Forcing Idiots To Risk Their Lives For Money

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today we're arming sausages so we can sacrifice them to this cat the more sausages we have the more damage we can do to the cat eventually it's defeated and we get rewarded for it and then we move on to a hedgehog the faster we kill things the more money we get the more money we get the more we can upgrade our Factory to better arm our sausages the cat is the boss so we have a certain amount of time before we're able to actually defeat it looks like our Factory did something when we hit enough levels so our sausages should be stronger than ever we defeated the boss and I can actually scroll down and buy a new Factory for only a thousand dollars so that means we can also send Robin Hood sausages to the front line so if we supercharge our factories we'll send them to the top where they'll hopefully defeat the monsters in time this is the stage boss already and we're absolutely destroying it here's another boss in where it is during that one as well there's so many things to click on I don't know which one of my sausages to prioritize we do have ten thousand dollars so we could probably just upgrade everything we have unlocked the skill Robo King so that means we can summon a robot sausage to absolutely destroy the boss maybe also this boss too this one's putting up a little more of a fight there's also a sausage very floating by but to be sure we have some adequate Firepower going towards the bus we're putting everything forward our big robots more than up to the task though the mustache Man is dead so let's spend fifteen thousand dollars upgrading our things as much as we can might have got a little overboard uh upgrading the robin hoods but they're gonna be very strong because of it that quickly brought us up to level five where we got more gems so here's the next stage pass we can tap on a little bit for extra damage or we can uh absolutely destroy it okay we might have over upgraded our idiots already there's wave 7 there is wave 8. here's another bus let's see how they do against this one this one puts up a little bit more resistance but still not much we absolutely swarm it with our things and it got sausage we have seventeen thousand dollars so let's upgrade the original sausages the upgrades are now getting into thousands of dollars but the whole Factory gets an upgrade so that you give them a little more damage and also make them a little bit quicker where they can absolutely destroy the next boss my click damage is also all the way up to 131 260 on the crit looks like we're making pretty good money every time we kill something 600 for a regular are idiot I'm not sure about a boss we'll find out as soon as they're done go my little sausages go I forgot to count but there is level six and that might open us a new Factory at the very least it did get us a free loot box we love free loot boxes Thief SNS it's a rare sausage I don't entirely know what it is but I like it okay so there's a manage button in each of the factories we can choose exactly that we can give them the thief's weapon now so they have 225 attack Factory power attack speed everything's going up we can enhance it eventually with the right stuff for now I'm just gonna upgrade the sausages themselves they'll be a little bit stronger for it some of them go up with like chickens on their heads I assume that's a rare spot and it's probably a little bit stronger but I'll just leave them to their thing up top just indiscriminately murdering people while also trying to remember to supercharge the factories themselves we're also going to upgrade the uh Robin hoods and we're absolutely this draining stage bus is still we're on 22 already oh we got a glowing sausage he's gonna charge right in there and do lots of damage he destroyed that thing I just like all the pretty colors in this I thought it would take me a little while to save a hundred thousand dollars but it looks like we're actually gonna do it fairly quickly provided we destroy this blue cat which I think we're going to that by itself will give me six thousand dollars the enemies are definitely getting stronger we're destroying them for now but they're not disappearing in an instant so we need a new Factory blade master and our sausage Master upgrade started only one thousand dollars and that means we have an entire next Factory to send up okay we're already upgrading it these ones already turbocharged I think they're all going to be turboed for three minutes just automatically so now we'll really be destroying the bosses okay this is perfect here's the next boss and he's already gone by the time he was announced he's dead and we made another hundred thousand dollars while we've been waiting so we're gonna spend a hundred thousand dollars on the robin hoods and we're now going to enchant things because we can so if we take this enchant Stone and drag it in here we're going to get some kind of weapon for whoever we want okay we'll try giving her an enchant Stone and then we're gonna roll into some kind of weapon level one bow that actually gives 100 attack power so that's huge so we're gonna try that again but we're really gonna combine things as much as we can it would be nice if I had more room here because I'm already kind of running out of room to move amplestone 16 and chat we're going to drop that under blade Master since he's the newest guy and that's going to give us burglar bandana we're going to redraw kazoo on a weapon Nimble knife I'll take it that brought another up to level four so we're at 160 attack power four percent Factory power and while we were doing that we made five hundred thousand dollars so we are definitely gonna spend that on the new blade Master guys all of it five hundred thousand dollars all into them they're gonna be absolutely destructive and I already forgot about sausage bot 1000 again we'll bring him into the fight too might as well get him some a chance to stretch his legs and I leveled up again I think I'm more in chantstone area so I can merge things better uh here's the next boss I'm pretty sure my robot just punched him into nothingness okay so we have more room for these if I could merge them properly it's the simplest thing in the world yet I fail at it see this is why I run in I need more space but we're just gonna fill this in there for now and we're gonna enchant our regular guy oh and it landed on her rare so that's going to be really good lots of points into that that took it up level 4 by 600 900 damage that added 675 percent so let's see if we can do that again oh so close I redrawed a few times just because I wanted to land here because I realized this is going to make a really big difference there's an extra 225 attack power and Factory power so that's gonna help and what we're doing now we made another six hundred thousand dollars so you better believe wow that was a cool loot guy uh all that money is going into the original sausages oh and there's level 10 more enchant stones and all sorts of other things but that also unlocked a new Factory we just need a hundred million dollars to get it oh we finally got an extra space to combine things that's gonna actually be huge because now we can combine two AVS into a stronger Stone uh we got a little ways to go before we get to the bottom of this combination thing but for now we're gonna go ahead and throw this on uh maybe her because whatever it lands on it's gonna help she has a basic bow that's perfectly fine look at all the upgrades we're gonna get for that all the way up to level six plus two hundred percent attack and while we were doing that we made 1.69 million dollars in the background and they keep filling up this box really quickly so I need to continually come back and try and apply these to things every time I come out of a menu I made another million dollars now we're fighting a giant tigerberry that looks like Garfield and with reaching Sage 75 we got 10 diamonds which means we can open a 300 gem chest what could possibly go wrong with this please be something amazing we got Cupid's bow a unique three star so we're gonna go ahead and equip this because this is going to be a massive upgrade especially when I once again play the combining game and hopefully apply this to her new weapon that's not what we wanted we're gonna have to go ahead and re-roll that and then we got it this should add a little bit of Firepower it brought it up plus five levels added 1350 damage and lots of factory power so she's now doing I think 7.279 C damage which is way way higher than where they started the blade Master is probably still doing more because of his upgrades but if we upgrade her now she's way behind on actually the upgrades we've got 30 two million dollars I don't really know where that came from but now she's up to 36 C damage well her upgrades are costing 200 000 each so let's bring everyone up to at least a hundred thousand to make it fair and I feel like that's gonna help that part is up to level 11 and we're up to uh wave 55 and we're still going strong like this is a stage bus we're not absolutely destroying them but we're comfortably beating him gonna go from 31 million 560 000 to 31 million 915 000. so we made about three hundred and forty thousand dollars if I remember those numbers the important thing is you're making hundreds of thousands of dollars every time we kill something and this is with our factories on slow speed and then we have another one of our gems so let's go back to her hopefully we'll land on that because she's got the weapon we want to upgrade because it's the best one we got perfect it was level whatever we just took it two levels that gave next to 540 damage for an extra 540 of the funds she's up to 300 520c damage so as long as she's getting out there and raining the arrows down I feel like we're gonna win we're up to 40 million in dollars now so we needed to repeat the level 100 bus to get a new skill where now we get an equipment box so that's going to be fine hopefully we get something amazing out of that and also whatever that one is okay three weapon coins that can't hurt at all and out of that we're gonna get something hopefully amazing Gladiator helmet rare so our sausage gets a helmet so from a boring iron helmet to a much better helmet that gives it much more Health much more defense and less courage courage is overrated anyway he'll be fine I think we're literally blocking his eyes he was an eyed sausage it was his one actual useful redeeming quality and we took it away from him that is pretty funny at the same time though so we're gonna keep saving up for our 100 million dollar upgrade the enemies are actually starting to uh keep up with my damage output so we're gonna have to fix that shortly but we did hit Level 12 so that's also going to help and we still need more damage so we're gonna try very hard to keep enchanting her these are getting harder and harder to level up but each one makes a big difference and this is such a good bow we can't not do it okay we're at the stage boss now we are defeating him but not by a huge amount this is just the boss of stage 67 so 100 is going to be a little ways away you need to keep unleashing my Robo sausage as well you can do that every 30 seconds so I'd be stupid not to okay what the level 68 boss and thanks to Robo sausage we are absolutely destroying him we're actually losing the fight against a level 69 bus so we brought Robo sausage back in looks like he's tipping the favorite for us I'm also gonna help with some clicking everything we kill is giving us so much money now the level 70 Boss is even harder we were suddenly losing this fight so we brought in Robo sausage now we're sure to defeat the molotlor and there's a hundred million dollars we need especially after killing this treasure Panda thing all right well there's 120 million dollars we overshot what we needed by 18 but now we get the witch who costs a million dollars to upgrade but she does 1.3 D damage so we're probably gonna buy a few of those because that's got to be huge you know what can we get her all the way there we go that's what I wanted so we have witch sausages and with the remaining six million dollars we're gonna upgrade the Robin Hood ones because they've got the best weapon so far but now we're we're attacking with four different types of heroes instead of three so that's got to be a huge increase to our damage but we'll find out right now against the boss we may not know we don't need Robo sausage not even close that extra damage is huge and so is the money there's another 13 million dollars we're gonna spend it on the original sausage and then they're gonna go to work on the uh boss the mustache boss we're absolutely destroying him this is 73 and then we take 560 million dollars and spend it largely on the blade Blaster okay uh we accidentally spent it basically all on the blade master so upgrades for him now cost 60 million dollars each so we'll spend 44 million on our uh which sausages I should also pay attention now closer to leveling up because that would probably be wise but everyone's upgrades now cost Millions if not tens of millions of dollars okay we're also really backlogged on all this stuff so we definitely need to enchant whatever we can okay we're gonna upgrade this helmet because that is gonna add uh presumably damage uh that actually gave me a lot more health and health is important the longer they live far obviously the better or something probably then we're gonna try him again we're obviously not going to upgrade down but he's not wearing and the game will eventually be nice to us and give us the one we need eventually it just basically hands it to you there's another two levels a lot more health and these guys are going to be my sacrificial sausages some of the robin hoods have fallen behind on the upgrades a little bit so we're going to spend 60 million dollars upgrading them they're up there 60 damage which actually isn't anywhere near the blade Masters or the witches but they probably have different spawn rates and health because the rabbit notes come out quickly so seeing as these guys actually do so much damage maybe I should be upgrading to more than I am uh we don't want to upgrade their health maybe we do that's fine upgrades is really cheap early on see there's four uh three easy extra levels and a lot of extra health for them and we made 350 million dollars in the background so let's upgrade the blade Masters actually they've already got a lot we're gonna upgrade the witch because they'll do lots of damage 60 90. I can feel like every time I say that I summon your mom then all the money's gonna go into the original sausages otherwise known as the swashbucklers even there up to 3.7 D damage this is the level 80 boss and he's just about dead that's probably gonna give me a lot of that was a huge amount of money that was 45 million dollars just for killing a boar and because we completed level 80 we get 50 gems and because the foot is over 300 we're definitely going to draw the rare chest to hopefully get something absolutely astoundingly amazing legendary maiming hook I think that's for our original sausage but I'm all for it nope that was for my uh blade Masters my assassin sausages so they're gonna go from a one star basic to a four-star legendary so their damages went up by a huge way and we're gonna continue to upgrade them from there I've made almost a billion dollars in the background so I'm gonna also going to straight up upgrade them and then we're gonna try and further enchant him more specifically his maiming hooks I feel every time we level this up it's going to be there's an extra thousand percent damage so let's do that again that bodies up another three levels for another one thousand percent damage so don't push them all the way up into e they're 3.5 e damage and we have over a billion dollars which is uh characterized by C so they're doing 3.5 trillion damage and we're gonna upgrade them so they're 3.7 trillion damage that also brought us to level 14 so we get everything you see before you at some point we should probably also upgrade the witch to just a little bit of an update we'll probably give her a colossal amount of damage she has a basic weapon but we just give her five of extra levels for 600 extra damage so that's gonna help I mean probably 600 damage sounds pretty good the next heroes in Factory cost 500 C so I think 500 trillion dollars but we'll get there we got 5c now we're about to defeat the 93 bus so that's gonna take us to five and a quarter C so 250 I think billion dollars every time we kill a boss we can also take a little vacation and that's gonna make our heroes stronger so that's going to increase a gold gained by 100 okay a whole bunch because I can touch this a bunch of times and then I increase the attack of all heroes by several hundred percent oh that actually prestiged me though so we had to go all the way back to the beginning for a second but I've got 60 million dollars to start so that's gonna be okay because for 60 million dollars I can go like that and there we go we spent a bunch of money there we're gonna do the same there until that starts to turn then we're gonna spend money here till that starts to go and we'll be destroying the waves for a second well we're gonna one shot everything all the way back up to like level 100. well we're making our way back towards level 100 I'm going to continue upgrading their weapons we've also unlocked more of these so we can combine into an even better gem now so let's apply that super gem to the maiming hook that did bring it up a full level to level 10 350 damage we're gonna do the same uh but not for the okay for the witch's hat didn't mean to click on that but there's seven extra levels lots of health I don't know what I did but I get a free Superior box this is going to give us a rare butcher ax but since I have a lot of jumps left over we're gonna open the box again for hopefully something even better a rare with chat and maybe there's one more time because we can afford it this one's gonna be a unique Gladiator helmet I've got to protect my little sausages somehow I think those are probably both pretty similar they're both wear uh so I'm gonna stick to the one that's upgraded so while we're here let's see if we can upgrade those rare helmets okay so even if we had uh like a rare hat on top of the uh base level upgrade it all combines together anyway so it can be upgrading everything and it's still gonna work out long term anyways while we were messing around in the background with menus we're back to level 90 we have 145 uh trillion dollars and we got the money for the new type of hero ax King they start out doing 4.4 e damage which is absolutely insane and we made it to wave 100 we're gonna get this stuff out of our face to see if we can defeat the level 100 boss looks like we can but we're gonna bring in uh Robo sausage anyway to defeat the giant uh Golem thing super Golem with 29 trillion HP and he's dead that should be worth a lot of money though now we're fighting all sorts of different creatures in the jungle and we get a new skill for completing 100. it's a healing spell so we're not going to use that because I don't care about keeping my idiots alive we are going to start to enchant my new Barbarian guys though because I feel like with a few small upgrades you're gonna get obscenely strong like that gave an extra seven levels for an extra 600 damage and they were up to 1.2 D money so I'm gonna put all I can into the ax King totally level them up and that's gonna put them up to big big damage yep now they're up to 1.81 F which means that even on uh wave 110 that was the boss I thought that was a regular because of how quickly we killed him guesses you should probably upgrade some of my heroes though because I think it's probably going to be pretty cheap compared to the amount of income we have plus it's darker they get the faster we make money anyway so there is level 200 uh basic sausages we're gonna open a basic chest hoping for something good for our Barbarian there's a steel hammer for our Barbarian so that's actually really good so that's going to take him from 1.83 f 2 3 F and that's before we click on some upgrades to put them comfortably over three and if we put the booster back on 6.1 F which is more F's than I thought we would have today it's weighed 122 and we're absolutely destroying them even a stage boss like before I can even see it it's dead so let's put our 3D disc straight up into the barbarians again he's so close to hitting level 50. so we'll help him along there he's 27 F damage and that's pretty good because here is the boss of wave 125 we can even bring Robo sausage in and he's actually not disappearing in an instant but pretty close so we're gonna leave these morons here creating themselves and destroying bosses for the next hundred years and welcome back and be even richer ha ha ha ha ha ha [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 349,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pdB67K5HUnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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