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god bless you all this is dr lovey elias and i am so thankful to the lord for giving us this opportunity to be together and i know that something beautiful and wonderful will come through what god is doing at this hour i want you to share this let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that the prophet is live and i know the grace of our lord jesus and the blessing of god will rest upon each and every one of us amen i know that the fellowship of the holy spirit will carry us to another realm and dimension in the things of god that the knowledge of god will truly be known to us according to his great desire and according to his great will i want you to share this as many times as you would like uh and do it thinking about those who need to hear a word from god amen now today i'm going to i'm not going to take so much of your time because i'm also preparing for miracle service tomorrow i need to be i need to go home and spend time in prayer but i want to talk about this because i believe that it is necessary listen to me it is necessary it is necessary for us to be people who understand what is going on both spiritually and physically now there is a big difference between changes and shifts there is a big difference between a change and a shift many times people preach and they talk about oh there's a shift coming god is gonna shift you it is true there is something called a shift but what is the difference between a shift and change the bible says this uh let's read this really quickly before i go deep in in explaining um what the lord is saying to us today now if we read [Music] let me see give me one second thank you lord jesus now first of all i'm gonna read one verse i'm gonna read this uh uh no that's not the one give me one second thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you jesus i had it right here [Music] okay okay here now first corinthians chapter 6 verse 17. first corinthians chapter 6 verse 17. can somebody read that amen and it says verse 17 but he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit flee fornication every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body one more time but he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit he that is joined to the lord is one spirit now i need you to understand where a shift comes from but you need to understand that changes lead to a shift a shift cannot happen without changes okay read it one more time and then i will explain this even deeper go for it but he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit it means there is a level you get to you and the holy spirit are not distinct right he that is joined now what produces a shift is getting to that place you are joined so so many of us desire god to do certain things in our lives okay without working on changes that brings forth a shift there are so many people that desire that they just wake up and they believe in quick fixes but a shift is supposed to project you to a place whereby anybody that knew you before cannot put two and two together to say that this is you and you are that amen amen but if we don't work on the changes that god requires us to to comply with to walk with immediately what we have done is we have disqualified ourselves listen to me children of god we have disqualified ourselves we have removed ourselves we have deleted ourselves to be candidates of something called a shift help us help us you see when the lord jesus will come it will be a shift to the world amen the bible says suddenly in a twinkle of an eye it will happen abruptly yes nobody will prepare for it nobody will know it's coming all of a sudden it's boom immediately yeah things have changed and they have changed forever that's it but anybody that is not working on changes for that day for them to be shifted to be translated from this world into the realm of god it will be a shock it will be devastating the question you need to ask yourself am i working on things karla bashar am i working on things that are giving me changes is my christian life complete with changes day by day am i improving in the sight of god in my understanding in my work in my desire in the things that i do am i becoming better in the sight of god am i becoming a better representative of jesus not by uh not by pretending not by acting uh like i am changed but because it is a definite fact it is a definite fact it is something that i know that what i used to be what i used to think and what i am today are completely polar opposites amen amen you see the devil knows that a shift is coming either way you see when kovid showed up there was a shift it was not a change teach wow wow that is why they call it the new normal it was not a it was not coming along slowly he forced everybody their mother and their aunties and their sisters your enemies they were forced to change we were all forced to change how we live period that's true right now to be without a mask has become abnormal for many mm-hmm some people i even i saw something that was really funny i saw somebody on a on a motorcycle with a mask on in the freeway not no helmet but a mask on it shows you how how crazy it is i i hope somebody can hear me i hear you how crazy it is that human beings only adjust to changes when you are forced to change yeah that's true the children of israel entered into bondage the children of israel became bound simply because they refused to change teach the children of israel suffered consistently and continually simply because they refused to change that's good a lot of the things that so many are suffering is not because god is not able but god cannot god cannot shift somebody that is not changing i i hope you're listening to me god cannot shift somebody that is not changing some of you god cannot upgrade you because you are consistently sinning against yourself my goodness not sinning against god sinning against yourself i i wish somebody could hear me you can sin against yourself you know you can sin against your brother you can sin against your sister you can sin against god and you can sin against yourself yes you cannot give somebody millions if they cannot manage ten dollars god cannot give you properties if you cannot manage an apartment yes god cannot give you those who serve you unless you know how to serve god can never increase you until you learn to multiply it's making sense god can never establish you until you're consistent you have to understand you can only measure a demonic uh um a demonic uh uh interference when you are working on change faithfully and consistently and the shift is not coming you know there is a spirit that is fighting you but there are people who are not working on any kind of change on any kind of improvement but they believe that things should just change that's true things should just shift but god is looking at you and saying hey you are not changing you have not even been joined to me as one spirit how can i lift you up to another realm um listen there are certain things that you see if you look at joseph joseph did not just have a shifted life okay joseph was trained by his father for what was to come he was taught in the ways of god when he was betrayed and he was forced into change into becoming a slave he knew how to serve he knew how to pray when he was accused and thrown into jail he knew a shift was coming he remained faithfully into the call of god that's it then the moment that he was needed his life shifted because he was ready as a person who is working on change a person who's allowing the holy spirit to mold them who's allowing the holy spirit to shape to shape them they are not surprised when a shift comes they are always aware of the shift but to those who don't know their story to those who don't know where they came from they are always like wow did you just shift like that how did this happen wow god just took you somewhere else no no no no it didn't it did not just happen yeah yeah that's true there was consistent work that was in the background in the presence of god on on the person's knees in their praying and fasting so that they can be elevated i i feel like my thumbs up are too low i may just log off because i feel like people are not sharing facebook are you there can can you move the comments of on facebook it feels like it's stuck okay i don't know what's happening uh so how do we tap into the realm of teachers papa change us we're listening how do we tap into the realm of change how do we tap into the realm of change teachers before you tap into the realm of change you need to know what sin is and what kinds of sins we have the issue is not that there is a greater sin than the other but the issue is you may be sinning against something you don't know help us some of you have sinned against god some of you have sinned against your brother your sister some of you have sinned against your parents and some of you have sinned against yourself you have sinned against your own body can you read that again listen to these children listen to this we're in first corinthians 6 17 and it says but he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit flee fornication every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body one more time but he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit flee fornication every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body now let me ask you a question did adam sin against his spirit or against his own body did he sin against his spirit or did he sin against his own body help me what did adam sin against when adam ate the fruit he sinned against himself not against god that is why god told him on the day you eat this you will die not i will punish you you will die not because i have done anything because of what you did you yourself you will die wow the sin against god was that now because of them sinning against their own body they they there was an imbalance spiritually because they started to be governed by the body which they subjected to something else so immediately now they no longer had control of their spiritual life so murder and things that now offended god came in but the original sin was not against god was against man that's good i feel like i'm talking to myself because adam had no capacity of offending god he had no capacity of offending god that is why when they ate the fruit they began to seed themselves differently right so now you are struggling me and you are struggling with one thing and it is a very important thing we are struggling with the ability to see ourselves the way god sees us because from the day we were born we are sinning against ourself and also god goodness gracious you see when the prodigal son came back home he was saying something to himself he said father i have sinned against you and against who god the original sin was that he sinned against himself and he threw away what his father had what he asked for was not a sin was not a crime but what he went to do offended his father and also offended god what is limiting you right now i feel like i'm talking to myself i hear you sir what you are experiencing right now what is causing you to remain in the same place right now is not a demon a demon is simply taking advantage of you wow he knows if he keeps making you subject to sinning against your body when you don't go to the gym you're sitting against your body when you're eating unhealthy you're sinning against your body can somebody delete that phone number are you getting what i'm saying some of you right now you are sinning against yourself you are sinning against yourself that's why you're not moving forward when you're not diligent in taking care of yourself listen to what the bible says love your neighbor as you love yourself some of you don't love yourselves god loves you but you don't love yourself because the actions and the things that you do prove that god loves you but you don't love you and because you don't love you you don't know how to love your neighbor you don't know how to treat the people next to you because you don't know how to treat yourself some of you just know how you want to be treated right but you don't know how to treat yourself you want people to respect you but you don't know how to respect yourself or you need to show people how to treat you how do you treat yourself because you don't show people how they need to treat you by telling them how you they need to treat you people observe your life yes yes they see how you carry yourself and they know what to bring to you and know what not to bring to you that's it people can't curse around me they know that i don't do that i've never come out and said don't curse around me but i have people that i know friends that are in the world they know when i'm around a you don't talk like that there are certain things just avoid my presence has become the presence of we don't do that not because i act holier than thou i'm the most understanding human being that there is but naturally naturally there are certain things people just can't do when i'm around the devil observes your life in order to know what to bring to you wow can you say that the devil takes advantage listen to me the devil observes your life in order to know how to attack you he observes you look at let me give you an example he went into the wilderness found jesus fasting he waited for jesus to be hungry when his first was over for him to attack you're teaching to see if jesus treasures what he invested in the spirit or was it easy for him to sin against his own body why would jesus turning bread turning stone into bread be a sin to himself i put my body through 40 days and 40 nights subjecting it to the will of god and i will throw that away simply to quench something temporary i don't know if somebody can hear me some of you have invested in prayer but you throw it away you spill it away you get rid of it simply because of one thing you are investing within yourself is poor because you are easily thrown away you you easily throw away things that you have invested in yourself because you don't love yourself when you've become a chimney where smoke comes in and out of you you're sinning against yourself you are destroying your body i feel like i'm talking to myself anyone who engages in things that make you cano aha kingdom come wrote something very good it's a prophet is it like advertising advertisers on browsers and phones they look at uh what you're looking at and then they send you ads exactly that's exactly how the devil does it but god also observes that to see if you're ready amen when god was sending the children of israel out of egypt he shifted them they were not prepared for the shift how do we know that they just wanted not to be slaves jesus they wanted change but they were not ready for a shift moses brought a shift but when he brought them into a realm of shift they were still operating in the same way they were in egypt out of egypt why because they were not changed so when they got out of egypt they started living a life that they wanted to live within egypt without being slaves so they got to the mountain of god and made another god goodness they got in the wilderness seeing the glory the presence of god but they would not change you see change is not just a matter of prayer okay change is a matter of decision yeah that's good anyone that has not decided cannot change that's good dropping gems anyone that has not made a decision cannot change anyone that does not make a decision cannot change you don't just start going to the gym you decide i will go to the gym you don't just start eating right you decide you're going to eat right yes anything that lacks a fervent and and consistent and precise decision is a wish everything that you never made a decisive decision and that decision is proven by the changes you make you are only wishing the lord is calling you to come out of wishing the lord is calling you out of a life of i wish i wish i wish i wish i hope i hope i pray i pray what are you doing to prepare yourself for a shift so many of us right now that are online are you preparing for the rapture teach are you preparing for the coming of the lord amen it will happen suddenly in a twinkle of an eye all over sudden it will take many by surprise so many will be in shock you're watching live stream dr elias is disappear boop only his clothes are left behind you're on a plane the pilot is flying all of a sudden the plane is going down you don't know what happened a few people have disappeared it will be a dramatic shift are you also prepared for the shift that is supposed to bring your life to the life of plenty and blessing amen anyone who is preparing for the rapture is preparing for a shift that is lasting in their life amen anyone who is preparing to see the lord anyone who is living their life knowing that jesus can come at any time i may die at any time he's somebody that is prepared for a shift amen anyone that doesn't live like that is not ready this is the issue that so many of us are facing there is something i'm going to say that i've been kind of holding back for a little bit there is a very dramatic change that is coming we need to pray for the next two months seriously what are we in september and then what do we go into october and then november we need to pray for these two months because it would determine a lot of things that are to come number one the person i never want you to be somebody that is praying for somebody to fail yeah that's not what we do as christians we want people to succeed personally i didn't vote for the person in the white house but i don't want him to fail has he had failures absolutely all manner of failures but do we want him to fail no because if he fails the whole country fails right exactly you don't shoot your pilot you shoot your pilot you're foolish you die because you will crash and you die we don't want that but i want you to know there is another dramatic shift in shaking that is coming to the country we need to pray from now to november seriously for the country because there's a shift that is about to happen and some people will try to take advantage of us remember i told you this number one i am seeing people that were supporting the current president turning against him and i am seeing him not being impeached but i'm seeing him resign but in the fashion that is going to happen it's going to be very dramatic it will leave a small vacuum and there will be some kind of power struggle within their own party but we need to pray so that the enemies that are waiting for that to happen don't take advantage amen another thing is we need to pray for long life for the president i'm not saying this because he's old i'm saying this because of the fashion in which it will happen i don't want to say too much but i'll keep some things for another time i just saw him holding his heart and i'll stop right there but one thing we do know for a fact i want you to know something for a fact the best days for the kingdom of god is at hand amen the best days for the kingdom of god is at hand god is gonna take us high god is gonna protect us god is gonna provide for us god is going to look after us i'm gonna give you one more prophetic direction amen stock up on food again unperishable foods buy and store up are you listening to me say one more time sir buy foods that are unperishable or they last long it because there is a plan in the kingdom of darkness for another weird thing to happen like how it was happening in the streets are you all listening to me yes sir the looting and the breaking and the burning and the stuff like that but i believe that we can pray to shift this one amen but just in case buy some stuff in store buy some things in store i'm not saying this to scare anybody because nothing evil will touch you amen nothing wicked will touch you but i want you to understand there is a mighty strong shift that is on the way amen don't be caught unawares but be part of the wave of god amen and what god is about to release remember when was the president inaugurated was it in february january right january 6th was the what is it called when they invaded the capital yeah it was when the capital stuff happened but when was the inauguration in february or end of january i believe end of january i could check around that time let's check january yes january 20th let's pray between let's pray that the sitting president will go past second month of next year that god will keep him amen understand that we are in the hands of god and because we are joined with him in one spirit god is gonna take us somewhere that is mighty and great amen amen so prepare yourself consistently daily in becoming one with god our decisions are never meant or are never made by what is going on in the world but they are inspired and moved listen to me they are inspired and they are moved they are inspired and they are moved by what god has called us to do not by what people desire us to do not by what the world is doing so again prepare yourself even in other countries if you can buy some unpreachable foods it's not a a bad thing but god is good i want you to go to prophet just give your daily seed remember we're in a new month grab a seed with number nine and just we're going to make some prayers uh right when we come back we're going to say some prayers for this month uh grab a seed with the number nine it can be 9 billion 900 billion whatever it is with number nine go to prophet quickly and give and then we'll come back and pray [Music] lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Music] empty i wanna come to umt you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on yours so fill me full of your glory completely line my path for me and lead me wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i am [Music] me [Music] wherever you want me you're the answer that i need you're the only remedy you're the truth that makes me free oh for you without you god i am [Music] me [Music] i wanna come to you you deserve nothingness [Music] foreign [Music] i could never get enough i just fall more in love every day with you tell me how your mysteries [Music] against [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just wanna get closer to you [Music] take me to your secret place [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get [Music] i closer wanna get closer to i you wanna get [Music] i closer wanna get closer [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] nobody else is [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just want to get closer to you now breathe [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now god bless you all we're back and uh i want us to pray and we're going to pray and ask the lord that will be prepared for the shift and the elevation that is bringing in our lives i want you to open your mouth and just tell the lord lord help me to prepare help me to work in the changes you want me to in order for me to catch the shift when it comes i don't want to be caught unawares i want to be i want to be alert i want to be in the know of what you're doing on earth open your mouth and pray and and ask the lord father in the name of jesus i pray together with my family now we all lift our voices unto you and we say oh lord have mercy on us forgive us for sinning against ourselves and for sinning against you lord we want to walk in changes that will bring forth the fruits that you desire for us to bear lord i desire in the name of your son jesus that lord we will be shifted we will be shifted because of the changes that we have brought about in our lives lord we pray that by the power of the holy spirit where we have weaknesses where we have struggles that you will help us and take us to another dimension that lord you will be honored through our lives and through the changes that you're bringing forth in our lives father we lift your name even now we pray that father whatever you will do on earth that you will not do it without us that whatever will come forth on the earth that lord will be in the know of what you're doing lord we pray in the name of jesus that lord you will hear our voice and know that lord we are prepared for the shift in the mighty name of your son jesus father i pray for divine health and divine protection for everyone that is watching no matter where they are give them wisdom and understanding that the snares of the evil one will not come near them nor will he destroy them lord we thank you that you are god and apart from you there is no other in the name of your only son your holy child jesus christ amen amen listen you are loved by the lord and remember tomorrow we have a powerful a powerful prophetic service but it's not just a prophetic service it's a healing service so if you know anybody that is sick bring them because it is the lord's desire to bring healing and restoration to them so be here at 7 30 p.m whether it's online or in person and you will see the hand of god like you have never seen before so i i bless the lord jesus for you and i can't wait to see you tomorrow shalom you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 7,067
Rating: 4.9900908 out of 5
Id: W0aemwt_r68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 54sec (3114 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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