DELTARUNE Chapter 2 is Good but...

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hold on wait a minute queen kind of bad she looked like she looked like oh oh man you know amen listen yo stop you're looking at me judging me with that with that damn light what's wrong with you man look give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me just give it damn i want you all to know i've been sitting here getting the other last video done packaging and whatnot just so i can like listen to this and it's been playing in the background for the last like 20 minutes since the last episode left off right with that being said welcome back to some more deltarune hopefully you guys are enjoying make sure you leave a like or comment all the extra good stuff you know what to do you know what to do we know what to do we finally started chapter two which is amazing because i want you to know this is the whole reason why i even started playing deltarune was because chapter two came out like three four weeks ago and now i'm just sitting here waiting what's wrong with this light you good and i'm excited to see what happens we met a new antagonist of the new dark world her name is queen she took noel one of our classmates from the last from like well from the classroom you know and i'm gonna assume they literally added this whole new plot point where there are different or there can be different dark worlds i guess wherever i don't know what causes the dark worlds i'm not sure what that is but like you know it is what it is we got the whole gang with us i know what to do dog let's get up into it bro uh cyber world hello i wonder what's going on here what the hell is that oh it's these things it's the mobs what the hell [Music] uh what is this what is this all about am i progressing i didn't even want to progress i am i am i am oh chris it's a free edible cyberpedia aladdin entry rousey wrote an article about losing recruits read it losing recruits from now on defeating enemies with violence will make them lost lost enemies cannot become recruits ever again but the bonds you break may make you stronger okay okay the more you know hold on hey how you doing lightness i haven't seen many of you recently if you didn't know an evil ruler is taking over this world i don't really like politics so i'll have i have no opinion on this okay what the hell is that uh solid voice there there it's okay little kitty meow meow me uh whoa is that a hair ball it is come here man spare spare okay so if you save enough of them they'll join you hold on wait a minute wait a minute what is this because i saw a little road down here and i definitely want to go over here and do this whatever this is they always make you want to look around noah honey become my willing peon and i will free you all you have to do is hit yes on the peon release form i i'm scared oh have you never signed a form before no it's everything else that's scary please abort your sadness protocol i told you being a peon would be cool hey noel susie chris don't worry we won't let your face get roboticized that's something they're going to do whoops thought uh you knew that oh dear oh god hold on wait a minute queen kind of bad she look like she looked like oh man you know hey man listen yo stop you're looking at me judging me with that with that damn light what's wrong with you man look give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me just give it damn you know you know you know hey man oh dear that was supposed to be a surprise oh well [Music] wait it is quite troubling a piano must be willing to assist me in the world domination if only she had followed fellow peons to encourage her so so like you guys hey are you like doing anything right now we aren't going to help you understood my intention protocol necessitated whoa is he out to hug me what the hell is this what the hell is this [Music] a giant arcade game i shall humiliate you at a simple children's diversion with your self-esteem eradicated there'll be no choice but to serve me the hell i've never played this one before but chris is quite good at games aren't they oh yeah chris i forgot you're a nerd what you tried to use arcade machine you weren't taller strong enough to use the controls self-esteem eradication complete what running laughing protocol what oh that it's not like kefka's laugh what the hell uh um is it's okay chris i i'm sure too chris wait i have an idea chris if we can combine our powers then look i'll show you what i've been practicing [Music] magical footstool form r now we're talking all right chris leave it to me put your arms out [Music] power beast form s move your arms and i'll move them with you let's go oh my god [Music] what incredible your transformation is combining all your weak points self-esteem causing efficiency 300 and rising commence virtual combat weave okay oh oh oh easy woof okay oh bob mink wow oh i missed it oh wow hold on what the hell me whoop me whoop me what the hell whoo me wow mo wow yeah yeah yeah how you feeling y'all told you next buddy yeah thought you could beat us oh my that was actually quite amusing new life forms have exceeded masturbations i would offer you a new exceedingly benevolent compromise compromise let me assimilate into my cyber army and there is only a 50 chance i will reprogram your face please select your choice perish in the chill of absolute destruction or flourish under the warm blossom of bosom bosom [Music] of my hellish reign parish the hell did you say that so enthusiastically uh queen aren't there any other options yes you can also mega paris yeah uh no parisian you could say it megabytes would you get out of here already understood preference setting set to perish come on let's go after her wait a minute before i do any of that i gotta go back over here really quick really quick there was something that i missed out over here tag 20 aggie it is i guess like i guess you know what's this over here is the question hello looks like you got past newberry's force field noob doesn't know what that photo got there how that force we got there but it's uber's first he has a prize he doesn't know what's inside but it'll give it to you oh that's it [Music] okay come on y'all uh i can't tell you how many times i've cleaned up how many of these things i cleaned up save right here i know he actually talked hello you two want to buy a bagel a bagel let me get that off you what 400 bagels for 80. i'll buy one big i wonder what this whole thing is for let me go down here see what the hell is going on i can't go this way okay okay okay what about over here hello i'm the hacker i'm going after the blue check marks find three in the cyber field ahead and i'll join your city you just look like the kind of folks who have a cool city blue check marks he says blue check marks he says okay is that it right here well that's your armors okay okay so that's one one what is he doing i don't know gotta collect the blue chex marks on a force field what is this ah okay agree to kill you type degree to kill agreed at all thank you for agreeing wait what now you're all legally my minions and i can use your likeness for funny statues what if we just don't do what you say in that case how if we forced to use another guy probably uh better get started on that then okay but i'm still going to use your likeness what was that for though huh i'm progressing i just did not know i was progressing i just wanted to like relax but i'm skipping on so much stuff now and it's not fun how you feeling dummy dead end all right what's the deal twerp who's a twerp the name sweet don't tell me you haven't heard of sweet cabin cakes um doesn't ring a bell guess our act still a bit underground sweet cabin cakes not only are we cyber fields best musicals trio we're also the last resistance against the big bad queen and with all our crew and that starts with resisting you what we're fighting queen too no uh cabin saw you help her kid have some girl hey hey cap you won't let anyone lay a finger on mademoiselle except us that's not the point captain it's like half the point 60 percent 55 or rebels not players but rebels at play we don't play we don't play that's it kkk uh get over here what's happening what the hell is going on are we players i'm a cd player [Music] what wait they're getting away sweet chill there'll be other bad guys no this is our chance are we ready let's fight kk yeah play some battle music okay i don't wanna i don't wanna fight y'all but everyone danced with sweet they're totally lost in the groove are we having fun isn't this mixed sway make sway what the hell that's so much on the screen right now okay how did i get all these guys to dance um here let's [Music] huh can we can we all dance though [Music] i don't know how do i get these guys to dance like this i don't know if i'm doing this right way or not but some gotta go oh my god damn i'm getting damaged oh my goodness okay so how do i hey this will be working maybe if chris um maybe if we tried ballroom dancing instead hey why the hell do we need chris to act because that's um chris's unique talent so you think i'm too stupid to dance for myself okay okay susie i don't think you should feet dumb ass susie made or i'll say learn our action oh he's going away [Music] the charlie brown hits yo yo i'm sorry chris okay so i'm just gonna i'm gonna dance i'm gonna just dance and i'm gonna just dance right here there you go there i go everyone is dancing okay [Music] why but why what's happening it's a whole music video what the hell is going on here bro [Music] what that's charming that is charming feel the beat watching moves dance stands hey losers wrap it up that was over over in other type words we lost does that mean we can be friends kk no fighting's not really my style anyway yeah because you're a coward i mean it was fun dancing but sweet don't worry i think our dancing beat them beat them yeah all mercy like see when we dance with them and convince them we're cool now they're on our side yes hey e3 welcome to the good side we are the good side just go with this susie let's rendezvous at our junk shop we jam the doors shut but we'll kick it open all right everyone let's go oh my goodness okay uh it's this is such a weird yeah there's definitely a humongous difference between two and one chapter two and chapter one are just two entirely different things which i think is a good thing personally [Music] oh okay wait before i want to get what's his name here hold on wait i want to get what's his name here really fast bro give me this got 10. i want to go see what's up here first whoa hold on what is this hold on bro on the last does it as [Music] f e l no hold on wait i i i got that i got an r there you go jesus christ oh my goodness that was a lot okay that's that's two all right get me back down here last one baby let's go okay cool now we got all three of those blue check marks goodness gracious i wanted to go do that before i even did anything story progression because i definitely feel like i've missed a lot of uh story stuff anyway so getting out the way was definitely a must for real yo come here you found three check marks elite i will now live in your city maybe our cyber pass will cyber cross one more in the queen's mansion in the meantime let me show you the power of the blue check marks okay [Music] that's it [Music] ah it's after us ah that's fire okay all right let's go see what the hell the the three amigos got going on shop hey what y'all doing about yourselves performance about queen queen wasn't always so harsh no she was she just got worse somehow it was until the dark fountain showed up that she started going into overdrive night this night that fountain that what like what does that night even have going for it that i don't come on but like i said she wasn't always so bad she used to give me sweets for being so sweet huh i never got candy you kept calling her a hot mama cap yeah is that wrong she looks like a mom that tends to overheat kk help me out here kk what do you think huh me i like candy yeah you're right kk we gotta focus on what's important if the band fights we'll get out of tune anyone have any lemon drops lemon drops ew uh i i guess let's let's we don't have to buy what do y'all buy here is 80. oh damn so two of these oh here let me buy two of y'all that way i can literally put this to y'all hold on cuz y'all need more equipment for real i definitely all definitely need more equipment glow wrist so i kind of want to know like what's what's what's coming on next you're feeling the power of noise and music [Music] we're gonna be fighting queen soon y'all i know we are okay hello all my friends send it to what where wires but it's no big deal i've been on queen side since the beginning so i'm safe [Music] whoa whoa whoa this fight is crazy whoa wow okay um okay i gotta act again i don't know what's happening hold on spare you hold on hold on come here i need to throw a wire and despair you got it okay jesus christ get him out too next we're good okay oh we got the recruit them as recruits now bro they're doing so much damage what the hell is that here do this and then i need you to heal up right now hold on it's getting out of hand this is getting way too out of hand for me i don't like this at all i got a little wait love letter for me what's what you mean you got a love letter for me what you talking about hold on take care what does that mean homie spare him please yeah sparing these guys gets more and more annoying every single time bruh but i get it though but man it's just like damn give me this thank you attention bit but add it to your items what is this should i help you save no i shouldn't i haven't the faintest idea what that is yo what does this happen to me wait the little thing is gone the little the other little wire thing the white little [Music] would he transform into one he probably did whoa can't go that way [Music] can't go that way hold on revive meant easy okay there we go all right next me up here [Music] whoa whoa whoa what the hell just happened ragger 2 what this hey huh whatever mine yikes [Music] what is this what's a ragger prickly this new skill okay oh that is but sure huh here she is are we almost in her castle hey what the hell are these things um looks like we we ride them they might bring us over the fountain really let's get on yo this is hot oh no enough you foolish children i've been merciful to you thus far but now is not the time you're unwilling you're unwillful and compromised and imprisoned wait whoa whoa your unwillful imprisonment capture drop the capturing capsules goodness grace is having a stroke in this jam [Music] um you missed that was not a miss it was a tattoo calibration so are you gonna try it again no i only have four cages okay wait i have a small plot twist for you come forward my peon [Music] uh sorry i just couldn't say no no well hi susie how oh okay i guess your roller coaster is uh i like it uh yours too thanks okay okay this is working bring in the next guy ah fear not my beloved noel this valiant warrior of brave intelligence will be your night and glow-in-the-dark armor burley you asked barely to be on your team i did not ask him i did not ask him i did not ask him that's lord barely to you simpletons and soon super lord birdly what are you talking about the hell does that even mean i have no damn clue just go with it you see thanks to our wondrous cane we will soon rule the world and turn this land of fools into smarttopia a true scientocracy where the geniuses of the world can ba can bathe freely in pools of fresh fruit and ambrosia no longer held back by protozoans like you and the key to that is us noel and i our power the lightner its power you mean lightners um no queen said light nerds i actually did barely queen's just manipulating you that's what she said you'd say to me i actually did now chris i must admit i feel pity for you unlike susie i always saw some potential in you join our side and i might let you scrub our royal toilet no ah chris suppose i knew you would never amount to much well if you're dead set on proving your inferiority allow me to assist you okay um bump this man the whole you know me yup chris i get why you're getting in the way you're jealous aren't you jealous what are you talking about jealous of what hold on heal up my guy hold on chris relax on me he relax on me i mean yeah what the hell is this whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it just seems like i'm not like i'm not as good as this as i thought i was so rather than studying you you'd enlist susie to take us down oh whoa whoa whoa what the hell is going on here bum buddy again whole gang bop bop mink chris you're truly depraved playing in the mud with class hellion you were a you know that like a grade a you know you just did you just ass baby there you go but chris i am a kind and brave hero if you join if you come to our side you may be slightly less distant number three oh brother damn okay how many more of these do you have what my car is breaking fools this is smart smoke oh brother i'll show you bumper cars is a game of intellect bro move out the way bro wow wow okay one more time y'all go there we go what my coaster it's that's not fair my queen saved me [Music] in a minute dear hello everyone i have some news updates you see this roller coaster it's not actually finished yet what does that mean pain looks like this trash saved us come on who's king of the trash pile now oh we got whack mom ow susie are you all right it's nothing i just ow are you you sure you don't look look at what i'm fine whoa hey what the heck are you feel better feel better after you just came and um doesn't feel worse i guess how do you do that anyway that healing thingy oh healing magic it's simple susie anyone can do it i could even teach you if you're interested ask me again when it's like blood explosion magic but if you want it i guess i could learn it then you wouldn't you know have to normal with it anymore sure susie next time we have a break let's just go already chris ah i love i love susie's character development a lot hold on hold on hold on i really do love it i think that like she's definitely like the personality of the game it's a lone doorframe for some reason why can't i ever do this remember acres is remembered although you can only carry 12 items around your storage will hold any answer that you pick up you can access it where you check recruits enemies you spare can get recruited short time remember well that seems pretty useful information you're right you're right you're right oh boy i'm trashy did you know about adjusting try scans like me hold all sorts of things just like your storage if you have more than 12 items uh yeah not now dude it was sort of an emotional moment oh oh that's okay oh wow is it a new bird over there really where i'm new but everyone loves me that's where i live in the trash okay hello uh there's a fork in the path chris it seems like it might be advantageous if you split up who do you want to go with uh suzie can handle herself hey why does kisses to choose all the time russia you're going with me huh chris i okay i'm surrounded by idiots where's the save point at welcome to the city here it is all right tom i'm in this off right here hope you guys enjoyed make sure you leave a like comment subscribe but actually good stuff you know what to do i'll talk to y'all next next time bye
Channel: Sacred
Views: 381
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: DELTARUNE, deltarune chapter 2, Deltarune, undertale, deltarune chapter 1, deltarune undertale, deltarune playthrough, deltarune ending, chapter 2, deltarune gameplay, sans, deltarune walkthrough, deltarune part 1, undertale 2 deltarune, deltarune chapter 2 gameplay, deltarune chapter 2 reaction, sacredalmighty, chapter 1, undertale 2, toby fox, delta rune, undertale sequel, deltarune chapter 2 ost, nintendo switch, deltarune chapter 2 ending, deltarune secrets
Id: c5mUNSzX9uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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