I Built Hilariously Bad Traps To Trick My Friends

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this is my friend and this is a cardboard box held up by a stick see I asked you to help me trap my friends in Minecraft using the most ridiculous trap ideas you could think of kmo guy wants a bowl of cookies with a robot arm that Bonks you on the head okay that is a banger pun intended so what are we going to need to make this work well to start we need a bowl that we're going to put cookies in I guess and then we're going to need to design a robot arm that blon you on the head that's going to be challenging something like this should work but I actually have an idea we can take this even further let's see if this works I should be able to use this command to summon a cookie bowl but you'll notice there are no cookies inside and that's what this cookie in my inventory is for so if I throw this on the ground oh oh oh that y well that [Applause] uh there well now we have a cookie in the bowl oh hello oh [Music] jeez this is so dumb but I think maybe if we put it on top of a table it'll look a little bit more normal coding something like this in Minecraft is a bit out of my range so I asked my super talented developer friend mimik to help me with this video that looks a lot better you know what don't mind if I do I will happily take a cookie this is crazy to look at oh my God okay if you actually take more than one cookie something else will happen a piston arm will come out and knock you really far away oh my God this is so fun but I have a a very special interaction when you steal a third cookie because at that point you really didn't learn your lesson so something pretty drastic happens that is a flint and steel what could H oh I am on fire this is actually wild the this is just oh what's it doing oh there's no way it picks up the cookies when you die and puts them back in the bowl oh my god let's go cookie cleanup but hopefully that'll teach you guys not to steal my cookies oh here you go got to put them back in the bow but now we need a place to actually set the Trap welcome to my trap house not like that I've got to give a shout out to Kaizen 87 who I support on patreon for their amazing builds this is the perfect house to trick my friends with oh and thank you to my patrons for supporting my videos these videos aren't cheap to make so it really helps a lot I'm going to use this house to trick my friends I've just got to find a place to set each trap and I think for our cookie bowl the kitchen is probably the best place so let's set the Trap our cookie bowl is in place and let's give it some cookies and load it up oh here we go this is going to be so insane I wonder who's going to fall for it well whoever it is this is what it's going to look like oh don't mind if I do let me just grab a cookie what's that bow this is so dumb Burn Me Alive oh this is so cursed and it's only going to get worse the Ace of Spades just said to add a giant mouse trap you know Tom and Jerry style something a little bit like this and I'm going to use an item frame to lure in players with fantastic items that they so wish for now the beauty in this is the animations I just wanted to snap on the player okay it's perfect help I've been caught in my own trap this is so crazy you guys have some crazy ideas right now this is a mouse trap it works yep if I it has a different time oh oh I think did it right oh that jumped I jumped I thought it broke it didn't break okay so this works this works and if we find an item in the inventory we should be able to put this onto the actual item frame plate oh well there we go and we made it so that you can run through it and there's a chance that it won't snap cuz you know you got to keep people on edge you don't know when it's going to oh God I actually just jumped oh my God it just looks ridiculous this looks ridiculous oh my God okay the only downside of this trap is that we do actually have to reset it every time it's activated but that's okay I think it's kind of funny to see who falls for the Trap and you know maybe we shouldn't let them actually be able to escape I think it's really funny if we have to come let them out because this this looks ridiculous oh and I love the fact that they don't even get the item when it's activated that's hilarious if there's anywhere in Minecraft that needs a mous trap it's definitely a m shaft I mean just imagine you're exploring the M shaft and hey a diamond oh Bonk I am trapped this is my final resting place I have I have become a rat okay so now we need to find a place to put our mouse trap or should I say mouse traps where do you typically put a mouse trap definitely in the corners and around the sofa sure why not ah it's so hard to set the Trap okay there's one mouse trap maybe we put one under the stairs that could be good ow okay honestly I think just putting them everywhere is probably our best bet I I I it literally killed me that's that's a problem you know those pet Sky mice like to run under the piano we better put one here set nice what about right inside of the bathroom door I think that would be the perfect place for a mouse trap that way they can't see it oh I'm going to go to the bathroom and they're caught in a mouse trap wait hang on oh bam I I have a feeling this is going to be the one that's going to get everybody oh I love it so much let me just hop over it maybe we put one over here as well okay so now we have one on both sides of the stairs we should be good now we need a bunch of valuable items to lure them in let's start with the diamond Perfect all right the Trap has been set let's move on to the next one Jacko Tac fry said to add a fist that punches out of a chest when you open it this is perfect because I need a way to protect my chest from snoopers because what happens when one of our friends goes upstairs and starts snooping through all of my precious jewels so let's replace every chest with one that punches and why stop there okay I love this idea we're going to need to place a chest here though and then if we type this command we can change this chest looks pretty normal to me but if we open it and look inside hello what's in there oh god oh oh I nearly died wow that was effective honestly the fact that we don't have this in Minecraft is kind of wild to me this feels perfect for the game now every time you open it there's a different waiting time and you never know when that fist is going to come out and punch you oh here we go but it doesn't actually stop there because why not also add a Shuler with a spring oh see this is just perfect let's go beat me up Scotty woo let's get a better angle of this shall we I don't know if this will work but let's try it send them flying oh oh I can't even see him anymore oh my God where did the pig go oh there he is oh no oh well that's what's going to happen to my friends okay you know the drill we have to find a place to put a bunch of trap chest the strategy here is to condition them make them believe that the chests are real and the only way to do that is by actually filling these with valuable items we have to make them believe that if they Snoop around they're going to find special items that will help them during their stay at my humble abode so we need to place chests like this around the first floor like right here that way they feel good about finding the loot and they want to keep looking around but when they do they'll fall for the I I cannot I cannot believe I just fell for that hopefully that way they'll fall for the trap okay this feels like a great place to put the first trap considering we've got a long hallway so let's run our magic command hello who's in there wa what we got oh I love that oh that's so perfect okay here's another one does this one work hello oh per oh that's perfect okay now we need a place to put our Sher box and obviously it needs to be outside maybe we can make it look like a random trash can like right here that way they can properly get launched up because inside they're just going to hit the ceiling but at least this way they actually they go higher than the entire house that is crazy you know it's kind of confusing because the goal is to hide the chest so that they technically don't snoop through them but we want them to find the chest so that they fall for the Trap you know what as long as somebody gets punched I'll be happy at the end of the day that's really all that matters so I guess we just need to place a bunch of those chests in every bedroom we can find I wonder if there's a way I could punch them into the Fire come on come on come on come on please work please work let's go I can punch them in the fireplace oh that's perfect all right well I think that's about as good as it's going to get so the third trap has been set this is Noob and they suggested the iconic cardboard box held up by a stick trap okay honestly it's beautiful this is all I ever wanted it's just a giant box and a giant stick and that's how it activates so we have an animation but what happens if you're inside the box I have an idea oh my okay this this is honestly so silly I can't believe I okay I really don't know what this looks like yet yeah yeah yeah oh I'm dying I'm dying how do I get out where am I right what is going on why am I at y level zero what what this the cardboard box of Doom well either way we know it works and this is what it would look like you know it's definitely not obvious anyone would fall for that right oh hey a diamond don't mind and I'm try okay but I actually have an idea for how we can make this so much better okay I have a command that allows me to set a position for the cardboard trap and there's a very special reason for that oh that is so weird so as of right now now we're caught in a loop oh that is so bizarre that is the weirdest thing ever but let me explain so this is a cardboard helmet and this is a cardboard sword when you fall into the cardboard trap you get teleported to a cardboard Universe where you have to battle cardboard man yep behold I am cardboard man I'm ready to go boxing so for this trap to work not only do we need to find a place to put our cardboard box on a stick we also need to create the cardboard Dimension so I want this place to be a maze of cardboard boxes so that the victim is confused little did they know they're being hunted by cardboard boxman who's secretly a pro Minecraft PVP player may as well trick them with a couple of Trapped punching chests too all we need now is a pro PVP player to be our cardboard man now we just need to find a place to put the cardboard box trap hm I feel like maybe someone's going to fall for the Sher box here so if we just have it out in the open that might be our best bet okay well that that is a cardboard box on a stick so does it work no okay this is perfect this is honestly scary this is the perfect trap I love it and I might go ahead and place a couple more around the property but for now this trap has been set let's move on jro was here said when you're chopping a tree the leaves try to attack you you know I'm really happy you said that jro because up until this point all of these traps have been pretty obvious so let's talk about why our guests are at my house anyways my lawn is overgrown and I need their help so let's plant a bunch of trees little did they know these trees are going to attack them and it is going to be deadly okay we need to do this in a test world because I have a bad feeling about this I have it set right now to have a 50% chance of dropping leaves that attack you I don't really know what to call them but I know that we have have to chop down this tree and hopefully I'll survive at the end of it let's see if I did this right oh I'm in peaceful mode I think that might do it oh oh oh look at them oh they're all fall wait oh no oh wait this is actually not good okay wait wait wait wait oh no oh no oh no okay this this isn't good H creative mode creative mode oh it's so laggy oh no oh no okay there's a recruiter that actually goes down and chops other trees to add more to the leaf Army oh no I think I've broken the world this is a nfy video now I'm breaking Minecraft with your dumb ideas they keep spawning they keep spawning oh no every time wait wait wait wait okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay oh they keep spawning so as you can see some of them are holding axes those actually go and chop down other trees to recruit more leaves for their army this is chaotic but it doesn't stop there but first I need to get rid of all of the oh my God that is how that is how many trees those leaves just chopped down that is actually crazy oh and it keeps going so I made a mob well I guess it's a block this is an oak log and if you mine it this happens yeah okay so let's grow a new tree and let's go ahead and use some bone meal there we go looking good perfect tree right there so if I use this command I should be able to set a barking log um oh no if I oh okay so if I break the block it spawns a bark oh oh no uhoh oh I'm going to I died okay well we didn't even get to see it oh there it is there's The Barking log well this is my life now just being absolutely decimated by an oak log talk about a splinter am I right well based on everything we just saw I'm a little reluctant to make this work in our trap house because if this goes wrong I might lose the world okay a backup has been made let's give this a shot shall we we know this is going to spawn a barking log which you know at the very least it's a way to scare them they'll run away it'll be fun but they'll think that's all come on please please ah I'm on the roof they're going to attack me too which is the problem okay he's dead he's dead oh it's already started oh it's going too fast oh no I'm running I'm running I'm running get on the roof get on the roof but they can't get me on the roof so this is what our army looks like so far it seems like it's a lot slower which is good this seems like a much safer ratio we're not going to lose the world this way oh they're blending into the garden look at that oh no okay it's happening now it's happening now it's getting too laggy oh there's too many of them oh no guys oh that is oh that is unfortunate right there that is just unfortunate there are over 1,000 entities in front of me right now oh my God minions tonight we still the moon well it's safe to say that is an absolute trap if I've ever seen one this is going to be chaotic but last but not least we have perhaps our biggest challenge yet and there it is from Scully Bud the infamous fake tunnel trap from the most iconic cartoon traps in history I've got just one word for you pal immersive portals that's two words I'm sorry the goal is to trick my friends into running into a fake tunnel that's not actually there and we added a new item that should help us achieve that this is a tunnel Placer fancy and using this I can place a fake tunnel I just have to build one first so this is a trap that requires a little bit of building beforehand so we're going to need a couple of blocks I feel like in every cartoon that does a fake tunnel they always lead to a fake rope so I figure why not build that well how's it look pretty believable right yeah know but we're actually not done using the tunnel painter we need a shift right click and that should in theory save our tunnel now we just need somewhere to build it I'm thinking let's just put a giant terracotta wall right here okay well it is certainly something and if we right click that places our tunnel but we're not done we actually need to blend it into the other side it's hardly noticeable but this is only really one step of the equation there's only one more thing that we need in order to sell this hey hey narie can you do me a favor and run full steam ahead towards this tunnel you got it it's give a shot here we go here what I'm stuck to it okay okay okay okay I think it's crazy cuz man man I got to tell you the tunnel works I don't know you know it works hold on hold on a minute hold on hey you're so far away so how' you yeah don't definitely don't look over here at the fake tunnel all right narie go for it full St ahead okay you got it wait my cap oh you cap your cape is still running oh it's so weird you've been cut in half that's so good well thanks to narie we know that it works but we've got one small problem where are we going to put it I don't think we can really put it inside because the effect just really isn't the same so we could put it around the back but there's really nowhere to put a tunnel that is unless we build a giant cliff and put the tunnel right outside well we know what we have to do I'm going to use Axiom to build a giant fake cliff and put my tunnel there and hey maybe they'll be so mad at me for trapping them that they'll chase me through the tunnel only to smack against the wall but that said I think the Trap has been set so it's time to send out the invitation dearest individual I humbly request your acquaintance at the system Z Mana [Applause] hey man welcome to my humble abode guys it means so much that you'd come over here to help me with my lawn of course wait with your lawn I love mowing lawns are we getting paid check it out check it out you've really let this place go huh I have I have but hey hey hey hey we'll get to it we'll get to it before we do that you know I what I need you guys to help me with today is just you know taking care of my lawn chopping some trees the grass is overgrown but let's get settled in first come on guys make yourself at home all right sounds good man there better be milking cookies we got to go we got to go find an Axe and lumbering tools you know we can't chop a tree with our fist that doesn't make sense follow me you guys wanted snacks right snack axes all the time Christ kind a another one okay there we go it immediately went for too okay oh oh this is actually kind of sick oh my God guys I'm sorry oh I'm sorry I forgot oh careful guys oh well um oh no bar it guys guys guys guys come on get out oh no what just happened oh my God jeez funy I've got a bit of a rat problem I forgot I forgot guys watch out the Nar yeah they're big rats they're you sure it's mere rat it is it is like it is a rat jokes on you guys I got the cookie guys come on there's got to be an axe around here somewhere for us right there's right somebody call the police don't beat me you're beating me come on funy I'll save you I'll save me you cck let me go you miserable man I got to get you out of here I got to get you out here we're I'm sorry you know guys I'm I'm real sorry about all this look ferret's arms are broken I'm real sorry about this guys hey he just wants a hug man now I promise look somewhere around here I put an axe it's in one of the chests but they're usually upstairs so let's just I'll check out upstairs follow me yeah let's we got to go find an axxe oh hey an emerald not I'm sorry I I'm sorry guys watch the what happened here who's this okay I W put you in the Trap I'll put you there wait wait wait there there there NY there there that chest try that chest that might be good yeah yeah yeah I got you yeah yeah is there an a find it open oh my God wait wait wait wait I want fruit punch there's nothing in here punch oh hey look a chest how cool what wait don't look oh and then there you go maybe it's in this chest maybe it's in this chest hang on is it in there oh my god let's go outside I think I may have thrown the axe away I'll be honest I think I may have thrown the axe away why are we using an axe to mow your lawn we got to chop down the trees hey a pickaxe okay is this a trash can yeah look at you got to open it that way there he goes uhoh oh he almost landed in the water I love see you lat where did he go did he take wait did he take the trash can with him I don't know he did see I didn't know you do box FS oh well free My Boy free my boy Fen oh he's gone what the hell am I uh what did you do with them hey hey narie hey look the samon hey look a Shon get the look at the idiot what do you think funy want to get the salmon well I mean I'm not gonna fall for a salmon it needs to be a better treat than that salmon item welcome to the Box rooms oh welcome to the Box rooms oh who is this guy how long have you been down here what is that sword oh my gosh it's a box the boxman what is this how do we get out how do we get out how do we get out where fly you Falls funy run what is this rest in peace guys rest in peace he's the boxman and we're in the Box rooms oh my God You'll Never Take Me Alive oh God ow hey how'd it go I've seen some things man what have you seen in there what was in the cardboard you I have no idea he was kind of cute hey I'm Z cookie how do you live in this house oh guys I had the axx the entire time Jesus you had the ax the entire time oh my god look guys it's simple let's just punch the trees okay we don't that all right I specialize in punching trees good thing I picked up some diamonds in your house there it's enough for me to make a diamond sword come here come here system Z what are these what's going on what are what are I won my mommy I oh my gosh I live here there so many guys the Army fun guys we got to we got to get to the house there's only one Escape follow me follow me guys run guys come on we got to get out of here oh my God the LA is too much we got to go to the totally real tunnel the here why is the box here the real tunnel go go secret tunnel believe it's a fake tunnel how did he get there ow what is it look he made it through you guys are just doing it wrong all you got to do is this look back away I'll show you how to do it I'll show you how to do it's so easy to run might be dead out of the way here we go watch guys it's easy come on man all right z c
Channel: SystemZee
Views: 376,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: d_XvSNKthIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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