Fusion 360 CAM — Machine Fillets, Chamfers & Rounds — #LarsLive 101

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welcome to livestream number 101 some people say that's a lot of live streamers some people will say we just got started today's topic is all about cam within fusion 360 today's topic is called machine Phil it's champ or chamfers and rounds have a hard time talking it's Friday we made it it is our cam day see you Grover - got a couple of people coming in here absolutely awesome thank you for taking the time so I'm gonna cover on how to do like breaking at just with chamfers how to do round edges so kind of just throwing a couple of things in there when it comes to kind of like breaking the edges or or fill its chambers with your CNC mill and I think that that's gonna be something in there for everybody even like if you're brand new or if you actually have a little bit of experience so hopefully you enjoy it as usual thumbs up if you liked it thumbs down if you don't also if you haven't already down in the description area of this video besides my email address for any future topics you will also find the CNC handbook this is a cam we talked about today the CNC handbook I just checked I have over like 5,800 downloads on that and you will not receive any spam none of those guys have okay enough of this good to see everybody again let's get going so I might have this part up here not to really do anything too fancy but really just wanted to talk I get some questions I forgot you're creating 2d chamfers 3d chamfers how to work with breaking edges and things like that and I wanted to share a couple of things that I used to do that really made my life easier so maybe it can make your life easier too first of all if you ever get the models some people get to model their models from scratch some people don't right sometimes customers just gives you a file that's machine this one thing I used to do was I use if I had like outside corners like this I would actually break break the ads on my cat mob just the tiniest little bit so I'm going here and add a chamfer and I would literally select the outside edges on them on my model ear and break those and not so much for the outside but mall for like also like inside corners like these and I would literally just break it the tiniest little bit like point two five that there will break that adds when you're machining when you're machining around this part so if I like for example for the outside here if I went into cam that's what we're supposed to be today and I do a set up always you select z-axis plane here and let's select the top face that's pretty good right there let's just check the stock here make no extra stock on top just in case we got to verify this later so let's go in here and create a 2d contour and select the tool and I'm just gonna select out today I'm just gonna select out of the tutorial library I think it's like the 16 and the 16 millimeter flat and mil select out geometry so now when I select this here when that end mil goes around that corner it's just gonna slightly break that edge right there and also like if I did the pocket in here it will do that edge right there it's kind of funny Tim Paul many of you guys know Tim Paul Tim who is also work for Autodesk in a very experienced machinist he always talks about breaking the edges so operators don't cut their hands when they're taking the parts in and out and that's exactly what this will do would you put those colors there that will never break that answer they're not sharp it's kind of funny so Tim told me that once that that was kind of his reason and made me feel a little bit bad because when I used to be in red line in the beginning I didn't do this but I wasn't thinking about people cut in the hands a great guy I am right I was thinking about time equals money right I was all about cycle time I was all about you know I'm not going to defer my parts in the machines because I need cycle time and then these two go as fast as possible but what I ended up realizing was that you know if you gotta go in and dipper an operator has to go in to birth that little X in there I mean that's a pain in the neck right they're going with a little legal file and by me adding you know 30 seconds to a cycle times who maybe I mean in this case yeah just machining around you maybe have to do that anyways so you don't even you don't even add in a cycle time but even if you're adding a few minutes cycle time on the CNC machine you can save an operator like you know thirty minutes sitting there trying to to to chamfer a channel for things so that's one little tip I wanted to give you another thing I wanted to show you that I used to do but really don't have anything to do with with chamfers but you know maybe you find this useful you see how the kado starts right on the end here on the midpoint but if you're going under simulate this you will see when the carter starts it kind of like go in and starts right in the center that always means that the cutter always sucks in right there on the edge you know that's all that's all great but always leaves a mark you know what is a lot battle to do just go out of that go back into your operation edit it go to the last tab so the last thing you can pick in the bottom so last last and select an entry point like right here now the cutter will start right on that corner and not leave that suction mark down just one of those small things that will make the pipe look a little bit better now you can stop right on that on that chamfer now I wanted to come back to this pocket here so like I said if I maybe go and do another contour and I go ahead and let's select a smaller cover again from the library here select maybe five millimeter if I do another console here you will see the same thing first of all you will see that with that little chamfer us X is gonna break that and then I would also move that entry point again you know I know that that you know repetition is key so right click Edit last tab last selection you can do down on the bottom and you can select a corner right here wherever or color you want to select and you will see now the color stats right in that corner you don't get that suction mark before we get into the 2d champers one other thing that I just thought of when I was prepping for this you see how I did shop in certain corners somebody in the chat right now like dude you can't do that and that is that is you know true what happens of course when we're doing this is going through the shaft is that when the cutter hit play here it's gonna show red collision because I didn't rough all of this out here well what happens of course is that the cutter if this is a finishing cut imagine we already roughed out most of the pocket when it comes right there it's gonna bury the whole cutter right in that it's gonna slam right into to that corner right there so what we know to do if you are modeling if you are Machine C programmer and you get a model like this is we would normally go into the model environment and actually put in the fill it's that that we should that we should use in here or you maybe also get the model from the designer with the fill that's already in there now I saw like that a five-millimeter cutter so half of that radius will be 2.5 right but that one actually still mean that the whole cutter will come in or that Halfmoon of the shove the cutter would come in and bury in in that corner so what I many times would do that could help a lot it depends a little bit about your machines look ahead but one trick there is a tolerance on everything when your CNC machining one trick is to actually add the tolerance of of your your affiliates to your radius for the internal corners so I'm just gonna do the math right in here so let's say we had a tolerance on point two one to five now this radius is a little bit bigger what means that we go back into cam and we just have to regenerate it here you should actually see that now it will not I'm going to simulate top oops I'm going to play it here right there you will excess see that it's going to walk just I know it's just that tiny little radius but it actually is better that the cutter is not just going right in the corner it's actually has to kind of like walk around that corner you do that by making this radius a little bit bigger so what if you have a good tolerance you can save yourself a little bit of hassle with that okay enough of that there so let's talk a little bit about machining Phillips I'm just gonna go let me just delete these here so a couple of people have asked me a question so we have the model here let's go in and add a well let's just fill it to say chamfer it's going to add a chamfer on here like this and let's make it I don't know nice big chair four three three a chamfer or good chamber here whenever you are driving a chamfer we always drive the bottom one so that's the first thing to add in there drive the bottom so let's go back into camp now what you will probably do if you're anything like most people you were going to 2d and you will see that there is a 2d chamfer in here you select that you go in through your tool and again I'm just gonna go to clintons gonna go to the the sample library you all have this the tutorial metric and I'm just gonna select a spot drill is used to use the spot I think it's called a spot mill actually to both spot for drilling holes and for for chamfering it's good for that has a little foetus Barbie I'm gonna select the edge here and hit OK and then you get a little warning sign when you click on it you will see you didn't get any tool path and you could also hit the little arrow next to it here and you will see it says none and you're like what the heck like why didn't it 2d chamfer this H around here you know unless somebody told you you would not know that the 2d chamfer tool path within fusion don't chamfer where there already already is a chamfer now you're like well wait a minute let me show you and unknown it this is has makes this makes sense I'm sure something cool let me go ahead and edit it again instead of selecting this edge let me exit out let me select this edge of the insert pocket here and click OK and now you will see that you get a nice chamfer tool path that goes around here and you wait a minute why would it why would it not do with the chamfer well here's the magic with the chamfer tool I did this on purpose here's all perfect but let me go make it a sign change to this model and I'm Rex it going to use direct edited by using cue select this face here I'm just gonna move this edge like 1 millimeter closer to so I move this phase 1 millimeter closer to our opening now let's go back to cam and regenerate that chamfer tool tab you see how this chamfer tool path just broke up down in this end the 2d chamfer that you find down here it's intelligent enough to know when it's gonna hit something but in this case would be this this what is this like this core are sticking up here it's smart enough to know as it's coming around if it cannot if it cannot clear it will back off so in this case here it avoids that back face because it sees that the cutter would actually hit right over here so that's the smart thing about the 2d chamfer tool that you find in the drop down and anybody who ever tried a chamfer something know that you know gouging with a chamfer - I mean it just it's just happening a good example would be if I go in here and create some kind of a pocket it Kew something like this and you want to chamber your pod and you're thinking oh yeah I'm gonna chamfer you know I want the Chandler come in here and cut in here well with a standard it most time the chamfer tools would actually just chain for the whole that's what means you won't hit that adds right there somebody who have ever tried this know that awful sound when the car hits there but what is cool about the 2d chamfer tool is that it is smart enough to look at its surroundings so even though you see the whole exit selectively look at what happens when I when I do it here you see how it actually shortens the tool path so that cutter will never hit these these two walls that's the magic of of the 2d Tamara now so then one of you guys says well that's all great Lars but you know my customer sends me files all the time where the chamfer is already on the part and you know what what am i what am I gonna do I was in the Sketchup you know I got all my chamfer spine is it going back to the sketch I love that there why would I you know what if I had this chamfer on him the outside how do I miss how about a machine well here's a cool thing I'll show you something neat if I go into this console tool path this is the console to a path we we at default right for doing the pocket if I right-click and hit edit and you look under passes tab just try to memorize what you see down here now if I do another contour path to the control panel but I make sure I have a spot drill selector check out when I have this on the past and step now the software is smart enough to know that if you select a chamfer tool a tool that can create a chamfer the contour tool path will automatically add the chamfer parameters in here so now I will use a contour to a path to to select around that outside where that actually is is a chamfer I hope that this was not too confusing so first of all one the 2d con the 2d chamfer tool will abort any any intersection so it will not it will not guide your part that's awesome but if you already have the chamfers on the part then don't use that then you will use then you will use the the 2d contour as soon as you select a chamfer tool with that then it will it will turn those boxes on where you can adjust the chamfer now another trick that I use to do and again this is just preference when I use to do any chamfering on my parts I actually didn't add any depth to my cutter I did that out at the machine what I mean by that was for my chamfer tool I would literally program it at zero and then when I was out at the machine I would add something to the cutter Cup and the reason for that is that if you take like these these spot mills or spot grilles sometimes a little bit of flat edge on them and when it comes to a chamfer you know what it takes like you know ten thousands of an inch or like very small you know I don't know point two millimeters to make a chamfer look good I look bad you know make it look too deep so I actually if we go back into diffusion in here you will see if I go back into this chamfer operation here it's going to edit it you will see that in the past except you actually have a chamfer with champ or offset chamfer clearance and the chamfer width would be next if you hover over them you get like some nice graphics in here that's the team have done a really good job with kind of give you a visual on what it does but this is where I would actually program my tip to zero so I never had to so I would do it out the machine just I had some bad luck where you know especially if you run a production you want the parts to look very uniform so so that's just a little trick you don't have to you don't have to do that at all okay so I hope that that kind of like clears up any confusion out there the 2d chamfer is awesome to make sure that you don't collide with anything but if you openly have and the chamfers to it then you can use the 2d contour you will not get of course the collision detection that's why the 2d chamfer can't do campus yet it's probably because of the algorithms the software I have to look ahead right to make sure that it doesn't doesn't hit anything okay let's go to there may be a little bit more I don't know advanced what about like rounds so if you have like a round thing around the pot here again I would exit also use I would actually also use a contour to put that on that's kind of like two different ways I think that you can do this you can either do it with a radius cover but always have that specified radius on it or you can do it with a with a ball end mil so I will show you both so if you have a radius cutter that's with that I would use the contour tool path go ahead and open that up right there okay so when we go in here you will see oh I can see here we got a question what where you offsetting the tool for the offset for the tip that's a great great question so on the on the spot let's go back in here so on the chamfer cutter edit go to the passes tab you can control the conversation on just like you can inside the contour that you can you can flip the arrow so in this case here it's you know cutting on the left side of the here of course if I click the other way it's gonna be on the wrong side in this case and you also have to control the conversation type in here how you want it to output it depending on how you do it on your machine so yes that's where you control the right of the passes tab it's where your control that same thing for the contour tool path same thing edit go to the passes tab and you can choose there if you apply milling or traditional building right there good question okay so let's do a radius cut so I'm going to go to again select the contour tool path let's go in here and in the tool library I know that there's not one in the XD tutorial but that doesn't mean that it's not one in the two a library so you can go to type and you actually have radius cutters right over here click on that hit OK I'm gonna have to do it up here so I get hold of them somewhere in the samples that's one let's go down we're doing metric that's free so that's a radius of three there and I think that I was gonna put in here and again just like I said before with the chamfer select the bottom ass that's what you are going to be driving and again just to the point where it's the conversation you can see that on the arrow you click on the arrow you can flip the direction if you ever ever have to but fusion the cannon fusion really I mean the developers one of the main things is never gap so this thing here is I don't remember the last time where I was wrong hit OK and you will now see that we get a tool path and again the best way to go and to verify this let's go ahead and hit simulate hit the play button and that is not a two millimeter radius right there that's okay three radius on the cutter so we have a model that up Lars three go back into km that's update that's see if I didn't bad at this time it is Friday it's almost be a time oh that looks much better right so now you can see how the radius cutter is gonna come around the corner there so it comes down and makes that beautiful beautiful radius right there of course this is kind of like the the golden way if you have a radius cutter on here so just remember you will touch off the bottom of it and then you could driving the bottom of the radius again when it comes to radius cutters I would actually walk them in so I would run a test cut where maybe I have it backed off in my car a compensation under control you know a little bit and then when when I come in and so I can kinda like play with it out of the machine because this can really I mean again just a tiny little bit and your pots gonna look like you screwed it up when you're maybe only down you know have a human hair or something like that so next thing that I want us to show here is what if we are going to if we didn't have a radius Carter you gotta use a ball and no that's fine what used to happen to me many times unless it was a production job I'm just gonna hit Q for press pool and just move this one up a little bit alright so we have a little bit more we can look at so we're not so close to this face and let's go back into cam now for this we're gonna use a ball end mil for that so and then we're gonna use the three X's toolpath the what I know I'm going to use is the contours will pass in here so you can you can write that down now so let me select the contour to a path let's go and select a ball and mill and I know that some people you know don't get to play a much around inside of 3d tool path and when I used to be in Ritalin I actually felt like 3d twoipette was a little like complex so let me just take you kind of like through how I approach we need to a path now I still got four minutes left before we hit the half an hour so I just selected the tool that was all I did it's like the contour to a pet I said like the tool I like to hit okay let's see what we get right if we hit but see what we get now we can kind of like stop breaking things down a little bit so we approach getting more than just the radius what tells me that okay the next thing I probably should do is work with what I'm selecting to machine right now it's selecting everything I feel like many times I have definitely been guilty of this I would get into these different drop-down bar or these different tabs and you start changing a million different things and then suddenly you don't really know where and you want to stop over so doing it like step by step makes it a little bit easier so I selected the tool hit OK okay so what I got okay good now I can go to the geometers happen maybe select what I want to machine so it sets a silhouette but it's just like you shine the lamp from the top down on top of the pot so that was what I selected everything let's try to go to selection and just select around this X right here and hit OK and see what we get now you see that we don't really we don't really get anything but maybe could be a little bit worrisome you know why is it's not going to machine anything well I wanted to do this just to give you a chance to explain this in here so that the the contour tool path we are using for 3d it's really trying to look for vertical walls and if it don't see any vertical walls can't put any tool path on it's not gonna do it again the development seemed don't want to go too part when I look over here and in this selection tab we just selected that chain right underneath that it says the tool has to stay on the boundary and that's that green line that we selected right there what could make you think well I don't really want the dissenter of the tool I need to send out a tool to go past that so right underneath here there's a contact point boundary check box that is like one of these what it will do I'll show you well the highlight here if I hover over it what it will let you do is it will like to let the color go past the center line but it will stay its hand into what is trying to machine so go ahead okay hit OK here and show you that now by checking that checkbox we're actually getting something what are we getting if I go in here and go normal to and let me simulate it you will see that let's go to about so this is about where we selected that chain right now the cutter sees that that's the center and it says I can't come past that but when you check contact boundary that little checkbox controverting whatever it does what it does is makes the color go past that but just a tangent to what we have selected so you will see when we get over here that the cutter this is still the area you will see how the around it lets it go past but it only machines this it's just tended to then that's where it ends this may be it's a little confusing but I was wanted to at least show that so you're not like what the heck happened another thing when I'm looking at this it looks like this a pretty big step over I might go in and make tit on the passage tab make the step over you know you could make it a little bit small or whatever how fine you want it okay so there we got a really nice tool but now again you might be looking at these blue lines and say well why are they going so further down the side but these represents the tip of our tool not where it's cutting it's resembling the tip what means that in the end we need to cut or to get down to here to be able to create the tangency let me just play it through here so it's able to create that tangency as it's going around there does that make sense I hope that makes sense for you guys um that was about it I hope that was useful I hope it gave you a couple of tips to working with machine Phil it's chamfers and the rounds again if I went a little bit too fast don't forget you can rewind back and you can definitely watch it again it is Friday I hope you have an awesome weekend planned I am planning on taking next week off so if you don't see any live streams next week don't worry it was just I have a couple of other projects for work that needs more attention so that's how it goes somewhere sometimes right that's about it you let me know thumbs up useful thumbs down it was not be honest I am going to end the broadcast so if you're watching the recording thank you so much I really really appreciate it hit that subscribe button if you haven't that yeah it just helps me to go to my boss and be like look people likes Lee you know like this stuff um and I will jump in the live stream and so how do we were there take care guys have an awesome weekend
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 44,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD, CAM, Manufacturing, CNC, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include
Id: Uwhuz0bBubg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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