Crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a Cessna

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I've been following Louis' videos from the trip and have been loving it, now I need to watch Matt's videos!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Himura251 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was awesome

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/keep_flyin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can't imagine the paperwork and customs etc it's crazy.

But amazing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
JP: Yo you headed somewhere? Matt: Yeah I'm trying to get to Austria JP: Really? Louis: We're actually going to Austria Matt: No way! Louis: Yeah, you should jump in with us! Matt: That'd be awesome JP: We've got a seat free Matt: Sweet! JP: Come on! Matt: Let's do it! *music* Matt: We're making a quick stop in Portsmouth, NH, gonna go grab a sat phone real fast and then go up to Canada JP: Oh ok, uhhh... Customs closed at 4:30 Matt: Ok well tell them we'll give them a call back JP: Alright, we'll give you a call back sorry about that Matt: And then throw, add a Hershey sundae pie to that PSM Ground: Centurion 210EU roger, cleared to CYQB, Pease 3 Departure, then as filed, expect 7,000 5 minutes after departure, squawk 7337 Matt: So we're about, how far out are we? We're like probably 10 minutes away from landing in Quebec City. We had a few changes of plan today, it was a big rush, anyway we flew from Lawrence up to Portsmouth, picked up a sat phone, planned like 5 different flights to get up here find somewhere where customs was actually available, trying to get all the way up to Iqaluit to go over to Greenland, that didn't quite work out so tonight we're just headed up to Quebec City we're gonna clear customs here, get some sleep, get up in the morning, fly 5 hours up to Iqaluit probably spend the rest of the day there and then hopefully the next day fly to Greenland so that'll be fun, but right now we're just kind of busy cause this is a pretty big airport up here in Quebec City so they're busy we're getting thrown all over the place on arrivals, switching runways so there's a lot going on It's been a good night though, we had some Burger King, ate in the plane JP: In flight Burger King Matt: Yeah this is really nice, we've got this river that just runs right through the city JP: Yeah it's pretty amazing CYQB Tower: 0EU cleared to land Runway 29 Matt: 29 cleared to land 0EU JP: Alright gear's down, we'll leave that where it is, we'll leave that closed, left tank, we'll bring a notch of flaps *music* Matt: Quebec Terminal, N210EU, 1,000, climbing 3,000, heading 240 Quebec Terminal: N210EU, Terminal, you are identified, climb to 7,000 JP: I'm gonna get the pitot heat on JP: N210EU, OTUPO CYRC Tower: 210EU, Tower, roger, number 1 *music* Louis: *laughing* JP: I don't get it! It makes no sense why these boots have to be so big Alert: traffic, 12 o'clock high, less than one mile Matt: Ground, Centurion N210EU, request IFR to Iqaluit CYRC Ground: N210EU, St. HonorΓ© Ground, cleared to Iqaluit, VALIN 2 Departure, flight planned route, squawk 4237 CYRC Tower: N210EU, Tower, winds 31 360 10 contact Bagotville Terminal 127.2 when airborne, cleared for takeoff Runway 36 JP: Cleared for takeoff 36, 0EU JP: Alright here we go! CYRC Tower: N92G, Tower, number 2, Runway 36, traffic to follow Cessna on a one mile final N92G: Looking for traffic 92G JP: Power's set Matt: Yeah don't worry about that JP: Now we're flying! Matt: Here we go! Louis: Yeah! Matt: Gear's coming up CYRC Tower: helicopter working on the infield, will remain west of Runway 36 at all times Matt: Gear's up, got some nice terrain out here today Some really awesome views up here like it's just beautiful we got some forest, trees, and mountains, and these awesome looking clouds, a little bit of light rain just fantastic Matt: Ok over to 27.2 JP: Yeah this is just departure, isn't it? JP: Departure, N210EU with you off of 36 climbing through 1,200 Bagotville Terminal: N210EU, Terminal, good day, radar identified on departure, VALIN 2 is cancelled, continue runway heading 2,000 feet before proceeding direct Iqaluit 9,000 JP: Runway heading to 2,000 and direct to Iqaluit 9,000, 0EU Louis: We've just taken off from somewhere in Canada that I can't pronounce properly... Bagotville Terminal: N210EU... Louis: oh radio Bagotville Terminal: Radar services are now terminated switch Enroute, 126.7, and at approximately 80 miles of Iqaluit, you can contact 134.55 Matt: Yeah I think she's saying we're basically on our own or we might be yeah this is a good time to make sure that all this stuff is tracking JP: yeah Matt: Is this on? unlock... Matt: Terminal, N210EU ...or departure, whoever it was... Bagotville Terminal: 210EU, Terminal Matt: Yeah just to confirm, should we expect to get someone on 126.7 right now or later on? Bagotville Terminal: Uhh EU 126.7 is the Enroute so you need to do a position report frequently, it's not controlled Matt: Oh ok so it's like a CTAF Bagotville Terminal: Yep Matt: Ok thank you Bagotville Terminal: No problem Matt: Ok, that's awesome. So this is really interesting, we're up here in Canada in the middle of nowhere so they don't have radar service, they don't have any air traffic control I guess it's just uncontrolled so we have to broadcast our position report on this frequency so that we don't run into anyone JP: Alright we're at 1 degree here and we picked up icing we should probably go down a little bit Matt: I mean we're in the clear right here so we're not gonna pick up any more for now let's go with this and stay here cause then we might have a better chance of seeing a hole above or something JP: right Matt: I'm getting sprayed with water through the vent! Louis: Yeah I'm getting soaked back here *laughing* Matt: That's great. Ok then let's put in 2345 here JP: Is that ice coming through? Matt: Maybe Louis: It's like vapor Matt: Now this is making me wonder if we can get up to 11 and get over this I don't know, that JP: But then we're definitely below freezing Matt: Right but I mean I think we should try up before we try down because if we don't find a way down we're screwed if we find a way up and we get ice then we go down and if we don't find a way down we're still screwed let's uh...yeah let's try 11 cause I think we can get on top of, this looks pretty close JP: Alright I'm gonna do a cruise climb to 11 Matt: That's fine let's run this 2,500 RPM for now yeah it looks like above or about 11 or 12 is where this should probably end let's just put the prop deice on for now and leave that JP: I just don't like what it does here Matt: That'll be fine JP: And it's beyond what it's supposed to be on there Matt: I don't think that's gonna be a problem either if it goes...I mean I'm sure there's a fuse in there somewhere or a circuit breaker *autopilot alert* JP: I'm just gonna hand fly cause the speed is Matt: Yeah this is pretty fun so we're out here in the middle of nowhere, we can't talk to anyone, Everyone on the radio is speaking French, we have no idea if they're understanding what we're saying or where they're at, and we're getting ice and rain coming through the vents, we've got ice on the wings, we're having a grand old time *laughing* JP: I'm glad you're enjoying this Matt I mean I'm enjoying it but it also keeps me a little bit on... Matt: I mean it's not an ideal... Right, no, and I think we're gonna try 12,000 cause 11's not doing it we should be on top by about 12 JP: Well that's beautiful! Matt: That's awesome Oh and we've got a little shadow of the plane down there on top of the clouds Louis: How's the Fusion looking? Covered in ice? Matt: Yeah JP: It is actually! Get a photo for them dude Louis: Anyone want a cashew? JP: No Matt: Not yet, in a little bit maybe I might have to take a leak soon You don't think this one's yours JP? JP: I don't know, I can't remember Louis: Make sure we don't drink each other's piss *laughing* Louis: We can drink our own piss Matt: Yeah I'm gonna go for the water So let me explain a little bit about what's going on So this is Louis Cole Louis: Hello! Matt: JP Schulze, say hi JP JP: Hello Matt: So they're flying around the world, calling it Fly Beyond Boarders, they're making a movie about it about like diversity and different cultures and all kinds of awesome stuff they're on a great adventure, I'm joining them for the North Atlantic portion JP: I'm very thankful that you're joining, cause this is like some pretty hardcore flying so Matt: Yeah no this is pretty intense you can check it out, you can check out Louis' channel he's doing daily vlogs of everything I'll link that below, up here, everywhere, JP is making some videos too also linked and yeah you can track the whole thing on their website at check that out order the documentary all that kind of good stuff but yeah we're gonna have a great time Ok so I guess we're setup here in cruise at 12,000 feet we're headed up to Iqaluit, Canada took off from somewhere in Quebec that I can't pronounce, it's about an hour north of Quebec City anyway we've got about 6 hours left to go, been in the air for almost an hour now this is really the first tricky leg of this whole flight, we've got our immersion suits on got life rafts ready to go, life vests on the immersion suits and all kinds of tracking, we're out here in the middle of nowhere right now but we're really just on our own up here so we've got lots of tracking going to make sure people know where we're at and that's it, we're keeping an eye on the speed, the ice, the weather up ahead and our fuel reserve, so we've got 6 hours 3 minutes to go and right now we're showing about a 1 hour and 48 minute fuel reserve at Iqaluit so we should be good there, getting about 10 miles per gallon right now, like a truck and yeah we're just direct Iqaluit, got 800 miles to go and lots of treacherous terrain, we can't see it right now that's kind of comforting a little bit like it just looks like we're flying over anything else JP: It's a bit of a shame though cause I'm sure it's beautiful Matt: Yeah no there is that JP: Oh I got a big chunk off! Look at that indicated Matt: Nice JP: I like it Matt: Yeah we're trying to get rid of the rest of this ice here so we speed up JP: Sorry can you?... pass me snacks! Matt: Wow you got everything! Mixed nuts, there's a thing of cashews back there that we might have to pee in at some point we've got some potato chips, we've got some dried apricots I think I'm gonna start with the dried apricots There's just no one out there There aren't even roads JP: Flying is the only way you get around out here Matt: Yeah JP: Let's quickly pressurize the tank and then we'll be good for another 20 minutes or so Matt: Do you want to grab that carbon monoxide detector? JP: Where is it? Matt: Right there JP: Uh oh I don't know if it's cause it was down there or what It was fine this morning Matt: So that's a little bit concerning but we're gonna try opening a new one and hope this was just, you know, positioning and being down by the fuel that kind of thing so yeah hopefully we're not getting carbon monoxide poisoning right now, if you're watching this it's probably just a faulty indication So far so good, we'll keep an eye on that though and I might not take a nap now *laughing* Matt: It's actually kind of nice with the life vest, you just kinda kick back, it's like having a little neck pillow JP: Yeah, you can inflate it too Matt: Could Louis: Have you seen any polar bears yet? JP: There's an airport down there Louis: There's an airport down there? JP: Gravel runway, and there's a little town there actually and there's a ship. Do you see the ship? Louis: What?! Matt: Back to civilization before we head out across the water for an hour JP: Yeah that's gonna be fun Matt: It'll go fast, we'll be watching Game of Thrones *laughing* Louis: *singing Game of Thrones theme* Matt: Look at that coastline, I feel like that coastline is just so Game of Thrones-y JP: Oh yeah you could kill some lords on that just imagine like some sailboats coming in Matt: Yeah Louis: We are 100% north of the Wall though right now, aren't we? Matt: Oh definitely Louis: We are in the White Walker territory for sure Alright guys, I am checking our fuel level in the fuel tank so I have to just unscrew the cap it's empty JP: Completely? Louis: I mean...there might be like a couple a liters in the bottom JP: You need to give me an indication Louis: a centimeter JP: Ok so we'll stop with the ferry tank then but we know that we still have a little bit there if we really need it or should I try and get it up there? Matt: No I think we're good for now Louis: I think the ferry tank's done bro JP: Alright Matt: It's chilly, we had to open the vents to get some airflow, get rid of all the fuel fumes JP: Well this is a good learning experience Matt: Yeah JP: This ain't coming on Matt: The suit as a whole or the... I mean so you need the suit on before you get this on cause you've got your hood under there and this little flap is up, I don't even know what that does JP: It's very like I've got things poking me Matt: *laughing* what's poking you? JP: and I can't breathe and...this flap in the back Matt: *laughing* *music* JP: Alright Louis I need some water too and some snacks if possible Louis: Yeah sure Matt: I'm gonna throw a wrench into things and pee before we start Game of Thrones *laughing* JP: That's a dick move right there Matt: I've been waiting so long and I don't think I can make it another hour and 40 minutes so I figured it's better now than like in the dark... JP: than like mid Game of Thrones because then I can't look away anymore either Matt: Yeah this is actually, this is quite nice JP: We need to be filming this *laughing* JP: I'm scared of the point of view that that thing's getting Matt: I mean we can probably keep that one running, I don't think that'll be too wild but... Louis: I've got like an over the shoulder angle here *laughing* Matt: There's like a little gel down here you can sorta feel it, then that absorbs water and basically makes sure it won't spill yeah I don't know how I'm gonna do this, this is so hard! It's way easier in the Bonanza... JP: Maybe just turn around like loosen your belt, turn around Matt: Yeah I just took the belt off completely Louis: And then I'll just have to turn around cause this'll be like a full frontal *laughing* Matt: Ok JP: I'm feeling butt, feeling a lot of butt right now Matt: This is gonna work great *laughing* Matt: Let's turn that GoPro off *laughing* Matt: Yeah these zippers are difficult to deal with, hold on JP: This is one of the funniest things I've ever experienced Matt: This might take a little while Louis: Ok we'll keep you company on the radio whilst your peeing Matt: It's just such a small zipper! *laughing* Matt: Now I just have to figure out how to hold the bottle, hold the zippers open and get it in the bottle or the bag Louis: Just take your time because what you don't want to do is get splash back everywhere Matt: Right *laughing* JP: I will throw you out of this plane right now Matt: Ok so that zipper's open Louis: Keep us updated, how's it going? *laughing* Matt: I don't know, I'm gonna go for it I'm just gonna lean like this *laughing* Matt: to get a better angle *laughing* Louis: This is amazing Matt: Maybe You know what...I don't know that this is working, I think the bag's leaking JP: No way Matt: Here don't look but... Louis: Think the bag's leaking? Matt: Yeah there's a hole in the bag, oh shit *laughing* JP: No! Just think about it Matt, you're we're surrounded by icebergs, we're 11,000 feet up and you're peeing Matt: It's amazing really JP: You'll never be able to do this again Matt: This is phenomenal like I love this experience now I'm a little short of breath that was a little more excitement than I was hoping for *laughing* Louis: Alright should we watch Game of Thrones now? Matt: Yeah I'm gonna sit on this piss cushion So you wanna turn that one back on? JP: Oh it was on *laughing* Matt: Ok well that was an interesting experience, not one I desire to have any time soon again yeah I think a Gatorade bottle would work a lot better, the problem... JP: We should get some Gatorade bottles Matt: Well part of it too is that there's just so much so the layer the hole here with the zipper is so small then I've got like you know another zipper or pants and like stuff under that JP: Right Matt: By the time you've got so many layers but still it's just like this thing is so bulky and bunches up and stuff JP: Right Matt: I think there's just a little hole right here yeah here or even JP: Right there Matt: there's a hole there, that's so stupid JP: That seems to be designed that way JP: That was very entertaining, thanks Matt Louis: That was Matt: That was so rough Louis: Very funny JP: Alright well the camera's going off and Game of Thrones is coming on Matt: Ok *Game of Thrones theme music* JP: I don't get this autopilot right now Matt: Why don't we, you know what, want to just hand fly it? JP: Yeah *autopilot alert* Matt: There's so much light out here I feel like this has been a really long sunset Center, N210EU, 78 miles south of Iqaluit, 9,000 Montreal Center: N210EU, Montreal Center, good day, squawk ident JP: I was literally trying to hold that heading and it just completely changed on me Matt: The track did? JP: Yeah and the wind is really really... Matt: Yeah so I think the change in heading is primarily due to just change in magnetic variation put in a bunch of little waypoints between here and there, pull up a navlog, and see what it gives for the magnetic track between each of them JP: Bearing to, this is how much it's changing, 022 then 028 then Matt: Yeah JP: then 030 Matt: Do we have a frequency for runway lights here? Ok, I guess on request through FSS so we just call Iqaluit Radio, 22.2 Iqaluit Radio, N210EU Iqaluit Radio: N210EU, Iqaluit Radio Matt: Yes we were wondering if you could tell us if the runway lights are on and if they aren't if you could turn them on for us, 210EU Iqaluit Radio: Not a problem, they were off, they should be coming on now Matt: Thank you Montreal Center: 0EU cleared to the Iqaluit airport, visual approach Runway 34 Matt: Cleared visual approach Runway 34, Iqaluit airport, 0EU Montreal Center: 0EU contact Iqaluit Radio now 122.2 good night Matt: Iqaluit Radio, N210EU about 9 to the southwest for the visual 34 Iqaluit ATC: N210EU, Iqaluit Radio, roger, 34, winds 360 at 9, altimeter 3005 Matt: 3005, copy the winds, thank you JP: How cool is this! Matt: This is pretty cool Louis: Yeah this is cool Matt: There's more people up here than I thought there would be Matt: Iqaluit, 0EU is clear of 34 Matt: Hello? We're never gonna get out of the airport *laughing* Matt: I think she said something about a guard... Matt: So this has been a frustrating experience, we landed about an hour ago, it was beautiful coming in, we got this like 2 hour long sunset, I think the sun is still kind of setting on the other side of some mountains over there, we saw the Northern Lights, fantastic! and then we couldn't figure out how to get out of the airport so we've been running around with all our bags for about an hour, finally figured out how to get out, now we have a taxi, we don't really have a hotel yet it's kinda late here, we haven't eaten all day, there's probably nothing open but we're gonna make it work, we'll figure it out, it will be great JP: It's a mess Matt: Yeah it's a mess but it's a fun mess and tomorrow hopefully the weather will be nice and we'll get up early, see this place for just a little little bit and then head over to Greenland *music from bar* Matt: Ok
Channel: Matt Guthmiller
Views: 2,036,489
Rating: 4.779429 out of 5
Keywords: flying, aviation, flight vlog, airplane, landing, airport, pilot, cockpit, funforlouis, fly beyond borders, small plane, general aviation, northern canada, ifr flight, flying in rain, atc audio, air traffic control, ifr cross country, aircraft, instrument approach, control tower, steveo1kinevo, louis cole, approach, ils, ils approach, gps approach, icing, in flight icing, weather flying, cessna 210, cessna, pilot vlog, cockpit audio, ifr, ferry flight
Id: W9Uf-ynoDUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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