CHEF is “REMOTE CONTROLLED” by a NORMAL!! | Cloud Egg Recipe Challenge

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(upbeat instrumental music) - [Narrator] We are Sorted. A group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food. From cooking battles, to gadget reviews - Ben... it's not worth it! (metal clanking) - [Narrator] And cookbook challenges, to a mid-week meal packs app. - [English Man] Ah, great. - [Narrator] We uncover the tools that'll help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community where everything we do starts with you. (Radio static) (Moves into quiet lively jazz music) - Hey mate. - Hey mate. On our channel, um, we often get our chefs to remote control us normals in the kitchen as we try and make quite a complex dish. This time due to popular demand we are going to be switching it around as I control you, James. - It's so you. Kale, avocado, chorizo, eggs. - [Barry] How do you feel about that? - I feel fantastic about that. I get all the joy of cooking and none of the responsibility of making it good. - Today we're going to be making something that I historically have got very wrong. - Could be anything. - Brilliant, thanks mate. Thanks for the confidence upfront. I'm going to quickly pop myself on mute as I, um, explain to everybody else what were making. - [James] There is a certain egg that Barry is very famous for not doing well. (scoff) - Today were going to be making - what is essentially posh - I can't lip read. avocado on - avocado - toast, - on toast - but - but - [Mike] No! (laughing) - I'm going to cover the camera. That was, that was too good. I'm going to be making mine with a cloud egg on top. It is actually inspired by something I had at a restaurant called Doke by a chef called Neil. He's actually walked me through this recipe. There is also a time limit. (timer dinging) You have thirty minutes to make this dish. - I'm not scared, I'm not scared, I'm not even scared. - Okay James are you ready? - I am going to channel my inner Barry Taylor. I am Barry Taylor. - Steady on now. Your time starts in 3, 2, 1 . . . go! (Buzzer) Now to start off with we're going to get the kale that's in front of you and we're going to be chopping out the stems. - This kale is actually, it's pretty good. I can, I can actually sort it rather than like strip it. - This bit has to happen really quickly. Oh no wait a minute James! Another thing, just remembered, preheat ovens. - Uh, right - Quickly. - Right, how much kale do we need? - [Barry] Not much, that'll do. - That'll do? - Drizzle over a little bit of olive oil. - This is extra virgin is that okay? - [Barry] Doesn't matter just we have no time. Get your hand in, mix it up, mix it up, mix it up, mix it up. Now go get yourself a baking tray. Chuck it on the baking tray keep it nice and flat - Yeah - and stick it, stick it into the oven at a hundred degrees. It needs thirty minutes, but we have twenty-eight so that will have to do. Right, now can you go get a griddle pan, please and put it on a high heat? We will come back to that in a minute. - Yeah - In the meantime, let's get on with making smashed avocado. (snickers) - Okay, how do you make that? - Don't be silly, get an avocado, - Yeah, just one? - Cut it in half, but actually I want you to cut in half No, not that way, the other way - Like this? - No the other way. - This? - That way, yeah. Roll it around. (Explosion) This is how I do it at home. What the hell just happened? - What do I do now? - Wha-, did you just chop an avocado in half with the stone? - Yeah, I'm just strong. - Wow, okay. - [Mans Voice Slow Motion] Oh, yeah. - In that shape, it's really easy not to just take it and squeeze out the avocado. - [James] Wow, great tip, next, ready. - Give it a chop up, chop it up, chop it up, chop it up. Now do we have any lime around? - [James] Lime, uh yes. - And could you grate some lime into this? The zest of a lime and the juice of half. Go, go, go, go, go. At this point, James is just making my breakfast I have every single weekend, um, only later it'll get a little bit more complicated. - [James] Half a lime, yeah? - [Barry] Yep. Right, I need this avocado mix to be really, really smooth. And then I actually want you to put that into a piping bag. Can we get a bit of sea salt and pepper in there, please as well? - Sea salt and pepper, yes sir. - I love this, I love the power, feels so good. - Okay, piping bag. - [Barry] Then leave it in the piping bag for later on. We want that, we want basically a nice really cool presentation later on. The good thing about the lime in this, yes it adds a good bit of citrus and flavour, but also it keeps the avocado really green for longer. Right, now by this point your griddle pan should be nice and hot. Can you take a slice of sourdough and stick it in the pan please? Nice, big chunk. (Crackling) Yeah, good. Right, chuck it into the griddle pan. Okay, now we're going to, um, go for some extra side bits now so, if you wouldn't mind taking the chorizo. - Yeah - Uh, and we're going to start to actually cut it into rough chunks. - [James] okay - [Barry] And if you wouldn't mind going a little bit arty in the type of chunks. I don't want square, boring chunks I want angles. - How much chorizo do you want? - [Barry] Yeah that'll do you. Another baking tray and then stick that in the hot oven. - Do you want me to take this off, it's smoking quite a lot? - [Barry] Yeah, turn it. If it's done turn it. Let's just prep some other bits and pieces. - [James] I've got lots of pea shoots and I've got some like, it's like a cressy thing. - Um, just pick out the nice ones. That's all I need you to do. Were planning for the final plating now. - Where do you want me to put them? - Just to the side. - [Barry] Oh thank you, yeah good. (rock music) - Right, how is the bread looking? Is the bread done? - I think it's burnt. - Okay, take it off. Okay, well James that is the main part of the recipe done. Now I know what you're thinking. You're underwhelmed aren't you? - Avocado on toast, mate, with some crispy kale? - It's now time to step it up a little bit, James. Could you separate three eggs, please? The reason I've given ourselves quite a lot of time here is what were about to make might not work so, we might need to make it two or three times. - Okay - Cool, so yeah, you want to just keep one yolk aside for later on. - [James] Got it. - The others we can use as scrambled egg later on. Now can you get yourself a hand whisk? - Barry? - Yeah? - It's a bit hot in here. - I can't do anything about that. - [James] You could. - I need you to start whisking this on full power for about five minutes, but before you do what we are looking for is not soft peaks, not stiff peaks, pretty much a solid rock but, don't go too far otherwise it starts to separate. - Five minutes will guarantee separation. - Let's do a minute, have a look at it - I have an idea why don't I put this here and you can tell me exactly when to stop - No! - Okay, ready, go! (Whisking) - Okay, so we're frothing up it's starting to look a little bit soft. I reckon stop there for a second. So now, could you add a pinch of salt, please? It's such a simple dish and it all rests on this one thing working. Yeah I reckon that looks pretty solid doesn't it? - [James] Yep - Okay, stop! Can you go get another baking tray? So what were looking for is in a second you're going to wet your hands, shake off the excess, and then I want you to pick up this mix. - We're, we're making could eggs aren't we? - Um, yes James. Baking tray with silicon mat, please. Right, I want you to take all of those egg whites and form that into one massive ball. - [James] One ball out of all of them? I've never made a cloud egg before. I am open minded right now. - And yes! That's a, that's a ball, I think. Can you now plonk that onto a silicon mat? Ugh, yeah, okay. (Laughs) This is so stupid. Right, what am I making you do? Could you pop that into an oven for . . . Five minutes, yeah for five minutes, but were going to take it out after two to add the yolk. - How long do we have? - We have ten minutes left. Now what I was hoping, if this doesn't work mate then I was hoping we would have enough time to make another one, in case. Before you start whisking these, would you mind just checking on our chorizo? - Yep - How's it looking? That looks done to me! Right, um, can you pour the oil now onto the bread. Flavour, flavour, flavour, flavour, flavour. Right, and then put that to the side. Okay, so um, how's the, how's the cloud egg looking now? - It's looking like this. - Oh, it's starting to crisp up. Okay, now is a good time to pop the egg in. So, would you mind just taking the egg yolk and just nestling it into the top of the cloud. Yeah back into the oven for another three minutes. Okay, well I've got six minutes left James. - What are we doing with this? How are we going to do another one in six minutes? - Just leave the back up, let's risk it, let's risk it for a biscuit. - We're not risk, I mean we're not risking it, it's, it's already worked, like we - Put it out of the way, clear the kitchen, clear down. Right, so now um, what I'm thinking, can you go get a plate? Go get a plate, I got to think of what's next. I want a black, sophisticated, artsy, pretentious plate, please. I wanted to put a little bit of like furikake seasoning on top, but I don't think we have any. - Alright, I've got five minutes, so we can spend two minutes choosing a plate. - No, no, not that one, not that one - And I chose this one for giggles - Slate, no I want, I want slate. This is a pretentious dish. Right, start plating cause I can't think of anything else. (intense rock music) Um, bread on plate. Uh, now can you go get your avocado mix and I want you to do a circle round the - Uh, ah, ah! - Oh for goodness sake - Ah! - I want you to do a circle of avocado on top of the bread and the plate. - Okay, so it's going to go around the bread. - Yep, keep going round. - Is it a circle or an oblong? - Well circle, same shape as the plate. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know this is weird, oh, it needs to be as big as the egg. I just remembered that bit. It should fit, it'll be fine. Right so now can you put the chorizo and the kale on top of the avocado. - Kale's in the oven, mate. - Oh yeah, take the kale out. Kale should be done by now. Is it crispy? - It looks pretty good. (clap) - Yes! Great, okay. - How did you do this? - Can you plate the chorizo on top of the avocado? Right, now kale in between. - How long have we got? - Uh, we've only got three and a half minutes. - [James] Oh, loads of time. - Quickly, okay there is one other thing I want you to do. Mate, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, Okay now, cloud egg out of the oven. It's going to be looking fabulous. - It worked! It worked! - Yes! Leave it to the side, we'll put it on last, last second. No you know what put it on, put it on now, put it on now, put it on now. I changed my mind. Put it on the plate, put it on the plate. It'll be fine. Oh, it's a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be. That's a big egg. Right, yeah that's nice, that's nice. (clap) Yeah I like that, good! Okay, so now, um, James we've got two minutes left, um, quickly just chuck on some micro herbs. Just decorate on top of the chorizo and the kale. Right, step away from the herbs, step away from the herbs. - How long have we got? - We have ninety seconds. - Oh I've got more than enough time. - Well, I want to make some furikake seasoning. - What. With ninety seconds to go? - Go, right, so do we have any sesame seeds there? - Yes. - Right, sprinkle some on top, cause I, we're not going to have any chance to actually blend and make it together, so it's just a nod towards furikake Japanese seasoning. Do we have any nori, there? - [James] Yeah, we've got Nori. - Kay, rip it up, chuck it on top. Right, then to our next, I guess just a bit of sea salt on top, yeah? - Yeah? So you're making furikake without chilli, that's, that's bold, that's bold, mate - oh, oh okay okay so some sea salt and then some chilli flakes I think is a really nice idea. - Oh, yeah? Okay, interesting. - Cool, we got five, four, Oh garlic powder, garlic powder! Uh, three, two, one Sprinkle it! (Buzzer sounds) Right, good. Now we can relax. Step away from the cloud egg. What have I made a chef do? (Loud exhale) Ugh! I'm sorry James. (lively pop music) (Mouse click) (Bell ringing) (Crowd cheering) - Hello! - Hey, mate! - Oh, hey mate! How's it goin'? - I'm good, how are you? - Mm, yeah. - Hmm - What is it that you were trying to make? - [Barry] This is the fanciest avocado on toast you have ever seen, with a cloud egg on top. (Laughter) It was inspired from, uh, our experience at Doke Restaurant. - Uh - I'm not sure how to read that expression. Is that positivity? Is that? - [Jay] Is it a birds nest? - [James] It's a cloud egg in a ring of avocado with some sourdough toast and daintily added to the ring is chorizo and kale crisps, and then it's covered in deconstructed furikake. - It looks nuts. That is massive. The flavours that you've described sound incredible. - Should I eat it? Uh, did you see that? - Oh, its like a waterfall of egg yolk. - [James] Whoa oh oh. - Yeah! - The flavours are good. The kale is good. - Is it better than the cloud egg that we had a little while ago? - Mm, yeah, it's a good dish. - If I'm being honest here. I wasn't here to create a ultimate battle winning dish. I just wanted to bring back some of my pride, again. Also, the comments, everybody was asking for me to make a cloud egg with James, so this felt like the perfect opportunity, and we've done it, we've made it. - Uh, duh, but you've not made a could egg. - Yeah, you got someone else to make it for you. - Yeah! - Yeah - No you're true, that's, that is a good point. - You did a good job. You stole a recipe and made someone else cook it, (Laughter) but you did a good job. - Jay, you're our judge, um, was it a pass or a fail? - Well, I mean from what I can tell, it looks like you guys worked quite well together, actually had a finished plated dish, the portion size was massive, you got a cloud egg to be a success, on the whole I have to say, it's a pass, from me. - Woo, okay didn't expect that, but I'll take it. Thank you very much - I fully expected that. - Thank you James, you've been a good sous chef there. Thank you very much. - Um, thank you. Was I a sous chef? - I don't know. I can't work out what this, what it is. Okay, so it's over to you guys. Should we be doing more of these? And if so, which normal should control which chef? Please tell us down in the comments, and we'll see you in the next one. Thank you guys. - Cheers, well done. - See you soon, bye - Bye - We've also built the Sorted club. Where you can get tonnes of foodie inspo using the packs midweek meal app, discover and share restaurant recommendations using the eat app, listen and contribute to our feast your ears podcast, and send us ideas for new cookbooks you'll receive throughout the year. Check it all out by heading to And now a blooper. (beep) - And what normal should control what chef. Wait, why is that not working? (Laughter) What's English? - Which! - Which - Which normal should control which chef? - [James] Yeah - Yeah, why did that hurt my head? (Laughter)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 506,695
Rating: 4.9736223 out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood, sorted food, remote control, sortedfood remote control, normal controls chef, sortedfood beat the chef, sortedfood cloud egg, cloud egg, avocado toast, avocado toast with egg, chef controls normal, avocado toast recipe, cloud eggs recipe, cloud egg sorted, cooking challenge, sortedfood chefs, sortedfood ultimate battle, sorted food chef vs chef, sorted food chefs, sorted food chefs table, sortedfood beat the chef mystery box, avocado toast recipe simple
Id: bi0BuORTn-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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