FN P90

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I'd totally watch flannel daddy and Travis Haley tear up some Goa'uld.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/InternetOligarch 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

I often choose the P90 in video games because of stargate.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/CaptainSharpe 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] you didn't make it Ron didn't make it we could get him how get ahold of yourself confident we're gonna send you back before it happened going back it's got to attract you a main enemy when you go back through Hitler no Kohli Koki Britney Spears and she shaved her head fire up the Stargate and saga is firing up [Music] they're surrounding you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they're surrounding you [Music] won't see me got closer killer bra I need something I need you right now Scott mute that [ __ ] get back to the Stargate beautiful [ __ ] LT very alien [ __ ] [Music] jab what are you saying Mike I'm gonna have to activate it manually tell the boys of centrality gun works I love them we love you too God you've got meatballs [Music] [Music] if you ever grew up watching stargate sg1 go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comments section is a lot like the Stargate Universe every time you go through and they get progressively worse if you want to find out why this channel so popular get down there and get into that comment section it's out of control guys leave biggest supporter of the channel right now is Big Daddy unlimited Big Daddy limit is like the Costco of the gun world you get in there you get low prices on gear of course you have to pay a little bit to get in there now however the first month is $0.99 get in there with the link right below check out if you want sick bags and plaid and gloves we have lax ammunition and of course vertex discount code grand thumb cool 25% off on vertex ladies gentlemen and of course my all-time favorites Sig MC exes welcome to the channel thank you for watching today today we're gonna be talking about a firearm that I think has been requested quite a bit and that is going to be the FN p90 not the p90 s I was lucky enough to be able to get my hands on a full auto variant the p90 now like I said in the past it's very unfortunate that it's not easier for civilians get their hands on full auto weapons so it's kind of a double-edged sword on the one hand I like doing these reviews to show you guys what the real-deal weapons are like on the other hand I hate that it's harder for you guys to get them but any case we have an actual p90 from 4-week Nationale and we've done a lot of rounds on this up to this point I've only done about 3000 rounds on the p90 so do understand that my time on the p90 is somewhat limited compared to firearms like the mark 18 and they are 15s and that type of thing where on this mark 18 alone I probably got 70 or 80 thousand rounds so there are you know limitations to my knowledge here but I feel like I haven't enough rounds to be able to talk about a little bit and maybe some of my experiences that I've had with it and some of the intricacies of the design itself now we're not forgotten weapons and going into the history of the rifle or anything like that or excuse me the submachine gun or anything along those lines but rather I just want to do a brief overview of what we kind of do best I'm on Grantham which is talking about what does it like to hold what I like to shoot with it what are the economics like where some considerations when using a a weapon such as this so like we're gonna do we're gonna go tip to bud now before we do let's talk a little bit about what makes this what it is so this was essentially designed in response to a NATO request to develop something to replace a 9-millimeter and the reason for that was that there was a large proliferation of body armor and 9-millimeter doesn't do so hot with body armor so the 5.7 round was designed and subsequently this weapon as well as the FN five-seven were both designed around those rounds at the same time heckler & koch were making the mp7 and a unreleased pistol that were designed to chamber there particularly round which is a 4.6 and subsequent you know events that happen afterwards a lot of controversy surrounding it the five-seven was reported to have better terminal ballistics in the 4.6 understand that both the mp7 with the 4.6 and the 5.7 with the p90 and the 5-7 have been adopted by various countries with varying amounts of success but we're not talking about that so much we're gonna talk about the p90 so let's go ahead and scho nut - but excuse me tip - but on this and let's talk about what makes this particular firearm what it is now if you're like me kind of my first introduction to the p90 was watching Stargate sg-1 back in the day and playing Goldeneye and all those games and counter-strike and you know it was a very it's a very odd looking gun I think it's for that reason they say see a lot of TV shows that use this because it is a very kind of futuristic looking design it's very interesting in the way that they made everything work so how does it actually function because on paper what you have here is you have like a 5.7 pound weapon with a 50-round magazine that's bullpup it's like nineteen point nine inches in length total which is significantly shorter than even a mark 18 so here's a mark 18 compares and this is about sure as you could possibly get within a hour without getting unreliable so it's an incredibly compact design so on paper you're like this looks really good but you know how does it actually work let's get into it so the cyclic rate on the p90 is about 900 rounds per minute it's pretty blazing fast now that it is slower than something like the Kriss vector and that's roughly on par at the mp7 so on the end here we have a sound surco ASR of muzzle break as far as how does it work find the 5.7 doesn't have a whole lot of blasts so it's not doing you an enormous amount it definitely does help so much it definitely does help somewhat and mitigate recoil but there really isn't that much recoil on the p90 to begin with so it definitely does help mitigate it now the barrel on the p90 is ten point four inches the helps you get a lot of the velocity that you need to get out of the five point seven round now with a 5.7 the ballistics are kind of I've heard back and forth on them anywhere from the five point seven is you know much-sought-after because it's a you know it's a killer round you know the ss190 can penetrate body armor at 150 meters or was it like a millimeter of titanium with 20 layers of Kevlar at a 150 meters and beyond up to 200 meters but you know how does it actually work so let's kind of get into it now what have I heard about the 5.7 round well not great things to be honest it's not really known for being a a wonderful round now you do hear stories about like cartels in Mexico you know paying premiums for 5.7 because it's such a dangerous round I haven't so much seen that from individuals who've used this in service yeah whether it be as police officers or overseas or whatever they don't have great things to say about the capabilities of the round and that goes for both the 5.7 and the 4.6 and the mp7 form so understand that can I take that with a grain of salt for what it's worth I'm not here testing ballistics if I just haven't heard great things about the 5.7 but I mean that being said you know PDW calibers and 9-millimeter calibers they have their place lightweight low recoil low flash that type of thing so there is a reason to use them over rifle rounds with drum much more effective ballistically they beam said to I so long it shot with that of course not no shot placement always matters with these types of weapons okay moving from the barrel here let's go to the front of weapon so the kinds had that end right here so up on the top what used to be an integrated reflex sight on this has been replaced with a rail so the rails holding an aim point TL at four MOA with two side rails on the side to hold either a PEC or a light or something along those lines is on this rail right here look at the site we also have a peep sight through the rail right there so if you look through it below the sight you have a nice little sight picture it's not great it's definitely rudimentary but at least you have something you have some type of rear backup sight do this and it's kind of them making best of the situation with fact that this has very little rail space like many other submachine guns & pdws the p90 suffers from a lack of rail space if you need to mount IR lasers and that type of thing you don't have a whole lot of space to do that and to work with it especially if you have to have a switch so a switch for a peep for a you know Peck or for a light is gonna have to be put a kind of a weird position to make it work so it's not the most aerodynamic when it comes to that in speaking of ergonomics let's kind of move down to the grip here the grip is interesting right it's a very interesting design and what it's made to do is when you hold it your hand wraps around the front right here or you can put your hand all the way through I prefer to wrap it with my thumb moving forward just on top of the charging handle right there meanwhile your rear grip is right here comes onto the trigger it's odd to say the release it doesn't feel super comfortable and you know me I kind of like a more neutral grip for my wrist so you're really kind of forced to kind of have your wrist very forward on the p90 as a result it's not a incredibly comfortable firearm to hold so I've never been a huge fan of that this can be easily remedied by getting rid of this design right here and just adding some type of pistol grip that's a little bit more neutral a little bit more conventional I love how it looks with that being said it's just the unconventional design kind of leads to some uncomfortability when it comes to the p90 as well the buttstock right here the problem that you run into is because the weapon is so all it's good bad because it's so small you have no length of pull so that kind of leads into comfort ability and ease of holding it up it's not the most comfortable to hold up so when you have a little bit more length to pull like on the mark 18 when I can pull a stock out that allows me to more easily use my bones to hold the weapon up rather than my muscle so I find that I actually get a little bit more fatigue holding the p90 up than I do the mark 18 even though this obviously weighs less it's just due to the way that I have to hold it alright moving from there said enough about that with the charging handle charging handle is ambidextrous on the other side easy to use no big deal they're coming down we have the selector switch select your switch is ambidextrous right and use it from left or right side that is a good design after you do like the selector switch it's pretty cool the only problem that I can see with it is that you pretty much are using your trigger finger to actuate it you can use your thumb off your firing off your support hand but it's just not quite as nice so if you need to switch the fire you kind of there's gonna be a delay between going from semi fires you have to lift off then put your finger on the trigger compared to the ER we can flick it with your thumb then pull them to the trigger at the same time which makes for a very quick reaction speed learn from safe to fire you should have your rifle and safe unless you're ready to fire I absolutely believe in that principle so not the best okay coming from there let's talk a little bit about the trigger so Bullpups if you don't know have terrible triggers so what does a bullpup basically you have the fire control forward of where the magazine would go or the ejection port this case is very unconventional but the magazine feeds right here even though the magazine comes all the way up so triggers and bull puffs they have like a very odd mechanism to reach back and release the hammer because of that they're never that great so let's go ahead and and let's for the first time in this channel goes to the p90 trigger let's see how that feels alright so I'm going to switch this over to sunlight for this one a lot of creep it's very odd I feels about four pounds five about six pounds leva isn't really a wall it's a good reset you have the level is very odd it doesn't feel very predictable I'm not a big fan of game trying the full-auto never you said of course good full auto yeah the trigger it's not great on my opinion on the on the p90 every time I see videos of these types of guns people are like oh cool yeah p90 yeah pop pop oh yeah I love this feels great what a great gun you know that's not a review right so honestly the trigger the safety of the charging handle everything's kind of lack luster in my opinion and that comes up to the magazine as well the magazine is so cool right so you have this top mounted magazine and it holds 50 rounds and they're whole they're held sideways to the gun and as they come to the end here they have a little ramp and they spiral down and they feed in it's super cool but man first off magazine changes are super awkward so what you have to do is you have this release right here at the back so you pop this back lift up pull out you never pull out and then you load it back in and smack it into place and then you can load your weapon it's just it's just an odd design it's not very quick to change magazines on this and you know how much does that matter it does because it's a it's a very odd reload I'm sure you get used to it but I'm just not very fond of the p90 and reloading it so moving back from there the p90 is very cool in that it ejects all of its rounds straight downwards and then ejects them with a lot of vigor so it's it's good in fact that it gets out your face if you're shooting ambi you'd have to worry about switching the ejection port that is a really cool part of the p90 and I definitely do appreciate that about this particular design how it spits those rounds out straight down that just makes my life way easier so that is a cool thing about that moving back we have the buttstock right here works fine your cheek like on all Bullpups is right next to the the action right here so it does get quite loud compared to like a conventional weapon like an AR or an mp5 or something or even an mp7 so do be aware of that if you have any type of your pro in because that you're still gonna get that pony that bone conduction of the sound into your skull and it's gonna be louder than other weapons so p90 where does it stand I mean looks super cool spin all through the Stargate Universe James Bond everywhere I just don't consider it a wonderful submachine gun I'm sure it has this place that's very compact it's very small so they're capable has a large magazine capacity it's just awkward the trigger is not great it does have a very nice recoil impulse it is a direct blowback so it's very surprising the thing does not move at all when you shoot it I just prefer other firearms like the mp7 or the sig MPX or the mp5 to be honest over the p90 that being said I do I want to own one yeah absolutely I'm gonna buy buy one for sure but I just think that there are better submachine guns out there and the p90 and I think if you talk to a lot of people you'll see that many tend to agree and I think that there's a reason that's not as popular as other submachine guns that are currently out there so gentlemen was it come down to you by shoot it it's cool I think that there are better things out there but as with everything this thing looks super cool despite that though you're not gonna look cool if you don't train make sure you train gentlemen cog work strategic so Tarek Darcy Tony Cowden all these great guys out there go check them out and get some training that's what's gonna matter when it comes to weapons like this ladies gentlemen thank you so much for watching as usual stay looking cool and I've got nothing else are you guys okay last thing for you guys if I could give you any piece of device in your life it would be not to piss off Marines that's all I got for you guys of course if you've gotten this far you were in ultra fan guys the best way to support me through patreon get in their support I had a link right below that money goes directly into helping me build this channel up also every 4 months I'm gonna select a patreon guy to come out film with me have a good time spend a day out in Seattle with me shoot and have some good food so it could be you maybe not I mean there's a lot of people who are subscribing but nonetheless I want to find some ways to get back I'll be doing more in the future as well probably larger dinners and other events so stay tuned lots coming thank you for watching guys love you
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 644,275
Rating: 4.9405899 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb
Id: gYkMrlbXOm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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