A Car Designed To Make You Sick

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I loved watching a dignified intellectual Englishman attempting to communicate with two Neanderthals

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Daimon_Bok 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey yeah so we forgot to buy some but we found some and we're not gonna go into detail we're borrowing them though advanced lending I like to call it oh I wouldn't really nothing go anymore we did not try to go past the mud because I guarantee I get stuck in that yeah yeah yeah rain three days ago has made this impossible why don't the mud I'm making were mad with Tom Scott we had to scrap our original plan that's a long story that we're not allowed to tell today we're gonna try to drive a car with real-life lag we bought some blackout curtains from Walmart did a couple of tests back at the house now we're like a week later yeah to do it for real on the road in the middle of nowhere so that we don't kill anyone except ourselves here's the vomit bucket try your best to not use it the goal is to try to simulate a delayed driving experience and figure out at what point your brain like freaks out and separates what it wants to do with what it's seeing we want to set up an obstacle to avoid and then we'll test how you actually react to it with different delays on the camera is that a tiny bit of like like fraction of a second where your brains trying to integrate it okay and fails that I think that's gonna be awful this car is literally meant for this we're gonna hook the inverter up to power the monitor and laptop and charge whatever other stuff we're gonna use shove that yeah that's a lot of sparks hit the power switch on a power inverter it has a switch one of us went to school for electrical engineering in it it wasn't me was a you John you're not an electrical engineer by any chance no monitors B I'm wondering what the pros would have done probably the same thing because we are price professional idiot this looks like a really really crappy car that like all the windows have been busted out of and they're just like the inside of the car has been blocked from light so you can't see out as the driver you can see behind you but I feel some sort of real vision is a good thing but cool sees to the right-hand side of the first okay passengers job is partly just make sure the computers working but mostly to yell stop if you are heading for somewhere that's properly unsafe stop stop stop stop stop right Michael are you ready ready is a relative term yeah yeah that actually it's more than that Michael on a quarter second three two one go all the pioneers need to drive these four miles how do we I don't think [Music] [Music] No I get it wrong damn it just get through the finish line I don't how knows you saw you not that nauseated I think I feel like I'm at the point where you can use logic to do it I've never driven this car before yeah so wish me luck on your marks get set go that's the strategy is going to be bad cuz enough turn oh yeah you know what do you points for touching the cones but not running them over Oh okay this is stop again I'm in the future okay so I'm over here so I'm in the future hard right there nope actually that was in front of the cone top I would move if I were you I can't wait for you to do this I cannot wait [Music] how many did you have last time I added two we're gonna add two seconds to your lag nail then we'll join a bit second delay three two one go oh no oh no oh no oh no okay okay oh my lord is this more no sir I I don't know I actually like you are constantly overcorrecting she's really interesting [Music] let's call did not complete I did it thank you thank you thank you thank you it's a pleasure it was a pleasure where's the champagne top it's my turn now that's it's an awful experience on your marks get set go well the molle to just be able to treat this is a logic puzzle and my brain will be smart enough to do this so how did that get there Tom you know you're going too far yeah but your brain just takes think you have no feedback like you don't know how to properly yeah it's almost like you're completely delirious you probably better off just trying to like gauge it with your eyes closed yeah that was fun I kind of feel bad for my car if you want to see it more professional produce more entertaining better polish video test you know go check that out and thanks to Michael and you everybody knows who my close to my god why
Channel: William Osman
Views: 3,161,127
Rating: 4.9576836 out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, michael reeves, tom scott, motion sickness, real life lag, driving with lag, third person, 3rd person, mythbusters, science, stem, steam, diy, diwhy, maker, experiment
Id: 7ZK_fnS62Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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