75W You're In Big Trouble

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put it on ground bear on three one seven five whiskey cleared three three up Delta for the two others wait what okay so originally I was not gonna share this video but then I realized I kind of owed it to you guys so let's go all the way back to the beginning and see if you can see what I did wrong so welcome aboard we are here and msy Mike Syrian key in New Orleans we have flight ins 552 nautical miles estimated time and route is three hours and 15 minutes as of right now and we're anticipating that's a small tell one I think we probably do a little better than that gonna be about three hours so we were finally on our way home sorry so let's get our ATIS with cop visibility was narrow here cloud a three to five temperature with diner new pointment seven altimeter greener of the old big the rivals expect i elaborately went went approach except aircraft air pumper of the north through southeast in fact GPF Runway junior of the points Thank You another bomb but we activate the air laughter and women must activate backbone or the runway with my new fighter technical folks effectively don't do that missing off to applaud multiple braids of the 156 meter left of runway two-niner poignant great pointing nautical health updates of New Orleans International Airport black that lighted burning didn't even been to the airport repeat maybe he'll be locked up you do a who have made but my son additional contact you have information Mike alright we'd have Mike let's go ahead and put in our clearance frequency one to seven point to load that up next person will talk to will be ground then we'll load that up as well though I filed for msy to cross city cty to Lakeland Lal to Punta Gorda Papa golf Delta so let's see what they give us come on Orleans Clarence Baron three one seven five whiskey like pick up my frr2 pop up call from Delta judai looks like 9001 three minutes after departure departure frequency be a one to three point eight five and to walk for your important egg clear to Papa golf Delta s filed two thousand nine thousand one zero minutes one two three point eight five and four zero four six four three one seven five one four zero four six ahead load as a reminder one two three point five [Music] there's plenty mm and a spot so [Music] look at a flight plan I filed TTY then I filed Lakeland and then I filed back Corte good five three six with Mike my apart - Mike Mike papa Romeo activate flight plans made my good money take a look here but not expecting up here I see it there and we can go ahead and white now and it matches that we're all good Ellen's ground fire on three one seven five whiskey at the trailer ramp braid taxi to the while my half of you have coughing I'll fess up asking everyone to eat on Eric Eric gonna pull my honour I wouldn't want it out fuller only heading could be bigger part mine outfit clear runway heading clear for takeoff set lowest uh I really figured aberrant running for the forger I see a traffic off to our right nobody to our left and we're climbing a 2,000 feet cages in agree go flow there's been alive they for not doesn't rate Europe I'm in runway heading to 2,000 4385 every day [Music] the part Rivera 3 175 whiskey 1000 climate dinos get on the part for the contact my maintain 9000 climbing nine thousands of those excellent those are my favorite a quick reminder Akash is fast approaching be sure to go to Baron Pilate net for meet-up information Oh in goodbye [Music] see how in the plans shrimp it just flies its own all thoughts not off 22:49 our 95 you look going [Music] so you can see us as we're flying or now it's saying that my gallons reserve is only 2.7 I'm gonna go as a negative number that's because this is calculating real time so my actual fuel burn my actual speed ground speed is as how it calculates it so in a climb obviously we were burning more fuel and we're going slower than we would normally would be so it's obviously not accurate and once we level off that's where you can start counting on the numbers and believe I just taught you now the fuel flow of course is always accurate it's just the balance reserve endurance [Music] s75 whiskey's really copy preposition director Rami with his Romeo Oscar Mike Mike Genki and then cross city at fountain director Rami crusted us by off Persepolis all right president dick Rami so it's coming here and go and my better enter Robbie's officer left I'm his zero six four right unless you can see here a new truck brought me that created a gap in the route I just felt like yeah ain't my crummy across city and now it's all connected [Music] and so we are level crews 9,000 feet I was about 10 minutes from wheels up to results too big got a little rear Alfie right now going direct route me and then cross it so put a little kink in the route but I'm too much best because of all the military airspace out here though that kind of can be expected some sort of reroute way out here there's always something going on over 9,000 feet we ever ground speed of 185 knots we have an outside air temperature of about 44 degrees Fahrenheit which equates to about seven degrees Celsius we were burning about 26.7 gallons an hour though we've been a lot though we have a aspire estimated time a root of two hours and 46 minutes and we've been in here for 17 so just over three hours [Music] and we'll see you when we turn across city freakin in a few extra knot squeeze of your knots out of that day away so those of you who've been following along this has been about a 2,000 mile nautical mile trip started and going to go to the South Florida and then worked its way all the way up to Texas and now back so I was a curvy it was a two-week trip and fell we can Texas a week in New Orleans Islands and then head not home although way out which you saw and if you did be sure check out the video we got the brush on hey what's going on but police had tail once coming back the whole returned Lakes just not as strong as those headwinds were afoot but hey listen I mean look around out of file view three zero out of college guys so I'll take I'll take lesser wins and have a day like today they're probably not going to take you can't pick that up at that point [Music] so as always if you like my videos be sure to give me that thumbs up and hit that subscribe button is that subscribe button and if you want to see or and you are subscribed and you feel like you're missing out click on that little bell in a lot of scribers who comment that they missed the video or didn't see something and because you're not getting notifications so don't miss out hit that Bell also if you haven't seen my last few videos I do have a web page now barren pilot dotnet be sure to check that out it's over than just a place to buy t-shirts like this it is actually going to resource for discounts and great news aviation related stuff don't be sure to check that out an orthographic and of course as we get closer to us it will be a source for announcement for me greets where I'll be and that kind of stuff so be sure to check it out go ahead and subscribe newsletter and you can actually subscribe to my vlog beats on there as well so they'll do a little experiment here tell me what you think they come up with my mini here if this suction cup can hold up it still open I can still see my gauges cactus everything blocks a little bit of my autopilot but I can still access it though the only thing it really bucks in my second vor which is my nav which I honestly i don't use could move it if I needed to but lets me see everything else get my six-pack though I do that then perhaps I'll change this out to a mini put the mini here and then clear this space out in the middle what do you think I should do it tell me the comments below if you think that's a great idea [Music] or even just a fair idea doesn't have to be great but I think I like my ramp I'll put you in that ran man it's actually from my yoke now I should say love my York now that's from iPad York bounce calm normal formation on that go ahead you go to my barren pile there you go the blogs as information there on these as well but I do like this so I wouldn't mind getting rid of this and then I'll put everything here even though I do like being on the touch right here I can still keep my arm an arm rest them and touch here so I'm thinking that might be my next step then just have to binney's it during the full-size so if I do that I'll just show you though if you can see here this thing goes in and instead of the landscape it goes to portrait mode and I still have access to everything and I'll redesign this to a layout I'm comfortable with where everything will be where I want to be but I still have everything it just changes a little bit how it looks so they'll be a little get used to for me I'll fumble a little bit initially with it here again it won't be the full size it may be the meaning yeah somebody's got to be the pending bill too big [Music] and then that's all becomes free but you know sixty minutes ago the weather words three four zero at seven miles mobility or do you enter broken 31 dewpoint have to file to our three triples every other winds of three four zero and all the temperatures already set now we'll get here just as well but that's just me looking ahead but I hit my frequency but and I can see when I had frequency I can see what the a sauce is a sauce is one three five point six number five I've been monitoring guard now I'll start getting ready for bird should change it to one three five point six seven five though with the winds of repopulating 4-0 integers our enjoyment your 441 I could probably expect to endure for a drink and the best way thing to do is to come actually look at the airport diagram if I do now I can look at three three PETA three three is five thousand six hundred eighty eight feet long and so it which makes three three a viable option hint it winds up three four zero I am pretty confident that's where we're gonna lay up sample - approach para three one seven five whiskey 3.6 descending 3000 misdelivery 175.2 D Fort Myers apart riser expect the visual approach only three three despite the vigil for three of us all right there's the field apprentice people I anything they're of their elector level 1 2 0 0 and have to fill the same numbers - telephonic my mom mm matter under defendant making new coming looking for champion say mm all right chef a Golf R right but I hadn't go down 2001 when driving down ten o'clock very well Mary Calvi found the delay in the December buzzer bleep about 3,500 project uh division over to our suppose today another aberrant three one seven five whiskey on the vigil for three three continued into the right day when roadway three three up cleared before any way to get closer aren't you right now in our left elephants a post right now and being here which one do you want I'll take right spine they just tower some effort said now let's go on the right downwind jitter your northern feel that organs from appreciated otherwise write down one first three three suppose I to this field go ahead mention our pictures power set to 18 inches that's whether he cares me turn left here Charlie kites on 19.5 five getting to help around here number one Ivy Lee number two's both the top three but he's inserting his right days and then Beijing is good you clearly love a tree tree win32 0 & 1 1 2 clearly 3 3 with the most expect a white bass century you're gonna be number two to follow up Aaron he's is about three north of the field over the Peace River gonna close and write down one alright we are beat the numbers bear everything here's me you're going down - - all right I got three green and it'll keep muggy at three o'clock and then I'll call you back with the base leg yeah turning good your approach laps Baird said sideways he couldn't start the face if you haven't done it yet that looks like you have thank you that works out good [Music] five hundred feet three green on the mirror little and gas props picture a Santa carriage mixture prompts [Music] come on Owen Seneca 0fi I did I don't have you on the radar yet I did know from [Music] i thinka to roaming off a Roger I got your ident like you're gonna be number two out of follow apparent on a mile page the final there and he's right on your 12 o'clock on mile and a half if I join happen tonight I don't think one fell down on him I don't flaxseed I did Bob Scott was done there goatee - Anita I did observe you can proceed direct to the airport from there I think we will look at the wrong target you're a teacher you can bring a wedge down from their direct to the airport not sick ones when you get closer let's offer our last as he copies the dirty airport yeah you're a little further than I thought you were I thought you were closer in the net no problem others did take it too far another y-you still pretty a pretty much duty to the field we often clear the land with white three streams barren touching done now the win32 threw at them I'd known anything happen laps up Charlie echo number two to follow at Seneca a tunnel with mile following three three three Charlie echo traffic tonight reliever Charlie echo number to close down a one-way street three you win three twos are at them let's gonna try to get off everybody meet the way my way to eternal end at the end they got that ground one-one-niner point five five up to Dan of the grounds at most three one seven five whiskey cleared three three at Delta for the 200 so did you figure out what I did wrong it was subtle but it's something we've all been guilty of so let this video serve as a lesson to you so you don't make the same mistake I just did your mom Fox welcome to my world well these someone cares right yeah you know they have an app for that so don't be like me be sure to stay in contact with your mother otherwise one day you just might get that dreaded call from the tower I hear a big trouble here mom's gonna call though I hope you enjoyed that flight we are back that's always a good thing so if you like this plate as always give me a thumbs up if you did subscribe button biggest thing yet is always your subscription special shut up thank you to my patient supporters appreciate all you guys do if you haven't already be sure to check out their and pilot also you can follow me on social media Instagram a beach bear and pilot to get live feeds and what-have-you out there and those of you who don't use it scram but to use Facebook there's always the parent pilot page Facebook to say miss Barrett pilot page anyhow as always appreciate you guys coming along and I'll see you next one till then [Music] [Music]
Channel: Baron Pilot
Views: 786,242
Rating: 3.9619691 out of 5
Keywords: Beechcraft Baron B55, Beechcraft Baron, Beech Baron B55, Beech Baron, Baron B55, B55, ATC, flying, Live ATC, Flight VLOG, Flight Training, IFR Flight, IFR Training, IFR, Flying Experience, Instrument Approach, Approach, Departure, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, pilot vlog, avidyne, IFD, IFD100, Foreflight, Airplane, baronpilot, big trouble, tower, new orleans, florida, Kmsy-kpgd
Id: d4LeQivdLIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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