The FN Five-seveN

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check it out ladies gentlemen and my of course always forgotten and always overlooked Stryker crews stay frosty gentlemen welcome to the channel today we're gonna be talking about a very interesting handgun the FN five-seven now the FN five-seven is something that i've been wanting to do for a very long time and it's taking me a lot of time to do it for a variety of reasons one the ammunition is very expensive so full disclosure as we always do with everything this handgun was not given to me by anybody it was purchased by me for $1,200 quite expensive and whose expenses taking me a while I've done around 4,000 rounds on five sevens about 1500 of them on a older 5:7 model will my buddies and then the other 2.5 k on this particular model which is a mark 2 I'm gonna do my best to say impartial despite the fact that I paid a lot of money for it I'm not gonna let that influence my decision do my best as I always do so with those things in mind we're gonna get into it now before we get into it I want to do a quick little history lesson now I'm not forgotten weapons I'm not gonna tease açaí would love to be but I just don't have the hair or the weird facial hair to pull it off so we're gonna do an abbreviated version suffice it to say that the FN five-seven was developed after the p90 to utilize the excellent 5.7 by 28 cartridge there ones there were some changes made to the 5.7 cartridge prior to it being able to be used in this particular handgun especially a shorter overall length more easily fit in a magazine so that could be gripped and not be like super girthy thick with three C's grip otherwise that wouldn't work anyhow you then have this handgun produced mid 90s FN five-seven capital F capital n FN very good FN we saw that from a mile away this is a very interesting handgun it's fairly lightweight and about 1.3 pounds now the Glock 17 is a little bit heavier just a smidge over 1.3 pounds not this particular one but a stock Glock 17 so that is definitely light weight especially given the size of this gun and how many rounds that carries physically the standard magazine capacity is 20 with 30 rounders easily bought and very reliable that extend just a teeny bit more below the this particular handgun this is very interesting so let's go ahead and let's talk about this handgun we're gonna go as we usually do from nose but if talk about this and explain what is good and what is bad now in the past I've read a lot of reviews watched a lot of reviews on this handgun and I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because I feel like either they're trying to justify the fn57 like too hard like especially the Wikipedia article it's very cringe it's probably mean I'm sure the guy who actually wrote it is actually very nice but I'm just not down with the way he described the five-seven and other reviews just seem to gloss over everything so we're gonna go in-depth and we're gonna talk about what really matters on this which is what does it feel like to LARP and shoot with this and do all that kind of stuff so let's get into it starting from the barrel the barrel is a four point eight inch cold hammer-forged chrome-lined barrel chrome lining awesome has been battle proven battle tested to be a excellent interior lining on the barrel cold hammer-forged is awesome what a great way just what a great barrel to have on this particular handgun service life on these particular barrels are around 20k plus the barrels are also very accurate I think they're probably more accurate to you now based on the way the pistol is kind of designed it might not get the greatest accuracy accuracy from you for a variety of reasons but I have no doubt that the barrel itself is incredibly accurate no qualms when it comes to that I'm moving from the barrel let's talk a little bit about the slide and everything so first off the slide is steel with polar encase and that goes through much of the pistol polymer is used quite a bit but there are actual steel like the slide is all steel the most insane thing I saw about that was whoever wrote that Wikipedia article was like trying to justify polymer being so thickly applied on this entire gun and he said that the polymer was applied to reduce reflection that's insane there are a plenty of different coatings on weapons that reduce reflection without the need of adding a [ __ ] ton of polymer but in any case it is a definitely lightweight it is fine it is very odd-looking when you first look at the five-seven that's the first thing a lot of people notices how polymer e it is now the glock of course has Paul lower and now this particular one is shining because that's the finish they use on the Turan tactical combat masters but the slide of course is metal compared to the five-seven where you have that polymer encase in it it just looks a little bit different now the front the marked two variant of the FN five-seven has serrations these serrations are a forward portion of it which are lacking on older models I think they are excellent I like having poured serrations on the handgun for manipulation and that type of thing is it LARP II no I think it's actually practical necessary but if you don't like them don't use them but in any case I think it's better to have them and not need them to need them and not have them moving from the serrations which are also included on the rear and at the rear another thing is they have a little notch that allow you to kind of hook your hands onto them if you like to do manipulations from the back from there we have the sights so the sights are interesting for a variety of reasons they're very tall and that's good because they work with the suppressor when you have a threaded barrel but we're gonna have to go in to go kind of deep into the five-seven here the rear sights are adjustable so sights are fine but they're very tall even you know just talking about normal sights at the slider or lower they're very tall so the problem is that yeah if you go for slide height like actual slide height the slides are about the same height in actuality but what you have to look at with the five-seven and what a lot of people seem to gloss over is how low you have to grip the five-seven so your grip is very low so why this matters is on something like the Glock 17 I know I've seen like among Glocks and dick a lot but honestly this goes for the Glock 17 the M&P the cz 75 the browning hi-power of the 1911 they have a fairly high tang that allow you to get a very high grip on that this is good for several reasons one this allows you to control recoil better because every time that we're cific a ting mass on the slide moves I'm higher up on it and because of physics and science and [ __ ] you're able to keep that weapon more on target another thing is is that this allows you to base on your hand placement put it at an easy position make your shots on that type of thing the higher it is a kind of lower you have to go and the kind of the weirder it is and the weird it feels to shoot so when you're shooting like a handgun with a higher red dot like a you know hang with like a delta point pro on it you kind of have to drop your grip a little bit so you can see through that optic and that definitely comes into play here because your grip is so low on the gun and because you have so much height here on the frame and then again on the slide and then again on the heights you're like you really have to lower the weapon down compared to a typical handgun now a lot of people would say well maybe they did it for a reason well you might say that except that pretty much every modern service weapon has had a pretty high tang with a low slide to control recoil and have a kind of easier area now when it comes to bringing the gunner to the target so this is definitely an odd design choice I am NOT a fan of where you grip the weapon I think that there could have been some design changes to allow me to grip a little bit higher a little bit higher of a grip would have made that I try to finagle that what have made that much more comfortable to shoot through would have made this a much more pleasurable weapon from that alone so I'm sad that they didn't do that I'll get over it maybe with what time but another thing is is that because your hand is low you have science and [ __ ] is not on your side when this thing is firing you have all that mass moving it above your hand I know the FN five-seven is a light hand gun but even still why not put everything to your advantage when it comes to hang gunfire in such a light recoil in calibre just my thoughts on that particular issue all right moving from there we have our serial number on the side right there we have a pick rail on the bottom I have a surefire x300 you on this particular handgun phenomenal I love having you know my weapon lights on there boop boop boop so you always there variety reasons put a weapon light on there in any case you have the option to do so at the five-seven much like many other modern service pistols moving up in there we have our course our takedown lever so the takedown on the FN five-seven is very simple so they push bet pull back a little bit you can pop it off and the whole slide comes off very simple compared to like something like the block where you have to depress pull it back slightly and then get it moving for the quick edit because I've done a lot but I find the FN to be much more intuitive I think that the aid designers at FN did a good job with their takedown lever moving back from there we have the oddest not the oddest I feel like I'm using that word to describe the FN five-seven a lot and it's definitely applicable but a very odd design choice on the FN five-seven which is a safety the safety compared to every other modern service pistol which typically have their safety toward the rear the FN five-seven has theirs upfront about centered on the trigger now the reason a so many modern handguns have their safeties at the rear is because when you go to draw your weapon your hand comes down as you draw it up you can simply sweep that up you can sweep that safety off with your firing hand and then you even firing now with the FN five-seven what you have to do is you can do one of two things you can either sweep it down with your support hand as you go to grass the weapon so you draw and then sweep which is kind of odd or conversely you draw and then use your trigger finger and you bring your finger into the well into the trigger guard in either case it's a very odd movement I know it's manual of arms and people are gonna say oh it's manual of arms you're being a [ __ ] about it but at the same time unless it offers any obvious advantage over a design current you know typically used by everyone else why do it I'm all for innovation when it makes sense in the case of the five-seven I find it to be an odd perhaps I would say wrong design choice I think it would be better served being to the rear be easier to use and just an better overall design but this is what the five-seven has and this is what we deal with so typically what I do is I Rock support sight thumb and I as I'm coming up I sweep it down and I fire it's odd and once I fire and usually keep it on off until I sweep it back on and then I holster odd choice in any case I don't like it anyhow when it's on you have a little red dot right shows that song we have a loaded chamber indicator up here so when the weapon is loaded and this little pin will protrude just a small amount now why do you feel it with your finger through gloves as well if you don't want to do a press check on this particular weapon and feel in there the ejection port speaking of press checks is quite large and this is large to allow for the ejection of a live round of 5.7 as it is a fairly large cartridge or not large but long now speaking of the 5.7 cartridge if you've never seen one before that's will pop them out this is a 5-7 cartridge right so as you can see here it is a necked cartridge it's compare that to a nine millimeter of a nine millimeter right there so this particular 9 millimeter is a 115 grain this particular one is coarse 30 grain the the FN five-seven the 5.7 by 28 is a very interesting round so it's necked now I've seen a lot of people a certain personality state that this is a rifle round this is not a rifle round this is a necked pistol round necked pistol rounds are not specifically a new thing in fact many countries have used neck pistol rounds for a very long time for example the tt-33 from Russia the cz 52 all use necked pistol rounds now of course this one is a little bit different with a different bullet shape that it causes it to have some very excellent ballistics so what I'll say on the five-seven is I know there's a lot of argument about the effectiveness of the five-seven or the ineffectiveness of it or you know this country uses it or these drug cartel uses or doesn't use it or it sucks or it doesn't suck and my opinion the 5.7 is an excellent cartridge I find handgun cartridges to be overall lacking in terminal effectiveness and I'm just going to say that I find the 5.7 to be a superior card caliber when it comes to terminal effectiveness compared to your normal 9-millimeter rounds currently on the market 5.7 awesome round and what is also awesome is that the standard capacity magazine for the five-seven is a 20 rounder that is super sick a 5.7 fairly light recoiling cartridge this is definitely a cool package it comes to that so five point seven just to kind of get rid of that good caliber in my opinion alright moving back from there we have the slide release so the slide release is in a great position in my opinion it's not a perfect point to release with my thumb so when you're in reloads bang-bang-bang go dry next you know magazine in it's very easy to load drop all that kind of stuff I find it excellent so I have no complaints when it comes to the slide release on the FN five-seven good on them they're the magazine release is large it protrudes easy to hit it is reversible I was worried that much like the 1911 due to kind of the length of the grip or due to the width of the grip right here that wasn't gonna be able to actuate it with my thumb I kind of have medium-sized man hands I find that it's not so bad I'm able to release it and with my typical firing grip but some people with smaller hands may have a problem just as a quick note for you guys okay another thing right here is grip so the FN five-seven is very aggressively the FN five-seven has very aggressive grips so much so that your if you have a little bit chance or your hands are gonna get very very sore firing this even after firing you know a thousand rounds on a day my hands get very sore firing this and that is true of many other modern weapons that have stippling on them such as this combat master from Tran tactical but compared to those the grips on the FN five-seven are fairly sharp comparatively and because of that I find that they wear into the hands a little bit quicker something to be aware of now here's the thing I really like about the FN five-seven and that is a grip angle so if you know me you know I'm a big fan of the grip angle on the browning hi-power the 1911 I find it very easy to point and shoot with those grip angles v 7 has that almost exact same grip angle that for me makes it very easy to point and shoot even despite the tallness of everything that I talked about earlier so the couple changes is to be a really phenomenal fire in my opinion but the grip angle is very good I'm a big fan of it a problem with a lot of modern service pistols is when you're firing them that your thumb might ride on the slide release it happens to me a lot of the Glock with a high thumb grip I end up releasing the slide all the time so I don't go to slide lock when I shoot there are of course fixes for that like the COG works slide release but with the five-seven the slide releases place in such a way that I don't end up actually don't when I'm firing again a good design choice when it comes to that okay so we've avoided it enough it is time to go set trigger so thing about the five-seven is that it does have a magazine disconnect that means that you have to have the magazine in otherwise the weapon will not fire that is something I have never been a fan of the browning hi-power also has that feature as do several other firearms I don't find it very useful I'm sure it's been used by some law enforcement guy or something when his weapon is taking a pop in the magazine so you didn't get killed so I'm sure there are uses for it but I just don't prefer it in general all right it's good and let's get into this so the trigger on the five-seven is very wide that helps distribute a lot of that force makes for a cleaner feeling trigger comparatively so let's go this ghostess trigger there's single action trigger the hammer is fully enclosed so let's try that up so we have about four millimeters of Machinist right here hit our first wall fairly crisp a break at around six pounds gonna set it all the time okay fill that again okay four millimeters travel about six pounds all right feels like a nice little crisp carrot getting broken compare that to a Glock and this is a very nice Glock by the way very mushroom in comparison light but mushy compared to the five-seven a very military feeling crisp trigger which I can definitely appreciate let's gun let's feel the reset on this particular handgun if you don't know the reset is how far I have to let the trigger forward before resets and I can then pull it again to fire another round if I don't reset it all the way I'm gonna get motion to get nothing like this right here all right alright let's go ahead and let's reset this trigger okay I'm moving forward forward forward forward forward there's my click reset shot again Ford Ford Ford three millimeters four or click alright it's just kind of a long reset furtively yeah so the FN five-seven has kind of a longer reset compared to a lot of your standard service weapons out there because that you do have to bring your finger a little bit forward every time you want to fire that weapon because of that you're firing cadence unless you have a lot of training on this particular handgun it's going to be a little bit slower now definitely found that to be the case that my split times are slower compared with guns I'm more familiar with of course and also guns with lighter better triggers even guns I'm not familiar with so as far as the figure goes definitely adequate as a military law enforcement trigger no qualms there I'm definitely a little bit lacking compared to some modern ones although I will say that the break is phenomenal so I can definitely give that to 2fn especially with a lot of these um you know polymer weapons you can have some really crappy breaks so they actually did a very good job there now as far as how am i storing this so typically I do soar yeah fully loaded one chamber well I use the 30 round mag plus one in the chamber 31 rounds safety on is how I typically run this I try to run safeties on weapons if they have them use them as they were designed and the big thing big thing is of course security to write home security I you guys know this video is sponsored by simply safe I've been using simply safe far before he have they ever contacted me so when it comes to them why do I like them there so there's a lot of home security companies out there of course but I like simply save because I feel that they're more aligned with the typical firearm owner and the fact that you can piecemeal buy what you need and kind of upgrade as necessary of course you have to do all the installation yourself before my typical Ybor is ballin on a budget I'm looking out for you guys I was in need for once it really helps and it also allows me to add additional layers of security something like a camera system inside my gun room motion sensors inside my gun room with alerts for that you know door sensors window sensors window break sensors all that kind of stuff I can add as necessary as I have the funds I'm able to at least get something if I don't have a whole lot of funds to build up you know have an entire home security system put in there in the first place so so that reason that I like them I've harped on it enough highly recommended simply safe if you don't know where to go for that link right below check them out recommend them cuz I use them personally so that's enough of that now that we've talked about safety and all that caste stuff because it does matter okay they point the gun to you guys what does it feel like to shoot the FN five-seven it is so odd and so weird to shoot for a variety of reasons the biggest reason is that that necked cartridge the 5.7 just produces a whole lot of flash and a whole lot of noise I get like the first time you fire you're like that's pretty loud actually compared to like a nine-millimeter that's for a variety of reasons you have a supersonic cartridge you have a lot of powder net cartridge a high pressure all that kind of stuff makes for a very loud reports especially if you're firing this at night compared to like a nine-millimeter you're gonna find that you have a lot more flash and that can be detrimental in certain situations so again is the FN right for you there are our situations or it could or it could not be so when you fire it you have all that noise and all of that flash but you don't have a whole lot of recoil it's a very interesting system so if you guys know I've been a huge fan of the recoil impulse in the 1911 I find it very pleasing I've often described it as gentle but strong right so you have a as I've often described it as gentle but strong so as a long slow impulse but it's strong right so you're feeling that but it's coming over a long period of time so it allows you to control it fairly well I would describe the FN five-seven as the exact opposite of that it is snappy but weak so when you fire it that slug snaps right back it's a quick action it's a quick speed with everything but you don't get a whole lot of we quill from it but that snap does cause a little bit of muzzle flip I've seen people say it has you know literally zero muzzle flip and maybe if you click off maybe get walked out of your arms and fire it it is but if you're doing any type of modern shooting on the move where you have some type of bend in your elbows if you don't know about modern shooting it on the move and that type of stuff I highly recommend you take a look at tony collins and card works classes and bare solutions classes to learn that [ __ ] because it definitely matters you can definitely park and blow pretty well just like everybody else but if you want to move and shoot you need to do some things different but any case if you're moving and shooting you do get a little bit of flip so it's not like everybody saying that you're like there's zero muzzle flip it is I would say about maybe about two-thirds the typical recoil impulse that you get from a nine-millimeter but it is definitely very controllable but again due to a couple odd things such as high slide high sights you're kind of slowed down a little bit if you had economics closer to a Glock firing five seven you could really shred with this particular gun so it is interesting and again the safety slows me down in a couple of things it's just not quite there the FN five-seven is not quite there for me it is very close to my opinion but I still think that it's a good handgun I think that for a lot of people it definitely works now there are some problems with the FN five-seven namely holsters so there aren't a whole lot of holsters available for the five-seven from you know normal makers so if you know I for do to use I prefer Safariland ALS holsters there's not to my knowledge a Safariland ALS holster available for the FN five-seven there are SLS holsters but I don't prefer those but you can find those out there be careful older FN s fit certain holsters and newer FN s can't fit those older holsters so make sure you look out for that now in my case I'm using two different holsters for my video so the first one they use this from Kydex holsters and LD this one is for a FN five-seven with a light body it is very well made it is a level one holster it means that the retention is simply the retention from the Kydex well-made very clean lines I definitely like what they made now this one is on a cue less mount that allows me to change it out as necessary and also has a thigh strap from t-rex arms on a safari land mid ride drop leg now I definitely recommend the thigh strap from t-rex arms if you use a mid ride otherwise that holster can kind of flip out now from there I also have another one this is a in our design this one is for my FN five-seven when I don't have a light on it which I run a large amount of the time this one of course is similarly made very cleanly very well made no qualms I definitely love both of them I think they're both about the same quality level this one is also on a QLS so I can easily swap it as necessary I would highly recommend either of those companies both are run by great guys and you know a great just great people so either is absolutely going to work when it comes to concealed carry there are some options out there but again your decision to be to get this handgun you should heavily look into what holster going to be using before you purchase it besides of that yeah can you practice enough is the biggest thing so ammo is expensive around between you know 39 to 50 cents plus per round compared to you know 17 to 19 cents per round for a 9-millimeter when you need to practice so if you can practice with the five-seven as much as you can with a 9 mil then i'd highly recommend it if you can't get the 9 mil if you can the 5 7 is definitely a great handgun again I don't think it's quite there as far as the ergonomics are concerned but the 5/7 is a very potent around when it comes to handgun calibers and will serve you well so is it for you honestly I think a lot of people focus on the gun when they should be focusing on the training if you have this gun as cool as it looks as well as it works you're still gonna have issues if you don't train with it and I mentioned it before cog works bare solutions esoteric Tony Cowden Patent Act Numair so many great guys out there Darcy check them out get training from these guys and learn how to actually use these tools because they are just that tools you're ultimately what's in charge of them if you can't run them efficiently then they're gonna be nothing for you so get out there and get training ladies yelman striker cruz thank you for watching you guys know I appreciate you they lookin cool on us course I've got nothing else for you alright final note for you guys drink water I know I've said it before but how do you recommend to make sure you keep your water intake at a good level you don't get enough water from drinking a glass of water with every meal unless you're even like 10,000 meals today but for real though look online and drink a lot more water your pee should be fairly clear to kind of a lemonade color don't drink too much because you can die from that as well it is a balance but drink enough water to keep hydrated your body will work better you'll feel better and you'll be able to workout harder and think everything's just going to work better drink water if you have gotten this far you are of course my ultra fan so my ultra fans out there I love you guys if you guys really want to support me all the way patreon all that money goes directly into production costs cameras lenses and memory cards upgrades all that kind of stuff to ensure that I can continue to produce excellent content because I do break this equipment all the time the ranges are rough thank you so much for watching I always appreciate you guys take care
Channel: undefined
Views: 590,053
Rating: 4.9448247 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, fn five seven, fn57, fn 57, 5-7, five seven, 5.7x28, 5.7, high caliber pistol, special forces pistol, special operations pistol, counter strike pistol, counter strike
Id: 5wccVL9FItg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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