Updating & Saving My Original 1980 Chevrolet Silverado BIG10 | Part 1 - Vice Grip Garage EP65

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hey it's Derek with vice-grip barrage behind me sits this beautiful 1980 Chevrolet Silverado and I'm getting ready to refresh her from bumper to bumper before I send her down the old auction block and a guy got to thinking well maybe I should bring you fellas along for the ride so you can see what I look for and what I replace and fix to maximize my profit and I don't know maybe it'll help you out - that would be nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] well first thing I guys got to do is you know world tour you got to drink it up take it all in and I know you already did that because you bought the thing but the trick is you got to do it again under the eyes of the market or the guy or gal that's gonna buy the rig which typically means stuff done normally wouldn't bother you it's gonna have to and you're gonna have to address it if you want to make a profit so let's go for a walk and show you what I'm talking about Sears what we'll do I'll run you around the exterior we'll look at the interior and then I'll get you under the power barn and you guys could take your notes and I'll take mine and then we'll compare them see what we come up with and get a list of things to do and then we'll just knock them out and see what this thing turns out like this trucks originally from Michigan and then it spent the rest of its life here in Minnesota and for Minnesota this is a straight truck it's not perfect but it's up there they're a little harder to find but don't be discouraged if that's what you're looking for Dart carmine red is the color on it what you don't see a lot of actually and usually if you do the insert has some sort of paint scheme but not this guy it's a Big Ten model and don't confuse that with the medium tan and then she's got the Silverado package added to her let's jump in the interior and I'll kind of show you what we got going on there overall interior is in pretty good shape we don't have any digital's over here seats in good shape floor looks to be pretty good shape there's no rust in any of the floorboards unfortunately someone did cut a CD player in there while they're convenient they're not good for the Chevy puris that can be repaired but it is a little time consuming another thing down here is this trailer brake controller that's usually a ding as well for potential buyers because they assume it's been beaten on and transmissions done I kind of like it because it's period-correct so I'm going to leave it the odometer shows 23,000 miles and is it 1 23 or 23 wow it's hard to say I've got a pile of paperwork here all of the original documentation including the original warranty all the way down to the loan paperwork but unfortunately nothing that indicates mileage so what I usually look for is you know down here on the foot selectors go fast go slow pal usually that's worn down a lot and it's not on this one I mean it looks virtually new and then high mileage trucks this will be all gummy and wore down and it's not the same with the old bolt selector seat will tell you a lot this is blowing out you're definitely over a hundred this is in great shape same with the armrest especially on the old Chubby's high mileage ones that start splitting and peeling up this isn't and then the door the door shuts nice like this you've typically got a low mileage unit so I'm not saying she's you know a 23k truck but maybe I don't know run over here to the passenger side a little bit of the same flavor door opens really nice very clean belts are all in good shape I'll fire it up for a second and then we'll get under the hood there runs really good quiet muffler on it always starts so mechanically I'm gonna do nothing to be honest I think she's just fine under here we got your garden-variety 350 350 trans and she's got the 308 rears so you know she'll rot in 70 75 days got the long legs in her is what I'm saying which is nice for today thankfully she's not smog down that's bonus points guy always wants to look at that you can delete that stuff but man is that a nightmare there's already a couple things in here that I think I can do it it kind of spruce her up a little bit so I'll dig in here's the closer look at the middle there and she hasn't been touched I mean right from the factory reminder that GM changed their engine color there and stuck with the blue for a while before they got into the black a couple things that I'm seeing right off the bat is the fenders the firewall I'm gonna clean all that up the air cleaner is gonna come off all spritz that up with some flat black that'll just pop because that's obviously the first thing you look at and then this is just driving me nuts so put insulation that'll come down and we'll snip in some new hood insulation this is easy to do and it's really cheap and I think that's pretty much it we'll just kind of clean up what we can here and there and just you know let her sit like a time capsule don't need to overdo or under here well a guy grabbed his iPad here and made a list of stuff to try to accomplish I'll read this off and maybe some of ours match and then I'll walk around and hooker peepers on this a little bit closer and show you what I'm talking about paint the air cleaner course clean the inner fenders and firewall up put insulation that's wrong wheels I got to paint them and get them corrected buff the paint do some paint correction that's a big task but it's got to be done and you just wait it's gonna look really good just wait door panels I'm gonna replace those deep cleaning the whole interior out all the glass and chrome and stainless I got some really good spray Lee products for that add some floor mats I got some bed rail caps to put on here this old girl had a topper on it Chris stopped by a couple weeks ago and we took the topper off and honestly I like toppers I think they look pretty neat on some trucks but they just don't sell right I'm gonna paint the wing window frames and then also replace the front grille emblem here and that's my list I think it should look pretty snazzy and we can do that on a fairly small budget and it should shoot down that auction line just fine without breaking the bank and maybe I can make some money I got bills to pay here's a test spot on the paint and this is just with some Turtle Wax and hand polishing and I'm gonna run the machine probably over 90% of this and then I got to dig out the elbow grease to get around all the trim and now Blum's and things like that but I mean you can even see where finger prints are bringing out some better shine so we'll do that and then up here on the grill the Sam bloom she's down I mean it's it's had it today so we're gonna replace that kind of spendy but it's worth it I found the original door key hidden behind this push bumper I was contemplating taking these off but you know what I think I'm gonna leave them for two reasons I don't like them but you also don't see him a lot anymore because everyone does take them off so those will stay this is wrong it doesn't bother me but again the Chevy Pyrrhus this trim ring normally goes on Chevy wheels like this these steel wheels normally just had that poverty dish in the center and that was it and I'll show you over up against here this is kind of what it'll look like but new paint so we're gonna bust these wheels off sand all this down primer room and then we're gonna paint them with some lacquer this time so those will look sharper bedrails this had that topper and had it been clamped on I would just leave the paint because I think that shows nice on older trucks if you have good bed rails let them hang out there but this one was bolted through so I got to do some rust treatment here and then we'll cap it off with some stainless steel same with the tailgate that's these guys right here got some floor mats the kind of fish that these are the door panels we'll put in and to me that just kind of sticks out when you open this terior and it looks pretty decent but you can see the Sun fade so we'll replace this here get that taken care of vacuum all this out clean it up we're gonna use all that spray way product we can also use that same product to get all this stuff out of the doors clean this up really nice this is a rust free truck we want that to just Sparkle you know same with the door sills there so lots of guys to do list I'm gonna start like getting this up on jack stands and we'll snip these wheels and tires off yeah and let's get those painted and back on the truck and then we'll move on to something else yep sure close enough that's bitin onto something it's old girl is heavier than I thought she'd be now I know what a guy is thinking this is the easiest part just got a pop this chrome off and we're good to go but it's not I mean you got people using screwdrivers and Jack handles and cat's-paws and stop it you're rude enough you're bending all this stuff up and they don't make this anymore you got to use the right tool which is the trim puller mm I got this one at Walmart it's real nice and it works well just get it in here like that seeing it just eases it out of there and you don't bend it up or leave marks same with the cap nice and easy just like that hmm that worked nice get off of there cuz I'm loading them up here I'm hitting them with this gunk foamy engine degreaser by the time a guy gets the town that'll have worked its way in there I want to take them down to the old bubble spray wash you know and soak these down get all the mud and brake dust off of them and it'll be a little bit easier sand and on I'm getting them ready for paint back from the wash I cleaned up pretty good this is the part that's really not fun and you just got to get in here and dig start sanding this was the worst one so that's where I started and of course you got your hand sanded later I've got my toenail grinder I got my whirly whoo with my cheek poker on here and this is kind of the variety of tools that you need to get in here and work these wheels if you have a lot of patience some of these pits like this stuff here I worked a few of those out right here using the toenail grinder and then coming back over it and so probably I don't know 20 minutes a wheel great [Music] cut myself some remover in there yeah that one took right about 22 minutes 23 minutes hopefully the others aren't that bad but this is a pretty rotten wheel to be honest there's a lot of hits in there that you know she's just gonna have to be good enough and what we'll do next is we're gonna knock this puppy off the bead cuz I know you're thinking well how are we gonna paint that top rune and the robber I'll show you and yeah I know you know Sam laughs ah that's faster but guess what that costs money so we're just gonna use some elbow grease and keep going I'll wheel this one out of the lay in on to the next I'll catch up with you guys when I'm done with all of them now finally got all four done this one wasn't too bad the other ones were they needed some work after I got them done with the initial elbow grease and grinding and whatnot busted him off the bead and then I took the wheel weights and I'm moving into the inside and I did that by moving them to the inside and then I cleaned up where those were and I'm gonna leave the valve stems cuz well those are 30 cents apiece you know but honestly I'm out and it's two hours of town and back so I'll just tape them off right you're probably thinking this is an awful lot of dinking around why didn't the guy just powder coat him well where I'm from it's 50 to 70 bucks a wheel and then you got a dismount and mount the tire again and Yatta Yatta if I was doing a full restoration you know guy would do that but we're not we're just refurbish so time to get these things masked off and payment so you're probably sitting there thinking Derek you got three tires and trash bags here but that's how I take my wheels off you know you don't have to diagram wickel engineer paper some sort of other stuff this works pretty slick I'm gonna show you how to do it been doing this a long time just got a trash bag you know one of those flexi units this is a hefty force to flex ground and just lay them over the wheel you're squared up on here you know you want it pretty centered up just like that find the center which is about right there grab on door just about like hey and then on GM steel wheels you want to go from about here to the edge of the wheel here to hear some other wheels you'll have to figure it out you might have to burn off a couple bags you know until you get there but I'm gonna come in here just hold that snip her off and basically you end up something like that you guys fold it up paper and made snowflakes I know you're following along then all I guys got to do is just get her in here you know because you already busted this beat off slip her around the wheel like this and you can either stop here cuz you're pretty well covered like that or you want the extra you know protection grab that top layer and just you know work it around get it around here and just go slow you don't want to rip the bag off and just like that there you go you got one tire mast off now you can really big that paint and here you know around his lips and whatnot you don't got paper towers and all that stuff what kind of an animal is that thing something was wings anyway I'm gonna clean these up and then we're finally gonna start painting these things oh goodness to clean these up nice before primer I'm going to use the spray away glass cleaner I'm gonna use this stuff for I think going on 15 years honestly it's literally the only stuff I use this really really cleans well and it dries super fast so you're not going to sit around waiting for it to dry you know I just hit these up like this and I'll come around just wipe them down and then we're ready for primer just hit these with bright clean and I'm already coming up with tons of stuff [Music] [Music] for paint I'm gonna go with a lacquer this time I just got a white rust-oleum I think it was from Home Depot or something like that and in my opinion lacquer you know it's a little bit tougher of a paint yeah and it's not gonna fade as bad as a basic enamel with the Sun shooting down on it outside and it also has a really really shiny finish much better than a now the downside is she's a little bit trickier to paint if you try to jam thus in there like you do enamel you're gonna have some bad rocks I mean I'm talking we're some Mexican food night you got to take her easy and you're gonna have six seven maybe even eight I don't know very light coats just smiston them in there but when she's done man is it gonna look good [Music] [Music] guy went ahead and let these cook overnight you know so they can handle them and whatnot they look you know they're okay we don't want them to be perfect all because otherwise it'd look a little weird on the truck so this'll be just fine we'll pull these bags off get the beads aback on them and then clean them up and mount them on the truck I don't know if you can hear that but my neighbors been riding wheelies on his four-wheeler for about 40 minutes and I'm I like it it's good anyway let's pull these off there you go no overspray on the tire whatsoever simple easy well what did I used aircraft tape I don't understand this help me understand why this is sticky like this there we go turns out it's just painters tape okay where do you want the pressure on these huh 35 okay get on there thank you appreciate it that one's gonna go you don't want to get to period away when you get them off the beat or level sit too long because then you just got a fight hitting them back on the bead but you could just throw some fire-maker on the wheel and lighter off at the torch and I'll come right back around that way to something like that I guess I could agrees these a little bit but that's okay I went on the line and interweb dup another set of hubcaps I got one it's odd it's just one is shocked must have had her pointed towards the Sun there's supposed to be new old stock but you know how that goes you just don't know so I'm gonna wait until I get the other four then I'll dig through I guess there'd be seven good ones and a guy I'll pick out the ones I like and then I'll you know bang them on at that time plan good got to make sure to just use your back here you know yeah normally a guy would why are we all this down and you know some black or something but she's got the factory stickers on there and everything still and I think I'm just gonna leave it alone now that the wheels are back on it already looks twenty three point seven six four percent better now's a great time to shining up the tires you know cuz they're dangling there and a guy can work all the way around them you know got a fight to get on the bottom half you've been there you know what I'm talking about I'm going to use the all-new spray a tire shine high gloss see how this stuff works sure something like that gotta yeah directions just say shake spray let her sit up for five minutes she's got a hefty spray honor I like that well that tire gloss is cooking I'm gonna pop this new emblem in the grill here some of this here is a little bit faded on a guy so I got her out I'm just gonna you know touch her up a little bit because you can't see it just slightly through the grille this bowtie is a certified GM product and you can see how that's gonna make that you know front end just stick right up in your face nice piece the spray away tire shine is looking good yeah that emblem looks a lot better it just does this stuff really had its work cut out for it these tires are 18 years old the date code on it is 3302 it's that's the 33rd week 2002 so I mean they're dry and it did really good plus smells like cherries well I think well the guys got the back end up in his teeth here it's easier to sand this bumper down and payment so miles will go ahead and do that just gonna get the DA out I think and and I got some silver just generic rattle can and we're gonna do it the same color because this was a option you know the colored step bumper okay here we go I mean this is probably good enough we don't need it perfect I just need this to turn out more gooder so I'm just going to finish cleaning this down and then quick primer throw some paint on it call it good yeah I'm sure this is why you always hang on to these coupons they're good paint keeper Downers you know eleven percent off get in there get all the way back in there yep nailed it I'm back again got a dangled hair in it whatever guys got the door rolled up now I've got a fan out here like I do in the back room and well for a minute there I thought I was a tow truck driver in Pennsylvania anyway got some resto liam enamel here she's a eggshell stainless steel she's got just a touch of flake and I think this should look pretty close to the factory color sure boy this stuff comes out right now kind of hard to just missed her in there they're gonna let that set up a little bit then I'll come back and make her eat one more heavy coat and she's done well there we go gonna let her sit and cook and then I'll pull the tape off mask off this again then shoot this down here with that flat black and that'll look fine little tricky spray in that diamond tread but you'll get there you just got a angler around well the door panels are ordered for this show it up and surprise their junk and hubcap later still aren't here so I think we're gonna shut this episode down for now and we'll swing back through with a part two we did get a lot done though I mean it looks already a ton better part two we'll tackle the engine bay we got the interior to finish and the door panels and cleaning it we've got the bed caps and then the big job buffing this thing out and that will drop or down on the ground and scooter outside and let the Sun hit it and see how it looks I think it's going to turn out surprisingly pretty good and I don't have much of anything as far as money into it right now so if you're not subscribed be sure to do that hit the notification bell so you don't miss it I appreciate all you guys watching very very much we'll see you soon where did I put my soda pop I always lose this soda come here where are you at [Music]
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,033,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heavy half, motortrend, roadkill, revival, rescue, car restorations, truck restorations, restoration, big10, chevy, chevrolet, silverado, cheyenne, truck, trucks, lifted, lowered, diesel, original, vintage, classic, hotrod, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, will it start, will it run, 4x4, truck restoration, cars, painting wheels, how to paint wheels, f100, f250, f-250, how to, painting rims, car restoration, NOS, GMC, GM, high boy
Id: s3CUF2PViTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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