FOOD TREND Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass It On S1 E6 | SORTEDfood

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Cooked before what?? I don't understand the headline.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/robmillerforward 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
- [Narrator] Hey, welcome to Sorted. (upbeat music) We're a bunch of mates in London, looking for the exceptional thinking food that will make our - and your lives that little bit better. In amongst culture we live among each other (group laughter) Some of us are chefs. The rest of us, well, we're normal. But, every video we make always starts with a suggestion from you guys. ♪I take the cake, I'm gooey in the middle ♪ ♪ Baby let me bake ♪ (club bass music) - Hello, this is Jamie, and I'm Ben. - Today, we're passing it on again, and you already know the title of this video, so you probably already know if we've passed or failed. (fun quirky music) - Are we glad to be here? Let's go theme first. - Janice, can we have a theme, please? - [Janice] Today's theme is food trend. You must work together to create a dish celebrating or inventing the latest culinary trend. - OK. - OK, right, that's cool, we can do that. - [Janice] Our community has suggested that you go in age order, youngest to eldest. - (laughs) Chef's first! - No, that's not gonna work! - That is terrible. - Oh no, no, no, no. - [Janice] One at a time, the boys have 10 minutes to cook and add to a final dish. The remaining team will have no idea what's happening behind them until it is their turn. - Oozy cheese is a trend. Oozy cheese is a trend that just keeps on going. Charcoal, I like, and this, I can tell it is pizza dough. Let's go for it. I'm gonna mix the charcoal into the dough and see how that goes, because that's trendy. Please work. Please work. Oh, I'm going to have to get my hands dirty. Ideally, this would be done while you're making the dough. I'm getting less and less sure about this right now. If I do this, surely they're going to know what to do. Its not going well. Oh my god, look at me. They're definitely going to know what I've used. I'm gonna put a tiny bit of Olive oil in. It could go horribly wrong or it could go really well. They're gonna absolutely destroy me for this. Oh my. (sighs) I'm stressing. Stressing, you've got me stressing. Just trying to get all the liquid out amongst there. I just want them to know, I'm thinking like, even if I don't get too much process done. So Ben can do the sauce. The cheese will be grated. By the time the guys get there and honestly, how badly can you mess up Pizza? I know that you're not supposed to like rollout pizza but this is. You know its time pressure. Oh (beep) Pan on the hole. Little bit of olive oil there. (buzzer) Oh, did I do a good job? I'll give myself a six out of ten because I'm really unsure if the idea's gonna go through. Please do a good job Ben. (upbeat music) (buzzer) - Okay A charcoal pizza dough. Is all we've got so. And tomato sauce cause he's left this here. Obviously an ingredient in pizza. He's got the cheese, mozzarella and cheddar. Some steak going on. If I make it slightly spicy, which is why he's left the chilis here I guess. Okay fusion is also trend. So I'm gonna try and combine two things. Think like the cronut. Croissant and doughnut. I'm gonna combine pizza with curry. Curry with pizza. Cuzza. We're gonna make a cuzza. So a quick tomato sauce. I'm gonna get some garlic in a second. I'm going to get some curry powder. And I'm gonna slightly spice it in our tomato sauce. Cook out the spices, the garlic, the chili, the curry powder, early on. Turn it up. Curry powder, tumeric, anything that goes on a pizza should cook really quickly. James has left the steak out here but I'm actually gonna mix it up. Cause what I want is some chicken. But I'm just gonna very gently poach in this liquid. So we get this really bright color through. Tumeric, yellow color. Going on against the charcoal black. I would hope that this tomato sauce is something that's blended. I'm also gonna start but do nothing with it, and see what happens, if I put some seeds on the heat. Some mustard seeds, some fenugreek seeds, black onion seeds, widow seeds. And that can be scattered over our pizza so you get the crunch as well as the richness of this tomato. (pan clattering) Curry plus pizza. Timeup, UGH! (buzzer) I contributed, I added some themes. Seven out of ten? (playful mischievous music) (buzzer) Hey. What is that? That is a black dough of some sort. There seems to be a... Oh my god. What is going on? Okay that's a tomato-ey Indian tomato sauce. That is poaching chicken. Seeds, cracking away. That'll come to the heat soon. Nothing in the oven. It's a curry pizza. Its literally written in front of me. I did not notice that there. Sauce is, oh god I've got idea. I've never done it before. But let's see how it goes. I always put egg on a pizza, every time. I have to. But how do you make an egg trendy? Cloud eggs. (loud clap) Never made it before. How wrong can you get it? That's fine, leave it! It's fine, don't look at that. I'll make it for you, just in case I screw it up. (laughing) they're gonna hate me. I know they're gonna hate me. I have only high hopes that this stuff that I've started. (laughter) Green or blue? Green, green's gonna go best in it. Tartar in there. The plane of trending food is about experimentation. Have I gone too bold? I have no idea what I'm doing! I'm just making up as I go along. I hope they look in the oven straight away cause that's only gonna need a few minutes. I've done my bit. I've tried to make something new and trendy. I'm not sure if I've done it or not. I would give myself (buzzer) a five out of ten. I have no idea if that went well or not. Cause all I've done is cloud eggs. (mischievous music) - Oh my heart rate is just going right up. Okay curry and pizza. What is this? And oh! Check the oven. I didn't. Oh what is that? There's some sort of crusty thing with an egg in the middle, in the oven. This dough's got a hole in it. Who ever rolled out, can't have been a chef. Oh that's like a vegetable-ey curried thing. Seeds. This is chef-y isn't it? Barry's... Barry. I don't know what I'm doing. Where do you go with this? I can't make the pizza now. Because that's gotta be Jamie. What is that? And where does it go? Apart from out the window? Lets put these over there. And hopefully Jamie won't see them. I've spent half my time just looking at stuff dumbfounded. Cause I don't know what to do. What if I put all the stuff on there and roll it. It's more like a wrap but its in a pizza dough. Will that cook? Who knows? Why is there a hole in it? It's just gonna go through. It's not even circular. So, if I were to roll that, and then cut it. We did a video a while ago where we made, like a pull apart pizza. Where we chopped it and then put it in a- I wonder whether we can do that. Okay this is gonna be insane. It's gonna make or break it. That's the cheese. (gags) What is that? (off screen laughter) What? Who the - That's Barry. I know that's Barry. That's Barry. I spent so much time faffing. And now spaff is gonna have to not faff. Oh I really hope J gets this. I don't think he's going to. And I don't think I've done enough of these. (breaks knife) NO buffmorts buffmorts buffmorts. Right, uh chicken, chicken, chicken. This is delicious. So lets - I don't know how to do this. So we're just gonna put a bit of chicken on each bit. So what I'm thinking and I hope and I don't know how Jamie's gonna decipher this. But I think he's gotta fold these over. In fact I'm just gonna do it. I'm gonna demonstrate one for him. (laughing) NO. I've left him so much to do. So much to decipher, and he's not gonna be able to do it. I've ruined the whole challenge, it is all my fault. Apart from the cloud egg. (buzzer) (laughing) This goes, this'll go there, and then the pizza will go around the outside. A two. I deserve a two. I feel terrible. I've just um. (laughter) Oh no. - I'm so sorry. (buzzer) Curry pizza. What is going on here? (upbeat music) I don't have anything. What is going on? What the actual F is going on? What's this? (laughing) (gagging and coughing) The (beep) is That? I might just start again. I'm honestly lost. The only thing I can think is just put them in the oven and get them out in seven minutes and 20 seconds. I'm stating this now, I am not taking the blame for this, this time. We'll heat this up. Butter going in that pan. And I'm gonna fry those ones. Are these the curry pizzas? I need to know who's fault this is. Surely they're not all (beep) up this much. Roll some of this out. I don't know can we cook it like a charcoal flatbread? Is charcoal flatbread a thing? It's not just me is it? Okay (laughing) Right, I need a slate. That's the only thing you put trendy (beep) on isn't it? So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna wait for that clock to tick down. Soon as it gets to about 30 seconds left to go, I'm gonna remove whatever I've put into the oven from the oven, and I'm going to put them on there. I'm gonna sprinkle the seeds on at the last minute. It's what I'm gonna do. Action. What the hell have I? Alright. Oh lets be honest guys, its not like that's gonna make the difference. I won't do that then. (buzzer) I can only imagine this has gone wrong. Split straight down the middle of that. The fault has to lie over here. Surely. He's all about the cloud eggs isn't he? Its got to be him. There is no one poncy enough to do cloud eggs other than Barry. I'm just hiding behind the camera for a little bit. Pretend I'm not here. - Three, two, one. (laughing) What? - That's not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. - It could be worse. - No it couldn't. That is not. - What happened? - Absolutely no idea. I got no idea what that is. So heres what I think I've served you. Either, mini curry pizzas. Charcoal pizzas. Or charcoal curry tacos. - Food trends are probably not my forte. Or your forte. - I would agree. Just track back a little bit, you did just make the dough. - I didn't make the dough. The dough was ready made. (laughing) - Color is everything, we know that. In social trend, so charcoal one. I also did some tumeric poached chicken. So tumeric, and curry spices, sorted chicken - That's what that was. - Cause I didn't think the buffet was. We've left them, with pizza base. - Get it in the oven. - Its gonna take 10 minutes. - And then Jamie doesn't have to do anything so he can't mess up. Like, that sounds like a good plan. - Shall we come on to Barry. What did you do? - Hmm? - Have we got one? Is it round the corner? (laughing) - You're gonna bring it in. - What's that? - Your confusion didn't even make the take? - What's going on? - I refused to serve this. - I just wanna say I came into the kitchen and I found this in the oven. - No, did you take it out straight away? - Yeah. - It needed another few more minutes. - No it didn't. (laughing) - I'm not sure that would have helped. - It needed a swift kick in the (beep). (laughing) - Is that an attempt at either cauliflower something or other, or a cloud egg? (laughing) - That is a man that went into a food trend challenge saying whatever the hell is going on in the kitchen, I'm making a cloud egg. - I dare you to taste it. Wait wait wait, what did you rate yourself out of 10? (laughter) NO. - If that works, that's genius. So I gave myself a five. For that way- - Oh. - But I'm happy to go back and go, I don't think I made the scoreboard. (laughter) - This is reveal (laughing) - Is this mine? This is what I left Jamie. But in all fairness, I did leave him a lot of decisions to make. - One from being this. Or did you attempt to cook it? - Well - Oh no. - I walked into the kitchen to find, what can only be described as devastation. And so there. (group laughter) - It was a demonstration of what you needed to continue. (laughter) He just took that and put it in the oven. - James' dough, Mike's shapes, my tomato sauce, my chicken, my seeds, your chives, and presentation, three small plates. - I made a laugh didn't we? (laughter) - Can we try it? - Oh yeah. Lets eat it. - Even more sharing. A sharing pattern that we share again. - Cheers - In our last pass on, it didn't look great but it tasted phenomenal. - Well we'll see. - [All] Cheers. - It tastes alright. - Quite nice. - Its an Indian bread taco. - I think the flavor is. - The bits that you guys did is great. - If you bring the cloud eggs up, cause Bazz should probably eat those. - That's a very good point. - We don't like food wasted. - Well that's another trend. Zero waste. - Here you go mate. So you literally did this to yourself. There's gonna be an ooze. (laughter) - Now that could be, because it's perfectly cooked. Or its still raw. - It looks like a hen laid an egg in a cow pat. (laughter) - Now eat that. - Ooooh. - Still gonna keep your five out of ten right? (laughter) (clapping) - Comment down below as always. Did any of us do any good today? - Have you got any ideas for themes of pass it ons that we might actually be good at? Then tell us those as well? - Too many cooks, spoil the broth. One thing we absolutely can nail though is dad joke of the week. - What do you get when you cross an English lesson with alcohol? - Pass - How tequila mocking bird. (laughter) - You know I actually never read that in school. - No but I have drunk tequila. Badly. - As we mentioned, sorted is just run by a group of friends. So if you like what we're doing then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks and we hope to see you again in a few days. Sparrow. We'll come to that in a minute, but first comment down below with your thoughts. - What? Jack? - Well I don't know. They won't get confused. They might hang on, to see what sparrow's all about. - Right - They might not.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,652,767
Rating: 4.9672112 out of 5
Keywords: pass it on, pass it on sortedfood, food trends, sortedfood food trend, food challenge, chefs food challenge, cooking challenge, cooking fail, sorted food, cooking battle, chef vs normal, chef cooking fail, biggest cooking fail, worst recipe, sortedfood recipe fail, funniest cooking fail, funny cooking fail, cloud egg, charcoal pizza, fushion food, fushion food fail, worst recipe ever, food trends 2018, recipe video fail sortedfood, recipe relay challenge
Id: W3XQm0dYADc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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