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in just a moment these guys are going to compete against each other and there are brownie points up for grabs this is what the board looks like Jamie is eatin berries baked potato and we haven't even got to the intro yet you kiddin so it's all still to play for and this week the brief is tight it's a loaded potato skin battle let's begin so we're going skins or what would you like me to provide you with the backing track you know what's great is vittatus brown bats and you know what's also great the burger boy I'm making loaded this in patatas bravas burgers it begins by making my spicy soya sauce is gone so I'm gonna make what looks like a fairly standard tomato sauce we're gonna take it to the next level with some chilies and a splash of umami or some anchovies I am making a full roast dinner but I'm gonna focus on the best part of roast dinner the potato's crispy beautiful roasted potatoes skinned and for the entire Bruce dinner inside of it the best bit of a roast potato is the crispy outside to get that little tip for you con respeto and polenta now what I'm gonna do then I take my Plato skin them and then cover the skin it all uphill into goodness and olive oil that way I'm increasing the surface area we're getting even more crunch to my potatoes I really like the juxtaposition between the crispy outside of a roast potato and the fluffy middle and I think the fluffy middle is a bit that really makes it yeah but what if you replace the puppy middle with steak I've recently discovered a new social media platform and you heard it here first Pinterest so I'm going to make something specially tailored for that brand new social media platform potato skin roses comes with an amazing red sauce and amazing green sauce they're both unbelievable putting it together will be tricky but if I get it right the flavors and the delicate construction should win this battle so first step for me is cut these potatoes lengthways scoop out the middle cut the skins lengthways again then I'm going to toss them in butter onion granules oregano salt pepper and then a little bit of cheese grits um let's talk about skins I'm gonna take my skins and use them as bum bum skins yes they're going to become my burger bun to do that we're gonna hold them out we're gonna put some smoked paprika around it for that Spanish flair we're gonna add some sesame seeds on the top so they look like buns we're gonna bake them and then we're gonna fill them with some cheese and manchego and cheddar and some chorizo Wow so I've got some beautiful rainbow carrots on the go and now it's time to focus on well for me my favorite part of this first little a really simple butter that's eggs milk and flour into a bowl get that whisked up and then you want to focus on your molds these are darriel molds darriel molds didn't they sing that song colorblind that's Darius right that's a very very nice joke x-factor 2003 UK fashion expert Ella's pop stars pop is final you want to fill these up with a teaspoon of some beautiful beep shipping and get them into an oven and get it absolutely piping hot once it's piping hot bring it out oven and stick in your platter third full and then back in and it will rise beautifully to top of the dish so Mike you go for wreath in skins fat skins Jay you fast games or just big-boned okay right next thing I've got to do is put some smoked paprika all over my potato skins we need to take a long hard look at each other because he's leading I don't understand that he's handicapped isn't it yep so no you know I mean he's got a handicap he's got handicaps this the state of play that we find ourselves in it's that Ebers has such low expectations when all you has to do is create something that is a dick and been on the bridge well I have a pounding point okay this is where it all kicks off at once Doug are your keys are about to go in the oven but before I do that I've got focus on a statement covering oil and salt pepper and get it into a pan fry on both sides then deduct rest while that's resting when I start making a really quick and easy gravy butter getting their flavor get in there I might be I'm scared I may have forgotten about the flavor in the last minute and now I'm scared of overcooking the M steak come on get in there flavor just too late the flavors gone mate waivers gauntlets practice bags he's out of there mr. and mrs. flavor of divorce they're out of here I really hope that Pincus dies still no flour then in with my beef stock you know this great little bit see now I'm panicking mustard [Music] baaz there's a chance I might have some flavor to spare G womany now my next step is to grease my tins with the remaining butter where's your butter gone exactly you ate it then you I have not eaten your butter can I have one digit your butter one digit but you can take getting two digits swine now I need to cover the bottom in my remaining potato middles mash it down so it creates the base for my roses line four overlapping each other and then we roll them and then I save one of those and one of these on the outside and what you can hear now is the sound of two people realizing that they've just lost the battle let me take you to Burger Time welcome to Burger town now I'm going for a slightly different burger this burger for my Spanish inspired dish is going to be a Swedish meatball recipe yeah I know but it's slightly dad too just got a bit Teresa in there but reigns it's also got pork it's got beef it's got breadcrumbs episodes in double cream it's amazing [Music] that's you know do you remember when this happened oh yeah yeah burrito is going to have a simple traditional paella base then we're going to top that off with the flavors of chicken and chorizo soaked in red wine oh and then this happened yeah so if you destroy a nation's dish and it makes the media hey do it again have you burned your carrots is my any gum mechanics the thing is they're supposed to be rainbow carrots but they're all the same color map yeah maybe you have to put like some fried potatoes in there just so hey stop it what no I'm just saying if you have some fried potatoes please oh no no no to be fair I think there's more flavor in here than there is in various dish look good so my red sauce is essentially a tomato sauce but it's got some amazing twists it's got things like chicken stock and it's got that's it chicken stock and the chicken stock makes it taste really good it's a basil boom now the important thing is you want a nice slow needs to be smooth you had your chance in the blender then pour a bowl oh that's better than man where you can put it in Pensacola meet our new one of the favorite parts patatas bravas is the IOT that goes with it some people call it a ollie but they're wrong all it is mayonnaise Dijon mustard garlic cool done where do you put the lid why do you think I've taken the lid because you are a mischievous little sausage and you would have done that happy now yeah I think I might say toes I've been wanting to do this green sauce washed up green sauce is essentially basil parsley and spinach cream water Tiki squeeze a lemon just to increase my chances [Music] obviously berries left his current pan out but they look quite tasty so I'm gonna fry my pancetta in one of his juices [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm feeling the pressure do you know what one of the closest ever we haven't even tried them yet three Brown I think that's part of the territory with potatoes I'm going to start this end it looks great I mean before I even cut into it it looks like a road let me go for a little bit of green a little bit of red and a little bit of pancetta I have to say that it's great that it's really really great by cutting it in shaping it in that way you get lots of crispy bits you get the grata nation of cheese you get the heavy on garlic but the freshness of the basil clever so straight off the bat this one looks like it belongs on the rustic oak table of a gastropub with a fire roaring in the corner and that is attractive that aim was to be cut up a style but no it's not gonna be gone Jay Owen I really I write you do that oh it's dripping over his own dish actually is it good gravy because it could be improving it on a light fluffy Yorkshire that's crispy around the edges amazing steak and afterwards the loaded skin we're judging here and that is one particularly well loaded skin you couldn't have loaded much more onto that and it all tastes great and now this is equally clever as this as in it looks like something it shouldn't be that looks like a rose this looks like a burger but you've got the sesame seeds you've got the burger oh my god okay so the brief is load your potato skin this is a double loaded potato skin sandwiched with an awful lot of Spanish nests oh my word I tried some that sauce is warm may have picked up the hot smoked paprika by accident but oh it's got a reaction right that's what you want to do conceptually that is delicious it's very clever the sesame seeds with the cheese and the chorizo in the skin and then a burger in the middle hey Olli and tomato sauce incredible however it's been Jamie fight on the chili and I think it's worth it this week the Bradley point goes to the dish that I think was the most fully loaded skin on the table it belongs in the pub it tastes delicious it's this one absolutely love Roach dinner in a skin I agree with them course you do this week and this week he does it's not up to me though you guys get a vote as well so check on the poll on YouTube and give a like to Mike Barry or Jamie depending on your choice turns out I'm back in the late I'm definitely not losing that's the main no but it does turn out there is such a thing as too much flavor you probably know the three things we're going to ask you to do number one ring that bell number two subscribe number three using click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,557,386
Rating: 4.9507952 out of 5
Keywords: ultimate battle, ultimate battle sortedfood, cooking battle, cook off, ultimate rap battle, kitchen war, epic cooking battle, cooking challenge, ultimate cooking challenge, chef challenge, potato skins, cheesy potato skins, potato roses, baked potato battle, potato skins battle, potato cooking battle, epic cooking challenge
Id: NtfWj-_Ut9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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