Lost in the FNAF VR Corn Maze! | Curse of Dreadbear (FNAF VR Help Wanted DLC)

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT live a new week a new lease on life a new Matthew a new bill of health yeah a new ugly-sweater merchandise item that I'm wearing right now looks good on you man thank you I like that alright it actually turned over it Viji we're literally just got it a couple minutes ago it's creamy we really worked on on this ugly sweater design an ugly Christmas sweater shirt design we were like too much people to not enough people to more 8 bit less reindeer it was we had to we had to adjust the levels of all the holiday paraphernalia on there so yes but but more on the shirt later no I was gonna say for those of you who are tuning in last Friday both Steph and I were on the brink of death wait I was to know we get to go to the doctor nobody but you were having a hard time right like you were having a hard time as well on Friday we were both having a hard time I remember he is terrible I mean we could remember what happened this weekend definitely couldn't we couldn't figure out where I'm at we can't figure out where Matthew's phone is because we have no idea what happened whose weekend going we spend time with Oliver he took naps when you spend time with a baby your brain just goes into so many different like you're having to juggle so many different things you know you guys nothing yeah yeah you loo you crystallize nothing cuz you're constantly switching like every couple of minutes so that's hard but then also you're so worried about the baby that you lose focus unlike the your bowels just fly out it's crazy I've had to get more replacement underwear than ever before Wow luckily that's available in the merch shelf right below this video yeah yeah it's quality underwear super absorbent as I've learned oh that was awkward so no so after that I'm sorry we cannot actually attend I can't attest to the absorbency it I haven't really tested it for absorbency but no it's it's true you forget the stuff like the really basic stuff that you should just have on your person like I took Oliver to what we were in Palm Springs this past week and I took him on this aerial tram ride which is basically like they put you in a little pod and they they send you up a big zipline to the top of a mountain and it's very safe and everything but the top of the mountain is like so if you're ziplining with a little baby no no the bottom of the mountain is like you know 60 degrees the top of the mountain is 40 degrees and we get to the top of the mountain I've packed like a hat mittens and like blanket and a jacket for the baby and I'm standing there in like shirts short sleeves no jacket no sweater nothing I get to the top and I'm like wait I didn't bring anything he's great he's running around like an Eskimo and I have no I practically in bikini anyway my phone is missing it is tragic and very sad hopefully I find it other news were playing snuff today other news we're trying to beat finality LC dread bear curse of dread bear today we have a couple more minigames that we have to get through so we can kind of bring it close to that I think we have more Luigi's Mansion plan for this week yeah and some other new things we're here yeah a whole week quayne it's unbelievable I record I don't know when we have been here for holy it's great I am actually so excited to not have other garbage happening don't worry in a couple weeks oh it's not even a couple weeks it's literally next week but for my birthday next week yeah I know yeah I know I know but at these birthday is next week get your buns ready what are the what are their buns gonna have to do for my birthday jump up and down in celebration or get toasted because toasted buns are delicious I don't know what else we've become a big fan of thanks to oliver bagel thins thing bagel i didn't real of like why I know that it's been a bagel this livestream announcement worthy we know we know but it uh but in all seriousness thin bagels delicious just as delicious as this ugly Christmas sweater sweater it's a Christmas shirt sleeve t-shirt can layer it it's not like thick and heavy and stuff it's just fun so new merchandise is launching later this month but this one is actually launching early as of today in fact it's launching early because we wanted to make sure that if you wanted to wear it to any ugly Christmas sweater parties throughout the month of December you would have to get it and wear it and look your game theory best oh my gosh so so nerdy fast time right so like you can see there's people - boom people - and the is at the helm of the sleigh wait wait Watford that's the story okay this is the story the yeren you're in a theorist winter wonderland with lots of lovely trees that are out of focus and then how comes just jingling your way but people she was people Claus in a sleigh he sounds a little hat he's got lots of a video game presents for you that you can give to gift rate focus the entire time there's reindeer friends yes indeed they're not particularly theory oriented but they do represent all makes an appearance cuz he's got a red nose and then you spend your actual holiday watching oh wow your actual holiday watching game theory see that's represented down here and playing video games as represented by these elf /link has a long short of it and then you got the the thing on the sleeve the long and short of it is if you ever wanted to buy merch from us and you wanted to maximize your game theory logo per dollar ratio this is the item for it because the logo is slapped onto here no less than 10 count actually if this was a drinking game you would be dead drinking game you would have died by the sleeve that stephanie has also died one two three four five six seven eight nine oh no it's only nine times god we couldn't slap one the magic Christians and then and then the word is on twice nine theorists stands there we're gonna happen if an MPR here if you want to enjoy today's stream participate if they want to enjoy today's stream and participate I need to go get a computer you can participate in the stream one Stephanie gets her cook right it's the baby let's drag him everything GT live on Twitter hashtag do you live where chris is drunk monkey I'm assuming this is is this supposed to be healthy space yeah it's like healthy - it looks looks like it arranged monkey monkey become a part of the snap animatronic line up here look at this thing it's the new flame animatronic glitchy the monkey Bobo glitching the monkey it's fine it's great everyone loves glitchy here he's the new mascot of the livestream today and he fell back he belongs on the chat I'm on the JV eventually my parents found this stray cat they pulled it out of a tree and now they're looking for Thank You setting we have this really cool man with every picture that gets sent they're one step closer to not finding the everything okay now I'm in the chat let's look all right there you go I'm gonna hop into the game here and discussion of the day what medications if you had bad reactions to we were talking about before the faster random ones no intro no Ino whatsoever steroids because that's what they gave him for his nan pneumonia yeah to finally kick kind of a thing that's been in my chest for the last like six seven weeks at this point they finally gave me like a increase like steroid dose or whatever and I feel great like I sound a lot better I'm not wheezing to the point of death yeah rage he's very strong now oh man if I have roid rage this is not the game I should be playing her like that we should have stuck with Luigi's Mansion today if that's the case no but we were talking about like whether you have bad reactions to medication the only bad medic the only bad reaction I've ever had was to the medicine that they gave me for the pain after getting my wisdom teeth pulled and made me so incredibly depressed I didn't take any of the pain medication that they gave me after getting my wisdom teeth out I'm really paranoid about about pain meds understand and honestly like that was the old like I only took I think maybe like a day's worth of dosage and I was like wow this is really affecting me in a very negative way I recognize that I'm not in my own head and they can cause like really serious depression it was bad it was bad bad so I ended up not taking it but uh I had this one time where I had to go briefly to the hospital and they gave me morphine like actual morphine uh-huh through a drip and I had a I had a bad reaction to that I don't know what your reaction is supposed to be to morphine but I think it's like you know does it makes your pain stop or whatever and I just felt like someone sitting on my chest it was terrible I like to the point that I told them I was like hey something is wrong I can't breathe this is terrible and I it was it was awful I like never wanted to go on anything like that again so this is kind of crazy the the amount that is that's an interesting story I'm glad that you're okay but if you're like yada yada yada nah no no I'm just as you're talking about I'm just interested in like the Halloween update we've beaten pretty much all of the minigames and yet look at how many like I know there's someone's unlockable things there are I know there's crazy there's so much in here that I feel like is just still I don't know so real figuring out the reason we're talking about it though is because Chris actually does get roid rage when he's on steroids right right Chris it's true raging out I get very irritable I just get very you know it's like I'm just one in one of those moods where if anything is irritating me I kind of end up viewing it as like someone is trying to irritate me uh-huh as opposed to just living their life adjacent to me you started hulking out yeah it's it's not a very nice thing I mean certainly taking steroids like twice before but I I do not like the feeling I could totally understand that exact way you feel and I think it's one of those I think there are a lot of medicines like that where they just they make you make you ear in a bowl that's a good rid of putting it yeah you're not like angry at everything it's just your fuse I guess it's shorter yeah exactly okay I'm gonna hop into the chat we're wait someone asked about Thanksgiving merch what it's doing much ahh what's Thanksgiving Mertz no they were asking hey where's Mike Gigi live Thanksgiving Marsh now we're skipping straight to the holidays the oh god oh god oh yeah I hate this minigame so much there's the roid rage oh not even stupid Birds this guy says that's hat I feel great after doing this Darryl whoo nope this game is hard yeah this minigame is really hard and read it cheer us on be a bit patient this one is the tough one that that being said we we do have other things that were supposed to be able to like well so so this one's gonna take us a while honestly so be patient this is kind of the the grindy one this is gonna take us a lot of try but yeah this is the keys one grab the keys yeah let's do do that Oh Chris do you know like what the deal is with the keys because I know a little bit but not much and as soon as you doesn't know anything I do not know what the deal is with the keys I'm dealing with issues you got it dude you're dealing with what but then I will go on a hunt for you do what's important we're not worried about it's okay with the key oh no that's the word I hate that I turned off my computer and everything Nathan Doucet says not the breathing right the breathing of the best part of you where's foxy O'Leary okay this is the scariest minigame in this DLC says to me you know Oh hands down it is terrifying oh yeah it is so terrifying so I got two peas like I said I'm gonna I'm gonna do my best guys vacation but we also have to beat Pirates Cove yeah and the last night a lot you got a lot to do and they're all and they're all pretty hard I'm afraid okay smithy and a bunch of numbers says what in tarnation is that blowing on oh yeah whoa okay so I so the thing I have to remember is so I'm looking through this to my left when I leave this he will actually be on my right right because that was where I was hiding so now he's on my right which means this way should presumably be safe and I need a red key and a blue key maybe they meant to random other sweaters just like a different sweater like oh I've already ordered my sweater sometimes I mean I no matter what I'm sure it's a good sweater hopefully it was our sweater Oh our favorite probably is the newer version of the oculus yeah okay where are we there we go although yes d'art is also really good and it's less expensive it still does a really really good job maybe the graphics aren't like quite as amazing amazing but it's really yeah I'd say oculus quest is great yeah yeah not the request because it's wireless yeah I was too worried about like that wire that Matthew has right now is dangling off yeah okay here he is she's going that way so he's gonna be gonna be behind me and to my I don't like the breathing Oh tell me about it you and me both oh sorry whew oh I was doing so well it's hard I need I'm gonna do this a couple more times restart right restart there we go it's also just really I mean when they say corn maze like it is a very confusing maze like it's really I have not like I have no idea to play this like a bunch of times at this point on stream and I still can't really tell where you are oh wait there's the key there's hey yo so how can i huh you know what's interesting I wonder if the optimal shoot where's the key now I got hold for ground darn it see that okay so the two things we gotta master in order to do this right I think one figuring out where the heck we are yeah but it's interesting because oh there's the key I think oh it's gonna be able to there right so the optimal strategy I believe is waiting for him to come to you waiting for him to run pass those crows are the worst I hate them so much they make me so unhappy okay I think the optimal strategy is to wait for him to get close to you this is probably not the best ending spot on asleep but to wait let him run past and then you proceed in the opposite direction so that way you know where he is Alec makes us the breathing is throwing me off a lot of Nico's cinema why she thumbs up make sure foxy notice with you before you hide because if you hide before he sees you he will linger near you they provide after you hear the Jing signifying that you notice you can walk away cousin sister you know you might actually want to I know it cut it a bit closer no that's I mean that's already kind of where I was kind of suspecting this would go right is because when he charges you okay here he is do you notice me how did you not notice me I was literally right in your face right I didn't want to close it right like at that point he was like right there like that's about as close as you can possibly cut that GZ sack master says Matt we legit sherbert stereo member 15th that's right coming up mm-hmm okay that gum to run past me see I'm really needs once I know where these keys are hey Steph yeah will you do me a favor actually sure what's that and look up and see if there's a map cuz I think that's gonna be something that will make a big difference nasty our DLC corn maze map let's see yeah that would be great actually that's what I searched for an hour ago so you had so so the thing is right when I'm getting caught I'm in areas like you could he can charge you but as long as you're close to one of those hiding spots you're golden the problem is there are just dead sections where there's literally nothing around for you to hide you have to know what you're going into yeah yeah and so I'm gonna have it so when I'm dying I'm getting caught in sections where like I just don't have any sort of outlet available should be not seeing a lot on the map I was gonna say there's probably not a whole lot about how foxy functions in this space which it seems like the chat is already well there's one how many do you have now three one see that's what happens when you die and then see I'm in a dead zone like there's nothing go come on get around the corner and see I'm still like I've got nothing anywhere bench [Music] but I'm like hey right I'm in like I don't think I've ever lights up so well he does light up really well p.m. I don't think I've ever been in this part of this okay there he is so here's Here I am okay okay no he's gone no yeah I know you should be worked away so you should be able to go wherever you want for now for now bird wonder if that signals him I think it must I'm like that's what I thought the whole time was it just a random Jim scared no I assumed it was a signal oh I hear him I hear him he's gonna be around the corner or something where you at where you at buddy there's a key that's cool okay God okay cool no he's go out and grab that key the other way hey it's the other way but it's blocked after you yeah I know that's the thing right it's a corn maze the maze component of the maze of the corn okay there's there is okay he's on the other side here so I'm gonna hang out here hopefully good great okay we're getting better we're getting the hang of it which is pretty exciting what's up for the birds okay so the key there's one there's two whoa okay grab them this key is for the birds okay there's okay so I'm gonna signal the birds which will hopefully signal him or not oh oh wait very okay good okay so that's three so technically you need two more that's looks that that really disappoints me that makes me very sad Florrie man why would you tell me that I mean I know what you would tell that is I don't want you to have to do it twice I'd rather we get more stuff the first time I know I hear him serious come on okay okay good one good one oh hey we're getting better way to keep your cool despite your steroid addled brain oh [Laughter] damn it okay shoot there he is that was a really short runway at am i a mouse on Twitter says just bought my ugly Santa Pikachu shirt yeah I love it at work oh that's so awesome good yes Oh that'll be so fun okay right I have one too I think I'm gonna wear it later this week here he comes again everywhere okay so he's gonna be here wait for me hey great good one all right so keep looking right where we are trying to think of like how do there's no way to like methodically go through things for the problem Oh what was that sound right what was that sound I am NOT happy about okay Wow okay wow that was close Wow okay so I mean okay Green section nope okay here someone on Twitter at just a cue nerd on Twitter send us a reddit thread where they outline likely places to find some b'keen oh no what is this here we go I haven't been back in the gravestone area so this is new okay here it is okay so I came from that way okay so here I'm just going to give you some information about some at that the great the bunker do you know where that do you know what I mean by the bomb that's where I start yes assuming that's in the middle of the map yep okay that makes sense the key is near duck near a colored gate that makes sense each gate is recognizable by an object illuminated by its color a yellow water tower near the yellow gate a red windmill near the red gate whew that's interesting okay a blue Fall Fest 83 sign near blue and the green gate is easily findable near that beginning at the level we have seen that one okay okay so a green oh shoot that's the way I came darn it and you have which ones you have a blue yellow rhetoric so we're missing green we're missing green the green key is going to be near the blue gate adjusting to what the green key that you're missing is going to be near the blue gate really yeah the keys are in pretty distinct looking areas the blue key is around some coffins and tombstones the green key is in an area with lots of logs covered in spider webs are they always the same or do they randomly - no there is some orangey apparently as they say also say unfortunately there is RNG for the location of each key there are a few areas that look like a pedestal to hold a key okay here's a possible case explain where they can spawn here's the blue gate I'm close to okay oh no I need some behind a hide behind that was getting close I was not a fan of that this this area this area around the blue is really empty okay so there's blue and what you say about blue so the green key should be near the blue gate that's the one I need Oh No he's scaring yourself man Nina yes this is very cute okay here it comes let me give a hand here and I want to go behind me okay good this is so hard this is like really like you've got to be on your toes constantly this is a really challenging okay this is the way I was going oh man okay come on that comes from reddit user shooting I hear McGann already oh l GED five the route you take wait Greinke seems to be the common route okay great great job oh no come on oh no no no no no no no Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go oh oh come on go I'll get second walls don't get second wall I mean I'm hiding the way that you just went is apparently the way then so I have four keys stuff you got four keys okay what's what do I need to do okay I need to ask Twitter okay I mean there so there is another key all right yeah I don't know if you have to beat this the regular way the first time before you can find well from being at the regular way I'm assuming I only need one key and one okay you only need to find one see them find the course I'm in gate to end them to the normal ending okay so now you're looking you need a brown key totally randomly yeah you're going down to the basement yeah okay that the reddit community is sympathetic to your anxiety in this last stretch is that it's trickier to find yellow and green keys is there's barely any cutouts in that area right there is nothing around here and the more keys you find the more angry he is I was gonna say that's not surprising okay all right are you kidding me it's either a brown kirats purple hold us there are so many dead ends or anything oh man and it doesn't glow either like is it maybe back at the center of the maze maybe I mean it could you go there you go there you go oh why didn't y'all come on I still have like I don't want to leave this area because I'm so afraid of how you cut up there like there are so few cutouts around here there's one right there with good news Isabella Rivest says Steph tell my pets a bunker secret is worth an entire theory video that's good that's good hey so we're looking for a key that has sort of a purpley blue sheet a t-shirt that's the best way anyone can seem to describe it Oh paranormal winds describes it that way Diana Lopez describes it that way / purple lychee and its anywhere it's any like there's no I'm looking man that's I mean I know that you're only limited to tell you what you can yeah so that's that is so disappointing to hear that's basically that's basically the long and short of what anyone has been able to purple boy see that makes sense yeah waiting for you again because I hear you so I'm just gonna hang out here amber wolf we are looking for the bumper there is Bunker keys so I'm just gonna hang out here come on buddy okay so man okay this is like hey you're making it man yura you and foxy years like super tight right now no no no no no no no no no and I'm caught I'm calling I'm caught it I have to have to bail yeah cuz he was I heard him right behind me and if I backtracked I'm sorry I had to bail oh I didn't want to but he was right there okay shoot oh hey will you beat it we beat it which is new we hadn't done that before that's good at least but ah I did want to bail okay [Music] and we don't have all four clowns on the wall so we can't do that okay we won yeah my reward is a jump-scare yeah come on Deb Deb I don't even I don't even unlock anything get out of here get out of here yeah I'm talking to you yeah look don't no don't give me that confused look you know what I'm saying get me get out no one wants you here you're not even a canon canon character none of your canon you don't matter return to menu none of your canon get out of here hey good run and now you know so much more about the maze we do we know more about the maze we got out of it we beat it yeah so if there was any concern about having to have beaten it first there are people who are also directing us over to Twitter who I think are sending us more info about the glitched key I'm gonna hop on the pirate ride cuz we didn't actually beat this last time okay and so I want to beat this one or at least find all the secrets because I'm curious actually be it yay an LGBT live on Twitter says you know don't die now alright you're going to have a headache because of the series you'll have at the end of this game fair enough yep okay oh boy all right here we go so we're looking for helping [Music] so we're looking for happen to help you in the second section right yeah yeah it should be later and it's one before the Kraken and one after the Kraken yep okay I remember he showed up here he was on the left he was like great like he wasn't particularly big was it [Music] there we go nice extra bonus yeah it's like Astro blaster but in VR anytime you want it okay at intoxicated button so do we want him which way do we want him facing left flat okay so he's facing left which is okay so I'm like okay so this way because I remember this last time this is terrifying I actually really don't like this this right it's cool but it's scary oh it's very scary that's the light bulb maybe there's Easter eggs there's Easter eggs everywhere it's a finesse game good night okay intoxicated rabbit on Twitter says tip for the center of the Matthews the windmill and other tall buildings of markers the key should be where you can see them at the top at both at the same distance yeah kobani yeah here right cool okay we got through all those the last time we didn't really keep waiting for some of the show up behind me right oh hey hey oh hey there's a clown picture oh okay so we're in the midway point okay okay okay that's good huh all right whoo okay I'm getting dizzy hey hey okay cool okay and so so creepy foxy creep and odd Jacob mermaid right hey oh they're helping I didn't see healthy soon no there's this there's a branch job think so I think I missed the branch off there cuz there's another track right there shoot the chattel no I think you missed one Oh first night you got to get to Admiral everyone's just singing under to see on the sea bass gaming oh seven says get a score of 10,000 work week is that even possible a cuttlefish guy at night man that's you oh wow hello okay this was fun ready ready clear okay this guy needs needs a jolt to the chest dad so what happens when you were oh there's okay so there's the pirate ship Easter Egg that we've seen in the past yep oh the Kraken came out on sank it oh that's fun oh cool oh that's super fun it's really neat there's a lot of Easter eggs hidden on this main screen all right let's try pirate Cove one more time I'm assuming I didn't hit all of the things in that under the kraken area fast enough yeah I'm assuming I need to get through all of the beginning the best round just as under the Furies Izabella me that's under the under desk you all right lover says under this one under the seat so I believe in order to unlock LP you have to hit the village first yeah that's what I've been able to determine it seems like every time I do that plus you have to hit all the dots so I think it's a combination of those two things that's unlocked okay Jan Tana killing back says bin bagel I appreciate that and bagels and bagel that's it unlock bonus to be clear there yeah I think you have to hit all of those opening ones up to this point in order to unlock healthy and then from there maybe hit all of the world I think you just have to hit all the targets I mean up because I didn't hit some of the targets and there were a couple to the left in the finance section yeah as well as yes random Frank uses he missed one it was to the left in the dark I thought [Music] okay so we got a healthy on the left fifty points left we still need to pit okay [Music] focus man we still facing luck he is facing left right I think so the D changes less than no I know you're good so we're still good here okay which means we're going backstage just so so terrifying okay whenever this happens to me in Disney it is literally scariest thing ever Alex makes a great observation yeah and this staff is the cool one oh whoa doesn't have to do with this case man it was still good the one on the right just lost its textures that was right you Vanna van dyck ssin Bennet finishing the thing about that I wish you luck also my first live stream okay [Music] okay okay so you should be clear there and now we have a polka thing so okay whoa whoa that was a hard one okay so there we go there's no poster this time interestingly right the so the appearance or non appearance of that posters we've also some of the textures kind of time to go on not quite there right yes really scary this is this is pretty terrifying and in VR it's actually legitimately legitimately unsettling okay there's a lot to hit in here okay here we go oh there's healthy so do we know what the direction helping use the point right okay cuz it looks like straight is okay yeah okay no shoot that was wrong oh no I'm so sorry guys I saw it okay it's left its left but we know he's there we know you unlock it by hitting all the buttons up to that point yeah you know it okay we're getting closer great we're making it we're making it first make our bar we're learning we're learning and growing I've got a bunch of man-wolf posters that count for anything oh good I got a funky and through Halloween Ali learned to identify a pumpkin that was exciting for him pumpkin that's how he says it okay last one for this guy we got it this time we got it I feel it so we know left left both times as we get to the third section and I didn't for you I didn't here for piss but then again they weren't activating anymore than I had already done so Starfire says my friend totally like your videos and I love how totally about you guys and I love your videos thank you that's so awesome thanks for watching welcome to the fewest Nietzschean says love you so much guys oh shoot no abandon ship abandon ship this isn't go well I'm starving Pontius recently start level we start yeah that was not a good run come on come on game I got to be able to be one of these the other one no we'd be poor now no we definitely beat the Cornish which is apparently the big secret of just DLC yeah that's like you don't think that's like beating a nerd or you know golden freddy mode or whatever like it's the big challenge of the DLC it's like [Music] that's plenty of time for bonus round what is Janice's finally had time to watch a live stream yeah the nice thing about the holidays coming up is that people have more time to cuddle up with friends family well they don't have any of those cats oh watch the live stream your pair secure believe with a whole new cat now I know my parents will have another cat actually my parents are very good animal rescuers found the cat in a tree they got it down it wouldn't have made it like my parents live way out in the country they're badgers and foxes and all sorts of stuff that you do wait absolute cat so they saved it but they are very likely to get another cat oh no get out of here healthy no he'll be now I'll be stop being a turd I'm clear to anybody come on gotta graduate first mate I know but I also doing it cuz the balls belt I know I don't wanna like and all your points come from these sections really like these are the main sex in that matter name the bees 24 so did not just swear under his breath you swear on your bread I don't think so I think so I'm pretty aware yeah that sort of thing so I would say no it's happened like once or twice I'm washing but it's like like I said usually I'm pretty aware of it you know duck says you should make a commercial for your March yeah we'll be doing a little merch demo promo at the beginning of an upcoming episode of game theory and probably also film theory and you'll probably also hear about GT live don't worry yeah you'll hear about it to the point that people will complain about it oh yeah then again if we talk about it even once people complain about what so you know yeah that's just how it goes hey man okay here we go the stuff is really great you have to you gotta talk about that right right let people know let people know the truth the stuff we have for a holiday is is oh my gosh we got something we got so many good thing I can't wait what what are you revealing no no no leave you revealing see no leaks okay so this time help he needs to point left focus Stephanie are you were feeling secret are you secret revealing it's my favorite thing we've ever it is really awesome okay you left helping use the point left I'm not gonna touch anything else honestly I just want him to point left we're just gonna let this ride okay I'm really scared now because this is another section we haven't been to right any time we're in a sex ring right I'm like constantly ignore okay oh hey oh no oh oh did it oh good I can't you think oh hey what's that drop no there's no tronic walking around know what is the drop I dropped I dropped that card Oni deactivated no not hitting you in the buns he'll wake up no I know I what's he what's he feeling a weird back that story huh weird what it oh there's all just a concept of Archie jaws whoo whoa okay purple [Music] okay I feel like right okay there just come at me okay oh no oh no it's all black and spooky okay what is this where we going where we going where we going oh no oh no oh no we're not oh no wait are we going back around oh oh that really scared me oh look there's really a pretty healthy year I think it's gonna say just do the cycle yeah we just go around and around until we get 10,000 whoo that that foxy jump which was not scary in the slightest was terrifying oh no help he's on the next section okay yeah this is the door yeah huh weird so it just cycles you back around huh I wonder him to give you an opportunity to get enough points to get to the top level at which point and it triggers something right so man yeah I wonder what the top bonus gifts you wait there's help you gonna pay yeah in the pointing left so I should keep in mind he's playing left oh okay [Music] and I got all the bonus round and he's still pointing laughs so is it gonna take me left again or no and no it doesn't look like it's going to yeah that's interest so second time you're just kind of railroad is the the front way that's good to know that's really interesting hard that's really interesting oh come on hit those orange ones back there Oh a third one ah she got a thousand how much do I need ten I always missed that one huh come on only need 2,000 more we got this maybe I don't know skeptical woo crack it's you well right under the sea this is more terrifying than the Little Mermaid ride got everything help he didn't show up again [Music] I've got everything right shoot do I need over 10,000 we must have gotten like 100 good ruling in the 9000 range okay okay you didn't do anything though what nothing no that's weird oh really no no that's a shame oh wait are there more other more posters no you it there aren't any more no there's just manuals he says this one in man-wolf darn thought maybe this would trigger all four clowns to appear so we can hit them all is there really something that happens with that apparently everyone seems to think so or is it just you get to Boop his nose cuz this is the Boop his nose Easter egg I keep hearing huh I feel keep expecting I also keep expecting this to do something it's weird that you have all of this and yet like hard mode doesn't switch to anything it's really odd huh alright so what do i do corn maze or last night what do you how are you having heart palpitations or not Oh candy you need some candy wow wow just oh my gosh just pork it down 150 calories of Nutrition Facts there's an Easter Egg for you full fest 83 okay join me again weird I really want to do the trick-or-treat game again because the trick-or-treat game is super fun all right corn maze it is okay five keys so here we are in the center so there's red oh there's blue there's yellow and there's green I guess good to know all right no I know yeah so you're in the middle of all of them all right good to know and the keys are near the there's one oh there's already me oh yeah he's so much slower it's so funny it's so funny how different is compared to where he is at the end okay this is such a if those Harvey this is hard man to ask to do fork keys find a fifth of randomly in the middle of everything and then get all the way back as he gets harder all right so the key was this way um it's really interesting that yeah this is hard this is just one of those things that you have to like grind away at I feel like I also wonder though does it potentially great okay here is who's like kind of smushed his face up against I've wonder if it's easier to start at the end and go backwards so in terms of Arizona well I mean right everyone was saying like oh the end of the mazes or like that one second of the maze is hard because because there's nowhere to hide it there's no safe sizes yeah I moves faster so it makes me wonder if there's a there's a world where all right man that was brutal he was just everywhere I could not he's here he's there he's everywhere who are you gonna call jack-o-lantern foxy it's not super catchy so what's the hard sec I'm gonna take a left maybe the left is the good section okay there's a key are you kidding me what come on Wow all right all right all right hey I'd rather it happened early in the run than like late yeah honestly Wow just brutal he's like you got really far last time you escaped I'm not letting that happen again right hey don't hate the player foxy hate the game that's what I have to say to you also why can't my character squeeze through those stupid fence posts man like come on right show some level of agility here friend like throw me a bone okay there's a key we got here you I heard you heard you um met you I think that's you yeah come on oh no wow strange thanks for that [Applause] okay yellow is by blue right that was a thing that we learned last time [Music] oh hey yeah so that was cool pretty wet cool cool story bro cool story bro love it when you okay so they can show up on the random stumps I was wondering if they they could or if they were like restricted took more of like the gravestone setups but it seems like they can indeed be anywhere oh no no no no no no no no come on I saw you you were literally right there did you really lose me what where are you at where you at where are you at bless you here Leslie huh whoa look at me in the corner fresh meat skewer me really really man what skewered I want to be steward barbecued slayed kebab oh come on are you kidding me okay delightful thank you cut whistles ah the keys are glitching yeah occasionally things lose a bit of texture here I was gonna make it back in time Wow maybe I maybe a few one more time and that little copped it'll last night okay darn it it is so hard right it is you you just have to like it's partly timing it's part like it's partly patience too like there is so much patience that you have to just have oh my gosh yeah right it just takes so much persistence yeah it's one of those you just got to like grind away at it and like you have the like perfect run cuz I no oh just kill me already Emily Morgan says this would be fun they said it's not scary they said no this is definitely very scary although at this point like now that I have a better control of the mechanics it's the old charge of your own Jack - yeah I feel like I have a bit more control which is nice but it's still really scared like especially as you get deeper into it the tension ramps up so heavily right right like the fact that I know I don't have to look at him I know based on the sound that he's gonna charge that helps a lot but at the same time well I've lost my flashlight that's cool okay green that's gold one oh right and that's a difficult one oh hey he was just out for a jog right as he do that's good to know - that he just runs and then disappears from that area right here so it's just kind of like a random charge up there oh oh there's going there he is so that's good glad I look back right come on any damn all right there you go good one green great that's yellow colorblind color another one Galvin Christensen says good job love your stuff and Kaylee Hanselman says casually watches the live stream because I'm too afraid to play myself we do that a lot when we go to VidCon and other conventions and stuff we asked people if they played the the snap series or if they just like you know watching the game and buying the whoo that was intense know your guy it's true though they're putting it in high there's like oh you see is the back of Matthew and he oh really I I don't know oh my gosh in your hand and I'm so lost as I'm back I have no idea what you're doing I have no idea what direction I'm facing anymore either like the whole thing is just a hot mess okay hear him yeah good one man right I am I've lost all sense of direct between the pirate game where I'm riding on a ride and taking in all sorts of different directions and this game where you're constantly like turning around all over the place I've lost all sense of draw sense of direction right now you're blocking me at every turn there okay oh go go go no no great what do you think Chris I think yes what are you guys doing fries jump-scare looking at art on Twitter oh yeah yeah Wow what's you guys I know Witter so responsible oh there's one here see it's interesting I'm starting to realize I just need to be more come on reliant on sound than visual because the sound like okay here he is great because the sound tells you everything you need to know about his charge so oh okay I'll have four keys oh yeah thanks thanks everyone you're all so sweet great there we go so they'll be the last thing okay okay last key which as everyone keeps telling me it could be anywhere or nowhere Genevieve Wolfe says Stephanie is chocolate there Stephanie be trolling hard patrol cars about hard that was fun no that was satisfying so I think it added to your experience VR is about being immersive Matthew sometimes you have to immerse all of your senses I was truly immersed in that moment thank you that was much appreciated okay I'm gonna hang out over here because he's aggressive okay oh come on acrylic pixel says step I'm so happy I just got the ugly sweater first Theory wherever I'm awesome guy I'm so glad that signatory are getting it all right guys that's so awesome we're really okay so here it looks so good it's like so bright the colors are so awesome really it actually turned out I was a bit skeptical I mean look I came up with the idea very good I almost didn't hear that one okay so I got four I don't have v yet and just to confirm I cannot open this thing but I am in the center of the maze that's crazy critter 14 says don't you have four and you're in the center of the maze yeah but I don't have the last key so you do need all five just I mean not that that was in question but hold up see it's all about listening to him it it helps a lot oh so I'm going to the dangerous section then okay yeah gonna hang out until he passes on you he's like squeeze and back they're rude you know I hate them so much they're in a game in a franchise full of things that make him be like you know why would you add that in crows the Crozier oh wow that was really close okay actually this section has a decent number of hiding spots which is good I'm afraid to get too far from this right it's it is literally hide-and-go-seek the video game right now though yeah that's an interesting-looking chest at least no nothing down there I'm assuming it would be flying around like yeah it should be floating like the other Keys hold up aetna Heaphy on twitter says I've heard the last key is somewhere on the bunker but isn't always in the same spot we're just going off of Twitter rumors now my friend the thing is they're truly in the dark right she's the tragedy of it all is the fact that like every like that though that's the concept of the maze is that everything is kind of like yeah at how Haley lenok at Haley let egg lennick brought up a great point hello I have a question why did I say the stream would start at 8:00 but you guys start at 7:00 you probably live in an area of the world where there is not daylight savings time daylight savings time is the horror of our shoot no I knew where that hiding stop was but that's the section where you're just saying good try we started daylight savings time here in California and in the US this week except for I think somewhere in Arizona doesn't do it whatever it's confusing we gained an hour but you look back in time the whole thing is confusing that means that our streams might be starting an hour earlier than you expect if you are in an area where you do not experience daylight savings time which by the way you can't imagine what though don't you don't really blame us for it I don't know anyone who really enjoys daylight savings time do you Chris feelings on daylight savings time I like this one and not the other one it's always better when you're like oh you know I thought I woke up at 10:00 but I really woke up at 9:00 yeah you're like falling back and you wake up at 10 or 9 well that sounds amazing Wow Wow seems like it must be so yeah I do enjoy that we get an extra hour going in this direction but I just hate that it now gets dark at like five o'clock and rolling gets worse from here California starts to get dark at like 4:15 when you hit December it's just still it is weird it is very weird yeah it's not fun is it always on a weekend yeah they usually try do it on a weekend for people not miss we'll miss stuff so dread bears matters is it I forget my fur guy didn't know in the first place right oh now you're blocking me on this I'm sorry geez really oh yeah here see what I'm gonna die too foxy unfortunately again I know right mad par for the course on this live stream isn't it alright I'm gonna hop back to register is where where is dread bear at girl 101 lazy says has a bit more than an hour already yes we've been yeah we've been live since actually on time today we start at 4 p.m. Pacific time actually yeah daylight savings time shockingly we actually did start on time it's weird at I pedal gum alarm on Twitter says interesting counter is at 9 Matthew has said interesting 9 times sister no at up 5 at Phoenix 1c troops it's all these speak I'm so hyped for the next theory it's gonna be the bomb it might take a little while to get the theory together on this one but it's coming earlier I've made a lot of bad decisions on this run just so you know Tesla just so we're all on the same page I'm not expecting this there's foxy at fizzy sandwich says you can do it I heared Red Bear I hear dread where where are you dread bear where are you dread bear oh man a couple people sent screenshots from Jacko's livestream where he found that brown key it really blends in though yeah it's very hard to see at insane ones on Twitter has that has that screenshot it is it is well camouflage shall we say oh no what was that what the heck what was that what was that oh here we go here comes shoot okay here's Bobby what's this sorry I don't know how to handle this part this is where things really fall apart now it's the last night yeah I thought I was on his camera the whole time hmm do i flash him do I need the flash threadbare ah poop how's that for hmm am I supposed to flash him stuff the Chad absolutely knows the flash when in doubt just flash everyone well I can't really afford to is the thing every time I flash it's a pretty big expense of power so while I'd love to constantly flash this man for good theory sweaters and hoodies I'm having trouble figuring out where to buy them could you help me figure out where to buy them we are coming out with new one new holiday stuff that will include jacket sweater hoody kinds of things stay with us for like a couple weeks then we should have those are ready to go that being said underneath this video you can see our stuff that's available and we're clearing out everything in preparation for holiday stuff so you can get some really good deals yeah there's some older stuff that's available yeah some pretty nifty like some really good deals actually and also on the Creator Inc website honestly if you want us to uh check that video so yeah you want to check out crater Inc website there's I think I think there's a couple of stuff left like some of the reversible jackets that we did I think oh no those are sold out are they so now I know we were doing mostly like t-shirts and socks and stuff but with the new holiday stuff coming up there'll be a whole bunch of new options so you can't reset threadbare at all I know okay but how do I you can stun him with the flash but only a brief period of time hmm I can stun it so I need to so I do need to be flashing him yeah you just need to keep tabs on where he is because he's only stunned for a little bit all right she's here right now if I should pass up there they saw him walking past there and you have his camera progression that would be helpful and knowing what cameras he moves through would be super helpful concentrate a little bit but I will read a few more things off of Twitter are you I hear him moving closely which is not a good sign alpha foxy says I recommend Matt to Matheny let Ashley go through the cycle so he can see how long the wait is before foxy attacks it's a fair question actually I think I've been wondering how long that's like oh shoot [Music] the thing is once dread bear gets here it's nut oh I'm dead yeah bye-bye that was a new one I haven't seen any of those jump scares that's exciting and Aldo wolf uh says a flashdrive bear through the camera to slow him down it doesn't reset him right okay that's my thought so here he is he's not active yet so if I let foxy run through the cycle though is he actually is he gonna jump scare me or yeah I think there's good it's gonna say like at awesome DC 91 says I don't know if it's just me but it feels like Mads getting closer and closer to the camera just waiting for the theorists fist to kill the story here's foxy I'm watching how much further he goes at this point oh yeah he's going yeah alright so he hangs out there for a while but that is his last form like him kind of outside of the camera that's good I know how that works now see I let him go through his cycle yeah there we go per the request for the recommendation and Oh Scott how are you doing today Scott Scott doesn't want to talk to me darn prank callers oh man we have we brought the daylight savings time activists out as well if you there are there aren't many of them but I feel like they should have their day here at Diamond Dearest says in defense of daylight savings time of course doesn't add any daylight to the day in the spring and summer it moves an hour of daylight to the evening so the Sun doesn't rise at 4:00 a.m. which is better to have Sun when you're awake that's just so that's it it helps now that the Sun rises a little bit earlier because we're up so early that if you're getting up at like you know 6:00 right whatever and it's really dark outside still you're like oh this feels so early but now it's not playing at the breaking glass is you're kind of really that makes it ok that's when he is I've been really poorly I was doing well now I've just been like off on the timing now that I'm trying to factor in dread bear yeah it seems like he goes kind of into the camera like camera to I think or whatever it is about foxy 1b but yeah it is like it's really hard to see him once he moves off the stage which I can't flash him while he's on stage right once he moves off the stage it's really hard to find him so I'm assuming he goes 1 a 2 1 B and then moves around to like this uh what remind me what fredbear's pattern it or Freddie's pattern is in the original staff because I'm assuming he probably follows a similar thing right one would assume one fortress [Music] what who I just picked the camera yeah ah you weirdo just gonna kill me proudly but figured used up all my flash isn't it recharged since I was working on everyone I just need to worry about chica right now you can do it yeah like dread bear I feel like should be in that camera I'm gonna let you down a couple other things on Twitter at Maori Sheena 3 is showing off a lot of theory where which is awesome the serie weredog approved its theory where it's a pop socket and the shirts and oh in the backpack yes I love this year's backpack it's so great I love backpack and and done what's that necessarily finished off Bonnie hopefully every set Bonnie will see hopefully a foxy didn't decide to get aggressive either we'll find out at girl 101 lazy says you can do it Roxy there yes okay there's to dread bear is where now see and book book mouse says I'm here to represent the nightwalkers daylight savings time sunlight and heat are vastly overrated father here lovers of cold darkness let our miserly grumble where this we hurt right daylight savings time to telling you brings out brings out all types feel like I need to blast someone here don't know where see where you where is where I'm gonna get there where were you I was listening for you I looked at the cameras I think this might have to be a time to say yeah I know you for this warning well hey but there was a lot of progress made beat two minigames which is actually really big deal right hi-five zu2 minigames we got four keys twice so I have a good idea of how to do it it's just finding that last key is brutal its we're gonna get it it's gonna be great oh just a hard to find key we have some other like little tips and tricks here and there that we can use to help find it too next time do we yeah there's something about a chime and if it spawns near a chime see if you hear a chime you move toward the chime but then yeah it's complicated we'll do some investigation off stream and see what we can come up with and then hopefully we'll get into that basement right time we're close we got four multiple times that we have a better understanding of how it all works yes good that being said later this week we are also going to be playing more Luigi's Mansion which was a ton of fun you guys seem to really enjoy it so we're gonna be continuing that we're gonna be trying to polish this it's it's fun to play it's fun to play ASCII game that's laid like a spooky non scary game what any ghosts in Luigi's Mansion that's cuz that's because we didn't get too deep into this I know what I'm saying that's why we have to it's funny it's nice actually see nice and laid back it's really fun leave Oh so anyway put me back tomorrow same time yeah same time 4 o'clock p.m. Pacific Daylight daylight-savings time so whatever that means honestly like we said calculate it for you all sure if you want any theory March now's a great time to get it because everything that we have is on sale we just launched the ugly Christmas sweater yeah which is way to the holiday yeah the holiday Theory where line which is going to be coming out with some really really nice like unique items our favorite stuff that we've ever done yeah so there's no there's a lot of good stuff in the works like if you want stuff for cheap now it's the time to get if you're excited for new stuff it's coming out in like two weeks and if you want something brand new as of today like this is it right here so thank you guys so much for watching thanks for sticking with me thank you for all the helpful hints we're getting through it it's hard and it's definitely one of those things that I make me wish that like this was a streamer or like a channel where you can like edit stuff out by doing a live stream Laurie you're great you're keeping your cool I think you're doing awesome right like it is it's all about keeping cool and just being patient so anyways that's it guys thank you so much for watching we'll see you tomorrow for collect me abyss if ik time and remember that is just Alive's dream the event yet juicy behind twitter the local dreamer is my first live dream it's nearly 1:30 a.m. in the UK and I have work tomorrow deserves clad in half hopefully you're awake to have heard that right see the backpack would be a nice Hospital bag a little ices adorably clever thank you it it would be a good one or yeah anything everywhere bad United honestly bag at all it was satisfyingly cleaning with minimal ghost and a whole lot of trash and money lying around aka Luigi's Mansion says H people's net what more could you want in the game you got it and at girl 101 lazy says bye bye see you next
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,049,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halloween, fnaf, fnaf vr help wanted, fnaf vr, five nights at freddy's, fnaf vr dlc, dreadbear, fnaf vr dlc trailer, five nights at freddy's vr, fnaf vr dlc gameplay, halloween fnaf, fnaf vr gameplay, help wanted, fnaf vr walkthrough, fnaf vr help wanted gameplay, dread bear fnaf, help wanted fnaf, freddy fazbear, fnaf ucn, fnaf ultimate custom night, new fnaf, game theory, game theory fnaf, matpat, matpat fnaf, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, gtlive fnaf vr, fnaf vr dreadbear
Id: nNkcqMZzR8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 34sec (5434 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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