DSA OSW (Operational Specialist Weapon)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you've ever wanted to paint your FAL like it served in the Rhodesian brush war go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comments section is particularly out-of-control the last couple sessions get in there find out why it's so important I will not try to control you YouTube will tell you to be nice but do your thing I can't control you guys guys are looking to support the channel the biggest support of the channel right now is a big Daddy unlimited Big Daddy unlimited is like the Costco gun world $0.99 again for the first month after that price increases now is it worth it well depends if you buy products again they're gonna be cheaper Thea little paywall right there I think it's worth it get in there if you like it they support us lax ammunition for all of your amination needs and of course vertex her gloves bags plaid all that kind of good stuff ladies gentlemen in my often forgotten but now buy me kc-135s look Channel today we're gonna be talking and revisiting a very interesting firearm and that is going to be the DSA osw operational specialist weapon so it's made by des armes the question is what is my relationship with DSA before we begin this review so I'm always very straightforward on that this was given to me quite a while ago it gave me a bad review on it a little bit and a little over a year ago I would say since then I have gotten to other fals for them so understand there have I've gotten received three firearms from them dye munition ammunition is all covered for by me my patreon guys thank you guys and beyond that no exchange of money if you like that pretty common kind of deal except the ammunition on how I run my reviews so there's no you know pay for play or thing like like that that we do here just you guys are aware I'm very unbiased on my reviews despite being given weapons just how can I run things if you guys are new to the channel maybe from that April Fool's video in any case let's go ahead and let's get into it if you're not familiar with the osw that's okay it is a variant of the FAL now if you're not there you know familiar with the FAL you're definitely missing out so the FAL is what many call the right arm of the free world because it has served in so many capacities all over the world so this is like your standard model that comes from DSA a little camel paint job on it but the FAL served with over 90 countries it's fought itself it's fought against others and I would say it's probably among the most prolific battle rifles to have ever served in any country ever its chambered in 308 and you know we're not forgotten weapon so we're not gonna get to kind of deep into the weeds on this other than to say that the FAL is a venerable proven reliable firearm and that brings us to our o SW o SW being a shortened version with a couple things that have been changed most specifically the handguards barrel length and a couple of things including the stock so let's get into it let's do what we always do with our firearms Ringo tipped butt and we're gonna talk about this weapon is it worth it doesn't make sense I understand that there's a lot of kind of renewed interest in this particular firearm after it's been featured in a few video games and that's cool I got in the firearms because video games goldeneye way back in the day nothing wrong with that you know I think escape from tarkov has it I know called duty probably has it in some capacity or another but in any case how was the real actual farm let's get into it okay starting from tip to butt like we always do we have our muzzle device now I want to be very clear that the muzzle device currently on this rifle is not your typical muscle device that comes from osw typically you have some type of birdcage flash hider or some type type of three-pronged or four prong flash hider that eliminates the flash and there is a lot of flash because this rifle is chambered in 308 so barrels that fire 308 are meant to be much longer typically you want at the very least 16 11 inches is the length of the barrel on this particular weapon because of that you have a lot of unburned powder when that projectile leaves the barrel you have a lot of energy that could have driven that projectile being driven out of the because of that you typically have a little bit more recoil than you deal with on a longer FAL variant like the one that I just showed you guys because of that I chose to kind of mess with the design a little bit and throw a very aggressive muzzle brake on there from Sons of Liberty gun works in order to see if that could help tame this tame it it definitely detainment however the cost was at the people around me yeah this is a obnoxiously loud and obnoxious Lee concussive weapon it's incredible how how how much louder this was compared to other 308 so they've fired on the particular range of shooting on a lot of people made note of it that it sucked and they were not happy with me shooting this but any case so the muzzle break is not a good option and one with these same solutions the Russians did with the HK 12 which is to throw a large muzzle brake on there to control the recoil it does however at the cost of everybody next to you now in the case of this it's not such a big deal this isn't really a military weapon per se but for the ak-12 much bigger deal because you're working in close proximity to teammates you don't want to you know [ __ ] them up with the concussion and all that kind of stuff so most device yes works not the best now a lot of people note that this is also a host for suppressor so a Sandman L will fit on this however as configured from D s arms this will not suppress even at the lowest gas setting expelling the most amount of gas because it just increases the back pressure so much that the weapon with kind of take itself apart so the rear takedown lever would depress and it would come in to two parts so if you want to have a FAL this short that you can suppress either use some type of float through technology suppressor like I notice a suppressor or talk with DSA and ask them about having a different sized kind of gas port in order to make a suppressor work on it in any case that is how that particular metal ass is going to beat that to death let's move on from there next thing we're gonna talk about as a barrel so the barrel is 11 inches one and 10 twist pretty standard pretty much what you want I will say that F ales aren't particularly know for their accuracy typically they're known to be anywhere from you know three to six MOA pretty standard for a battle rifle battle rifles aren't particularly accurate weapons however I have been very surprised and impressed with the accuracy that I'd gotten out of DSA arms and not just do you say any very well-built fowl to good barrel but typically do a little bit better than that on in general I'm getting with good ammo around two MOA so we're out of there with surplus around 2.3 MOA or so which seems pretty ridiculous a lot of people out there who are using ARS and stuff before the FAL that's doing pretty well it's important to note that the FAL is not a precision platform so if you're looking to build a precise semi-automatic weapon I'd highly recommend looking at some other 308 options such as the LM teeth or mws system or you know CAC with our SR 25s there are much better systems that are more accurate than the FAL that's not kind of the point of these particular builds their battle rifles when it comes to that they're absolutely what we like to call Minuteman they can absolutely impact those targets that you needed to that are within the range of this particular barrel length so they work fine for that and again I've been happy with the accuracy just for people who want to really be able to punch holes through holes you're not gonna be doing that with this particular model now we do run into a couple issues in range or it might have been forgotten weapons did a very good video on barrel lengths in 308 versus barrel lengths in seven six two by three nine noting that the 760 by 3 9 which is around used by a km a KA of 47 that tempo that type of weapon does very well when you shorten the barrel 308 not so much through it doesn't do well at all so the more you shorten the barrel the more of course velocity you lose you lose now specifically when you get down to an 11 inch barrel you have about a average velocity with about a 150 gram projectile of around 223 50 which is so cookin pretty hard especially the 150 grain projectile a lot of people have asked me and said well at that barrel length 11 inches a aka would have more and then this particular weapon system and that is false so when you take a a K and you cut it down to let's say 11 5 so get in about another half inch over this particular weapon system you have a approximate levels of loss velocity of around 20 150 or so so a solid 200 feet per second less with a lighter projectile physically as opposed to 150 grams you're looking at about 122 grains so you definitely have a lot more what we'd call foot-pounds is that specifically equal into better ballistics not specifically but again my kind of expertise is not ballistics or terminal ballistics I should say I'll let Paul Harrell or somebody much more suited than me take a stab at that as far as the actual ballistics other than to say that the round coming out of the osw is energetic to say the least is it a good solution I don't specifically think it is so the three at this short really doesn't take advantage of what the 308 is good at the 308 is good at launching projectiles long range taking those longer shots that's the whole point of the 308 projectile I have read a couple reviews where people have very passionately argued for the osw as a CQB type weapon and I do not believe that it suits that well that role well due to the fact that it's both heavy the ammunition is heavy you carry less ammunition and the amount of concussive blasts and flash that you get out of it to tame that you need some type of larger suppressor if you want to work indoors and even then you still get a lot more than you get from five five six ballistically energetic compared to five five six doubtless that being said five five six is absolutely devastating at close ranges with those goods loading so I don't believe that this weapon is suited well to CQB and we'll kind of talk more on that later about as far as what it's good at so the gas valves are really cool in that fails I can easily be adjusted to live not more gas or bleeding off less gas and you can precisely tune your weapon to either work with certain ammunition to be a software clone as possible or as the weapon gets muddy and it gets mud in it you can you can close that port up and you can really push all that gas through the system to power through a lot of that debris that might other choked up other weapons it's for this reason that the FL is a particularly reliable weapon system it's been known to just power through a variety of environments with no problem when it comes to reliability even on the short barreled osw variant it is very capable of powering through any type of debris that you could possibly throw it I played it very much so on the same playing field as the a K as far as reliability is concerned the art short-stroke gas piston operated and that is a particularly reliable and robust system these weapons will run through hell and back and you likely will not have any issues with them now when it comes to issues because we're talking about DSA and I'm gonna bring it up now personally I have not had any problems with any of my DSA weapons that I have fired or had work on or anything like that except to say that when I first got this weapon I did break the first extractor in the first 60 rounds now since then I've fired a couple thousand through and it's been fine I'll put that up to a fluke things happen but a lot of people have noted online that they've had serious issues with QC now I will say that DSA has been quick to fix and those issues and there haven't been problems to those people but I'll note quickly that despite my success that I've had with rifles I am no stranger to the fact that many of these rifles are likely hand-picked and worked on prior to being sent out to me so as far as the QC goes I think that there may be some QC issues over at DSA that being said they're true to the word and they will work on and fix your gun if there are issues so when you get them put round sir and make sure they're working good if they're not DSA will take care of you kind of goes from there so we have here on the front of the weapon is a quad rail and not just any quad rail but a very robust Quadra I feel like it can beat somebody to death with this osw if like worst comes to worst I feel like he'd kill somebody with it I don't feel that way with many weapons like the ar-15 I feel like if I hit somebody with it I end up bending the handguard some like that this is a very solid weapon I feel like if I hit somebody at this it'd be fine the other person would be in bad shape but in any case at any point on the quad rail it is stable enough to mount a laser device so like a PEC 15 techfifteen being an IR laser IR illuminator for shooting at night now in this case I opted to put the PEC 15 on the side with a pressure switch is this ghetto taped to the top right there I have rubber rail covers on the quad rails to make it a little bit more comfortable that way I don't get that cheesegrater effect that you typically get from quad rails and then on the opposite side I have a mod light now as far as why I didn't run a dual switch due to trying to get away from switches I have a simple clicky cap on this particular mod light you can see right there you have that boop-boop so we have our mod lite if you're not familiar with them they are excellent excellent lights I have it on a off set that puts at the correct height for APEC 15 mountain air 15 but that puts it at the correct height to hit that light with my thumb right there so that is how I run that weapon so I have my thumb up top given the height of my optic my thumb doesn't get in the way I have a pressure pad on the pec right back there so but I need to activate my laser do that of course switching over to IR that way it can work with night vision and that type of thing so that is how I have that particular quad rail setup all right moving back from there a good innovation on the FAL has been the folding charging handle I've been a huge fan of the folding charging handle this allows the weapon to be slimmer to not catch on as many things and I absolutely love it so the charging handle is very cool design as you can see on the FAL it does lock back on a closed bolt and if I insert my magazine again I can simply hit the bolt release and it drops the bolt with some authority you can see there's a lot of spring pressure there again this thing powers through just literally everything so when it comes to the controls the controls are actually fairly forward-thinking on the FAL especially for the time at which it was designed now you can see we have our bolt release right there now to kick the magazine out it is a little bit different from a typical FAL design this one has an extended magazine release that way I can use my trigger finger and hit it now with the FAL it's much like the a.k where you need to rock it into place so you can see right there so again kick it out and then rock into place this is in stark contrast to the older ones where I typically use my thumb to hit that magazine release and pull it out I think it's much faster to use my trigger finger to remove that and as far as fals go magazine changes are actually pretty quick now that being said so it takes a little bit of work just like you would with an 8k or we have to rock it into place and kind of work on that type of stuff but another good thing is that because the targeting handles on the left side that allows me to more easily work through a variety of malfunctions while keeping my hand on fire control and that's what I prefer some AKG designs have done this but most puzzlingly after they came out with the FAL they let her develop the FNC has a right-sided charging handle I understand why aggressive debris and stuff but the FL worked so well with that left-handed charging handle I wish they would have kept that to some extent or another now on the bolt itself they are over engineered well built this one has a sand cutter so it can power through even more debris again the FAL is a very robust reliable design you won't have any trouble with it now moving to the back to the magazines there are several different sizes of magazines anything from 10 all the way up to 30 most typically you see the 20 rounders they are the most typical they're very reliable that being said I have had some very good success with the 30 rounders from DSA I know not everybody has and they are kind of comically large but that being said the 30 rounders do work it's just a lot of weight 308 308 weighs a lot compared to five five six and a 30-round magazine is really gonna weigh you down over time compared to using like a 20 round so I typically stick with the 20 rounder so they also don't extend down as much it's easier to get into prone with them because it's 30 it really pushes a gun high off the ground and you want to be able to get low if you actually chose this particular weapon to use in a serious manner so moving from there and talk about more of the controls we have the safety right here pretty simple very AR like not quite as economic you can see we have a soft style grip which is pretty typical of the grip angle that you typically see on fals so on this more classic FAL again you can see that very aggressive angle if they have you guys know that I prefer the more shallow angles on the ARS and that's absolutely true for any weapon system that being said it's not that big of a deal I think people make too big of a deal on it and I understand I nitpick on things but understand I can shoot with any grip angle on I'm perfectly fine I just kind of adjust to it but the problem with the FAL is that when you have this thing shouldered it is or it can be a little bit more difficult to hit that safety compared to something like an AR so you have that thing shouldered again it's just a little bit more of a reach not as easy or as intuitive as you'd see from something like the ar-15 now we've avoided it for long enough we're going to talk about the trigger so the trigger is a standard FAL type trigger from DSA so what we're in do is we're going to go sit together we're going to put on some little unchained melody' play that softly and we're gonna feel this trigger together alright get him right on there so but it's a pressure into it I immediately have quite a bit of pressure traveling about two three four millimeters it's getting heavier heavier five six gritty seven release it's by the solid eight nine pound trigger approximately which is pretty typical of many magazine-fed battle rifles of the time let's go ahead and try that one more time okay into it yeah not the same okay it's check the reset god I wish this thing was full auto alright letting it forward about a millimeter two millimeters three nice positive click it definitely Springs your finger back into place I feel that alright now when you press it from the reset it's about a five pound pulls once you get into this gun you get past that initial pull you take a solid three or four pounds off the trigger so once you start actually running it you can run a decently fast understand that it is a long trigger pull along a reset it's just something they're gonna deal with on many of these older kind of designs and that's where newer designs like the scar and eight our ten type platforms are sr-25 type design platforms just perform better compared to the older ones as much as I love the FAL it's trigger is somewhat lacking alright mouton from there now DSA has come up with a lot of really cool things I know a lot of people have a lot of issues of TSA but I've had nothing but good things to say about them we have the rail top cover right here great designs very solid lock up I've had no issues of mine I return to zero hasn't been perfect I've never had any of my zero shift in my optics I've been making shots two three four hundred with this rifle I've no problem now on this particular one just talk a little bit about the setup I have a t-rex arms offset which is what I prefer for my offsets typically and the the airsoft guns really good as well with a delta Point Pro I picked that simply because I have quite a bit of them I've been really assessing these quite a bit the last few months or so so I have that offset right there and then as my main optic I have an elk an one point five and six power so does either 1.5 or can go to six power with a simple throw of the lever and again we will probably talk about this optic at some point in the future the elk hands are pretty cool I have this zeroed for 300 and the BDC lines up pretty perfectly this one is does have a BBC specific to the scar-h with a 13 inch barrel so it's a little bit off for this one but it's close enough where I can make it work now the reason I have the offset dot even though I have 1.5 1.5 is doable but not great so at close range the offset is just absolutely perfect for making those quick shots rollin over rollin the gun over is this a really quick process as opposed to shifting up to the top there are of course pros and cons to that and we'll get into that in a different video on top mounted red dots verse offset later alright going to the back right here I've not forgotten weapons but here's our takedown lever right there release that hinge is that the hinges right there you can pull out everything clean everything out no big deal there it works fine you know you can clean the rifle served everywhere of course it's great okay we have our sling swivel right here at the back this is the one thing that kind of lacks on the osw is your mount is your ability to kind of mount the sling at different locations because you don't have a Ford sling swivel so you either have to add one of some type or kind of jury-rigged and figure something out in this case I am running this in a one-point configuration with the echo 9-3 sling that I talked about earlier I love these guys the slings they put out some great stuff so right here at the back we have our para folding sock and I think the good things to say about this you can fire this weapon with the stock folded and it works perfectly fine I don't know why you'd want to maybe you're doing some dirty car work but it works I love the Parris you couldn't of course add any variety of different socks out there and for stocks but I like the classic look of either the para sock or of course the even more classic typical FAL sock so definitely different things you can add out there so talk for a minute about the sites the sites that come with FAL in my mind are awesome typical peep type sites and they are fairly accurate I've seen people making impacts out to three four hundred with those again it's going to be up to you and it comes to that and understanding that the FAL does have have some limitations when it comes to just its overall accuracy compared to other what the systems that are out there but that is our FAL so I guess a better question is is what role does the osw fill well it fills a role of being fun as hell that being said I keep getting drawn back to it so I can't say too many bad things on this particular weapon I have the gas setting dialed almost all the way open and it is a incredibly incredibly gentle weapon to shoot it is so easy to control um I can't say enough good things about how easy it is to keep this thing on target give me the only bad thing is that everyone around you absolutely hates you if you're using this solo let's say you use this as like a bug-out gun right on a ranch around the forest the the size of the report from the weapon how loud it is is gonna get you a the size of the fireball is a huge problem it's going to give you away so I think to make this a more effective weapon you need to tune it to use a suppressor again that's a reason why I think of 13 barrels gonna be better give you a little bit more dwell time as well as using a little bit more of that powder and then a suppressor to tame some of that fireball because otherwise you're just gonna Telegraph your position to everybody so osw freaking awesome love them I think that there are some shortcomings to it but ultimately I think that this is a really cool rifle ladies gentlemen thank you so much for watching me as cool as the FAL is and I'm gonna take this to a class of Haley because I just wanna see him not be happy with me just disappointed me at all but get training training is what matters so we have tons of great trainers out there we have cog works we have bare solutions they have Haley strategic who is not my disappointed dad Patton a chimera Larry Vickers all these guys with all this knowledge and experience and they can give it to you you just got to take a classroom and it's absolutely worth the money because skills are something that you always have equipment technology is cool but it's all about you remember that ladies gentleman love you guys thank you for watching and house as usual I've got nothing else for you alright last thing for you guys so obviously I'm back now back in this whole kovat business we're all getting a little stir-crazy maybe so take this time to not let you out and not to watch the Netflix if it takes some time to expand your horizons we mean by that is try something you haven't done before and I know it's a little harder being at home but let's say you've always wanted to try some gymnastics moves maybe start working on your physical health and seeing if you can do those I've always sucked at Pilates and guess what it's important having very strong core so working at a lot more in order to juice up my overall fitness level and try something that I haven't done before I'm also trying to read up on different topics and trying to expand my horizons again the most interesting people you ever meet are not people who are close-minded but are people who have a wide variety of knowledge on a wide variety of subjects I [ __ ] love guns guys but you know what I read about about a lot of other stuff besides firearms because life is all about getting all that knowledge guys love you guys hope you guys like some this little advice that any of you it's just my random musings but I appreciate you guys so much staying out there do some good things be a good neighbor and be a good community member and that is all I can ask of you guys if you've gotten this far the very last thing I wanna say is a big thank you to my patreon heartfelt from the bottom of my heart thank you for helping support my channel cameras lights hard drives like I always say things always follow me and you guys directly support the channel all the money from patreon directly supports the channel and gets better equipment and makes this channel better production is quality is super high up I can't always do super high quality videos I'm out and I'm gone so we're and sometimes I'm last want to make sure I get videos out but I can't stress this enough how much I think you guys get in there it's about five dollars ten dollars anything helps per month love you guys take care of yourselves be good it's got nothing else now for real
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,082,421
Rating: 4.9525876 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, FAL, OSW, DSA, FAL OSW, DSA OSW, short fal, FAL SBR, Rhodesian FAL, SBR 308, short 308, special forces rifle, special forces fal, escape from tarkov, escape from tarkov osw, escape from tarkov fal
Id: FqHxqUwLtc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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