so quickly i definitely like how there's a lot more going on than your typical deck builder solid game i i definitely think i'll be adding it to my shelf do you all have any uh direct concerns or anything about it for people like to so people can determine if this is gonna be the right game for them in their gaming group don't let the art fool you it is not a simple game like it has this neighborhood toy kid look isn't that leaders sort of stable the most adorable hardcore games so they followed suit here but this is this is deeper than your than it looks yeah that you know like a lot of games that are trying to be language uh independent sure uh the iconography takes a little bit to get used to but we said the the player aid is really really good uh the examples in the book are really really good to tell you how to play probably answer all the questions of just ambiguity with driving cards with icons um but once you've played it a couple times it it sticks with i i think there's definitely some that's my biggest thing my biggest thing across the board is that people need to be aware that iconography and the mathematics of how your cards chained together because it isn't a simple game and they're trying to say a lot through a language independent system right which is admirable like i understand and i i totally appreciate that approach however it does mean that that learning this does does take a little bit of time and work yeah um and so there are some icons like we understood like hand grab into your into your stuff times however like we got that pretty quickly but i will i am always consistently checking the ones that are underutilized like uh the frowny face with your backpack in your hand or the frowny face with a a card on either side like if you're only using it once or twice per game you need you're gonna have to have this on hand i don't know that i think it would probably be five to six games deep that i'm i'm fully off of the rulebook yeah um if i'm gonna be honest yeah and one other thing would be with most leader games there's this interesting balance between the game telling you exactly what you're supposed to do but it being complicated enough that you feel like you should infer things and even in this game we had a situation where we rules checked and i corrected because i made a mistake correct because i i think i was inferring from the text more than i should have i should have just went straight from it is saying this than this don't don't play with it don't read into it and that can cause a little bit of of confusion and a little bit of uh it takes some time to make sure you're playing it right definitely um i like this one for a for a small box for a small box little deck builder and i like i really like deck building mechanics so i like the hand management here i like that the marketplace is open-ended um i think it adds a nice little puzzle between who you're taking from how you're impacting each other's play most deck builders i find i don't worry about or watch other players as much because i'm more concerned about my hand my deck and what i'm doing whereas this i'm watching each of your turns pretty consistently because it actually matters it has it is it is a really nice player in sort of engagement system where this top action is always important to me so for this 30 to 40 minutes that we just played there wasn't there wasn't a moment where i wasn't all like actively engaged in the game and interesting there's no down time you're you're always looking at the the yards you're always looking to follow or not follow like i said earlier yeah you have to watch your hand following and then you know sometimes you don't have a choice to really if you're going to play something you have to play this and you're going to put good cards into your yard for your for your opponents to grab but sometimes you don't have a choice yeah sometimes you just have to do it and then we've seen that sometimes they come back to you you know your friends sometimes you can't get rid of like old thunder yeah one one thing that another another friend of mine brought up when i was doing some playtesting of this preparing for the review that we're doing so this is we're filming this before i've done the full review um so this is all added information for me one friend was mentioning wanting to figure out the balance to see how much uh luck vs strategy there is did you all feel like you were able to control and build into your deck or did you feel like us impacting your deck was was kind of keeping you from making like from building a strategy i tell you that's probably one of the things about deck builders that i don't enjoy which is why they kind of sink lower to me is that sometimes the agency of an excellent card will come out in the market that's perfect for you perfect for you better than when your opponent takes it and you're just like what do you do and then nothing is even close i think with the cards going into the yard there's a little more agency of grabbing those cards because then they were important to your opponent maybe they're poor to you or maybe you're just hate drafting then and i like that i like that i like that chance of redemption like you're talking about missing out on that card but it's very well possible later on it's going to come around and it's going to be really hard and you'll come it might be good for you this turn and then a turn from now it might be better for me so it could still cycle through you keep calling a little box game but there is a lot look i mean it physically is little it's a small box it's a small box affordable little game that i think i think fits into the leader like the leader games lineup really well it feels like a leader game it feels appropriate too and they're known for their their crazy asymmetric like they're super heavy games so this is a this is a little game when it comes to their lineup and i think it fits perfectly into what they've done yeah yeah the i i was definitely had misconceptions about the name versus and then the you know the art sure just like root kind of kind of fools you this kind of fools you too and how deep you thought maybe it was going to be a little bit more friendly you saw deck builder you saw the artwork and you yeah yeah i was immediately kind of like i'm open open-minded about games and and i like it and to say something that i think my other gaming friends would like this too is is probably going to pick this up cool either way thank you for watching guys thank you for joining i'm super excited to have you here for the first time yeah i i certainly hope they'll come back um because i look as this game clearly indicated i just need more friends if you wouldn't trash them so look i'm all right i'm very sorry very sorry whatever the case thank you for watching remember to hit that uh subscribe button down below leave a comment letting us know your thoughts on fort or have you already pre-ordered it are you picking it up uh is there anything else you'd like to see when it comes to kind of us playing or if you have any questions about the game and our experience as a whole let me know i'd be happy to kind of engage with the conversation with you and answer them the best i can whatever you do though remember to do the important thing get out and play some games and we'll see you next time
Channel: Quackalope
Views: 11,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boardgames, games, tabletop, tabletopgames, player, play, gamer, quack, quackalope, kickstarter, ian, ttg, flgs, howtoplay, unboxing, gameplay, game, middara, jrpg, rpg, overview, boardgamegeek, bgg, manvsmeeple, meeplegamers, review, preview, Quackalope, right / wrong, fort, leder, leder games, root, vast, oath
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 32sec (3212 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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