DungeonQuest - Solo play

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hello everybody today I thought I'd take you through a solo game of dungeon quest the version replaying is the revised edition by Fantasy Flight Games so let's get set up and see if we can live which is not usually the case all right we're all set up now and ready to play some dungeon quest may all the cards lie on the side and I have chosen my character who is crotch spec it was a dwarf he has a strength of nine agility of four armor of five I also got a draw a ruined card and this is my ability ruin a vision so discard the at the end of your status video is to draw for search cards arrange them in any order you like and return them to the top of the search deck else I also have painted the figures in this box there is in dungeon quest there is a Time Tracker so every round the start of the round I have to move the time track if I don't get my treasure and exit by then I die so once again we start here and then when you get our tiles and build our dungeon because we're trying to get here and then we get here we try to get as much treasure cards as we can without getting killed by the dragon or before and then we have to get back and exit from actually any of the four corners of the dungeon so first thing we have to do is we have to draw tile now I took I put all my tiles invisible all the tiles in here and this and remain nameless Canadian whiskey company's bag for building a certain Canadian whiskey so anyway let's draw tile here and begin all right here we go so we're moving this way and what we have we have a corridor now the nice thing about a corridor is that I actually get to keep on drawing a tile the realm doesn't end so I have to wait till I actually encounter a room so now we're gonna go ahead and do it this way so let's draw another tile here bag shake doot-doot-doot okay so we entered through here and a portcullis crashes behind us so we can't go back that way if we wanted to we'd have to make a strength check but first things first when you enter a room we check to see if you have that symbol do so this is a standard room which means that we go ahead and just follow the symbols on the tile and that's symbol indicates to draw a dungeon deck card so let us draw on that and see what yet there is a crypt here you may explore the crypt for treasure if you choose to do so draw one card one crypt card that is so we'll put that in the discard the dungeon deck disk the dungeon deck discard come over here to the Crypt deck I think him old bones roll one die one two three nothing happens four to six the bones spring to life and attacked you you encounter a monster during this encounter you cannot escape alright see what happens six I think the boom spring to life and attack me okay so we're getting attacked here we're getting attacked by a demon all right this demon here he has a health of eight escape penalty of six not because I'm a dwarf I actually top here you cannot choose to escape while encountering the monster okay so we have to fight this guy so in this room here I have found a crypt and in the crypt is one Zeus okay so now be a solo play normally you would use cards to take care of combat for when you have more players but we're playing a solo game and here is the rule fighting in combat sort of each round of combat roll one died and consult the chart cool here we go for the two I suffer one three or four me and the monster each suffer one round five the monster suffer one suffers one wound six the monster suffers tunes now I have a special ability here though so my special abilities each time you deal at least one moon to a monster deal one additional wound to the monster so that's really great so let's go ahead and roll this dice and hack away okay a one so I suffered one wound not a bit start so we come up here grab from my collection of harp tokens and place them right on top of there 19 were to go to death so battle continues six excellent and the six is a monster suffers two wounds so because of my special ability each time you do at least 100 monster deal one additional room to a molester so not to take all right girl again so here's eight and I've gotten down to three five more to kill us ooh one I suffer one minute six oh that's great so I do three more damage to him two three all right so we have doing the six points of damage to this guy it's got a black guy it's not feeling too good Maria for alright a for the you and the monster each suffer longer okay that's alright I take one but because I don't what least one to him in fact you can extra so I do two points of damage to him so three six seven eight that is the total the demon crumbles to dust okay so we have defeated the demon there he goes off back to the pits of the abyss and now we start our next round so we only have one way to go out here so we'll have to draw dungeon tile but first we have to move our Time Tracker actually which I did not do the first round so remove this once to indicate my first movement I took and then now for my next movement I screwed up there so here we go let's do another time so you get a shake shake shake shake the title we get the portcullis falls behind me as I enter the room and once again a standard room with the dungeon deck symbol so let's come over to our dungeon deck and draw a card and see them again it is empty the room is empty nothing happens oh you actually learned to appreciate when nothing happens in this game especially because it's closer to the treasure chamber all right so now I'll actually give this old woman's card here and we will continue our explore so we will go face this way they're supposed to pick which way you're gonna go first before you draw the tile so when I go up this way which will lead us closer to the treasure chamber so let's move our sundial and go ahead George choo choo choo choo choo choo choo choo choo all right standard room move my draw the card empty again the room is empty nothing happened all right cool so we discard that come back to us dial and make our way so right so we got a little bend here see when you play the place the tiles down it shows you the the arrow here that indicates the way that you are entering the room so you have to align that with the previous tile the one you work in okay so this is a standard dungeon deck card so let's see what card again hidden trap draw a trap card okay so we discard that we come along here and we look for which one is our traffic and there is our trap card says poisonous snakes why have to be snakes well one died and suffered a number of wounds equal to the result okay I see this is so dungeon quest you don't even get a skill role or anything you just go ahead roll the dice and that's much damage tick so two points of damage okay so we got bit by a snake there so we took two more damage we have taken five damage so far out of my possible twenty health and we were traveling for the dungeon here now we have a left turn we didn't really want that because that puts us away from the treasure chamber and time is of the essence as you can see by our attractor so let's go ahead and now move a retractor again and begin in the next phase and draw another stairs going down into the catacombs and a dungeon card will be drawn again okay dungeon card ambush encounter a monster alright and from the shadows lurks a sorcerer and the sorcerer has a health of 303 alright so here we go let's do some combat here five which equals to the monster suffers one wound so monster takes because of my ability I do extra damage demon so I'm just so strong okay next round of combos one more damaged and he's dead three you and the monster keeps up for one so that will hurt me he gives off a magic missile and then he doesn't reply do damage to him actually two more but anyway there's need to do one more three damage the sorcerer was dead okay so I've defeated the defeated the sorcerer we will move our time track to begin a next turn now in this space I can actually go down in the catacombs see the stairs there now the catacombs is kind of a neat mechanic what has to happen okay I can decide to go into the catacombs and I'm going to go in together so how this works is you remove your token from the game board put it down beside your card then you take the do wharf token on the door and place it here and you can see that it kind of kind of teardrop shape what that indicates is which direction you're really traveling in the catacombs so I will go that way sure lead me down the board there so I want to be in the catacombs for too long maybe just enough to draw two or three cards or so the catacombs is very dangerous so then how this would work is that if I manage to find an exit card in the catacombs depending after how many catacombs cards I've drawn I would then pop out of that square let's say I took me three turns so I had my third turn the catacombs card it's an exit then I determine which way on this empty space location to turn my teardrop and which way I want to try to go so I would want to try to go this way I would then roll the six-sided dice and that's how many spaces I would then end up that's where I'd pop up so for example one two three I would actually end up in Detroit chamber in that case but I'll show you how this works up here let's see how this works out so first things first I have to draw a catacomb card in the catacomb deck draw a trap card yeah the catacombs predators so actually I'll put that down beside me cuz I have to keep track of how many spaces I travel underneath the board in the categories so we go ahead back to the trivia our collection of cards we come to the trap deck draw trap poisonous gas Roland I subtract three from the result and suffer that many wounds then roll one die subtract three from the result and lose that many turns oh so that's not good for the Time Tracker time track either so first roll subtract 3/4 result 1 minus 3 that's how many wounds that be zero then roll one die subtract 3 from result and lose that many turns four I lose one turn so I'm deep in the catacombs I miss a turn and I begin my next and we are still under the board in the catacombs so I'd then come back here and draw the catacombs card that's in the way there are supposed to be there catacombs guard MD aureus okay okay now so I drew the hidden trap card catacombs and my second turn zine in the catacombs I drew the trap card so now I am into my third round of the catacombs I really want to get out of here now okay so I'm hoping for I can exit card or some sort of hole in the roof anything to help me get out of here look at that and exit you don't think I even fix this I did hey Manny you found a way out you may immediately exit the catacombs okay that's terrific so I immediately get to get out so how this works is that how many catacombs cards do I have total one two three so I come back to where I was over here my teardrop-shaped token and I count three one two three I would then place my token there now I can then turn this thing I typed in 90 degrees either way and then roll the dice and that's how many spaces I would pop out of well I want to go towards the treasure chamber obviously so I roll the dice and see how many spaces till I pop up to okay not bad so one two so that's where I come out now that is an empty space so I will draw a dungeon tile ooh trap card okay but anyway because it the rule here for when you pop out is actually I can put this any way I like now it's an all way entering um exit tile so that's great so I'm gonna line that and the next round I should be try to chamber so I remove my token put that back over here and then take my dwarf put him on here but now this is a trap tile it's got the skull and skull and crossbones there so I do have to draw a trap card so let's see if we get here an explosion you know suffer for wounds in lose your next turn kaka kaka boom so I take four boons how am I doing here for damage three four five six once one two three four damage so three four five six seven eight nine almost half my health but I do lose a turn now but then I get to go again and begin my turn so I move down the time tracker again got quite a bit of time left actually we're doing pretty good for time this is this is looking pretty decent actually so what happens now is I then move into the treasure chamber where the sleeping giant giant sleeping kinda sleeping dragon lies so here we go let us come down to the dragon deck and drum and card is he asleep oh please be asleep draw two treasury cards on your next term you may either exit the treasure chamber or stay and draw another dragon card but that's risky there's not very many dragon cards and that just increases the chance of him waking up and essentially probably killing me really there's a lot of damage but we get the draw was it two treasure cards so we go to the treasure deck he let me draw two so we found a belt of strength and a crystal to Val well you know what that's good enough for me I'm not a greedy man so let's go ahead now and let's get out of here okay so the dragon is sleeping we are in the treasure chamber we can now make our escape to any of the four exits on the board we came from this way we went all the way through here went down into the catacombs got really lucky in the catacombs actually popped out here treasure chamber dragon is sleeping we can stay and try to get more treasure but this is pretty good let's try to live with the tail of the tail so we're gonna try to exit now let's try to go up that way it's so close okay so what we do is we're gonna go in this way so we have to draw the tile we'll move our son die out and to keep the beginning we're round and draw our time okay dead end down the catacombs we go down the catacombs again to get out of here you know that might not be a bad idea actually but first things first we have that symbol the dungeon deck so we will go ahead and draw a dungeon card first which we have ok ceiling collapse of the ceiling gives way some paths are blocked by debris while other new paths revealed rotate the chamber dial you are in 90 degrees clockwise okay this is actually really good because this was a dead end except for the catacombs but it actually turn the town line degrees now that's actually become an open way and we can actually can keep on - to go this way or should we breathe the catacombs starting to sweat let's go ahead and keep moving we've seen the catacombs in action let's go this way so you completed a turn moved our sundial again now give our final value webs okay so there's been some giant spiders here saltopus over wound up here now let's check and see what the web room does spider will immediately move again ignoring doors and portcullises if you exit through any hole other than the hall you entered test strength if you succeed exit the chamber normally if you fail and your turn if you begin your turn here you must excessively type successfully test strength before you can move okay so we are gonna go ahead and try a test strength because we're not gonna go back the way we came we're gonna try to go back we're trying to go this way so let's see if we can do or any test strength the test that we roll two dice our strength total is nine that's roll and see what happens ten my strength is nine oh boy that really sucks I thought I totally honed this okay I end my turn then so I am still in here dangling from the web's okay so next turn we move like that no because I failed that test actually I get what's called a determination token the is determination tokens just rest on your character until a time of need and how you use that that side and how its uses that when I make a test an attribute test roll like I just did what happens is that I can use as many tokens as I have because I want that I have I'm at one right now but for each token it room subtracts one point from your attribute test die roll so therefore you know you if I need if I for example I need a nine for my test string so if I come across another one and I roll attend I can spend my token to make that role and I therefore succeed okay now we begin our next round now we had a role for a test of strength again all right let's see these nine are under ideally well I guess the ten following is my determination to open okay a six that success so we threw the webs and we go ahead and draw from the time back the anonymous alcohol and whiskey all right here the next room so we put that down here our guy back on there this room does have a dungeon part symbol little job dungeon card ambush encounter a monster all right so I draw a monster card and we get a another sorcerer so in fact this sorcery five with a five monster suffers one moon so therefore a mustard monster little bit shake my time to which actually hey let me ask you about these dad okay okay we've come a long way here we were doing pretty good to die now this far in dungeon quest is actually pretty honorable pretty pretty impressive actually so we've come all this way down here down to the catacombs up into the treasure room cut through here through the webs and we are almost there we're almost at the exit to be able to tell our people our people of our to up my tail alright so we'll try to go that way which is an open way and we will go ahead and draw all the time okay tile bag shake good luck okay not so good it's a dead end so [Music] and we do draw any dungeon let's do that unstable potion okay so I get to carry this you may discard the potion at the start of your status phase and roll two dice Barilla - I done okay well let's just go on to that that's for a desperate times let's put that with the rest my loot and we will continue now this is a dead end in this room but what I can do is there is the search symbol here now what that means is I can actually search the string and how you search is you simply draw from the search deck so let's try doing that soon again it is empty the room is empty nothing happens okay well that's nice and all but we were kind of hoping for like a secret door something that can get us through this area so looks like I have to backtrack now also because I searched that room we put down the search token to indicate that this room has been searched and you cannot search it again rooms can be searched once now so we're gonna backtrack so we have to move our our sundial here it's getting darker oh boy so run a backtrack not a backtrack I simply move back into the adjacent room I still have to draw though a dungeon card even though Larry did that before when I first laid that tile down you go back into a room you already in and has the dungeon to dungeon deck symbol you still have to draw card from there so what do we have well turns out my welcome the first time I missed out that there was this dead adventurer in the in the corner of it so you may loot the body for treasure if you choose to do so draw one corpse card now that's nearly not too bad if I really I'm struggling for some sort of amount of money but you know what I'm not really struggling and the draw corpse card can be very risky there's the corpse deck might be a scorpion yeah I'm brave but not that brave so we're just going to try to continue out this way so let's go ahead and move our time tracker and keep going alright give the tile bag a shake alright we have a a standard room so actually this is not a bad room this is okay this is this is not bad at all and we do have the dungeon deck symbol we have the room is empty terrific alright so we're doing pretty good here so now we move our sundial again and we proceed to draw don't know didn't okay another dead end so let's say when I searched this room as well but first things first we entered this room and there is a dungeon deck symbol once again draw we have Y another empty room it's very quiet down here I'm okay with that all right so now we're gonna go ahead and search this room so to the search deck which is this deck here with the picture of the torch on it and when we find a farik's roll one die the result is the Farex life value and test strength if you succeed the farik's lose one of Farex loses one life if you fail suffer one wound continue testing strengthen to the fairest life value reaches zero or until you die okay so first things first we have to determine his health his health is five pretty healthy now we test strength okay my test is okay a four so hey this is one life but because my special ability each time you do at least one neutral monster deal one additional wound so he will take two damage now he has three remaining all right come at me six my strength is nine six is 109 therefore I do another play damage to him but because of my ability once again I do two damage oh yeah I'm just not gonna sky your own alright so again okay that's not good so he actually hurts me there got a little cocky all right well again destron two twelves right here it's me again Oh test me again again look at his counter Hertz up here at see mister I'm gonna be taking here so I've taken 13 damage so far all my possible 20 all right I probably actually I was testing strength probably should use my determination token and we could have succeeded you know what like they run the sample untouched case they come across this transferring this because I should be able to roll under 9 12 oh man that's not good no okay now we go alright that's better five okay so I didn't apply of damage to have two more points actually to bring the total of bout five he had five hit points the fix crumbles the girdle dead they put him in the discard pile then go ahead and come back over to our time we move it up one now the start of next round and we are in here so we are gonna go ahead and search this room which I did already am I talking about so we will point we had to put the search token there I have double-checked if that was a search card it's kind of hoping it wasn't anyway I have to backtrack again so I'm gonna backtrack into here the way I came so there any that now I did move this already but that's okay and so now we're actually in here so I do draw before I can search this room because it does have the search symbol I do have to draw from the dungeon deck again and there's a crypt in here you may explore the crypt for treasure if you choose to do so draw them one quick card well you know what wristlet that that crypt its leave it still and still I don't want to I don't want to stir up anything I don't trust it so let's just go ahead and search the room it's from the search deck a secret door you may immediately move to any adjacent space if the space is unexplored place a chamber tile is normal if you encounter a monster you cannot escape all right so let's do that so to any adjacent to space no I think you best is the space right here so we will put this down now we have to come from the wait at the secret door and turn so we put this here believe it's nice and presented everybody and it's another it's a room full of webs now we've dealt with this before okay so I have to test strength if I want to leave this room I don't begin a new round yet actually the instructions state to go ahead and just immediately try to move again so I'm gonna try to go this way and I'm gonna try to roll under my strength seven successful so we've broken through webs we moved into this room so let's draw another Tyler all right now and it's leads to a dead end this isn't good so I have to do have to draw from the dungeon deck again I draw a dead adventurer you may loot the body for treasure if you choose to do so draw one corpse cry well we've had that before and I have enough treasure I said I'm not a greedy man so I will go ahead and just continue and I'm gonna try searching this room but first things first move our time tracker and then we search the room so we go to the search deck secret door right on you me Amelia move to me Jason space of the space and explored plays a chamber tiles normal if you encounter a monster you can not escape all right so we're doing pretty good here so I'm gonna draw another tile like this is really I'm really doing well this is actually pretty amazing this game is such a luck based game but there you have it so far I'm doing pretty good I might even go you're like you might witness someone actually surviving through dungeon a quest alright so um here we are we're in the room here I don't want to jinx it though okay here we go so I'm gonna go to draw the dungeon deck card which we were indicated to it and there is a hidden trap Joe a child card the traps in this game they are pretty brutal most of them so let's come into the trap deck and let's draw ceiling collapsed the ceiling gives way we've had some before some pads were blocked by debris while the new paths revealed rotate the chamber Tyler you are in 90 degrees clockwise okay let's do that okay so you have to rotate this 90 degrees clockwise now that doesn't do anything to our present situation we still have exits in this room in which is great okay so let's start our next round here move the time tractor we still have lots of time left great alright so one two three spaces away three spaces away we have lots of time you still have a number of places a spot left for the time on the time tractor and we only have three spaces that go we might actually do this right on okay so let's did I move the time tracker I can or if I did that's all right let's go here and we will draw a tile there is a chasm here oh wait no oh no this isn't good okay so I can't cross the chasm there is a dungeon card here though so let's take care of that first before we go over the details of this spot here so let's check our dungeon card from the dungeon deck we draw a node n adventurer will say lots of people have been down here trying to get through this place plus if I might be joining your buddy pretty soon okay so I'm not going to loot the body I'm just gonna go ahead and deal with this space so let's see what it says about dealing with this chasm of our time chasm draw a dungeon card we've done that you can only exit the chamber through a hall that is on the other side of the chasm as the side you'll a sensor entered okay so let's take a look now we can only exit focus here we can only exit through here or back the way we came well I think it's a best bet for us to go ahead and go back the way we came so new round when I saw head and move our tracker and now we're gonna go back a snap here and what we do have to draw another dungeon heart we're so close to your guys torch boom George goes out keep this card while you have this card test luck at the start of your status phase if you succeed you release your you relight your torch discard this card and take your turn if you fail in your turn test luck okay so we're in put our torch goes out so we'll leave that here is a rendering effect okay test life at the start of your turn well all we can do now is just continue our Time Tracker and hope you roll under luck now the thing with luck for the dwarf is that this is my luck score right here.that that low low of four so I have to roll a 4 or lower now I do have one determination token so a rule of five I'll use that but well I could be here for a while a 5 Wow okay awesome so how many use meta termination token to bring that down to a 4 which is what I need to succeed alright spent okay now because I succeeded at getting my torch relit I can proceed as normal the turn doesn't end yet so I don't move the Sun tractor but I can go ahead now and just move to a new space I'm gonna go that way so let's see what I'm gonna get guys come on folks so for the trap space all right yeah so I put this down here you've had this before all this simply means as we go ahead and we don't draw it isn't happy the dungeon card symbol on it it has the trap symbol which means we just go ahead like before we draw a trap card and hope it's not too bad ceiling collapse the ceiling gives away some paths are blocked by debris the husband before we rotate the chamber tile of 90 degrees clockwise okay so let's rotate this clockwise this doesn't change anything for us so we're still kind of in the clear here all right so it's exciting in guys here we go so let's move through I'm gonna go this way let's draw a tile a room full of doors okay this is good actually cuz we haven't had a room yet we haven't gone I tried going through a door yet so this is this is good but first of all we do have to draw a donation card so a dungeon card dead adventurer again you may loot the body for treasure or get you may get a lot of these dead a lot of corpses down here a lot of corpses unnerving anyway I'm going to skip that and we are now gonna have to move this on track to start the next round boy it's getting really close here guys look at this the next round I see that here there is a number on each of the spaces for the Sun track well when I move this onto the one I immediately roll the dice if I roll a one on this excited dice all the doors close and I die I lose then I move to a two I have to roll either a two or a one sorry if I roll a two or one all the doors close so three three two or one those doors close for it cetera so it's getting down to the wire here guys one more space so but what I have to do here you can see that there's actually a door here we're gonna try going to that door and to go through a door you actually have to draw from the door deck so let's do that must be a trap roll one die and suffer number of ones equal to the result remain in your current chamber okay so I roll the dice and I take six damage so I have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen I take six damage which takes us to 20 I'm gonna flip to the exit just behind that door we would have one guys there you go thanks for playing on your quest with me
Channel: Glowing Turtle
Views: 18,705
Rating: 4.9328861 out of 5
Keywords: dungeonquest, games, solo play, tabletop
Id: Dd1x8jr9P1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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