SUSHI Recipe Relay Challenge!! | Pass It On S2 E11 | Sorted Food

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(inspiring music) - I don't know what to do! (eggs breaking) - That's annoying! - Looks terrible! - [Man] We're hiding these. - Ow, what is going on here? - [Man] This is a joke - Where's the dish? - This should be really obvious! - [Janice] Oh dear, oh dear! - Fresh new day, fresh new "Pass It On". - Janice, what is the theme today? - [Janice] Today's theme is sushi. - Oh no. - We should be good at that. - We've eaten a lot of sushi. - What's the order Janice? - [Janice] The community suggested order is alphabetical. By order of your middle name. - Okay - B? - B, A. - A. (laughter) - Right so you're there. - Oh God, he's got to roll it! (laughter) - If you could just let me cut it. (laughter) Good luck mate! (upbeat music) - Awesome. (rock music) - [Janice] One by one, the guys will have 10 minutes to contribute to the same dish which will be judged a pass or fail at the end of the challenge. (buzzer beeping) - Hi, okay, so what I need to do is get the rice on, 'cause that is gonna be tough to cook in this amount of time and cool, it's gonna be sushi rolls and probably. Whoa what's it called when you put the raw fish on the rice? - [Janice] Nigiri. - Wow I can't even remember what it's called, okay, anyway, gonna measure out some rice. Do I measure it out into that? Oh my God I can't remember, I'm freaking out right now! Once it's boiling, we put a lid on it. Turn the heat all the way down and leave it to simmer for 10 minutes, and then you keep the lid on it and leave it to steam for another 10 minutes. Usually you would heat up sugar and vinegar and put it in afterwards once it's cool, but I'm gonna put it in with it. If I leave it there, it's definitely not gonna go into the rice, therefore, I'm gonna do it now. Season it, two tablespoons of, don't even know what that is, that's not vinegar, that's mirin. (grunts) This is such a hard one. Okay, one tablespoon of mirin, which is kind of sweet, so that's good. And one tablespoon of vinegar. (spoon clanking) Please boil, please boil. - [Janice] Four minutes in and James decides to set up a pané station with prawns, panko breadcrumbs, eggs and flour, which he seasons with togarashi. - Kind of like, people do tempura prawns in the middle of sushi. Okay prawns, pané, and then once I've pané'd them, I wanna skewer them so that they stay straight when they cook. I don't have a lot of faith in us on this one. Ah, I really need to find that lid for that. (upbeat music) (lid clamouring) I've made sushi rice so many times and I'm just panicking hard right now. This is what I want done with these. (siren wails) Stressful, stressful, four out of 10. It was a tough one to start though, 'cause you need to know how to make sushi rice, Mike! (upbeat music) (siren wails) - Oh, thank goodness he's got some rice on because I wouldn't even have a clue what to do there. I'm just gonna leave it. Yes, prawns in panko breadcrumbs, I know what we're doing here. We got some sort of powder. (grunts) I sniffed it but I sniffed it so much it went in my eye, oh! - [Janice] Well this is going to be a productive 10 minutes! - 'Kay! (grunts) We got no time to see to that, am I right? (drum bangs) - (sneezing) I'm having a nightmare. I think that just carries on. - [Janice] Oh, here we go! - (sneezing) Sorry, I got chilli up my nose. (sneezing) My eye. I'm gonna carry on skewering these. What it does is it gives me some thinking time. - [Janice] Mike continues to skewer the prawns folded, not length ways as James intended. - I could probably do a mayo, yeah I can do that, I think I can do that. Oh crap, why am I wasting time doing that then? (sneezing) I bloody hate sushi. (sneezing) Every time I sneeze I have to wash my hands and my time is gonna go even rapidlier than it is now, can I said rapidlier? I said it, there you go. (sneezing) Oh for (beep) sake! I'm having a shocker! Are they gonna go, no they've gotta be deep-fried. So how's he gonna deep-fry those? (sneezing) I've done nothing but sneeze. We should have a sneeze counter so at least it shows that I did something. - [Janice] Already on it! - I'm just gonna leave those Japanese mayo so I need some egg yolks, and I need some Dijon mustard. (sneezing) Japanese mayo is like sweeter and like tangier than sort of Western mayo. I think I've done it before. Need a whisk and I need some, what is this? - [Janice] Sniff carefully, Mike! (upbeat music) - Oh that's mirin, I want mirin. In fact, I want some vinegar as well. I've never ever made sushi. I've actually not really eaten much sushi. The time we went to Japan was the first time that I'd had that amount of sushi. So what I'm doing is drizzling in oil into this to try and make a thick mayo. Starting to do something. (sniffing) Knackered, if I can make a mayo and skewer the rest of those prawns, that is actually a job well done for Mike. It's getting there. It is nice and tangy. Also I'm confident that an Ebbers might come in and do a bit of cheffyness to improve it, meanwhile I'm just gonna get these. I started the skewering process but they're not gonna go under the grill, so not really sure why he's doing this 'cause we're gonna deep fry them. So I might just chuck some oil in here, get that coming up to temperature, which actually I should have done at the very beginning 'cause they're not gonna fry, okay. Right, I'm just gonna panic this last 18 seconds. So I'm gonna start heating that now. Oh, pinch of salt. Season my mayo. (siren wails) Oh, I have not offered much, but that isn't bad. I'm gonna give myself four. However, the fact that I've underperformed makes this even more sweeter for you, Ben! (enchanting music) (siren wailing) - Okay, we already have sushi rice. - [Janice] Oh, that was a face! - Okay, sushi rice is coming out 'cause we now need to cool it enough to be able to handle it, so we'll chill it quickly. Why are we doing skewered prawns? So confused, prawns, but why are they then put on a skewer because presuming they need to be fried, and yet we've got oil which is heating up but they're not gonna fry. I'm also presuming if we did that with them, they would be like the prawns you get inside of a sushi roll. - [Janice] And this is why we have 2 chefs. - Test with one of those. Okay, this might really upset people. I'm not sure whether we're gonna be able to do justice to authentic sushi, however, what I love with sushi, is some of the fusions of sushi with Peruvian. So what if I could make a little bit of like a salsa-ry thing to go around our sushi rice. With some spring onion, some pepper, few edamame beans, some cress, still got some of this left from ages ago, Amorino chilli sauce, so that is the Peruvian pepper. That'll have a tang and a spice. That Ameru chilli is so good! That's a nice thing to go with our prawns. Now I think we're up to temperature, so I'm gonna put in these on the skewer. (whisking) What is this meant to be? Another kind of South American flavour. What I'm gonna try and do is take a little bit of avocado, diced, and just stir some of that mayonnaise through it. It's also going to be nice with a squeeze of lemon. Now, I'm leaving two normals, quite a task ahead! Hopefully straight prawns that they're going to roll into. Nori sheet with sushi rice, and just in the final few seconds, I'm gonna add some sesame in to toast in a dry pan and that's me, time up. (siren wails) Flapped, and I've completely changed the direction to some kind of Peruvian flavours rather than Japanese. That could confuse them. I'm gonna give myself a seven and a half, Barry! (upbeat jazzy music) (siren wailing) - Okay, right! Looks like some breaded prawns on the go. We've got an Edamame mix. My mission now is I've got 10 minutes to finish the dish. My aim is to leave Jamie with nothing. I know how to roll sushi. I've done it twice, on camera and at home. It's not easy, so first of all, cling film your rolling mat so to avoid any sticking, any mess. Gonna trim this. So get your fridge cold sushi rice, which is definitely warm. - [Janice] If you do try this at home, we recommend leaving the rice in the fridge to cool completely. - Put your rice into the middle of your Nori sheet. The good thing is if I ruin this, Jamie can have another go - [Janice] Ha. - You can go over there, your avocado mix. Okay, Wasabi's gotta go on the side. This is not how it's meant to be done is it Barry, idiot! Let's go for some seasoning. (upbeat music) Holy, so now let's just wet the end of this. - [Janice] Barry? - Oh no, I've positioned it the wrong way around the paper. Oh no, turn, turn, turn, turn, okay roll and tuck, pull it in. Come on, keep rolling. Think that's okay, roll it up, back in the cling film, tight. I wanna put this in the fridge but there's a chance that Jamie might not look in the fridge and not know it's there, and then we got no dish. Could be tighter Barry, it really could be tighter! (siren wailing) I'm actually shaking. Didn't enjoy that. I'm gonna give myself a three, mainly because I set myself the challenge of finishing it and I've left Jamie some work to do, Spaff! (goofy music) (siren wailing) - I have not been looking forward to these 10 minutes. Right, we have sushi rice, we have Nori sheets. We have a sushi roll, this is good. Mhm, wow!! - [Janice] Aah yes, Ben might've added some spice. - We have one roll. (chuckles) Okay, and this this the sushi platter is it, excellent. (Jamie humming) There's more prawns there, ah yeah! This is all on me now! Sometimes you get little rolls like that and then what you do is with chop sticks, you very carefully put some tuna on the top. That's what happens right, right, no? - [Janice] He's not wrong, but they're not usually the size of your fist. - Go underneath that. I am so the wrong person to be going last here. Gotta imagine this is wasabi. - [Janice] Oh no, that is a lot! (coughing) - That's wasabi. (coughing) - [Janice] Here we go again. (coughing) Jamie then spends the next two minutes coughing due to the wasabi. (Jamie grunting) It appears that not everyone learns from their mistakes. (Jamie laughing) - So sometimes you get ones that are like that, I mean look at roll, that's a roll isn't it? Let me do one more. This one can have a little wasabi surprise as well. For the lol's, and I have three minutes to serve this up, right. - [Janice] Jamie? - Taking it out the cling film first. (laughing) I don't know, do you quenelle that? I just gotta make it look fancier than it is. I've got no time whatsoever, wassabs. Whatever this is, it's going in there. (siren wailing) (upbeat music) (laughter) I'm gonna get the blame for this aren't I? (laughing) In terms of my rating, I'm going to leave it as an average of what the other guys rate themselves, I think that's only fair. (bell chiming) (crowd cheering) Are you ready boys? - No. (laughter) Ta da! (laughter) - [Ben] By definition, there is some sushi rice. The prawn made it in. - Yeah, this looks nice dece. - I love the portions sizes. (laughter) - They're not just like, pop it in are they? - No. (laughter) - [Janice] The boys have created a sushi platter, made of varied Nigiri, Panko-breaded prawn sushi, a Peruvian inspired salsa served with soy sauce, toasted sesame seeds and a quenelle of wasabi. - I thought about tempura prawn. Didn't know if we have any soda water and stuff so I've sort of went with panko. And I skewered them so that they would stay straight, otherwise they'll all curl up. - Smart! - I came into the kitchen. I sniffed the seasoning, and then I sneezed for six minutes. (all laughing) One thing I did do was go look at the skewer and go, "This has been skewered really badly." So then skewered them on like that way. - Oh no. (laughter) - So I thought if they were gonna go through here, what I did was took them all of the skewers and then skewer them back on. (all laughing) So that we could actually keep their shape if they fried. - That's amazing. - I thought, my aim here is I've got 10 minutes to finish everything and leave Jamie with nothing. - So you made that roll. - I made that roll, and it took me a whole 10 minutes. - Well, let's do this. - I'll happily go for that one, that's fine. I'll take that. (all giggling) - Look at the state of this! kanpai - Cheers! - Cheers. The panko's good! - They're really tasty! - That's all right. - Delicious rice. - I like it, I think the rice is not great. - [Ben] I just want to try the rice on it's own. - Yeah me too. - Yes. - Oh bloody hell. - Oh my God, there's wasabi. (laughter) - Did you hide some wasabi? - Holy hell. - How else does the fish stick to the rice? (laughter) - Oh my God! - Okay, it's that time. - So what did you score yourself? - I scored myself a four. - Pass or fail? - I wanna say fail because of the rice but I wanna say pass because the sushi roll tastes good. So, I'm gonna say fail. (laughter) Two fifths of us choked on the dish. (laughter) - Another two fifths choked halfway through. (chuckles) - Valid. - I scored myself a four. It's a fail for me because it's almost there, but overall, it's not quite good enough. - I thought I had everything lined ready to go, and I thought we done a, I gave myself a seven and a half. - Punchy Ebbers scoring now. - Yeah. - I feel like we should've done better and therefore it's a fail. - I gave myself a three. I think it deserves a pass because you compare that to shop-bought, I think it's better than but nowhere near as good as the restaurant-stuff. - I actually scored myself the average of your four guys, which I think puts me, so eight and a half, I reckon that puts me about four and a half. - Because of Ebbers' score, you've been bumped up! - It brings me up! (laughter) - And we've already got three fails, but what would you have given it? - I mean we made sushi. We made a side and we all had some fun with the wasabi. It's a pass. - Without all the "Pass It On" panic, sushi is good fun to do at home. - Yeah. - I've definitely learnt loads. You learn from your mistakes and bloody hell do I make some mistakes. (laughter) - [Janice] And now it's over to you watching, pass or fail? Comment below and please continue to submit your ideas for themes and orders for future "Pass It On" episodes. Cheerio everyone! - We've also built the "Sorted" club, where you can get tonnes of foodie inspo using the Pack's Midweek Meal app. Discover and share restaurant recommendations using the Eat app. Listen and contribute to our Feast Your Ears podcast, and send us ideas for new cookbooks you receive throughout the year. Check it all out by heading to (upbeat music) And now a blooper. - Anyway, kanpai. - Did you clean the cups before you poured them? - No. - Rather don't drink it, It's got a furry top. (laughter) - That's just studio dust. - Yeah, it's our own dust, get over yourselves.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 1,249,922
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Keywords: sorted food, pass it on challenge, pass it on sortedfood, recipe relay, cooking fail, cooking challenge, recipe challenge, pass it on, pass it on sorted, sortedfood pass it on, recipe relay challenge, chef vs normal, sorted food boys, pass it on s2, sortedfood, sushi, pass it on sushi, sushi recipe, sortedfood sushi, sortedfood battle, pass it on sortedfood season 2, no recipe challenge, sushi rice recipe, sushi making, sorted food sushi, sushi recipe easy
Id: 2JJu7RZYQm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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