The Secret To Walk With Angels!

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[Music] via Kusa water what the gusty acoustic washa what the gusty tubba-wubba quiver well done choo-choo chart each cylinder - checky chickety chillin Jaya Jaya Jaya Bachchan kazutaka chile chilean HHH HHH choo-choo choo-choo choo-choo choo-choo cha-cha-cha Iannetta Pia - kalpana katisa marina sandy sandy sandy beach malate Miles's mana mulatto Mulenga llamo sengai calamari man Garcia on de en bola Masika a go calamari mozu Musa c'mon jayjay Okocha game he costa de bunda Makaha biggity-boom sala of a very gang gang gang gang gang gang Indira Gandhi maganda be a McConkey intimate on dates in demanding seemed of mondasey no Monday Monday Monday on Amaka bozhe salade de sica kaka kaka kaka kaka casa mia see me huh see me Humbaba oomba me Mimi Siki apalta a Laura Leona see Anna Hahn de la zona la vie Amash a minimus a minimal so an economist ACOG AHA see Cudahy a ezekiah toma Catapano say hiya hiya hiya hay una pregunta pratically tequila Kaku socotra socotra Rocha apricot a a co-hosted Abra Cadabra Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa rapist Sikhi pitiful OSHA de su de Mahon de transfer of tongues into thy spirit a transfer of the prophetic ability into their soul transfer of the prophetic assignment into their future I pray for the prophetic light to shine on their face to shine on the Airways in NOLA Honda [Music] what the gusty the party Akasha water what Augusta tubba-wubba Preveza tikka tikka masala have a very Gong and Indian Donaghy Derek abundant Irina belongs Mpemba ganga kotappa konda sinned oh man they sinned of Mondays [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wha-wha-wha-what Augusta tubba-wubba prefer a half-day time mr. Chu Chu charge eg I transferred I owed Mentos into the new wine - Landon legit attention - choo-choo choo-choo choo-choo choo-choo - hey behold my move hi my move wipe the world I won't be taken by strong I the world will be surprised bias by excellent so i tec sofie type type excellence of ministers of minister to other behold did i church will be multiplied bread and fish were a bunch of peace will be multiple met in no areas of your lives I fix your memories I fix your change I fix your heart I take you back to the best laugh that which I started with you what what Augusta the bomb our way now to Akaka chiki chiki chaka chaka chaka dear chiquita hana undeleted in Ibaka also Maha Maha Maha DDT cover a tobacco cheeky kakuka taka - Angelica caucus waka screaming [Music] [Music] Mia okey batana Eklund hasta la kinara khuda paprika divorce Alejandra kita least a hundred a yandere depakote single honda la lagune grahas Cadabra ha taco shack la Apprendi Tia Quezada mas and Amanda Milwaukee vo tay tay co praça de Kaap Oliva Provost ocean kina masticate a station Stosh if toast indeed approach tech sticks toshin iike OPA Stosh invite Abydos ah hey kahega Pashto give it a Yank eva samehada Mottola near in about shakey flyer on Aston Amanda meropenem a mere novice acaba Rehana face appear at a time a mossy Abajo see you Nadia she ye ye ye Eun ah si kaliesha like Le la Li la nina mon ami Amasya na ha Ilia two million de minimis a kealoha pour ah man dat Irie baby annachi Ikaruga the economy OC Kiara tonight Mae Mae Mae Mae [Music] whoo-hoo booyah booyah ha Yakko boyacá beta Papa also people DeCosta and mother husky they leave a shake people be happy ha Jesus Jesus Christ Holy Spirit the holy you god bless everybody watching this is the guff at the profit passion excited to be with everybody right here on this live broadcast and I just want to celebrate every life that is here with me today and I just want to say God bless you for being part of the broadcast god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you share the broadcast as we begin I'm not going to be here for a long time but I have a special message for somebody to tap into the angelic realm share the broadcast share the birthday share the broadcast let somebody know that we are live right now let somebody be placed right now everybody share the broadcast if you are not a subscriber on my youtube subscribe now so that every time we go live you get a notification or so click notifications on facebook on periscope on facebook on youtube and i just want everybody who does not follow me on instagram go to profit passer on instagram not any other is the grounds but the main account which is the only account that I use profit passion it is about 127 thousand followers so don't follow in with 5,000 10,000 1802 to people because there are people lying to be me texting people and asking about donations and whatever people are asking so be careful but my only Instagram is profit person right now it is 127 thousand and my facebook is this is the only Facebook that i'm act if I don't do messengers I don't do any other but this is the only Facebook account that I use and we also have my my YouTube which you have to call end and and subscribe to I see many people on Facebook some on periscope some on YouTube some one Twitter may god bless you may call empower you this then is the night the Lord has a message for somebody to be blessed I just want everybody watching me to know there is a prophetic revelation about angels that is going to cut up how you to another dimension yes there's going to be a mighty move of the Holy Spirit there's going to be a touch of God right now right here on this platform so please for the last time I ask you to share the broadcast go bottom left on Facebook click share right those of you on YouTube copy the link spread it on periscope spread it retweet put it on Instagram put it on you what sup status let everybody know we live for a revelatory experience that will change somebody's life amen and amen praise the Lord praise the Lord so the message I have with everybody today is simply about angels and angels are hundred-percent created by God himself so it's God here then he created angels and many people want to know how did God create angels I need to speak to Lena gravina find a way to reach my office so I can pray with you I saw Maria Maria Maria that was about two days ago when I I killed it in the realms of the Spirit but many people oftentimes ask many questions Elijah god bless you for free and love for you Williams as well god bless you for offering everybody before I start talking if you have an offering that you are touching this broadcast go and give on the website professional come on this YouTube so I don't keep mentioning names when I start teaching but as I get into the teaching many people have asking the question how did angels came into existence who created the angels Peggy they bless you for your big offering who exactly created angels that's the question who created angels and how were they created some we have said that Lucifer created angels of worship some said Michael created angels of Ave but that's wrong that's totally wrong the Angels all of them were created by human beings animals were all created by angels right now if you check in the scriptures you are going to find a distinction between the Aaronic and the cosmos the ioniq is the spiritual realm the cosmos is the physical realm the ad room is the cosmos and the ionic is the spiritual realm now the bad boy tells us in Genesis 1 verse number 1 that in the beginning God created the heaven and earth in the beginning God created heaven and earth this then is what happened in the beginning he created heaven and earth but from verse number 3 we begin to see God creating the earth with words God yet to open his mouth and speak but remember before I say god it has to be in my mind is a thought I expressed through my voice right so if I express it to speaking it it has to come to a place of manifestation way on the add realm so here on earth we speak things to happen but in heaven we don't speak things to happen we operate in the third level it's called the logos type the locust realm the remet Rose is the at which you speak Mariana Jawara bless you for offering so on earth you speak Romero's in heaven you speak from your mind logos so how does the angels communicate angels they do communicate through their mind and they communicate through their mind telepathically they communicate that when you meet an angel and when you meet angels what happened the moment you meet an age the angel speaks to you through the mind it doesn't open the mouth that the mind what does this mean it means the for death to exist God needed to speak but for heaven to exist God needed to think so in heaven you think and a cake appears so the loudest voice in the air your neck is not haha the loudest voice in the a your neck is your thought your thought is the loudest voice in the realms of the Spirit that is why you come to an understanding that Lucifer or Saturn was removed from heaven simply because of one thing the Bible said he said in his at he thought he was thinking I will build my turn about that run of God by thinking he was cast it down why because in the spiritual realm your thoughts is powerful is your action or I may say they are powerful more than your action so many people they do not know that whenever you are thinking human beings they don't hear you but in the ionic angels they hear you demons they hear you moreover God is hearing you so it does not make sense for you to kiss people in the mind and smell to them physically because the Bible says he wouldn't look at a murderer already he who looks at a woman lustfully already committed a daughter way in his mind let me show you the Bible said a foo said in his heart there is no God the foo said in his heart there is no God the foo said way in his that he did not open his mouth but the shocking part it written in the Bible we added the full said in his heart there is no God there is no God who hid him who hid my sister Mavis is watching god bless you so they are people and that are trying to act to please even there are people that are trying to open their mouth to pleased heaven but heaven is not moved by your physical actions or your word but it is already moved by your thoughts that is why you can't hide from God because the moment you just say let me go under a rock oh god Reggie so God is moved by thoughts more than words so in the beginning God created the heaven by the thoughts of thinking heaven heaven appeared when hip thoughts of heaven heaven appeared when he thought of it and they did not appear why intermediate words to be spoken so he opened his mouth and he said let there be light La Fea William bless you for another big offering let it be there be light let there be light and light was there why because when he thought of light in the spiritual realm it appeared but for it to manifest on earth he opened his mouth let there be ground let the priests comfort he had to speak so when he spoke in his mind let there be heaven heaven appeared when he said let there be angels before appeared at the same time because heaven and spiritual beings they responded to thoughts not words but when he came on earth he opened his mouth in here to say let us create men and then to dust of the ground and make the man but angels is not doing that why angels they operate in the tort level that's why when angels come down god bless you son Troy for your offering that's why every time when an angel appears here the angel doesn't open the mouth that angel communicates with you telepathically that is what you see the biggest - which is not your jutsu people that you blame around the world is not the sangoma people is not the obeah man is not those fortune tellers the biggest witches are pastors god bless you maleeni Barbaro's for offering why do you say pastors are the big witches because the Bible says he who hates his brother is a murderer you didn't hear me he who hates his brother is a murderer so when the devil wants to destroy somebody's life he can take his best to witch and simply reach this one he makes a cause to take place between somebody and a pasta why a pasta because a pasta is well anointed X are anointed right because the pasta is well unknowing Ted the moment he hates you he have opened a platform for that day for to take his spirit to go and be with someone when somebody's asleep because the hatred opens a door for meddling spirit so it's not everyone shocking you in your sleep who is a witch even a man of God when a man of God comes to that place way he is he ting Jew we disease anointing if the devil uses him Ayaka back road upon Sala Havana Hadi it becomes a difficult number one angels can't fight The Anointed One so if it is a witch the angel can block if it's a which God can block god bless you de dion Brown for offering so oftentimes people left their jetties in the wrong way and when they left their church in the wrong way they offended their pastors they're men of God the spirit of fathers and because those man of God they don't have a heart for people and they don't have full understanding of spiritual children or spiritual sons and daughters they end up kissing them in words or hating them in their heart which opened a door for them to go and be which their own sons that's why Paul wrote in the Bible said to the church who you be with you he is talking to the people into who you be with you by giving you wrong doctrine so you should be able to understand every time you are going through witchcraft it's not a mere men attacking you but every time you go through witchcraft some of the times it is somebody that is close to you and somebody that you caused pain and the greatest witchcraft in many marriages is the acts of your husband is the acts of the man you married because the man you married was not respecting ladies enough using ladies as if they are dogs then found you and mistreated everybody and Ahmet had left people bleeding then it caused those ladies those young girls to have a wound that made them to speak against your marriage so every time you are in your house you are fighting with your husband not because they're supposed to be fighting because they are people that have spoken ugliest that married simply because they get a bondage with your husband with what we call a spirit of so time because of the so tight they have in legal ground that they are words are so effective to destroy your own mariette when you look at your sexual life is not that sweet is not even good there's always a problem here and here why somebody cried in the heart and somebody uttered the words and those words are affecting you they are people right now Kiribati Tama Soto they are people right now that needs to be set free from that witchcraft now I'm going back now to - to angels angels were created number one by God alright number two they were created through thoughts that's what angels live in the realm of thoughts they think Zimbabwe in the Appian Zebub they think America they appear in America because they operate in the realm of thoughts number three how many types of images do we have we have numbers and numbers and numbers of angels that if I'm to come and say we have ten we have 2,000 it will be alive because they are those that unknown to men and they are taught that are unknown to men they are angels that I personally saw in heaven that I'm not even permitted to share that revelation here on earth even John in the Bible he was taken the door was open he was taught come year when you went above the angel said what you are about to see it's not allowed for you to share it with any man there are angels and there are different angels there are angels of knowledge and those ones if you want to know them they're always wearing blue and oftentimes their own wings their blue color then they're angels of prophecy they usually wear pink and their wings are pink then they are angels of intercession they usually wear green or their wings are green they are different they keep going and going and going I wrote about three books pertaining angels and the first one is called 14 types of angels in the 14 types of angels I spoke about female angels which are in Zechariah 5s number nine revelations to office number one different types of angels right those are female angels then I spoke about sons of God angels that are called sons of God these are angels that have got flesh they have got bodies those angels are active like men those are the angels that when you went to heaven when the Lucifer when Saturn went to heaven in the book of Job the Bible says when the sons of God came to present themselves before God those are angels that came to report before God the boxes Lucifer was found among them those type of angels this very same angels that you see fighting with the Jacob Jacob physically he was exchanging v who jump a pocket with angels right and his ship was broken out of john by who by an angel which angel it was a physical angel it like a human being no wings it looks like me those are the angels to here many people say the Bible saying some entertained angels without knowing there is a sound coming some with it some entertained angels without knowing so there are people that can actually meet an angel and walk with an angel and fail to know that's why when Jesus was resurrected the people walked with Jesus but not even one person was able to know this is Jesus God bless you granddaughter Mary for your offerings so they are people that can encounter angels and think they're human beings the other angels that are human human type you see them in Genesis chapter 6 they came down from heaven and if they had sex with human beings any children were born and they are physical those are types of angels and then they are angels and that our code drones then the book of Daniel chapter 4 those are the angels that gives you access to that throne room of God the Father you can't access God the Father God father's throne room without being authorized by NGOs controls they're angels of authority and power then there are angels called rulers of light the Bible speaks of angels called rulers of darkness some call them demons but I call them fallen angels there in Ephesians chapter 6 we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities Soto's principalities that are namely they they are fallen angels they are also angels that attitude in heaven right now there are couple principalities then the ones that are written as rulers of the darkness when they were in heaven they were not rulers of darkness they were rulers of lights so types of angels they keep moving the arquero beams they are Seraphim step and John's on blessed by offering they are Sarah fields they are killing beams they are sons of God there are female angels they are celestial beings celestial angels they are 14 types of angels you can download my book and get to know more about them somebody asked me the question does angel sin do they seem yes angels can see what is to see to sin is to miss the Mac so are using the drink I didn't say drinking is sin but it is the evidence being drunk being a drunkard in fact it's an evidence of seeing the bastard now the evidence of sin being manifested it is ABCD but what is sin not the evidence of seeing all the works of seeing what is seen sin is simply missing the muck which mark the map of your quality so angels can actually see that I see angels left heaven in Genesis chapter 6 and they had sex with human beings that see lucify supposed to guide the glory and is supposed to worship God but he decided to build a throne above the throne of God that has seen so angels can actually see right then another question about angels is it - everyone has his own angels I wrote them in my personal book ordered 14 types of angels part two I wrote about angel called angels of his resemblance you all know that Jesus never appeared to John the Baptist John the Revelator in John in Revelation chapter 1 the Bible says this is the book revelation 1 verse 1 this is the book of revelations of the revelation which God the Father gave unto Jesus to show and manifest it to seven John but Jesus did not come down in Faizabad Jesus sent and signified it to his angel to his servant John so the one you see in in Indiana see in Revelations 1 and revelations 2 in the book of Revelation with John when he said I heard a voice saying I am the Alpha and the Omega it was not Jesus it was the angel of his resemblance right number two when he looked he began to describe his face was shining like the Sun out of his mouth came to head to swim his eyes were like flames of fire and his robberies defeat his robbers whiter than the snow and his feet was like brass that had been refined when he fell down to worship the angel said don't worship Me I'm a fellow 7 thank you come on were you not saying I'm the orphan Dominic yes I said how when the prophetic takes over pass John says what passage says I am the Lord your God fear me is it person saying I'm God no God is speaking through passion so Jesus was actually speaking through who Jesus was speaking through his angel is called angel of his resemblance angel of your resemblance it looks exactly like you that's your own angel so many people that will be like we dreamt your passion they are talking about dreaming of my angel visiting them in the dream so Jesus is the angel looked exactly like him let's go to Peter Peter is in prison and people know that at night we don't release prisoners so when they just began to pray God released an angel and the angel unlocked Peter from the freezer when Peter came to the house when they were praying the Bible says he note when he knock did the Bible said something important the lady opened it at all and looked at Peter and close the door and said Wow don't pray wait the angel of Peter is he why is she closing the door his exist expecting the angel to walk past the door but Peter said no it's not my angel it is I what does that mean it means they were used of meeting that angel of Peter that looks exactly like him to the extent that sometimes they will be confused is it you Peter oh it's your angel because your angel looks exactly like you they are keeper data in this broadcast which I so believe they are about to encounter the prophetic and as they are encountering the prophetic they are to be introduced into the angelic because the prophetic is connected to the angelic they are people that God is remembering in the realms of the angelic that they are going to start seeing angels right now there are people in the angelic that are going to start communicating with angels telepathically then they are people may be blessed by offering then they are people that are going to start speaking with the talents of angels the Bible says they talents of men and they are tongues of angels but if I speak with bottle that love nothing the first Corinthians 13 verse number 1 tons of men and tongues of angels thousands of men give you access into the realm of men tongues of angels they give it access in the realm of angels I was in Cape Town in 2009 in Goodwood and I went into a church and I began to pray as I was praying the pastor everybody began to cry they began without they began to react and they say passion we are a true prophet what you just said is what's going in the church what you mentioned concerning leadership is what's happening in the leadership you are a true prophet of God what are you talking about I was praying they said you spoke influence Africans and you said ABCD ABCD everything that we have said everything that is said is on point everything that you just said is on point they don't know that I don't know their language but I am simply praying in the tongues of men tongues of men unknown to men and tongues of angels are known to angels so you can't speak with the tongues of men to angels but God is giving me access to the angelic we have first remembers you with the tongues of angels ki Abramelin hibakusya hotel para mendes once you get into the angelic and begin to speak with the tongues of angels you command angels you fellowship with images you get secrets pertaining angels or chrome and a little attack ad Banzai my prayer for everybody watching me right now protect done bless you free offering my prayer for everybody was listening to my voice right now is simple and it's one Cobra baba bababa Baba God to give you tons of angels God to remember you with angelic Marie Quattro boy Honda kabak Ibaka Kaku Pia consumed by God bless yo Tyrell Davenport for offering once you get in that realm of the angelic it becomes easy for you to see Jesus it becomes easier for you to see God it becomes easier for you to understand some deep secrets of heaven because I spoke about the angel met last night arrangers quadrille Raphael Rossi Rossi o is the angel of knowledge they're angels of knowledge they're angels of wisdom they're angels of prophecy once God releases an angel knowledge and your fellowship with a ranger or ramicus at elemental area to life becomes easier for you so I strongly believe God is raising a remanent and generation and people that are rooted in Christ that are going to start seeing NGOs walking with angels or a Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba she and to tell you the truth your ministry is not effective enough unless you have meet the angel of your ministry your own angel that has you that works with you in ministry because that angel has the knowledge for your ministry that is why when God visited John the Revelator he said to the angel of the church of this one write this to the Angel of the Church of Patmos writers to the Ange of the Church of Ephesus write this every church every minister every assignment every calling yes it's on angel even your marriages on it that's why I don't allow any other pastor to just pray for you or to make it remain to be the marriage officer because we are people that are they to authorize you to become one flesh and release an angel into your marriage because angels they govern the atom they control everything on the atom if you don't have an angel working with you there's a demon that is having access to destroy your life so your angel can actually be standing here and that which can be which we one is to injuries here why is your angel not fighting for you your angel can't fight for you because your angel waits for your instruction that's why many times you are confused how come I'm a child of God I have Jesus in my heart I'm anointed I speak in tongues but witches are coming to me it's because egg cannot be active unless you speak a word to them through telepathic or through angelic tongues sanata could you bless you for your offering so there are people that God is planting in a place of the angelic that they may be able to touch angels to walk with angels to fill angels hora Brahma Baba Baba angels they have names my angels called a spontaneous my angels called a spontaneous and Metta two years ago 2003 2004 that's when I connected deeply with my angel and ever since I began to fellowship with my angel my Angelica dimension changed easy to see another in Joe's easy to communicate with angels easy to check messages from angels so even if God puts a message into your angel if you don't know the name you don't have access because names are access if I want to access your bank account I need your name if I need to access any data of your life I need to go to the computer and puncher name if I want to come and connect with you on Facebook I have to punch the name you put on Facebook so for you to access your angel you need to know the name of your angel Kabara body also may Lisa Jones bless you for offering that is why oftentimes we are here and with your people register for one-on-one why so that we are able to tell you your angelic name connect you with your angel move you into the angelic move into your assignment tell you your spiritual name those things are important because the names brings control what you name you control names brings ownership what you need you on Cobb Rebecca Devon Salama hand echidna Bharati that is why the child you have given a name listens to you that W name do you control it because what you name you control what you name your power over so some of you need to know your angels name so that when you call your angel you are able to see your angel you're able to hear your angel you're able to fellowship with your angel you are able to tell your angel to move in ministering to some certain things I pray for you call Rhonda Cadabra attic lemon Deneb also me somebody watching this broadcast right now receive angelic tongues hora BRABUS after everybody said the broadcast because I'm about to pray for somebody to tap into the angelic aura Brasada by ESO by Angada Baraka Soto credible Sally had a brunette acaba Hansen somebody needs to operate into the angelic inner dimension which have never been seen in your family in your ministry whatever you go angels are very important bless your son loving daddy bless you son so they are people that God is selecting in the realms of the spirits Stephanie Johnson bless your offering and as God is connecting the rims of the space it's all start with how you utter and what you utter the angelic tongues are coming to you because those tongues they are a key that will unlock doors for you to enter into the angelic Lauren Thea's loose Eva bless you for offering so I'll just pray for everybody on this broadcast to tap into the angelic call Israel for me Israel is gonna come here and give you a testimony of what happened the first time we entered into the angelic together the very first time the angel appeared how you went under the bed the first time the end repeat I'm gonna talk about closing eyes I'm not talking about singing light in the dream I'm talking about an angel standing here my very special son prophet la vie Elias God bless you prepare hope cosa the bishop proper hope God is watching opposed to illness and Java is watching John Ravi bless you bless Wendy and Angus from Jamaica bless you god bless you god bless everybody on this broadcast amen son I wanted you to share Testament of the angelic you are not toys only that the camera is not that so he can maybe grab a jelly grab a chair Kurama DK they're both sides Libra everybody said the broadcast I wanna pray for people to an end with Angelica said 'you see an angel in your dream or you are scared to see an angel in a vision baby is watching I was serving people or to people I don't know if you're watching I was sharing good to the people about the angelic then I mentioned the encounter we had the very first time I think was 2002 when the angel came and you were there and the physical manifestation that took place and the holy that was in the ends and all those things I think some of the people really know the testimony but I'm just calling for people that have never had it what I saw is we were it was after you give us a teaching about prophetic and you're not talking about angels yes and it was around 11 going to midnight when in the house the end of the Lord appeared but it was it was in a form of a light yeah so when it descended in the room the whole house was few the great light that there is none other light that have seen that if witness now that I can compare with that light yeah and when that happened at first I went under the bed because shaking I was shaking it was it was something new I've never experienced something Lillian of that moment you the wife is watching she only typed it when you kill wise this prophet is obvious he's saying that I much all right so later on when when when when after some I can say mean it's bad soon as if it was eternity yeah and when I came out from the bed your hands they were a rip-away dripping with oil and for a second I thought I was I was our seeing a vision because you a a suspended son of the band in the British Way is slipping on you had about vitriol in the air and I was like okay so I went outside because we're in mountain we're in a one-bedroom apartment I remember I went in the lung it is corner re and 556 so I went outside in their lounge because I thought that I'm imagining things and when I came back I saw you still in there but your hands with dripping with oil with oil there is an amazing experience that even happened about 8 tons I bested it up to today that is the that is the first time that I believed that you are not a human being a spirit because in the map we have got those you know what you call distance white garments we a there was a certain time of tongues that you they speak they speak but those ones that you spoke with it was above there so I was like okay what's happening and I think that is the time that you this those are the days that you release that the mikandi anatomic and Iannetta those were they did that eugenic 1000 hearings ah no easy wonders people now as our clients a wonder the shearing this is this is generally us you know come if Bob us which determines you thing which is over exaggerating because it's a language that you've never geez with speaking talents it's different from these fastest talents yeah because people they're used all those time of tongues that and it's never easy to pioneer something you remember in 2012 11 12 12 I was persecuted by all pastors in Zimbabwe literally the v-very heaviness prophetic school in there everyone they said we know prophetic schools but not yours reverse there was and the prophetic schools they teach what is prophets but you are climbing to raise people in the prophetic you are claiming to tell people that they can actually hear from God after you unlocked it after you teach them I remember the first time I introduced a chariot I remember the riding in a chariot yeah it was after after we came from I think Marconi and Oconee 22 am pretty accomplished it was off vania McNeil place fell I remember it was off st service end the hall was too big even me hours and expecting that it was gonna be that familiar now you people came in with their numbers that I was shocked and you introduced the the the chariot prophets and you know up to now I see a lot of people on Facebook the entre do they're calling themselves epic OD now they are tough right guys there are no submarines and stuff but when you started to say I'm chariot rider everybody was against it it's like everything we have pioneered everybody been opposing when we started calling ID numbers the newspaper was like the only prophet who can professor on I didn't know it's a line but now every prophet try is trying to move in that direction I remember when I studied geology prophecy prophet even prophets were like this is fact how can you tell someone what happened in 1902 but today people were shot prophecy that was given 1585 not in 1915 1585 concerning what we hit New York City is being confirmed to the prophets of 1585 was confirmed today because coronavirus was picked in 1580 five 1589 another person wrote it I think it was in the 16th century and says I see a twin E and I'm singing a virus that would be coming from what what sixteen I began to prophesy 1901 1907 lucky enough labor the fifteen lay their present in Washington State she's to our life one hundred and something years old and I began to promise a from a father I know mother indeed in that in that in that and their lady I was prophesying was confirming that's my green grandmother and she was born yes 1914 and then the mother mother was like born 18 something and I'm prophesying what all that so 1585 this was prophesied people they believe this but if I'm to go back to 1850 1585 people starting on but now you see how the prophets are trying to move in genealogy professing yeah telling you about your grandma that bring grandfather how can we break a kiss unless we know the Lord yet the root cause of the guess that's how we come out prophesying genealogies and all those things and whenever we pioneer something in the prophetic people start by saying I think about people there are they limit God because of the system that they have set in their judgment I started their forensic teaching class it starting Monday and raised sessions today if you have any traits that register now is only $1,000 and I am raising people in the forensic unlocking people to start sing names to hear God speaking to see numbers to forints gonna move and it's just one thousand it's not like God told me the price I'm the one that says okay thousand so that everybody can afford it and we are studying this this coming Monday to teach about the forensic in my special what's up group in my forensic group I've already a special what's up group and many people they don't allow that how can someone is what are they how can you come to a level when you claim to be ministering someone or in fact it's 1555 Nostradamus prophesied call since 1555 so this one's in 1551 they prophesied 2008 when people say do you align this crease will be dead who confirmed that profits yes they will be dead by the generations and when we come and we go back to 1505 and prophesy what happened when I promise that the first time in 2001 how many centuries later when take you went you said 300 you same thing that even my father was a Fanta yet to ask his father my father has to go to my green flag to make my grandfather and begin to ask what it is and then the green father began to explain takes place ok yeah there was this and this and it began to explain the whole generation which my father never knew around then that's when I begin to know but my generation as well mayor endo Percocet al-abadi ah so someone is a special question why are you judging that 1000 we don't charge when we come on this life Facebook we have are many more than 8,000 videos on YouTube on Facebook 2010 alone I did three thousand four hundred videos live every day this week alone we've been coming to times two times two thousand two times so we always available but when we say this is my special phone and it's my privacy I'm supposed to be doing mine I'm sparing it for you one number two the knowledge I gathered over these years I'm giving you just like that even if you have to put a price to it 20 million won't be enough but we are trying to put order if I say free I'm a gonna accommodate every part of my what soft one and when I bend and jump up everything I also need that money for many reasons I need it I'm not analyzing ah I know I don't want the money we are paying for things for the minister I'm not that type of us I need it and I'll be honest with you so those that are interested in joining the whatsapp group it's just a thousand go paid a thousand Center office number if Wallace is watching please put the number on Facebook periscope and also on on YouTube by Monday our comedians that we are using the updated Monday's tomorrow - tomorrow I believe by grace tomorrow everything will be details there you'll be seeing the address our office address or office numbers or website everything will be coming out we did studios in America and we're just here in Africa so we are trying our best to be a blessing to everybody so when it comes to the angelic after the encounter here today and I am anointed you with that oh you holy boy from heaven and many people may think you are lying that you saw evil people that way in India no you can type in Tesco and then in order to say but I still gotta watch my video I was with Timothy as well yeah and Elise Tim yeah Tim you asleep if the videos in YouTube we can say in nine year old girls picking interns and dripping oil from easy I was working there anything to this Judaism I prayed for yes she fell down began to speak interns nine years old like a chicken has been chassis of a horse Bonita speaking in tongues speaking in tongues when she stood up or you was dripping near the street she was shaking oh he was coming on but it kept on coming and coming and coming and coming it's called the holy oil Kurama said elemental idiot or after i anointed you with that world oil how did you begin to move in there gellick i went even i become better than ever it was easy for me to come okay I said speaking with tongues of angels I began to interpret language I began to hear a second less clear this when people keep typing if you don't have a thousand today but you want to be in the group he just takes off his phone whatever this one that was in after a week and I pay after week blah blah blah the people there you can take our office the numbers plus one three zero one five zero three seven one four for somebody to put that number and take it please five zero plus one three zero one five zero three seven one four four let me see and bless you prophetess Angela oh I didn't share this broadcast to my office everybody share the broadcast let somebody be blessed I'm sending to her office map [Music] thank you to this you are putting their the numbers that are testing the numbers all right uuuuuugh spoke about how you begin to move in danger can you give us a testimonial Tron I can say after then I myself I began to be able to communicate with angels I began to know really I didn't know much about my angel but after that encounter I began to know my angel I began to pray the way I used to prophesy changed totally changed the way that I used to speak in tongues totally changed the way I used to interpret tongues I remember okay let me give you one incident um after then you begin to teach me and there's a time I was in aquatic yeah you appreciate it was after sons we preached and then you were preaching about the hand of God yes you just we switched from English and you began to speak Oh which in general zod abhava the videos in YouTube so because of the ability of the Angelica the interpretation I was able to interpret you from tons so I was preaching in tongues you're preaching in town wow you are preaching the interpretation of my preaching attacks exactly and that was a un furthermore you begin to prophesy people in tongues we are doing chariots and Tintin Indians and I would reacts people to their houses gorgeous to what you are saying in tongues but I was using English it was after this encounter what happens so many people they can take this for granted especially those that are asking about the thousand and stuff a thousand dollar cannot make the knowledge and the experience in the transformation that's going to happen to one because what you are going to be thing $1,000 cannot buy Cora even a million cannot buy somebody to put the number on Facebook it's something that is not now but it's something that is going to be to benefit you from for from now if even ten to fifteen thirty years to come your minister your business your life itself is gonna be changed because of this so people many people they say why is it you're saying give us give us this give us this in my own opinion you never value something that you never pay for but if you pay for something your value their thing because you feel the pain so you're gonna take care of that thing more than the way you're gonna take off anything else so it is my encouragement to those who are watching now that you need this it's not a profit that means this but it's you will need this vector your life is gonna change their level of your prayer the way that you gonna do things literally is going to change big time because you'll be able to communicate with a spiritual changing things from the spiritual vision those that already sounds like you I'm gonna be I'm going to be in this special I'm going to be there you will greet me also be learning in practical in theory but with you is like that already sons need to be part of every day the new experience in as much as I can say I professor but when I'm around you that's when you see this you have I haven't yet studied because there were things I know and the things that you come into the only problem I have is I don't know how to repeat so if you tell me to teach about angels tomorrow I can teach what I taught right now I may try but it's hard for me to repeat I have it's like it I think it's in the prophetic because teachers they write it down to explain it more to people but prophets they don't go upstate from you just download and digitally download and they give direct from heaven so the numbers are there on on now on what do you call it on Facebook they've been checked on Facebook once you register for 8,000 it said it's a big opportunity to us opposed to before for people but many people cried for it and we opened it for everyone so once you pay pay your thousand send your screenshot or your payment proof through this number if you don't have my personal number if you have my personal number send to my number and you put you in that what's up group that was that ma tomorrow to teach ultimate smile too modest mind these days are confusing this is a flying it's like you have to prophesy tour of the day but coming back to the conclusion of today's teaching we have angels upon in just thousands upon thousands we have numerous angels countless angels prophetess Angela blissful offering and people must come to a place of learning how to communicate with angels how to see angels how to move with angels we should also teach that tomorrow I think this that's why people have to to be in this group because you have so any patent mmm and the on that platform then on this platform yes because there are some certain things that you cannot share you on on life is fine oh there are things that if I teach on Facebook with the spiritual babies that are here though their mind will be blown away they are deep secrets in the prophetic that we can teach to everybody someone is asking is it 1000 runs no it's $1,000 someone says it pounds its US dollars its it's used or whatever currency you are using converted to real dollars yes with every job is watch so I pray that people would tap into that angelic to more or less teach about angels so that many people can practice from our teaching and enter into the ability to move with their personal angels to see their personal angels to see angels of the assignment to know the angels that surrounds them like Eliza and get ahead in army of angels that they were moving with and this is my prayer for everybody Karuma sight elementos pirika thierry de Bokashi Clarence's die die dum boom BAM aesthetically also ordered ABD beocca so thank you Jesus done get Ibaka Kaakha Kaakha Kaakha Spiga camera deep in da mesquita Baliga the brewski BB gun come ask a lady bong say lung just a Brock mask at the back at mesquita bind station Horan Aunt Rose apparently thank you Jesus Thank You Dada Dada Dada Dada Bob we are gated ben de casa da prata clearly beyond stocker protec 80 bones ala javi he we danced Allah hopin he'd interpreter debouncing sassá sassá sassá sassá Pepe Pepe be found among among can Candida that the data that the dedicated doo doo doo doo doo doo ba ba ba ba shake mean da da da da suka Munda bender idiotic basket apakah yamaha pro tacos de trop rata Cadabra hata horrendous a commis a hair ovando sucker a Vasanta thank you bye Takei so togusa maewnam acequia redonda agreed i beyond Ostara hanga IDI redondela katya Kahana thank Mary and Ibaka who shook bow Takeda bang ji acoustic mingos a protozoa grotto Henry Macedon ki the season of angelic manifestation is in this season hmm thank you lord I have given many of your grass to see angel says the Lord yes you shall see my angels yes you fellowship with my just but it all begins in prayer go on your knees and pray unto me go unto me I'll give you the way to the angelic go on your bellies and meditate worship Me and you hack into my voice I establish you I do llama ledecky I do llama Ledo Cobra Casa endo venema cara de esta para Mangusta beggar amen Diaco kozko man waka Katia Cubana a logistic divine station agra has called a bride and the name of Jesus amen first all right [Music] as you were desiring to see angels I'm talking to you your eyes are burning with fire the fire on the Holy Spirit because as you are watching God unlogged you into the Angelica you are going to start singing just from there now some people have been receiving the grace was preached or trance you are going to start moving in a trance where you shall begin to see angels you here in just begin to you oh you will be established the angelic who take you from one level into another level you'll be accompanied by angels you sing with angelic melodies you'll write songs with angelic abilities angels will take over your lives for the time is now in the time has been established Hoka beside they are two hundred and ninety people that I see that God is releasing the grace into the engine thank you Jesus whether you pray fast or whatever it is grace it's automatic from this broadcast you are going to testify Maru pekus I Tata katsu mama who sepia cat a dacha Bukowski de banda locos KIBRA ha ha ha ski he can be BDD read Ibaka asunder by there are four people the Lord is speaking to me therefore people that just stepped into the angelic utterance Oh Kurata focus a angelic utterance calm Brahma say thank you wherever you are in st. Maria wherever you are God is establishing you in the angelic yes I'm talking to you you are going to start speaking with the tongues of angels thank you Lord Lord I will least grace over your people right now promise under Ibaka who she Condon dee dee dee debacle suka Bandar bin Brady dee dee da ba Kakashi Kabam has karabakh Andheri de Baca Kuchiki father as you raised me in angelic I give them the grace [Laughter] Hey cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo I pray father I intercede for the world and the seed for the people here in my voice let them speak with the tongues of angels interpret and understand tongues of angels walk with those angels from today saying with that angelic melody better songs from the angelic realms oh mama Akatsuki bah they must send to Megan kita back my roasted behaving key neroon era Hara Nara said in a mental idea copra Dickens Allahabad a Hayden key Prague and the bones and a hawk Dabangg say in Jesus mighty name I pray and I release that grace receive it wherever you are and if you feel like you're one of the 290 people that God is having into the angelic touch this live broadcast with a seed go to the website and give any seed of your ability and cry to God from now and say God within 24 hours give me the ability to speak with those angelic talents to see that angel to hear that angel to fellowship with my angel or karma rate or bhajante biasa what do you say to the people feel strong anointing it here I have nothing to say Murat opera has collaborative hijab you know moussaka parody any prophetic word you have any prophetic message you have an encouragement chair I cannot progress after this what can do anything else about it I'm just encouraging everybody to join in into this forensic group let's go change your life your ministry you might be already in the prophet but this is gonna take you to another dimension show karma you really need you really you really really need to join this group and you see where God's going to take you god bless you so much my god this broadcast is Joe is not a teaching it's an experience I want you to go into prayer right now as we close the broadcast go into prayer those that are giving give vest after you give get into prayer say God I'm not coming out from this prayer closet unless I see your angel hmm I didn't want day one as a kid I cried to God as I wanna see your angel today I'm not leaving on tour your angel the angel stood behind me I felt his presence so real and tangible and I began to pray another present God remove your angel it was just too much it was just too much Ellen born in fleshly offering they are people right now that are going to pray right now Megan feel a blessed feel friend there are people right now that are gonna pray right now as they pray right now they are going to see angels there are people that are going to pray right now and they're mostly here angel speaking into their ear some are going to enter into spiritual meditation some are when Union into a trance when their spirit to be taken out of their body and see angels hoja Santa ready esta anemic order boshy kappa rocky versailles so whichever ezra play video of them who even knows this is my message allah bless you for your offering those that believe this is my message of connecting to the angelique finding seat attach it with this message try to god i want to see your angel will be about to tomorrow on how to see angels and we're gonna connect you and do bless and better better and better god bless you until then keep on keeping one and God is gonna take you higher and higher this is the properties row and the graph of profit pass on signing out until then God bless you first time 18:54 Horace Grant grandfather this is 1883 1907 I so letter K you I saw I I saw I I saw air I saw an eye I saw an M I so like something like whoa Cooley must be something she was that have been clearly I saw it D and an A and and I saw in 1914 polish Weinstein 1911 25 others isolated T I even saw Phyllis so Benjamin when I saw Benjamin's in them I assumed and I saw Kurama I saw Benjamin meeting a lady see hey al Oh an L it's your mother Carol I saw Anita a isalta isalta n is the middle name I saw something like an Ian i-80 and an inch the last name him like an M and an I in an L and an L and in what I saw w es el es I said what is the Dallas's
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 25,980
Rating: 4.9288096 out of 5
Id: RoFGzkttBAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 51sec (4851 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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