Prophet Passion- Nothing Just Happens

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in the time-bar prophetic the destiny of the forensic prophetic movement rests on the shoulder of one young prophet passion Java [Music] feeling I am swept up in the flouse them only playing but then you surround me with your head bleh you open up the head and I can fully see all the Angels come down then mommy you wrap your arms around me and wipe my tears away made not broken hard hole and the angel said [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] king of cane I'm meeting all your guidance [Music] you say no more hiding cuz your and me and not you my eyes are open we could go by my side I see your kingdom coming bye-bye you assure me wannabe god will find filled with all your glory from the ashes alright [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cane okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] king of khang [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord this is the gaff of prophet passion Java excited to sit here and bring the revelatory experience in the Word of God that God have given me to share with everybody around the world to those of you that are new to our broadcast this is our fists this is our online service we come every Sunday and we speak the Word of God to everybody in this live broadcast I pray that they are noin ting of the Holy Spirit the power from above who would touch you as a listen to this words I pray may have an open for you I pray may God touch you and bring a revelation over your life we just listened to our powerful prophetic song God or sauna you can go to the website and download the song for yourself the website is prophet you can go and unload it and have it and use it especially in prayer when you're driving and you wanna pray when we want to meditate you can play this song also you can download the song kingdom come praise the Lord I'll be going to LA in in a week I will be in LA and we are going to record another song again which will bring a special touch a turnaround over the lives of many people my reporter seguir con Palma divine station covered a police Tova if I get into the teaching of the word of God and give you powerful revelations and everything you need for the day I want those of you that can give an offering of the day on our online Sunday service go ahead to profit passion come and give the best offering of the week given offering and as you're giving your offering pray and secure your Monday in prayer then choose then prayer the Winston prayer your tears that you Friday and rub ripped with a whole week in prayer we spoke about being in the right place at the right time season and this is the season that we are in right now this is the week of being in the right place in the right time to collide with the blessing of God remember God never assigned the robbing to go and give a light of the food the Robin was not assigned to a person but the Robin was assigned for a place at the specific time so if Elijah was to grow anyway anyhow at any time you will miss what God had for you but God had prepared a Robin to meet him then not to go to him wherever is but to meet him that they have to be a specific place and a specific time for you to collide with the blessing of the law what the devil does is you God bless we are already giving god bless you son what what the devil does is you make sure you don't get to your place but you have to be in the right place at the right time because when you are in the right place at the right time then you collide with the blessing of the law so I want everybody to go on and give your offering to profit passion calm as we're gonna play kingdom come I want everybody Russ if you can to the website profit passion come give your offering of the day even those of you that I'll be watching live rebroadcast I would want you also to visit the website and give the best that you can la broche idea [Music] [Music] [Music] well [Music] I can see you I can feel you [Music] but I see you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I can see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh I can see you [Music] thank you feel [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the Lord praise Allah God bless every hand that have stretched to give as I always tell people we don't give to be blessed we give because we are blessed giving it's one of the signs that shows you that you are blessed and a curse person can never mcwebb never can never give because a case who never allow a person to kill whether your fifty dollars god bless god are still given whether your hundred dollars you cannot forgive even two dollars even quarter cent you can't even give if you are kissed it's impossible it's impossible it's impossible and we don't give to be blessed but we give to manifest the blessing that is already in us and I'm going to pray for everybody that kept the Bible says bladezz blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that receiveth so I'm going to pray speak blessings over everybody pointing over everybody but I have a powerful message today and that I I I felt a led of the Spirit in my spirit today a bishop no John's a pretty bald Joe Austin have pre the ball TD jakes a read about it is ramadhir preached about it I once preached about it and I know that I know that I know with this message your life will never be the same again if I forget I know God is about to bless people and bring a turnaround we have never taught you about tithing on this Sunday online services but it's item that some of you have to start for sending yourself in the right place at the right time for your miracle make sure you start tithing first type protects your finances protects you protects your future offering my multiplies so if you give tight only the small you have will be protected but it will never be multiplied if you give offerings and you don't tight everything yet will be multiplied but you'll not keep them for a long time that's what the Bible says in the book of Malachi tithe and offerings if you don't tighten give offerings the Bible says you have worked God then the Bible goes on to say something important it says if you do type and give operates I'll open the windows of heaven and I'll pour the blessing tithing makes windows to be opened what is a window put it into to win though winning those four windows to be opened by God you must die but once they are opened what do you need to do you need to also enter in a season of knowing the puff of air for some of you does they get to be opened once you doors are opened you don't achieve anything that is in the door why is it you don't achieve anything in the door you lack offer it was offering makes the blessing to be poured from the heavens that there will be no room to continue on earth so it's a combination god bless you choose the best so it's a combination it's called titan' offering so what does a CD and sitcom on the harvest you want to have what we had never had before you saw a seat was offering what you have is more plight if you have one set they are more like if you have to cast they are multiplied does the Puffin offer it but seat commands a harvest so you can saw a seat of what you never had before you can sow a seed of something so that's the message I have for someone before we get into message publisher il so I want to talk to somebody today and be specific in the revelation I'm going to give you which I know is gonna bring attach a turnaround over the lives of many people on the world we also hear from announcements that I'm gonna be giving you again later on and I want you to know if you're a New York City area we are coming every Wednesday from the next month from this month coming every I would be a New York City apart from New York City I'm going to go back again to the mission in the UK London this month of April I will be in London there's a service taking place right now are supposed to be preaching but I want you to know that nothing just happens nothing just happens god bless those that are still giving Oh bless you can see if you can type type nothing just happens nothing just happens yes nothing just happens and you may be here wondering why are you on this periscope today you have never been here it's never a mistake nothing just happens yes nothing just happens I repeat nothing just happens yeah me and hear me again nothing just happened there is nothing that you can just say it happened as a mistake in fact I believe it my believe if God have got a dictionary in this dictionary there is nobody could mistake as God can never make a mistake God can never visit the past because he is in the past he can never visit the future because he is already in the future he cannot be living today he already lived today he is the same yesterday today and forever which means he knows what happened to you after four years and he already allowed it he knows what happened to you after 10 years and he already allowed it nothing can happen on earth unless heaven have agreed to it nothing can happen here on earth unless God if approved of this check the life that God gave and to check the life that God gave untrue and to job job is blessed all things are okay with job mala bro they were system a hobby and he came to one place where God yet in agreement and he approved of the devil to come and touch the life of job and the table suffered job cried ma Obama's sick of about Italy gospel male brood a bush mama mama sick of a haughty job is sitting there crying because he don't understand that nothing just happened he believes that it's it's it's something just happening he starts binding the devil is that loosing the devil starts complaining is that ABCD but the Bible is sure in the back was clear that God had approved of it mmm-hmm there is nothing that you can just sit down and begin to believe that this just happened a miracle just happened nothing in life just happened it will never be a mistake because in the dictionary of God if years we have one I believe there is no word called mistake God can never make any mistake can never make any mistake you may be sitting there wondering why is it you wanna born in Zimbabwe why was not I born by a millionaire why is it I was not born living in a mansion why is it other kids were born with everything I was born with nothing who God looked at everybody's life and he designed all these lives before you got into this world you orchestrated every ways ordained the steps of the rises and the God is operating in a place of fulfilling what he already designed for you what he created for you so I'm here to just tell you in short that nothing just happens again I want you to type nothing just happens thank you Jesus thank you Jesus a Dean just happened that God created Adam and they placed him in the dry ground and after ye placed him on the dry ground the Bible says God then created planted a garden eastward of Eden right and they pledged men and a God made all the trees but there were specific trees in the middle of the garden many pastors they said there were two trees which he was told not to eat but the Bible never said two trees the Bible specific that the trees in the middle of the garden you shall not eat we don't know how many - it was and the Bible goes on to say that Adam obeyed God it's clear that Adam never took of the food but God says let me create a help a yoga for Adam to your Adam what we don't know and Adam is a living and the wife came forth and the Bible says they happened to eat the food which they were commanded not to eat when they ate the fruit the Bible says now men have become like one of us I thought that was the original intention I thought that what was already designed by God Himself I thought that what he had allowed us to do to be like him Adam wanna be like God I want to be like God everybody wants to be like him everybody wants to be like God everybody want to be like God in fact the Bible says God says let us create men after our own image after our own likeness right it's after his image after his likeness but when man is created the only standing in the image of God we don't see his likeness and two men took the fruit and the lightness took place so what is it that God is saying let us with men in our image after our likeness and afterward the likeness came and when the likeness cam we begin to see that the prophecy and the blessing which God gave unto men started coming to pass God says be fruitful he never became food for in the galley multiply we never multiplied in the garden replenish the earth we never replenished it in the garden subdue it and have dominion over it these are five things God spoke to Adam and we begin to see these five things taking place way when is out of the God which I believed that them eating the food was not a mistake it was forbidden yes it was wrong yes it was I can say evil but it wasn't good at all it was a sin to beat the truth which God says thou shall not eat but let's see the results of what happened after that every what God spoke began to come to pass what are you say important what I really saying to us I'm saying sometimes God in God uses our weakness to fulfill his plans sometimes God uses our worth the time to be of a blessing to us sometimes God uses sometimes that we feel like ah oh this should not happen I should not have gone through this why did I had to do this when you are sitting down condemning yourself sometimes angels are clapping is that what God said is about to come to pass while you are crying heaven itself is a rejoicing of what God is about to do in your life while Adam was crying I loved the garden he invented the whole earth it became fruitful in the middle of his tears his wife became pregnant in the middle of his tears yet two children another child after the death of a bird and then nothing and nothing and nothing another and life began to change why because God sometimes uses your weakness in order to be of a blessing to you let's check the life of Moses Eden just happened that Moses was before his bed father ordered all the male child to be killed it wasn't a mistake that Moses when he was growing up we hear that Moses was of a stammering leap nothing can just happen you may be sitting there wondering why am I broke why do I stammer why is it I was born without a hand why is it I was born with without a good sight like any other human being why is it I cannot use my legs like another human being nothing just happens heaven itself did not just allow it to happen there is nothing that devil can do which is not approved by heaven there is nothing that the devil can do which is not approved by God every sickness every problem everything have to be approved by the heavens I know you are saying I'm a single mama I was cheated I'm a single mama I was betrayed I must sing I mean yah yah yah yah yah I don't know exactly what you say but I want you to understand that God is in this place I wanted to understand that God loves you so much to an extent that God is positioning you in a place where you are going to start understanding why you get to go what you went to there are things that if you didn't go through them you will never you were never going to be where you are right now you are where you are right now because of one reason you went through tough seasons you went through tough times you went through pain and that pain made you stronger if it wasn't pain you were not gonna be here if it wasn't pain you were never going to be a strong lady like we are right now some of you are too lazy enough to get up and do something for yourself ooh somebody broke your heart until somebody says you I'm nothing I'm just here to remind you that God is the one that rules everything within this etheral God is the one that abused and disapproves everything in this atom and the question is why did he approve for some of you to be raped Jesus why did he approve for some people to be to went through a hex as kids growing up ho Kaba santo bahasa i know of a lady by the name Juanita Byner that was revved and revved and revered by one minute by two men rep after rep rep after I abused sexually by different men broken destroyed wounded she went through tough times but God turned every Eva that she went through for her good there is nothing that God cannot do there is nothing that God can you just allow but some of you you are living in the zone that you need to come out today you are living in a zone called wasting time don't waste the pain that you are going through don't waste the pain that is in your heart because wasting pain is wasting time the more you will spend the more God keeps putting you back in the same situation that you can use that pain for your greatness you need that pain to be tender for your good with that pain you will never beat it for pain is the only vehicle that can take you to a place called there without pain you don't go anywhere without paying forget you need pain to be where God wants you to be you need that pain in life it is that pain that is a report for you to defeat the devil when the devil can come and try to windowpane you to control you by by by by harassing you blackmailing you mistreating you tickles the devil I've been there already devil I've been there for a long time for you to keep coming back with the same thing I've been wounded I cried I've been wounded I suffered I've been wounded I thought of giving up my life I've been wounded I almost suicide myself but not they say I'm not going to suicide myself I am NOT going to do to to chain myself in a lonely place I'm not going to be running away again no more running if you can type it type it tight on no more running I can't keep running I've been running all my life I've been lying all my life I've been in the hidden place for a long time but now I came to understand something important nothing just happy nothing means nothing no thing just happened I can't keep running that's why I am still on the run up to now because I am NOT laning what God want me to learn I am NOT learning out of the pain that God is allowing in my life I need to learn from the pain and use that pain to achieve greatness in fact let me show you this thing there is no glory without pain no pain no glory Jesus to enter into the glories on he had to be pain it was through pain that Jesus gave back to glory that is what the Bible says in the book of Romans chapter number 8 the present suffering cannot be compared with the future glory because the glory is given Beth in pain the motor glory the more the pain Hoka basalt ABS the divine station no pain no glory the greater the pain the greater the glory mia de bajas the divine station look at the pain which they went through in the Bible look at Moses Moses went through the pain he had to run away from the house he was in the palace here to give up the palace he had to walk in the wilderness he had to be in the desert he had to reach median he had to live in a foreign place with foreign people that he never knew he had to learn new languages which he never spoke with before he went through pain and pain and pain and pain until God says now you are ready for the glory you see me right here and you think you can just wake up and be Cody Gotha show me your scar and I'll know that you are here oh you can just be a living legend without pain without a fight without a betrayal without a lie without people breaking you with that going through a tough time you can never be a military general commander without a bullet on your leg without a knife on your back with that would show me a scar and I'll know that you are a Hugh you can never be a leader if pain ever led you there its pain that led you to become a leader that is why some of us our preaching and our teaching are of depth and a powerful message why because we don't preach teach what we have ahead we experience the things through pain and when we talk about pain we know what we are talking about that is why I tell my sons when they go preach you can never preach what we never experienced because one feet have to be in people's problems and another one have to be in people's solutions you can never give people solution pasta and unless you are in their problem that is what every person you have to find time to sit with these congregants every now and then and communicate with them so you know what they are going through because if you don't know what they are going through there is no way you can bring them out from where they are so for you to take them there you have to be with them then so for you to take them out from there to there you have to be there with them and experience what they are experiencing so that you can take them where they have never been that is what Jesus yet to become see that you can be delivered Jesus there to be in your problem in order for him to give you a solution however when we preach what we experience we know what we are talking about let's get into the word now the Bible speaks in the book of Isaiah chapter number one of the men that was called Elkanah and that Elkanah married a wife by the name Hannah right so the lady nanananana war it is only for the slain always know life is nananananananana this always the other side they may celebrate or for you they may laugh at you nanananana thinking you never make it in life let me tell you something important life is a full of a turnaround that's what the Bible says the faith shall be the last and the last of it the first you shall be the one to go on yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yeah soon because God is gonna flip the page I'm talking to somebody right now that you have to understand that God is allowing you to walk through whatever you are walking to why because it is in pain that you are going to walk in the glory zone now Hana is celebrating yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn is she don't have a clue that is a a pnina that's on the way coming to me in life always know that anything can happen at any time but no matter what can happen anytime nothing just happens nothing just happens nothing just happens it didn't just happen that Hana could not give up the Bible is clear around verse 5 that God yet who closed the womb of Hana she's not very God only close the womb you may not be pregnant right now after 4 years of marriage and you know I'm talking to you it's not something that can just happen there is a reason behind it there is a pain behind it that needs to take you to the place of your destiny then Ana over you but I know that it is that pain that you are going through that's all give Beth the glory that you are about to celebrate in in the next season Thank You Holy Spirit I feel the anointing already the Bible is clear that God closed him you are sitting right there binding the devil I bind you devil we call the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus and you change your voice say my God my God the devil is a lie okay so if he's aligned your binding in why is it your situations not changing it's not the devil it is God that you have allowed this room to be closed the Bible says God closed the womb of Hannah god himself cloth the wound of Anna's la boum boum on Bambi mercy libera bodies Tecla means OSHA does First Samuel chapter number one but aunt wanna he gave a with portion for he loved Hannah but the Lord yet shut up him thy Lord God Almighty he had closed the womb of Hannah you're sitting right there complaining taro you're a liar devil I find you I cut the butter butter butter butter butter you speak in Telugu blablabla blablabla it doesn't work like that you may speak in tongues of men tongues of angels day night these same types of angels not going to help you this is God that they've closed the room Hannah now first the season Hannah is growing up very good and Hannah is celebrating in their life well raised well-groomed god-fearing and harnessed married Hannah's is so happy what a mighty God we say singing in the choir happy testimony time comes I met a guy is so cool he's so handsome he's so fun oh yeah my my main engaged me last week I wanna thank God my wedding is coming a few months and the church is scrapping it Nana Nana Nana Nana and every lady interesting I wish I was Hannah boom Hannah what a big wedding a big wedding that even dogs were celebrating everybody was happy rejoicing she had been married and the mom of Hannah's bragging I told you I raised my child well look what God did for my family dis descender later they don't know that after your own Ahana there's a time and a season for everything under the Sun there is a time to be born a time to die time to cry in a time of joy a time of peace in the time of a time to plant at a time - up up uproot what have been planted a time to build and a time to break down what they've envy there's a time for everything you can never go in an Anna for the whole yay there's an anger season of crime there's an onion a season of rejoicing weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning I don't know what season you have been it was it an analysis enough joy get ready tempers return soon was it in another season of you Rita there's always a turnaround that to always come in life so honey celebrating Nana nanana then somebody just came with news you know decisions they come only because of a weight one lady came insane we just saw your husband in a saloon with another lady that looks exactly like you you know when many cheats their wives they cheat with someone that looks like there was we thought it was realized but only to discover it wasn't you and we got closer guess what he did you put in hairstyle that looks exactly like yours Honiton no no no no not my husband you are jealous about my husband who my husband does not do all that Nana nanana nanana Nina she thinks life is for me Anya from A to Z there is always an up there is always a down there's always the left there's always a right this always an up and down this always a downside up and the upside down God always a flip pages what what happened [Music] Hana began to investigate like you ladies Hannah's looking at the car mileage of the husband before does by lease poet so in three hundred and twenty months and Hannah couplets from the house to the web it's only six months when my husband comes back it should be 132 miles and he is asking the husband oh oh how did you do he go today my ha my day was good I just went to say to work after work did you go anyway no I came back straight she's checked the managed system manages on three hundred and fifty five sixty five oh no she is lying he went some Hannah's not buying whatever alone that we put on to see if the husband's gonna come back smiling the buzz band comes back smelling so he just took a shower in our ago she knows uh uh uh uh that lady might have been saying the truth Hannah begins to cry on the bed the husband is asking what's wrong with is there anything bothering you she can't say it she says no everything is fine I just received a touch from the Evans she's going through pain and she can't she ate with people the husband comes back home later and when he comes back he is coming back with a new sheet why is the shirt you came out with he says something happened a drink got into me I had to throw it in the bin to buy this one she gets a clear a clear word a clear sign that the husband this and now she has to hide it she's hiding it she's hiding it everybody already knows it now the men is not shy to bring the news out the men is coming out and sending the message everywhere the men is even driving together with her somebody comes and say your husband bought a car and you see there's a missing money in the account Hana is going through pain and she thinks nobody knows about all these only to go to church and starts hearing people talking about it now she has to suffer the pain of going through it and the pain of managing people trying to line cover the husband trying to drag the husband and walk in church holding hands as if everything is fine boom the husband comes and breaks the news I met a yahoo by the name pnina she is pregnant with twins Hana don't have anything but a pnina's now coming with twins not only suffering with the pain of knowing what's happening with the husband the pain of what the family members are asking a hair friends are asking church members everywhere she's going she's being athlete all these not only she went through all that pain she's not going through the pain that this lady have got twins and I don't have a child yet it is God who have closed the womb of Hannah hey Cara Babu shatta men amended and already boasts a taken go Masika God not the devil God have closed the womb of Hannah Hannah cannot accept it Hannah is covering yourself Hannah is hiding it she's lying to herself I'm okay even when she's not I don't know if you have been deaf when you lie to yourself that I'm okay I'm strong man I'm a strong woman I mean strong Jesus Christ only when you begin to open your mouth towards him towards it towards people around you and begin to express that anger begin to show and people that are innocent begin to close those that God is opening because of the bitterness that you were suppressing for a while that Devas a liar I want you to know that Amina had to give birth and pnina is not moving into the house pnina is now looping into the house now how can I sing Monday sleep in this bedroom Tuesday sleep in this bedroom when is the sleep there and she's not going through the pain of sharing everything with another man in the house and still she can't accept that something was wrong with her she can't accept that she's going through tough times she can't believe that this is happening you just have to believe when it is happening because the end story after pnina comes breaking in the house Hannah because of says you have gained weight pnina no matter she's pregnant she's coming with a slim body modeling in your own house when she's walking with your men and you're walking by people asking pnina is she your mother asking about Hannah yet they are same age she becomes pregnant again and again and again but let me tell you something important that who you might not know nothing just happens it didn't just happen that she gave it all these kids Wow God yet close to home Bhavan many times we don't know if people like pnina are fighting on many times we don't know if your mother-in-law is fighting you or not you don't know if your boss is fighting you or not you don't know if your own family member is fighting you or not sometimes people are not fighting you they are fighting for you I was driving one day boom flying pillow I need to reach my lunch hour service in a row and pop a speedy pop up a drag like like like like like I'm playing a video game I saw two big trucks moving slow the other incoming cars come I'm rooting and I'm working a booting I'm like they are delay me why I discussed doing this I think the guys are fighting me only to realize after a few minutes that police stopped the truck drive and I realized that this these police department guys we're stopping us and were searching us and if you are over speeding they were taking your license which means if the trucks were not going to drive in front of me and slow me I was going to be given a ticket not only that my license was going to be taken not only that I was not going to reach lunch hour to preach to people but God allowed this to happen for a reason nothing just happens I thought they were fighting for me but I didn't know they were fighting for me some people are not fighting you they are fighting for you God looked in the loins of the of Elkanah so the firstborn is going to be a done diet a drunkard and says not in the special wound of Anna Anna is too special to carry this child looked in the womb in in the loins of ikana the second one coming he looked and when God looked in so the second one is going to be a a woman abuser a drunkard as is not in the womb of Hanna and another word pnina is not fighting on but pnina is fighting for Hanna because the womb bhavan is only supposed to kill one child so if she was going to get the first one she gets the damn cat that's it but she was too special to carry a prophet that was introduced the whole book of salmon therefore in her pain yep an led into prayer here pain later into change there are people watching me right now it didn't just happen that you went through divorce he didn't just happen that to enter what we went through because you never prayed the prayer you prayed when you had your husband saying I'm leaving you when they had your wife saying I'm living you never fasted and to pain was introduced to you God yet to close some doors for you to ever pay that led you like an end to prayer Hana began to pray God I have been paid I have lost everything in life here is the deal right now I don't have I might not even have a child so if you give me one I too might not have had one pepper I'm going to give you the child that you give me and God says pain of torture well Payne you have given you the right way of Prayer therefore let me open your woman now some of you you are busy wasting your time finding the devil when it's not the devil doing anything some of you you are crying well if you think the devil is behind whatever you are going to know whatever you are going through is never a mistake but a fulfillment of what God wants in your life God is using something to bring you somewhere support you if your hand I should have killed yourself suicide some of you if you were Hannah you do know if given up in life that means God can never give you pain that you will never maintain he knows how strong you are that's why you went to tough tough tough tough tough knees in life that no one in life ever went through God knows you can handle this if you can type type I can handle this I can handle this malik obon Stav our deepest over ready be hastened Vienna mom Brady upon Salida Brosky debry you can type I can handle this I can handle this I can handle this anytime the devil is gonna come to you again just say I can handle this devil I can handle this la bruja bah-bah-bah bahah I can handle this when your husband dies just laugh at the devil's face and say God knows I can handle this when you lose your kids like job just say God I know I can handle this the reason why God is allowing the devil to come to job is to see if job can handle this it's a it's a bait between God and the devil does you feel you for nothing yes you can can you be strong if you take the edge yes you can if you remove all you're giving him can you serve yes you can let's see if he can or not just say I can handle this I can handle it I'm too strong now I used to cry them but not now I used to run away then not now I used not to sleep then but not now I want you to just say I can handle this I can handle this I can handle it la bruja ba ba ba ha see break Wapiti cabron takeda because the divine station Eclair mamoon ready basically there are people millions of people watching me on TV right now I want you to know that God can never put you in a furnace of fire if we cannot be in the fire subject music and abednego don't worry you can handle this get into the fire I'm getting in the fire with you that's why God says in the valley I'm with you in the water I'm with you in the fire I'm with you wherever you are God is right there with you when that man looked at you right on your face rapping you God was there with you you went through that with you yeah I allowed you to go through it I know it was painful it's too painful but that pain must not be wasted what was that pain for you to be some to become someone great in life you want you to inspire some people that no matter been broken you can use that broken piece to get someone Paul was in a shipwreck as the prisoner with too much anointing too much power you can wonder I'm a person the men of God why am I going through pain why I'm a being chained like this in poverty Who am I being chained like this with sickness I'm a man of God are you you see why maintain chain like this my son is not even like this my daughter is not even coming to church my other daughter is in the club why I am a man of God and I'm going through this with my children I'm a man of God a big man of God my daughter is about to be divorced and my son is doing all this what am I going through let me talk to somebody right now they just happened they have to be paying for a global to be seen on the children that you have before God pauses I might not be coming out with the whole ship but I'm coming out with the broken piece I just need a piece I don't know if I can have somebody today who can say I just need a piece I might not be in the whole ship but I need a piece I just need a broken piece I'm not coming out like I used to come out all these years but the way I'm gonna come out right now if we can tap tap I'm coming out with a broken piece only a piece and I'm good to go just leave me a piece and you never find me here I might not have a Lamborghini I might not have a private jet I might not yet all this this and that but what I hate is that other half a broken piece with a broken piece I acaba Ortelli member idiotic idea hoste you need a broken piece and with that broken piece your life would never be the same again Paul all you needed was to took a hold on a broken piece he's in tears buddies coming out he's stressed about it but his coming out he's tormented he's coming he have got questions before God why my anointed him going through this why am i code and going through this why am i pained and going through this when I'm alerted with the anointing with the power with the glory and the profit passion that what Ward knows me the war world India knows me America knows me Africa knows me London knows me I'm known around the world why am I going through this in my own life you are going through that because you are you if you were not to you you were never gonna go through this if you were not anointed like this your child was never gonna be like this ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Suriname under a bohemian on mama mama day brother bata besito membrane Abbasi Toba you yet to go through it I was talking about myself and my baby Lambie and passions of a junior the Ted we were I was playing music and videos for him on YouTube and the song pop up and a plate and the sauces I'm going on a lion hunt but I'm standing front of the river I can't go over it I can't go behind it I can't go around it I have got to go through it in life there are times you can't go over something you can go under something you can't go around something we are taught to go through it and everything that you went through everything that you are going through right now is designed according to the power of your holy Kaba adipose tava a reputation Vina Maidan drained in vain in Agra husky da ba la demanda de de de de de de de de de de de de de vacas Oh Papa hunt Aikido bas de la vie Eclair deacons the divine station cop from the Vico a clicking clock hosted Avant already a clapper the escape of fire you can handle hell that's why you can't go to hell after all your big bean because you've been in hell and we handled it and the hell could not handle you hell splitted you out I'm gonna read something important ready this is the story of a man by the name Jonah right and the Jonah was placed in a position by God where God says go to Nineveh and preach my word I don't know how many Jonah's I have on this broadcast right now I don't know how many of you are watching me right now you may be sitting right there by yourself try running away from what God wants you to do let me tell you something to God there is nothing called running away because he is the one that orchestrated your way to God there is nothing called a mistake because he is the one that is designing your thoughts and leading your path so to him there is nothing called a mistake impossible impossible so Jonah hears the word of the Lord and the Lord spoke to him go to print copies the gospel in Nineveh and Jonah is in the ship going to touch this not to deliver but when God has gotten anybody said yes so why is God coming to someone who does not want to go straight in if a particle call someone who's going to go to classes because God is leading him going to touches was in the will and the plan of God it was in the will and the plan of God you may think right now you are casting God you may think right now everything is okay with you yes you are winning over God impossible my Bible says Jonah was fast asleep and God sent a wind God send a wind to threaten the ship which Jonah was in God God did sent a win not the devil verse number 4 Jonah chapter 1 verse number 4 but in the Lord is sent out a great wind into the sea and there was a mighty tempest in the sea so that the ship was like to be broken God he is sending a great wind as Tom why is God sending a stop because God is ordering the steps of Jonah God is the one that made him to get into the ship from the first first point and God is the one that made him to sleep and God is the one that sent a storm to attend the boat to be broken and everybody began to pray everybody began to cry until they went to wake him up when he got up he said throw me into the water him saying throw me into the water was not a mistake listen to what verse number 17 says Jonah chapter 1 verse 17 now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah and the Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights hahaha nothing just happens you think it just happened that God came to Jonah not anyone else no you think it just happened that he entered in a ship going to Tarshish when you were supposed to go to Nineveh no you think it just happened that God sent a storm to the ship why is he standing the store you think it just happened that G said let me throw me into the water and it just happened that God Yeti prepared no it just happened the word prepared means it happened before he made a decision to betrothed a Godhead not to God began got the end prepared already before he thought of being placed in the water God already yet prepared well a great fish to swallow him not to chew him to swallow him and God had prepared a belly that its best to accommodate Jonah and to have Jonah have life inside of the belly for three days it didn't just happen that it wasn't one day it didn't just happen that it wasn't second two days it didn't just happen it was in four days it just happened that it was three days and you think he was not in the plan of God after thousand years Jesus comes and he starts quoting the same John and Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days I the Son of God shall be in the grave for three days it didn't just happen nothing is caught a mistake in the presence of God there is nothing called a mistake the Bible says everything of the Old Testament was a shadow of the light that was to come in the lightest Christ so Jonah was a shadow of Jesus Christ you think it just happened that after thousand years Jesus came and he was not in the plane he was not in the bus he was not only don't he was not on a horse it did it just happened that after thousand years Jesus came and Jesus was in the ship just like John he think it just happened that after thousand years Jesus was in the ship just like John he was asleep just like John and they came a storm to the ship Jesus was just like John and the disciples begin to through Congo out just like the people in the ship of John you think it just happened that they awakened Jesus if they awakened John nothing just happens hear me and hear me and hear me clear nothing just happened it never just happened that Jesus came and says as Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days I shall be in the grave for three days it didn't just happen that Jonah was in the ship Jesus was in the ship Jonah was asleep in the ship Jesus was asleep in the fish people became the true cargo out and disciples began to throw cargo out it didn't just happen that the ship was written by a storm and the ship of Jesus what - nothing just happens before you are born you are a shadow of the wheel that is taking place in heaven that's what Jesus says make it a shortcut say God let thy will be done in my life as it is in heaven I'm just here to tell you it didn't just happen the men left you eating just happened that you were cheated if it just happened that you lost your job it didn't just happen that you are not at your church right now it it just happened that you happen to watch my video it didn't just happen that you popped out to see me like today nothing just happens Rob oh shut up Oh husky divine station cooperative ascent a member at Aqaba mamamoo mamamoo Rana deriva Katya Turner Arabic of chika moo-coo bandha me about a cubit oppa perpetrated in abacus akia handy sometimes we need to thank God for everything that we went through you just need to thank God for the bitterness you have you just have to thank God for the pain you just have to thank God for the answer that you are carrying in your hearts you just have to thank God for why do you have to just thank him for the good if he allowed the bed as well your praise is not balanced the Bible says in the book of Romans of the number 8 or things verse number 26 Oh things that would the bed they went together for the benefit of those that are code by God all things work together for your good the evil ones the good ones the holy ones the bad ones everything that is happening in your life it is for your good the good and the bad the birthdays of all things work together somebody type all things all things all things all things work together all things work to get all my God my God my God Nellie Massey entangled in India copra via Castelli Vico Umbra Takeda all things work together all things work together for the benefit of those that laughed a lot many of you have watched my prophecies I have a province called genealogy prophets on YouTube I prophesied somebody what happened from 1890 and the grand grandfather that gave birth someone in 98 1907 and the wedding that took place 1912 and how the grandmother was given birth 1914 1918 some with it and that the heir father was born 1833 and in that this after 1933 her father was born I don't know but you know the video talking about and I was prophesying the prophecy that was given 1890 that God is about to fulfill in their life now and God already studied fulfilling that prophecy I pray that the video testimony be coming soon ittan just happened that a father met a man because she had to come and be born so that that the prophecy can take place so I want you to understand that nothing just happens if God came prophesy someone that would be born in in 1890 give a prophecy of EA giving birth in nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two I forgot about what I said in the prophecy and that prophecies kept all this way up to now I don't know the people this is my first time in Seattle Washington and I begin to prophesy the prophecy that was given 18th century and everything is coming to pass now nothing just happens and men from Australia came to our church Cleaves to his passport you know the prophecy in on You Tube written impossible prophecy and it just happened that I prophesied that the men that a thief stole your passport the name of the thief is this and the man he shot when I prophesied the phone number of the thief the main cause and the thief says I don't know what you're talking about you're lying to yourself and I prophesied the address of the tip and they went to the house of the thief with the police and recover the passport and you think it just happened nothing just happens heaven have opened for you God is with you his anointing is upon you La Russa body Don Cabos Antigua lebryk ADEA Khan Saab and le copra Diego Soto parotia massive Oh Savannah marinas a crow who Braja CD by Bali topo by ander Adubato soon nothing in life can you say just happened that death of your father didn't just happen whether it was for evil or for good it had to happen stop wasting time by trying to fix what happened 25 years ago 70 years ago five years ago five months ago you're still calculating why you askin left you 15 years ago he is still trying to fix the problem that took place between you and your husband he is not married they've got kids with another woman but you still figure in life every time you talk is to bring in 20 years story back now don't waste your time you are to anoint it to be living in the past you are too anointed to achieve something today tomorrow next week next month he has to come note that nothing just happens there is nothing called a mistake Judas denied Jesus Peter denied Jesus Judas ain't himself but Jesus did nothing himself why because nothing just happens I want to pray with everybody right now assume that camera I'm going to pray with everybody speak blessings over you mozzie crowbar d'arco shorty bar I'm going to speak the anointing over your life mamrie da de de de de dee dee dee dee dee there are people that way that were not here when we started you have not yet given your face or your offering of the day as I'm praying you can go and if you have a seed you want to sow a seed for the way that I'm speaking and sharing with you I want you to go to profit passion at home and give the best that you can as we pray thank you Jesus they leave that with God all things are possible with God all things are possible yes some are a little bit yep thank you Jesus I'm going to pray for everybody that God is strengthening and all that you are going through [Music] I want to pray for everybody that the blessing of the Lord be upon you as you go through whatever you're going through some of us who went through pain in life when eseni wanted to give up but we are what we are because we did not give up keep on holy water no matter the ship had been broken or don't - the broken piece no matter you are destroyed left right and center betrayed by your own keep on holding keep on keeping on God is going to take you high and high live - like a horn of a unicorn I'm going to pray with everybody right now knowing that nothing just happens when you fall down don't stay down get up again the Bible says go a righteous man can fall seven times not once not twice in a trice seven times he was to rise again throw me in the fire I'll be out one day throw me in poverty I'll be back again you need to come to a place where you say I'm content like poses now I'm content I'm content if you can write that write it down I'm content god bless those are giving their offerings write it down and say I'm content everything is okay with my life contents forces I now know how it is to be poor I know what it is to be rich I'm content whatever do if I don't have money I'm okay I wanted to pray also for the gift of meekness I'll come and teach about it I wanted to pray for the gift of meekness filmic means consistent in all the ways in our ways when things call up things are exciting you don't go up you keep yourself in constant consistence of whatever you are when things are down you don't go down consistence in all things when everybody is too happy and excited emotional but what's happening you are not to move by emotions feelings cannot remove you your consistence when things are bad when things are good be meek be meek mimic be like Moses who became the friend of God because he was meek I wanted to pray for the gift of meekness as I pray for you God bless those that are giving their offerings I want you to pray I want you to cry to God God gave me the gift of meekness make me meet our God through tough times or go through seasons in my life but you're over I pray in the name of Jesus that the blessing of the Lord be upon you I pray that they are knowing thing we are pointed I want you to pray began to pray begin to pray that you're consistent don't be moved by what you see while they were in flight forty thousand feet above the ground about the sea level as we fly everything was cool everything was okay at a glass of water on my on my on my chair the water stable it wasn't even giving little small words in the glass of water but in immediately we bumped into a cloud the plane for the shaky it was so cloudy that a pilot who made see where he was born though people panicked a little bit what I liked is the pilot did not stop flying us he didn't leave whatever we called it whether the quality he didn't leave the steering of the plane because he could not see where it was caught you kept on inconsistent moving the plane and to it break out of the cloud don't be moved by sights what you see does not define who you are what you are going through does not define who you are but true definition of yourself is on the inside of you not what people are saying about you not what people are laughing about you they may laugh at you is there time for the onion onion they may mock you they may lie against you they may say nothing good can come off you but I'm just here to prophesy do something I'm just here to talk to somebody and say that devil is a lie you are strong that's why you are here if you were not strong you would have died by now but all you went through with your son they helped issues of your son the beta life of yourself the pain you went through the contamination when you are bought it when you were crisis never let anything stop you from serving God never let anything stop you from worshipping God it's a season if the time of God blessed but are given if the season is the time for you to celebrate God in the name of Jesus father I bless everybody as they are praying together with me I pray for them that the blessing of the Lord come upon them that the anointing of God rest upon everybody watching me this is our online Sunday service this hour our church members every Sunday lord I pray cover them under the shadow of your wings give them clear understanding and interpretation of what they are going to that they may praise you in the elect they may praise you in their bitter life they may praise you in poverty let me praise you in whatever they are volatile I just pray that somebody knows how to balance a praise to praise him for the go to praise him for the bed father to just praise you for the house that never got bent up to praise you for the wife that never left us to praise you for the child that never went to prison to just praise you for whatever that never happened to us to just that we don't have cancer no body it was praise you that we don't have entered but even though I can have it I can still praise you for the HIV I can to praise you for the cancer I came to praise you for the tumor I can still praise you for the sugar diabetes I can still praise you for the drug update teach out that ahead I can still praise you for what I am going through yes I can praise you for the sugar that is ahead somebody's dead and I'm alive I can praise as long as I'm alive whether the good of the bed at praise I can be some chain smoker lot your weight says let every breath praise the Lord I can praise you with my marijuana breath my alcohol breath my gossiping breath I just wanna give him a balance praise and I'm here today to say the fight closed you may be here and you want to say Lord Jesus come into my heart I've been doing things in my life but now I came to understand that it's not by might nor by power but by this spirit you wanna pray with me in this prayer you're only acknowledging that Jesus is Lord and that God the Father raised from the dead when he died for you and that is a life and you're opening the door of your heart to walk up as you welcome in your life will never be the same again say Lord Jesus Here I am I know you died for me and the father is erected differently come into my heart be my lord be myself from today and forever in in Jesus name hey but I bless every new member in Christ Jesus the West those who received him you gave them the power to become the children of God they are blessed not empower them they are blessed Lord empower them let it rest be upon them net favor be upon them I pray for everybody not in the name of Jesus thanking you Lord for the life that they went through the bitter life good life sweet life or saamana father you were said there's a time for everything and time to be born in a time to die a time to be weakened a time to be strong a time for everything I want to thank you for all the seasons that we went through I want to thank you for the all the times that we went through I want to thank you for the pain that went through the world says we may do a premiere night but joy comes in the morning I want to thank you for the joy that you are sending in our lives I want to thank you for the glory that you're releasing in our lives the present suffering can not be compared with the future glory I equal by a divine station clam ready I can take a ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba thank you Jesus we praise over lynnium father we give your dog Lord we give you the praise in Jesus name may everybody be blessed may everybody be lifted up I prayed the hand of the Almighty God be upon you I pray that the strength of Almighty be upon everybody watching me today always know nothing just happen you can handle this type again I can handle this I can handle this think of whatever you are going through right now and just type I can handle this think of what you went through in life and you say type I handled it I handled it think how you were told you are sick and you handled your sickness until Jesus you do think how stop on your way until Jesus touched you and you handle it just know that you can handle it I can handle it I can handle it I can handle this and as I close I want you to know that God also got it when you are crying when you pray when you are seeking when you are whatever God is saying I got you and I got this this one is for me just like Jehoshaphat when he was crying yah yah yah yah yah yah the enemies come to distress it saniana for now God says I got this all you need to do is to praise me send a praise and see what I can do worship me in all your bitterness and see what I can do I can handle this I got this law God says I got this you can handle it all you have to do is to praise me all you have to do is to wash it me as you praise me as you worship you shall see what I can do I can bring a mighty transformation right into your life I can touch you I can bless you I can bring a mighty tenor I got this I got this says the Lord I got this saith the Lord stop go be nananananananana every time you pray I got this and I know you can handle it that's why I have allowed it these people are not fighting you they are fighting for you hana pnina is not fighting you she's fighting for you every enemy God gave you you must praise God for your enemies they are putting you in the right place or the right time for your miracle and again the law says I got this you can't handle it this is the government the prophet pass on Java signing out till then keep on keeping on in Jesus name [Music] [Music]
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 27,890
Rating: 4.8098159 out of 5
Id: 7K1WZXdEiJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 44sec (5624 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2018
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