FORGOTTEN Chevrolet 4x4 Square Body - will It RUN AND DRIVE 60 miles home?

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guy needed a really reliable sturdy economical pickup for the property up here in north dakota so i did the right thing and went on the face space and bought one site on scene whist on the way here happens to be this beautiful rig she's been off the road since 2009 that's fine it's got a four speed makes everything better i'm gonna try to get her fired up and drive her about 60 miles back to the farm [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just it happened i accidentally fell into a honey hole of square bodies and miscellaneous trucks and cars jessica left me with the checkbook mistake i'm not gonna tell you which ones but i actually picked up six vehicles today guy's nice parker he's gonna let me just keep them here for a little bit until i can figure out what to do with them but let's address this 83 first let's start there quick overview on the old gal before we start digging into her it's a 1983 custom deluxe half ton it's a chair burlet as you can see from the grill there it's got bucket seats been modified on it's a soil testing upper truck for cynics if you're not familiar with cynics it's a huge kind of oil gas company up in the midwest they've got gas stations some of the bigger stores also sell like panels and gates and feeders and have tires and stuff like that some of them even have fertilizers which is where this rig came from stanley north dakota which is my stomping grounds where i grew up it's a four speed four wheel drive 208 transfer case sm 465 she'll pull that house clean off the foundation it's got a 305 in it though unfortunately but it'll work it's just fine basically i'm just going to use it to haul barbed wire around rocks miscellaneous stuff maybe a couple railroad ties cold snacks tires spare tires probably an extra engine or something i don't know we're just going to use it you know to do things on the stuff is what i'm saying let's take a closer look so one of the main reasons i was drawn into this truck i mean other than the obvious just drank her in square body and stickers she's from stanley north dakota which is where a lot of my family is from and my grandpa specifically drove this truck for a spring doing some of the soil testing so i've got some family history in her look at this grill it's intact license plate looks fine you can see there january 09 look at the stack of tags on there it's pretty impressive she's a touch weathered but not as rusty as we see over in minnesota in wisconsin again it's the 4w does it got all the hubcaps i don't believe it i guess i got to i'm looking at it don't got a hitch or nothing like that they wouldn't really pulled anything other than some bumper pull stuff as you can see that was clearly overloaded that's fine tail lightage a little busted no big deal senex where the customer is the company fellers got some molding missing that's okay i think that's weather stripping we'll just leave it hang out there i wonder if the hubs oh yeah ready to rock these look brand new i mean we can get probably 60 000 out of these easily i mean they're harder than a rock what are they spartans sure we'll leave them on shocks have never been replaced i can already tell that that's fine oh missing a wiper maybe i can borrow one off of a few of these other rigs that i picked up ain't telling you which ones you can figure him out he's got more back here more up in the shop my goodness we'll maybe figure that out see if i can come up with the deal got a couple rock chips pretty common we got manuel cranks that's fine don't really work even better in case you run her into the river you know you know i got to worry about them digital's not working this is missing it's just on full vent mode all the time seems okay he did throw in a bezel she's even got a gauge later on it's pretty basic instruments here we've got no tilt on her but oh yeah we've got positive engaged on the blinkerage that's good horn might still work this is unique you're going to see right away there's normally a bench in here and you can still see the bench belts but this right here that's aftermarket you can drop the cold snacks down there recycle on them or you could stick your probe in there and take a sample of the soil so basically fellers would ease into these fields stick the soup label down there drop that into the lunch box scoot back in the town of the cynics and jim bob behind the counter would bleep bloop it into some sort of machine and they'd say yeah you need vitamin b12 and c and a and whatever crops typically need and then hopefully that farmer would buy them and so on and that's basically what this truck spent its entire life doing i think this is some sort of custom hatch system not sure this made every dollar worth it she's got the sm-465 it seems to be shifted late and still radio's gone never been maintenanced don't gotta worry about that any dual tanks oh be dipped probably doesn't work none of them do what do we got here touchstone energy i don't know what that means she's been smoked in just a tickle oh we still got the lighter upper in here maybe oh yeah let's put that back there we go i like this look and it feels even better over here a lot of the same what in the devil we got going on here we got a general electric this is probably one of the first cvs ever made and i ain't kidding you wonder if it works we're gonna find out this is really cool i would have to assume that this is very very near 83.84 i'm sure they put this in right when they got the truck i don't know why they would have waited oh just mouse stuff don't worry about that not really telling us much there oh air conditioning loop it does have it and it operates kind of that's really about it for the interior i bet it's really quiet in here going down the highway oh we got a cooler grabber see if it works kind of oh yeah works perfect see a guy just leans in here grabs one out of the cooler brings her back like that and a coat hook the old gal is rumored to have a 305 under the power bar in here i don't know let's pop it open see what we got does this one have the i think it does i'll check and then we'll look it most certainly has a but she popped i didn't even have to you know tickle on it see what we got oh she at first glance is absolutely complete with cruise control no can't be well i'm looking at it i don't know what we got going on let's take a look well these are nice and tight exide classic probably won't work got some mice into the stuff there and doing things some expert wire looming that seems normal a whole bunch of vacuum lines missing did i already work on this i must have cause them are all gone this belt that's gonna last 15 miles at best fan clutch is good you want them to be a little taunt when they're cold fellers they shouldn't just swing oh and a new nut corporate blue so it doesn't look like it's been swapped on or anything like that does definitely have the 305 manifolds and these are smogger manifolds but there's no smog bracketry on there so maybe the manifolds have been swapped or did the engine in fact get swapped i don't know i don't know right now we can check it out later by decoding the block back there maybe if i get ambitious enough got a brand new looking ps line on her so maybe that works this seems to be leaking we'll ignore that nice thing about north dakota is the mice really for some reason don't get into the wires as bad as other states i don't know why that's just the way it is oh missing a ps cap you can see that they didn't really care about that for about 17 months but parker's bringing us a new one i believe oh krang's got it right now boom look at that it's even the right ear i'll be dipped we'll throw that in there check on earl really really low no gas no antifreeze probably 10 to 15 000 miles on it that's good enough to run for quite a bit yet before we change on it at least see how good it runs before we waste the 22 dollars putting new stuff in it don't even have to check the transgression oil ooh i could see a hose clamp on the front drive shaft i'm gonna pretend i did not see that i don't know what else to do i guess oh let's look at the fuel make it happener okay yep 80s went to these really tall air filters for some reason this one is really bad we'll just get rid of that for now let's see oh yeah we got good thing i took that off we've got uh kind of a mouse house situation it's yeah dispels it everywhere just dump that out over there that's fine see if we've got linkage yep spring is really weak it stays full throttle for a couple seconds that's fine with me a couple vacuum caps broke off i'll have to address that or she'll idle at 1742 rpm the throttle blade is just blacker than the inside of a coffin so she's running richer than bill gates we'll fix that a little bit of tunage might have a vacuum leak maybe actually not sure yet lightning ruler is all here plugged in it's got the delco remy still so that's probably as old as me seems fine so i mean we've got a complete small block chevy that seems to be in operable condition and this one's going to be a little different press for time we need to get out of here quick we've got a rainstorm and the lightning bolts coming at us plus jessica's making meatloaf at the farm can't be late normally i'd go through a whole bunch of steps on these make sure they're good to fire but i think on this one we're just going to toss a fresh battery in her crank on it throw some fuel make it happener down it and just see what happens i like how you got the biggest wrench in the toolbox what kind of battery did you get for this thing oh super start premium the big one oh this is how you level them up you know we'll put that back it's there for a reason someone put a new clamp on this 20 years ago that's neat oh fire test we got a lot of sparkles wait wrong one we had uh we got anti-theft going on here where they run the red to the ground you know that way a guy can watch his rig burn down before it gets stolen that's way too tight let me see if i got a longer one she's a little taunt even for me so if we rig this across like this and hook it on see how she's just you can't jump ditches and stuff like that it's just from experience ain't gonna work i think i got a new one of these and then we gotta tighten this crank saw that clean her up otherwise you get the click click also these don't come blue so someone was in here just craigslist rebuilding this i don't know when that's not a original clamp this is an original charging whirler that's a different fuel pump so she's been tankered on over the years who knows how many miles this rig here guy might hang on to for a while after i paid the feller i said oh yeah does it have a title keys and it does actually so that's nice what have we got for length page oh we can even bring it under this oh what is this something something big got juiced up to the battery we'll find out later okay i like to breathe them in a little bit when you put fresh batteries there's not much in here other than the heater motor and headlights but i don't smell any fire which is a great start i think they put three holes in this bracketry here so when you strip out the first one you go to the second and then when you still didn't learn your lesson you bring her home on the third you know oh yeah way too tight perfect what is that oh no and pets this in here all right well i guess i should have checked the level checked that's good enough crank's putting new clamp on while he's doing that i'm gonna tune up the carburetor a little bit and just make sure that this is you know gonna be ready get this needle loosened up a little bit there we go quadrajets they are reliable now that we got battery let's see what happens when we twirl on the key here oh yeah got the seat belt worn button thing nothing there let's check the lights just because nothing absolutely nothing nothing there and also nothing there so zero lights that's okay crane went ahead and picked up this here paracen broham edition she's got everything air conditioning power everything it's got just over a hundred thousand on it cassette player wood grain tilt headliners just taunt what a cherry you got it for uh 400 bucks not bad at all look at that air conditioning is even rebuilt no six it's got ice cube juice in it this thing's ready to run daily driver i'm gonna just crank on it see if it's spinning free i got nothing no horn blower motor is just barely turning over do i got a dead battery right out of the box by box i mean back of the truck sure i've had it for 15 years gonna have him drive up here and we'll hook the jumper cables on it i use this battery to run a fuel pump for a long time and that sucked the juice right out of her gotta throw something under the tire here to chalk her up how about a grain shovel from the 80s hats try that out we got a lid flip on this one extra look at hps sparkles oh yeah i just heard the charger really kick in so we'll let this sit for a couple minutes charge late i'll find something to dump down and feel and make it happener i guess we'll just see if it barks off right away no idea if it has any fuel in it but we'll find out guys going to go ahead and unlock a cheat code for you normally i bring a jug or a mustard squirter squirt something a container that releases fluids and i have some bad gas in there with some two cycle oil i always like to have a little bit of oil on the gas when i'm doing stuff like this just in case it doesn't start and even if it does you're lubricating the top end there unless you're in a real bad pickle don't just shoot brake clean or carb clean down these that being said if you don't have said jug because you're in a really big hurry you could swing into o'reilly and i got this on the end cap usually in a small engine section this is 40 to 1 ready to use pre-mixed gas and it's for two-cycle engines but this already has a little bit of oil in it so you could just take these and dump a little bit down in fact i'll fill the bowl try to oh yeah about two percent's going in there there we go chances are the needle stuck but we'll address that in a minute whoa that's way too much perfect leaking out the base even nailed it well normally i check for spark and see if it turns over and a whole bunch of other stuff but we just we ain't got the times let's twist on it see what happens this bucket is comfortable not gonna lie oh there we go we got a lot of vantage this time fired there we go yes it's a runner we got oil pressure ooh not a lot of oil pressure slowly coming up sounds like a dead mess definitely missing it's charging about 15 pounds of oil pressure i'm gonna shut her off for now oh she fired right up actually pretty darn easy to be honest a little bit of clanking a banging but it ain't build much oil pressure yet it is low on oil probably about two three quarts crying just grab some happen to be cynics oil go figure i think the plan at this point is if we can cobble this thing together enough we're gonna go straight to the o'reilly's parking lot drop the oil change that put some sparklators in it do all that stuff i don't have anything with me other than some basic tools i have some totes but nothing that's applicable for this truck go figure we'll drop a little bit more oil in it see if we could build some more oil pieces that would be nice then we got this miss so i'm going to look for a lightning hose that's unhooked or something's just on one of these cylinders it might just come back around could be a stuck valve i don't know i don't know this is 1540 maxtron i don't know heavy equipment stuff diesel engine oil i would assume that's close enough to a quart i'm just hoping that this oil is broke down and deteriorated enough it just doesn't have any of the viscosities left but either way small block chevy's typically only need about 10 pounds of oil pressure to run unless you're way up in the rip ems we might just be able to just pamper it down to the parts store there and get some stuff done good enough i'd rather be over fold than under filled and said no one latch works good great news is it's charging because i didn't bring another charging wheeler but this belt i just don't know if that's gonna make it i wonder if a guy that's what we'll do i'm going to run over to another one of these vehicles undisclosed and i'm going to grab a charge and roller belt off of it because it should slip right on and we'll bring that as an extra just in case guys gonna try to fire on it again without priming on it and then we'll see if it builds a little bit more oil pieces now that we got something sort of fresh at least not from the early 80s and i wonder if this clutch works kind of sort of runs come on really bad mess good news is it's up to about 17 pounds oil pressure bad news is it runs on six cylinders and it's either knocking or has the worst exhaust leak i've ever heard and all 49 of my years something's smoking too that's fine kind of in a predicament here we just checked the firing order that's right but i don't have sparkle laters or lightning hoses or nothing with me but i do have a can of berryman so we're going to give her the old italian tune up see if that'll bring one or maybe three of these cylinders back around at least enough to get us to the parts store and then we could start throwing a couple dollars at some easy to fix stuff like sparklaters and you name it but it's definitely got a bad hard miss somewhere in this i didn't is it smoking at all i didn't even look no smoke so i don't know yet crank's gonna fire it up here in a second then i'll feed this straight down the app see if we can free up some of these rings maybe a sticky valve or clean sparklators or maybe just all of it go ahead okay keep going [Music] oh that's that's fine i don't know if we're gonna make meatloaf if we keep up the space i would do anything for square bodies but i won't do that is this an egg it could be taking it home bring her around again fire it up chances are starting issue is just really bad gas it's sitting in here for 87 11 million years yep it's definitely knocking i can't tell if it's valve train could be a stuck lifter or something but it is not happy at all well there's also no accelerator pump the fuel make it happener so it's kind of hard to even get it idling to where a guy can hook his ear onto it right i hate to sit here and just keep revving on it does have 20 pounds oil pressure now which is theoretically enough for a small block chevy but i don't know what to do at this point maybe if i just do nothing for a little bit it's gonna come back around nope unlikely very tried to get behind the valve cover there and see the digits on the head see if i can figure out what kind of engine this actually is i have a hunch that this was actually swapped because it's got smogger 305 manifolds on it but zero evidence of even having a smog pump bracket or anything else smog related on this entire engine including the vacuum lines and everything else and some of the other stuff's been there's zero manifold gaskets on this side which is contributing to the issue of hearing the lifter or whatever else is stuck or bent or slamming in there it's not running very good at all at this moment and also kind of makes sense because this truck spent its entire life in a field and four high to the floor i would imagine and our grandpa if you've ever seen him chase cattle there's this hidden area right past the ketchup on the rpm that's called chase cattle and that's pretty much where he lived this thing's probably just been hung out to dry still ain't gonna give up on her i'm gonna do the right thing try to put some more parts back on it that we took off dump a little fresh gas in her and i think we're just gonna hit the road see how far we can get huh [Laughter] that was a very it's like yeah place your bets over or under 10 miles it's not going to be good it's got a block heater oh we're putting money in it now whoa whoa we got sparkles just knock these out reuse them i just realized we have not even checked clutch or brakes but we'll just figure that out when we get to the road try the clutch really quick i don't know whoa massive vacuum leak on the brake booster i don't think there's any brakes [Laughter] go figure the clutch bites right at the top of the pedal where you want it nope the also even more gooder news is when you hit the brake pedal it just goes but nothing happens to recap running on six something's knocking we got bad gas no accelerator pump clutch is about gone zero brakes no tail lights or brake lights so let's hit the road before we depart better get this in here somewhere there we go all right let's go left downhill so i can get a running start at this hill moving popped out of gear come on okay i guess here we go i could smell the bad gas burning i mean that could help this thing significantly go the wrong way there's a gas station a couple miles from here we're gonna swing in there and try to put some fresh gas in it's it's not good oh the box fell open that was weird i started running on like two come on you can do it come on girl those of you that met less than 10 miles you're sitting pretty good right now i mean everything seems fine oh they do need rain up here at all quite a bit wow i don't know what's going on here i don't know but it's got to figure out the issue here because we got a basically mud bog to get out of this place black dirt construction we'll build you a road but you ain't got no gravel doesn't make sense [Music] i think i found the sweet spot it's at about four percent throttle runs like a dream [Music] well for heatsink this is just getting a little ridiculous [Music] we might have a clogged fuel [Music] normally i put a filter out there in line run a boat tank this is why you don't do that it seems to be fine this is gonna be a long night got a little bit of a mud bog here someone put just a bunch of black dirt on the road there goes a doe i'll beat that oh we need speed no this is the opposite oh no the worst place to stop it's fine don't get stuck you really want these 30 year old tires when you get in the mud you know there we go he must have just painted his car looks nice [Music] worked my way up to 45 miles an hour you gotta give it about two percent throttle the good news is plus the oil got hot we're down to maybe five pounds pressure temp gauge doesn't work don't need them i think that fuel station's right up here [Music] i'm gonna throw some fresh 91 in her unleaded premium the nice thing about having a follow rig is they could definitely just throw this in the ditch if need be but i'm coming back for it because you know farmers union truck is that all it took can't be right two some gallons i'm gonna get some beef jerky some cheese something to let them back neck down a little bit well what is going on i don't like that because that means it was full on bad gas yeah needle's stuck in half but saying it's full i better get supper in before we leave guy just never knows what he's gonna get into trying to ease her up to speed got a nice fella in there he said if i make it eight miles he's got an old van that doesn't run very good i've been sitting there for many years i can scoop that up for an extra month maybe make it home on that i don't know i don't know we'll see what happens oh yeah there we go hi here [Music] it's getting worse as i drive it's not just a fuel issue compression issue valve train issue mechanical engine issue is there cheese in my beard that's doing fine [Music] we got a hill this thing just has no oil pressure otherwise i'd probably spend the time figuring out a different fuel system rebuilding the quadrajet oh no oh crang is pushing me that'll work like a rock if you don't have one then you need to that's a pretty decent looking fence actually a lot of people's travel gear grab another one grab it soon bring it back down here we go kind of like cruise control the good news is fuel mileage is going to increase tremendously in third gear [Music] okay we'll just keep going right [Music] this guy decided to dip into some gravel here this is more like it the problem is keller hasn't quite picked up speed from that stop sign back for you and it's just it's not happening oh we got a burst of energy get another push we're only like one tenth of the way through this trip [Music] wow pushing at 50 gets a little sketchy when the back end starts lifting the truck behind you maybe we just leave it in seconds huh oh she handles like a dream oh yeah it's like a dang ol slalom car [Music] it's an old uh farmstead here swinging in i thought i heard a buzzing noise feller picked the perfect spot to stop great i'm gonna snag the fill filter off of the quadrajet here i might also snag the line off the pump and blow backwards i wonder if that pickup screen is plugged this also has a switch later that does nothing as we found out maybe that's plugged up i don't know there's no way to know snag this off normally fuel just spills out and sizzles in here and then you have to question whether or not you got a fire putter outer and we got nothing so definitely a plugged line and it's about 98.3 positive that's going to be going back to the tank being we don't have an air compressor or nothing else or even another fuel tank wait i do have a jug but i think that's only got a couple gallons in it that might be the way to go huh that means i think so all right oh there it is right there bring it over this snag on it oh we lay it right here in the middle a little bit more that's good yeah set them up like that see that'll be nice level in here with some cushion we just dip toe to jacuzzi crank top this off for us now that's good and then uh got a service loop down here just in case maybe we put another tie in bring it in right here yeah that's a good idea but i think that's gonna work this twist on it see what happens got this all safetied up in here i don't know if it's falling out of the jug yet [Music] oh yeah well let's try her again i guess bring it around right through these bees that's fine you know if you just let them alone fellers they'll let you along i get asked so many times how could hornets go sting me you're just leaving me oh yeah oh yeah nope i mean it's 32 percent better but we still have the worn out engine zero oil pressure kind of thing going on oh for crying in the mud you know i think i'm gonna take the filter off right on the clutch quadrajet based on what i saw come out of the fuel line on the fuel pump make it happener is real bad that was not necessary it felt like it but anyway there's a chance that that might be plugged up now so let's just delete on that normally these are things that i check but we're just in such a hurry and uh this is you know could be bad could be bad yeah it's trashed that is completely plugged as well that primary screen i know you guys probably can't see in there just a bunch of rust so we'll clean this up we're on no filter since we know that this is semi-fresh fuel we'll plug her in again plan f subsection 49 r twelver is i'm just gonna bloop down a little clicky slack pump just over here on the battery we'll blow out the needle the whole way home and that way we can bypass the fuel pump happener that's now completely full of crap that the diaphragm doesn't even move sound like a plan yeah those bales are a little loose aren't they fine there now a guy and a guy can see through this so we'll snag this back on that'll probably do nothing and then we'll pull over and we're thinking about three approaches and put the clicky clacky in all right qriket stop that's doing the fuel stuff or at least it is now we got some stockage drive home attempt 47. yeah it's going good yeah we got no fuel pump it feels like it's pumping but it's not coming through well i guess we uh you know let's let's put in that clicky clacky and do some other stuff he got a brand new silo huh things escalated that's why we've got no accelerator pump metering rods are stuck needle is completely shot and has some sort of algae on the end of it we're just gonna basically rebuild this oh it's looking good it's coming right around i took the old flex a light straw just went ahead and everything i can i mean this is basically brand new now this gonna finish putting her back together and see what happens go ahead oh wait a second all right try it again hold on now she ain't wanting fire so we got a sparkle tester in here go ahead yeah we got lightning so severely flooded or not enough feel let's choose one well i think we're just going to go ahead and push start it that way or at least we're getting closer to that meatloaf kind of running yeah she was very flooded burning a bunch of crap out right now white smoke a lot of that brake plane when we were cleaning our carburetor a lot of the junk went right down the intake there we go i'm getting a little better pay attention to where i should be going we're basically going to take a bunch of gravel backroads [Applause] well i got absolutely nothing now pulling over again code turquoise moving on to the clicky clack ooh let's not touch these maybe we will you got a river basically just gonna unhook it from the manual pump jam snip flip poke the wires in maybe that'll be something probably not sun's going down and two and a half hours great changed our minds again 19th different fuel setup ran out of gas in the cab trying to get it running can't siphon it because i broke the hose that fits down into the tank so now we're back to running the fuel out of the tank that's bad but i put a filter in and then we clamped this one back up and we're going to try it again here massive leak at least you know we're getting fuel up there well i'm about to try to find some different kind of hose clamp because she's just shooting out oh yeah oh it's kind of running we figure we might make it up to that tree row give it a shot it does smell better in here though here we go we're actually making a pretty good time right now and we've passed that three rows i'll meet you right on about 50. the rank joins this thing is just completely chopped that's fine we're gonna at least try to get over the vertical hope it runs that far but we might just keep going i do know this for sure we are scratching going to the parts store although i hate running this on old oil and everything else she's just shot right now it's going to be a huge victory oh hope no one's coming oh it's gonna be a huge victory if we could just get back to the farm at this point so hammer down while we can oh yeah the best she's drawn yet side of the road carp build the back ass cruising [Music] we're headed down the section line right now try to avoid going on the highway and it's really soggy [Music] probably not the best way to find out if four-wheel drive works but it just might come down to that losing power come on girl oh [Music] running on like six again maybe less than that it's pretty bad this is what we were just driving through that whole time having fun uh sorry about the section line i thought that was the road so i think if we head down here and snag my memory serves me correct you know this is the turn to the old highway and then we just head over to towards blaisdell i think before a guy throws the old three string in on this block chevy i also go ahead and replace the oil pressure sensor first make sure that's not popping and i could probably take a peek at this gauge too i've got a couple 319.4 of those laying around one doesn't have a needle you know it's intermittently wrong around seven sometimes eight let's go home now sparkly lighters hiding hoses just might fix that probably not i think i've got about 20 miles left but we are now cruising i don't know if you're going to believe this or not i'm up to 50 52 liking it [Music] [Music] [Music] says nice thing about this line of grooves i was able to identify as i was getting rear-ended one cylinders are missing based on the exhaust manifold and that's the number five and number seven i also just saw a cadillac the build portfolio weeds up there huh swing by there tomorrow so i'm gonna inspect those wires first i can an almond mouth and we'll pull those plugs see what we got i think i'm about he had to push start me again we're only a couple miles off so he might have to do that again on this corner but we're gonna make it we're gonna figure it out smoking pretty good get push started again second gear there we go i'm gonna have to take the smarter a lot faster than i want to [Applause] [Music] well we didn't quite make it all the way under our own power but we're getting there and she did fire up for us we're getting off the closer a couple more hills i guess let's just shut it off here hey we made it was not pretty it took a little bit longer than expected but the best part is guy didn't dump a bunch of money into it just start replacing parts and stuff like that it just didn't have them but we got it here for pretty cheap battery couple things not a lot of fancy tools now i just got a save on her for a little bit she'll be back we're gonna have to do some sort of analyses and maybe a compression test see what's going on it's way down on power simple tune-up could fix some of this we got to figure out that oil pressure issue then maybe we can get into the 4wd and actually drive this thing around see what it's got thanks guys for watching appreciate it very much we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,560,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, Square body, chevrolet, chevy, revival, rescue, abandoned, forgotten, truck, barn, field, farm, find, drive it, will it run, start, will it
Id: JpWHzqprAFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 23sec (3743 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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