HERO INGREDIENT Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass It On S1 E7 | SORTEDfood

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- [Ben] Hey! Welcome to Sorted. We're a bunch of mates in London looking for the exceptional things in food that help make our, and your, lives that little bit better. In amongst constantly ribbing each other. Some of us are chefs. The rest of us, well, we're normal. But every video we make always starts with a suggestion from you guys. ("Pancake" - Jade ft. Ashnikko) ♪ I'm gooey in the middle baby let me bake ♪ (electronic music) - G'day! This is Jamie. I'm Ben. And welcome to fridgecam. - Just like that, this is another video where we don't know what's gonna happen. Ow! - What was that? - It's one of the bloody oranges you put up there. (laughter) - Why? - What am I making? - God, what a mess I've made. - I have absolutely no idea what's going on. (exclaims) - So last time we did this, the audience decided that we were going in age order. Are they choosing again? - I think so, yeah. Okay Janice, what's our theme? - [Janice] Today's challenge is Hero Ingredient. At the front of the table you have mushrooms, cauliflower and apples. Your finished plate must celebrate one of these ingredients. - Cauliflower. - Mushrooms. - Apple. - And do we have a given order, Janice? - [Janice] The order will be shortest to tallest. (laughter) - Oh no, last time I was here it went terribly wrong. - Everywhere you go it goes terribly wrong. - Interesting. Action stations. - [Janice] One at a time the boys have 10 minutes to cook and add to a final dish. The remaining team will have no idea what's happening behind them until it is their turn. - Hero ingredient, cauliflower. My thinking is it can go a number of ways, but then that wouldn't necessarily have to be my decision. So if I try and get a steak out of the middle. I'm also thinking little, tiny florets that we could try and make fritters from. And I'll make a batter and hope they get the hint. It's not gonna be a veggie dish, I've picked up the pork, but I don't know if I'm gonna have time to do anything with that. And it's pretty much too early for me to try. So I'll leave it there, but they may change their mind on that one. So a quick batter with egg, flour, milk and some raising agent. And I'm gonna season that quite heavily with chili and nutmeg, a generous pinch of salt and pepper. I haven't gone first for a long time, it's very stressful. But I've brought over some watercress, some lemon, some parmesan. No parmesan. Parmesan's weird. So some aromats to cook that with. Cauliflower in that pan. I want to add some tahini with it because I think that will work. Lemon, salt, pepper, and it's gonna be cooked in the butter, but again I'm not gonna start that. I'm gonna make a quick pickle. Vinegar, salt, sugar, some coriander seeds. Strong start, but will Jamie understand any of it? Seven-and-a-half out of 10. (jaunty music) - Usually I run into the kitchen, I panic, and I feel like it get clouded with just "what's going on?" "I don't know what's going on." This time, I'm gonna take it easy. There's three people after me. See how it goes. Is that cauliflower with peanut butter on it? Pork sword, garlic, chili. Oh no. So, do I progress what he's already started or do I add my own touch? I think this would be perfect with some mushrooms because we're not going to celebrate just one ingredient. We're gonna celebrate two and I'm hoping Barry's gonna add a third with the apples. So I'm gonna crisp up some pancetta. Ssssssss. Ah, mmmmmmm, sssssssss. I'm really hoping that was oil in there. Slice up some of these beautiful mushrooms and fry them off in there and then leave whatever else it is that's Ben's done. What's here? That is oil. (gasps) I know what I'm supposed to make. Stop panicking. Why are you panicking? I'm not panicking. I'm going to dip these in here. Look, look at this. This is gonna be cauliflower batter... stuff. It's just raw batter, I don't know what you're worried about. That's sizzling nicely. Let's add our mushrooms in. One thing I learnt from the podcast actually is that you can't overcook mushrooms. If you want more interesting facts about mushrooms and other stuff, sign up to the club, get the podcast. Right, what shall I leave for Barry? Still got 45 seconds. He's gonna have to carry on frying these off. He's gonna have to decide what it is we're actually making. I've had a really lovely 10 minutes. I can only hope that everyone else continues to have a really lovely time. My score out of 10... I didn't panic, I've contributed, I've carried on what Ben was doing. Solid eight-and-a-half. (jaunty music) - Why am I nervous? I'm actually nervous. There is a naked cauliflower. What are these? I don't know what that is! That's all Jamie's capable of, so that's what he has done. Cauliflower has to be the star. It's so easy, no offense cauliflower, to upstage a cauliflower with pork or mushrooms. Let's just get cooking. What am I gonna do with that? Why's that there like that? Am I meant to bake it? Am I meant to fry it? What am I making? I'm just making stuff cos it's there to cook. So I cook it. What is that? I'm doing that thing where I'm just panicking because it's a "pass it on" and I shouldn't panic I should play it calm. Just get these things cooked. Into a pan. Let's brown that off. That needs quite a long time to cook I think. I don't know. Let's just get things prepped to plate. Need a plate, need a plate, need a plate, need a plate. I'm just cooking what's in front of me because it's been put there. But in my guess here, he's gonna look at all these random components and, let's face it, he's gonna flap. Don't really know what I'm doing with this. I don't know if that's gonna be ready or not. If that should go in the oven. I feel like I've played it very safe. I feel like I've just cooked what's in front of me. I've not invented anything new. I'm gonna give myself a six. I've just done what I've been told. I'm done. Me out. And I've left all the hobs on. Quick, quick. Get in there. Quickly. - Okay. Hob on. Obviously, Barry. Roasted cauliflower, that looks like it's burning. How, how is this one dish? This is just a lot of different stuff. I don't really know what to do with this. There's not many carbs here. There's no carbs. What is this? [Janice] That would be batter, Mike. - It's absolutely delicious, but I don't know what that, I don't know what you do with that. And also its got a big lump of cauliflower just sitting in it. My instant thought is... could you do a mushroom, roasted cauliflower and bacon lardon linguine? Deep fried cauliflower... you don't put them on the side of like a pasta dish do you? You want to celebrate the cauliflower. And if we put the cauliflower through linguine. This is delicious, this sauce. I don't know... - [Janice] It's not sauce, Mike. - I don't know whether you could toss that through the pasta at the end. - [Janice] Mike! It's batter! - I don't really know. - [Janice] Clearly. - There's no lids. (sniffs) I don't know why I sniffed that. No reason, no reason to sniff that. This is what I want. This is quite a crucial part of order to be in and I have to start basically bringing everything together so that James just ends up plating up. We're six minutes in, and I have no idea what this dish is. I could roast it, but it's confusing things. I'm gonna put it in the oven anyway because we should eat this after the filming. We've got some garlic and shallots frying off as a base to like, almost like a carbonara type of thing. Oh man that is hot. So I've almost burnt that garlic. I've got some tagliatelle boiling, the cauliflower's roasted I'm leaving that, that just needs heating I think. We've already got mushrooms, already got bacon lardons. We've got deep... these look really nice maybe we just eat them as a snack on the side and dip them in that. Who knows? I had to make some decisions. I made some decisions. I don't know whether they were the right decisions. James has more decisions to make. I give myself a five out of 10. (sighs) - What do we have? That's very raw. I don't know why there's pasta and mushrooms. What's this? Vinegar, cos that was supposed to be pickled. What am I gonna do? I'm gonna do that thing where I leave a load of stuff off. I'm gonna toast off some pine nuts. I'm gonna do cauliflower steak with some pine nuts and some raisins. It would be nice to rehydrate this, wouldn't it. I'm gonna pour a little bit of water in here and we're gonna put the raisins in there. I've got a feeling this is all someone did and I'm not gonna put it on the plate, which is kind of sad. I think I'll pick out some pancetta and put that on. The pasta, why? Why is it there? Five minutes, okay. Five minutes. I'm getting a plate. I don't want those plates, they're [bleep]. That's kind of nice. I forgot how hard this is. These were definitely meant to be pickled which would have been nice. That would have been cool. Maybe I'll just dip them. I don't... it's probably not gonna pick up that much flavor, but hey. Just gonna over, that'll be nice. These I think perhaps were done a little early. I'd go as far as to say that I could've done these. Maybe this is done. Sultanas or raisins. That's looking good. It's not gonna be the main event, little bits and pieces. And then some pancetta because somebody worked really hard on this. Okay. That's it. Out of 10, you know I'm gonna go eight. I think I brought it back to celebrating cauliflower cos there's a lot of stuff going on right now. - This can't be as bad as last time, could it? - When you hit rock bottom, it can only be a good thing cos the only way to go is up. - Live reveal. - Ready when you are. Go for it. (exclaiming) - I'm liking most of what's on the plate - Interesting - It's definitely been finished by James - Straight off, lookswise, it's alright isn't it? It looks good. - The cauliflower is definitely the hero. - I had to make a decision on that. - I can see it a few ways. - We have cauliflower steak, little raw florets of cauliflower that have briefly seen... a pickle. Briefly. - Is this the first time that something that you had in your head as the first person is what has 90% ended up on the plate? - With added pancetta and bacon makes everything better. - Well done us. - I am so glad that you said that pancetta makes everything better, Ben, because that was my addition. - And the pork looks pretty much perfect. - Well, that was the bit I got to. I seared it, perfectly, and thought that could be done but also it should really go in the oven for a little bit of time. - And that's the one contribution I made. I turned the oven slightly down and I put the pork in. But I also made pasta. - You did - Oh good. - I did something with it. - Oh, delicious. - Did you put it in the bin? - With the rest of your mushrooms and pancetta. - I looked at what we had and I was like "there's so much stuff here, how do we bring it together into a dish?" So I though if we were to celebrate cauliflower by doing like a roasted cauliflower linguine at least that would go together, and I've made a decision that James can then make another decision and ignore. And I'm actually glad that he did. - That's delicious. - Oh, the batter! (inaudible) - The batter... I thought. Oh I thought that was sauce. I didn't realize that was batter. - Raw flour and egg and milk. - Imagine if you'd out it all through the pasta. - It tasted really nice. - You know what, I'm gonna be great to James I'm just gonna leave everything to plate up. Everything in the bowl, ready to go. A little garnish. - That is a good job I did not do that. - We've got some fat. We've got some salty meat. We've got some vinegary... - Some fruit. - I mean, it's very cauliflowery. In a good way. - You can taste it. You can taste it. It's slightly pickly. - Not pickled. Covered in vinegar. - Good color on the steak. - Tell you what, that's a really nice dish. - It's lovely. - It's not what I expected, which is good. - I think it's pretty set in stone, down the line. Pass or fail, Baz? - Pass. - Pass - Pass - Pass - Pass - We passed it! We did it! - We passed it! - Did everyone score themselves seven or above? - Nope - Yes - Five - Six - Eight. And a half, I think. - New year, new us. Well done boys. - You know what we think, what do you think? Comment down below. Did we pass and put us in order of who made the best contribution one to five. - One to four and Barry. - Or one to four and Barry. - If you haven't subscribed to the channel then what are you waiting for? Subscribe for more fantastic content like this. And if you have subscribed, but you haven't clicked the little bell, what are you doing? Get notified every single time we upload a video. Every Wednesday, every Sunday, 4pm. Click the bell. - Formalities done. Can we have some humor now? - Well if by humor you mean dad joke, then sure. - Try me. - Did you hear the one about the pirate who became a chef? - I didn't hear the one about the pirate who became a chef. - They say he mastered the seven seas-onings. - Tenuous, see I feel like we need to do better. - I was sent it on Twitter and I thought that it was actually quite a good one. - No. - As we mentioned, sorted it just run by a group of friends so if you like what we're doing then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know if linked below Thanks and we hope to see you again in a few days. - [Janice] The worst thing about this is that I am actually Mike doing a silly voice so watching this back is humiliating.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,364,314
Rating: 4.9648714 out of 5
Keywords: cooking challenge, food challenge, pass it on, sorted pass it on, pass it on challenge, apples, hero ingredient, cooking battle, two chefs, chefs cooking challenge, three ways to cook cauliflower, fried cauliflower, pork, pass it on sortedfood, fine dining recipe challenge pass it on, food trend recipe relay challenge pass it on, pass it on sortedfood 4, pass it on sortedfood 3, pass it on sortedfood 5, cooking fails afv, cooking fail meme, recipe relay challenge, sortedfood
Id: f7UOXchgKCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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