Decent Firepower

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let's find out if it's possible to fire 1 million arrows per second that's going to mean a lot of attack speed upgrades we start out at 1.8 every second our first upgrade is going to get us 2.25 per second which represents roughly a 20% attack speed increase and that might keep stacking on top of itself that just get faster and faster and faster so even a basic upgrade is going to give me from 2.25 to 2.55 so we're already going way up and while we're at it let's have some more we're almost at 3 per second now so in we have almost a 50% increase already we've gone up like three levels there are going to be times when we get things like piercing shots which is a legendary upgrade since there's no attack speed we'll take that and Mr hook hands has arrived our we're shooting very quickly so we're able to hurt him but we should get a few damage upgrades at some point because as uh weak as he is I don't want him to get his hooks on me and it would feel better if we could actually oneshot morons there's no attack speed here so we're going to take more damage that's going to take some 50 to 65 so that's actually a big one and then we're just going to fire into the crowd hoping to H as many many morons as possible okay since we have a pretty basic attack speed upgrade we're going to take a damage one for now just to get a little bit more so we're at 80 we went from 50 to 80 damage that's going to carry us two for now look at the difference we can also add some damage this way for each current health get bigger deal 10% damage or move 5% slower so we're going to be slower but we're going to deal a lot more damage we're up to 120 but we're going to have so much attack speed it's not going to matter and look at all the coins on the ground now we're going back to attack speed andless we don't have any options so we'll just take this your critical damage is 100% more okay we're not getting any any good options there so we're going to roll and we got a little bit more attack speed I'll take it we're up to 3.15 per second at 120 damage we're now fighting a potato he's dead so we're going to take Swift bullets each of your projectiles moves between 30 and 70% faster so they're going to fire out of there like a rocket and get to the Target faster and kill them quicker so the damage and everything is good enough that I can just sit here and we're killing enemies way out on the peripherals which means I have to slowly walk around and pick that stuff up uh okay we're going to take a little bit more attack speed it's a shame we're not getting higher quality upgrades there but what whatever must heard me we're getting a slightly better one 3.9 per second and it definitely is feeling a lot more machine gun-like already so if we pick this up now from 3.9 to 4.2 so that added. 3 per second so I am writing how it works the more attack speed we have is going to Simply add like 20% of that so if we're firing 100 arrows per second that's going to turn up to 120 arrows per second 1,000 turns into 1,200 so the bigger that number gets the bigger the upgrades get and that's really good news cuz it's been a little while since I broken something at least we're getting consistent uh speed upgrades that added another. 3 per second which means we're going to fight this guy who's almost as quick as we are so we need to be careful about our movement speed I do have the dash which I probably should utilize more but I am kind of stupid your projectile slow down any enemies they touch by 70% for 1 second that's going to be good against bosses and mini bosses since I'm very slow I'll hit them then they won't be able to catch up to me I wish I could roll these so we're going to go ahead and take a little bit more damage for now 120 to 135 which is enough to murder all these Cowboys very easily okay here's two legendary upgrades gain much more damage no we want gain much more attack speed from 4.8 to 5.8 that added an extra Arrow per second I just realized I think we're the Bad Guys the our Bounty is going up probably because we're murdering everyone in the old west we're like we're this wandering around the desert murdering everyone they're getting mad and coming for us so we just murder more of them I'm also going to increase my crit Chance by 7% that'll take us some 5 to 12% so it goes some 1 and 20 to 1 in 15 at the right we fire arrows will get some crits off gain a lot more attack speed from 5.8 to 6.4 that's a good one too 6 and half arrows every second I'm pretty sure at this point we can hold still we got to dodge projectiles or try to but it makes it kind of easy when you're firing as many arrows as long as you're hitting the things that can fire projectiles at you it's kind of laughable so far again a little bit more attack speed that added. 3 by itself so that feels good the ratios might slow down after a while at first they were scaling with me they might have stopped scaling we'll keep an eye on that as we go perfect just what I'm looking for shoot four times faster but deal three times less damage 27 arrows per second all already and we're still doing 45 damage so if we get more attack speed now we're going from 26.8 to 28.6 it does still scale with me we just added almost two arrows per second on a weak upgrade so we will get some crits out of that uh we do need to add a little bit more damage on but damage is super easy to put back on I think I basically created a minigun with a bow and arrow somehow I'm going to raise my maximum health by two this will slow me down but that will add damage that added uh six damage we are getting big uh therefore also slow so I really need to be careful of that I might need to add some movement speed at point I'm just going to hope and pray that our damage keeps us safe we got a boss coming in already so we're going to take more attack speed from 28.6 to 29.8 that at 1.2 arrows per second so let's see uh yeah he's over there so we'll go ahead and shoot him with all of our arrows his health is dropping yeah we need more damage but the attack speed is perfectly fine we just need to be careful not to get too close to any of them cuz it's hard to dodge when you're this slow oh yeah we slow him down too that's what the down arrows are every time we hit them they're down by 75% movement speed so they're basically mobilized I'm actually going to put a little bit of damage on so we go from 51 to 57 I think our damage upgrades have been a little bit uh neutered as well but that's okay that's still a pretty big increase that was over a 10% increase I think basic damage increases are 15% so we just had 15% so the bigger the number the bigger the upgrade oh turns out that thing died I was doing math in my head so I wasn't paying attention every 30 shots your next shot is slow huge deals three times more damage and cannot be stopped well we fire almost 30 per second so once per second we're getting a big bullet like that it apparently can't be stopped so I'm not really sure where it's going I think we can follow them along and stack them if we felt so inclined but for now it's funny just to let them go they're probably going around plowing through people's houses and into cities and just keep going and murdering everyone more attack speed 31 per second so we're firing over one big bullet per second now we also need multi-shot and ricocheting arrows then we're really firing a lot uh there's a special guy he might have actually dodged the big bullet he didn't dodge that one o we're definitely going to take this you have plus 5% crit chance for each ready to use stack of dashes uh I haven't really been dashing a lot that would have been a ironically prime example of when to use a dash but we're going to get an extra 15% crit chance out of that cuz I have three dashes and that's just going to add on a lot of damage speak of damage I'm going to take a damage upgrade cuz we got a blue one now we went from 57 to 65 here comes another special guy and we slow him down that actually works really good cuz then we can just sit still like that and be lazy they can't get close to us cuz they have to walk through our bullets to get here your projectiles bounce two more times projectiles that bounce do so in the opposite direction so we should get one pierce and then a bounce so the arrows are going to go into the crowds of people and bounce around and it's going to get very chaotic more attack speed 33 per second I remember I was excited when we hit 3 per second now we're at 11 times that and all of our bouncy arrows this is going to be so good and if we manage to get something that's chance on hit effect that will also be good cuz we hit so many things very very uncolored upgrade so we'll just take a little bit of attack speed which is still very very good ex like the game knows what I'm trying to do and this doesn't really want me to do it any faster than I have to so we're getting getting a little bit more attack speed that's still add at 1.2 per second that's still bananas uh there's a guy throwing bombs everywhere he runs very quickly but we slow him down by 70% so he's mostly just walking in giant bullets permanently augments your damage by 20% your projectiles at 30% slower we already had a booster to make them quicker so that just added a lot of damage without really hurting anything plus we don't already have a projectile anymore we have a laser I'm going to turn my crit chance up just a little bit more so it's at uh 19 at its base we're going to add 15% with our Dash Stacks so it'll be one and three shots as a crit generally at least we'll add more Dash and more Health to get more damage out of things for now we're not struggling okay we're going to actually put a lot more damage on a purple upgrade I just can't take that over a gray upgrade right now that took us from 78 to 92 so that's going to help I don't know what I just touched but it hurt probably a red ball there's a man throwing red balls at me okay I just walked into another big red ball because I'm stupid the small ones I can see the big ones for some reason I ignore okay we're going to kill the mouse with the backpack back as well exactly what I was just thinking permanently raises your attack speed by 40% but half your shots are less precise yeah that's fine so up to 50 arrows per second I mean they're not as precise but they do bounce when they finally hit something and they pierce and stuff and there'll be so many enemies soon anyway we'll always have something to shoot we're already into the blue coin so that's nice easy experience for us more attack speed that put us over 50 we're up to 52 arrows per second now they're almost firing out maybe it's just the accuracy thing but they're firing out almost side by side at this point they're coming out so fast the red ball firing morons are kind of annoying cuz I constantly have to move and I'm not really here to think I'm just here to press upgrade look at how many big bullets we're firing we're getting almost two of those per second now so we may be able to spray those out in all directions especially if we get multi-shot there's a Sheriff coming I think he's going to regret this Choice uh hello have I seen you before I don't know if I remember this okay well he's charging at me we're slowing him down by 70% so he just kind of looks like an idiot more attack speed we're up to 53 and a half arrows per second which is a lot of damage for uh whatever this thing is he just kind of buries his head in the ground and walks toward me very slowly it's not a very effective strategy well surprisingly he's dead Okay this will be good too deal your raw damage as area of effect each time your projectile inflicts a Critical Strike maximum three explosions per projectile but we have a lot of projectiles and we have a 1 in three crit chance so there's going to be a lot of explosions so that's going to be good against the hordes of enemies and the green coins are starting to show up the sound is already broken it just gives a few kind of spray Downs of arrows but not continually you can't keep up with this many there's also a in tentacle creature uh I would prefer it if that didn't get too close to me but we'll see what happens I think I also see a zombie with a katana uh I don't think he's going to be able to get overly close to us he managed to get a little ways in luckily we do still slow him I'm probably just going to take this to GE gain four rolls for upgrade choices that way we can be sure to get some good ones they're going to get harder and harder to get the stronger we get and here's our roll choices since they're all gray I think we can do better uh well these aren't um what we're going to do again there we go we got a blue one that took us up to 56 six arrows per second eventually the game will understand what we're trying to do and maybe it'll help me out there's another uh special guy with a health bar we'll fire some big bullets into him we avoiding some orbs and he's dead this is a good one you also shoot behind you so we just doubled our Arrow output our per second stayed the same but we're just firing in multiple directions so that's a lot of big bullets going out and regular arrows too so we're actually firing 112 arrows per second in this particular moment and given that our arrows Pierce and bounce that's going to help us out you get one more choice for each upgrade and object selection yes that's is going to help me pick more speed upgrades that would would have been much better to find at the beginning but we weren't so lucky whatever the case we got some fast uh shooting though and it's only going to get faster I'm already at the point where I can basically just hold still and nothing can really get to Me projectiles Maybe can but they're pretty rare like there's one but I just take a step upwards and we're good ooh a Sasquatch or something thereabouts okay we're going to let him run toward us with his big Axe and murder him oh I didn't see these other guys I were so caught up in the Sasquatch Golem uh we're going to attract all our Collectibles from further away that's just going to save me having to walk and look at that it's already paying dividends your shots Pierce to one more enemy yeah we're going to take that now we have two times piercing so we get two pierces and then two bounces right now that's not that important but when we get hards of enemies it's going to help to get that deep penetration well at this point we are doing over 10,000 damage per second so that's pretty impressive but we're going to see how much worse we can make it I guess that's not factoring in critical hits or big bullets so it's probably way over 10,000 gain a lot more attack speed yes I think I will that added three arrows per second plus the firing so it was really six arrows per second this game's just starting to feel like a math test really these are an attack speed give me something better h a legendary damage upgrade will maybe work we're going from 92 to 112 we're also being attacked by the devil luckily we're firing a lot of arrows at him so the devil dies in a hurry always Target deputies gradually increase your damage and attack speed until it dies or is off screen so if one shows up that's just going to make his attack even quicker and do more damage so we're not going to struggle with bosses anymore not that we ever did we're just not going to struggle with bosses per period And I actually completely forgot about our critical hit explosions already uh we're probably doing a lot of those we're just they're hard to see cuz they're not huge explosions right now we're doing some damage for over a th000 now I see some big purple thousand readouts I think from our big bullets gain a little bit of attack speed yes that still adds like two arrows per second that's insane okay here comes the sheriff let's see how he likes the massive DPS we're doing oh it's this guy I have a horse too okay we're very slow so we got to watch out for his AOE aside from that we can just uh kind of go like that and he's too slow We slow him down so he doesn't make it to us oh he's also dying very quickly okay so we just kind of casually walk around and yeah he's super dead oh wait let's take a step this way and got him oh yeah I forgot about this part so he's now off he will rest in peace yeah we'll see about that okay don't touch the orbs right don't touch the orbs I had some trouble not touching the orbs I was even saying it out loud as I was doing it I don't know what's wrong with me we definitely got a lot of damage going his way the orbs are going to go back to him soon but he will also be dead fairly soon I think at this point we get a little closer cuz the orbs are going to try and get to him we just got to dodge them on the way in which isn't that hard we got to stay nice and close we get all those arrows through him it's also a dangerous spot to sit cuz he does have AOE damage I didn't realize he also fires bullets at me while doing this not having a lot of movement speed is actually kind of hurting me here in a big way cuz this is just sort of annoying and like uh okay we are starting to panic a little bit can I have some health back okay I think he's back to doing easy things yeah as long as he's firing the orbs and me we feel okay even his little sprays do so much damage I just take a step and fire a bunch of arrows now he just rotates them so we can just launch all these arrows into them uh-oh oh the game had a big hicup there okay health is really dropping quickly I'm pretty sure we can just tank through the rest of this uh yeah got him I honestly thought that would go a lot quicker he's tougher than I thought okay we're going to take an invincible minion that uh moves slower than us but picks up stuff for us and also runs into people our our movement speed is not likely to go up so we might as well someone else picking up our treasure for us we got the moles that throw Dynamite at us now but that's fine uh one of them apparently hit me there okay we're going to roll these into there we go there's some better options we're just going to raise AOE by 40% cuz I haven't upgraded that once yet maybe I have actually whatever the case that's going to make our explosions a little bigger cuz there should be a lot of explosions going out there okay here comes another double so now our attack speed and damage is going to go up so long as he's on screen we're also going to focus him and him only so our arrows are not going to go to the enemies nearby so that's going to get kind of dangerous but the damage will go up a lot when one of your dash slots is ready create a burst it hases 100 damage 100% damage in area around you but that also adds a dash which means it add 5% crit chance when it's full so when it is full we now get a 39% crit chance plus more attack speed we're up to 64 per second and of course because we fire on both sides actually double that so we're at 128 arrows per second plus the big bullets okay the problems happen when this the bosses come in and my arrows Focus him and not the important guys we are going to take more damage at this point to go from 130 something to well 155 currently uh we need to kill the mini bosses very quickly deals damage in an area around you before you dash we gain one dash in there for another 5% crit chance the enemies are starting to get a little more intense they're able to get actually quite close to us now which I'm surprised with I thought this attacks would be absolutely melting everything for a long time okay let's get a little bit more damage then 122 to 129 every little bit is certainly going to help at the amount we're firing arrows too every bit of damage is huge DPS increase and I am glad I'm firing behind us at this point that way when the deputies whatever show up or at least firing arrows behind us but uh yeah it's going to get rough when the deputies show up I kind of wish I just had more straight up bouncing arrows but we did manage to kill the deputy finally so we're going to have an onion or now that deals 25% damage to the idiots around me that's going to help to uh keep me a little bit safer cuz at least if they get close they will start taking damage and hopefully mostly die before they do physically touch me which leads us to more attack speed 66.0 per second and then we got to double that so 132 per second but I'm going to have to start moving more because uh yeah as soon as the deputies show up we start focusing on them and not the enemies that are actually going to hurt us so yeah that's trouble especially when our movement speed is really really really slow so we need to push the deputies off the screen so we can get back to killing regular morons and this isn't even going to work okay so we got to use some Dash to uh get around we got to find some old Hearts laying on the ground we got to do something here cuz this isn't going to work who would have thought that stacki attack speed like this was actually not going to be hugely overpowered well we got up to 132 arrows per second so that's nothing to complain [Music] about
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 545,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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