2 Chefs Test and Review TikTok Food Trends Vol. 2

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- [Mike] We are Sorted, a group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food. From cooking battles to gadget reviews... - Ben, it's not worth it! - ... and cookbook challenges, to a midweek meal Packs app. - [Jamie] Crack your eggs, bake. We uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community, where everything we do starts with you. This is our second FridgeCam, where we're going to test, taste and review a few food trends that we find on TikTok. - We have found three to review today. We're gonna cook them all, and then we're gonna pick one to put our own twist on. - Up first, Barry and James are making carrot bacon. - I'm excited. - I'm not. (laughs) - Great, come on. Keep an open mind here, mate. - Right, you ready for this? - I'm ready. - [Video] What'd you see? Carrots or do you see bacon? - Carrots. - I can see that it does look a bit like bacon. - No it doesn't! - It's crispy, it's crinkled up. - Smokey maple carrot crisps. Doesn't that sound better? - I'm completely biased because I love Tabitha Brown and her voice could tell me to do anything and I would do it. (laughs) - [James] Okay, so basically, this is carrot ribbons, marinated in a smoky, - [Barry] Sweet, okay. - [James] flavored maple syrupy planes. - And then we're gonna put it in the oven and not an air fryer. - Yes, until it gets crispy. - Okay. - So I'll do carrots and you do marinade, yeah?. - Sure. - I'm peeling some carrots and now I'm peeling them into ribbons at the same place each time. - You're calling them ribbons as opposed to rashers. - Yep. (snickers) I have nothing wrong with these recipes, just don't call it bacon. Do you know what I mean? - [Barry] So our marinade is onion granules, garlic powder, smoked paprika, some liquid smoke, and some maple syrup stirred together. In with your carrots. - [James] A bit of peps? - [Barry] Oh yeah, lots of peps. - Interesting, I would associate bacon often with being quite salty. - Yeah, no salt, is there? - [Ben] There's no salt in this, or in the carrots. - [James] (whispers) Should we season it? - Doesn't say to put salt in her ones, so let's stick to that. - Okay. The carrot ribbons go into the marinade. That looks good. - [Barry] Line them up on a baking tray. - She used an air fryer, so I thought, to get a similar-ish effect in an oven, it might be good if they got some air underneath them. - [Barry] Mmm, airflow. - [James] Get the crispiness. I'm just deviating from the recipe now and putting the excess marinade over the carrots, 'cause flavor. That goes into the oven for 10 minutes, but we're going to keep an eye on it because we're not sure, and then we'll see what we've got. - Okay, we're good. - Please do it, I smell it. - It's looking crispy. - I see it! - How're they looking? - [James] Yeah, they look good. - [Barry] They're getting crispy, but soft in places. - As an addition to like salads and stuff, crispy vegetable shards are excellent. So what stopped that from crisping? - I reckon, probably, lower temperature for longer? - You know what it might've been? It might've been when you started liberally chucking extra sauce on top of it. - It might've been. Have you tried it without me? - [Ben] It sounds crispy from here. - I really like it. - Yeah, so do I, it's really nice, 'cause it's carrots with liquid smoke and maple syrup on them. It doesn't taste anything like bacon whatsoever in anyway, but it is delicious. - It's reminiscent of bacon. If I was craving bacon, and I couldn't get my hands on any, this would get me a little bit closer to it. - I completely understand why, especially on a platform like TikTok, it uses the word bacon. You've got a fraction of a second to just attract attention before someone scrolls away, and bacon is gonna do that more than carrot, despite the fact that carrot crisps, especially these ones, are delicious. - Listen, I'm fully aware that I'm gonna sound grumpy on this video, but... - On this video. (laughs) - ...but it tastes delicious. Stop calling vegetables bacon. - I do think that's great. Is it a pass? - Yeah, definitely. - Number two? - Good time to upload some TikTok. (laughs) - Ooh, while you clear down, I might watch some TikTok. (upbeat rock music) - Cloud bread. And if it's anything as good as cloud eggs, you are going to have funny feelings in your trousers. - [Barry] Essentially this is, like, it's a mix between a meringue and a bread? - [Jamie] Let's watch and find out. - [Video] It's so easy to make. Start by separating three eggs. Place just the whites into a mixing bowl. Whip them until they become frothy. - Ebbers, before you say anything, how much do you hate it? - I don't like coloring things for the sake of coloring things. It's meringue, which is cool. - It's cloud bread. Step one, separate your eggs. Egg whites into a mixer, whizzed up until stiff peaks, and then in with sugar, corn starch, vanilla extract, blue food coloring, and whizzy whiz. - So far, meringue. I have also heard of putting corn flour into meringue and it gives you a slightly chewier meringue, I think. But not this much, this is more. More flour, more like bread. - So why do you think they're calling this bread? For the same reason we called it "carrot bacon"? - For the same reason it's bright blue. - I'm interested. What would you call this? - Meringue. - [Jamie] Are we happy with that blue? - [Ben] Loving the blue. - I'm just saying it could possibly take a bit more blue. - You're colorblind. Blue's fine. (snickering) - Right, he does one more test before he puts it... - He does, over his own head I noticed. - Well yeah, but you're here. I think it might be ready. - Gutted. - [Jamie] That's a shame isn't it? - I had enough confidence in the look of that. - Right, Ebbers, presentation is not either of our fortes, but you've got to make this look beautiful. - J, just saying, we've got those spare egg yolks. - (snorts) You'd put it on the top? The biggest cloud volcano? - [Barry] Yeah. - Smooth it into a mound, some would say a loaf. Matthewinthekitchen left it like this, but I have seen another one that smothered it in some sliced almonds. - [Jamie] You've put sliced almonds there. - [Ben] I have. - [Barry] It's kind of cool, isn't it really? - [Jamie] Could have been more blue. - 148°C for about 25 minutes. 25 minutes and cooling time. - [Jamie] It looks blue. - Right, the iconic TikTok tear. (gasp) - [Jamie And Barry] Yes! - We did it! We never do these things and we've done one! - It looks like a bath sponge! - It does, doesn't it? - I'll tell you what though, you lot have all cheered at the tear. None of you are holding it. It's the weirdest thing. - [James] Weird? Like, weird how? - Sticky and eggy... - Like a meringue? - Worse! - Go on, give us a slice. - It's tear and share bread. - It's satisfying to watch over and over again. - It's a fun science experiment. - [Jamie] Don't smell it. (Barry exclaims) - It does not smell good. Cheers boys. - Thanks guys. - [Ben] Cheers. - Aww! - It doesn't taste as bad as it smells. - It's kind of marshmallow-y. - Yeah. - I wonder if you can make that good. - A glimmer. - Oh no! - There was a glimmer there. - It is the most off-putting color, and yet that's why it works on TikTok. - But it's like raspberry color, isn't it? - Unless you've got egg whites left over 'cause you've used the egg yolks for something useful, that's a no for me. - Did you finish it? - Yes, I think it's a yes for me. It's quite nice. - What?! - It's quite more-ish. - The more I eat, the more I like it. - I'm not convinced. I think it's split opinion in the room. Should we try number three? Number three, the TikTok egg sandwich. Let's give it a watch. - [James] Okay. Do you reckon we do it in real time? - Oh, yeah yeah yeah, go on. We're cracking three eggs into a bowl. You know, black pepper, black pepper, black pepper. Tiny, tiny whisk. - My whisk is larger than his. - He's got a bigger whisk than him. Yes, yes... pan spray, pan spray! Nice, nice. Bread, bread! - I'll fish these from out of the bag. - He's fishing bread out. Are the eggs are going in, the egg's going in already. - [Ben] Bread goes in and then I'm gonna immediately turn it. So it's like eggy bread. He's done it... - Whoa, he's... right. He's done a cut. - Time lapse. - Sorry, did the chefs not keep up with the TikTok person? Is that what happened, the chefs couldn't keep up? - Just not quite up there with time travel. Basically, you want to wait until the egg is cooked, enough to flip the whole thing over, and then we can add cheese, fold the sidey flaps in, fold it over. Egg sandwich. Oh oh oh, see? (James grunts) - Oh, this could be bad. This could be really, really bad. - Chefs, if any point you want us to sub in? - No, I've got my hands in my pockets, and I'm almost subbing out because blame sharing's wonderful right? - (whispers) There's a little bit caught under there. I can see it, but you probably couldn't. - No (beep) Ebbers. (laughing) - [Barry] Oh God. (laughing) Ebbers is back watching juggling videos. - When he's ready, I'll join back in, but at the moment, it's all about the juggling videos. Five balls is always a challenge. - (snickers) I can't, I can't. - No. - Ready? Are you just gonna... - Shall I just go for it? (boys clapping) - [Barry] Oh, he's back! He's back in the room. - [Ben] Nice color on the bottom. You know I don't like this cheese? - [Jamie] Well, again... - Too much plastic involved, both in the wrapping and the product. - Snobby. - I love this cheese. - Do you know why I think this has become so popular? It's quite a cool folding technique. Nicely done chef. I like it because I think that's a really good base. - There you go, sir. - Wonderful. - All right, give it a taste. - Cheers. - Cheers. - I didn't actually need to taste that to know what that tasted like. It's exactly what you expect. - It's got a real McDonald's vibe to it, doesn't it? American cheese is amazing on a burger. It's not amazing for breakfast. - As a quick breakfast fix, it does the job. - I'm having that tomorrow. - I love the idea of this one. - I think it's this one that we could give it the twist. - I quite enjoyed making it. - Did you? - Yeah, I actually did. Do you know what I'd enjoyed more James? - Shall we? Let's swap. (high energy big band music) - Okay, so we've had a think, and we're going to stick to that same clever folding egg bread method, but we're going to add a few flavors. - [James] It really doesn't need much doing to it. - Boys, boys. We'll take it from here. - [James] Okay. - I'm going to crack our eggs and whisk them up. - Same as before, whisk up three eggs, season, salt and pepper. - Yeah, let's see some salt. I think it was missing a bit of salt, - Salt going in chef. Peps. - I think the thing James nailed before was kind of almost warming the pan up once the eggs are in there. So you don't want it too hot, but we're gonna sub out oil for butter. - Also butter is like proper omelet tech-ers, isn't it? - Yeah, you're adding flavor with butter. - I noticed you've gone still for... - Well, we had a little bit of brioche, but I think that worked really well. I don't think it needs to change. Get that bread in. - So we're going egg on both sides, or one, or bareback? - [James] What would you like to do? - Up to you. So the way we did it, you ended up with sort of eggy bread. It was kind of soaked. I have seen other videos where they leave the top dry and spray it so you get more like fried bread. - [James] Obviously he's gone already, he's gone already. - Decision maker. - He didn't even, he didn't even contemplate. - No consulting there, just... - There wasn't much time to play with. - (mockingly) I'm Barry Taylor. - [Ben] Good tech-ers, keep it level, keep it cooking even. You want to color the egg on the bottom at about the same time it takes to cook it on top. We've also given you some different cheese, some cheddar, some fresh herbs in the form of basil and some 'Nduja. - Funny enough, I actually think that American cheese would also work in this one. It just needed a little bit more with it. - [Barry] Mm-hm. - [James] Yep. - So we've got 'Nduja. What was the thinking behind that? - It's, again, like the ease thing. So it doesn't need cooking like bacon does, it doesn't need chopping up like chorizo does. - So the 'Nduja is like an Italian sausage, it's kind of smoky and garlicky and delicious. - And spicy. - It's got a kick to it as well. I guess the other thing you could use, again for ease, is slices of salami or something that you could just, they're already sliced and good to go. - Tips on the flip, really quickly, 'cause I'm getting close. - Under one slice of bread, grab the pan with the other. Wow, it's looking good. - Flip Baz, flip. Flip Baz, flip. - Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I'm not confident. - You've got this. There you go. - I did it! - You had it, see? - I had it all the time. - [Jamie] Cheese. - [James] Cheese goes straight on. - While it's still nice and hot, the cheese is going to go on. - 'Nduja. - [Barry] Hold on, have you tested this? - [Jamie] Yeah, it's not that spicy. I think that's probably good. - Add some basil. Couple of leaves, just torn over. - [Ben] Then the egg fold. - [Jamie] Egg fold. - Wait a minute, (sputters) out of interest, should we have done it on both sides? - Oh interesting, yeah, I thought that was going to be okay, but you need it on both sides. - [Barry] You didn't know, look, let's just put it out a bit more. - [Ben] Same amount, but split between the two. - I'm thinking the spicy saus from the 'Nduja. The oils are going to come out of that with the cheese. Woo! - J, can I compliment you on the confidence in which you did that and the fact that you were just chatting while you were doing it? That makes such a difference. No flap, just do it, Whack it on the board and give it a slice! - [Jamie] Do it, do it, do it. - [Barry] Ready? - [Jamie] I want a cross section. - [Both] Oh yes. Yes! (funky music) - Good job. Smells, looks great. - [Both] Cheers. - [Ben] Cheers. - Cheers. - Oh, it's got a cheese pull. - Oh, basil. - Yeah? - No, basil. - It's nice though. Also, I think this might be a little home for all the oregano I keep growing. Oregano would be lovely in this. - It is delicious. It would be more delicious if there was no egg in it. - But then that would just be a sandwich. - James, that's just a grilled cheese. - I'm not sure I agree with that, but I think I want a little bit of crunch from something. - It does need a bit more crunch or something else to it. - But flavor wise, that's really good, and I think the freshness of the herbs just takes it somewhere. - And it's quite a cool technique. I like it. - I've had fun, and we brought them with us. - That was a strong sandwich. - Let us know in the comments down below, what flavors would you add to egg and bread in a foldy technique? And if you've seen any other intriguing food, (stutters) TikTok food trends, let us know about it. (boys laugh) - [Mike] Before you go, just a quick shout to say thanks to all of you who are using and sending us your thoughts on our Packs app. We wanted to create tools that help you boss your midweek meals, cut down on food waste, and reduce the cost of your weekly food shop, and you are helping us do just that, so thank you. We want to make this as accessible as possible right now, so if you haven't tried it, you can now for a full month, absolutely free. The link is in the description box below. And now for the bloop. - Sorry, do you guys keep hearing random noises whilst you're talking? Because it's Ben on TikTok watching different videos. - It's amazing how many puppies and tractors you can see on TikTok. - Or crotch thrusting to Taylor Swift remixes. (boys laughing) - You're going to get me a reputation Jamie. (boys exclaim) - He did one! He did one! - You have no idea. - I don't know what I've done. (boys laugh)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 998,502
Rating: 4.9525166 out of 5
Keywords: tik tok, tik tok hacks, tik tok recipes, tik tok food hacks, sortedfood, sortedfood food trends, viral tik tok trends, tik tok video, tik tok coffee, pancake cereal, tik tok pancake, tik tok burger, sorted food, tiktok food hacks, tiktok food challenge, testing viral tiktok trends, tik tok cloud bread, cloud bread, tiktok egg sandwich, egg sandwich, tik tok carrot bacon, carrot bacon, tabitha brown, tabitha brown carrot bacon, tik tok bacon, tiktok food hacks easy, tiktok
Id: pfQJhw1mYAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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