BRUNCH Recipe Relay Challenge!! | Pass it On S2 E9

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(light music) - I don't know what to do. (splat) - That's annoying! - [Man] It looks terrible. We're hiding these. - Ow! What is going on here? - [Man] This is a joke. - What is the dish? - This should be really obvious! - [Janice] Oh dear, oh dear. - Go on Janice, give it to us. - [Janice] Today's theme is based on something that James and I used to do quite often on a Saturday morning. Not that. It's brunch. - Ooh. - Yes! - Yes. We can do this. We can do brunch! - Who wants poached eggs and smashed avocado? - I was gonna say, completely involuntary, he just muttered "avocado" under his breath before even thinking. - Janice, my love? - [Janice] Ugh. - What order are we cooking in? - [Janice] The community suggested order is: up to you. Once your turn is finished, you simply select the next person to follow. - Oh. - They've run out of ideas. - Well, this is your one, so do you wanna lead it or finish it? - Do you know what? I feel like you could do the least damage by going first, so yeah. - No, no, no, no, no. - Yeah, I like that, yeah. I like the thought of that. That sounds good. - I don't wanna go first. - He doesn't wanna go first. - Great. Barry. - Well, he's going first. - I don't wanna go first. - Right, let's do it. - Decision made. - I don't wanna go first! Don't just walk out, that's not... - [Man] Don't mess it up. (peppy music) (buzzer) - [Janice] To buy himself some thinking time, Barry starts with the simplest of tasks: putting an apron on. - I have an idea. Is the idea any good? Well, let's wait and see! Can we start this again? I'm a family kid. Been a minute to debate for it, um... This sucks! (rock music) Right, here's my thinking. I love my brunches. - [Janice] He's still doing it up! - But I can't go for smashed avocado on toast, 'cause that's just too obvious. What I'm gonna go for is the ultimate sausage and egg McMuffin. - [Janice] Okay, hmm, wow. - So I've got a couple sausages, some black pudding, some chorizo. - [Janice] Yeah, boy! - I don't this is where the guys are expecting me to go. But I'm not sure it's gonna work. (rock music) So, seasoned salt... Pepper, that'll start a mix... and before I start and mod those out, I wanna get a tomato sauce on the go. Oil, onion, there's the oil. I may as well get the patties made. Yeah. The secret to any good brunch is-- - [Janice] Good company? - Put an egg with it. - [Janice] Oh. (rock music) - Teaspoon of chile. A tablespoon of tomato paste. These go in there, slick as, soften up, and turn this into a tomato-y sauce relish to go in there as well. You know what? I feel like I've made a start. I've led us in a certain direction. And I feel like the best person now to come to the kitchen, to make sure my idea doesn't get ignored, (laughs) would be James Alistair Currie. (buzzer) Give myself an eight. Bold, I know, but I'm proud of how I started this, so eight. - [Janice] It's hard to knock him for such a positive outlook. But I'll find a way. (rock music) (buzzer) - Second. Sausage and egg muffins. I wanna do the bacon. And it's streaky bacon, so I wanna do it in the oven, which he has not preheated. - [Janice] Classic Barry. See, I told you. - So I'm gonna go to the table. I'm gonna have a look at what's going on over there. 'Cause I'm second. I get to choose some stuff that goes onto the dish. (rock music) I'm gonna make home fries. I'm slicing onion and pepper. I'm just gonna fry potatoes, and they will probably need the rest of the time. Whoa, that's really spicy. (coughs) That is gonna be someone else's problem. (rock music) Just gonna flatten them. 'Cause when they're thick, and like that, they'll just, like, squeeze in, and it'll be more like a meatball than a burger. (rock music) I hope they just keep that on there, and just keep it going. That'll do it. (rock music) 20 seconds! I think I'm good. I'll leave a little something for the next person. Oh no, oh no! Can't have people judging me for not seasoning. (buzzer) I think I'll give myself a 7.5. (goofy music) (buzzer) - [Janice] And here we go. - What is goin' on? Whoa! Skill...skills. Right. That looks like that's a tester one, like a snacky patty. (coughs) Whoo! That's got some chile in it. (gasps) Oh, you know what we could do? We could really make this brunch amazing. That is exactly what nobody plans to happen. - [Janice] No, Jamie, no... - That is exactly... - [Janice] Oh, dear. - What is going to happen. I've made decisions! What is going on with this? It's really hot! But it just came out the pan, and I probably should know that. Right, let's see. Very tasty! - [Janice] Jamie pauses to reflect on all that he's achieved in the past four minutes. - Let's have a little think about what we can add to this. We'll try and make very round fried eggs. Pour my egg in there. It's gonna keep it contained. And that's gonna sit perfectly in our muffin with our patty. Is the egg still gonna be, have a runny yolk? Who knows? (buzzer) Aw! Right, I'm done. I made decisions, and I acted confidently, so I'm gonna give myself a bold 8.3. - [Janice] For frying an egg and ruining the home fries? I despair. - Hey boys! (shimmering music) (buzzer) - What we got, what we got, what we got? (funky music) Potatoes, are they cooked? I'm gonna suggest no. Okay. They will need a bit more cooking, but that's fine. We still got more time. We'll give 'em a bit more liquid to do that in. I feel like this needs some freshness to it, otherwise it's all gonna be very, very same-y. And possibly another egg, if we're gonna double up. What we've got is delicious pork fat. And the thing with brunch is, it can go sweet or it can go savory. This has definitely gone savory. But it needs to be balanced out, 'cause you don't just want fatty meat and bread. So I'm thinking, if we just cut the stalk off this, make it nice and flat, possibly even take a bit of the bottom off, that, cooked, will sit on top of there, a place for the egg, and you've got something that will give you moisture as you bite into it. (funky music) I tell you what. If we didn't have the tomato-potato-chile mixture, what would be really nice with pork and egg and spinach would be like a blueberry ketchup, and the blueberries are over there. But I think, because somebody's chose to go spice kinda home potato style, I think that would actually mess it up. So I'm going to refrain. Spinach going into our hot pan. Little squeeze of lemon. And a season. Plenty of black pepper. Little bit of salt. Start to toast our muffins, give Mike a chance. I've got a dish for our potatoes to go in. While I was there, I picked up some coriander off the window sill. We'll chop that into there. Last few seconds. That's gonna go in there. And take the egg out. (funky music) (buzzer) Time's up! - [Janice] Time's up, Ben. (groans) - And I'm gonna give myself... - [Janice] Ben? Ben! - As I cheat with a few seconds. Uh... Didn't really do much. And then I cheated with the next few seconds. Six. Mike, your turn to finish it! - [Janice] Cheating is not permitted in my kitchen. (smooth music) (buzzer) - Okay, okay. Okay, okay. Stuff is... Stuff is smelling good. The potatoes are really, really, really hard. Do I do this? They need to cook. And this is burning up, so. We're cooking a fork. I think the fork is cooked. No idea what's in this. If Ebbers has made a bean burger, I'm going to be devastated. I wonder what these are, because they're burning, not just getting some nice char. So I'm actually gonna start that again. I've got quite a lot to do. Look at it, it looks like a dalmatian burger! Oh, there's something in the oven! Eggs! I guess these are just being kept warm, but they're being kept warm at 200 degrees, so we've lost our runny egg. Trying to reduce this down so much. If this cooks, then it'll be a miracle. But, d'you know what, it is reducing down. Right. Flip these. Coil is really hot. - [Janice] All burnt? - I think we'll just go with these. Get outta my sight! Right, let's get these tomatoes out. - [Janice] Tomatoes? - Tomatoes out. - [Janice] Mike, they're mushrooms! - Patties out. Don't know what to do with that spinach. Shall I just stir it through that? Yeah. It's like a shakshuka, isn't it? Let's think about...d'you know what? Ah, I don't know what to do! Oh, right. Let's just get on with it, Mike. Our burger. Got our, I'm gonna say, mushroom? (cheering) - [Janice] Why is he having to guess this? - I'm gonna do a double. You have to do a double. And let's go with essential hard-boiled egg. I'm thinking sweetness needs something. - [Janice] Mike evidently grabs the nearest bottle of booze. - This is quite disappointing for a brunch, I'll be honest. But, y'know, for one portion of brunch, perhaps. Don't feel like I could've done any more. (buzzer) Is that a brunch worth getting out of bed for? I've got my thoughts, but let's see what the group thinks. (serious music) - I'm looking forward to this. If I get what I ordered, I'm really happy. (laughter) - He's just unbearable. - Right, ready? - Yup, lift away. - Gentlemen... Happy bruncheon. - [Janice] In a spectacular return to form after the croquembouche episode, behold. A black pudding, sausage, bacon, and egg muffin, with a side of al dente potatoes in spicy tomato sauce. - Ooh, oh. - Oh, no. - Yes. - Interesting. What? I don't understand. - I mean, I'm not going to lie, when I left, that's exactly what I was expecting. - Who was it who ordered the curry? (laughter) - One thing I do regret is not having time or focus enough to have put together a proper alcoholic beverage. - So instead, I've chilled some glasses, and we've got some limoncello, so we're just going to drink limoncello. - Interesting. - I did reference the fact that you would bring the alcohol to our brunch. - Well, I needed to bring something. - Well, cheers, boys. - [All] Cheers. - Just imagine that yolk is oozing. - Ebbers, I'm noticing a problem with you cutting this into four. (laughter) - Cheers. (techno music) - Black pudding makes a breakfast. - Mm! - It's so rich, but so good. That was very tasty. - It's something. - It's confused again, for brunch, but it's very tasty. - It is! Oh, man, it is so spicy! - With that seasoning, anyway. - That burger was excellent! - That was an excellent burger. - That was actually a genuine brilliant burger. Like, that was good. That thing... The potatoes are not quite done, are they? - Maybe what I should've done is, just before my time was up, and I'd left the potatoes to fry off for a little bit longer, that would've been the time-- - That's the only thing you'd change about your game? - I love a one-pop cook. - Imagine if you hadn't turned up. This would've been such a good pass. - But would it? And I hate to defend him again, but in coming to the end, would a burger and just home fries been enough? - If you went to Runcie Place and got that burger, and that as a side-- - With the limoncello? Yeah, you're absolutely right. Yeah. I'm wrong, sorry, yeah. - What are you scoring yourself, and is it a pass or a fail? - I started strong, so I gave myself an eight. - Ah, give yourself pass! - Because the main component of it worked. - Cuzza? - I... Gave myself a 7.5, 'cause I feel like I carried on a good idea. I have to give it a fail. 'Cause I just think the side doesn't work in any way for brunch. - I gave myself an 8.3, because I made-- - Oh boy, here's my favorite bit. (laughter) - Innovation. - Doesn't always work! - Bold decisions. I shared my snacking patty. - So this is about self-improvement, we're-- - Yeah! - And I think it worked. It's a pass from me. - I don't think I contributed a huge amount to this, and I think that's... I don't like this position. There wasn't that much I could do, and I didn't do much. So I gave myself a six. - You gave yourself a six for ruining some eggs-- (laughter) - Oy, Jamie, shhh. - And burning some spinach? - You wanted a McMuffin! It's not a runny yolk. (laughter) - That said, I would reckon the entire dish was probably also a six out of ten, which makes it a pass. - I gave myself a six, because I just had to put stuff together. - It was very well-constructed. - It was a five before this. I regret not providing a proper cocktail. And I deeply apologize for that. - That's okay, dude. - I'm gonna say it's a pass, for me. So. We passed! - We passed! (angelic music) - [Janice] A pass! Were they chugging limoncello between gos? I can't be alone on this, surely. Back me up in the comments here, guys. I get the muffin was good, but they had 50 minutes! You know what, I'm done. I really need to cut this negativity out of my life. (meow) Not now! (door slams) - [Narrator] We've also build the Sorted Club, where you can get tons of foodie inspo using the Packs mid-week meal app discover and share restaurant recommendations using the Eat app, listen and contribute to our "Feast Your Ears" podcast, and send us ideas. The new cookbooks you'll receive throughout the year. Check it all out by heading to And now a blooper. - Right. Baz, what did you score yourself, and are you passing or failing this? - [Barry] I feel like I-- - Excuse me, let me say that again, 'cause I burped. - It's the limoncello doing that.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 842,575
Rating: 4.9728169 out of 5
Keywords: pass it on, recipe relay, pass it on sortedfood, sorted food, recipe challenge, sortedfood pass it on, cooking fail, pass it on sorted, sortedfood challenge, pass it on s2, recipe fail, chef vs normal, sortedfood, sortedfood pass it on brunch, brunch recipe, egg mcmuffin recipe, egg mcmuffin, sorted food burger, sortedfood pass it on season 2, pass it on s2 e9, brunch recipes with eggs, sorted food boys, timed challenge, pass it on challenge, recipe relay challenge
Id: RgVjc1iV85g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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