Fort - Playthrough & Review

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I can’t believe they rethemed spqr into kids playing castle and eating pizza, and it’s going to sell like hot cakes.

edit : SPQF

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Notfaye πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is exactly what I needed to see. Play through a game, show me how it works and I can decide if I like it or not. Turns out, a game that was unsure about just became a game I want to get.

I really like Root, but I can't just sit down and play with my family. It looks like with Fort I can do just that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Skyw3rd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hurray! Love seeing Before You Play content here.

Fort is going to be cool. SPQF was a weird little card game and I love weird little card games.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/boardgamebarrage πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just found this channel through their On Mars content. Gotta say I’m really into their commentary and vibes!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/markzone110 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The game looks AMAZING, and they did an incredible job with the theme and art. Can't wait to get this one.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NoTimeForGamesYT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So glad to see this channel getting more attention. I think they’re on the cusp of big attention in the industry.

Also, I really like their teach, playthrough, review system. Really helpful and always feel genuine.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pagoda79 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of my favorite YouTube channels for board games. Glad they're getting more attention.

I'm also very interested in this game and watched a good portion of this. I'll continue the rest tomorrow and try the ultimate test, showing my wife, to see if it passes the grade.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mattyweaves19 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really dig how simple this is and the recruit mechanic leaves a lot of room for strategy. Also those playerboards look amazing! I’ll definitely be in line to preorder on the 21st.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/grandsuperior πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Super cute game of Fort! I love the top down view of the game play, and you two are the cutest. Thanks for sharing the game!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CalliW πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
however on my name is Monique can I'm Naveen from before you play today we are going to be showing you a game called fort yeah this one is designed by Grant Road yak and it's published by leader games and you might be familiar with this company they did root and oath oh yeah that's right they've done some good stuff and so this game is quite different this is a card game it may look kind of a similar to the same art style because it's actually illustrated by the same artist his name is Kyle Theron and he is very talented the orders go alive I believe on the 21st so before then we are going to show you how it plays so we're actually going to start with a brief overview this time of how the game is played just so you can get an idea of how to kind of follow along with the playthrough then we'll go into the playthrough and the review all time stamps will be done below but before we get started we would like to kindly ask that you please turn on your qui-gon subtitle it's just in case we make any rules mistakes and if you enjoy content like this and would like to see more please consider subscribing and with that let's build a fort so if you direct your attention to the center of the table we are all set up for a two-player game of forts so we each have our own player boards I'm over here and be like what is this like a salmon color yeah yeah I'm the word orange if it is orange we have our victory track over here we have our starting three kid cards just hanging out in the park it's like kind of like the crew with the park and we have our starting hand and our best friends which are going to go into our hand in a second the theme of this game is we are kids and we are doing what kids do right we're hanging out with our friends we are collecting stuff in the form of pizza and toys which are the blue and we are of course building our fort so the game at its heart is a deck builder so we each hover our starting hand of technically 10 cards we have eight cards from the kids deck and the kids deck are all comprised of different kids and they're the different colors of cards as well as our starting two best friends which are specific to our player board color yes so all these cards including our two best friends are going to be shuffled into our starting deck and there's gonna be ten cards and just like a standard deck builder the start of your turn you're going to have five cards in your hand five but the thing that's a little bit different in this game is that on your turn you're only gonna play one card in other deck builders you kind of try to play out your whole hand but in this game you're choosing one to play say it's my turn and I'm gonna choose a card to play from my hands say I play this card which is thunder thunder is a bit like you skateboarding with a yeah okay so the basic anatomy of a card is you have a few things on here besides the cute artwork at the top left hand corner here you have a symbol the symbol represents the suit of the card and there are several different suits in this game one being the skateboard suit which is this you also see books some of them have shovels so there are a few different suits there are six different ones okay and then you'll always see two rectangular boxes here and those represent the actions that you can take by playing this card if I'm the active player I can choose to take both actions in any order that I want to mm-hmm so for this card specifically the bottom action here says that I can take one pizza and so when I take stuff I take them and I put them in my stuff area and my stuff area can hold four of each type of item so pizza or toys yeah those are the two resources in this game exactly so I'm going to put my pizza right there and then at the top here it says this icon says that I can move an item from my stuff into my pack and the pack is kind of like an extra storage area like a spillover kind of but it also is a way for you to earn some in-game points with some of the cards which you'll probably see would we do the playthrough so I took this bottom action and now I can take the top action which lets me move something from my stuff into my pack after I completely resolve the actions then each player in clockwise order is going to have the opportunity to follow my action so the bottom rectangle here has this like a kind of like dark like a shadowy person symbol this means it's a private action so only I can do this bottom of the active player only for the active player once I'm done with my turn everybody can try to follow the top action which is moving something from my stuff into their pack and that's how all of the cards work in order to follow a card so if I were to play this now it would be I would say Naveen would you like to follow this card and if he wants to do so he must discard from his hand a car that has the same as my suit right so you would have to discard one skateboard one skateboard or we didn't mention this yet there are wilds in this game so I could use a wild as well yes so either the same suit or a wild and the wild is this like rainbow II coloured symbol and everybody starts with a wild card for sure because it's one of our best friends there are some cards say for example this is actually a really good example for me to use so I'm going to play I'm gonna pretend like I played Sarge instead on my turn there are some cards that show this X symbol so this card with I play Sarge it says that my public action is that I can take toys the blue resource which are the blue resource equal to however many shovels I discard so any actions that show this X allow you to improve upon them by discarding cards from your hand that followed that suit or a wild just like we're discussing so each of these cards innately already have one of that suit so if I were to play this card I'm at least getting one toy he's already have one shovel there but if I wanted to get more toys I can discard from my hand more shovels and/or wilds so if I were to play this card and discard both of these cards that I would be taking 1 2 3 4 toys and they would all come into my stuff no that would max you out there the other action that this specific card is allowing me to do is anytime you see this tree with a card symbol this is allowing me to tuck cards into my lookout and so the purpose of that say I did not play the moles to boost this I only discarded blades and so it gave me two toys and now I take this bottom action which allows me to put a card from my hand into my lookout which is this area here I can place this card right in here and so this area here means I now forever for the rest of the game have two shovels to use on my turn to improve actions that look like this so for the rest of the game whenever I have the X with the shovels I can say I'm improving upon them by using the card in my lookout and these cards are never discarded they're just always there I can't use them to follow my opponent's actions but I can use them to improve upon the card that I just played both the lookout and the pack size is the on your fort level so at the start of the game you can only have one card in your lookout and one item in your pack sub cards will allow you to build your fort like this anytime you see this like flag that says fort with a plus sign that means you're building your fort and so you would discard a number of resources depending on what level you're gonna be building your fort do upgrading to upgrading to and the fort is going to be worth a certain number of points at the end of the game depending on what fort level you're at so as you can see if you're at a level one it's one point two it's three points if you get to level five which is the max size of a fort it's 23 points so you really want to build your fort that's one of the main another the name of the game yeah the name of the game it's one of the main actions that we're doing and just so you know when you build your fort to level one you are gonna get one of these facedown made up rule cards which is just endgame personal end game scoring objectives and then when you get to level 2 you're gonna get a perk card which is kind of like the potential ongoing benefit or a potential one-time benefit yes we're not gonna go through all the different actions on the cards because there are a lot to go through but just know that there are different actions that will allow you to earn points mid game that are not just the fort so there are other ways to earn points and so one example here is with much lunch will give you victory points this is a private action and he'll give you victory points equal to however many pizza you discard from your board via this stuff or your pack so this is just one example of another way that you can earn victory points besides building rapport what happens next is once you're done taking your action and all your opponents are done deciding whether or not they're going to follow you and doing the thing then you're going to recruit more cards into your deck you're going to choose one card from either the park draw deck or somebody's yard once you recruit a card say I recruit Sarge he goes into my discard just like standard deck builders the card that you played your turn is going to get discarded as well as any best friends that you have left in your hand because the best friends have the star next to their name and they cannot be taken by anybody else they can get trashed if you choose to but they can't be taken from anyone else or your best friend so that my best friend goes into my discard and then all the other cards that are in your hand that you did not play are gonna go into your yard you didn't play with these friends and so now they are up for grabs essentially they're at risk of being recruited by a different friend group yeah you can ssin that's right and then you always end your turn by drawing up to five five cards and that is basically how the basic turn structure works in this game the game can end in one of three ways the first way is by somebody reaching level five on the fourth track if somebody builds up their fort all the way to level five they have this fantastic sport they and they're the first one to do it they earn this prestigious award the macaroni sculpture so the macaroni sculpture is worth four points at the end of the game so essentially that's gonna be twenty seven points for being at a level five and that's only for the first person who builds their fifth level the second way that the game can end is if we completely deplete this kid deck and a third way is if somebody reaches twenty five points on the victory track we finish out the round and then we go into endgame scoring four end game scoring it's pretty simple it's gonna be wherever you are on the score track plus your points the endgame points for your fort level and plus any of your points from the made-up rule which are the endgame individual is course yes and game scoring points and that's it whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins so are you ready good sir yeah let's shuffle this we're going to reset because I kind of made a mess of all the cards and then we're gonna get started and walk you through the entire game all right so we are all set up now for our game we have completely reset the board and we have our starting hands so we're gonna see those ready I have my v card well you already have the first player yep it was steely Mac steely so now the beans gonna go first the first thing you technically do on your turn is you discard your yard well we don't have any cards in there so you can go straight to taking your one card action okay so my one card action I'm gonna play Einstein whose suit is books and I'll do the public action first which is gain a resource of my choice yep I'm gonna go ahead and take a toy and this is a non bootable action because there were no X and this toy goes right into my stuff I need to I can see that hand that means you're gaining a resource and putting it into your exactly and then now the private action that I can take is I get VP for every book symbol that I play and then in after that's all done I trash Einstein so he's a one-time-use go for it go go broke so I'm gonna go ahead and play doc which is another book and that goes right into my discard and then I'm actually gonna play my wild as well Bert's that's wild is gonna represent another book so that's gonna be one two three victory points so game with three points gotta do it and then before I trash this moon II can't follow this if she plays either a wild or a book so yes I'm going to play that book I'm playing this book and I have to take the resource that in the mean took so that means I'm taking a toy yeah if you follow somebody you have to take their same resources yep all right you're done I'm done so you must trash trash trash him oh I'd sign sorry yeah your trash out the game out of the trashing so that's the the calling mechanism just like in standard deck builders that symbol means trashing who's worth three points so it's pretty good so okay now Naveen gets a recruit a card you can recruit one from the park technically in my yard but I don't have a yard yet or a random from the deck what would you like you know I'm gonna take sweet pea over here ah good sweet pea into my discard so now the cards that I have go into the yard bitsy is one of my best friends so bitsy will never go into the yard cuz I can't shake bitsy and blitz we'll be hanging out in the yard for potential take egde nice so go ahead and draw your next hand thank you that's Monique so I know I have five cards okay so now I'm gonna start my turn same thing nothing to discard and I'm going to play a card from my hand I'm gonna play Prince so Prince is a crown suit card and what Prince allows me to do is I'm actually gonna take the public action first this is how you put cards from your hand into your lookout the lookout cards allow you to improve upon actions that have that X for the rest of the game and so I am going to actually this wild card my best friend my best friend is going into the lookout I don't see your best friend yeah that's uh that might actually bite me in the bottom because now I don't have that best friend but the best friend is doing best friend things in the lookout so in the future I can always improve upon my ex actions with this it's a wild so I think I was a pretty good play yeah and I can technically improve upon this action as well by discarding more crowns but you can only have cards in your lookout equal to one plus your fort level which is zero right now so and then now I'm taking the private action which gives me victory points equal to however many cards I have in here which is one so at least I'm on the map you're on - you have a crown car that you'd like to discard I might but I think I will pass on that alright so then I get to recruit a card I'm gonna take wart which is very similar to Einstein except it shovels so what's gonna go in my discard so is Prince cuz I played it and then my hand goes into my yard but zip is my best friend so zip isn't blue my discard as well so I leave you doodles so let's redraw the park Oh tiny I'm gonna be and I'm gonna draw my next hand alright well so now you start your turn by discarding yeah I survived let's get stolen from me um boy this is this is gonna be a little tough here Monique alright I'm gonna play the ant in the ant the public action is taking something from my stuff and putting it into my backpack so I'm gonna go ahead and do that first and that's per skateboard since I only have one good I'm just gonna put one there I'm not gonna boost it unfortunately and so the bottom action here is I get VP per amount of stuff in my backpack so I get one VP for one thing in my bag nice because they're so scores for one and everything else will not be used are you gonna be taking this copycat so I'd like to and monie cannot use her while to follow back out is only for your own boosting that's right no I'm not going to good that's fair so that's gonna go over here time to recruit I'm gonna take doodles over here you're takin doodles come on over and now I must I must discard everything it has left my friend circle okay now I gotta get a new fun alright so back to me nothing to discard from my yard so I'm gonna go straight to playing cards so I'm gonna play ghost and ghost is interesting because ghost is not have a public action so Naveen is not gonna be able to follow this card but my private action allows me to take resources equal to however many of whatever suit I choose I don't have to choose crowns I'm going to choose a shovels okay so I'm actually going to and this is a an action that I can improve upon by discarding them so I'm discarding two shovels and then I'm going to also use my while this it might look out so it's a total of three resources and I'm going to take three pizzas or they all have to be the same resource yeah three pizzas I'm to three so here we go one whoops two three and so now Naveen cannot cannot follow that so that is it for my turn I'm going to recruit oh look at skids same Alon skids gives you a private Fort building action I'm thinking skids alright only because I really don't want you to have skids alright this cardigan ghost and then now we have doodles and the rocket brothers my turn my yard gets cleaned up I'll have my five tribes here to play and I am going to play this card over here blitz so blitz for the public it gets me one resource of my choice for every squirt gun I play and I will go ahead and play an additional I'm gonna play flipper my wild to boost that action so I'm gonna get two resources of my choice I'm going to take two pizzas oh they must be the same again so that's two pizzas and then the bottom action is for every card I trash I get a blue resource into my stuff a toy into my stuff and then I can do that and boost it by spending more honest work guns so I'm gonna go ahead and trash doc over here so doc is out of the game and that's gonna get me a giant toy that goes into my stuff and I was able to do that because the squirt gun itself represents that I'm not gonna boost it so did you want to do the top action harmony so I can discard sport guns to take resources I I'm not gonna do that No so this will come here and I get to recruit doodles do it that's two doodles now though I shouldn't say that because you have to remember who's in your deck well you'll see doodles I lose doodles okay so back to me I am discarding the rocket bros they stayed cool yeah and so now in my turn I am going to place kids didn't I just takes kids from you yes yeah all right so skids is cool because I get a private action that lets me build a fort typically actions that allow you to build a fort are public actions which would mean Naveen would be able to follow and build his fort as well and I don't want that so this is nice the public action up here allows me to put resources in my pack but actually I'm gonna take the bottom after first so let's build my fort so when you build your fort if you look really closely at the fort level here we start at zero it tells you how many of what kind of resource you need to discard in order to build to the next level so it's really tiny in order to build to level one andis card any two resources of my choice any combination of toys and pizza from one to two it's one of each and then one of my choice the free resource is total yep and so on and so forth there more and more resources are required to get to the higher levels I'm gonna discard two pizzas just so I have one of each leftover good so it's gonna get me to fort level 1 and when you reach fort level 1 you get to take a look at all of the made-up rules cards there's there's always gonna be one plus a number of players because there are a lot of these in the actual box you can choose from 3 I get to choose from 3 it's a look at all of them you do I choose the one that I want I don't know it's kind of a it's kind of a gamble so the benefit also for this is Monique also gets to know when I eventually get to the fort what my two options are so she can kind of strategize and plan around right I have chosen so I am actually going to let you all know which card I have the made-up roll card I have is this nice you got that all right so that's that and now I'm going to do the public action up top and I'm actually this is a bootable action I can discard a card from my hand and I can also use the card in my lookout if I want to do it you know three times or so but the name of the game is really trying to keep the cards that you want from your hand I doesn't matter because the card I'm discarding to boost is my best friend and she wouldn't go away anyway but I'm gonna discard this card so I can put two things from my stuff into my pack and your pack can only hold the amount of stuff equal to one plus your fourth level that's not on level one I can hold two things in my back so here we go would you like to follow I cannot legally follow because I have something in my pack already in my four level is zero okay so that's it so I'm gonna recruit a card now okay let's take doodles so long doodles by doodles why I had to take your other doodles here are my my cards for you okay so yeah the aunt is safe in the yard and now I am gonna go ahead and play that blitz card again so blitz is I get one resource per squirt gun and I'm gonna play this to boost it so there's two squirt gun symbols on here so I get to take three resources they must all be the exact same so I cannot take pizza because I don't have enough space for it so you must be able to do everything to completion so I'm gonna take three toys let me just take this whole thing here and then the bottom action is I can I can discard a card to take toys but again since I'm at a max I'm not gonna do the bottom private action monique does have the option of following this would you like to do that I will not and I can't follow as a reminder I cannot follow with the card America so blitz is gonna go over here bitsy who is my best friend does not go into my yard and sweet pea and thunder and over here oh wait I have to say something from your first stuff oh well no you can take from the park yes uh you know I think I'm gonna take prints over here ah prints and then now these two guys come over here and I get to shuffle my deck hey your turn alright so back to me alright so I'm gonna start my turn by discarding these two yeah and now I get to choose a card from my hand to play so I'm going to play wart and so the public action lets me just take a pizza so I'm taking the one pizza it's not boo stable so I just get the one and then the private action says I can take victory points equal to however many shovels I'm gonna be using so this is one shovel I'm gonna discard another shovel from my hand and I have this wild look out so that the total of three technically shovels so I get three points I go here so now we're tied yeah but now I must trash this card or before I trash it and the bean gets to follow with a shovel shovel what is that okay I'm gonna shuffle some pizza yeah Michelle wants the pizza so I'm gonna useful smoke which is a wild to take a pizza put into my stuff and now wart gets trashed out wart has dug all the way out of the game okay and then now I get to recruit a card give me anything good no okay yeah my hand goes into my yard because it's my best friend yeah there you go my yard gets cleaned up here a little tidied up and now we must play a card okay I'm gonna go ahead and play Prince which is that card that Monique did earlier to tuck away so for every crown I can put a card underneath and because my fort is level zero still unfortunately I can only took one card so I mean he says underneath you means in this look at my lookout yeah so I'm gonna go ahead and uh you know I don't like having this card in action I'm gonna tuck it underneath no you can't if they took a card from your hand from your hand okay okay sorry never mind I saved you a Klingon subtitle you did there you go yeah I'm gonna put mr. doodles doodles we meet again we meet again dude also doodles is gonna go underneath doodles is twin it's going to the lookout yes so now in neguin we'll have a when you glue he's a glue loose blue suit yeah and then the bottom is get a VP for every card that's here so since I just put one in I go up and now would you like it to follow with this whole crowns business yes I am going to really I discarded my crown yeah cuz I want to keep ghosts in my hand so that is one way of making sure that your opponents don't take a car that you want by discarding them when you can so I'm going to discard ghosts okay and I'm gonna put the rocket bros in my lookout because now they count as two skateboards if I if I want you yeah if I want to follow a skateboard suit so there you go alright so Prince is gonna go here I could discard down flipper is my best friend well you're gonna recruit a card first this is true this is also very true uh-oh skids I was really hoping that you would kind of gloss your aunt is gonna be the one over there it's the end the end sorry the aunt okay yeah so back to me I'm going to a chef I get to keep in my friend circle and then I'm going to play moose so moose is grating some one of those yeah moose was like skids though no friend that I just lost because moose lets me build my fort as a private action so I'm gonna build my fort first so that I have more space to put cards in my lookout cuz right now I'm Ellicott's full so in order to build my fort to level two I have to discard one of each type of resource and I can discard from my pack as well so that's my pizza and my toy and then I can discard one wild of my choice so there you go and now I move on to for level two so when you reach for level two you get to draw one of these perks cards and the perks are kind of like they're either an ongoing benefit that you can use or a one-time used we discard the card and do the thing so it's the same thing as the made-up rule in the sense that you have one plus the number of players always in play and these are always public knowledge so sticky fingers so that on my turn when I use the put item from your stuff to your pack action I can take them the shared supply instead of my stuff there's also the do-over perk which says after finishing playing a card including any rivals following I can trash this card to play a second card so it's basically like take two turns in a row or I can take recycling which has anytime on your turn I can trash this card to out a card from your discard to your hand I'm gonna take sticky fingers sticky fingers sticky fingers is kind of an ongoing thing that I can try to to make good use of so now that I've done the my private action I'm going to do the public action which lets me add a card from my hand into my lookout I can only hold one more card in there I'm gonna put this card this is a shovel so now I have three cards in my lookout and I'm not going to improve upon or boost that action because my lookouts full so would you like to follow no I don't illegally follow oh yeah that's right okay so then I get to recruit a card and I think I will recruit tiny-tiny lets me trash a card from our rivals yard to take a resource well my choice very rude although oh but then yes okay I'm taking tiny yeah Tiny's makes more sense and doodles is back in the yard doodle so here we go Oh tink alright so back to you all right uh and the hand is safe I am finally gonna build a fort I got to do this but so--but see my best friend allows me to build a fort and this is the perfect time because Monique does not have resources to so to build my first four it cost any two resources so I'm actually gonna take two toys even though they're too wild so and then there is no private action here but this goes up I now have one more space in my pack I can do one more on the lookout and I get to take one of these so let's go ahead and do that right now okay I'm gonna take this card over here and my secret objective or secret scoring is made up rule good luck to me okay so you cannot follow this right legally else don't have the ability I don't have any skill set resources all right and then all of these are gonna go bye-bye well flipper is my best friend so flipper gets to hang out here and then we got one two and three your turn oh I should probably draw something yeah you should only you know doodles do it all oh my gosh my hand is looking really small good great we got that out of the way I'm sorry my turn i I can't discard anything how many all right so I'm gonna play this card now this is ghost again so private action only and I get to choose this suit and so I'm going to choose shovels because I want to keep shovels so I'm discarding one shovel from my hand I also have a shovel in my lookout as well as a wild so it's a total of three that wild a shovel then and I get to take a resource for each of those that's three resources of my choice and I think I will go for pizza repeat those three pizzas you got it three pizzas and naveen cannot follow this action there is no follow public action tied to it so I'm going to recruit a card now I'm gonna take the scrappers this is a double double squirt gun I like that idea so I'm doing that I'm gonna put these kids in my yard but zip so my best friend so she goes my discard there you go now it's back to you I have very small hand so I need to be a little bit cautious or maybe I like that maybe this is a strong combination I don't know maybe so you're done yeah all right so these guys come back to me and now I gotta be really clever here I gotta try my best okay I'm gonna play Prince which is gonna allow me to put another card back here okay and so I am gonna put smoke which is a wild Hey okay so this monique wild business I'm in the business well okay I know what I'm saying and so now the bottom private action is I get a victory point for every card that's tucked I have two cards tucked so I go up one two would you like to follow I can't my lookout is full excellent timing yeah you can't discard a card or follow or boost in action on this it's actually going to work for you yeah let's be legal yeah like most games yeah yeah let's do it legally sure okay so Prince goes out and then I could a card recruit a card yes we can't get looking clever golden boy tiny you say money yep Tiny's back in business okay tiny tiny high knees like on a roll like that her she's a face of lucky and I don't even know why I'm still holding on to you I just don't even use you Oh skids and sweet pea alright so back to me baby face gets discarded and now I'm going to play I'm gonna do that basically the same thing I did last time because my my card selection is very good are you playing here goes we're playing the game of trying to get more resources until we can build a fort so I'm choosing the suit I'm choosing the shovels also just guarding this shovel I have a shovel here and a wild and this time I'm taking toys so that's three toys nine to three so now we are in business we are in the business of stuff in the business of stuff we are okay so I chose the suit and it was a shovels discarded that alright and then now I'm going to recruit a card because Naveen can't follow there's no public action there it's true don't want to takes kids from you know resources come with skids yeah I'm taking skids because I have this perk that allows me to put stuff in my pack from the supply so that's good taking skids discarding ghosts here's my hand my best friend oh this crappers nice okay back to you all right these guys are gonna come back and I need to get moving here so we're groovin I know I'm shuffling these I only have five cards these are gonna be my hand not happy with my hand here we got to build the fort we got to use bitsy to do so so bitsy is my best friend it's very nice can you build a fort oh you can be sure you undo that oh but you have skids whoo you're just gonna do it anyway so and I won't benefit from it so I'm backed up here so okay I'm gonna play bitsy and I'm going to it cost me one of each resource plus a wild so I will do let's do Thai pizza and I will do TOI pizza and then I'm gonna take the toy from my backpack actually I don't know if that's a good move or not but I'm gonna do it okay look we go out this moves up and I get one of these two perks so I can do the do-over after finishing up okay I'm gonna take that one they do over and I'll just leave your face so basically you can trash it you can do a second action a second action Monique would you like to follow I will not be following okay Dona cuz you have the card next right so bitsy we'll go here and then I get to take what shall I take let's take I'm gonna take chef chef chef comes to chef looking so cool chef is coming to me I got chef with that TV flipper is my best friend goes out and then we have tiny prints and doodles all right so back to me the scrappers stayed with the crew and now I'm gonna play a card from my hand I'm going to play skids skids skids getting all over town and I'm going to build my fort first which is a private action yeah so building my fort costs so building to level three costs two of each type of resource and then one my choice so I'm gonna do - pizza - toys and then my wild will be another toy so there you go and now that I'm I've moved up to level 3 there is no additional perk like in level 1 and 2 the rest of the fort levels are just more points at the end of the game and now I'm going to take my top action which is the public action and that allows me to put items from my stuff into my pack but because I have sticky fingers when I take this action I can instead take from the shared supply which is great for me and I can boost it with additional skateboards so I am gonna discard my best friend a skateboard from my hand and I have two more skateboards here so that's gonna be one two three four items of my choice and so I'm gonna make them all toys for toys and I can hold them all now in my pack now that I'm a level 3 fort so we've got lots of toys in our backpack we we're bringing them to the free house so that we can all hang out would you like to follow this action yeah I'm gonna do it let's go ahead and play the ant I just start and so I get to put something into my backpack I'll just yeah I don't have that you get that you do but I'll put that one over there ok and that's it so now I'm going to recruit a card who do i recruit I kind of want these to shuffle through shuffle through let me take a random card on top of the deck yeah that's tiny tiny who is tiny okay alright so my guys survived and here are my cards for you okay so okay so I'm gonna play Sweet Pea and I'm actually gonna do the bottom action first so I get a blue cube or a toy for every blue symbol that I have mm-hmm so that's 1 2 3 yeah 1 2 3 so I have blue symbol of wild blue symbols so that's three of them so all three are gonna go into my stuff ok that's all I've been feeling no I actually only have 4 cards in my hand because of the way that is stuff over here so yes one two three and then I'm gonna do the top action next which is for every glue symbol I can put stuff into my backpack I can hold a maximum of three items here because my four levels too so I already have one in there so I will do that I will do can you use this wild again am I looking yeah yeah right yeah that's always there so then I'll do uh one two oh one two so then I'll go ahead and put these two guys in there all right and now I gotta see if you want to follow you would like to fall I don't have the space I don't know if this guy's in my backpack perfect so this goes here who are you gonna recruit uh I'm gonna take moose from you over here all right and then I discard flipper who is my best friend and then Blitzen Thunder gonna go right over there two cards okay so back to me these two get discarded unfortunately and I don't this is not a good turn to be me so we're gonna go with tiny nice this is the first time we're using tiny okay so tiny is not a boo stable person so I'm left me able to discard cards or use my lookout for her there's no X but what time that we do is a top one I get to take a resource of my choice there's a public action so I'm taking a pizza yeah and then the bottom one says I can discard a card from a rivals yard and then take a resource of my choice so I'm going to discard could you I'm discarding blitz fearless actually this is trash trash I'm trashing blitz Oh blitz is going out of the game out of the game and then I get to take a resource I can really use blitz too much awesome taking another pizza okay would you like to follow this by discarding a crowd yeah I'll discard tiny I'll start tiny who to get a pizza yeah that works alright so now I can recruit a card I'll take tink okay I think is coming tink with all the stickers stickers on space all right so we got - coming out he gets discarded zip my best friend is out and then here you go pull skids oh I know a return huh skids as made as return I'm shuffling again but it's only five cars nice so discard your dart yeah that's right thank you mm-hmm so I don't have four cards cuz I did follow you so I'm gonna play chef over here so chef gives me for the public action a pizza / book so and then the bottom action which is a private action - pizza / skateboard so I have one book I tell you the pizza and then my private I have one skateboard this is the wild so basically I get two pizzas okay would you like to follow nope so now you recruit yeah so that's gonna go out I recruit I will take - ah the football football star football star yeah both Bitsey and flipper are my best friends so they can go there and Sweet Pea will come up here for you to peruse alright so back to me these two made the cut so they're going back there yeah but I need more cards in my hand because I'm constantly drawing like the same way yeah so I'm actually gonna play baby face baby face is going to allow me to do that is the first time that we see this symbol which is like a card with a plus sign in the middle so it looks like adding a card right recruiting the card yes so this allows me to take the recruit action so it's literally the way that you recruit cards I can take cards from either the Park navin's yard or the top of the deck and so this says I recruit a card and then I take a toy and I can do this combination of actions however many times I have squirt guns so I'm playing baby face and I'm also going to boost with this wild card in my look up so I'm gonna do that a total of two times so let's recruit two two cards and take those toys first I'm gonna take penny yeah do they like that yeah and so I took I recruited a card and I get the toy and now for the second time because I have this weld in my look out I'm going to recruit another card and let's makes a return hmm let's makes a return that's right another blitz let's take your sweet pea so I took sweet pea and I get a toy see what you're working and now for my private action I just get a toy would you like to follow I would like to correct gun oh I would like to but it's not going to happen okay no all right so so baby face stays and I'm gonna recruit a card now I'm gonna take a random card from the top of the desk another nose I do like ghost ghost as useful this is useful when you have all that stuff stacked up so zip goes in my discard and here we go yes you should steal here one of the ghosts in your life I think I do okay so I'm gonna play moose so moose allows me to tuck a card under my lookout because I'm at four level two and I have two cards I can do plus one to that so I'm gonna do that one first and so I'm gonna tuck prince underneath and I'm only doing this as a defensive thing because I don't want no need to have this card okay because it gets victory points in a bunch of more cards underneath all right so that's gonna go there and then should find out my secret objective is yes okay and then I'm gonna do again yeah dissection here which is build another fort or add to my fort so it costs two of each resource plus one other so I'm going to do two pizza we are gonna do two from my stuff and then I'm gonna do another pizza oh dude so let's do actually toy from here okay so that's gonna all go bye-bye and this one is gonna slide on that prey over there thanks I thought so too okay do you want a copycat I can't I'm maxed out I'm om I know you can do one more highlight but that takes one more card out of your I can't I'm not gonna do it okay and that goes there and it would have required your shovel so pity my best friend and we have the head and doodles you've all heard of these people doodles all right so back to me I'm discarding these this was a difficult decision to make because I know we need to build our fort did I grab somebody did you recruit I did not recall yeah so yeah ghost let's go I can't let you have to go okay ah ghost loves gotta go all right so now it's back to me and I feel like if I'm gonna play this card now is a good time before I move on because it's not gonna be the most exciting action but here we go penny so I'm not gonna take the public action because I don't have space in my pack okay I'm gonna take the private action which gives me victory points equal to how many resources in my pack okay so that was just too too good yeah I need to catch up a little bit would you like to follow the top action by discarding a clue I think I have to yeah well I'm gonna just go wild but so you can put something in your pack exactly all right I have to so now I'm going to recruit a card those are good doodles come back and now I discard my zip and here are your options so to back to you well then okay so it's gonna come over here and I have four cards okay I'm gonna play - and - gives me a pizza / skateboard so I am going to play the skateboard it's up one two thunder and then my wild is three so I get three pizzas to go into my stuff over here all right one two and three and then similar to Monique's last card I get VP / items in my packs like you made it ctrl and void well and then would you like to follow that yes a pizza I'm gonna discard my skateboard a boom zip my best friend coming through okay and I get a pizza a pizza all right you're almost max there I am mad a lot going on okay so this goes out you're gonna be good times yes I will recruit mr. ghost remember your friend group is always looking for new members ghosts cuz you want to grow your inner circle there we go tiny and chef all right back to me these two get discarded and here we go we are going to play skids skids is too good so excuse I'm gonna do the private action first I'm gonna build my fort because skids is going to allow me to take some some stuff from the supply into my into my attack I should build my port for so now building to level four requires three of each type of resource or three toys I'm gonna take my pack and three pizzas to I'm gonna take from my stuff and so now I'm at level four one more level and it's going to be game that doesn't sound good we'll see so now I can take the public action which says I can take stuff equal to over many skateboards so I have the skateboard here I have this double skateboard in my lookout and a while so I can technically take four and I can technically hold four more so let's do it I'm gonna take four I'm gonna take four pizzas okay one two so you can descend it are you four gosh potentially so now I have all this stuff in my pack and I get to recruit a card oh no would you like to follow this is what you get would you take pizza well does it matter oh you're putting something like yeah into your back yeah oh I'll do that Thunder thank you service so I'm at the max here cuz the three size four I have four things okay so now I'm going to recruit a card and think let's steal from the beam how about it I'm going to take a card from the top of the deck actually Sarge look at Sarge we have a team side yet but this is a lookout kind of card so we're gonna put that in my discard skids goes away and here you go these are your options okay well gosh I mean you can just end it on the next turn well you who started a game oh yeah because if I building I can do my fifth level fort that it ends with me because you take an equal number of turns so one two three four five well then don't play a build a fort card yeah but if you have a fort card then it's over but what if I don't that's the question I know you do that's the thing so I'm just gonna do the thing that gets me points I'm gonna use flipper okay so flipper is a nice friend yeah he's gonna give me two resources of my choice I desperately need two toys Oh toys are gonna come in isn't that the best statement now I desperately need to Toys Toys I have the ability to trash something but I don't think I'm gonna take that bad option would you like to follow this before I use my perk what suit uh will you be choosing for me because it's wild he has to choose the suit what have I not seen you have although you chose toys I don't have space for two toys that's free dog space with your toys you can't like you planned that smart move Naveen I did so I'm gonna use my perk which is a do-over meaning I get to play a sec I basically take a second turn right here so I'm gonna using it it's a one-time thing and it's desperate right here so I'm gonna play so this card's out right so I'm gonna play moves over here and what moose allows me to do is from private action is build a fort so I'm gonna go ahead and build to go from here to here that requires three and three so one two three and then one two and three nice there goes all that stuff for my level four and then I could do this top action yeah this isn't matter anymore if you think I'm gonna end I think you're gonna end it what if I don't mm you're gonna put a card in your lookout no what if I don't you probably should you probably what if I can't the concern is what if I can't okay you haven't do it no I'm not going wait wait uh yeah I'm not gonna follow what you can so you still get to recruit a Carter get the recruiter card though okay penny yeah that's a good one to recruit in case and then one two no three I mean you're doing really well over here uh the gap isn't too good in that macaroni sculpture is a killer okay so I'm gonna discard my yard and for my turn I am going to play skids the time has come the time has come my friend skids so skids is going to allow me to build my fort so this is gonna be the end of the game mm-hmm it's going to cost it costs three toys three pizzas something and something else so I'm gonna do the three pizzas from here the fourth pizza is gonna be my something else and then I'm gonna do three toys one two three oh I think you have a card that says stuff in your stuff yes that's that's that's that so that is that's all the resources that I need to build my fort I have now reached level five which gives me the coveted macaroni sculpture it's not as good as building it myself but still pretty it feels pretty good to get the macaroni sculpture um I never take the top action which allows me to which allows me to move stuff into my pack but because I have the sticky fingers I get it from the supply so it's for skateboards I have one skateboard here I have a double skateboard here in my lookout and then my wild in my lookout so it's a total of one two three four and I'm gonna make them all toys that car huh huh which good point for every toy you have or and these are all gonna go in my pack killer I actually don't really remember if that's what I have oh I hope that's not it or just stuff in the pack maybe okay uh and that's that's it are you gonna follow this no there's no point me isn't that playing out game so that's it that is the end of the game because I have reached level five for it and I was the first hand he was first player you finish out the round so that everybody gets equal number of turns and then you go into final scoring so we are going to score so here we are the victory track is right here we're at eight to 14 so first we're gonna add our fort points I get 16 so I'm gonna go up 10 plus 6 which is 30 okay okay and I'm gonna go up 23 for a level 5 so that's 10 20 1 2 3 mm-hmm you get your four points Eggman macaroni yes the macaroni sculpture will get me an additional four points so one two three four and now we reveal our made-up rules made-up rules yes so at the end of the game I score one point for pizza I cannot win one two three I'm at 33 what's the name of your card pizza party it's a party you had a pizza party though I know but I just spend the pizza at the end there to go up so there's a lot of been maxing Max it yeah but I knew you're gonna end it so but I mean I think he's a true winner if you had a pizza party I have a piggy bank so I'm a little bit so I'm a frugal person I guess and so the piggy bank says at the end of the game I get 1 point per toy that I have it's only 1 2 3 4 5 points and that is it yeah it's a 42:33 yes and that is game so final scores 33 to 40 so that's it that is what we built we built a fort I got to level T or you get to fun massive pillow with sticks and I know we got probably have some like metal sheets in there tent I built the tent it was yeah a tent I know you probably built a nice for it good job tensor nice okay so we just finished our two-player playthrough fort the newest game from leader games and what do you think oh this game is so good it is a very good yeah it's very good I mean this it's it's kind of are like a refreshing design you know and we try to be as honest as possible in our reviews but this game is really fun it's it's a card game but it's quite thinking like there's a lot of really really good decision-making there is required of you in this game yeah I'm normally not too big of a fan of deck building as a mechanism oh yeah but the way they did it in this one is pretty cool I like it yeah so I mean let's start with theme because I feel like that's where a lot of the personality of the game comes from what did you think of the theme um well the theme I think with the artwork is it's pretty cute it's really really nice and it is a card game of course so you know to completely inner inner we've a theme with mechanisms is not always going to be there but for what it is it's a very very nice breath of fresh air yeah I don't know what the original game was like yeah we haven't played nice pqf but we've heard that this the streamlines that design a lot more so it's not like an exact you know copy of it I suppose but I think that for a card game who's trying to implement a theme this game does it well I mean yeah neglecting friends who are your car's if you neglect your friends they may go to a different group you know their kids they're trying to collect pizza and toys they're building a fort like this is like so you know especially with everything going on in the world this is I don't know about you but this is like the theme that I needed because it's it just takes you away from well like the negativity you know this is it's very endearing it's very charming and the artist who did all the cards and all of the design work is just so talented Kyle Ferren yeah every card has a different kid and a different kid name and each kid has so much personality they do yeah the wooden boy crash goes tiny like there's so much personality I always wonder how long like it's an artist to come up with these different things you know you have to actually create them it's amazing it's a 60 card deck so that's that's a lot of illustrating that this is person to do so fantastic theme in terms of this game has really yeah small box game yeah these player boards are really nice this is a type of quality player board that I wish every game where the player board had yeah like these are they're very very thick the first time we opened the box I said wow I wasn't expecting this in the box yeah yeah like great a quality player boards with all of the little like indentations for your resources and the the game comes with best friends by the way and add them on the back of each player board it tells you specifically where your best friends are and a little bit about bio morgue you weren't quaint it with your best friend very very flow yeah very question the the tokens for the pizza and the toys are really nice and the scoring tokens everything everything is really nice yeah and it comes in a nice compact package yeah the box is small a small box game small box game great quality box as well so when you when you get this game you know you're getting a good quality product it's very well put together that is something that I really appreciate from a board game so this game plays two to four players and how do you feel at the different player counts I think it scales really well so obviously we are showcasing a two-player game right and higher player counts it's going to take longer and the thing about this game is it is a card game but it's quite thinkI so it can potentially cause some significant ap if you're playing with players like at a medium level so a higher player accounts it can be longer especially with all of the turns everybody following yes but at higher player accounts you have more yards to choose from and the fear of taking a public action that it that benefits somebody else is much greater cuz you're benefiting everybody yes yes so I like the two-player game because it's like you're in and out of it you know I don't at a four player game I feel like it becomes like a much bigger experience yeah I really liked it at four I like the almost like when it's when your turn is done and it's time to recruit your shopping you know I like what you did over there and so I'm kind of good that but I also like the stress of having my card that I know is really nice out there and it has to be time the entire yeah coming back in addition to that we in a two-player game did not go through this entire deck of cards and a four player game these cards there was a lot more going through them everyone starts with ten cards so eight more so sixteen more are just out in the field and then people are drawing and playing and taking from the park so that's right I think at a higher player account I like it a little bit better ok yeah yeah so but bottom line is it scales really well so the two-player game great great so it feels really well in terms of replayability there's a ton of replayability here because in this game you're really trying to find combos you know you're trying to combo the different suits you're trying to curate a hand and so every time you play it's gonna be a little different and that hand can only stay with you for so long because of the mechanism of putting them out there and yeah in your yard so there's a lot of replayability there's a lot especially because the made up rule cards yeah the game comes with like ten or eleven or something there's a whole there's a stack of um these better ones and you're only ever gonna play with max you know five of them in a four player game right same with the perks cards there's a lot more that we didn't play with and not only each player board has a starting best friend that has a starting symbol so there's a teeny tiny amount of like variable where powers here in the sense that my best friend starts as a skateboard symbol so if I start curating my hand to include more skateboards I at least can count on my best friend being there to boost that skateboard action so there's a lot of definitely a lot of replayability in this game and finally the meat of the game the mechanics like what are your thoughts on just how this game plays so like I said deck builders for me not the biggest fan of them this one the way it works is great normally in deck builders not normally but a lot of times in deck builders a person curates a better deck than you at a faster rate than you and they just keep churning and burning and you're kind of like and then bye-bye yeah exactly this one sure you built a nice deck but it's not your deck forever and so now there's potential for me to take those cards and then it goes back and forth there's some teachers over there so I also like the mechanism of boosting and discarding the cards so then that way you can not only enhance your deck but you can then protect cards by putting them in your discard pile and also when I fall oh if that's another way I can protect so when it's my turn and I draw five cards and I really like two cards but there have totally different opposite suits but you played a card that allows me to then follow you it's nice being like okay good I don't have to make that decision I can spend this card protect it use your benefit and then take this other action because I've had these choices so I really really like that part of the game yeah totally agree with everything there are a lot of concepts that you kind of went through in what you said and I think so I'm a fan of deck builders but the thing that's awesome about this game is you know typically in a deck builder you have a hand of cards and you play them all in this game you're playing one card you choose one card per turn but you're looking at a hand of five cards and you're thinking wow I want to keep at least three of these yeah how am I going to hold on to them before my next turn so you're thinking of ways to protect these cards by exactly what you said where it's like oh I can follow you by discarding this car that I really want to keep but I know I'm not gonna play on my turn I'm gonna do it exactly or like maybe I'll play this suit because that way I'll be able to play all these cards of the same suit so that I could put to protect these cards so that nobody steals them but at the same time you're making sure that when you play a card you're not playing a public action that's gonna suddenly benefit all these people like a lot of the four actions building the fort actions are public actions yes so knowing when to build your fort the timing of that is really important keeping track of other people's resources I play this for it well it's gonna cost him that many resources well they don't have the resources to do it this is a perfect time to do it exactly or like I'm gonna play this card that's gonna allow me to get this many things in my pack naveen's pack is full perfect time to play it yeah it sounds like that so really really clever design yes so keeping track of other players cards becomes difficult yes because of the changing of hands that is another element of the game that if you want to get really good at it you have to know what they have I agree boosting your actions it's also a really good way to hide cards the idea of following actions and putting cards in your lookout - in order to boost or follow actions if that's not like necessarily a new concept there are other games that have done that like boy Rome is like another version there are several different games out there that allow you to do like the multi-use cards but a lot of them are really complicated to learn and a lot of them are really complicated to kind of get done you have to like play a whole game to understand what's going on this game you'll play like a round of it and then you'll get it you just need to know the symbols and then you can play the game and this player aid speaking of components Clary yeah it's everything you need to know this is like and everybody gets one and it's like huge and underneath every symbol it tells you exactly what action is gonna happen with that card so really really great job line providing that player aid and so it's that that ease that accessibility of just being able to play the game and and how no wait time once everybody knows the general gist of a turn which is again it's all laid out there right here yeah you can just consult that list and you're good to go yeah making those that decision-making is just so so good in this game there is one thing in this game though for me is I wish there was a way to flush that park which is the public options of those cards especially in a two-player game it's just if I don't like what you have out there you don't like what I have out there then you pretty much have to draw from the top of the deck yeah it doesn't come to a point where you're kind of drawing from the top of the deck yeah so I wish there was you know in a game like this when you're trying to curate your head and that hand can only be a one-time hand I'd like to see a way to just kind of move the park along mhm also some of the perks are like very powerful and some of them are not and I think that might be by design yeah I think it's like you need a builder for it fast so that you can have first option yeah the best option because you had that perk that I mean had me put something in the backpack you just take it from the supply yeah that sticky fingers is awesome that's basically two turns in one I mean most turns is get some gets stuff into your stuff and then the next turn would be take that stuff and put into your HAC right but with that perk it's all like in one turn it's a two-for-one but that's why they're placed at the beginning of the game right because it's not like you just stumble into it it's when you get it early and then you make it work for you yes but these things are very minimal like the actual gameplay itself is very fun the advanced variant does allow you to draft so that does make for a more strategic game and you'll see over time that you know I was talking to one of our friends Sam he is Lord of the board on YouTube follow him he does really great strategy videos and he was talking strategy with me and part of the beauty of this game is tried to find those combinations of suits because there are suit pairings in this game that when when a coupled in your deck they can become very strong so finding those combinations is also part of the fun so overall overall I really like it I think it's a really really good game I agree I think this is going to be a another hit for leader games I really really really think so it's just fun I mean this if you like strategy games and you like cute artwork you like card games like this is it so that was for it I hope you enjoyed our playthrough the pre-order for this game is going to open on July 21st so follow leader games on their socials on Twitter or go to their website find out more information and if you have any questions about the game any rules clarifications anything like that go ahead and leave a comment down below well thank you guys so much for watching the playthrough we hope you enjoyed it if you like to see more videos like this please consider subscribing thank you bye [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 29,118
Rating: 4.9783082 out of 5
Keywords: fort, fort board game, fort card game, leder games, grant rodiek, grant rodiek games, fort board game leder games, fort board game release date, fort game, how to play fort, fort rules, how to play fort board game, fort board game review, fort board game overview, fort board game runthrough, fort tutorial, deck building games, fort leder games
Id: 5QSvVsLbaUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 30sec (4050 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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