In-Depth of the Setup and Probing (CAM) Part 2

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hello everybody welcome to today's uh live stream my name is angelo juris and on the keyboard giving me some support and answering questions i have my good friend and buddy and wizard brad talis uh now i do have to tell you guys i've been having problems with my computer hopefully so i just did a restart and then there was a fusion update so if there's any technical issues please let me know in the comments also brad can let me know i'm looking at the comments here and i got brad right here so let me just make sure okay nothing yet so i'm assuming you guys can hear and see me uh let me know brad all right sorry just making sure i see brad sending me a message these live streams uh are definitely live and sometimes we have some technical difficulties all right cool so brad said we're good all right great so if you guys remember last week we talked uh all about setup just the basics basics uh going back to the beginning and uh because we thought it was a good idea to just start from step one and then we're gonna do a series and build on each week a little more actually every two weeks because brad and i we will alternate brad will do one i'll do one brad will do one and so on and uh so we're excited to do this and we're happy that you guys are here and spending this hour with us so with that i'll get started i'll share my screen let me switch over to that and all right here so let me cancel what i was doing and let me just cancel what i was doing and i'll just switch over to this and if you guys remember uh we had talked about this here everything in the setup menu we talked about creating a new setup nc program we discussed briefly new new folder new pattern manual nc pro wcs we're going to cover today manufacturing model what is that that's a cool one i'm going to save that for later all right great so we talked about uh doing some tool path on here we talked about manual nc where you could leave a note for your operator like here i say move clamps and then when you post your code that would come out in the code so there'd be a comment at the machine so i think what i did here is i milled these areas here and then let's say you want to put a clamp in those areas and machine the rest of the part then when you post you would get that move clamps notification for your operator all right so then next uh probing uh we discussed briefly here so let me go ahead and just delete that and delete that so this here all i did was create a folder just for some housekeeping uh just to keep things in order so the first folder and again that was up here new folder so you just click that it'll drop a folder in here and then you can give it a name so i had some milling operations i was just uh regenerating the toolpath i aborted that that's why i have that red message there so now let's touch on probing so a couple of things i can do here is before i mill anything i can actually come and probe my stock so let's activate this guy here and i'm going to come here to my setup and go to probe wcs wcs is work coordinate system and the work coordinate system is how the part is the orientation and where the zero point is of the part on your particular cnc machine so that's what we're talking about when we say wcs or work coordinate system now that's different from the view cube in the upper right hand corner uh that's separate so i remember back on other cam softwares uh i was very uh adamant that the world coordinate system would match my work coordinate system of the part in the machine fusion you don't have to worry about that they're independent of each other super easy to change things around and go from there all right so let's go back to the screen and what i'm going to do here i'll just briefly show you how how would i probe that part if i had that on my machine and i wanted my probe to come down and pick up a zero point for me so first thing i would do is select a tool and i'm gonna grab this probe it's a six millimeter diameter ruby on that stylus while that's pulling up i'll take a quick look at the chat and brad will ping me if there's anything uh that needs my attention all right so i'll select that probe let me give this a feed right let's go 80 inches a minute oh actually i've got metric so let's go sure let's just let's i'll leave it at that leave it at 80. and then let me drag this guy out here so we can see these tabs what they say tool geometry heights actions let's talk about geometry here so if you go here under probe mode click this drop down and you could probe the model or a model that's in your assembly or you can just probe the stock that fusion uh the stock from your setup so in this setup here let me backtrack one moment on uh in our setup here if i right click and i edit that guy if i go here to my stock remember last time when we did this live stream we talked about relative size box i'll move my mouse so that pop yeah tooltip isn't in the way relative size box so i'm leaving five millimeters of stock everywhere uh nothing on the top and nothing on the bottom okay so when i talk about stock in the probing this is what we're talking about that yellow highlighted area okay let me cancel out of that because i did not make any changes now i'll come back here i will come to probe wcs my tool is selected already now i'm going to come back to the geometry and i want to probe my stock and then all i need to do i can hover over the top and let's say i want to probe that outer rectangle i'll click on that and it already shows me a preview of what fusion's going to do and fusion's intelligent enough to know that i'm doing a rectangular boss or i can do a z surface based on my selection so i just clicked there and it gave me the default of rectangular boss so it's a rectangular shape i could say i just want to probe that z surface i can toggle in between those two but i'm not going to worry about z in this case now and then approach what is that so you'll see as i zoom in here there's that distance here so i can increase that so even i can make that exaggerated let's say 50 50 millimeters so what is that for so the probe when it probes it's going to travel along in x and then it's going to plunge down in z and then feed back over to hit the wall of the part so that's that distance there where it's going to plunge so that's the approach so let's put that back to 10. obviously the bigger the distance the longer the cycle time is going to be and if you're doing a lot of parts it's important you know you want to save time so you want to keep it big enough so that when the probe comes down it's not going to collide with the top and let's say your operator puts the part down on the table and shifted over to the left or shifted over to the right some amount so you want to be mindful of that make sure you give it enough clearance so that the probe can come down and hit the part all right so coming back to this uh what is so we talked about the approach what is over travel so over travel is so i'll hover over this tool tip so over travel is from where it expects to hit the part where this stylus gets triggered where the stylus hits the part and then there's an over travel amount so that's where it expects to hit the part to where it can go in addition an additional amount before it will trigger an alarm if it doesn't contact anything so let's say i have a small value there let's come to what if i say one millimeter okay so brad just sent me a message what happens if the probe plunged down onto the part before it moves over and that's from aol great great question so let's come back to this one then here so what happens let's come to this view and i will position like that so the probe is going to come over plunge down and then move back over and left to the left to trigger to hit on the stock so the question was what happens if the probe comes over here and it collides with the top of the stock it plunges early or the stock is maybe placed in the wrong location on the table what would happen so the probe is intelligent enough uh it has some logic built into it so it's called safe positioning moves so when it's moving around the part it's called protected positioning if you're using the renishaw language and so anytime it's like a g1 move but the skip signal is active so if it triggers something in any x y or z it will stop the motion of the probe and it won't break so that's the safety built into it so hopefully that answers the question from mr al thanks brad for letting me know also so coming back to this over travel remember uh so it expects to hit the part within three millimeters uh what i have based on my setting there so if it doesn't hit a part what would happen it would alarm out so let's say that the the operator instead of positioning the part or the stock on the table here and let's say this edge is say 10 millimeters to the left and i have an over travel of say five let's do make this five to give it a little bigger value so if it expects to hit the wall within five millimeters and it doesn't it will trigger an alarm at your machine and then it would show something like along the lines of part not found or uh trigger the probe has not been triggered or something like that and that the machine would alarm and stop uh stop everything and then the red light would flash and you come and check it out and say what what happened and then you could determine yeah let's bring bring this screen up so then if the if this is your wall of your part and then the probe is expected to hit and let's say this is where it's supposed to be but the operator may be loaded apart let's say 15 millimeters this way and it comes it's supposed to hit within five but it doesn't it would just alarm out now going back to a all if the part is here and let's say my probe starts here and it moves over and we expect it to come down here but let's say the operator loads the material more this way it will come down here hit and then back up and alarm out because it's in protected positioning mode now that's the stylus with the ruby on there not the body of the of the renaissance where all the the good instruments are and all that the heart the solid part so the stylus is triggered this way and it has uh some axial motion and radial motion so if it triggers you're going to be safe so but always be mindful to turn on protective position if you're ever doing any any manual programming if you're doing it this way in fusion it's all handled automatically we take care of that for you all right so coming back to this so that handles the approach and over travel tolerances you can give it some tolerances for position and size and that would be handled over here under action uh tool orientation that is obviously uh what if we're on a multi-axis machine and as i rotate the part around you can see z the z normal is this way uh well what if i was working on the side of the part perhaps in maybe uh this orientation and that's my face now now then infusion obviously that's a horrible example of that but maybe let's come over here what if i did this one if i selected that face there you go you can see the toolpath automatically update so we can handle tool orientation infusion obviously on this part i wouldn't be doing it this way but i just wanted to show you how that works i'll cancel that i'll just uncheck that and it'll revert back to this so that's tool orientation heights what is heights that's basically the elevation so where the tool is where it's gonna uh where it is in z when it's positioning and then how high off the part it is uh gonna be when it's positioning over so i rely on the defaults 99 of the time lean on fusion for all the defaults anytime i'm teaching you folks uh how to use fusion i always say rely on the defaults click select your tool path select your tool most of the time you just hit ok you'll get a tool path and then you can go in and maybe sharpen your pencil and make some tweaks and adjustments but many of our tool paths all you need to do is select the type of strategy you want select your tool hit ok most of the time you'll get a tool path obviously depends on what tool path you're using but most of the time it's as easy as that all right i'll take a quick check at at the comments i see m4 is there hey everybody's there all the usuals ekrem benze hba and graven moore augustinia all right wes hello everybody glad you guys are here i love doing this i love working with brad on these and i enjoy spending part of my day with you guys okay still are we talking about how to probe and i am still missing what is the result is it to verify some positions or to measure where things are okay al great uh thank you for dropping that in there so when you probe let me let me go back here so you can see my screen now let me just hit okay all right so in our setup if i say edit right mouse click edit and then over here remember we did a stock box point and then what was the box point i selected this is still left over from last week but let's say on my machine i want that to be my zero so the top center of the stock so if i look at it this way from the front we can see that that is the center of the stock and it is the top center of the stock there how do we find that arm on our machine you can use an edge finder you find each edge in x and you split the difference to position x you would then hit this wall of your stock and then that wall of your stock split that distance and pick that if i was using an edge finder i'd probably just pick a corner something like that that would be easy but uh if i wanted to just use a probe on my let's say i have a haas machine with the probe i would do whoops actually click the wrong button so here my work coordinate system if i want that to be my origin x0 y0 z0 how do i find that so there's one way like we're talking about now is simply use the probe that's on your machine so that's exactly what we're talking about hopefully that helps clarify what we're talking about here and what we're trying to get what the result will be okay let me cancel let me hit ok actually because i want that that to be my zero all right so let's come back and let's do a brand new probe wcs my six millimeter diameter probe is already selected it remembers the last tool i used again back to geometry i want to use a stock that fusion created now this isn't a solid uh i will show you guys uh how to do that so again i'll click that top surface now what fusion will do it will probe the outer walls it will do x along x find that center then it'll hit in y it'll probe in the front lift up retract go over there and set x0 y0 of that stock how it's sitting on the machine heights remember i said just leave the defaults and then actions there's some things you can tell it to you know if it's out of position you can stop with a message there's going to be other exposures based on we got the other probing stuff in the manufacturing extension i'm not talking about that today so you can toggle these on or off you can print results things of that nature you can also override the driving work coordinate system i'm not going to worry about that right now i will hit ok so now let me drag this guy up to the very beginning so let me simulate this i'll right mouse click and i will simulate let me turn my stock on and let me hit play and see what happens let me slow this down all right it might be a little too slow the probe is going to come hit the wall okay so i see a comment from ayo so this is to compensate for missing alignment of the stock and on machines that don't have a probe you just have to align things yourself or manually yes it'll be a manual operation yes so if i have that part sitting in my machine i've got my box here right so if if you drop the part in your machine if you have a probe it will automatically come down hit all the sides and establish where where that part is living on your machine if you don't have a probe you'll have to manually uh find that and we usually use an edge finder so hopefully that brings some clarification on what we're doing here with the probe sorry i keep looking down because when i switch between screens i don't have a cool thing like brad brad has like this special key thing that he hits it and they'll toggle in between i literally have to go and switch what i'm sharing so if i'm doing my face or screen so that's why i keep looking down it's down here but uh the chat looks good ayo benzie awesome cool so what that would do that will establish x and y but what about z how do i establish z so i'm going to close that simulation and let me activate this folder so that any operation that i do will be dropped into that same folder it'll be dropped in the bottom in order of that folder that's active so let me create a new one and this time i want to hit z so again i'll come here i'll say use the stock i'll do the same thing like i did before and uh whoops hold on i'll hit the top i'd accidentally hug the way i was hovering it selected the bottom and i don't want that so by default it's coming on x y rectangular boss i wanna what if i just wanna hit the z surface again i'll leave everything the same these i'll just leave as default and i'll hit okay so now so you put it right here i'm going to drag that up and what i'd probably want to do is do a z first so i can come into here go wcs type in z and then this guy here the next one i will name that probe x y center of stock okay just put a little note in there to clarify what it's doing there all right so let's simulate those and i should probably get these guys recalculating let's just right mouse click i will generate and uh some basic stuff here i just clicked right mouse clicked the folder and i said generate let me cancel so i write mouse click and i say generate i can hit ctrl g or on my mac command g i'll just hit generate and then i get this message it says one or more operations don't do not require regeneration you want to generate the operation anyway so if i say yes fusion will go through and regenerate everything that i told it to regenerate if i say no it will only regenerate what's red we sometimes call that dirty so the operation simply needs to be regenerated so to save time i'll say no in this case said it'll do the adaptive it will do the bore it will calculate the contour and everything that was red so you can see that the adaptive is calculating now i'll let that go the bore calculated quickly the contouring that i did there also calculated quickly the adaptive there's a little more involved because it has to analyze the stock and the model and apply all those toolpaths to it so i'll let that go and uh what are we going to do next here so the next thing we're going to do is uh so i could run simulation but i don't want to abort i don't want to abort that so let me go ahead and i'll open up the other part i shared this on the video from two weeks ago with some of you and it is at the top of the uh the comment section there okay i see another comment from mr a.l will this somehow also remember the size of the probe stock what if you want to cut a circle of 10 centimeter radius and i want to do it with several different pieces of stock of different sizes i'm trying to trying to understand that question ayo uh can you clarify that please okay i'll just read it again will this somehow also remember the size of the probed stock what if i want to cut a circle of 10 centimeter radius so 20 centimeter diameter and you want to do it with several different pieces of stock of different sizes ah okay got it so i'll come back to this part here so the adapter is still calculating uh so remember in the setup one piece is 23 by 23 one is 24 by 25 okay thanks al for clarifying yes so uh remember in our setup i'm not going to change anything in this setup because it'll import my although i'll edit that it'll probably uh abort my adaptive but in the stock here remember we defined that so fusion will use this stock and in this case it's a rectangular piece of these dimensions 685 by 435 by 30. so whatever you have defined on the stock tab of your setup that's what fusion will uh use for the geometry to probe when it establishes now let's see if this thing continues it'll probably uh go there it's continuing on great hey peter peter stimple is here welcome thanks everybody for joining us i see the adaptive is still calculating um so yeah so feel free to leave your comments uh i am looking at them especially since fusion is calculating and uh i have a little bit of time to take a look at the comments there and also let me look to see if brad sent me anything no i am good all right great so let's switch back over to fusion and let's do a check on that so it's still calculating kind of slow uh what i'll do is after that's done i'll go ahead and protect that so nothing ah hey come cdr bimberly hello that may be short for commander bimberly almir all right we got some uh some regulars here welcome guys welcome welcome all right let me just take a look at my notes all right oh julian hey guys actually i'm learning a lot with autodesk fusion 360. you guys are literally saving me tons of hours ah that's great to hear julian thank you we appreciate that and commander bimberly confirmed uh that i when i saw the cdr welcome awesome thank you everybody we are glad you are here and this i'm sorry this is taking so long to calculate i should probably okay sorry uh okay what am i gonna do what am i gonna do should i just let that i'll just let that go okay let me come over while that's calculating let's come over to this one the parametric vice with stock so let's come over here to the manufacturer wasn't planning on going to this part just yet but just because that part is uh calculating you know what i probably could do and i'll just leave it all right so if i come to this setup we talked about this on uh last week oh yeah we did touch on this part we talked about the pattern that was here under uh setup we did talk about that guy but i don't remember did we go kieran what's up buddy awesome welcome welcome freaking hello hello i cannot pronounce that last name wmt-16 what is the best approach to establish g54 for the probing operation so the probe knows where the part is located on the machine table hello luis uh what is so wmt16 let me switch it wmt6 i'm looking at the comment what is the best approach to establish g54 for the probing operation so the probe knows where the part is located on the machine table so we did just cover that a moment ago but are you talking about the very first time like the first time you dropped the part on there i would do a manual probing operation uh i got my hot shirt on so i'm going to talk about huh so you put the piece on the table and you'll use the manual probing operations uh so you'll if if you want to probe the z you'll bring the tool down uh over the part and there's an operation where you can just do a z surface and it'll touch the top surface and then from there if you want to find the center you'll want to so what i'll do is i'll take a sharpie marker and mark the center i'll maybe sometimes use a scale or something to go corner to corner each side so i get that center i'll with the sharpie marker i'll mark it i'll then manual uh position that probe that stylus over the part about 10 millimeters above and i'll go into the haas menu and there's all types of cool uh probing operations in there to help you manually set it up you would then go through all those and set your g54 so g54 what we're talking about folks is the very first work offset in our machine so you've got your g54 g55 g56 they have multiple parts on your table it's basically offset number one offset number two offset number three but in g code language is called g54 so that's what we're talking about so what i would do i i would calcu i would do that manually set it up then i've got my part zeroed on the machine now if you're taking a plate that you're dropping on top of a so let's say i've got this is my machine table and and i dropped my part on there so let's say i've got just my phone and i dropped that my phone on there i would uh have a plate where i have some dowel pins maybe two along two along the longest edge and then one one on this edge so i got my notes here what i wanted to talk about i got my cool fusion uh dry erase board here maybe i'll do a giveaway and uh maybe auction not auctionnet but do some uh giveaway what do you guys think about a giveaway because i got a couple of these if you guys want one put in the comments let me know we'll figure that out okay i just ad-libbed that i just thought about that so going back we've got the part in there i can put a dowel pin in two locations and put a pin here so that way when the operator or me we drop the part in the machine you push it against the pins and then you know the part is in a certain location uh so that's how i would probably set set it up on my machine uh vice would be different i would just put it in the vise and push it against the stop i have another part here let me grab it i'm gonna talk about this in an upcoming uh live stream how i set it up so this is the part i did for haas uh for trade show the trade show circuit uh it was cool it's done on a umc 500 suite machine and so here's the part i modeled it and designed it all in fusion i found a picture of it online and i just duplicated it and it's got some cool features we've got some thread mill uh pipe thread thread mill and some pipe threads on this side and i'm going to show how we designed it and how i created a tool path on it maybe we'll we'll do what we did with that spark plug bottle opener where brad goes through the design and then i go through the cam part of it and we can do a couple couple pieces to that series now i have check this out the first stage of that and here's the second stage i'm totally deviating from this from what i wanted to talk about but i thought i'd bring this up so this is cool so this is the first part it came out of a piece of material that looked like that this is aluminum 6061 and i just grabbed this in a lang vise and i have pictures of this on my instagram uh it's uh my handle is the true croatian sensation uh with the underscore in between uh so instagram you can look up my name angelo juris or the true croatian sensation uh funny story about that but uh um mr al watmo and cj abraham uh we were all one day when i first started autodesk again i'm deviating guys sorry uh i didn't have instagram and they uh cj helped me create my instagram and uh he said do you want your handle to be your name or you have a nickname and i said yeah my nickname is creation sensation so that's how my handle uh was created on instagram but so going back to this i have pictures of this machining it even down to some five axis motion uh check it out it's on my instagram i got some video there uh but yeah i think it'll be a good idea that we show how we did this pretty sweet part so i held it in the vise like this machined all of this out and then i flipped it over and i held it in soft jaws and so this is uh the view the orientation so you can look at it this way my hands are nice sorry and then here so then you can see all the material that was removed to make that all right sorry for the detour guys but uh yeah we'll cover that awesome okay let me check the the the chat uh just to see if there's anything so brad didn't send me any messages uh benzie oh yes that would be amazing the same what you did with spark plug bottle opener all right we'll do it all right and then uh they all commented so the probing will do centering of the stock size and set it in fusion wait fusion 3c okay so the probing will do the centering and the stock size set infusion would decide for example what range would a facing operation go over i'm a little confused by that all right and uh alameda he says it would be great if we can produce some of the parts that brad makes so you can see the whole process from start to finish product we will do that awesome okay sorry for the detour guys and again thanks uh karen i'm glad my buddy kieran is uh online on uh checking out the stream so let me come back to this is that thing still calculating adaptive hey there it is okay so this is good obviously i'd clean up some of the linking moves so that it uh doesn't lift up and retract i was just using defaults so uh i would probe i would uh find the center of that part then i would rough it i would do some machining and then uh do i have a contour there let's uh finish these two guys oh switch the screen sorry this is live hey thanks uh thanks benzy all right so here on this part so the adaptive is finished i've got all those yellow retract moves i would clean that up in linking i'm not going to go back because if i go back and change it it would have to recalculate everything but benzie's laughing all right cool puzzle box you have to look at the reflection in my eyes you guys are funny again thanks everybody for spending time with us all right so what if i want to do the uh second side of this part and again in probing or in yeah infusion let's say we had we had a case where we wanted to flip this part and we would have some of that stock left over right how would i how would i handle that so i did a live stream on that a while back i could refer back to that uh also stuart duncan hi guys sorry for the lateness okay you're good stewart let me before i went to my my face shot and i talked about that other part i was here let me finish that thought sorry i wanted to quickly show the difference between probing so if i'm in this setup and i come here and i want to probe wcs and if i come here under geometry and if i go under model see there's there's there's no model selected but if i go here to stock what's going on here so if i let me cancel let me take a look at my setup see what's going on let me edit that so there is my stock here and my top center is is that inch there and remember we talked about you can pick some of these edges here and here and so where is it getting that stock is coming from a solid and where is that solid i can come over here to my browser and expand so there's my stock so that stock is actually a solid solid model it's not the fusion uh stock generation that the setup creates this is an actual component that was created in fusion so let me show you about that and i believe as we were running out of time last week and i'm afraid we're going to run out of time again today so let me hit okay there so there's my stock right so if i show my stock that's actually a model that was created in fusion no different than any of these so i can hover over that so when i look at my setup remember a moment ago when i was editing my setup there was a uh here it's coming from the solid and then on my setup whoops sorry i need to go to probe my bad if i go here to set up probe wcs and then let me make my stock visibility so here under model what i want to probe i'll show my stock and then now i can click that top surface and there is my stock but you got to make sure the visibility is on because then i would have not like a moment ago when i'm here that stock is invisible because of visibility all right so i have to come in and hit that but we also do some things like you can just hit one side there what if i hit this what will happen so it'll probe a corner so i'm picking two faces so you can even come over here and let's say probe that edge and probe that edge and then now that would give me that top corner of course in my setup i'd want to define that as my zero how would i do that in the setup let's hit ok let's take a look at that setup and see what our selections are so i had a box point of center but i would just simply come over there so my zero point and my machine would be coming from that top left corner all right so let me take a look at the chat oh brad told me switch screen switch screen thank you let's see so i see now uh hey all right so 10 by 10 physical stock okay so the fusion stock is 10 by 10 and the physical stock is eight by eight the generated g-code for surfacing the ten by ten stock canada actual physical size stock and it will do ten by ten so fusion will take into account yeah peter says ten minutes in the session two so two hours to go oh boy we'll just keep these going we'll keep the conversation going guys all right so fusion if i'm machining let's say i'm machining this part let me collapse all this stuff here so let's say in this setup i wanted to just machine around the outside of that i could do something like this an adaptive clearing i'll just use that half inch flat end mill that is 12.7 millimeters because this is an inch inch design here with inch tools so i'm not going to even select everything i'm going to leave it defaults heights check this out from the bottom height i can use a selection and i can grab that top face and i can say stay above that i shouldn't have clicked that arrow let's say stay above that by 200 thousands so now my tool will be go to that depth i'm just going to leave everything else default and i'll hit ok so hopefully to answer ayal's question it will use the size of that stock that i've defined to machine so it will start let me right mouse click i'll simulate this so you can get an idea oh we've got the patterns active let me let me move that out of there let's move this above come on move that above okay so i just wanna let me actually i can right mouse click i could suppress all of these guys so that it doesn't uh let me just right mouse click i'll simulate see all those black dots that's because i have this show points turned on okay and i can't even show my stock transparent uh let me turn tail on and uh we'll hit play and what i can see is this session guys is turning more into like a uh hangout or office hours if you like this format and you guys just want to drop questions and i answer them kind of as we go let us know because i've been thinking about doing doing an independent of this something like in office hours where i just spend an hour and you guys join and we can just nerd out and i can just talk and share share some goodness of fusion and machining so benzie says it's an amazing amazing session and live question is awesome cool i like that i've been thinking about doing that and uh so i think we'll have to kick that one off let me speed this up and then i'm going to show you kind of to try to address eos question if the stock size changes so you can see what i did there uh fusion i told it to machine do it 3d adaptive which is let me close this it's this one here it's under the 3d stud 3d strategies adaptive clearing so it's aware of the model and it's aware of the stock so what happens to answer aeol's question what if i change the size of my stock how do i do that so luckily in this design that i shared with you guys last week i made it parametric so the stock size can change so that's my stock which is this guy here in my assembly so that's the stock but what if this the size changes so i created some user parameters here it opened up on another screen here we go so let me move this maybe up here i'll move the model down so i said six inches what if that's now seven inches and see the size changed and then see this dimension here let me come here to the right side view now what if that changes from three inches to let's say four and i hit tab see the stock size changing and what if the height of the z along z some people say z uh what if i have that at two inches now i need to be mindful because of my flute length so let me change that a little bit let's go what if i do one inch okay so see how everything just changed and updated i even have the parallel height in here so let's say 1.5 inches you see how that thing moved and i'm gonna show something that's super cool about fusion uh yeah that'll be fine even though i'm not going to be able to get to the bottom of the model but let me just show you how cool fusion is i'll come here back to manufacturer and uh right away when i come over here you see how it's red toolpath is out of date because everything there's a few things in my setup remember in my setup we've got uh the stock defined as a solid and i made changes to that stock so fusion i'll cancel out fusion is smart enough to know say hey angelo something has changed in that stock size so i'm just going to right mouse click and regenerate now remember i got these uh i got a strikethrough on there so those don't even those i'm not going to worry about right now so fusion will automatically redo everything now the part i purposely made the bottom surface of the part below the top jaw there and i did that on purpose so you can see well hey would the tool hit device jaw no it would not because if you remember in my setup or in the operation sorry the setup i did define my work holding we did that uh last week but on the heights remember i selected this face so regardless of where the part is it knows where that face is so and it's all parametric and i changed the stock size eh yeah and fusion did all the rest so it was stock aware and model aware so hopefully that answers your question uh someone asked did brad ever do q a uh but this is con so this is peter stimple saying did brad ever do q a i cannot remember but this is comprehensive tips and tricks video was really cool okay cool all right so sorry totally deviating from the original thoughts coming up on time are there any questions uh what i can do is uh next week dive into it more we typically go over but i want to start keeping things be mindful of time i know everyone has things going on and not not get too uh carried away and go over okay so but what i can do now is we can touch on this part in the last seven minutes that we have so we we machine this i'm gonna protect it so if i make any changes it doesn't blow up that tool path not sure if you guys were aware of that but if you right mouse click you could protect an operation or you can if you click on the setup itself right mouse click and i can then you know toggle that but because i've got these in a separate and this is selected here let me come here and see now what it did it protected everything under that folder so that's a way if you've gone through verified everything and just want to make sure that your operations are protected so let's carry on what if we get to the other side if i come here and let me right mouse click and i simulate let me hit play so a probe the stock did you guys see that or did i go through too fast hit play just going to probe the z and it's going to probe the x and y center establish the zero of that part now it's going to start milling and while that's calculated i'll take a quick look and i see that agustino asked is it possible to measure apart and refinish it if that will remain some bigger i know what you mean and yes we can do that okay so i've got another question the question is if you tell fusion your stock is six by six by one and the part to machine fits inside of it then you load a 12 by 12 by one piece of stock and probe it will your facing tool path face the whole 12 by 12 that i got from the probe so it depends on you have how you have your setup but yes let me talk about that after i finish this so i will uh next week what i'll do is i'll go through finishing this part we'll go finish through the hole and then we'll save that stock and uh let's almost done almost done it's still running through let me show you uh what we'll cover next time we'll save this stock and then we'll flip the part over and we'll use this stock and we'll just carry on from machining this side so it'll remove the material and then how we could probe that bore because if you remember we've got this bore with some features and if we flip the part over and let's say there's this counter bore feature so let me close simulation so we've got this feature here let me just come up to this guy okay so we've got that counter board there what if we flip it over how would we ensure that this counter bore is concentric to the counter bar on this side i'll cover that next time so the question is let me try to explain again so in fusion if i come here and if i do a facing operation and i'll just use that half inch mill again i'm just using the defaults fusion c is the size of the stock so i generate the code it will cut that but what so the question is what if the part is now bigger well our stock is this size so fusion will face obviously it should be at the beginning obviously right so fusion will know the size of the stock here so it will generate the code based on the current setup now if i come in and i change my stock size if i right mouse click uh if i come into here and let's say i've got 50 millimeters now that's me controlling 50 millimeters not automatically at the machine we could do that and put some logic in but here then if watch what happens i hit okay and this this one here says it's dirty something has changed if i regenerate that fusion will give me that tool path now it's kind of hard to tell because of my stock did i make not big enough of a change let me do something more obvious what if i do that or even this something very big very obvious change and i hit ok now i can right mouse click i can regenerate now i've got the facing tool path to handle the stock that's currently defined in my setup hopefully that uh that answers your question let me go back to this screen so hopefully guys that answers your question i know there's been a lot of questions today totally deviated off off what i was planning to show step by step the conversation kind of got in a certain direction uh i kind of like doing that just figuring things out answering questions as they come hopefully you guys get something out of that and and i think what i'll do is i'll just host uh we'll do this one on thursdays where there's a planned script uh or or guide or outline what we're covering and then maybe on a friday afternoon maybe same time i'll see i'll check the calendar i'll also have a chat with brad to see what works best and then we can just do a session where hey i'm here throw me your part and i'll slap some tool paths on there something like that just live and spend 30 minutes to an hour answering your questions you guys guys can drop into questions and we can go from there commander bimberly can i please repeat my instagram i will put that here so let's put it here under comment so my instagram is the true croatian sensation and let me pull it up on uh my other screen and i'll drag i'll just drag it over so you guys can see it so you make sure you got the right one i didn't have it pulled up give me one moment sorry and while that's opening let me me i'll have to minimize this slightly and let me drag it over here so here's my instagram the true croatian sensation is the picture of me up here nine san francisco making some parts uh here's a bottle opener uh that brad and i did i designed it originally for for a haas trade show years ago and then uh this guy my buddy uh out of florida mfceo machinist he changed his handle i believe but he he made some and gave him away uh but that was a cool one but yeah i i show stuff let me try to find that uh where is it here there's devin he did that uh one here's me in front of that machine where is that one here it is here's some cool motion here's that part that i had in my hand this is some five axis motion all programmed in fusion using lange all right so there you go hopefully oh you didn't see that sorry here here we go sorry there i go again i forgot to switch screens so here's my here's my instagram the true croatian sensation sorry guys i forget to switch here's a here's that bottle opener that brad uh program sorry that brad design i originally designed this for haas and uh this guy ms ceo machinist team made some for giveaways that was a cool one and then let me show that five axis i'm sorry i forgot to switch you know when we're doing this stuff live so here's that part i had in my hand full five axis motion uh that was a swarf tool path so that was fun that was the part that i had in my hand so give me a follow there guys i always post cool things you can dm me hit me up there i will switch back to here so cool uh with that uh how you guys doing uh did you get something out of this please let me know in the comments and uh we'll go next week and the week after so brad will be on next week and i'll be the week after that and i'll carry on what we didn't cover today and i'll just keep on going and we'll keep that conversation going so thank you all for joining spending part of your day with us it's a great privilege and honor for me to spend some of my time with all of you today have a good evening and a good afternoon and i will see you all next time see ya you
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 2,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6ZLKBX1fkRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 16sec (3916 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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