Deltarune - Chapter 2 Full Pacifist playthrough (w/ Secret Boss Fight)

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[Music] how's it going guys my name is graham welcome to graham games this is chapter two of delta rune three years later three years we've been waiting for this absolutely unreal i i wanted to start just on like the the twitter feed here because i wanted to take a quick look at the like cryptic tweets that you know gaster or toby or whoever is sending these out once more i thank you oh there might have been one before that nope yeah there was c is soon but that was from the other day how long it has been that's the one i was looking for once more i thank you for your patience in these difficult times you have done excellently to persevere deltarune glows brightly from your hope now shall we shall we go again the second field the second connection oh it's so dope how exciting is that i got things all prepared here that didn't quite work properly i think i know how to fix that there we go i accidentally started it it's it's fine there was a cackle there booting things up again more laughter javel probably maybe here's the thing my save files are gonna be a total crap shoot because i did all my like easter egg videos and stuff and i had to start new saves and things to do to do those and so i think they're totally messed up i people let me know how the sound is i i had to turn it up for myself i want to hear i don't want to miss any of the amazing soundtrack or anything this is my original save file but like i did easter egg hunt on it so i don't know if it's totally screwed up or anything this game just give me like one two minutes before i start this game kind of changed my life i was like on campus doing some school work three years ago i think i saw jonochrome the guy who made middle school and one night at flumpty's tweet out like did toby fox to stealth drop the sequel to undertale and so i rushed home i was like i gotta see what that's all about recorded my reactions played through it that was i i had only played a neutral run of undertale once years prior i had not been a super fan or anything i enjoyed it i thought it was great but like in that video i think i call undyne asgore and stuff you know turn up the game sound i'll get the game sound up a little bit more for you guys and like i just didn't know and so i look like a total fool it was long enough ago that i wasn't consistently using face cam or anything i made those easter egg videos they blew up to like a million views which spiked this let's play channel and then it dropped back off because people didn't watch other things but that was you know the spark that ignited the flame that became the two left thumbs channel and now i basically do this full time so yeah this game changed my life set me on that course and so there's like some extra emotion in it for me going into this i i'm gonna try to use my gourmet slot hopefully it carries forward chris chris honey are you awake immediately after we saw you know chris rip out his their heart and throw it in the cage is that a a knife no such a brilliant fake out they did spoil spoil this in that stream the other day chris did you eat all the pie which like what an amazing setup yes this chapter two is free uh three three through five will be paid big face palm chris you dirty boy is your knife it is your knife in this empty tin is it not oh chris am i gonna have to lock the oven again well hurry out of bed it's time for school like you have to wonder what is going on it's on steam or itch you can do either but like did chris just put the heart back in it's a bird cage when the door is closed there's no escape it's stained the implications of that stain are a lot worse now oh my god it's it's very weird i don't know if this has changed or like what's happening if like the chris's side of the room here isn't decorated at all things are kind of desaturated has it always been gloomy like that or is it like it is are they becoming a goner is is stuff on this side like falling apart your bed clothes drawer even after a long night the sunrise is the same as always there's five dollars in your brother's drawer i'm for sure taking it why wouldn't i take it yeah five chapters confirmed on the steam page you reluctantly borrowed five dollars good luck asriel you're never getting that back underneath the bed is the old cartridge of cat pedders rpg i got a cat in the corner there maybe she'll get a pet later gaddy and catty can be seen faintly written on it in worn gel pen i thought maybe there would be something else in the corner there i plan to check like most things i like to stop and be thorough especially in a toby fox game on the computer's desktop is a folder called epic game stuff i'm guessing that just means generally exciting and you know epicness but now that kind of like carries different implications considering epic games is a thing i moved the game just now by the way on stream the game didn't shift itself seems the last boss is a creature with a giant with giant rainbow wings which maybe is referring to asriel like are we seeing undertale on this computer doesn't seem like this game ever saw the light of day well maybe not then although maybe in this universe it just never did oh my god is there a chance like chris and asriel one of the two of them at least made undertale and this is like the larger world above that and then you know we're one step above delta rune and that's like they they tied in toriel and asgore and these real characters from their life to put into the game they made the game that is undertale and that's why there's save files and loading and all the oh my god could be could be i'm throwing out theories early on there's no time to read books just generally you got to get on the audiobook train a cactus there's not much to say about it how to draw dragons is at the bottom of the drawer the purple character on the cover is dressed immodestly your brother will never return this book it's what they call you the door is locked ooh something i should probably mess around with hmm i thought you could turn on like auto run there's a photo on the fridge it's of you your mother and your brother there is some white fur stuck in the drain there's some cinnamony batter caked on the stovetop i think some of this stuff is the same cookie cutters for gingerbread monsters and gingerbread humans a trash can somehow it's emitting a pleasant floral scent all those interactions are the same i kind of thought new day everything would be different it's a landline phone but you already have a cell phone it's a cheerio the beloved living room chair it's the tv looks like it's plugged in but it's it's dusty it's a book of hymns which we should probably go flush the toilet as many times as possible right presumably that's just going to play out the same way let's get a slight irritation out of toriel how does the how's the audio at this point is the game in a decent balance with with my own [Music] i need more hands not enough hands man the controller drink my water maybe maybe maybe nothing from toriel today she was already busy and irritated last time it is not yet time to wash your hands one more one more flush i feel like it only takes like five or something to get a reaction out of her normally on the shower ledge there's a small container of apple scented shampoo and a gallon-sized container of pet shampoo although like in a world of monsters why would they be the pets who are pets in the scenario and what kind are they still furry furry pets fur is like common you think they could just use the same type of shampoo that the monsters are already using i got a lot of shampoo based questions well shall we go on that stream toby made a lot of fun of the fact that he never animated actually entering the car properly no uh i already see people talking about this some reveal two left thumbs is like a gag it's a joke got 10 10 fingies chris you okay i was really worried after you disappeared yesterday i guess we can talk about that after class and i'm wondering i don't think i'm gonna have a chance to like go around the class and talk to people i kind of hoped that i would hey chris if i knew you were gonna be late i wouldn't have showed up on time susie please don't kick your desk treat school property like you treat people okay next time we'll aim for the vitals well now now that the class clown the total flip of personality no i love the character arc of susie in that first chapter i just replayed it for the sake of some two left thumbs videos and like i forgot how good that emotional arc is it's very rare i had sat down and just played the game and ended one setting suzy's so lovable and wonderful that that's not what i in any case good morning class we have a lot to go over today first we're starting the reading from page 142. any volunteers i i guess i could read the uh trouble yourself not noelle i will valiantly take this blow of humiliation um that's okay i i could um page 142 it was the best of times it was the worst of times ooh someone already pointed out in the comments of one of those two left thumbs videos that this is a line from a tale of two cities and there's like a bunch of things in that story like i i've never read it myself but some basic story beats that kind of have some major implications for these two games but just the idea of a tale of two cities you know we have the overworld and the dark world that alone like that surface level depth is already like oh cool cool little hint she got there but like oh man apparently there's like a ton of shared stuff between those stories in these games so like i i gotta look into that more times of pretty good times pretty bad mediocre times if he times so so times which i don't think that's in the book listening to this your eyes begin to close automatically have a nice day everyone and please remember your group projects oh chris are you okay you were uh sleeping all class don't worry i i'm not mad just concerned two left thumbs two cities coincidence i think not the toasted good one usually you only sleep through the start chris where did you and susie go yesterday um if you don't want to tell me that's okay i was just really worried about you if if susie causes you any trouble then okay i can't really do anything but i'm looking out for you okay i appreciate it as real it's it's asriel alves here i am pretending that i've i've mastered it i've become top to bottom knowledgeable in all things delta ruin and undertale it's their fault for having two a letter name a letter names with six letters in them i've heard some people say it alphys i've always said alfies i don't think i don't think i've ever heard it said out loud in any official capacity i'm a little i'm a little uncertain uncertain what what the commonly accepted one is looks like motivational quotes from various literature literature try your best astrowolf even in your darkest hour that one seems to be from a video game it's commonly thought to be an okami reference but like don't know for sure it's a bunch of roses maybe from asgore or just raided from the trash cans full of flowers the cat's clawing at the door to be let out you don't want to hang out in here with me she's going to claw her way in and out like 700 times on this stream i need a cat door put in in the middle of the middle of the place it seems like nothing's really changing you check the time it seems to not be time for class the computer wallpaper is updated the buff embracing heroes are now edited to be four inches apart there's dialogue about proper distancing at the school dance you wonder if your mother had some influence on this change chris this whole partner thing you didn't lose sleep over it did you lost sleep from being susie's partner actually my sleep quality increased hard to say it's i'm my heart was not in my chest for three entire years i slept better chris that's uh good i think so maybe you were just staying up late talking to asriel online again uh wait you can't do that right i i hope the internet gets fixed soon i don't want to revert into my primal form just my internet doesn't work or everyone's doesn't work tying that into like the idea of you know connectedness like that opening part of the game whenever you boot it up i really don't know well look who it is the school zombie i love that line oh so much to be read into like is chris actually just a walking corpse that gets brought to life by the heart i don't know there's so much to wonder you were sleeping like a corpse all class what's the matter had trouble going betty bye last night me too chris it's a fun recreation of like the opening scene of the original game like i could sleep after yesterday just waiting for today felt like years did all that stuff really happen just shaking him the entire time lancer val say everyone are they still look you've been wondering the same thing right come on already oh this is about where it came to in that in that stream two nights ago this is gonna be all new no idea what's coming next all right chris this is it moment of truth everything we've been waiting for is just behind this if we open this and there's nothing inside will we still be i think she's wondering whether we'll still be friends and yeah of course susie screw it let's just open it already ah susie yeah no noelle hey what the hell are you doing here uh sorry to bother you but uh i well i just birdly and i we're going to the library to do some research for uh our group projects if it's okay would you want to come to no chris you can come too i mean [Music] i i mean we're like uh busy with chris help me out here what do we say hanging out alone in the closet you know just just chilling alone in the closet just two friends chilling out in the closet like normal touching rooms and stuff oh um well that sounds uh just [Music] have fun you two i'll i'll be at the library chris if you could bring her by later it would mean a lot to me oh those cuties god bring them together wait chris what the hell was that why would noel ask me to do homework with her death wish much does she want to fail wait a second wait a second chris did you notice how nervous she was and like blushing and stuff chris you don't think she she's on to our secret identities you know this dark world stuff damn we gotta keep this under wraps chris silly touching brooms this is our thing you know anyway enough waiting already right let's go i love it it's such a cool little bit of animation the transition is so smooth it's so good just so you guys know i don't stream very often so i try to read the chat i'm incredibly bad at like dictating the chat and engaging with it while still playing the game and you guys want to see the game i want to see the game too so i hope no one minds that i don't talk to the chat a lot i'm sorry it's just something i've never really learned to be very good at balancing hey chris uh you really gonna walk everywhere so slowly i know you're kind of taking it in but you can run you know you remembered something about the b button this is what i was trying to do earlier that i i screwed up how did the how the heck oh my god the buttons are just not what i expect them to be auto run on yeah that's the only that's that's the only thing i need to worry about for now there we go we'll crew is our way around but i'm still going to stop and interact with everything ah we finally get to come back to the city although we're approaching it from the bottom instead of from the from the left so that's kind of weird that that's different but man i hope we can finally go inside here we are chris suzy it's been ever so long yeah yeah it's been what a day oh that is short isn't it i don't know if that's a joke about waiting for the game to release or time passes differently here it's just that i've never had friends before so i've never waited so long to see them again either fine i guess we'll try not to let you die of loneliness i bet lancer wants to see us too right right hey wait a sec where is lancer where's everybody worry not susie you'll see them in a moment just wait here all right i don't like the villainous leaning of that word choice worry not susie that's something you say as you like lay your hand upon their shoulder moments before you destroy their entire life irrevocably you know that little hands behind the back stance maybe rousseau rose up to fill a power vacuum i'm spinning out here too many possibilities okay hey this better not be some kind of prank or something chris i have something to ask you i need you to return to the light world and go to the old classroom to the east of the closet doors inside gather everything on the ground all the toys and everything are we going to destroy huge sections of this world if they are actually like analogous to one another connected and bring it back here could you guys ralcy's evil rousey's like gonna destroy this whole world i think it looks like a shop but the door is locked and no one's inside i'm gonna guess they all say i'll say approximately that so ralph say you're not gonna put your hat back on why did i look cuter before um no i i just mean you you think i look cuter now it was just nicer seeing less of you or you're making me blush hurry the hell up chris longer you take longer i gotta spend with this weirdo if you're bored susie we could crochet some team scarves wait crow isn't that the uh game with the hammer it's like knitting all right long as i get to use the hammer chris go to the old classroom and bring everything back here it's where you returned to the light world last time i gotcha you look upon the castle you first saw yesterday you are filled with the power of immediate nostalgia [Music] that saved over chris's save file it wasn't a gourmet it wasn't my own save file how are you going trying to have cake without me gotta poke around gotta see what kind of crazy stuff they have stashed around here and obviously this is the direction this is the direction i'm used to coming from [Music] you uh path says you said you would bake susie a cake that was true it did say that no one's looking so it's a that's a fun little bit of continuity i would have missed hug the dummy hug you hugged the dummy nothing wrong with a little extra fluffiness in your life that's the real rousseau the one we're dealing with is a decoy it seems to be locked it may never open again i'm so upset i'm so upset that asriel rousey doesn't matter it doesn't matter what happens in their life events good or bad anything like that they seem to be permanently on a trajectory of becoming the villain that's like some weird destiny of that character i gotta say it worry it greatly worries me the door is locked that's obviously where where we need to go but i am gonna poke around anyways hey i still get to run in the overworld you ran to the water fountain it's lukewarm but i ran it doesn't seem like the way to the old classroom that doesn't seem like the way either that's also wrong all right just have to test the game just have to see what it'll let me get away with you gather all the junk off the floor junk literal people in their homes and their i don't know everything their entire possessions and turned it into a giant dusty ball so kind of like our ball of junk that we brought up with us from the dark world just balancing on his head managed to cram everything into the closet even the rug it's just poking around sham sham is like sticking out of the pile here but what's gonna happen it's fully destroyed it's gone that was everything every character we interacted with probably including lancer gone hey chris so where is every one oh my god oh oh thank goodness oh my god i went to the darkest possible oh way away with all that guess who's back clowns lancer he's got houses no hoes now hey chris don't know what you did but hell yeah everyone's here but uh what happened to a lancer's castle i'm sorry i probably had so many people worried with me assuming that that went so terribly all gone gone right when chris sealed the fountain that that dark world disappeared and turned back into a normal classroom so where's lancer gonna live now don't worry suzy we'll conquer rousseau's castle on our own chris as you bring dark world denizens back here the power of our fountain will transform this town more and more from now on the enemies we spare will be recruited to our town so let's keep sparing enemies okay so we officially have like a genocide pacifist option essentially but instead of starting populated and whittling it away through genocide you start abandoned and add to it through pacifist that's a really cool flipparoo of the the undertale format if i'm understanding correctly anyhow why don't we all have a look around we can head north towards the castle i have a special surprise to show you there ah not if i surprise myself first last one there is a fresh and fragrant egg always on the look for eggs come on chris you gonna let him beat us for the record i'm fully pacifistic i'm going fully sparing you get more interesting dialogues it's less sad you can worry about being violent on your own i'm just trying i'm trying to like interact chat with the group i do want to see if i can still make where i'll say blush keeping an eye on you they kind of already have a little bit of a blush on their cheek though so i don't know if i would be able to i don't know if that little easter egg still exists ah thou hast transplanted us to dine castle town and true lie i magnificent town of castles it art but ho something art lacketh it feeleth could it thou guys perhaps it bring in an evil ruler or something whether that would be sham something else entirely i'm guessing something else entirely i want to go to the bakery seems like cathy likes this place she hopes you'll like it too i should talk to everyone twice it's a pretty common thing in these games that two talks is almost necessary and i might forget a few times lancer hath benounced me vice father fourth hence i do all the cooking and cleaning perhaps it's i should've seeketh a new employer mam amoeba welcome to top bakery our special chefs spin baked goods at the top of their class do i have i have like a full amount of of items i have the spooky sword i don't have any of the devils items it doesn't seem uh but i i kept all my equipment so even though it got turned into a ball of junk i guess you can bring things to and from the dark world and it's just fine doesn't seem to matter well dandy for us who was that who's up there on top there i also just assumed top chef would be in here instead we got hammer dude well well welcome to top bakery i am this bakery smith mallius i couldn't remember his name i do not know what any of these strange tools are for but using my skills i confuse items to create new ones yes yes yes let's do that just mix around with weird things a dd burger it's the double dark burger it'll take two bites to finish a silver card upgrading from amber a square charm that increases dropped money by five percent twin ribbon you'll have to put your hair into pigtails spike band black wristband covered in spikes has the tendency to get stuck to itself tension bow gained 10 percent more attention from grazing bullets which we're calling it now when noelle joins the team she's gonna be the ranger so then we have like a magician uh a fighter uh like a bruiser a warrior barbarian whatever susie would be and like a ranger of some sort and that'll be for noel and a twisted sword a strange blade oh i'm chef lancer try my delicious hand formed cookies they are free for a price what's the price zero dollars take the cookie you've already tookie a cookie wait i'm still regenerating from the last one do i have space for it did i i didn't i didn't get a cookie i'm confused whether or not i received a cookie i feel as i feel that i did not lancer cookies want one take i didn't take one what if i say i don't want when i don't want your cookie even if you get stronger lance or cookies never falter always reliable they will heal you in times of need maybe if you need to be healed one hp burn burn on lancer uh i we could just chat bread what is this technique you speak up [Laughter] insanity utter utter ridiculousness oh welcome to gourmet town thank you thank you for acknowledging how great i am and naming it after me over so i heard it's called no it's confirmed locked in cannon for all of delta ruin all instances all people playing across the world right now it's all goomay town come to think of it welcome to me too i think we're gonna like living here sometimes characters laugh in the game and i go to do like a little ha ha but then what they say genuinely kind of makes me laugh and it turns into some poor in between of me reading a laugh and actually laughing at something [Music] there was an option at the smith for fix us and i think that would just heal the party that was how it worked in chapter one thanks to you too commander we've been liberated i hereby declare today national ham sandwich day of independence well we could make those two separate days you know but it does seem efficient might as well lump them together just start smashing holidays there's only so many days to go around we got to double up now and again this guy always seems like he's enjoying life more than me maybe it's because he's a higher level well you got to work towards that but i would recommend not going about it the violent way maybe don't like kill your friends to level up or anything the party dojo i would like to become the best partier please i would like to take that crown i've seen this guy before where he showed up on like a poster or an ad or a trailer or something but he wasn't in the original game i don't know what his deal is at all wow our house is a dojo makes me want to fight can't we go to sleep it's a party every day and i'm the oldest we're the same age oh it's the guy who went to start selling tutorials instead of puzzles hey boss boss i'm so glad to have a nice boss i could shed a tear but i won't i'm on the job i'll cry at home with the kids have a nice family cry session boss you're strong but there's always time to learn the next step after tutorials is training so me and the boys got you together a dojo complete our battle challenges and get some fabulous prizes meanwhile you might get a little bit tougher we're gonna make you the strongest boss yeah let's just go for it let's just take on a challenge instantly jigsaw joe joe's life savings or get a hundred bucks or a clover rematch for a club sandwich learn how to spar like a champ get 100 tp without getting hit you can do it boss and it's not clover's birthday anymore she won't go easy on you now know what in the comments what a clover idea we got to do jigsaw shows his life savings are going to be like the one dollar we tossed in the hole in chapter one though boss you can act and spare on the same turn if you know chris's act will give an enemy a hundred percent mercy spare them on the same turn with susie or rousey well jigsaw joe oh you have to build up the mercy i i accidentally like spam click there um okay shave him he'll be so upset maybe he wants to be i i thought that was like a mouth that's stubble does that mean that teeny tiny black line just below his eyes is his mouth and that's just like chin stubble i never i what i will attempt we'll chuck a couple spares and the defense say you shaved jigsaw joe's stubble oh my god it looked like i guess it did kind of look like a snowman mouth or something being made out of dots like that suzy spared joe oh boss you're sparing me did i win oh wait a second i got something else to remind you of boss it works the same with making an enemy tired an act will make an enemy this is a funny way to redo a tutorial use val says pacifi pacified right away i'm gonna check oh no we can tell a sleepy story okay and we'll use pacify susie told the enemy a bedtime story about beating them up the enemy became tired hmm i just noticed next to our names chris susie ralph say it's like a wave a wave and a fire that's probably like you know physical physical magic something along that those lines val say cast pacify you did it boss you can manage to spare enemies right away battles will go a lot faster that's all they actually made fighting in this game like quite punishing sparing is usually quicker an amazing battle as promised here's your reward you received joe's life savings one dollar called it back on track knowing what i'm talking about after getting the majority of the plot of the game incorrect and i thought i'll say was evil who knows maybe that'll still come back it's a bed for three people or one three-headed person i'm a battles master ask me about battles the whole we've reached our monthly funding goal i will now talk about our hole it was dark filled with darker dolor dollars fed from subscription by our followers working hard no bank no lender we received one unit of legal tender thanks for donating that was you're welcome i'm glad i could help out i wonder if you never donated like is it actually pulling from my save file where i threw a dollar into the hole and things like if i never did that i'm curious how would affect this section of the game would would he have a life savings would he have a donation to speak up his stubble grew back instantaneously well i guess we could do the grace challenge try and actually learn and practice phrase trying to get so near it's so stressful normally you do it incidentally in battle all the time but trying to like do it on stream quickly efficiently oh no no no it's getting speedier it's more stressful so little barely squeezed fast i cornered myself no boss for bullets aimed right at you try moving i've been out better that sucks i was at like 95. well no need to redo i saw people saying they want to see the clover rematch clover joins the stage we will longer time to guess guess favorite thing yeah we'll work together two is a topic that clover likes i'm on the clock chaos no thanks wrong is it that bad that was it why why did i think that i would have like i i i thought i was going to be able to guess repeatedly in within those like 10 seconds oh you're you're given longer time all right how about you guys want to talk about the clown no thanks ah it's bad nice to see you again i think they said oh we got they got new attacks this time around i guess because it's not their birthday trying out new things damn it now i'm trying to get the grazes i should have practiced more i i don't need the extra time i shouldn't be doing it cute boys they like talking about cute boys that's right not bad it's okay no nothing idiot it's so weird seeing them like reach their tail out the back end of this of this screen there out their back end and the back end of the screen there's two back ends involved there regular amount of time i don't want to attack or anything though i could just defend and i might actually try and heal oh i can't oh nerds well i'll i'll load up some tv i keep boys this star walker was one of them i'm sure everyone would love to talk about star walker oh getting hit after narrowly dodging is pissing me off i am the original star walker smells like clover and dew well i don't know everyone get involved number two it's rash damn it maybe they did want to talk about their birthday i had in my mind that they do not want to discuss their birthday i'm trying to get the grazes so i can heal i definitely want to heal [Music] chris sandwich yeah they got the clubs the sandwich oh look at that rainbow so happy enjoying their life that was a that was a very inopportune time to attempt to look over at chat cloverflash is a trio of terrible smiles but we can all chuck our spares it'll be too late to use that use that heel an amazing battle as promised here is your reward you received club's sandwich looks like fighting wasn't in the cards for us lucky you just hope you don't meet my friends is this a diamond no the rudens are diamonds is this a type of spade character what is this thing i'm i'm staring at like a deck of cards in front of me as if that's going to help me understand what is that thing is they're not the rules card we met the rules card as well but like it got me all thrown off finally a dojo for people that are normal shaped i will trade myself for the tournament and was there no that that those were all the challenges i'm not gonna i'm not gonna redo the grazing one right now we'll be working on new challenges so come back in boss [Music] i i'm gonna talk to this guy bow bow i'm just a block i don't forget it did we go somewhere he's just confused as to why everything disappeared temporarily it's a clean start for us here security security someone who actually speaks japanese would have to help me out with that i assume it's japanese i'm taking a big old guess the cafe oh here's where you hang out i want to run the bakery but someone's already working there it's like made to look like their face and they don't get to run it a cafe that serves pastries what a disgrace what sort of humiliating thing will happen next check recruits prize mama mean as long as the purple girl is by your side there will be no prizes from me mia who cares valsey can make me a cake but but my uniqueness as a baker don't mind my pastries are a little extra salty today everyone he's crying on his baked goods poor guy we've ruined his life hey boss i'll have a dark candy starfee well i'm not gonna be the one to get it for you you two on a date sure is great to be here with my best friend hathy oh that's cute you guys just hang out i'm glad to know that the different suits don't all stay away from one another happy seems fine everyone's living a decent life lemonade please the jukebox is broken feels like you might never find a working one the cafe was very uneventful i there might be more things i could say to the the top chef but someone's already doing it what will happen next check recruits what rude and happy pawn man rabbit i forgot what that thing even was when i saw it outside block surge sorry rudin ranger and head hathy said to be someone's best friend but maybe not shine on you lazy diamond we get to learn more about them as we like i don't know fight them more or oh probably the more we free them maybe they like shiny things they dislike effort hathy a heart with a big heart always supporting others with her bullets they like lip gloss and dislike drama pond man a simple organism that takes life one square at a time the golden flowers says the jukebox might be referencing the grillby jukebox i was trying to think i don't think there's a jukebox in delta room so it must be referencing the undertale one they like sleeping they dislike moving backwards a real dust bunny known to play dirty but loves to play clean likes dusty places dislikes vacuums oh i just realized element jewel element heart element order element rabbit dust element fight a shape-changing fighter ironically blocking is not its forte likes cross trainers dislikes formal shoe wear it cries tears of joy that you are its boss it likes fitting in it dislikes susie's axe element mouse puzz so instead of rabbit dust mouse puzz the puzzle i don't know obsessed with ranger shows i like the power rangers it lets everyone know it's better than ruden it likes sucking up dislikes show getting taped over its element is jewel blade although stronger than hathy seems to have fewer friends like peace and quiet dislike being alone oh thank you dragon bibi letting you know ahead of time your game might crash if you use susie's mercy ability in the first real fight i appreciate that the other people have been reporting a similar problem that's uh thank you they i'll try to not use susie's mercy trying to lock that into my brain to not do what happens if i place oh i can like decorate this what if i what if i make you guys so you're no longer like hanging out with your friend has he's going to order a heart foam latte oh my god hey boss i'll have a dark candy starfee okay so when whenever they're by themselves it doesn't matter where they're sitting they'll say the same thing but now rudin not hanging out with hathi anymore hey boss oh now they don't even don't even acknowledge it they're acting as if they're on their own looks like it wants to osmose some flavorful cubes toby made a joke on his stream the other day about like osmosing his dinner apparently that's a gag he really loves shawn how's it going welcome travelers he has nothing really that exciting but i am going to buy at least one amber card actually see you again because i just noticed yeah i noticed before i had i had a free armor slot so you know might as well chuck it out there i don't think i want anything else so we can just chat so we are now in the castle town well now it makes no difference to me as long as i stay in my shop these walls won't change but in a way i suppose it's just a little bit amusing to see you again i'm sure you three will have an interesting journey me i'll just be here offering the same old junk as you find stronger treasure i'm sure you'll have little reason to return here but if you have some time i'll offer you a biscuit and a hint do you have a hint right now the little prince has something to show you in his castle well now are you gonna turn down a royal invitation ah that's all shawn's got for us for now i desperately need a drink of water i'm going to take a few like periodic breaks do you know what yeah yeah i let's try the fusing thing you're right before i before i go for that let's try out mallius's uh fuse items i i i have to unequip them for that to work apparently oh it won't count for any armor and it's entirely just for for gaining gold i think that's let's feel my technique just seeing them compress down into two at the end there was awesome you got a silver card and you know while we're at it fix us your body is a weapon too you must take care of it from time to time i just love that oh everyone gets whacked chris unfazed just taking it just full chin up high hammer straight to the brain doesn't not going to acknowledge it somehow everyone's hp was restored well well don't you feel better after a nice massage i feel like the white ribbon is not meant for chris anyways see and and even the iron shackle increases attack and defense i'll keep all that where it is but you you can have your ribbon of course for sure there we go got that back maybe where it makes the tiniest bit more sense run up for a quick save [Music] filled with the power of friendship based architecture i didn't expect it to be to be different there return recruits well save first and then storage [Music] oh i have lancer cookies i'm storing that why would i why would i want to give it away it has so much potential uh i will i'm just going to store a few of these things that i have like doubles of some people like the chocolate some don't i just want to free up some space in my inventory here this is very handy i'm very glad this it all exists great and recruits recruited recruited recruited said uh i don't know how to learn more about them oh maybe i learned more just by swapping them around in the store and like talking to them no idea probably not i i don't know but i'm taking my first quick break here i'm going to be back in like in like two minutes but while i'm away i have a little treat for you guys so don't don't totally shut things off not not just yet [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] okay there's a quick break i i see people saying like ah a cool sponsor or things like that no no dead estate not a sponsor two left thumbs which two life thumbs is me it's not like some major company i'm publishing that game it's gonna be out on steam uh in about one month we're charging 15 bucks for it it's been in production for about a year now exciting stuff it's not not like a paid ad that's just me promoting a thing that i'm directly involved in it's not just a matter of liking it which i do like it but yeah straight up publishing that game so yeah you know you guys find a find a minute for yourself link in the description you guys can go out add that to your wish lists it's a manual this isn't ralph says manual is it recruits if you spare or pacify enough enemies of the same type they will be recruited oh so we carry over our recruits from last time makes sense will be entirely new enemies and and build up new new dealies new people for the pool they will be recruited they'll appear in your town wonder what happens if you get all of them oh god catch them all you can check the area's recruit status at save points certain bosses are excluded i wouldn't have thought any boss would be recruitable i i think i can guess how the rest of those things work i'm going to go ahead and cruise on hey jax jackson our little friend hey you stole valsey's hat prince froze i will keep your hat erect until you need it i guess that makes sense they are a rack although concept art in the stream the sixth anniversary stream really made it seem like they were a jacks from a game of jax like they're the jacks that you collect in the rubber ball that you bounce but then they also are a coat rack they're kind of both because then this guy is the ball from the jacks game it's a bit scary moving to a new place but as a ball there's nothing to sphere except sphere itself also you probably can't help from moving quite often slight slope you're gonna move involuntarily just wanted to show off to your huge house huh no what i want to show you is upstairs ah it's gonna be something messed up i don't want to i want to live in a happy world where everyone is fun and happy and loves each other and doesn't fight second floor the living quarters and the basement floor living quarters for bad guys and dead ahead the door is locked i nearly forgot this is where i cook just a giant cauldron in the middle directly in front of the the front entrance there you can cook everything in a giant witch's pot of course yeah that's basically what sous-viding is cauldron cooking is very convenient here chris have a cake wow the like hungry hungry hippo i don't know what to call it just straight sideways mouth god that is amazing i like to see a golden retriever do that you got those dumb dogs beat susie hmm a little sick on the frosting why was it an explosion how did that happen that that was for sharing hey anyone was free to make an interception well just whip up another one for us then okay now make a chocolate one why don't we go upstairs first no hard pass i don't wanna it's a violently it's violently protecting the jail i'm golden sam which makes me think of golden sun some of the best game boy advance games holy we're still behind bars for some reason but it's okay right i came down here and didn't question it these are like the other kings there's the club king this is the one we're talking to is the diamond king there's like the the heart queen i don't know i don't know which any of them are but like yeah why aren't they let out we've grown to love this hellish place where we dress as animals you guys are dressed as animals in there like you got little kitty whiskers or something this is a nice prison and animal crackers who were all wearing crowns we decided to dress as kings it's cultural exchange well as long as you guys are happy a giant hamster wheel oh my god the club skin ah the lightners have you come to humiliate me hell yeah eat it old man hey why the hell does he get a giant water thing jealous are you then gays and envy whelps just scoffling all the water how is he drinking water at us so aggressively just chugging it in our faces as i suckle this i accidentally clicked past ah glove gun feel despair uh never mind we have nothing to discuss i'll leave you to it ralph says waking me out i hate that confident either it's either meant to be royal or it's meant to be evil that like anne's back strut it's one of the two by the way is my son happy like you care you were gonna throw him off a cliff your prejudice made my bluff too effective i see besides even if i threw him he would just bounce my son is a bouncy little pumpkin oh cute we're done talking to you it is kind of cute though [Laughter] the king might not have been evil [Music] it does seem like he locked everyone up though and that seemed quite evil they might not be the worst they're probably still evil oh did we is this chris and you gave us our own rooms i have a surprise for you too i made rooms for you in the castle i'm sorry i keep assuming you're evil ralph say i'm so kind of waiting for that shoe to drop but so far it just seems like i'm a jerk rose so you can stay here whenever you want um i'd be happy if this place could be like a second home to you a tale of two cities a place that you can go no matter what's happening outside just kind of like your imagination is this leading into the this whole thing is our imagination theory well we'll take a look i don't think i'm going to be that impressed i'm probably oh it's amazing ooh the the delta ruin itself is colored to be the two lighteners in the darkner and like themed to match us it's not quite rousey's greed no just saying it's a stand for your manual the one that i think i threw out the one mouse he gave us i thought you might want to keep it here in case you want to read it [Music] i think i threw it on the ground a long time ago it's three years ago it's a shelf i like the stars on the walls all sorts of keepsakes could be put here oh and people gate people are agreeing rousey seems like they're hiding something it's a wardrobe full of all sorts of different clothes you could wear whatever you want but i will choose to wear the same thing every day for the rest of my life until i die but you know just the options there you could wear something else if you wanted to it's your bed it feels incredibly soft like sleeping on a dream oh moss in the corner some decorative moss looks delicious where the hell does your room get moss oh yes that's this is good stuff i just want to hug the wall to make sure they they're solid walls there's a lancer room over there as well suzy gets like the wave symbol that was there in combat and susie this is your room i tried to make it something you'd like but you can put anything else you want in here too i really hope you like it i think i found a secret if you got the bed and inspector rank back in hathi's room in chapter one then it says it's suitable for a bed inspector when looking in chris's room that's very funny and i love the idea that there are little details like that that are gonna carry forward it's gonna make future secrets videos of this game so incredibly difficult isn't it my own room huh i i guess that's pretty cool my own room like this how long did it uh take you to do this well since i last saw you two man you're a real weenie you know that i wonder what kind of time has passed i think she likes it chris [Music] jealous i got the cool room look chris why do you get little crowns in your room it's a closed drawer full of spiky and dangerous clothing all the clothes are ripped are ripping each other into shreds hell yeah jealous chris suzie you didn't get to read the manual so i put it over here for you weird to have your stand not next to your bed ridiculous ral say start over burn the whole thing down cool i'll read it before bed that'll put me to sleep damn there's everything in here pine cones chalk moss jars of salsa that is like everything that we either saw susie eat or it joked about susie eating except the moss she was jealous of the moss so i'm happy she gets her own there pieces of ice black crumbs from the toaster jawbreakers those are new i think oh and like actual food too really thought of everything straight black bed sheet with a little bit of pink highlights looks kind of cool cool spiked bed now i can stab myself during the night is that carrying forward the way that susie wanted to impair impale herself climbing over the fence of that puzzle finally some convenience and lancer you hanging out in here in a boarded-off room cool he gets to keep his squashy sound effect maker i guess lancer you aren't gonna believe how sick my room is a room as sick as you whoa i want to see such good friends i'll keep digging holes until i reach your room ah it's got a door you know a door wow peach boy you went all out it's some kind of digging implement carrying over that joke from last time it's a spade everything else is spades it's a hole presumably dug for fun there's salsa right in the ground here it's a hole made recreationally you found 20 rupees in the hole unfortunately that's not a useful currency here weird though that exact joke a few of these exact i guess they just literally took their room from their castle it's a music player listen to the contents will it just be a splat sound again yep kept that it's full of cartoon splat noises wow it's better than i remember i even have my own bed now now i don't have to sleep in a hole anymore was there not a bed last time yeah i thought you already had a bed nope that was for the bike make sure they're all sticking their tongues out just just gotta make sure i love that my floor is full of holes i assumed you did that people are talking about actual food being in the drawer it's very interesting because like under italians don't eat regular food so i don't know what the deal is with lightner and darkner food and all that and all the way upstairs hey ralph say what's up here oh just more rooms i'm renovating that's where they're keeping the prisoners so is your room up there um yes i still i still haven't dusted it though yeah it's probably covered in monster dust from all the murder you've been doing yeah like we need to see your nerdy glasses collection anyway good bird cotton shoes so what do we do now feel free to explore the town until you're ready to leave like we're gonna leave now right chris we might not have much of a choice i think we basically basically done everything a cyber snake lord said you could just stab yourself to wake up and for some reason youtube filtered it and i'm guessing that stab yourself is some sort of phrase that like youtube picked up on that they didn't like i thought that was kind of interesting i checked the box that said yeah go ahead show that phrase i've accidentally skipped over it again just spamming buttons i think i'm ready to leave then or i'll say like i've talked to everyone i think we can oh and when they said leave can i walk back out into the overworld i'm guessing not wait chris we're leaving but we just got here man i don't want to go do our group project oh you two have homework well susie chris you want to do it right away school is important i banish you from this kingdom until you start your project oh fine i'll do it geez susie don't worry i'll go and help you too presumably not right uh wait lancer perhaps you shouldn't too late kind boy friendship form lancer was added to your key items what where'd he go don't worry i just entered your inventory i'll just be hanging out in chris's pocket don't know what that means but okay fear not i too shall assist us uh we're good quite we as a team are good no no second thought zoom in rules became a key item even though no one wanted that all right enough already let's get going i did want to go talk to like the horse in the other screen there i kind of forgot good luck today chris see you soon i didn't expect to get kicked out of the room so early come back when you finished your homework what's the point of having a room if you can't slack off in it [Music] time's the charm new dialogue dang i really i wanted to go talk to the horse boy key item i i could try and use my cell phone you tried to call on the cell phone still plays the like entry 17 sounds it's nothing but garbage noise garbage we're calling it i love like they walk around and like live in the key items pocket oh i'm a tough boy treat me like one of your items and now gaze at the bottom man most handsomeness this daringst genius adoreth beyond all all hay lancers lit up because it can be used he can't be used can't use the rules card i was not expecting to leave so soon well damn i guess we got to do our project at least we got lancer right i don't know i think he probably turned into a playing card or something lancer where are you damn i guess he skipped out after all huh so where should we do this i don't even remember what the project was at all lancer got animations hey you're right he totally just like slid around before in his little like pose oh well all right away they go ball of junk cards [Music] let me see here and now i have this deck of cards here for a completely other reason here's here's our rules card taking them with us and and bin papa and this is our lancer jack of spades rules card i don't know why but i like the thought of like physically having them here in the real world taking things to other layers of real world-ness info ball of junk a small ball of accumulated things in your pocket smells like a scratch and stiff marshmallow sticker and the cards the jack of spades and the rules card i first modern mouse i'm doing fine my day's going well how's yours exciting oh we got people saying he's the ace of spades i think in that sans it's a darkness theory video i think i had lancers being the jack of spades i either had sans or lancer i think i had lancers the jack of spades i'm so stoked about that i mean that's what i reached for it now so that's how i'm remembering it i think that was the case okay we still just talked about it we crammed everything in there all right none of that none of that for now can't go back guess we gotta go do the school ran it's lukewarm do you like breathing moving fast with or without legs but usually with legs join the cross-country team with jockington and noel this might all be the same it's your locker it's empty toriel's classroom hey it's like lit up this time jevel is for sure the joker card sham jevel jevel's probably the joker yeah miss toriel's written in cursive in the dry erase board seems like it hasn't been erased in a very long time uncapped marker gives a aged apple bouquet posters i think all these jokes are the same hey this used to be an apple on the desk it's an orange it's an it's unknown if it's safe for teachers to eat this the computer wallpaper is updated it's a picture of your brother and you playing video games your brother is using the knockoff controller sucker the older brother gets the knockoff controller what a chump presumably it's not him being nice it's he got scammed we scammed him are you ready for the sadie hawkman's dance yeah you bet it lockers covered in jockington memorabilia i'll just head back to the class hmm i'd really assumed suzy would be hanging out in one of the classrooms where are we gonna go do our work the little dancing gnome from that stream is not there and it didn't seem like new new den oh man i already forget the character the name of that stupid newbert i haven't seen newbert anywhere probably the library what the is going on out here this is not it's not good traffic directing it's impressive as can be damn i was just directing traffic as normal when a little dog drove one of those toy cars into the middle of the street and started doing donuts and the chaos all the cars in town got all them all them got jammed up thankfully no one was hurt but ordinary citizens like you gotta get out of here i've got some heavy lifting to do wait is this how they're blocking off like all the town ah you can't go to like sansa's house and stuff it's blocked off i mean it's a funny way to block things off and very like absurd i dig that traffic's moving at its nails pace i love snails could the day get any better i heard a dog was doing donuts so i sped over here they left and came back they haven't just been here for three years but i just learned donuts is actually the name of a special attack for cars why is my life stuck in a loop of doughy disappointment oh this guy like is the donut salesman or the guy who wants donuts in undertale like he's he's holding one in his hand he's referencing himself basically oh you can't can't sneak around i believe we are fully stuck going to the library i'm hugging the wall regardless just not not gotta go the library boring all right we're here school goddamn project looks goddamn crazy about him you're not into this at all are you hey chris where the hell is everybody stuck in traffic something seems kind of off are we not in the proper lightner world maybe screw it let's just go play space pinball in the computer lab ah space pinball was so dope it was on computers in like the early 2000s but that's the room where the dog was like playing with maracas and developing the game huh it's like okay rally made a comment about that dark world was gone when we jumped into that other one it was a totally different like teleportation sequence i think we just picked up all of our toys and things from the friendly dark world that we had taken part in and dropped them in a different dark world maybe one where ralph says evil maybe it's not the same rousey there's some sort of like multi-universe thing going on the dark world is not one singular place this is like definitely the confirmation there's numerous dark worlds what chris you don't think this could be another dark world well maybe the other one is the nice one maybe we were in the nice one now i don't know well i guess this means we can't start our project unless you know chris we could have gone upstairs what's going on upstairs in the library party up there maybe if there's a dark fountain in there you can seal it and it'll turn back into the computer lab right so what's it gonna be chris just so each chapter will be sealing a different fountain but like what is ceiling the fountains achieving really let's go let's go we can use the computer at my house chris you're right like you said a correct fact but you made a mistake the mistake of knowing me because when i see a big pit all i want to do is jump in and as long as you're with me i'm dragging you into come on chris okay the animation for the teleporting is like not significant that's not indicative of like the world you're about to jump into or anything oh my god oh so we were in the games world and everything is hearts and chess pieces and now we're in the computer lab so we're going to like a tech world this is new this is very exciting and not a clue where it's headed dark world question mark i think i think i got a cat clawing at the door again come on so hesitant cat's in the room who knows if we'll we'll see any of her probably gonna a lot of you let back out in two minutes is like the layout of the world the same left to right sliding down a thing early on immediate difference the wires the wires just dangling loose cords cracked chips everywhere oh okay like um there's like the section where like weird goop things start firing things at you we're like the layout is gonna be the same i think but it's just like a re-skin of it everyone was oh i don't even want to talk about it everyone else has been you can hear a cat i can't see a cat oh what's her name i thought you're asking about this the cat is misty oh here she is misty coming for a quick midstream hang very chill cat doesn't mind being picked up kind of does her own thing though probably going to be a big weirdo might see her like climbing around behind us now and again save us she's going to there's an evil she in this world oh noelle's gonna replace ralph say pepsi that's such a good prediction also thank you pepsi cola for joining this stream i'm going to assume it's the company or she she could have just like fallen in here it looks like she's dressed as uh like a doctor and her dad is in the hospital something maybe somebody please susie cool that you're here just wait get out of here before it's too late oh well that sing-songy laugh was incredible the hell of a study session who the hell are you i this is such an interesting blend of like i don't know techy sci-fi futuristic jetsons 50's 60's style sci-fi stuff i'm known as serial number q5u for ex7y2e989 damn 9 and i screwed it up right at the end but you foolish children may call me each letters each word is capitalized at the start queen like we're gonna call you queen q five you three seven is that lancer's mom good question just some dude i you do have to wonder if it's connected to lancer or the card king or any of that right second sign queen well look queen we're not children stupid and big stupid teens are merely big children and adults are even bigger children doesn't that make you a child too then no i am a computer smart smart is smart and nice computer well thank you for the stimuli but i must leave now goodbye wait wait why'd you capture noel i would have captured you but i ran out of jfk cages true why the capturing so that she may become my willing peon in my quest for world domination all worlds though just one world also maybe i will make her face into a robot one what why seems cool i'll forget it dude nobody's turning anybody's face into a robot could that be a statement of animus dissension huh you want to fight loser yes yes already yes oh then bye way that god damn second i had no time for such frivolities and would kick your ass but perhaps someone else could entertain you oh the little the little fuzzies oh god oh that was a cool bit of animation enjoy your assimilation oh god they're getting controlled during the battle so i'm guessing this is the first real fight and then i might have to be careful with using susie's mercy uh they're both tired but ralph says pacify the throw wire or jiggle jiggle just jiggle the wire maybe it's a little bit loose the wear wires swung in you who jiggled your body the wire loosened and turned a little wiggling worming our way around zipped ribbons all kinds of moves okay it's throwing stars ribbons they're mixing things up there's such cool enemy design uh well i'll just keep jiggling two jiggles and a defense you've jiggled your body the wire loosened i feel like this is where i have to be specifically careful the crashes seem to be from controllers being connected oh maybe if someone tried to connect a controller mid game so hopefully i'm safe then i i will try to [Music] oh i don't i don't think uh susie can spare she can't yes okay then i will if i throw wires i can't spare i'll jiggle at him but i'm definitely getting rid of one of these it's too many right now oh recruited one out of six okay cool oh god learning all new attacks not knowing what's going on trying to anticipate someone mentioned checking key items i can't i can't i don't have like lancer with me or anything ooh but one you're right once we are actually like in the world again yeah i should definitely check and see what lancer and rules are doing oh that's so funny that i get to bring them over to this new world i will throw wire we get we get to recreate this little mini game do we oh i thought i was going to have a two-step thing dang it well i gotta try that again that seems like potentially it would be a one and one hit success yeah got it the wire greatly loosened uh but it's still just fifty percent so same same amount of sparing to be done damn it i was trying to get a graze let's just spare them i guess i'm recruiting the little guys though not the big wherewire phew nice fighting again after so long now let's go catch up to the queen oh come on now or not they calm down i just use my pacify spell to put them into sleep mode uh cause they're computers ralph say you're here i felt a dark presence and hurried over it seemed that a new dark fountain has appeared i'll say they got noel damn what was she thinking messing in our dark world i'm guessing she just went to use the computer lab to do her own project maybe like birdly and jockington and stuff are down here too people are saying to fix the computer issue turn it off and back on plug it and unplug it sense we are in the computer world it's a great reaction face from susie if we don't do something she might be worry not susie all we have to do is seal the fountain yeah yeah can't be mad about another adventure right come on chris all jumping into action there let's go everybody's got their own cool poses rousey was kind of doing lancers little little pose rules didn't come along but what if we [Music] tried to call doesn't work here either [Music] could leave on their own though and make their way over like did a person not have to carry them along over to here the way we did with lancer oh rules jumped out of your pocket how dad chromatic lesser lesser dad probatic so he's just running around free in this world doing his own thing i i guess oh god oh rhythm gaming kind of kind of like reverse rhythm gaming which i guess i did play an entire game that was that ever hood never hood there's a full playthrough of that on this channel where it's like inverse rhythm gaming where you're dodging instead of connecting highly recommended that was a great game definitely had some shared influences with like the undertale delta room series a green field extends before you and in the distance a city shines brightly i love the look of that that looks so cool you're filled with the power of a new adventure and i do want to quickly check the recruit section they are listed as where wires still and they're listed as being level seven creatures not yet fully recruited so we don't like you know know anything about them cyber world little fireworks and things oh god no no no no no no glowing bright red like that little pop-up of the queen there you open the treasure chest inside was glow wrist was added to your armors do who do we think that would be for a tough bracelet made of green wires and studded with sharp glowing lights it has no ability but maybe it's better than you know a bracelet made of the dice it adds no ability to your abilities is that what i'm seeing and it did nothing for your stats you can wear the glow wrist i don't know what it does but you might as well hang on to it i guess i don't know what all these little spinning symbols are at some point i want to fight him because i i want to get the recruits queen rules yeah i might as well go do a quick recruit i guess i might fight multiple of them yes there's two where wires swung in i if you pacify does it still count does that still count as uh i'm recruiting jiggle your body it does all right that makes that makes these guys super easy that you can just put them to sleep hopefully you know it's sleeping in the traditional sense when referring but i didn't gather any tp from there whoops in the sense that you would normally think when it comes to computers i don't want to think of it like i'm putting them to sleep permanently they're recruiting it's probably safe it's probably fine probably nothing dark or twisted or weird going on there no need to run in the tea cup ride wherever we're going to disneyland i i kind of had some control over that i guess i just had to touch the arrows can i do it again it's kind of a fun ride oh touching the arrows didn't actually do anything i think it was just teaching me maybe it kind of it yeah it speeds it up you know you gotta try it one more time because i got to see if there's like a speed some some goofy bit of dialogue for doing it like extra fast or something seemed like the perfect place to say put something weird what up with that dj oh he's he's the one laying that trap for us oh there we go it might be kind of necessary sometimes that was slow going it kind of worked i'm not going to say it worked overly well there's like a little bit of depth that matters to it to make that work properly you can see they get smaller as they get further away we got some juicy jams fun little nothing's nothing's like a puzzle or tricky yeah they're just fun teacup rides oh chris it's a free edible cyberpedia i'll add an entry rousey wrote an article about losing recruits no i don't want to lose any from now on defeating enemies with violence will make them lost lost enemies cannot become recruits ever again like if i kill one jigsaw jigsares are gone forever it's an absolute bop i agree [Music] oh no the wear wires are very unsettling looking i agree it reminds me of something the land like the fact that they're being controlled in the lanky limbs and stuff there's something but i can't think of what that it's reminding me of but the bonds you break may make you stronger i'm doing pacifists though i i don't care about making myself stronger i just want friends recently something called internet is having an outage so there's the joke or comment made by asriel at the beginning that the internet's out and i guess it's because a dark world opened up in the in the servers some say it was the secret to queen's know-how since then it seems like she's become quite extreme i i'll say i don't know what's up with these kings and queens and things but coming so over the top tasks cross your path something about these dark fountains corrupt pet petting roar and soft voice no no no no we're just going to pet everyone get involved with some pets you pet task hit like that wow little weird wavy meow it makes and the other one tosses little like yarn balls or something and already spare one of them i will roar adam it will probably it probably won't like that it's batting a ball of low poly on yarn susie roared the enemies became tired who's king of the jungle now it's just a cat yeah that's a cat too i'm going to tell her she's just a cat yeah meow wow meow there's like wows and meow is it there the sound it makes is so good we'll try out the soft voice as well it's beeping dangerously oh am i letting this go on too long you're talking a soft voice to the enemies there there it's okay little kitty isn't that just how he normally talks yeah now you can you can get some major grazing off that one spared i've got quite a quite a lot of cash from that i like exploring the corners where there's little pop-ups the best kind of pop-up not in intrusive ads or anything noel honey become my willing peon fry i did that on purpose it just occurred to me that i could make a joke about intrusive ads noel honey become my willing peon and i will free you all you have to do is hit yes on the peon release form i i'm scared oh you never signed a form before no it's everything else that's scary please abort your sadness protocol i told you being a peon will be cool noel susie chris don't worry we won't let your face get roboticized also based on their dark world output suit uh noel's like 100 a white mage right not a ranger i was wrong about that one dang that's something they're going to do whoops thought you uh knew that oh that i read that with the wrong inflection oh dear that was supposed to be a surprise i don't know what's up with the the formatting thing of the first letter being capitalized it's just like that's just their thing i guess oh well they're very powerful just a way just like that hey wait it is quite troubling peon must be willing to assist me in world domination if only she had fellow peons to encourage her so so like you guys hey are you like doing anything right now we are going to help you understood mind-changing protocol necessitated oh my god what is so aggressive but also like i want to know more about that weird crow robot a crowbot i think as we would call him a giant arcade game i shall humiliate you at a simple children's diversion with your self-esteem eradicated there will be no choice but to serve me the hell i've never played this one before but chris is quite good at games aren't they oh yeah chris forget you forgot you were a nerd show her oh yeah let me bust out those full nerd skills ugh i've been preparing my whole life for this the cat walks out oh my headphones are tangled what's the over under on how long it is before the cat once let back in again we're dealing with computers inside a computer at this point well now we're dealing with an arcade machine inside of like a dark world computer inside of a computer room inside of my own computer and you know we're all in the matrix anyways so how many layers is that i want to talk to everyone oh chris congratulations on losing horribly i advance my internal clock to when i've already won also happy birthday susie happy birthday it's not my birthday when did they advance their internal clock to blurry camera this thing can auto adjust i didn't even know that how do i how do i make it focus on me again i don't want to have a blurry camera the whole time i probably didn't do anything [Music] i don't know how to fix that [Music] turning it off and on turning it off and on basically worked tech all tech problems are solved the same well you guys you guys got my back right we got this chris we're the good guys right all we have to do is figure out some way to cheat cheap to win chris i bet you're very good at games aren't you gaming is my life wow chris your passion is amazing that was wow chris your passion is amazing that was the most monotone response i've heard in my life well see you guys later darn just kidding i i knew i darn i guess we gotta do it you tried to use the arcade machine you weren't tall or strong enough or smart enough and also you smell kinda bad and you don't read too good self-esteem eradication complete running laughing protocol i do like this characters laugh a lot uh it's okay chris uh i'm i'm short too chris wait i have an idea bring out lancer for his stool mode chris if we can combine our powers then look i'll show you what i've been practicing magical stool form r took a page right out of lancer's book oh the same barriers is in the core very interesting spot there bailey now we're talking put your arms out wow i feel like sailor moon but also like a power ranger megazord at the same time power beast form s move your arms and i'll move them with ya let's go then what way will that help or i'll say i'm sorry i'm sorry i ever called you evil and i'm sorry that i stomped you into nothing incredible your transformation is combining all your weak points self-esteem crushing efficiency 300 and rising commence virtual combat round one oh i've i've like never played a punch-up game and a punch-out game in my life i just am aware they exist shut up oh i kind like i know the general idea of them that would be amazing if all the games in this were like references to to old school games dang it i'm not i'm i'm dodging too dramatically more than i need to trying to find the rhythm god there's two big pauses ah i'd say this is going pretty well oh i don't know what that would what are you doing rolling wheels at me they're like commenting oh wait i gotta go back as well wheels are no fair man queen didn't know that was gonna be a thing god it really snagged a lot on me there you think you could win just because you got more wheels than me i don't need wheels friends i guess i destroyed the whole machine what do you think of that pretty dope thought you could beat us regal laughter oh my that was actually quite amusing new life forms have exceeded my expectations i will offer you a new exceedingly benevolent compromise assimilate into my cyber army and there's only a 50 chance i will reprogram your face please select your choice perish in the chill of absolute destruction or flourish under the warm bosom of my hellish reign bosom bosom was awesome the hell did you just why it is so enthusiastically what just can't keep talking i and pretend like i didn't butcher that sentence really hard [Music] turns out the real wheels were our fists all along uh queen aren't there any other options yes you can also mega perish yeah ah no perishing bites oh no perishing bites sometimes it's hard to get the inflection on the fly you could say it megabytes you could i wouldn't would you get out of here already understood preference settings to perish set to perish come on let's go after her looks like this gamer's paradise has become a gamer's hell is that supposed to be gangster's paradise the game is wrecked you are filled with the power of video game violence i'm gonna i'm gonna zip back and see if there's anything immediately interesting that is immediately interesting but there's like nothing on it did you get a hat lightners i haven't seen many of you recently if you didn't know an evil ruler is taking over this world now i don't really like politics so i have no opinion on this if you try to talk to me about politics we will have no choice but to cross swords i was that character not even there before you want to reread my editable cyberpedia entry rousey wrote an article about losing recruits no no once was enough apple chris i think you should handle this puzzle i'm the fighter i'm the game boy i'm the the speller apparently i do it all huh i like how did i not realize that was how that would work apple yay teacher food they call it oh i want to talk to you too bye i would have had to have done that a moment ago i think newbert looks like you got past newbert's force field newport doesn't know how that force field got there but it's new birds force field i am putting tam on a timeout please don't spam the chat so much as a prize have new birds treasure newbert doesn't know what's inside but newbert will give it to you thank you newbert number one best guy in all the land it was a fiber scarf it was added to your weapons like like having a fiber optic connection or anything like that no ability so you'd lose out on fluffiness but gain some attack a scarf made of soft microfiber balances attack and magic but the dainty scarf is already already quite good for that i think i'm gonna not equip it thanks anyways newbert if we could have a quick talk with with my man over here that's new bird's treasure remember you're just borrowing it forever oh well i'm glad he's a swell guy my man not gonna come back for it well i guess that was all i had to come back for i don't know about that little political guy i don't know if i just missed him before if he was never there newbert disgaster i think you're right hey i do want to know more about this guy i can't tell you how many of these i've cleaned up it's not so bad i like cleaning you can't or won't tell me is it like two of them is it not that many do you just want it to sound like it's more i want to go back to the city the way it's blocked i'm no country boy let me out of cyber field oh that was at the beginning in the the new tweets that said something about like the second field the second connection cuisine is so unrefined out here in the memory sticks and the sticks funny stuff i just realized their faces are plugins i heard there's a rebel team resisting queen like and that's why the wire the wherewire thing works is it's not just a suction cup it's a full-on plug-in plugging into their plug faces a couple of plug boys and girls so far all i've found are overpriced bagels bagels donuts why is the round dough why is it round dough is always so overpriced the hole is expensive who said that why did a little jukebox say that calling it now newbert is this chapter's secret super difficult general boss we got a dj end and like a jukebox they're both jukeboxes held space storage gotcha yo it's hard work being queen's minion ain't it why don't you take a break and grab a snack ultra cd cd bagels only 400 each expensive stuff pleasure doing business with you it was added to your inventory this guy's got a real sweet dance move going on there want to buy a bagel only 80. okay no it's 400 it's 400 got it want to buy 400 bagels only 80 oh we got ourselves a little duet comedy duo going on over here i will buy 400 bagels please you were crushed under the weight of 400 bagels and defeated instantly not really you just can't carry that many well sell me as many as i can then i won bagel you paid eighty dollars for a bagel can i have one too you're selling them are they the same in my inventory because i got very ripped off then a bagel with a reflective inside makes music with each bite dang that was a a right rip it's a lone door frame but for some reason you can't see through it i bet we'll add a door to it and it will become a shortcut someone will have to have like little flames underneath it or whatever someone will have to repair that oh and then we're going to be able to teleport between the two different worlds the two different dark worlds it appears to be some kind of force field this music is so distinctly different from the last last time around they make it look like i would have the ability to jump which i don't believe i do i'm the hacker i'm going after the blue chex marks find three in the cyber field ahead and i'll join your city you just look like the kind of folks who have a cool city cool city in brackets like a blue check mark like getting uh verified according to cyber you found zero blue check marks out of three zero not bad for a beginner your chex quest is only beginning is that a reference to like you gotta bear with me for a second here because i have a very hyper ridiculous specific thing that i need to look up and this might just be like some weird memory that isn't real and doesn't exist i'm pretty sure it's a reference to check's quest the like chex serial game i don't know why i even know that that exists i've never played it but it's like a it's a meme i guess [Music] he's a mouse cursor very good observation there good good work i did not how did i not realize that that's too funny uh it is kind of there's a little bit of hot hot land vibes i can see that i can't jump right i'm trying i'm trying to like i'm mashing buttons to see if anything would result in jumping not as far as i can see stupid it seems to be stupid why could i only interact with some of these ah cat oh only some of them actually release their cats the ones that are facing upright i think so this one also will not the other two are facing upright the way their heads are like normally oriented you open the treasure chest inside was glow wrist gloves was added to your armors so that's independent of the chex mark i think is my assumption maybe susie wants a second one there you go get all the glow wrists and the check marks its own thing is it the cursor from everhood uh that's a funny joke you would have to play through on everhood to get it uh checks quest got an hd remake recently that's absurdness i can't believe that that is true roar at all everyone i can't remember oh it became right it makes them tired all right my god i got that a little bit wrong that's okay these guys are are pretty chill to fight honestly it's ain't so bad hmm i soft voice is that how they that's that i can spare them right that's not also just all that good so keep that in mind the soft voice is the way to go i already got four out of five of them recruits wise i'd say that's going quite well oh you got stuck because it's a stupid one it seems to be stuck i'm so sorry for it i would help you if i could you poorly dumb old kitty reminds me my own dumb kitty she would belong in one of the stupid boxes as well probably just made out of all sorts of arrows and like weird 80s 90s transitional color schemes and shapes and things vero vero can uh the joke is lost on me unfortunately take care everyone oh we all turned into doctors chris is juggling pills uh susie's getting ready to stab at the needle rousey made a cake everyone treated the enemy with tender loving care all the enemies felt great kindness is contagious and yet you still choose to attack space invader style oh there this world's gonna be filled with old school game references isn't it just like all over the place and i'm super into it sparing's so much easier why would you ever want to fight agree to all wait is this another puzzle you do it uh all right maybe knowing where i end up would be better there's only one l button so that kind of makes things a little bit trickier um yes i see now i i guess i have to make it to the two but i could do i think there's probably a few ways to do that one since you could double up on any of them chapter would be a good place to do fourth wall breaks because it's a computer world yeah i expect there to be quite a lot of that i'm curious how much stuff is inside of the um the game files how many weird little secrets and things i don't know how to stop this thing from screwing up the focus you typed agree to all thank you for agreeing to this peon release form now you're all legally my minions and i can use your likeness for funny statues what if we just don't do what you say in that case i would be forced to use another guy probably uh better get started on that then okay but i'm still gonna use your likeness i mean that's not so bad right okay we'll we'll just become the head of marketing in this new computer world everyone will know our faces will be minor celebrities and they'll help us along the way seems fine yeah everyone everyone just be be good and happy just with the doctor or heard it like the doctor theming makes me think of you know dr mario i i don't really understand how that connects these characters or anything i'm a little lost don't really know the queen reminds you of marge mark simpson i i guess it kind of reminds me of not dexter's mom from dexter's laboratory but the robot he makes that's what it reminds me of with the high heels and like the the like general body shape and even the cropped hair and everything it's dexter's android robot mob that's that's what where my brain goes i used to watch that show so much yeah good luck figuring out which ride to take you you just want to tell me though maybe maybe if i just asked you twice this right ride is the right one so you say i'll believe you he's the honest one i i see no reason to not believe that guy he's been nothing but chill and happy we gotta go see what the other ones are like maybe they're still doable they're just more difficult but my guess is some of them are straight up not possible oh crap oh no i'm going wrong directions okay they're all doable there's like a certain threshold you maybe have to hit that's tough though because it like zigs back and forth a little bit there we go the depth thing is pretty slight i wish the color difference was maybe a little bit more ah good i'm glad i went and did it for the check i should have gone and talked to that guy after every check mark he probably has unique dialogue that's the sort of stuff i can do on the like exploratory easter egg style video you know i'm gonna be one shy you need ten okay so i had nine it's telling me you need ten but what could it be i like that i like that as a little little puzzle kind of quick time eventy i like it ghee ass fell for breath that's that's in the word search i'm like almost entirely positive it's easier to bring up on my phone than it is to like download the files and drag it into stream i just kind of don't have the stream set up that well for that you know what no i can there's a way to do it i'm over complicating things for myself undertale search the uh the snowden word search maybe i'm wrong maybe i'm wrong actually i thought it was this ghee ass thistle faber burr fclf that's the part that i don't believe is is right maybe f e l f you wait f u b r e ah there's ever so slightly different things about it like a couple of the vowels are different what a weird thing what a weird thing to to tie it to this ice ease word search from undertale but not exactly the same like why that's so why it would be funny if the puzzle like is actually missing the one letter you actually need like to see burnley try and solve that ah perhaps this isn't a real word chris yeah it is it's icy's catchphrase what what's its meaning now uh i don't know he just rolls his eyes up froths his mouth and says it or maybe that's just the muscly guy at the store i hmm i gotta make sure there's like f's and things it seems like everything's here g i a s e i obviously there's an e right there but then i'll end up can you do a diagonal you can do a diagonal it's tricky it's doable seems like a little bit of cheating i feel like that's kind of part of how you solve that word search oh dang it come on damn it maybe it's not doable maybe i'm not supposed to be able to do it oh here's here's what i should probably be doing oh it's two fs oh okay it's so stupid and ridiculous that it's like hard to keep track of but there's no b i'm nowhere near a b [Music] ah there [Music] this got me wait maybe there's no way this could just be like a weird stupid time wasting joke here's my new theory is that you're just supposed to do it using the outside [Music] h on the outside damn it bhe [Music] ridiculous what am i not supposed to be able to do this how much how much time do i truly commit to this insanity before i just accept that maybe this was not meant to be so at this point there is no h there is no h so i would have to do like b r e h b e r okay okay okay that's that's doable b r e r oh my god i see glitch the hell out there they're in check mark as well great that was that was all that it was i don't know i see is still a thing that that character has got their third appearance i think there's a few ways to do that one i kind of just ended up going with the one that i i don't know recognized first there was probably a few ways you could have gone about that you found three check marks elite you will now live in your i will now live in your city maybe our cyber paths will cyber cross once more in queens mansion in the meantime let me show you the power of the blue check marks feed me a little fireworks of our faces that's so nice i get two maybe we all get two ah let's all look off in the distance ocean's 11 style that's awesome thank you i just wanted to make a cool demo scene for you now that i finished this i can show up all sorts of places well great i'm gonna have to remember to like screenshot that for a new thumbnail probably it's very very beautiful looking thanks man what a pal big big fan of that guy don't know his name but i'm a i'm a fan oh straight shot didn't think that was gonna work didn't think i would sneak by quite so easily not not where i was meant to go so long eric says with the blue check mark you now have the power to cancel anyone who argues with you on twitter that's all i've ever really asked disagree with me in the slightest i'm never going to hear from you again not because i muted you but because i've crushed you out of existence i'm not the villain of this story what makes you say that i love little in-world sequences like this that that like go beyond the usual battle format just like mix things up and keep it fresh what a treat damn it i really botched at the end there didn't i you guys don't want to comment on that i just want to check in with lancer got nothing nothing at some point he'll jump out but right now he's got nothing to add dead end all right what's the deal twerp who's a twerp the name's sweet oh like sweet oh like sweets don't tell me you haven't heard of the sweet captain cakes i was thinking like you know a design sweet you know something like that doesn't ring a bell guess our acts still a bit underground sweet captain cakes not only are we cyber fields best musical intro oh there was the field of dreams that was the other fields there are two literal fields we're also the last resistance against the big bad queen and all her crew oh see you're on our side and that starts with resisting you why would you resist me i'm gonna sit on this pillow i think it would be more comfortable i've been sitting on this chair all day now i'm too tall though slightly it still works what we're fighting queen too captain saw you help her kidnap some girl hey hey cow we won't let anyone lay a finger on mamma moisels i think it's madame wiesel's but that's just not how that's normally spelled that totally messes me up yeah that sequence of dodging the like paddles reminds me of some of the sequences in everhood did i call it something else earlier other than everhood i think i did what did i call it everhood i i definitely called it something other than everhood though that's my bad that sucks i feel bad if anyone would have tried to follow up on that and just i i blew it except us that's not the point captain it's like half the point 60 55 60 of the time it's right all the time we're rebels not players we're rebels that play we don't play we don't play that's it kk get over here i think that's supposed to be an expression not letters spoken oh the big boss are we players i'm a cd player that's a pretty good joke yeah let's just uh leave them to it wait they're getting away sweet chill there will be other bad guys no this is our chance they remind me of like the battling dancing rapping robots from the mad verse city game of jack box i want to say like five are you ready let's fight [Music] adversity is like the best jack box game [Music] yeah play some battle music oh okay okay it's like happy it's chill battle music sweet captain cakes block your way they're not dancing i need them to be dancing everyone bust a move chris is doing like that like is it russian russian can can uh susie's just kind of like kind of crumping oh and elsa's doing the charlie brown everyone danced with sweet they're totally lost in the groove now i love this song we having fun hey don't touch that oh those big ass speakers blasting out the beats all of them are dancing away up top there perhaps if we can get them all to dance we can win i like that there's like a separate solution uh this time around like oh isn't it his name his name is kk sweet kkk captain is is all of them anyways i just like rather than usual mercy egg we just have this different thing to do everyone danced they lost in cruise oh great having fun fun times for all right this barely sequence is a little bit easy but oh is it not charlie that does it it's it is a peanut thing there's at least i was at least in the right ballpark i don't i can't picture which character normally does it then that was near oh they all have to be dancing at the same time chris just keep trying to dance what if i dance with a character who's already dancing or does everyone have to independent independently dance i thought we taught susie how to how to act maybe we just said we would i'll just dance with chris and everyone else just do their thing they got lost in the groove the mix the sway oh god are they tossing baseballs at me what does that have to do with dancing some reason there's no tunes being blasted out of the speakers this time they're too busy checking musical snowballs that wasn't prepared really they're making it easy for me alternating and still caught me off it's just guard tough it just keeps going with a long song oh my goodness guys oh they're all danced out maybe they snapped out of the dance oh dang it chris maybe if you keep dancing just dance always the dance never stop the dance lord of the dance if we all dance i like the song taste the rhythm prism that rolls off the tongue nicely i like rhythm prism i'm i'm losing sight of what i maybe could or should be doing here rousey is sure supportive of the idea of just dance dance dance never stop dancing so i guess i just try and stick with that as much as i can oh that did so much damage wow is this really work hey is this really working maybe if chris uh maybe we tried ballroom dancing instead hey why the hell do we need chris to act because that's chris's unique talent so i think i wasted my revivement do you think i'm too stupid to dance by myself susie learned s action she can act from her magic susie minion i don't think you should [Music] happy feet dumbass susie made ralph say learn our action even though he didn't want to i'm sorry chris i don't mind if you guys do your own thing we kind of at the end of the battle talk or at the end of the last chapter or whatever talked about potentially teaching susie how to to act and so you know now we got we got we got this her own option her own ability to do so so everyone start dancing you dance with sweetie danced and danced and danced everyone is kung fu fighting but also everyone is dancing dance party this is a good place for the chapter to end call the curtains right now we'll just go straight to a credit sequence this is all we really needed right this is the best we could have hoped for for sure battle one brilliant feel the beat watch my moves dance dance hey losers wrap it up battle's over everyone just collectively agrees over in other type words we lost does that mean we can be friends no fighting is not really my style anyways yeah because you're a coward i mean it was fun dancing but sweet don't worry i think our dancing beat them beat them yeah all mercy like see when we dance with them it convinced them we're cool now they're on our side yes gonna play the fanfare of joining the party hey you three welcome to the good side we are the good side just go with it susie let's rendezvous at our junk shop we jam the door shut but we'll kick it open all right everyone let's go [Music] um just some dude throwing an interesting theory out there who they redacted they choose to reject i'm not i don't know i i think it's fine i think it's fine to throw it out there i think it was an interesting theory that all these characters talk with their tiny little icons but that the queen still has their big dark world first dark world style conversation portrait could indicate that they're from the other dark world potentially maybe but they still talk in a lot of robot sequences and they have like the robot visor eye and stuff so you know potential there's potential there i think it's interesting to say the least oh here we go well i'm glad we went and did our little checkmark adventure so we could have these wonderful fireworks to stop and look at wonderful you guys want to want to hurry up though thanks the way that the city is now open i think i'll stay in the countryside a bit longer though maybe you have a little bit extra to say everything is so naturally green here i'm charmed by the local music and flavors naturally green they make it sound like you know it's like environmental and not one giant tech bubble no way through i didn't like the height sitting on the pillow even though it was more comfortable on the bottom i heard this unassuming store is the rebel base but i realized i don't really know how i would help them i don't really want to buy any more pickles how many bagels have you bought at this point crash boom bang there's a terrific noise coming from the building nearby you are filled with the power of noise music [Music] yo what's up hey oh you guys have a very cool front store venue i dig it i don't they're 100 bucks now for bagels glow say would benefit a mecca saver i mean i'm gonna buy it even though i i don't really attack ever and the auto acts make sure to charge it don't chicken out yeah i'll buy i'll buy both why not i got the cash you still make lots of money even when you like spare people i will have a little chat tell me about yourselves i'm sweet ladies call me captain and kk we used to work the sound in this town until queen came around kk is short for cakes she made music against the law unless you make a song she likes but the only junk she enjoys are reverse diss tracks where the vocalist puts themselves down and praises queen oh so like eminem an eight mile or noise music but even if queenie tries to put a limiter on us you can we can't stop the music hear that we'll just go underground crash boom bang that's why we made this junk shot we'll fund our musical rebellion can we make noise music too performance what you want to see what we got yo yo can you handle this hold on to your antennas yo how was that did you get rocked all our songs are only four seconds long it's a future of consumption about queen oh just some dude did not mean to delete their theory is a good theory keep an eye on that it might just do the three portraits for these characters because the way they all talk at the same time but we'll keep it in mind keep in mind might be legit tell me about queen queen wasn't always so harsh no she was she just got worse somehow it wasn't till that dark fountain showed up that she started going into overdrive night this night that fountain that like what does that night even have going for it and i don't come on but like i said she wasn't always so bad she used to give me sweets for being so sweet i never got candy you keep calling her a hot mama cap yeah is that wrong she looks like a mom and tends to overheat okay help me out here cakes what do you think me huh i i like candy yeah you're right cakes we gotta focus on what's important if the band fights we'll get out of tune anyone have any lemon drops like to soothe your throat for singing and junk work our main gig is making scrap into machines our clients are sometimes a bit off key though they smell off key too like some little weird guy he wanted to sneak into the queen's mansion lancer rousey who's the little weirdo we're just rebels we don't want to get in trouble kind of asking for it maybe aren't you as like definition of rebels but recently we got a real high class client a man of taste he had a way with words i couldn't even understand him now all we got to do is follow the blueprints right blueprints come up quite a bit in this world it'll be our big break yeah it's gonna break apart big time i already did don't forget to buy something if you want can i buy something too see ya smelly i hear ya that's a wonderful way to say goodbye if you have a group of friends who can who can contribute to it otherwise if you tried to do that by yourself it might not come across quite quite the same but still pretty funny bad idea you get to add bad idea and annoying to my abilities lists i had spookiness up and it just didn't seem to really affect anything so yeah i'll go i'll go with having the options for annoying [Music] big old save hat guys back all my friends turned into wear wires but it's no big deal i've been on queen side since the beginning so i'm safe i thought for sure a wire was gonna swoop down and just plug this thing's face complain about queen but she gets a lot done hey friends i think i would like to not get involved okay i still touched one a little bit a smorgasbord too kind of a joke from the first game where you had a smorgasbord like a array of enemies to interact with just like this i will soft voice the cat and s action what are do you just kind of is s-action mimicking chris maybe they're there it's okay little kitty they commiserated with the enemy stick it to the man dude even if that means cloning yourself or whatever i don't really fully understand oh my god these little arrows i don't understand the s-action if it's their own thing entirely or if it's mimicking chris or something like that i think it's kind of meant to be their own thing well that's certainly makes it a hair easy oh i won't have a pacify option yet maxed out one of my recruitings it's just act for susie but it's it's her own thing right it's not her specifically mimicking whatever you chose for chris to do that turn because that's the the main thing i'm confused about i think it's meant to be their own action entirely like making their own decision and right basically what i'm trying to get at a little spinny floppy disc i'm gonna go hang out with them i'm gonna see what their deal is you open the chest a tension bit raises tv by 32 percent must not miss shall i help you save no i shan't i haven't the faintest idea what that is okay it's funny it's funny to have a floppy disk that we all collectively associate with saving even though floppy disks haven't been a thing for like 20 20 plus years oh the hat guy he got plugged if i were to go back yeah he was right there wasn't he dang it smorgasbord 2 circuit board boogaloo ashton you're on the money there well put the bombs seem bad oh they're throwing arrows at the bombs what if i make him throw an arrow at that instead he ran away i'm sorry little dancing dude i don't really know what your deal is but i'm sorry that i seemingly kind of ruined your entire life is what i what i'm left assuming here damn it i'm just trying to explore it all yeah there we go that was fully incidental i just assumed like one specific side would be open oh dang it switched up on me i don't i don't know if i was okay when you when you reach to the top it's happening too quick for me to react or say what i'm trying to say it sandwiches into another one and i was i was curious if there was like an alternate thing to be done i don't know anyways i don't think a hundred percent did it yeah i don't i don't believe so yeah i i was curious if at any point in this little puzzle [Music] if if you 100 did that it would take you to a different branch like i thought maybe it would be branching in some way it seems like no not really i want to try it again though and also i want to backtrack because like there was probably other things around there that i wanted to inspect oh it's been a it's been a like an hour and a half since i last took a little break i need to not talk for a minute get some water and me yeah i i just this time i'm going to take a break for a little bit longer i'll be back five minutes something like that and yeah i am going to make you watch that that dead estate trailer again because i want you to go wish list that game and if you missed it the first time or misunderstood this is a game i'm involved in it's not like a random paid sponsorship it's a plug it's a plug for something i'm a part of and that we're very excited about so you know go into this little ad break with that in mind and it's a a top-down roguelike shooter based around like horror game inspiration it was originally a halloween project it's still available for free online the original demo build but since then the amount of content is like 10 times 20 times more i don't even know much larger game spent a year in development and so yeah i'm sharing this as something that i genuinely am excited for for you guys to check out there'll be a link in the description maybe you go add it to your steam wishlist while i'm away i'll be back soon [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah that i think the ad is on a uh three a three minute cycle and so yeah so if i'm away for longer than three minutes then it will end up playing more than once i don't know hopefully that just gives you a little bit something to look at estate dead that'll be that'll be the sequel hey what the hell are these things looks like if we ride them they might bring us over to the fountain really then let's get on oh my god which ever owned cars with their own faces on it like mario kart style one of the sound effects it played in there i'm i swear was like the gasp that it played in the first chapter first falling into the dark room which people are pretty certain is like a majora's mask gasp of link first putting on a mask i forget exactly but that was potentially a an interesting little recycle there the hearts on chris's the flames on susie's and ralph says it's just like a dog rousey still has their arms behind their back what is with the commitment to that enough you foolish children i have been merciful to you thus far but now is time for your unwilling imprisonment capture drop the capturing capsules and you went and restocked a the casual recline and like the goblet you missed that was not a miss it was a tactical calibration so uh are you gonna try it again oh is that the fountain in the back good call i think that probably is no i only have like four cages okay wait i have a small plot twist for you come forward my peon oh no they're gonna send noel after us and they have their own like ice mage cart with toboggan said oh cuz they're like everything about them is like christmas themed of course uh um i i just couldn't say no no well no no well hi susie uh how are you okay i i guess um roller coaster is uh i i like it um yours too thanks everyone just gonna sit here all awkwardly okay this isn't working bring in the next guy burnley burnley did get brought in fear not my beloved noel this valiant warrior of brave intelligence will be your knight and glow in the dark armor burnley you asked birdly to be on your team i did not ask him i did not ask him i did not ask him that's lord birdly to you simpletons and soon super lord birdly the hell does that mean those stupid little faces this cart is making i have no damn clue just go with it you see thanks to our wondrous queen we will rule the world and turn this land of fools into a smartopia he's got like a dragon ball z scanner on a true scientocracy where the geniuses of the world can bathe freely in pools of fresh fruit and ambrosia no longer held back by protozoans like you and the key to that is us noel and i our power or maybe him being a super lord birdly is kind of like a super saiyan then if the whole thing is meant to be dragon bally the light nerd's power do you mean lightners ah no queen said light nerds i actually did birdly queen's just manipulating you that's what she said you'd say to me wait was rousey saying that like they don't know each other right it was a little bit weird to kind of like directly address in that way i actually did now chris i must admit i feel pity for you unlike susie i always saw some potential in you join our side and i might let you scrub our royal toilet do not join ah chris i suppose you knew you would never amount to much well if you're dead set on proving your inferiority that's a hardcore axe allow me to assist you birdly rides in ride or die i won't die the whole gang will attempt to bump into birdly's car bum bum bump nailed it chris i get why you're getting in my way you're jealous aren't you we didn't get hurt bumping him did we i i might just be hurt all on my own previously he's got like wind magic birdly asks queen what snacks they have at home queen nods she has ear buds in let's keep on bumping i feel like we're we're good at it stick with what we know chris you're tired of being the class number three gazing distantly at noel and i's fruited figures oh chuck and all is eight pluses oh god i should probably swap to a little bit a little bit of healing maybe yeah i definitely have the the tp for it so i'm definitely going to do it just just need a wee little bit so rather than studying you didn't list susie to take us down oh no there's a lot going on in this attack i was not i thought the red line was going to be the actual attack itself birdly shows queen his card collection queen escaped successfully just bail she doesn't even want to be around this dweeb nerdly birdly chris you're truly depraved playing in the mud with the class hellion it's funny we have oh damn it we have literal jockington but birdley's being like the jerk jock type character for sure can i heal a downed player probably not right dang this is going to be a little tough to pull through in the last little stretch here then i think i will take a little bit of a heel on myself no i can revive mint i do have one i don't know how ralph say didn't die earlier then when she just kind of he just kind of was revived on his own i have no idea but chris i am a kind of brave hero and if you come to our side you may be a slightly less distant number three slightly so that's what you're offering me to re retain my current number three placement that's useless birdly calls queen for help but queen is pretending to be on the phone no one wants to be around you or deal with your pompous know-it-all ism what my car is breaking fools this is smart smoke it means my car is getting stronger go ahead bump me you bump barrions i'll show you bumper cars is a game of intellect not skill i thought at first it was bump brains bart bump barons is much better i just realized they point the direction they're going to go so it's very easy to kill the chat i'm going to approve them because it's funny there is i want him dead birdly is an absolute neck beard kill birdly there's been quite a bit of andy birdly chat chatter in the chat throughout but uh the fact that like three independent auntie birdly messages came in at the same time and all of them got caught and filtered by youtube was i'd like i'd never seen that before that was everyone really piled on this little dweeb all at once didn't they partake chris the zephyr of punishment i really i i can't seem to go one attack pattern of disguise there that was like the only time i didn't get hit at all it was ridiculous how much i got hit you know what i'm taking uh a defend here so i can try and make a little bit of use of rousseau's magic and who knows maybe we'll get some fun dialogue look susie the closest you'll ever get to an a oh he's chucking his a's at her mean what a meanie oh i really just hid in the corner and it worked splendidly i can't believe how well that worked i feel like jerry and rick and morty like i just kept crawling and it just kept working there we go save the items holy halberd grant me strength like instead of hal freak maybe or i can't even think of who would be the referenced deity or character there i'll do one more for the sake of sake of the heels and hopefully i'll be able to dodge my way through the zephyr of punishment god damn it i guess it wasn't worth it to milk it i thought maybe i had gotten good enough all right we can just put an end then bump and spare you will attempt to bump it always says attempt but it never doesn't work my coaster it's oh and hal bird a halberd like the weapon yes that makes sense good call on that one that's that's not fair my queen save me i love how often they reuse that like explosion gif in a minute dear hello everyone i have some news updates you see this roller coaster it's not actually finished yet what does that mean that laugh is so good i love it yes the halliburton is totally the type of weapon they are using as well but i've been watching buffy the vampire slayer and willow always messes like reaches out to hal frick so i had that in mind oh no hecate hecate hal frick is a totally different character also in buffy but anyways that's where my brain was halberd is a weapon it's a weapon birdly was using you guys are right good catch well done looks like this trash saved us alfies you hanging out in this trash pile maybe or is this regular old city trash that you're gonna find in any city come on what is that like do not sign you just jumped on keen the trash pile now yes well done susie great great work susie are you alright it's it's nothing i just oh no need to be brave sure you don't want me to look look at what i'm fine i got a cat at the door hmm that was wrong not this time but if i don't let the cat in they're going to destroy the carpet and i don't want that give it a little give it a little hug hug it out maybe a little kiss better whoa the heck are you feel better feel better after you just came up and doesn't feel worse i guess how do you do that anyway that healing thing oh feeling magic it's simple susie anyone can do it i could even teach you if you're interested ask me again when it's like blood explosion magic but if you wanted i guess i could learn it then you wouldn't have to annoy me with it anymore susie next time we have a break let's just go already chris that's nice you were gonna teach her how to act and he never did that but it eventually came back up so that was like the the most of like old susie we've seen in a little while getting like offended by a hug still still a little unfamiliar it's a trash bag that looks like an eggplant is that because there's an eggplant inside of it you've dug through the trash and found a dark candy we haven't found a dark candy on like the tree here or anything you dug through the trash and found trash but it's interesting to find a dark candy that grew on the trees of the previous dark world here like did someone bring it with them or totally unrelated or like also yeah the little glitches on the screen are interesting this is like a reject part of the world i guess where the code is like incomplete and things aren't going well yeah susie basically wanted to learn corpse explode it's a trash bag that looks like an egg okay they all and then is it an eggplant that looks like a trash bag yeah that checks out newbert i'm newbert everybody loves me that's why i live in the trash my man but no one even no one wanted to comment on the the little guy another shortcut door but not one we can actually use unclear if they will only be useful to travel within this dark world or between dark worlds and yes i think it's about time i acknowledge this insane googly-eyed trash man oh boy oh boy i'm trashy did you know about adjusting your inventory trash cans like me can hold all sorts of things just like your storage if you get more than 12 items uh yeah not now dude it was sort of an emotional moment [Laughter] oh that's okay just over here dancing away promoting his trash bin ways while everyone's crying their eyes out over in the corner oh hell is that newbert over there really where everybody loves him what a weird addition no time for this guy by the way chris i just remembered although you can only carry 12 items around your storage will hold extra items yeah yeah we've already been through it you're just you're doubling up on what trash is over you're trying to tell us we didn't want to listen to him and you're just going to repeat them for yourself anyways enemies you spare get recruited wow that seems like pretty useful information just in case you had avoided every semblance of a tutorial at every point up until now just got to give a quick reminder there there's a fork in the path chris it seems like it might be advantageous if we split up why ralsi you've been real chill for a while now i have no reason to doubt you but at the same time i fully doubt your motives i'm sorry to say so yeah i'm less than excited about splitting up who do you want to go with oh this has to come down to a chat i'm not going to run an actual poll or anything but you just need to tell me rousey or susie i'm going to keep like kind of an eye on it please only post once don't spam a name because i will put you on time out uh we'll throw that threat out there is this one shot or something with the evil glitchy squares solid reference cyber snake lord also very fitting name considering the game we're playing right now i'm getting uh like quite a few suzies okay that was that was like eight susie's like three ralph says i'm getting a lot now it's like 50 50. i think i'm still seeing a few more suzies it's pretty split it's very sweet you guys are nuts i think i'm legitimately gonna have to make um like a straw straw poll that's what those are called right straw poll i did i didn't expect the answers to be so so split let's i'm just trying to throw this together as much as possible come on just let me create it it's forcing me to put like a title on it and stuff all right we're doing we're doing uh a poll here i'm gonna share the links the link like a couple of times um and you know what i'm even gonna switch to like display capture so you guys know i'm not cheating the system i'm not do you know i wonder if the camera's struggling because i don't have a light on i was enjoying the like i don't know immersion of it a little bit but it seems to be maybe possibly the source of what's wicking the camera out and the constant blurring still not going well i'm gonna share the link a couple times why see it's super focused on my hand great hand detail terrible face detail there we go butts okay as long as i know that people are able to vote i am so torn because i feel that i want to keep an eye on what ralph says up to but like i don't know i've really been enjoying susie as a character you know you can't vote more than once that's that's worth knowing i am not a robot and i'm in a vote i'll say i think i'm i want to vote as well i'm casting a vote hmm that's no votes are showing up so many people said they voted what happened i p duplication that's good i wanted ip duplic duplication checking wow that was a disaster that didn't work at all well i i it's not it's not showing any of the votes are there other things like straw poll that work why did that go so poorly maybe it's because i had imp improved spam protection that sucks i'm sorry guys i'm trying i guess i'm trying to second so someone said flip a coin you know what that's a decent idea rather than spending all that time doing that all over again so good old canadian quarter we got going on here the is it an elk a moose i think it's an elk is going to be rousey because it has horns and then the queen can be susie because it's a girl so i'm gonna do like flip catch it on the back of my hand sort of thing and whatever it is that's like you gotta catch it slap it and without me affecting it ralph say we're taking rousseau with us all right that's one way to get to the bottom of that sorry the straw pool went so miserably hey why does chris get to choose all the time wow all that and this might not have mattered at all ralsay you're going with me chris i oh the little dog little dog cones huh well didn't expect that to not matter there was a one slightly different squeak there yeah this was a little slightly different squeak all right well that was uh all right we just have to go alone a lancer not not look don't want to hang out or anything hey oh that's so fun that we get to see them do their own thing welcome to the city all the cars down below so much time wasted yeah that didn't go well you have neither fluffy boys nor mean girls with you now reluctantly you are filled with the power of the cat sign the the the neon sign in front of us i guess is this a a wire where wire that's like a business person i heard the roller coasters are undergoing maintenance that's a pain because it's our only form of public transit welcome to cyber city pedestrians need to press the switch to cross traffic like toby teased parts of this so long ago like the like screenshots from this the the red cars and everything oh my god oh they just get up and keep running geez that was less than helpful it kind of helped a little bit more of these pro janitors what are we cleaning up for you at what you ask we don't know what parade perhaps a large event is going to happen in the streets later we were told to make room for something big well then you dug through the trash and found 20 20 dark dollars was added to your money where can i keep track of my money hole by the way uh there are dark dollars 1500 all right my money hole i guess just is my pocket i got attacked by a sidewalk pop pop-ups popped up they popped up from the ground are they also going to be like pop-up ad oriented maybe pop pop up oh wait i didn't mean to actually attack it's the first time i attacked oh it's the job oh god oh god they're attacking with pop-ups oh no no the pop-ups aren't what's attacking they're just like hiding my ability to see what the hell i'm doing i can't do anything to the tired one i don't think i don't want to kill it or anything i almost did i think i'll click it you unconsciously clicked on an ad for a video about making knives out of spaghetti that's what happens when you accidentally click the ads oh that made another one click here click here click here click here i don't know what the like spamming randomness is i don't know why they like shoot birds i don't i don't i don't get any of that it's begging you to click on a broken link with the puppy dog eyes i will just block it then right yeah block ten ads happy you liked having your ads plucked ah he's still chucking all these birds at me i'm trying to think of like the pun the pun that goes along with the the birds i'm not seeing it oh the application is only supported by os 2000 if i manage to recruit all three of these guys i'll already have enough recruited for the city so that seems kind of easy i don't know what otan zombie own bond of death is they keep saying it not a clue what that's all about oh i can't believe i squeezed through they're so cute they are cute is it like twitter i mean kind of but like it's twitter has ads i guess but so does like the rest of the internet so it doesn't feel that twitter specific but like i could see that being just them throwing out their tweets it could be all it is you dug through the trash and found a cd bagel i kind of should probably uh eat just eat one of these if i have no one around to to heal me if i'm just gonna dig them out of the trash anyways it'll just say there's trash if i go back right down trash noel i just was not expecting it chris what are you oh noel sweetie don't let her find me i'm so happy that i probably get to team up with noel sweetie darling honey where are you we're a team now remember you still have to be my willing minion chris it appears our comrades have pressed the escape key on us so it has come to this in order to find our teams we must form an uneasy truce queen my splendid queen where are you oh no don't let him find me he that's quite the move but i'm not you're not joining my team birdly not happening ah chris not the life form i was looking for where's the rest of the c plus squad don't tell me you got abandoned that's what you get for trusting susie noel queen they're just busy retro gaming somewhere i bet they're waiting for me on the player select screen listening to strangely groovy music so it's come to this in order to find our respective teams we must have a tentative truce it appears we must form an uneasy truce what the beep said you could double trucees huh did you hear something honk no it's just the sounds of of the city oh okay well i'll be ahead don't be late do i actually get to team up with burnley for a bit it would be funny to like get to learn more about that character i don't hate them they're fun to hate on but i think they're kind of hilarious chris as part of our truce the better one keep distracting birdly and find noel for you see [Music] birdly ease okay there's nothing wrong with him he's just annoying doodles everyone's dumping their birdly hate in the chat chris i um if it's okay got any room for another truce you're gonna have to get the short truce i already gave away the big ones but you know this is my favorite truce no triple truces of course thanks chris noel joined the party she has a snow ring a ring with the emblem of a snowflake a silver watch grazing bullets affects the turn length by 10 percent more grazing bullets shortens or lengthens battle i don't know which i didn't know it did either and a royal pin a brooch engraved with queen's face careful of the sharp part i don't know can we like take it off seemingly it's a good item yeah i i guess keep it kind of seemed like maybe not the sort of thing we wanted but what else can you tell me about it level two tactician commands the party by acts sometimes and level one snow caster might be able to use some cool moves very high coldness very low boldness has heal sleep mist and ice shock okay seems all good to me noelle has joined your party you are filled with the power of not knowing a sugar plum is not knowing what a sugar plum is having this christmasy reindeer on your team just immediately brings along visions of sugar plums dancing in your head so um any idea where susie is i'm just asking it's a normal question [Music] the bell like from the section with the winged bird and the star walker it's basically the same sprite not quite maybe not quite it's a hole for mice to come from it's a hole for mice to enter into mice will rotate 90 degrees when they collide with the block citizens must push blocks to get mice in the holes use the belt to reset why is this a thing that citizens do hmm not what i wanted to do oh the wrong the wrong out yes the mouse oh she jumped so high it was amazing sorry chris i i could you deal with them somehow maybe if you can get them in the other mouse hole annoying mouse room this is what we needed presumably no i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't fully understand chris if the mice hit a wall they'll come over here try using those blocks to get them in the hole i didn't i didn't like fully think through or appreciate how what i needed to do there looks like that took care of it i'm sorry that i botched it as many times as i did but like why why was that a thing that you know apparently citizens need to do in order to move around their city what's going on what are we doing i didn't think about the fact that like this would all be unfamiliar what are you telling me to do act can someone please explain what's going on oh boy is this the first time in a battle ah well yeah i i guess oh boy you and vero vero couldn't explain how battles work to noel uh i get it it's kind of like dragon blazers that's the game she would play with her dad we can win through mercy if we're nice we can win through mercy yeah and the way i have to do that is dressing up in a weird costume yeah you and noelle showed the enemy tender loving care well did i do that did i screw something up why did she faceplant so aggressively oh god i didn't it really went down aggressively there yeah everyone just take part you won yay noel you feeling good about it look at these angry medical syringe wielding coughs are they like cops and doctors and also judges there's a lot going on the ambulances beep towards you we can show them hospitality noel acted warmly towards the ambulance needles aren't scary medicine's important you know this girl is so sweet let's give her free bullets all in a day's work wii u just do a little tiny like little penny wii u there's a little bit of orange in there and i don't know what the orange would be noel's too wholesome so innocent not not a clue what's going on seems like lancer should be involved while dealing with the ambulances i agree for some reason lemongrab is here and he's wearing like a tight spandex dancers uniform we are addisons all we do is advertise this is an advertisement too [Music] is that too predictable advertisements now only 9.99 i'll pay that don't like advertisements block ads for 9.99 change your mind bring them back for 9.99 that's a market [Music] there's more of them don't like advertisements block them change your mind bring them back okay all you guys are pitching me on the exact same thing here i guess there's like a dolphin bye bye dolphins i would love to buy some dolphins i'm except hey friends susie she's right there but i i can't get the courage to say anything those blocky balloons are so strange who's that person she's with anyway it looks kind of like they're looking over here oh let's go oh come on no no well you you scaredy bones not gonna do it hey oh dang i tried to do that all right well it's as easy as just telling them hey i like doctors oh okay they they're won over very easily fully recruited i can't use damn it can't use the heel prayer might need to milk a a battle a little extra long at some point there we go the way she covers her ears and like eyes while running through traffic like that is so great oh darn this is like playing a slot machine uh kind of it might work dodge barely barely squeeze through i love the way she runs through there that's so amazing now i'm gonna keep doing the ad joke as many times as it presents itself in fact that's just for telling me not to do it makes me laugh i'm gonna keep at it can't even cross the street without getting my ass kicked i love the city those two statements i guess uh i guess you can entertain both thoughts since everyone else got plugged they're a lot more agreeable it's nice but no but he's he's just he's just kind of okay with it boldness now minus six what did you see that it actually went up oh crap um it was minus 12 before is that right that's interesting that the character is becoming more bold as as we're progressing through things here oh ferris wheel super fun time it's an average advertisement for a giant ferris wheel gosh that's amazing makes the one at the festival look like a toy i wonder if susie would want to gosh who am i kidding susie would i was going to say i will ride with you all right the sushi wood really you really think so coming from susie expert chris thanks hey chris how did you become the susie expert good question you can try as you like but you'll never get in past my strategically placed pylons that i never placed but that i'm taking full advantage of it's so weird that lancer just hasn't mattered i'm sure he'll he'll come at some point fine i did show the enemy why why why hey virus you've got to pay we have one like virus based character and one medicine based character and they're like at odds with each other that's pretty funny needles aren't scary but why why does she face plant i will not understand oh my god little characters they summon become incredibly hard to avoid very instantly you make so much money by doing battles like really just pours in doesn't it looks like you need to hold it down chris you keep standing on this one get separated okay now come over here nice teamwork yeah but i i also it's so hard to tell which one of these directions is going to like advance the story and i don't want to accidentally pick the wrong way or miss something oh han two young beings together on a school night could i interest you in some brand new dating shoes no you've got it totally wrong chris and i are just um friends chris has been my fav chris has been my neighbor forever we've been through so much sometimes it feels like we know each other better better than anyone yet somehow it's hard to say we're exactly friends we're friends yep that's right we're friends it's surprisingly nice just hearing chris say that ah you two don't look together can i interest you in some brand new divorcing shoes brand new hey maybe just uh did a quick quick swap on the label of the dating shoes multi-purpose they could be either you became lost in the craftsmanship of the boxes that's it they're just there just to box it up hey i genuinely thought there'd be more to interact with chris it's queen she's right over there can you distract her somehow oh you're here sorry chris well i've been looking for a noel i've had like four of these all ages appropriate glasses of pure battery acid i thought she was gonna pour it on her face wow she's going a little manic a little more manic don't worry that was my throwing glass it's safe look chris crisscross applesauce now i had a teacher in like grade two used to call me graham graham crackers and applesauce she had like nicknames for like everyone in the class i don't do people eat graham crackers with applesauce and never really got it it's not even how my name is spelled but you know still funny now that we are true sees i feel like we're on the same mathematical wavelength you get me crystalline right on his face you do not do crazy things like have opinions or scream when i capture you or tell me horrible plans for smart boy theme park i just cannot compute it why everyone else is so ungrateful this got another one oh you have an exploding glass as well as a throwing glass eh whoops that was my extra dangerous glass chris i just want to make everyone smile and if i become an evil villain to accomplish that if i have to become an evil villain is that bad it's okay you do not have to answer you would be wrong but chris while we're still trucies maybe we could make the most of it i like having the actual literal villain interact with us so often but kind of not really do anything bad you know they're kind of just i don't know they're just like bombing around the city they're plugging people in that seems bad everything about them is like villain vibes but they're not really doing and they're forcibly capturing people they captured noel that's bad but like they're not attacking us or anything it's [Music] yeah i don't know i i i i dig the character and i like the different direction of it the the card king the spade king was so like elusive you basically never saw them just to have a villain that you're seeing constantly through the story i dig it we could play that game again this one looks different though much smaller wasn't that fun chris just you and me having a good time i guess we did do this with them once no one else to get in the way this big iq diaper and he's wearing crocs queen i've been looking everywhere to show you this a monument to our greatness together oh um no i i it's uh well it's how do i put this that was not me it spammed itself very smart so smart you are i love tolerating you i knew you'd be enamored such perfect taste very cool statues i did not know you had nipples i will soon in our ideal world chris feel free to admire our artisanship queen and i have plans to consider yes so so good looking forward to that [Music] let's go burglay she gonna eat birdly keep going i'm right behind you procedurally lowering the volume of my voice [Music] sorry chris i must alt tab out of here her lowering the volume of her voice would make birdly think she was getting further away from him it's like you want him to think you're keeping up i think [Music] she's it right out of there wow cool face the antler is sticking straight up through it looks like my disguise worked silly looking but it beats hiding you just gonna stick with that one that robot that is the robot face that i think queen was saying they were gonna turn her or other characters into i'm pretty sure it was actually that let's get going chris i i want to go look at more of the well-crafted boxes back here just realized i can't see anything i guess i'll try not to wear it unless i have to okay let's go for real this time did you just go wandering away and like bump and bump into something i'm sorry i i i missed it this [Music] part that sounded like a familiar like melody from elsewhere in the series i want to backtrack for a second what is this i like how she laughs with fahaha cause it's kind of like so i think that's a great little detail phew chris you stopped looking at this no you became lost in the craftsmanship why do we have to look at it twice there's so much to look at here chris it's a work of art what part are you looking at it makes me think like tom haberford that meme of him looking at like the the painting that he buys he's been staring at it for like nine hours straight or something if i say i like it will you stop looking at it hey isn't this thing just the best the statue seems to suck bad chris there is no reason to look at this i disagree and i will insist on continuing to do so until you tell me more nothing more nothing more oh boys energetic music wafts from the boxes you are filled with the power of musical bagels what'll it be chief cd bagel i will buy one [Music] i probably have room for more yo how is it hanging we're making some extra money by selling in the city we gotta make those those bucks somehow gotta buy new gear gotta buy new kicks i wanna buy i wanna be a car good thinking cakes gotta have a way to get around hong kong it's kind of like their very own pop pop magnitude from community cakes always got it right that's why he's second in command who's first uh i'm not the leader can i be third they've seemingly never established did you like the big statue building it sucked takes a lot of scrap the other job we did was way better it was big it's gonna blow your mind it was big what did you guys get up to i will buy one more if i i got the space for it thanks thanks boys thanks for all the goodies as good as new york ah yeah whatever i guess i guess i guess i'll do it i i cannot guess all i can do is jiggle noel has her own action as well you jiggled your body noel pulled the plug what did you add you didn't actually pull it though it seems to still have a plug on its face and you know pulling the plug kind of indicates killing in most scenarios i i i guess let's try and do that one more time they should be both super sparable now you just you're just yanking on it i hope you're not pulling it by the cord damaging these cables dang it all right well i i need to can't can't use your heel prayer that's fine i'll just try and survive one more little round so much better to heal in battle when you can sleep mist i'm see i'm seeing lots of people having to duck out for the late nightness of the stream that's fine i anticipated that that was gonna happen i'm sticking through it i basically don't care how long it takes i'm insisting on doing this in like one sitting luckily this game didn't release at like you know midnight for me personally it was it was like 6 p.m so i'm good why wouldn't you want to damage the cables i don't know man just it's good good uh etiquette just trying to just trying to preserve them it seems wasteful otherwise there's so many of these dudes welcome to cyber shoes too free samples would you like one yeah you've got a small shoe with a toothpick through it welcome yeah no it's fine you'll never get stronger without a daily dose of shoes this is the hottest tea shop hot hot hot oh or cold it's like an old snl bit i don't think that's what they were going for fifty percent off choose your own flavor okay choose your own flavor is i i realized right in that moment that's what it was gonna be okay here you go chris t was added to your items gross its own flavored tea the flavor just says chris it doesn't even say what it does i'm going to use it i'm going to use it right now on chris no reaction like noel had like a little pop up at the bottom there said no reaction i don't know what that was all about man this is some weird oh all right it's all it's all connected 45 hours later could do maybe maybe the stream will never truly end it's only it's only just begun sneak new opened inside was a bounce blade sounds good for bouncy pumpkin boy lancer less damage more defense i'll keep up the annoyingness i don't mind i don't mind maxing out the annoyingness of the character reminds me of the stickman grind yeah that was nuts how how long did that take me if i actually think about it it was something like 10 hours of those stickman games recorded in like a 24 hour period and edited and uploaded that was uh that was a lot i think i kind of over did it on that one luckily i had like a free entire weekend to dedicate to that it was worth it i i wouldn't do it any different but yeah that was uh it was a i was quite tired by the end of all that yeah it's still early [Music] plenty of time plenty of time for games oh is that the dress that like the lion character eventually wears in undertale they like start wearing a dress part way through the game and it might be that i i'm thinking maybe not caster eggs when potentially give me as much as like a week i'm in like between the all the videos i put together on two left thumbs the last like 24 hours and some other big stuff i have to tackle this week i gotta give myself some rest clothing stores sale sale we're selling this for 75 percent off only 300 dollars great doing business with you it was added to your armors why did what did i just buy the the mannequin i bought an entire mannequin question mark what it adds it's a mannequin with the clothes permanently attached useless it's like it's worse i can't even you can't actually even equip it why did they spend 300 on this why indeed chris can do it why can't chris do it i am fully will willing to sacrifice some defense sure chuck it on i'll wear a mannequin it doesn't make any sense well i'm gonna do it bye bye bye we're sold out bye bye it's a pretty good little joe warning me of cats perhaps what if i went exploring down below there's gotta be stuff down here i can't believe i made it through that this oh dang it just kicks you immediately back but it doesn't do damage or anything does it i don't know what to do about that what if i are you oh god no this uh running my way back up through here could be risky oh geez oh my goodness that is tough oh that's what i have to do i thought i was being so trixie and doing like an interesting extra little bonus thing and discovering a little little hidden thing down here [Music] where do i even need to go do you know what toby has always been great about introducing like really really simple puzzle concepts and then expanding them in really interesting ways where they become like a little bit difficult and more notably more complex oh it's down into the left dang it now sparing the enemies is more fun it's it's usually quicker and there's usually like additional dialogue options and now there's the whole recruiting thing i'm gonna stick i'm gonna stick with the the sparing that's my my preference little annoying dog signs do you think it could possibly be all by myself myself oh my goodness what is going on [Music] why would you do that toby this is wake up in the trash the room between there's a room between why would it say that it's a dumpster seems like there's a pillow inside why why would the little car come and just obliterate me oh there's a shiny thing you found the moss this always must be found your title was upgraded to moss binding why did they look so pleased i guess miramos and stuff are kind of cute what the heck am i saying get cadonia those are the best those are the the best lichens around lichens are what it's all about who needs mosses you hear me i don't know what any of that was about if if i just like it's like the tree in between oh [Music] i'm just gonna try and spam this a little bit yeah you're right that's totally the tree from when you do back and forth in like that one screen you have like a percent chance to find a goofy room i'm guessing that it's not like a hint that i need to be doing this again i could commit to that for so long and never find anything there's a room between it's such a weird hint to give now that that's like a rel like a well-known secret and things like i don't know what additional information that would be that's meant to be for people where the heck do i need to go there's not something i need to figure out over in the between room right the the dumpster area [Music] that that was all just weird extra stuff seemingly maybe crap dang ah that's not where i wanted it to put me was it possible for me to like run back up through this way towards something i think it might have been but i don't entirely know what to do with that information i'm suddenly like notably a little stuck oh crap you can't just like thread them because you can totally well these are paused you can just walk between them i was curious if that was a quick little little hack i have something in mind here i am trying to do something i'm repeating over and over all right that didn't go well immediately stopped one in front of myself i can't i can't imagine there's anywhere that useful i could make it in the limited time it's going to give me i can't believe that worked that was that was tight i feel like that was a very difficult little thing looks like another electric wall more mouses huh this hole has a switch inside of it maybe we could try to put something inside what do you think chris yeah mice annoying mouse room too so those are immovable i guess nope maybe i don't understand how this works at all oh my goodness down mice oh god i wish they wouldn't jump out of me like that how many i can send so many of them how many more times i'm gonna get hit by mice just sending sending all the mice okay this is notably a little a little bit of a difficult one all right all right first things first they are going to run out up here i'll probably want to shoot them what if what if i sent that out not quite the direction i want them to go i'm sorry i didn't mean to do it that time that looks more nope that's not gonna help anything either that's what i'm looking for now we're talking infinite mouse loop that's what that's what i was hoping for all along infinite mice [Music] i i keep sending them when i don't mean to here that'll be good [Music] this isn't as complicated as it first seemed but at the same time it's like a notably pretty complex little puzzle woven in here i don't think that'll quite do it ah all right chris you did it we should be able to the force field's still up did we miss something hello an info it's a citizen's duty to properly rotate and release the mice using the traffic signs okay i'm so sorry noel amazing chris i can't believe you made those mice huh i guess landing on the switch turned it off so basically you could have just jumped over all along but maybe you needed to be scared enough for that jump to be high enough you know let's go chris why are there so many mice in this city all the ones that don't make it to the hole who knows where they go jeez thanks for warning me about the upcoming cheese there sign chris you aren't gonna touch that jeez are you oh certainly i am i don't know why you think i wouldn't i am gonna touch the cheese you rub the cheese down like a beloved pet suddenly we're battling a mouse mouse trap one trap all i'll give a little trap you just you just worry about yourself now strap ah darn it didn't catch anything catch me catch me oh the little mouse is poking their little heads out they're kind of big they're kind of chunky when they do it that way the mouse is thinking about overly elaborate machines it's totally a mouse trap reference that's amazing what if i tried to trap all will it drop numerous cages no didn't even not even helpful dang it jeez touches i had to you're going to tell me that there was a block of cheese that you gave me the option to rub and then told me that maybe you don't want to rub it no obviously i'm going to rub it the way it moves is just so scary it's disgusting mouse was rejected everyone felt tired i can't help it i'm the scary guy i'm not that scared of you mouse i think you have a place in society i believe in you i might not have enough to do the the thing so i'll have to try one more time yeah i don't even i don't even have a sleep mist ready really i kind of just wish i was healing now oh you kidding me it raised it oh it counted the cat the gray's catch counts i wish it actually trapped it though wait did that that that doesn't end the battle though catching it that's not how i thought that would go their clicking sounds more like splat sounds i just think i should heal but i am risking getting hurt again left right well let's just put an end to that shall we this uh this little encounter was a little bit more than i expected i never want to see cheese ever again cheese was destroyed in the heat of the battle feels like you lost sight of what was important and that's truly devastating it makes me just want to go to bed fully can't cannot chris if i physically actually touch one yep yep okay i thought that might might happen but we had to try that's impossible ah there it actually did a little a little bit of a proper trap tired of being pushed around the oh it's a mouse and and mice it's very funny but also really super badly messing me up oh they go back to being big as soon as they're on their own it's tough damn i didn't really care that much because i just want to heal anyways but it's a little risky when you have to keep going through these over and over i i i can check just to see what's up i keep running between our feet it's just a little mouse living in the little house that's cute as could be and then you know let's let's put an end let's pronounce this damn it it's so far away i had still counted apparently noel screamed quietly i still have to do one more trying to like anticipate it it's just not going great i'm gonna risk going through the cycle one more time hopefully i come out a little more healed than damaged there we go that's what i'm trying to squeak and cheerfully here we go thank you thank you for the the motivation i didn't realize it was going to destroy all of the cheese that's that's so unfortunate so sad you open the treasure chest cd bagel i kind of i would appreciate a save point to store some of the stuff i have i have potentially too much stuff loaded up at this point it's a dead end [Music] we're comboing puzzles the switch didn't seem to work chris the platform's falling help me annoying mouse room the third just just go go mouseys [Music] doing you made me huh [Music] sorry chris you just saved me didn't you oh my goodness oh god please don't let this be on a timer this one's falling too chris whatever you just did keep doing it don't get out of here birdly are you kidding me ah chris stuck on the puzzle i see i thought i heard noel calling for help i get what the sound was now chris your brain must be crying poor sweet noel oh geez where could she be now stuck in a puzzle just like this one i didn't realize i actually was gonna have to deal with the timer for real that's uh kind of brutal that's not gonna work they all have to be solvable though right i love chris you would only get in the way i i i can't keep up with whatever it is you're saying here birdly you've been her lifelong neighbor but i'm a maestro of emotional intelligence i i think that one's not happening i can read the feelings like a strategy guide which i have never needed by the way but the reality is that she is a love struck girl with a heart on her sleeve huh birdly and chris the target of her affection is you might be surprising to you burnley birdly knows it's truly sad such love may never fruit but still i have to support her chris she's my friend also my only worthy opponent at racing games i love mouse is that really what you're gonna end it on i was waiting for him to save more i missed a couple bits of his dialogue there what how did you solve that and i read like 90 of your dialogue look at me multitasking even a broken clock is right once a day a broken clock is right twice a day he got the phrase wrong the first time i ever heard that was in the sopranos i just love it i think it's such a good little saying but like i assume birdly thinks that she's in love with him because he's a self-centered arrogant jerk and chris if anyone asks i solved the puzzle it's not fair for you to get extra credit for a fluke get it let no one think otherwise especially susie you know she just lorded over me well sorry noelle for all the mousings but probably that was like the ultimate mouse puzzle we've probably reached the end of that gosh no i don't think i'm afraid of mice anymore actually i think they might be kind of cute anyway let's keep going noel is now immune to mice that's really sweet that we maybe helped her like overcome that i'm guessing her boldness her boldness is up to 12. that's awesome we brought her up out of out of her boldness slump i'm glad to have been able to assist the mouse alley and i should probably actually store some of the stuff that i'm piling up its value increases each chapter i'm never gonna use it then i didn't even i i didn't even read that earlier i just kind of hung on to it just because uh so many of those a dollar with a certain dog on it its value decreases each chapter one i'm hanging on to that as well is it that's not the one singular dollar i got from that guy's life savings is that what i got is that my like you know uh lawsuit or insurance payout or something from getting ran over by that dog in his car is that what happened there i do want to read up on uh the new recruits actually i yeah yeah i i want to know more about these things an aggressive antivirus it's not down with the sickness i would not have expected to see a disturbed reference it likes loud sirens it dislikes funny sound effects its element order is elec pop-up known to say aso ass asabo which means let's play does it know that i'm trying to figure it out i'm trying to figure out what that would why why the weird things this thing says where do they come from it likes limo fruit and doesn't like adblock its element is virus task this cat loves you it likes cat food it dislikes cat food i was gonna say that reminds me of my cat because she eats so much of it and then still pukes it but then still wants more of it and begs for it you know so you just you can't there's no pleasing cats this is how they are the wear wire it was controlled by queen but it's stronger and cooler now so likes shock therapy dislikes emotional therapy mouse it dreams of reenacting scenes from cat and mouse cartoons it likes clicking it dislikes clicking on pop-up a virus with a slightly criminal streak and a heart of gold it likes retro games it dislikes federal justice system i i wasn't the the political weird political joke there took a minute to register that was it's just strange didn't didn't expect it i don't i don't even think i want to read into it 80 80 bucks plus 20 got a hundred buckaroos asabo is play in japanese so is is some of the numerous of the those ad dialogues that come up in those battles other bits of japanese as well you dug through the trash and found a cd bagel my god i keep fine there's so many of these things everyone's throwing them out am i the only one who likes him oh he popped up on me real good didn't he if he says more of his like japanese lines i would like people to help me with the the translation on that please what is just avoiding you noel got nervous and looked at the ground oh look at him his face is all dragged down i'm an expert at not looking at ads like i've been asked like oh you know that funny commercial nah as soon as the commercial comes on the tv i glaze over and just zone out for like 30 straight seconds don't even register a single second of it the enemy got shriveled and tired from lack of attention need look me you think you're the big cheese oh the the comboing that thing with with an enemy that's already within the box it's real difficult i would very much like to get rid of them as instantly as i can i won't have the tp for it so i'll just unblock them i kind of have to i think it's pretty easy to blast your way through that one oh it's tracking my movements i gotcha i i i could use ice shock now it's damage i don't want to kill anything that's not that's not what i'm about sorry i'm just i'm reading some of the chat yeah i i i i don't want to repeat when and where i use my ad jokes they need to be organic and laced in in ways that you're least expecting because as soon as you as soon as i became predictable i had to re re-strategize [Music] noel what are you doing with chris um i i uh we have a truce a truce with chris that's impossible that would be double true sees huh worry not my dearest noel i know what you really want to say you you do going along with all this you feel forced don't you that's why you're not with queen right now [Music] birdly you get it yes i do chris is forcing you to be on their side uh let's see that seems like uh that seems like an automatic ban in the in the chat there that's far too much spamming chris is forcing you to be on their side kidnapper chris our truce is over now well this may hurt but it's to help you wait just listen to me birdly blocks the way we can we we don't have to kill him we'll play done that's probably what he wants though right you acted like you were an idiot next to birdley's genius uh chris a shame i must defeat someone so lowly birdly like that ah chris i get it your head's gotten big from solving that puzzle but it was dumb luck oh my god there's so hi many the middle is exactly where i shouldn't be i it seems man maybe i shouldn't have stashed like all of my stuff that's uh a potential bit a bit of a mistake noel tried to talk to birdly i'm i'm glad you're trying to help me no need to thank me dearest noel noel accidentally complimented birdly chris used so you think it's your chance to usurp me at my weakest by taking my most precious thing noel wait is he asking that of noel or he thinks noel is his most precious thing he's such a jerk that it might actually be the second one i do want to try and play smart you encourage noel to use her mind her magic increase birdly found her smart's appealing but guess what chris i have one or more things you will never have to hold comrades oh no this is so many things happening at once damn it and i was already like kind of risking it a little bit i was pretty damn hurt that's not great is it i could just pacify them i if i can i choose to use it on noel yes i want to spend his turn on that sleep missed spare the tired foes there we go phew that's right chris unlike you i have a loving team behind me while they're gone now and you'll never beat us fighting alone i'm not fighting wrong what are you on about hey wait where'd the other guys go yeah what do you think of that birdly this is there's so much being thrown at me at once but in the goddamn house that was a lot i feel like i need to reevaluate a lot of what i was just doing i have enough i have enough for a heal i better try my allies are gone probably just helping queen search for me shut up oh no this is my least favorite one i didn't really learn how to do it god it's so risky and terrifying crap i'm having to use so much stuff i have to defend for the the sake of the tp summon more guys i i don't need to do that just wait the original the original will come back i'd probably do something something along those lines damn it you don't have like one bee in there there's not one subject that you're no good at i don't buy it you're cheating somehow birdly tries to entice noel to his side by gyrating his hips oh that's foul inside i gotta open the window i gotta get some air in here oh god our mercy is not very far along don't worry it's part of my calculations why why are you hitting me i just gotta try and like be as distant as i can from that god risky i gotta keep trying to pump it up though partake chris the zephyr of punishment dies repeating some of these other things crap on a crust i can't believe that worked it truly had no right to i gotta focus on some heels you did several math problems incorrectly it's just so stoked don't see me be stupid see if you can dodge this chris this one should be so doable i i i half the time i get hit by 10 of them half the time i get hit by none smells like frozen chicken i gotta keep playing dumb you've grunted like a primitive animal birdly like that noel cast heel for right what why am i reading that for it's like pretty pretty clear just get you just kind of getting the rhythm of reading the dialogues a little bit goodness gracious ah yeah i can i can keep playing dumb i have to use an item though we'll see we'll see how the hearthstone it goes you pretend pretended to knit a homemade dunce cap i kind of feel like noelle's a mage character and like a healer and a giver like hopefully the hearthstone it would be good for her it wasn't great well it's a pretty pretty not strong item i gotta admit 100 luck i like did not learn how to do that section at all even if it seemed like that went incredibly smoothly that was like not thanks to me i'm gonna risk it because this will take him down to the full full mercy oh good he doesn't get an attack still i don't think when he's 100 mercy okay best defense is a good smart brain using the using your brain to be smart with dammit birdly are you okay chris maybe we should have gone easier on him go easier [Laughter] the only one going easy mode was me you look exhausted i'm only tired of holding back my true power noelle i'd be too it'd be too simple to save you now chris go ahead and train your strength values try hard and maybe someday you'll be a worthy rival sometimes i can't believe how cool i am i can't tell if things are getting more glitchy i don't think so i think it's been a pretty continuous glitchiness around the city he hit me in the face with a tornado yeah it wasn't that bad was it after defeating birdly a certain scent hangs in the air you are filled with the power of chicken nuggets chicken nuggies i guess i can withdraw all the stuff i stored now that i used so many so many things i don't uh yes it has worms in it that's fine though i'll make do doesn't matter candy and we'll grab like two bagels we got a lot of bagels as is anyways [Music] no well honey where are you oh no here she comes [Music] noel come home i made you a battery acid pie oh chris perfect timing it was an exploding one as well have you seen oh my luxurious queen oh my circuits chris get in the car everyone is gonna tag team to get away from burnley my queen where are you i've baked you a gamer's delight not here [Music] that was close chris who is your friend my face recognition software does not compute them and yet something about them seems cool robotic even chris we must try to find noel did she faint everyone get in the car just out of utter relief chris pressed directional buttons to steer chris don't hit those cars but what do i do ah okay i actually hit all the cars i already missed some so much traffic isn't wonderful lighteners love traffic they look it up all the time poor noel she would love hitting all these cars um actually i she she might not stop everything chris get the banana you can start mario karting here i didn't even see it on potassium which is collecting bananas here comes the crossing get ready to stop nah just barrel on through more oh my circuits it's a traffic jam a dog must have wandered in the road again yeah with his psychotic kill everything mobile chris be a deer and go press the walk button it's just over on the other side of the road the sidewalk like bit is crammed with cars as well this is just like in the overworld we need undyne here to start lifting cars out of the way for us um i'll go too no you must stay until you hear all my mixtape oh okay chris hurry up please yeah i guess i guess there is a direction we can still go buy queen clean the most popular cleaning flavors shouldn't it be like a scent not a flavor made of 100 acid she does love her acid doesn't she hey every it's me everybody's favorite number one rated salesman 1997 spam tingey spamton what is his deal whoa if it isn't uh he's so tiny lightner hey looks like you're all alone on a late night all your friends abandoned you for the slime you are sails gone down the drain drain living in a goddamn garbage can he's utterly mad and he's my new favorite character please punch i got a special deal for lonely hearts like you if you've lost control of your life then you just gotta grab it by the silly strings why be the little sponge who hates it 4.99 is he like inserting ads into his dialogue every one of those is like an additional little ad that he's speaking through because he's glitching out so hard then you can be a big shot big shot big shot that's right now is your chance to be a big shot and i have just the thing you need that's hyperlink blocked you want it you want hyperlink blocked don't you well have i got a deal for you all you have to do is show me your heart-shaped object your lightner aren't you his his heart-shaped object perhaps you've got the light why don't you show it off don't you want to be a big shot i have to fight this thing spamton uh i can't heal deal him deal and heal 60. just deal hey i've never seen a heart-shaped object like that before my eyes are burning like dvds of any movie at half price i have a very special deal for you kid tell me more that's the attitude you little slime deals like this only come once in an ant sized rapidly shrinking life enlarge yourself oh my god it's so pretty deals it's like weirdly uh bargains what is the name of the thing from song spiral jigsaw little weird puppet what am i looking at there's nothing wrong with having a nice splurge every once in a while i believe it or i used to be a big shot the biggest but now i need a little generosity i can give them a bit of money yum yum delicious kromer did you have any more you felt your chromer being absorbed wrong choice what the heck is my grommer meet local singles oh my god what this what's happening in this battle this character is insane i love him but they're messing me up a little bit jesus bagels necessary transmit chromer no i assumed chromer was money like i've heard that word before but like i had no idea if cromer was actually in this context like it's something different maybe you're like what the hell is going on congratulations you're the 100th visitor click here to die golden flowers says this uses the moonside cafe from the heartbound sound font a few people a few people are talking about um earthbound related things kroger i think is like you know dinero or um i think de niro is a real thing in a different language but like cash doe moolah chromer might be a currency in an actual country but i think we just say it to mean money sometimes i don't know entirely i'm semi guessing it sounds vaguely familiar i'm gonna defend to get my tp up get big and win wild prizes cheap values oh god i kind of incidentally maxed out near maxed out my tv there i wasn't really trying smells like chromer the old deal yum yum i need a little more generosity don't no that's right and i don't mean money i'm a salesman i was never in it for the money this is the i don't like this attack there's so much going on and only some of them actually jump at you and it's all right all right i'm kind of getting how i how i could avoid that one jeez i was only ever in it for freedom to make your own deals to call your own shots and sometimes in the morning a little hyperlink blocked sounds good doesn't it kid don't you want to be just like your old pal spamton i think i do me personally yeah yeah take the deal take the deal now that's what i'm talking about you got guts kid that's discomfort and abdominal pains in my guts press f1 for help what if i actually did didn't do anything all right back to the battle trying to i raise out splendidly you're the 100th visitor don't worry kid i'll give you deal insurance only for the low low price of a thousand chrome or an awesome price an absolutely terrifying price price is so low everyone i know is dead i'll buy it yum yum delicious chromer did you have any more uh i guess i i thought maybe he would actually give me something and then in that weird way it would it would end up being worth it but no i think there's no instance where i should be giving this guy any money i'm curious if i'm actually losing money by doing these choices you did want more insurance don't buy what you don't have enough wacky stacks kid you're killing me is he he just loves the hunt of the sail trying to like convince you to buy things please stop killing me while i give you another deal i think that's meant to be the idea is that he doesn't actually care about the money he just wants to keep selling you like giving you his next sales pitch over and over again which is a really funny motivation don't worry kids i'm an honest man i just need your account details and the number on the pack then you can enjoy 1000 free chromer oh it didn't quite it was one percent shy you don't need it that's a real big shot move kid you're like me desperate but we know what we want don't move wild prizes hot single hundred customers most of all hyperlinked vlogs like the his face every time he has that will you finally take will you take the final deal remember this is up to you i won't force you no deal wrong no deal no deal i kind of assumed if i spammed it what is that like 10 attempts hmm guess i had to then a deal's a deal pleasure doing business with your kid dungeon nation free robux you won minus 36. all right i was scared i was giving him like three thousand dollars or more than i had you know now on to the next step i'll be waiting at my homemade storefront site in the trash area closed for repairs come alone and don't forget i'm with you in the dark to like and subscribe for more hyperlink blocked [Laughter] i wish i had me some a big tall glass a hyperlink blocked right now it's a dumpster looks like there's a pillow inside why is there pillows in all of these dumpsters that keeps happening is the mannequin just completely stupid it kind of seems like it is i don't know what good it does but i guess i guess i'm going to take it back off it seemed worth it like that there would be some weird gag or something funny but just there just isn't is that nothing nothing seems to come of it the poster is torn revealing a faded one underneath hey spamton is underneath that i thought at first he like drew his face onto hers or something big shot autos take a ride around town in our special it's funny i think a lot of people are saying like like and subscribe in the chat and the [Music] youtube is like filtering it out i think it's treating that as being spammy or something which is funny the rest is cut off how do car sales work in a in a a city where apparently there's only i guess two i guess or three if we include the little toy buggy that the annoying dog rides around and three car models for sale but seemingly not a lot of competition there's the affordable car a dog car and then like this fancy i don't know limo get in chris we have to drive to find noel turn on the high beams it's like a bat signal when she sees the queen signal she'll come why do you need to find noel so badly but he's saying a city is dangerous imagine poor noel clipping into a wall somewhere wasting away from potassium deficiency clipping in like like glitching out in a video game are they acknowledging that you're actually worried about her i would be if i wasn't going to find her but why her wait let me guess is it because she's weak enough to make into your peon no just the opposite it's because she's strong [Music] what do you mean chris stop the car why am i the driver what's wrong who who drove the car up to us to begin with what's wrong with it oh god i was just concerned because it hadn't exploded yet looks like we'll have to split up on foot split on foot was it split up or split chris if you see noel tell her my knowledge of her preferences is absolute and if she needs proof use this queen's mixtape was thrown into your key items doodles phew somehow i i feel like we're almost out of here let's go chris wait wait where is this mixtape i guess i can't actually like look at it gosh that was close wasn't it chris this strange world this big city so wild it it kind of makes my head spin looks like another puzzle maybe if i go down here kind of pick the pickup in the middle of that sentence there d dog d e dead estate i think is probably where she's going with this when i said the city makes my head spin i didn't mean in a bad way you know i kind of started to think it would be delta rune i always wanted to go someplace you know and des always told me she'd take me somewhere like this somewhere with shining lights don't you miss exploring chris back when the four of us were kids gosh remember that night we explored the forest behind the graveyard i know we never found anything interesting back there what does it add so far like decent i remember i mostly remember crying because i was scared what is it spelled so far december december but for some reason i feel nostalgic thinking about it yes wiping away my tears with azzy's jacket with warm sleeves that smelled like cinnamon i guess i didn't mind being scared if it meant someone would comfort me her name is noelle holliday i think chris is the only one who knows how weird i am it's not fair you know everyone knows how weird you are everyone's hiding they're weird no need to hide your weird you gotta flaunt your weird i was hoping there'd be like a little save point up here actually i'm going on going on a break i'm guessing we're kind of getting towards the home stretch based on the way that noelle's talking about it i need more water i might grab a beer or something it's like 10 30 at this point and i'm thirsty as can be and we're getting juicy celebratory i realize december connects to her specifically because she's a snow creature she's a reindeer her name is noelle holliday and like her dad is rudy and like it makes sense in all these different ways but like i don't really see how it connects entirely to what's going on in the game or anything and we still haven't even met her mom the mayor starts with a c i have no idea i don't i don't know don't know any of it i'm curious to know more i don't know if once we reach the end of the dark world if we're going to go spend more time in the overworld and talk to characters again i assume so but i don't want anyone to spoil that if they know that so there's there's potentially a decent amount of game left so i might take a slightly longer break five ten minute range which means the little dead estate trailer is gonna play like three times or so it'll loop every three minutes yeah i'm gonna try not to be gone too long but i need to stretch my legs get myself a little drink i'll be back very soon i've seen a few people in the chat saying things like talk less play the game more my response to that is watch someone else or play it for yourself you know i'm not going to change how i want to experience the game because like one in 100 people in the chat say that so yeah that's my that's my general response to that i don't say it to be mean or anything it's just like there's no reason to change who i am for for the sake of one comment so yeah sorry if anyone thinks i'm going about it too slow this is how i like to do it so yeah i'll be back soon [Music] did i leave the the mic on i think i had like a little sniffle there that's probably directly on camera pretty gross and i i muted the the dead estate thing instead i've never i've never done this sort of like uh little you know whatever media thing that like pops in never done it before so bound to bound to screw that up a few times i'm a genius uh well now i'll go take my break properly while i i'm done fiddling around with settings that i clearly don't understand [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now now we're talking [Music] now we're ending entering the after dark portion of the of the stream i really i really thought i was going to be able to like interact with these i guess i guess not oh that's funny i i was probably so close to like activating this little part of the story here oh no she's coming back this way i'll hide in that stall [Music] her theme music is great i mean the music in these games is always great hey check this out sometimes when she's facing straight forward it makes her her her thing look like her ears threw me off at the early part of the game and just now a second time it really like really threw me off all over again a new sweet right where's my prize oh um here nice wait i i actually don't want this why are we always just balancing things on our heads oh they're having fun at the carnival together eating cotton candies having a laugh how was that susie you're not supposed to attack people with it oh yeah watch me chris there you are chris check out my new you attack make a little kamehameha healing blast you felt slightly healed how's that meet the new healing master chris oh yes she's a real master at it chris god teaching you sarcasm was a mistake hello chris what's that you have there is that a gift for someone give it to where's birdly do you know what i'm gonna give it to birdly entirely because everyone in chat has been so terrible to burnley i think he's a jerk too i also think he's kind of funny and i know this would be the least popular choice chris have you seen chris we took a break from trucing for one second and you're already back with susie should have expected this you couldn't keep up with my puzzle solving skills i'm just seeing no don't he doesn't deserve it no why are you doing this it's a little teeny tiny bird a plush of me with nipples i guess i'll forgive you for now see you chris everyone's so bad i love it why the hell did you give it to bird what unexpected kindness chris let's just get the hell out of here oh wait no hell the the hell are you doing in there that's cheating glad you're okay though since that stupid queen took you i was kind of worried susie's become so like confident and speaks her mind so easily doesn't like sputter or like look down away from people and stuff thump sump wait aren't you on their side jacques wait wait wait wait wait chris help me she is our enemy no we we have a truce we're good that's right we haven't froze chris said i could i could be on your team oh really well if chris said so i guess didn't really want to kill you anyway thump thump i don't get the thump something so get in line already oh okay it's just waiting for the full team to form chris also said i should be behind susie well if chris said so let's go already smooth noelle i guess i'll join too but only for this room no one was asking you're just gonna you're just gonna force yourself in there hey i give you one little one little gift one little bit of pity and you just force yourself along in the team don't you see this is interesting because like with the two light one darkner like our full selection of three heroes and the prophecy or whatever it all is fit together and there's like not room for noel in that arrangement she's like not she's a part of the team in the sense that she's following along but like and the whole other way is like very very much not part probably wouldn't be there in battle look chris another teacup ride are so stupid because i gave the present to burnley but there's only three seats maybe two of us could share one damn i guess we gotta take the stairs i like watching noelle's subtle ways of trying to force her and susie together she's pretty good at it mind you i i'm not knocking i think she's doing a bang-up job of it they will be a couple in in one hour or less just you wait and see before the clock strikes strikes 12. wait i know um to turn off that force field you just stay standing on the switch huh well see ya guess we're leaving well see you later wait what what did i volunteer for i'm so sorry noah that's very sad the treasure of air where three are one place one to three perhaps it means we all have to enter one teacup well i don't like doing it but it works oh are we going to go do that without without noel involvement burnley is just straight up gone where did he go at the end of that room oh she's thump thumping like her heart or something that does make sense i assumed she wasn't saying it and it made me think of bambi and thumper even though she's a reindeer not a deer and thumper or a rabbit or anything isn't involved at all at all i did i don't know i didn't swear my brain went you all jumped in one teacup you heard a clicking sound [Music] we're not gonna ride it up oh no we're we're doing that again no we don't even want to ride it up it could have been fun you're seemingly ignoring the fun potential ah local time midnight local time now we're in 15 then then they'll be coupled chris don't take too long okay yeah yeah no no it's fine i'm just gonna run around and talk to everything and interact with a bunch of stuff and totally disregard you drag it out as much as possible sorry really this is just a chest full of balloons that's nice and all but not really what i was looking for get hit no i mean i should try though still right hey chris let me show you my ultimate feeling not gonna be able to do it anytime soon will you use your service friends rousey encouraged you to get hit by the ambulances no i don't where there's a we there where there's a woo there's a wii we there's a woo i don't really want to get hit sucking up coffee out of a tall glass they call that mosquitoing you ever mosquitoed a beer before it's a very strange little thing we used to do in college sucking up coffee still i do kind of just want to build up the tp ambulance hell no like doctors even get me told you to avoid getting hit did you take your bullets today i'm i'm trying to add a little bit of tp smells like isopropyl isopropyl alcohol i don't need any i've already lost interest in susie's ultimate healing thing it takes 100 of your teepee i i'm not gonna bother skipping through save the save the genocide route spoilers no spoilies in the comments try not try not to bring in too much stuff you've learned from like other streams and your own playthroughs so um why were you all riding a teacup together the balloons looms trust me you dodged a bullet hmm okay yeah there really there really wasn't much to it oh the fireworks are still rocking after all that time great [Music] dodge the fireworks that was pretty easy it barely even like broke my stride you know jeez they tricked me i walked right into it it was hard to avoid upgrade i'm curious there's only one solution for a mouse here kitty kitty so we just have to fight the cat now huh that's amazing and uh you know thanks thank you susie i at guess we can get rid of that pretty quickly i think talking a soft voice there no kitty got on all fours and chased the mouse around the room like an animal well that's why we don't really leave susie in charge of her actions most of the time that seems to be the the general route she takes but hey who who am i to complain it seems like it's a dealt with thing now at this point it worked out oh i actually most dislike fighting the mice alone this big beefy mice running through the room maybe if i fail traffic a few times i'll at least earn enough tp to do the ultimate heal now now i want to see it now now i insist on seeing it there we go filling up the tv just for for fun ultimate heel on barrel stage he he could use it tired of being pushed it was it was garbage it took all of the tp i i was hopeful the characters would at least i don't know talk about it or something not even it's absurd oh i can't believe it you stupid mouse susie chased it around rousey started putting peanut butter on a spoon and put it in a trap oh suzy what have you done the hell are you blaming me for you made the trap that's amazing but kind of sad try not to think about it too much and just think about the fact that it's it's funny we'll leave it at that wait a second where's noelle sorry i i've just never seen fireworks up close before that was they have to make excuses for why noelle isn't in any of the battles those bullets what you scared uh um i i guess so maybe that's why i couldn't stop watching those buttons seem to not matter at all [Music] yes so now i have one mouse you put the mice in the hole i think it would just be mount with split that's fine what is the point of these buttons like they're affecting all these things that are so far away from me and don't seem to matter at all you don't have enough knight i don't know don't have enough mice i was trying to collect that oh mouse we go now i see what's going on i would say it seems obvious in hindsight but really wasn't 20 more damn we're gonna be here forever maybe if we split up the work i'll release the mice susie will break the balloons when they reach the top and chris you catch them i guess that's why there's so many independent buttons all over the place uh if that's okay ready go so we got it we got a new ideas person do we well nuts that went poorly you have to catch it right from the top it can't be from the side they're taking turns pressing the button i i really i have to say i'll say i don't think two of you were needed for that job maybe you could also help collecting mice or i'll i won't knock it it seems to be getting the job done [Music] goofy a little rkd minigame hell yeah take that you stupid mice it's nice seeing you enjoy a puzzle susie borderline puzzle that's a stretch i'd say well maybe they aren't awful if if you do them like that but not bad noel that was kind of smart thanks maybe next time i'll let you do my homework can i she would like genuinely enjoy that that's like her the number one thing she would want you put the mice in the hole [Music] you're welcome mice i assume this is a thing you want done to you you put the bucket in the hole that's amazing look at that red carpet look we're finally close to the fountain it's queen's mansion wait why did we come here chris you brought noel right to me i knew our truce was the best but unfortunately that means true seas are over noelle get over here but i know well i will only say it one time infinitely get over here get over here get over here [Music] noelle are you hesitating let me if then this for you how about if you don't listen then a certain bird might take a ride in the acid river that's right he was just with us we must have captured him when we weren't looking [Music] i i'm sorry chris suzy i it's kind of reminding me of when we arrived at the castle and and lancer immediately like betrayed us for the sake of the chaos king i i was i always want to call him that card king spade king i'm i'm sorry chris susie i i wish i could have stayed with you longer but i can't let birdly get hurt you know oh my god we just don't know anything about the night i feel like there's so many cliffhangers that were left that we got nothing on [Music] don't be sad noel honey all that remains is the final step uh my splendorous queen there you are sorry i thought i saw you in a used game store and oh well are you okay you look a little funny i see now her will must be unleashed by force perhaps if i make her face into a robot one but you said you wouldn't do that if i variable lying set to true we were gonna be smart together that's not fair understood oh is birdly gonna join the team no we still have rao sabra i don't know where rousey is standing right now but fairness activated oh she totally mentioned at one point that she has like three or four cages hey good thing i calibrated those cages you said i could trust you you said you were a gamer hardly i think i got a cat in the door and hear them scratching clawing at the door and then immediately hiding but they came in birdly i only play mobile games oh hell what kind of this is truly satan this character they're the worst villain of all time one of you is going to help me with my plan and it's going to be the rest of you go to your rooms the cat's meowing at me where are they hi what what are you gonna do with me oh damn you're still here i only made four cages i literally don't know [Music] that's all folks there we go kitty cat rejoining for a little bit how do you like your new room units not nearly as nice as the other castle as you can see they're perfectly suited to your interests which i gleaned from your internet search results chris likes knives and vhs tapes and orbs and tubes i estimate you will have no desire to leave oh this is like a funny inverse that like rousey actually cared and actually got to know us and actually made nice rooms for us and now i feel so terrible for treating them like the villain of this game please tantalize yourselves with your surroundings and wait patiently while i dominate the world toodles also a calendar chris hey can you hear me looks like there's some way to communicate between rooms convenient isn't it i really thought of everything shut up anyway let's think of some way to get out of here ralph say you got any bright ideas hey where the hell's rousey there's two little tiny like toriels playing the piano in the corner damn that soft yet tender screaming chris that's got to be him quick we got to think of some way to get out anything you smuggled in that might help us lancer can you finally be of use oh it's me lancer release me and i will release you that's my boy i've had him with me the whole time missed me because i missed you oh it's nice to hear his music again lancer that you thought you ditched us no i love ditches but i would never ditch you he does like digging holes and ditches are just big holes to dig i was simply relaxing in chris's spacious pants hole uh pocket yeah and i saw it all pants lent various items a wild mom put you in some shock cages yeah we're trapped so um hey wait did you see us on the roller coaster yes it was amazing my first coaster ride i love getting nauseous with friends goofy little doofus i did miss him i kind of thought he was a bit much in like the first chapter but then having just replayed it the other night i was like no he's a very lovable little doofus it's a hard line you make a character too obnoxious too stupid too childish to anything and you end up with like bird buddy you do it just right you end up with lancer hey you should probably uh free us oh right yes you can always rely on a friendly meme to make you free i have no idea how to use this are you going stool form on the computer request new item for room that sounds good item request shovel why is how is he only typing l's quantity let's say 999. wait he just said wild mom i don't think he said it was his own mind yeah just just a wild one quantity let's say 999 quantity overload oh it worked let's go blue person whose name i know that's like a gag at the very end of chapter one and then they directly say to lancer this is chris it's dozens and dozens of bath bombs from search query diy bath bomb it seems to have been overloaded by shuffle request shovel requests this is known as dozens and dozens of shovels attack it's a jelly in the shape of various knives from search query sharpest kitchen knife jello why would jello be a part of that term it's jongler's book on jongling and other tricks from search query how to use magic i hope john glare is a real character we we've come in contact with it's a calendar with college vacation circled from a search query summer vacation college when oh that's kind of sad but kind of sweet use the communication device yes you put your whole head inside and honked chris the hell are you doing trying to fit your head inside yeah i mean hey we didn't have time for this you consider dropping bath bombs inside but there's no time but i would love to still anyways it's a vhs explaining how to install video game piano from search query video game piano tutorial there was like a there's a set of jokes in the hospital of chapter one that have to do with like the obligatory mini piano it's two pixelized tutorials playing the piano from search query query video game piano tutorial that's so brilliant and so stupid makes me wish i would have realized so many doors chris hey man lancer you're the best dude come on noel and mal say are waiting yes let's put the pedal on the metal oh he's glowing hey lancer you okay dude i i'm fine just very cold oh maybe you can't live in a different dark world hey what the hell hey are you okay dude here let me heal you that's so stupid thanks thanks susie but darn it's not strong enough huh i don't know if i meant to feel bad for lancer right now i think probably not because i doubt they would kill him off in this way and he's so like doughy and goofy and pathetic in the way that he's like dying and also the music is like i don't know this kind of like harpsichord or something nothing about this says to me this character is actually dying so i'm not taking it very seriously but like man am i gonna have egg on my face egg on my face if this character just dies quick chris let's find ralph say maybe he can heal him throw the piggy back wait wait you two aren't going to leave without me are you that's planning on it yeah yeah but noel my damn still in distress she must be in distress and if i cannot help her then okay fine you can come if you shut up i'll catch back up in a minute i gotta go check out other things you have escaped from your second personalized room of the day you are filled with the power of vacation homes i should probably take out some some like healing items and things there's a good chance we're about to have some fights and it would be nice to have uh have some of that available i'll take a attention but as well there we go i got i got all the all the best stuff oh my god all the shovels showed up seems like the room is overflowing with shovels and you don't have anything to dig through them with because apparently you can't pick up any of the shovels to start shoveling with yes i'm so excited there's an egg it's a painted egg it's warm from search query can hard boil eggs hatch suzy's talk tube thing looks a little bigger for her larger head i don't think you're supposed to stick your whole thing your whole head in susie's computer doesn't seem compatible with the skateboard game seems to be somewhat glitched out hologram from search query smashing the keyboard around a whole bunch it's a skateboarding game but the ai is cheating it's impossible to win from search query cool skateboard game online cheat it's a copy of an online skateboarding game from search query cool skateboard game online it's a vacuum powered book from search query losers this live barbie sucks oh it sucks vacuum that took me longer than it should have the nameplate reads burglary i mean birdly peek inside yes what you saw surprised you sort of that's all it's gonna tell me about it no details whatsoever you respected the gamer's code no screenpeaks the nameplate reads caddy's room caddy's here what it's wallpapered with the pink cat ad from the city it's animated too you can smell the glittery cat food from here anyway the nameplate reads jockington's room it's beautiful that's all it has to say about it you feel like noel would enjoy this more the nameplate reads asriel's room no way you open the door with your eyes closed you saw nothing well that wasn't useful was it you have the feeling you wouldn't learn anything god not even ralph says it's straight up asriel's room where's val say then [Music] jockington and caddy are other classmates from the school jockington's the little snake with the the blue baseball cap looks like a puzzle think uh you can do it chris calm your skinless boneless thighs everyone i'll think of a solution chris just ignore him i'll just be over here where i can't hear you and i'll be here away from your iq debuffing aura these dark bulbs will cast a bright shadow on the ground fill in the space with dark to unlock the way chris still stumped by this simple uh diversion well put your neurons back in the crayon box chris you can already feel the solution welling up in your brain cavity eureka is what i will say now go uh chris don't distract me while i'm deep in thought if only i could alt tab away from you in real life i'll tap you you son of a if only lesser dad was here to help he's a regular puzzle pagliacci uh you mean like a genius now he's more like a sad clown hurry up chris i don't want to look at birdly i'm sorry you are kind of just stuck looking aren't you oh i can even rotate there we go but wait this is like susie like this is ralph says hat is it not maybe that's not what it's meant to be but it's definitely what it makes me think of i don't know who's like face we're making here i don't think it quite looks like anyone maybe it does look like the villain now that it's all one color yeah we got it hey wait a second you how did you solve it without me i was figuring it out before you jealous well i i knew the answer i just wanted to see chris try first it's called suspense susan dramatic suspense i've never no one's ever called her susan i love it then you do the next one fine watch me i do want to see that yes also my name's not susan i guess we got confirmation on that child's play couldn't you give me a harder one for example if anyone had a 4x4 puzzle cube just tell us the solution well you see first you you align the shadows with the lines on the floor all right what do we move first phrase just just do the puzzle just just give me a moment it's not like chris could even solve it anyway it's just really scrambled to their different sides what a bird brain right lancer no yeah all his body parts are bird ones lancer tell chris our sick ski so when we make when we make track jackets i'm making his a different color all right we had our laughs hurry up chris lancer's getting weak i'm as brittle as a biscuit this puzzle is for staff only guests please head back to your rooms i i guess that's the only way you would find it isn't it chris leave the controls alone if you get sweat on the controls it's it's going to eat up my inputs so just let me solve this chris i i'm kind of curious if i if i start plugging around with things and like kind of you know just place like one or two oh yeah i i was i was curious if he would get all up in arms or or have some additional comments to make if i if i did even just a little bit oh i thought i was i was going about this quite confidently thought i knew i i got i got i got it i got it don't don't you guys worry i was really hoping i could oh damn it ah i've been bamboozled i see now not all of it damn it i keep clicking the wrong buttons oh i can't make a diamond out of that tim this puzzle what i i i hate i hate the control scheme for this there we go jeez whoops looks like chris got it again wait wait just a second you can't have you just got lucky this is trial and error the brute force method caveman could do it i die it wasn't luck but i did kind of i did kind of have to brute force it a little bit except caveman died out because they're stupid i'm solving the next one so just stay here until i'm done yeah we're gonna wait that long burn back tracks oh my god how many times has this guy potentially come back oh i'm so disappointed that this is the first time i'm finding him this puzzle i think i got it on the download i just need to data mine the answers from the console the answers in the code all he's managed to do is get a child's toy to play a beat version of nursery rhyme music this it's not it's not going well then is it i thought i thought he would have cool stuff to say or do or whatever but it makes me wonder how many times is that guy recurringly popped up if you just backtrack a screen damn it what are you two doing here this one's mine it'll be over in a second so why don't you just relax in your mind palace which probably doesn't even have anything in it i just i just need to figure out why the shapes don't go together oh hey you just got to fill the whole square thing right what if you just piled them all in the corners like digging a real wide hole everything just gets connected to holes hey what chris want to try come on chris just cover up the whole square thing quiet no hints this is bird to human that means no suzies and no uh who is that guy i'm lancer pull my tongue and i'll say several phrases such as ow ouch ah i i don't need to know that hurry up lancer's getting pale but i like pails it's where he stores all his blood chris you chris you know how skilled i have my puzzles right tell her tell her about the puzzle i solve then with the the one you took the credit for that i solved give me how do i have have her go in the other room and i saw solve it together fine go ahead listen to susie chris susie are you hearing that you you'll be a laughingstock do you realize that chris yeah i think i think i'm quite all right with it i'll i'll live find a fine and dandy life not a concern of mine i think i'll call that good stick a a good old son in the corner and big old big old duck to fill her up that one is even easier as soon as he's idea worked there's no way it's a computer bug it's a glitch you're cheating just just like when when you wave dash a little smash reference how does it taste idiot man i'm gonna relish this forever all the times you acted so high and mighty well guess what you're not face it you're just a big dumb ass as the rest of us oh you're right i didn't check the sign oh got knocked down maybe a few too many pegs fine i admit it i i'm not that smart uh i never was there are you happy i i just i used to be a forgettable little bluebird no one even remembered my name you're a bird named birdly and people couldn't remember that geez dude then one day came the spelling bee noel and i studied for when it came down to the two of us she got nervous and and couldn't speak december so that was like a weird hyper-specific memory then spelling out december she lost and i won that was when i tasted it the praise the glory the superiority the addictive power of being smart since then year after year i've been number one in the class it's only because noel helps me study she's the real smart kid but everyone's expectations for me are so high now what am i gonna do once i go somewhere without her that's that's why i want to make a new world for us a world a world where we'll always be number one and number two but i was so wrapped up in that i i got tricked by queen and now noelle's going to suffer because of it maybe i did just like being superior maybe i am just an idiot don't cry chicken nugget man all of us are idiots too i mean like i don't know about everyone else but whether you're the smart kid or not we couldn't care less i feel like a lot of people in the comments are like ah screw birdly he's an ass he doesn't he hasn't earned the right to be shitty or anything like and obviously not but i think people are missing the fact that noel starts chapter one like as a despicable person who's overly mean and they're like uh recluse and they're rude and violent and aggressive and like say crappy things to people and like we saw her redemption arc i feel like there should equally be room at the table here for birdly to have a little bit of a redemption i think that was a very intriguing backstory and i've always kind of enjoyed the character on some level but now this is just adding to it for me and i i really think undertale and deltarune basically don't have any bad characters and so yeah i'm kind of excited that we got to see a little bit of another side of birdly through this story we couldn't care less screw up as much as you want honestly and i also really love the fact that they're having susie be the one to kind of life coach birdly a little bit here she has come so far that she's now in a place to start like helping guide other people it's really really sweet i said noelle at some point susie susie was the one who who had a long ways to go susie you you'd accept me even if i'm dumb yeah it's like when your sister gets cursed and dragon blazers too even if her stats suck she's still your party member susie a real dragonblazers2 reference susie you're not only kind but a true gamer as well perhaps i underestimated you don't say that now but don't yeah you're so dumb and you're out you're underestimating other people your point of reference is so low and you're thinking lower of other people but worry not i have decided i will turn over a new leaf from now on and fight for the side of ignorance i'm not telling you to be stupid just sometimes it's okay to make mistakes then make mistakes i will like me calling susie noel you hear that everyone toby fox said it was okay i've been streaming for five hours it's bound to happen onward i couldn't also be here to teach the moral lesson i gotta make sure to check that sign staff if you're stuck please don't call for help no one can hear you not in this beloved death trap of a mansion nothing in it has really been trying to kill us though at any point you know it's been pretty tame so far [Laughter] that little bit of a little bit of gray right there is a cat just kind of just kind of in a pile of blankets over there i just wasn't sure where she ended up in the room when she came in i'm digging the mansion music here this downstairs table will be for our special guests there's a dinner party on the second floor of everyone for everyone else combined we have enough seats for everyone in the world quite the mansion nice digs they should do uh mtv's cribs on this place everything here is tailored for you right is it for for me that's screaming rousey all right you don't have to scream just because you like my outfit these are weird creatures i thought that would be weird if that scream was coming from from ralph say oh oh chris susie how may i serve you the hell are you doing ah queen didn't have a room for me so she made me into one of her butlers instead is there no room because it's occupied by azrael already whatever rousey can you heal lancer oh it's cold if it's the thing that has to do with being a darkness in a different dark world then ralph says should also be affected but ralph say also hopped over to this world without a lightener to like carry them across and so like i don't know there's still something off with i'll say i think cause why wouldn't they be sick and why could they jump dark worlds like that susie i'm afraid this is something i can't heal lancer is lancer lancer hey you see each dark fountain creates a different world a world whose darkness reflect the will of its fountain but though those darkness can exist in their own worlds they might not belong if they go to another one so can we help him yes there is a way castletown's grand fountain is made of pure darkness as long as it stays flowing any darkner can live there so if we bring lancer back to school he'll be okay again so we just need to get out of here huh right oh all right answer we'll be back for you buddy you don't want to carry him with you just in case your friend if we defeat queen can we save him uh yeah with me out of the way queen is going to force noel to do her bidding and if noel doesn't want to she might make her face into a robot one suzie could you assist me in saving noelle me i just can't do it by myself but if you can help me i have a plan a plan i remember from queen's tour of this place there's a secret shortcut on the third floor while chris is distracting queen susie will take the shortcut to reach noel and transfer her to me on the roof from there i'll bring her to a safe hiding spot and together we can all defeat queen all right sure we'll give it a shot almost excellent then see you on the roof fellow agent all right let's go would you take that off already sorry nice little spin move everyone i would love to take lancer with us is there is there a point to this is that can i actually do it please but what if i look back the other direction is there well those are like they're just plates but they look like buttons i assume they're just plates i don't know oh look at those legs they go for miles look at those legs fills you with a certain power it's a cybernetic bookshelf there's a book here about shortcuts that open up later oh yeah the shortcuts that open up later yeah we've we've seen those it's a cybernetic bookshelf there's a book here about shortcut okay just doubling down on that where will you go all of these are within this dark world you don't [Laughter] that's like my favorite gag so far this looks like spammington but like like a little bit right welcome to color cafe let us warm your day butt juice short for butler juice spaghetti code oh woven by master coders the bow b shot bow tie a handsome bow tie i could buy one of those for val say a royal pin good for everyone really a luxurious brooch very expensive i will buy one i i should sell a couple pieces of crap but why i have i've all kinds of crap don't i that i probably don't need anymore although some of it could be used for crafting back with malice i'm not gonna work i'm not gonna think too hard on it i'll just i'll just i'll just sell things that don't seem like they matter very much i gotta hang on the lancers answer stuff though it's so it's so great if i buy another thousand i'll have an elite amount of money left but i i don't know if i want to blast through all my money just yet a royal pin for you and also also the bow tie you have both i'll ditch the white ribbon maybe maybe the mannequin where the heck was that oh armor the mannequin's funny i'm gonna hang on to it even though i don't think it matters at all no i'm keeping all that keeping the pocket items we can just talk ah forgive me for not introducing myself sooner young masters i am swatch our lady grace is head butler are people saying go back to asriel's room because just to see if anything changed or for a real reason i am swatch our lady grace's head butler when we are not attending her needs i and the queen's other staff use this room as our humble yet colorful gift shop cafe please shop to your heart's content we are eager to serve your any wish the mission statement does a woman of our lady grace's caliber not deserve a coven of powerful men and women to devote dote upon her every movement we have rap anthems written to her kindness which are then bit crushed beyond recognition to make them more computer to have melons smashed with karate chops repeatedly for no apparent reason to have barrels thrown from the rafters and make us smash them all with karate chops before the timer runs out you guys playing fruit ninja and like donkey kong and stuff back here but the barrels are full of melons and we have to smash them too yes the answer is yes people are really jumping on the go back to the asriel's room train the rules card i'm afraid i'm not familiar with the guest of that moniker uh wait are you perchance referring to that unbearable a unique man who barged in here and demanded to be made butler supremacy i'm afraid that person is now banned from this establishment and many have suffered injuries as a result of his uh rather swift ejection please do not mention him again we are still cleaning up the worms he left on the floor ah my outfit yes the monochrome look is quite suitable isn't it black suit colored glasses many people have failed to imitate this look some even going so far as to attempt to impersonate me in order to get me never mind macaron what if i brought him up one more time i wanted to see if they'd be like mad at me for bringing it up a second time after all yeah rules card came to the dark world in our in our pocket he just kind of bailed as soon as we got here please come again we'll be waiting for you with rose tinted glasses although i don't think they mean glasses or they mean or the phrase rose tinted glasses i think they mean the glasses like beverages and that's just kind of a funny multi-layered joke and like funny send-off it's potentially too clever it's very very a very good joke i didn't see why people were hyping up asriel's room so much just that they kept saying it this mansion used to be a luxurious home for upper class citizens your room it belonged to a prestigious big shot who was the is that um spam spamton did you enjoy your room there was a mint under your electric cage that's pretty great the burglary one nah nah nah what if i went back into my own room though or no susie's room the shovels we've done all that we'll go back to asriel's peek inside yes chris whose room is this huh your brother man you better hope i never meet him you have the feeling you wouldn't learn anything really nothing hey yeah it the way ras ralph say worded it was something along the lines of like if you like you may not belong in a different dark world so it might not affect every darkener so i guess rules card is potentially doing well here you got like a weird mona lisa with the queen i see you have escaped from your room units who can blame you for wanting to see my glorious mansion you won't want to take your eyes off this beautiful art we're not here to look at your stupid pictures no it was not a recommendation i was just warning you but now oh now everything is it's mona lisa's do you think i can just run straight through that one just take the damage yeah you can okay if you're willing to now i know you were all loving my mansion but we have a few rules around here you have to adhere to one wipe your shoes two have fun three respect the pottery four have fun five list entry duplication error crap i don't want to get damaged again i guess by have to reset it do you know what i am i am just going to reset at the save point i kind of botched all that i can't believe i made it through that flame oh a new game over screen come on that's all you got chris get up i just once i had taken that amount of damage it really didn't seem worth it and i want to explore that bottom bit the save was like one second prior let's just uh get back on track here look at that immediately immediately where we were and better off for it damn it i don't know i don't know which direction here is gonna be advancing the story and which is gonna be secrets you know one quick little switch oh maybe that will have like turned off the hyper aggressive one you found a revivement oh excellent well worth coming back for yeah okay great turn that one off i wonder who drew the mustache on there pottery destroyed sorry i think they ran in to start cleaning it up swatchlings bowed in uh warmify redder two stages cool to fly coldify do i want to change their color that's like something i'm working towards i'll do a couple blocks to build up tp i guess talked about the crunch of the last pickle in the refrigerator swatchling's color turned a lot colder it's now yellow welcome young masters we've prepared several attack patterns for your enjoyment i i like these butler characters oh one of them had candy dang it they're adjusting their hue and saturation oh turning them yellow i mean that makes sense oh good worked well pottery not respected i i love disrespecting your pottery it has not earned it oh no damn it was i was there was i was there any way i could have done that i don't think i'm gonna focus on that one let me coldify a few of these half warm and maybe you can also have cold oh no no i don't i don't want to do it i want to warm the blue one then when i have cold the other red one i think talked about the snow matted on your brother's nose they turned a lot colder it's now yellow mentioned hot peppers it's colder got a little bit warmer it's green ice cream it's now colder turned a bit colder it's now orange please enjoy them at your convenience please hand me candies oh no birds not what i was looking for at all i just want delicious treats dang i will warmify coldify they'll make them blue again won't it oh no no no i've lost track of this fully you need to be qualified can i can i just spare the one how is it not ready for it oh my god how have i so fully lost track of this chill of the wind on an ice skating pond cold thing turned the orange one green roy g biv i i'm sliding it towards can i overshoot what the why is this blue green yellow orange red that was it those are the only the stepping stones in this pattern here oh you can't spare them till they're all the same color that certainly makes it a lot trickier i snagged your candy got hurt in the process but still helpful i think okay so i need i need i need half steps in there the half steps are actually genuinely useful then so i need you to half warm the green guy and that i think that means you can't help it this stage makes hopefully that works mentions lava there we go make the green guys more yellow jeez it was like ever so slightly more complex than i thought because i i really thought they were would only have like three i can't believe how many that was like oh maybe i didn't hit that many of them i can't believe that worked then that's the part that surprises me instead let's try to heal up in the meantime there we go i'm not gonna worry about candy i'm just gonna try and not get hit things are going well okay roy g biv roy g bib yes okay yes so there's just the five colors we're ignoring the iv of the bib that was a mess thank you thank you for having my back five and a half hours of this then that was not not clicking quickly for me at all the painting is labeled task is it all just going to be different spellings of task task with a c regular spelling fourth is with a c with a q and timberly excuse me so task with regular tasks right and then timberly and then with a q and then with a c that is the order as long as order matters i don't know what the deal is with this just in time for your appointment would you assist in organizing these paintings yes how refined then the first question which painting's name is first alphabetically tasked with a c which is the fourth one oh crap i wish they were numbered that i was choosing them based on number how refined then the next question which painting's name is third alphabetically task with a c task with a k task with a q task with a q is on the bottom now refined then the next question which painting is fourth timberly which was number two that's the number two not the number four oh not alphabetically just literally which one was fourth crap have you got disorganized someone ought to whip you into shape dang it they got me got me good i'm so close to working the task in the task manager they should have made it to task master soft voice all arounds please did not do much to the manager they're there i can't believe i got i got punked on that one i wonder if you could have avoided this battle entirely if that if that did work let's just let's get that let's get everyone spared and cleared out of here oh that was plus 35 slouched back time to whip oh no no oh i didn't i did not make it in time i don't think this is a fun little like i don't know fall guys mario party warioware little mini game that we had there oh i didn't realize you were mercy enough for that task manager has found things to be sufficiently organized [Music] oh it was only one needed to recruit that character i guess i guess i should go take a look at what's over here maybe oh god i'm just gonna teleport back i'll investigate the room first after all ah no car cars first cars first lightning mcqueen i don't know what those little gateways are for if they matter coming down to the wire on that one oh i thought for sure i'd be able to go up into here dang oh my god just one second stops at a time that's tough but i dig it i dig how challenging it is obviously we're like nearing the end was that a mouse am i gonna go do mouse-related things here oh you're trying to grab it as you're rushing people are saying teacups is the teacups what i should be doing first oh no i'll never make it back i don't know if there's a way i don't think i could just like get lucky and that kind of was working not intentionally necessarily but are those little safe gateways something worked for a second and it's encouraging me to keep trying even though it's not working damn it well i guess i'm focusing on this direction then unless something else gives me a a different means of backtracking son of a bee sting just run across all right he's got to commit to one oh the nest clicks it's ridiculous mouse oh thank you mices do i do i have freedom now to move through all this oh my goodness that was painful all right i will inspect this first i haven't done a little tea cup puzzle in a while that looks bad looks like i'm not supposed to hit that probably maybe i'm guessing those would have just done damage reverse switching switching things up on me there oh hi everyone welcome to the second floor and dinner party section a please help yourself to anybody's food yeah you gave yourself a wig on the hacker nobody figured it out but it's me there's an east treasures hallway leading to basement on first floor east treasures hallway leading the basement on first floor come down there and i'll help you crack the code what the heck there's just like a try uh there's a mouse in there this guy keeps telling everyone at the party's a hacker i don't know what to do with this information it's not really keeping a very low profile yes yes queen is right send error report these characters look weirdly familiar from something i'm mouse million i stand leagues in inches above all other mice only newberg remains above me still a wig new words moving up in the world everybody loves newbert he's known all along haven't we that was i feel like i was really spitting my eyes out this is not i'm not back somewhere i've been before right i don't know i wasn't sure if i just had like found a shortcut or something hacker guy told me to go something first floor but he was also mentioning east side i don't understand i don't think this is like helping i i'm gonna keep exploring over here a little bit was i supposed to go do the car thing i feel like maybe i was supposed to go to the car thing because now this is like really branching off leading into like all sorts of other uh stuff at this point it's making me really wonder room has been closed due to kitchen vermin my favorite kind i shouldn't have just ran through that i should have been more cautious i okay okay so that's something then what the heck was that guy i don't think i don't want to go back to any of those none of those would be helpful having a secret passage back is is good seems like that would be helpful he mentioned going east so the car room he wants me to head back towards the car room then he didn't want me to come back here and like talk to him again ah i was just seeing if maybe if i came back and talked to him if he'd have more information you know it's been a while when while streaming when the key actually is a bomb and it's not really oh you're right the key just blows up the door i kind of just thought like it was emphatic and like uh you know an ex a little bit of excitement and flare going on with the door being opened and i just thought yeah whatever doors open keys open doors nothing weird about that that's i did not register that it was a full-on bomb that is absolutely phenomenal i can't believe i didn't like catch on or think about it or acknowledge it that i don't know what path i'm on down there i think i want to go back to the cars i don't know i this is the one time i might ask for a little bit of that the guy he told me he told me to go east and so if he's telling me go east i guess that's where i ought to head all the cars are roped off now oh i i just now that i've i don't know done that once i get like a nice red carpet way through i'm the hacker i got the feeling there's a secret back door in this room but where could it be you become lost in the craftsmanship just for every statue eh inside chainmail full-on well that seems great right extra defense but you lose some ability probably worth it you know what there you go damn guess i'm cursed you're why why do you feel that way susie i'm giving you i'm giving you something handy and helpful here little teacup lots of statues uh the car and pottery and things i suppo oh oh oh he is he turned into a a finger for a second you was it the the candle that he whatever could have interacted with i got i gotta i gotta hug close to this dude i got this uh there's a secret door we're gonna be oh oh he's like maybe telling me something i could click on a secret switch you heard something opening ah thank you hacker is that just a shortcut nice i'm opening up all opening up all the shortcuts it has a lock that seems impossible to open less helpful what else you got for me man while you're pacing around the room oh he might have left he might have served as one hmm i'm retiring from hacking the mainframe i decided to use my powers for the good of society i'm gonna reverse engineer the code to super smashing fighters so i can put my favorite cartoon characters into the game that sounds like a valiant effort hacking is hard work woof i need to drink a jpeg of water he's using the app that lets you drink water from your phone like one of those ones where you like tip it and it just kind of like water drains off your your phone face do uh does my my cafe friend have new new dialogue at this point all that is the same samesies i got no idea on this is it as complex as the key in chapter one because that took quite a bit of running around through the full game seems like a mouse-induced traffic jam at this stage i would say no to being helped too too much spend a short bit of time at least poking around solo and see we can find it is late in the stream though we are pushing six hours and maybe at that point it's better off to just be helped rather than spending an insane amount of time on on all this oh i was hoping those footprints were gonna lead somewhere or do something interesting all right heading back up spammington said to meet in the junkyard is that true then did he say that i'm gonna i am gonna check that out i'm gonna check out the the junkyard just in case this ridiculous guy a funny little guy was looking for you to the west he was muttering something about deals what she wants spamo that's all new all of this is new oh there's a door the door is unlocked you want to go in by yourself whatever do what you want hi everyone it's me spam ting g spamton spampton g spamton is that his full name buy buy more key gen s potion the big one b shot bow tie buy more run run away hurry up and buy our deal chris you little sponge i knew you'd come on a saturday night after all you want to be a big shot but how how can you be listen in the deep abyss of queen's mansion a great deal is waiting for a limited time only a heaven piercing workout ready body designed by the classics you've come to expect in 1997. chris that little nipper is our one-way ticket to make you big make me big before you know it we will be taking a ride around town on our special condero vacationing in burning acid while you soak in the hyperlink blocked but chris don't breathe yet the way it's the way is locked by high quality encryption you will never get inside wait chris look here are those balloons you are the 100th customer as a commemorative ring i will let you buy key gen from me at the low price of what do you think such a steal i'm i'm i'm i'm exiting myself take this deal and you will die that's good buy the key gen for me unlock the basement and get that empty disk i thought part of the music was the world revolving or like like some broken version of gasser's theme i'm not convinced actually some people are saying it is the world revolving playing and the world revolving might play might have gasters light motif in it i obviously want to know about the night but i'm going to keep i'm going to work through them all i used to be nothing but the email guy but now i'm the it burns out stop help me it burns guy amazed that this amazing transformation you too can have a communion with unintelligible laughter soon i'll even surpass that damned clown around town but unlike him i'm gonna shoot for the sky and get on the path to the big one i'll get so speaking of communion chris did you know that the night no i'm sorry i'm sorry i i didn't mean to do many excess vacation days take a goddamn vacation straight to hell come on what a tease friends me friends chris you and me are already friend requests accepted we don't need anyone else we don't need else's easels or crits we don't need any man woman or child at half price we don't need mike oh my god mike chris don't believe anything you see on tv the man's a criminal i tell you a criminal it's mike every time oh it stayed yellow what are you afraid of according to encyclopedia of being afraid there's nothing to fear except can anyone hear me help huh what no i didn't hear anything just now but it sounded like they were talking to you oh my god the game theorizing around this character is going to be absolutely insane isn't it holy i just thought because it had turned yellow that that would mean something all right what if i try to buy the keychain money no three oh okay so you just have to wait for it to like randomly bounce to a cheaper number 55 sure i'll buy one storing up for the winter the big one but like probably it's not going to be that infinite number hacks i'll buy a bow tie sure as well why not might as well buy everything while everything's going nuts right like what what kind of creepy stuff were you buying anyway nah like i even want to know yikes she said she hoped if it was candy you'd share with her shut up chris what did i just buy none of the [Music] like none of the stuff i just bought exists right the key gen a shady looking program that can open certain doors okay so it's the key like i don't i don't know if there's another step in the process or if that is the single bit of key that i needed guess we're about to find out use the key jab [Music] okay chris you want us to stay here sure whatever me and ralph say you'll have fun without you oh i wish i had saved what are you guys doing come on susie give me my glasses back oh look at me i'm a big dweeb that loves homework okay come on fine take him back thank you oh chris everything okay whatever let's go i just want to run back and save i assume at this point people are diving into spoiler territory the people are spoiling things i would like the mods to like mute them or ban them or something i've asked numerous times not to because it basically means i can't read the chat for the next little while people are gonna be like that this is feeling a little familiar from chapter one it appears to be some kind of force field i can't interact with like the moss or the holes in the floor or anything like that i thought i would try oh my god it's just full of flies keep moving one dark dollar okay and flies i got regular money chromers dark dollars there's a lot of currencies going on something weird is gonna happen when i backtrack now unless i'm meant to like interact with something oh okay that was awesome i have no control over this usb chain jump i did see that in the chat it's a very funny description of what that thing is sounds like a force field powering down man you guys really like you know if i want to turn the lights off in this room i'm like halfway towards reaching it just by doing that oh my god you guys got you gotta be oh no what what do i do what the i guess i gotta stay focused i was just saying you're putting your light switch way too far away that was hmm damn that seemed incredibly difficult i have uh essentially no faith that that'll work on the way down easy peasy not a concern don't even have to think about it the way up not so much all right stay alert graham no i stayed touching it the entire time how did it possibly go that poorly no what the it's just the tiniest bit too fast i like do i have to memorize that it's very annoying to run through this so many times i feel like i'm committed to it now i'm skipping the chest so i assume they don't matter at all they just had flies in them one of them had one dollar i got it i gotta try and maybe keep an eye out on where i need to start i need to go right first then left come on when will this end holy ripes why was it necessary for that to be as hard as it was ah i i got i guess i have to use something ellie i'll eat a bagel damn it maybe now i'll check the chests now that i now that i know i've lived going the one direction i didn't want to check them over and over again just to die 17 times at that section at least now i can save again right better better off this is so tense spamming interactions not on anything nothing interesting maybe there's something in like one of them though right wow how hard do i commit to this what the hell something shining inside the old machine the empty disk was added to your key items a data disk from a strange machine didn't someone want this now if i go back i'm just kind of waiting for things to like change if i backtrack zigzag like did i had i not opened that the ones with the flies just resealed themselves okay i don't think i i don't think i should leave that seems hasty this area is unsettling i i hear ya i see a lot of people saying you know with with the kind of like desaturated pinks and purples it's a little and and vaughn and the vines it's like a little bit like the ruins do you know what i want to try [Music] no different there [Music] is is all of this just down to get the the data disk empty disk have i done it like it's ah i don't want to just wander left to right over and over and over again so i take it back to spamton and to hand it over give disc chris you did it you funky little worm rules card a little bit of something in common there you brought me the disk hachi mama i can feel that smooth taste already now chris don't be greedy hand over the disc then we will transfer my hyperlink blocked then chris after this is very very important very very interesting very very important go back and put the disc back where you got it do that and you have my special guarantee i will pass my savings on to you every big every shot every hyperlink blocked all yours chris so what do you say big shot warning if you consent to the terms and agreements our story is permanently closing down finally i knew you would request accepted chris here i go begin the transfer that uh kind of wigged me out a little bit this time there's a tiny bit of a like a text typing sound effect when you walk in there okay okay the monochrome stuff has become so closely associated with the gaster followers and and the goners so you gotta think there's something to that this was worth it all this side questing stretching out the stream length to be extra extra thorough worth it done says that shade of gray looks like the gone or gray okay yeah okay all i saw was shade of gray in the chat and i thought you were gonna make like a shades of grey joke so i made a different joke in my brain than what you were saying wait uh what is it how does how is it listed the loaded disc a strange disc you can feel it smiling in your hand there's a lot of things that tie smiles into gaster insert the loaded disk and i'm going to create a boss battle out of this broken down mechanism nothing happened so you say fifty shades of gas you tap the mechanism nothing happened you shook the mechanism you hit it you kicked it nothing happened as soon as i leave or try to leave though right right are all those strings like cables wires holy congardo do i feel good here i am chris this glitchy puppet what the hell big big bigger and better than ever this power is freedom devil talked a lot about freedom i won't have to be just a puppet anymore oh so i thought what are these strings why am i not big enough it's still dark so dark darker yet darker maybe chris chris chris chris that's right you i need you to be big with me very very big so big we'll stand up tall and see past the dark stand up with our heads in the clouds and look into heaven i just need that little soul you have oh my god this character's messed up and i love it oh teamwork chris the hell was that weirdo chris we were worried about you running back and forth spending like 10 minutes talking with spamton and going to this dungeon and not discussing with us at any point what you were doing or why chris you have friends why don't you tell them about me my three for one special today the whole family can take a little ride around town we get to have like a a roller coaster bumper car battle boss battle attention customers clean up on aisle three someone left their souls lying around i i don't remotely know what's about to happen here what the hell oh okay all right click to shoot oh what do you do about the big ones charge it up gotcha okay okay chris was that a big shot just now wow i'm so proud of you i could kill you heaven are you watching it's time to make a very special oh my god tying in the big shot in the deal and every oh it's so good it's so good spam to neo snap all everyone gets snapping thanos this boy everyone snapped wires oh that's what we're snapping okay okay okay chris this isn't isn't this body just heavenly three times the firepower two times the water power and best of all flying heads oh i get to play like a little shmup we'll shoot him up damn it and also it kind of sounds like it's playing the mortal kombat theme dun dun turns to the audience and laughs that's you guys he's laughing at you at me too you maybe maybe that's what's going on everyone snap ones okay we'll turn those shmoes and daves into rows and graves those cathode screens and the cathode screams oh my god there's bombs okay hitting the bombs is bad does like a bomber bomberman blast who is who is driving these little cars spamton appeals to the audience with a festive jig there is oh god there's all the audience in the background there but i don't even know what we're looking at they are very vague seven percent of the time that seems okay chris don't you want to be part of my beautiful heart or did you need a special tour oh god oh okay okay we're mixing together like uh battle types now at this point there's like vocals in the in the song saying like owie or something i can't even tell entirely what it is spamton banks to the audience spammed and raised to the audience everyone snapped wires all you got to do is big then we'll be the ones making the calls chris he's going to call me what what are you serious it's for you what is pippis oh god can't let these like eggs are they eggs they might be eggs huh this is bad it's a bad move all right not everyone's gonna snap this time because that's not really working very well uh you can still say no you said supercharged because i'm about to have to yeah supercharge i guess no oh it costs cp it costs tp yeah you just snapped then just keep snapping and i'll worry about don't worry about healing up a little bit here snap the wire snap the wire it's calling chris my heart my hands oh my god try to shoot his head avoid the phone oh i'm probably supposed to do charge blasts crap smells like rotten glass i have a revivement but that's not going well chris can you really look in my eyes and say no look in my eyes look at my nose look at my mouth oh my god this battle is so insane it's changing up so much ah that's not good i i gotta i gotta chug some chug some bagels i think maybe maybe eat a little something else as well i think susie really liked chocolate so i'm gonna bank on that a little bit and defend to build up some extra tp while i focus on trying to heal a little bit here i can't stand it i think we're gonna have i'm gonna have a heart attack maybe susie had the worst chocolate preference reaction this one's kind this one's like the most doable and i'm still getting the head on occasion damn it 38 they're only at 38 oh my god everyone's gotta commit we gotta we gotta build towards it faster chris i'll even give you a free value die now and i'll throw in 50 bullets for free to the to the shooting trying to kill every single head is almost detrimental it doesn't help that much when there's so much else going on geez no i gotta keep snapping it's gonna be borderline it's uh i'm risking a lot there i think trying to heal up come on ralph say that it's borderline at least everyone's equalish health chris if you give me that soul i will give you everything i have i will give you three easy payments 99. just focus on the dodging don't really care about landing hits i'm going to spam the attack button but mostly just try to worry about dodging damn it the air crackles with freedom oh my god i think i'm kinda a little bit screwed because i don't think i can bring anyone back right oh you can you can oh my god but you end up in negative health oh friends chris what are you talking about you don't need friends i can make my hands into phones oh i i hate this one there's so much going on it's a panic it's more than a panic that one's that one's like the hardest to even remotely comprehend what's happening build i really i gotta use that fluffy prayer i think i need i need the bonus defense don't you want to help our old pal spam didn't chris think what are my eggs going to do oh yeah these okay confirmed these are eggs i guess big shots where it's at this is how i deal with the eggs this is much a much better strategy i'm i'm i very much like the confirmation that those are are meant to be eggs dark candy it is for chris it's not gonna do it's not going to do a lot but i i no no no no no i i need you to build up tp because i need a fluffy guard fluffy guard seems bad i don't want to use right defended you but chris if you refuse that's your choice i can't force you i can only kill you 50 faster than similar products or no money back let's go okay okay it protects your heart uh kind of a little bit but there's so much going on here i'm screwed i feel so screwed oh that was awful what is what is my best healing item that i have i'm i'm i have to commit so much time to healing that i'm not making any other progress i have to damn it i'm i'm i'm getting mangled it's happened one wire at a time oh my god chris is down now too what the hell i i have to keep both of them alive i don't know i don't even know what happens if when chris isn't involved you know oh i broke their face finally that's something he pulls the strings and makes them ring i could use the the ultimate eel there we go that that'll make all the difference what are you talking about you don't need friends i can make my hands oh my god this one this one absolutely destroys me there's too much going on from three directions i g i guess i have to use the club sandwich and even then i can't even oh good i was worried i wasn't going to bring chris back with that i don't know why that first egg is like labeled or named or whatever's going on there it's funny i just don't get it do not reach the oh my god i'm stressing so much of this is not going well if it wasn't clear all right we got we got a window here to do a couple little snaps i gotta get back to a place where everyone can do the the the triple snap if you refuse oh my god okay i've i've already we've already dealt with all that oh my god the bomber the bomberman bombs are what's really killing me here i'm being too reckless it's all happening so fast the house is dead no that'll bring rousey back just barely just barely that's brutal i don't even know if restarting would make that big of a difference because it's like it's not like oh yeah now that i know there's attack patterns i'll i'll be fine it's like you know that whole thing i don't think it's too much oh the eggs and the cell phone are connected that's really cool good point excellent excellent observation like do i just keep snapping it's uh it's too late i think at least once you destroy the head it stays destroyed that's one tiny little window of something helpful for you now we're now we're talking look at me look at me flying through this i'll i'll have him beat no time what if i just hang out near his head or something or in the in the back i that phone one kills me why don't you snap all because i'm constantly trying to keep my guys alive there's i i got nothing though i think i basically just have to accept that i'm going to lose this battle and i don't know maybe i'll presumably give it a second try i just gotta just gotta be prepared for this massive initial failure why am i still alive sexy i can't believe i got them to 67 percent i could switch to trying to kill them that's one option oh my god oh god that one got even worse it got notably so much worse the only one that i was good at surviving became impossible it's all up to chris just got it just got us oh they're like slowly healing a little bit so so i i'm set then obviously i'll be fine hey four percent on that one that's i don't know why it's great what it's for me he just got shot with a million of his own face what the hell just happened what did i just what did i just witness there specifically i don't know it was great i i i don't understand heal heal susie uh yeah yeah yeah i'll bring susie back i'll have three people just look chris don't you what don't you want to be a big shot oh god okay i shouldn't have skipped that dialogue i didn't realize it was new dialogue just spam attack and watch out for the dollars [Music] oh my god no no no no no it's so giant what do i do i'm alive the air crackles with freedom i'm gonna snap all it's risky i'm gonna do it that might have been a mistake i maybe should have focused on living oh i got so close what the hell just happened this is not your fate please don't give up that was a gong show and that was an absolute gong show i gotta try again though i wait it might force me to try again that wasn't my only chance was it that was my only chance is that possible i had that stupid bastard to like 92 percent i'm guessing people have already learned that you can't like can't just reload hey what the hell would all my items be gone no no no i have all the items back that was it oh oh i was in the wrong room okay ooh that's my bad i was so devastated and like oh god that's it that's all there was to it it's over all right we're gonna push the snap all as long as we can and hopefully we can milk it long enough and like get the battle to a place get deep in the battle before i have to start resorting to healing so so often because like man does that ever make a crazy difference uh as soon as this section gets like faster it gets so damn hard that's like that's like the most troublesome part that's the part that was really killing me i lost so much health on there and all the different repeated tries i keep trying to big shot him as much as possible since he's the one who brought it up so so often uh and did you break it it's an extra three percent towards his uh the whole snapping thing all you can do is big then we'll be the one making the calls chris what are are you serious it's for you maybe he only ever said that the first time damn it when they reach that barrier they just there's like no avoiding it they're so messed up damn you why did i do so bad at that that time snap i got i got to switch to healing for at least one round it's the only way why are we on like go-karts oh as long as i push him back with blasters it's a little bit better it's a little bit better it's still pretty rough [Music] yeah i i need the ability to heal so i gotta suzie's gotta do a block so someone's telling me they went to sleep and came back and the stream is still running that's a little bit amazing honestly oh no no no no no no no no no no there's too many attacks at once suck it this is where things start going sideways first part of the battle nothing's that risky oh come on that sucks where's my club sandwich that was miserable when they come top and bottom there like that there's like no there's like nothing to be done about it do i have enough to supercharge and heal because that would potentially help me out a lot i don't know if supercharged lasts wait am i able to charge my attack faster that is not at all what i thought would come of that it's incredibly very helpful i'm club sandwiching again at least then i can keep trying to move things forward get bent dude stop knocking down rousey and i think chris should take the chocolate ah chris likes the chocolate yeah that's i should have known that she remembered that it's totally a detail in chapter one the egg shooting is kind of fun but it's also devastating when it doesn't work out and they crash into the thing and do all the damage we're back in the snaps back in the snaps but i can't snap with all of them i can't even compose a snapping with all of them try not to hit the bombs trying to fit the bombs that everything is bombs there's so many bombs you really got to slow down on this one but everything moves so fast what the that was some garbage that's very irritating how that worked see now now i'm just stuck in the loop of just using all of the all of the items in this one battle and that's never good how 44 i'm not even close goddamn i gotta try i guess that's pretty ideal for me to have a turn to just breathe for a minute i hate your phone attack it's the worst that sucks [Music] i'm losing it i'm losing steam let's just let's do a no hit just nothing nothing but the uh ran straight into the bomb anyways just uh yeah don't take a single hit just uh ace ace every part of the battle there'll be no problemo easy does it damn it i can't believe how many times i just got hit brutal absolutely brutal i'm gonna juice a little bit stay alive stay alive please stay determined thanks guys everyone's rooting for me the the novelty of the battle is replaced with just dread and like oh god everything's difficult i can't believe how hard this is why why why god damn eggs that's the first time i've done remotely decent in that one and then juice my health and my everything a little bit there damn it it's when they shoot all those nose attacks at once that it gets really messed up i can't be the only one who hears mortal kombat in that song that went well that it went pretty well i [Music] will take the chocolate charge faster yeah yeah okay that's charged faster for the attack not for the tp i was reading that as charge faster 32 percent i was reading it as charge your tp faster totally wrong but that's uh it's fine chris is eating chocolate right okay okay good good good all right hyper charge extra fast charge hopefully hopefully see me through this that was a dumb hit to take i don't even want to look at what their mercy is at currently you know i just want to focus on living oh because the nose is the worst one i'm glad the nose is toast oh damn it's stupid stupid hits 50. it's f50 oh okay i will rules rue suzy suzy will defend heal yourself a little bit of a getting things back sort of turn that's some of the best that's ever done i'm climbing my way out of a bit of a hole here decent yes three eggs at once that's huge no eggs no eggs all right back on snapping yes i know i hate this [Music] that one sucks it like moves too fast what the hell am i supposed to do i i i i have to have to commit to the healing oh a little bit oh good good good good are they in the same order are they in the same order is that a chance that i could i could exploit that in in specific ways i truly haven't learned just snap to snap him oh my god okay i do i sell the club sandwich i can't believe i sold a club sandwich okay okay i honestly didn't realize that i did i sure would like fur for him to call himself again that was very helpful to one time that came up no no no eggs eggs man they start bouncing a little too sporadically hearts that shoot diamonds we suddenly dealing with cards again brutal not great oh chocolate for chris i can't believe i still have one of those actually the bomb attacks aren't random there's two sets of it though the easier it's one used at the start right yeah oh the order of the of them isn't random overwhelming that tiny little two percent snap that's the difference maker thank goodness a relief 87. that one's quite doable this gets quite difficult i have no idea what's going on here and i think i just gotta hide in his mouth okay okay okay okay [Music] what was he had 92 you're kidding me this is promising just don't die here just don't die here i got i'm realizing it was also an option to try and kill this thing the whole time i'm trying to do no killing yes yes i can get away with like a single snap i'm gonna snap him twice just in case right and try to spare him snapped wire stop the presses my wires they're almost gone chris you're gifting me my freedom chris after everything i did to you after all the unforgettable deals free kromer i gave you you're finally repaying my generosity chris i understand now the greatest deal of all friendship that is not the direction i thought that was going thank you guys for sticking with me on that oh my god chris my days as a long nose doll are over cut that wire and make me a real boy are you watching heaven it's time for spamton's comeback special and this time i live for myself no myself and my friends here i go watch me fly mama and he just dies maybe he's free i guess damn maybe spamton still gets to live it seems after all i couldn't be anything more than a simple puppet but you three you're strong with a power like that maybe you three can break your own strings let me become your strength oh it's kind of like when you receive the devil's tail and stuff you got deal maker you got shadow crystal i guess i never got the devil's tail and jebel's knife devil's knife on the um on this save file wow that was redonkulous the deal maker raises defense and magic and 30 more money actually what does it say about it and it's a thing where people say different things when you uh equip them right i guess i guess chris is the exception money that's what i need and you're who will actually probably keep this 10-7 no yeah yeah yeah two pairs of glasses oh these are the glasses hey we'll keep that as is i think and the weapon is for what's the other thing i was given the shadow crystal a sharp shadow moves like water in the hand you have collected one you've held the crystal up to your eye for some strange reason for a brief moment you thought you saw the computer lab but it must have just been your imagination wow i can't believe what a struggle that was but i'm glad we've made it through it things just kind of went well all of a sudden those clubs sandwiches were clutch being able to heal the whole team like that hey so are we seriously not going to talk about any of that that was goddamn weird puppet strings hands what the hell does any of that mean and the way he just broke i don't think it meant anything susie it seems like it was just a corrupted program he turned into our allies so let's just accept it chris you've got goosebumps you okay i'll be fine i'll be fine if you say it all strained like that i'm not gonna think you're okay hey rousey you think chris is okay well you seem a bit shocked but chris doesn't want us to worry so let's not push them for now chris i'll make some cake for you later okay i could even make it chocolate flavored butterscotch cinnamon whatever you want well there's stomachs rumbling but the goosebumps aren't aren't gone chris if you're cold you can share my scarf no we're sure susie could but no hell if i'm giving you my jacket you'd make me cold i'm burning you knuckleheads for warmth susie too late i already imagine you've got imagining you guys as idiot scented candles that got chris smiling let's go little bit of i don't even know i don't even know there's so much that just happened i don't even know what to read into any of that because i'm overwhelmed by so many other things i should probably buy like a bunch of these let's fire all those into my menu uh the party plus 30 sure let's have a couple spaghettis and a royal pin there we go there goes all the money it kind of just kind of just went for it instead of the shackle probably right i'll i'll cut the silver card it's fine oh my goodness okay back on track we gotta really try to i got i got it i gotta remember what the hell was going on hello everyone oh me oh my the kitchen is infested with bourbon i knew we should have properly finished dumping all the cheese in the owl halfway away that was you guys that was all your cheese ouch ouch the mouse can't get me up here even if the stove is burning my feet my mouse it's not wearing a wig a lot of people i i just glanced over and saw some comments saying like well we gotta go back to spamton's house right he mentioned something about it remaining closed once we kind of like started down that path but like we gotta go right we can't go through all that spend like an hour on it do that boss battle three times what have you and not return he was like the rest of us just a little unlucky for some reason his products never seem to hit and the lightners never even looked his way poor guy night after night when we all went to the same cyber grill he'd shoot his mouth open making it bigs about making it big someday you just watch someday i'm gonna be a big shot he started to get a little desperate i heard he started looking for a way to become more popular somehow made the right phone call and found someone or was he found by someone they must have been helping him because suddenly he was on the phone all the time suddenly he got really good at his job the click started piling up what what did he do why did he deserve this we were all so jealous of him we stopped going out with him i mean wasn't he a big shot he didn't need us anymore did he even so he only got more and more successful he moved into a luxurious room in the queen's mansion he started bragging about big tv deals big cars big commercials but then things started to crack it seemed like whatever was helping him disappeared his sales dropped to zero and everything came crashing down the day he was to be evicted from the queen's mansion i went to his room to check on him but he wasn't there there was only a phone hanging off the handle he must have left in the middle of a conversation because i could still hear someone on the other end but when i put the receiver to my ear there was nothing but garbage noise garbage noise [Music] guess there's still nothing in the shop but i i want to talk to this guy at least once okay i assume i assume none of them repeat then wow that's uh that was a wild ride i'm glad i'm glad we circled back you guys are totally right that was uh that was worth following up on that was not so stuff uh it's gonna be hard to like get my head back in the game here what am i gonna do now go chase some mice or something fight over cheese oh a super mouse all right well i'm well and truly screwed then aren't i the mouse wheel spins into you i i don't think i i don't think i like that everyone just catch it oh that was not how i thought that would work you caught them wired is faster instead of instead of wireless they still just attack as a unit it's not split up in some way oh damn i wasn't i was not thinking didn't react quickly at all i realized there are like a lot of streamers who stream for like eight hours on a daily basis when you don't it's quite quite taxing but i'm really really trying to stay committed here this this catching thing is not going well i gotta i gotta be able to do something else right i'm so far away are you kidding me what if you all individually do actions still caught the same amount as soon as he got in all fours and chased them around and peanut butter oh but that's still only affected ah no cheater it's just cheese almost made it with none you were using a controller this entire time is using a controller considered more difficult or or bad or anything for this game smells like a three cheese pizza okay so i can i can wait it out still doesn't do a whole lot though does it i don't know i just kind of like i i think this would be insanely difficult with with a keyboard the controller seems like the way to go if you ask me i thought every time they ran like that they were gonna ram into my party and so i kind of like kept trying to do it really quick and cutting them off before they like touched me they finally reached 100 but it's still rolling out of control suddenly well take it from here they just want to all play together a little bit of cat and mouse for sure oh um is that not even the direction i'm trying to go thanks for the help we'll open up the east dining hall now okay thanks guys how do i get down from here queen's making us prepare a massive feast for her upcoming guests i wonder if people can really eat platters though you're just gonna serve them the platters yeah it's it's officially uh getting quite late for me but i refuse to log back in for like who knows five to ten to twenty percent of the game nah nah nah nah we're fitting it all in what did i just wander into it's locked what's with giant this giant empty room anyways welcome to my extravagant dining bonanza only one of these delicious platters has the key i'm sure surging will be an addicting game of chance how the hell are we going to search all these one at a time sues one at a time jeez results he not found did you mean give up oh are you kidding me all the platters got mixed up again but is it taking platters out of the mix as i check them like are there less i don't think there are hey chris oh no i accidentally skipped that that was probably something helpful oh crap there's probably some trick to this i'm gonna look around and see if any of them look notably different hi there hey there's something under this one something to fight the dog don't try to run away you little hey wait a sec this is it wd gaster is indeed white dog gaster it has been confirmed he killed us with his car only to come back and save the day in this insane ridiculous part there's the key now we just have to uh it broke it that's again there we go yet another way to just blast everything into little bits why that was awesome or what maybe minus the blatant destruction no that was the best part of it let's go chris we're almost at the third floor it's at the top i've lost track i have no idea what what we're building towards i don't know what direction to go in the supreme table you won't be able to use this without the throne of the gods which then there's a little sippy gerbil thing and then we can finally be like the card king and sip our way to deliciousness oh dang it oh no i really disliked doing this okay full full cooling none of you need to be warmed half cold something like that come on okay but all that business about having the little the gerbil water we're gonna belong we'll be a part of the club felt left out all this time i'm guessing the the god throne or whatever they called it is that do they dab when they disappear oh same color not specific color and that was my own misinterpretation in that i guess oh ufos not didn't anticipate that at all but now i i feel that i have to keep checking them right because no that was a mistake flying saucers that's funny there's saucers i get it good joke that when i got dangerous didn't it yeah that's good but uh [Music] no i should use the spaghetti code i thought i bought more of those my inventory must have been full not wearing it and how sweet just trying to blast through oh my god they're so giant i wonder what bird lee's up to i'm sure that's what everyone's thinking right now birdly what's he been doing all this time i know how much you guys love birdly and how badly you want to check up on him and and know what he's what he's got going on just ate it i hope she heals a little bit that would be really funny if she gave even just like one health huh well then i the ufo room was too dangerous i couldn't stick it through there's a book here about preventing backtracking so i should backtrack right now is what you're saying chris susan glad to see you arrive unwounded i don't know about that now let us hasten through here is a secret passageway to the roof there we can and rescue fi lady noel um okay let's let's go chris oh chris chris is chris you and you're lackey distract queen let's go susie just the two of us fine whatever you guys are going to go all on your own chris you think of me as you're wacky of course not you you mean you think of me as more than a lack yeah susie has gone into a book hole with burnley you're filled with the power of book holes well that's just always true that's not specific to right now sup boys the knight created the fountain what i did not expect these random crow butlers to just start talking about the knight it might be even more powerful than queen for now the queen has been very interested in this video recently where the knight creates the fountain by his own hand well it's that in cyber city's funniest home videos we are often forced to star in those videos for now this is today's dinner entertainment i've heard it's called the birth of the fountain what an elegant name how elegantly quixotic it's a video of someone creating a strange pillar of smoke so much smoke it's hard to tell who it is oh man try to stretch out a little bit just a quick little twist a whole thing of acid a a giant lake of it oh you mean the free pool you'll learn to love it like family pool on the third floor risky why do you have this it's my mansion's energy source and fun to drink bye how should we pass this i suppose this works all right oh damn it maybe i was supposed to go into that door this is branching points where you don't really know what is going to progress the story or not i may have chosen wrong now we have to think of some way to distract queen oh wow i'm so distracted right now by the houses changing colors [Music] what are these little houses little mouse houses just tropical villas for my guests isn't that thoughtful how would anybody fit inside shrink from the acid dissolve into nothingness chris get the banana chris isn't gonna do what you say no i want it that's that's okay chris it's it's good for you yeah yeah i'm just trying to keep up my potassium stay energized i personally haven't eaten what would it actually be like eight hours i guess looks like we're coming up on a tunnel what a weird twisted version of you know of like the river person sequence and beware the man who speaks in hands or just beware the giant hand that your swan is going to go crashing into there's something blocking the way maybe we can find some way to get rid of this high five a giant hand sure would be nice to to be pet by something like that yeah it could be arranged perhaps [Music] is this a little bit the world revolving too just with like the dude it's very carnivally it's very slightly carnivally i guess i'm just i i i remotely like considering what i'm doing i'm just just making choices well we'll see we'll see if it's just uh we can explore a little more see if we can actually make a real honest shot that didn't work how i wanted no no i just wanted to go with the little castle i like the look of the castle i this has gone on so long i never would have guessed i feel like the original game original chapter was three to four hours it probably took me four or five hours i figured you know this is probably three to four hours it'll take me a little longer oh my god it seems that peace has returned to the castle you open the treasure of revive dust that seems better than a revived mint maybe a minty powder that revives all fallen party members but only in the 25 health so it's not actually that great is it i have to do that in a slightly different order you first i feel as though whatever i'm making my way towards might not be that worth it but i feel committed so let's see [Music] there's still a few hours left what what dear guests please note our mice will turn at every crossing our vermin have been specially handpicked for higher turning enjoy damn it maybe i was supposed to go with the thing to the right you know what i'm i'm i'm going on a little break here and part of what i think i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take a quick look at like how long other people who have finished their streams took and like how long in that timeline were they when they were around this part i don't know i'm just giving myself a little bit of a break and i'm going to research a little bit and try and ballpark how much this game i have left because it's now officially one in the morning okay we're so blurry i might have to go back jeez [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my goodness uh based on my own little research looking around here i think i'm trying to get that i'm trying to get the camera to reset i think at the rate i've been going there's a chance i would have between two to three hours left i don't know i don't know i gotta keep pushing forward i gotta see how this goes [Music] but i also do want to backtrack really quick because i want to know what's in here oh wait how'd oh my god it's uh all right it'll be quick the puzzle is simple i know how it works i just want to to inspect this clearly that other direction was the more important part reset camera why don't you work the way you're meant to what the hell is that hi hi pro dude do you just want to talk thank you for your help i don't know how to i don't know how to fix this i had gone up there to do a little house cleaning and got stuck you were just kind of a little house cleaning that's very funny um that wasn't really what i was trying to do oh okay i pissed him off i suppose we'll just have to let it go this once oh thank you thanks thanks for just letting it slide i wonder where he's gonna go what's he gonna go do how long did it take to make dead estate it has been in production for about a year at this point with like a team of people involved i'm gonna walk off camera let the cat out of the room and hopefully the camera will reset [Music] that's better not so blurry anymore oh my goodness okay head head in the game let's let's do this [Music] people are like going for food breaks and things understandable don't don't apologize to me for for sustaining your body all right this time this time we got it just send all the mouses out they found a buck you didn't get any oh i gotta do it by creating like paths for them they just take every path that is in front of them i guess so i want them i don't think that's gonna work that way i think it will sounds like the bridge was raised that was insanity that was not at all i i barely understand how that worked but i'll take it five five five high five yes looks like the hand is out of the way now seriously how'd you guys figure that out i mean how did how did are these two aware that the it moved oh he's got like an ipad he's just missing an eye it's cracked let's go chris how'd you guys know the hand moved from way up wherever you were people are giving chapter 2 10 out of ten ten thousand out of ten chris hey chris is it strange to say it's nice spending time alone with you like this it's strange sarcastic i was being sarcastic that was a bit of an impulse decision i feel a little mean sorry about that when we first met i i was so nervous about first impressions i even hid my face so you wouldn't see how do i even be a friend all i have to do is be nice is what i thought but i'm starting to realize being friends is more than that isn't it susie sometimes she isn't nice at all she's selfish she's rude she's sarcastic but isn't it wonderful that she's hurt it's what i started thinking today and of course chris it's nice that you're you it's nice that rousey is rousey no one's ever said that to me before i i mean everything's a first for me but hearing it from you it means a lot i just wonder what ralph say like even is sorry i got off track let's let's enjoy the ride chris i can't believe i thought they were evil still a chance but it sure does look increasingly unlikely doesn't it wow chris look at all those houses i wonder what'll happen if we change their color that was worms really thoughts that was dancing it's the lastest of me look at that awesome pirate ship oh such great music chips ahoy is the land lovers it's so great hearing these songs come back that were like so impressive and like you know have been spent three years in my brain are now ready to visit us davey jones locker could you not speak with more than one accent yes right oh mr rules i just remembered lancer he's not well oh dear it's now uh try his burping him perhaps is to give him a sip of medieval ginger hail wait i have not time to spare on such frivolities i must conquer this island and defeat us thou then give us the symptom her a succulent island present gift gifting that was a tough one that word was tough the beauteous queen shall reward me by maketh me her left hand man me the ultimate minion now beholdeth the form of down destroyer must have been the the thrashing device i made on this save file whatever this thing is this thing again is squirming with jealousy at my battle caravan just an effigy of an ancient god of combat i rescue this it from the king's trap trashy there's so many sounds that it starts to really run together and fix it in this world's scrap shop it's uh it's actually rejected the design we made and soon now shalt taste it rejection firsthand in the form of various bullets [Music] oh do we actually fight pools [Music] take two houses take house two and distract claim a weight yeah okay that's kind that's basically how i thought that was gonna work radiate things out not how i thought that was gonna work oh it was showing me my options but i think i i i probably have to start out from that distracted rules will play one less house next turn and the rules pronounced rules aren't simple conquer houses whoever has the most wins oh and and we still have to actually do like battle that's not at all what i expected oh what how how would we possibly oh it takes tp to do got it that's tricky isn't it there's so much you have to kind of weigh and consider so i'm trading off for a turn here soon victory will minus then queen will make it me her left-hand man although it's like this sword thing is attacking me with little scimitars so maybe that's pirate related or maybe the attacks have actually have to do with the thrashing machine because i wonder what it would be if they just made duck your city is lacking crime that's good i don't want crime i'm crying bad i will reach over into his territory and try to block him off because if he suddenly can't expand that won't be perfect because i think he'll still have a diagonal but hopefully he'll trap himself a little bit uh mr card what happens if we win uh oh oh he kind of broke free a little bit it's still a stupid duck feet that was it that was its attack you need more residential zones oh i have enough to take four again that might not quite work [Music] i could do some damage with it though [Music] no diagonals for you finished stop stop building its houses i have to win that's all you could do i got you beat buddy i made my own rules i didn't even know how the game was played at first it really worked out [Music] you can just defend i think should be fine i'm gonna continue to take take away with everything it seems that the game has been overed what have stoth you have more houses cut the battle new one i kinda i didn't expect that to go so smoothly so thou hast triumphed not you have only seen one percentile of mind weapons abilities old worms the real power of rules card oh no what have you done just so many explosions damn it that's right rules isn't compatible with this world either well let's go crisp why are you rousey you're not telling us everything i have no control we're just gonna sail on through are we not even going to help him we're just moving straight past oh get a get it get it quick get a quick snapshot oh people are saying most people ended up drawing in that game tear chance like that the stupid way i went about it worked looks like the ride's almost over chris oh there's a camera should we should we pose hug peace sign my initial thought was throw up a little p sign p sign fantastic i bet it must have been a wonderful picture what we were facing the wrong way aren't i just going to leave with me here now aren't even going to show with me the picture well i don't think we're i don't know where we're supposed to go pick it up from you know you're gonna email it to me maybe the internet's down according to the game that was a nice boat ride wasn't it chris i'd say top three boat rides i've been on today chris [Music] have the the dark winds blowing are you wondering how susie is doing right now wondering well then why don't we close our eyes and think about what she's doing oh we did this once before in the jail actually oh what a strange moon it's like nothing i've ever seen before this world i wish des could see it maybe she is here the icy pillow in the corner is somebody there wait what are you hey you can't capture someone who's already captured maybe they're coming to help [Music] susie you saved me [Music] don't get used to it okay i won't the moon sure looks like a baseball cool moon yeah but it's weird isn't it how did we get here no what even is this place ah it's the dark world ah you're uh you're just having a dream huh oh that's right right if you're here it must be a dream if you're here i mean the real susie probably wouldn't save me would she she probably doesn't care about me at all [Music] why would you think that she doesn't care about anybody well fair but did you ever wonder why susie never picked on you all the time maybe it's because when she first came to class you lent her one of your pencils like a dumb candy cane looking one or something even though it didn't actually taste like candy she uh you remembered your smile i decided to spare you you know that's it's really specific yeah well did you say you ate the pencil i mean look [Music] hey so do you dream about me a lot [Music] well time for me to get back to my project okay susie hit me with your axe and wake me up so why did i wait no i i can't do that why not it's it's just a dream so um i mean didn't you want to hang out some more i i guess birdly can wait a little longer all right let's get out of here then such a sweet scene all we got to do is head to the right over to this over here on this uh heart covered ferris wheel oh it really does seem like a dream now [Music] what's the goddamn hold up get on already sorry very aggressive there suze well nice for them the hell am i supposed to do here tim chris would know what to do point out point and hearts come out don't eat moss point and hearts come out yes i see what it's saying like in the battle that's how chris enters his battle pose and everything but then just eating moss i don't think you should eat moss but you shouldn't initiate a battle so maybe actually uh maybe chris wouldn't know what to do so ferris wheels huh kind of make you wonder what car they were built for it's it's different than riding one with chris that's wrong you scared of heights no no i love heights you're shaking well maybe i'm a little scared but i to be honest i actually like scary things what do you mean when we were little me and my sister would stay up and go past our bedtime i mean i feel like i'm kind of doing that a bit right now i don't have a watch on that was me checking my watch at first i cried but now it's it's like watching them makes me feel comforted comforted i guess i do like slime and blood it's scary but i can just turn it off right now it's mostly people that are scary you can just say me and me well i i guess you too but that's what's nice about you you know nice the hell does that mean you're the good kind of scary you aren't afraid to break the rules you know i wish i could do crazy stuff like you do something crazy or do something nuts so um if you could do something crazy right now what would you do i'm well i i i jump out the window huh it's a dream right i'd grow big big angel wings and fly as far as i can gazing back at it all the skylines shining like holiday lights that's kind of beautiful wait you wouldn't seriously jump out would you no promises susie what do you think looking out there me um say something romantic say something cool i don't think susie would jump straight to romance seeing everything small makes me feel like if i was susie zillar's or something i'd wrecked the whole city susie what is being susie zilla something you think about a lot uh like it's funny to have this conversation with someone who you think is within your own mind and like your dream of them you like it's funny to fish for answers and things with this person who's part of your own subconscious no i just i made it up now does your tail always do that when you lie hey don't look at that i don't have a tail it's part of your dream oh sorry guess i'll just have to check in real life too hey don't susie everything okay i just i just don't like people knowing about it uh well i think it's a nice tale whatever it's wagging you stopped shaking guess i got comfortable me too so sweet so nice well that wasn't too bad [Music] sean in the comments says plot twist it really is a dream chapter two isn't out yet none of this is canon if only i could dream like this every day maybe it doesn't have to be a dream you know susie maybe maybe someday we could [Music] so is this section actually a dream noel my lady the cavalry has arrived to rescue you oh the good part of the dream is over it's fine burglary's gonna help rallies yes don't worry noelle i'm stupid now that was his takeaway hey he's good look i gotta go save the day now all right good luck susie all right nugget boy it's up to you now leave it to me my dear susan whatever may the smarts be with you she left before i could no well it's it's hard to say this you've done so much for me and i well i'm sorry birdly you're actually apologizing thank you i i understand you know now it's a nightmare with birdly here you've always been nice to me when it's just the two of us you just wanted to make a happy world for me i'm glad you realized it sucked oh huh i mean yes i i was in a way apologizing for that but i also wanted to apologize for leading you on i know you always helped me out because well you had a crush on me so what oh sorry please don't be embarrassed it's understandable but they have to tell you i i really value your friendship okay so i felt i had to pretend to reciprocate those feelings [Music] i never furthermore i think i may have discovered someone else for me huh please don't be jealous of susie what what what what just choking the ever living out of him it's like homer's throttling bart so that's why geronimo oh i didn't even realize the pillars were the same that's so funny miss me of course not just kidding that was sarcasm i missed you man you gotta work on your delivery anyway let's go so we saved noelle but then ditched her everyone is together but the wind blows coldly you're filled with a certain power i'm a little bit disconnected from the cold wind stuff at this point but it's very very much like gaster related it was it made it into bowls both gaster videos you know on two left thumbs we got a more aggressive version a wearwear wire doubling down i'm guessing and i'll be sweet i don't know it strongly blocks the way uh everyone everyone just do actions he whispered sweetly to the bear wire it pretended not to care but axe became more effective susie laughed that's how you get him oh my goodness what is this tron stuff going on and how do i possibly predict it be tough that's interesting because i can act these characters can act on their own now but i can still act through them you know even susie told where where why are you beat them up the air crackles with fighting spirit rousey wings to merely gotta go yeah i i don't like this very much i feel like you just gotta keep moving and hope it works out that's that's all i seem to be able to get out of it be cold i just kinda wanna try it out you wouldn't wear wear wire locked eyes the atmosphere is electric oh god they have so many things to chuck those powerful fingers jeez i really really need to drag it out once more so i can heal up a little bit try not to use items too often okay now we're in a place is that was that the only where why where where wire i need to interact with to have a proper spare this looks like one of the areas where rules card would do their puzzling oh been a while since i had to do any of this it was like from the very earliest part of this world damn it was i supposed to go check on that door this is like oh i don't know what that was but this is clearly like the end point that other doors seemed more important i don't know there she is there she is hello girl welcome queen stop right there my sweet idiot children are you are just in time to witness my world domination with noel in my possession it is only a matter of time before her will turns and she unleashes her power blanketing the world in oh we're going mr freeze in ice blanket the whole world chill john says i didn't notice until now that the health changed health changed this is something i maybe didn't notice myself either too late dumbass no noel's with birdly oh then who this oh my god burnley he's been intercepted we're bringing back this too my control plugs are now suitable for teenagers now the whole family can enjoy inter eternal servitude sort of regal mostly cruel laughter wait then where's noel laughter becomes more cruel oh i wonder i actually know the answer enough already oh dear i do sincerely quite like you two it will be a shame to force you to serve me and enjoy an enjoyable we'll see how this battle is compared to the king from the first chapter because like that was not overly tough you know maybe i've just played it too many times but it's it's not a lot of anything the queen is defenseless and birdly i can't interact with oh maybe i have to do birdly first i will throw i can group loosen but i'll i think i'll do a throw casual throw and maybe it may be a block while i'm at it oh there's two things to hit oh got one major lead queen think of the lightners aren't we supposed to make them happy is that not what i'm doing what role did the darkness have what is this weirdness where it seems like they all the all the darkness are aware of lightners and they have this specific agenda like the skyline echoes echoes with regal laughter i could try and do that throw again through the throne was a little tough actually the timing of it's pretty precise and with both things moving independently yes you're welcome birdly think lightners have already been enslaved by me and my kin giant glass i love it that's such a cool idea to have the like your little area fill up like that i love it that was a cool attack queen's acid shield is formed ah now i see in the comments people were joking earlier about that dream that turned nightmare with birdley that it was all just an acid shrimp because of the acid that is everywhere queen is protected group toast group heal everyone heals let's do that let's do group heal queen's ashes acid shield is formed jeez can't talk your soul shined its power on rousey and they cast and you may heal each day they spend hours worshiping and glowing rapture our screams of funny animals and candied games i'm guessing that's like a candy crush thing you know what the hell is that let me just quickly uh report that is spam and uh will block them [Music] that's the the most the most obviously spammy thing i've ever seen in a chat before sorry sorry about that [Music] i don't think i've ever seen like a spam bot just appear in the chat like that that was absurd it should have happened if it would have happened during the spammerton section oh man i would my brain would have broken a little bit i think oh they're so stumpy such a tall boots damn damn damn that didn't go so great that glass of acid is generating her shield so uh you gonna drink all that no this is mine you can't have it oh she filled it up and now we're like draining it that's really funny staring tapping to receive joy staring tapping to avoid pain but being so real you know it's been a hard year if i want to hide inside my phone a little bit don't shame me queen smells like overclocked high heels it's a funny joke i i guess i just have to keep i don't have to do group toast now i'll do a group toast try and get that emptied as quick as we can sips from her acid until recently when the town's internet disappeared now the refuge they take in the screens will slowly fade just keep moving in circles that seems to be an effective strategy wide circles around i think i should do a group heel maybe and just a quick little loosen over there it's just a tiny one is it helping him out oh crap who will answer them something about strangers i think joe boyce sounds like fashion sound queen tail moments under oh there's undertale were some of the different words i think that came out of there which is quite funny burnley's coming along decently group losing everyone contribute is what i wondered until the night appeared and created this wonderful world of darkness so like the night created worlds where we could put shadows of ourselves so that we could make ourselves feel better there's like this weird thing running about darkness existing to to make lighteners feel better is that what's happening now the path is clear all i have to do is expand this dark world i think the idea of filling the cup and then the cup being a shield all that is really great i am really really into it toaster back down oh i think it was a little more full then with the world covered in darkness no one will have to suffer anymore let's see if i can oh they're comboing ah i can't just do my strategy of moving open circles around the outside of everything that went fine i'm okay i panicked over nothing yeah i like how everyone's calling the spam bot the chat spamton that's gonna be long term so satisfying to be able to attack everyone gang up on spammed and bots if there is another spam bot i hope there is showing up in here i hope that there's mods who can take care of it instead everyone can live in my perfect mansion everyone blissfully worshipping me like we both deserve guy guy top 20 girl drama all the negative things now who knows what everyone's saying the battlefield feels electric i am putting boxer on timeout you can't just like spam the chat asking for a shout out dude that's not how it works it makes it look like she's getting hurt drinking her own drink now stop resisting and welcome the new age of darkness power birdly muscly it makes them look really muscly oh i'm looking so much of the character that i'm not noticing how much i'm getting wrecked right here that was brutal i'm gonna do a group heal for sure we won't let you control everyone with your wires whoa when did i say i would do that well it kind of seems like that's the direction you're headed if your machinations are any less nefarious than they seem from an outside perspective here you know you're not doing a very good job of of selling the the group on it you're literally controlling birdly now oh yeah that's just for him only just he just deserved it a little bit oh crap trying to glance at chat and getting rained acid on my head toast got a big old glass a lot to drain why did you want one no she's asked like as if she genuinely meant it almost it's polite gave us the opportunity to say hard no no thank you i keep it to yourself i like i do like this boss battle music a lot guys i think i drank too much of this battery acid ages three end up oh no this is quite the combos of attacks oh my god there's so many things going on at once but it's really not that overwhelming once you do the uh the stampton battle the rest of it's quite quite doable you know and now you foolish children he may have survived my attacks regularly but i've been secretly downloading my ultimate move the full time now perish in the bosom of my hellish reign downloading ultimate attack we'll hopefully into that connection interrupted did you get did you get spam bonded or something did that does that just happened it failed the accent shield is down now is our chance loosen so that final move was supposed to be cooler but the internet is down that's i thought that was like you're doing i thought you were the one who brought the internet down oh come on how was this i was burnley's tornado thing that the one i struggled the most with everyone loosens birdly he's saved not bad for foolish children what the what are you doing why is it my control wire working thanks to my comrades kindness their mercy now it's time for me to take my freedom queen you may have mastered the number three can you stand up against four of us running simulation for the number four you're definitely gonna kick my ass unless oh no what that that was the most amazing like two frame run animation i've ever seen wait wait what nano second you you count that you you alas birdly just now was nothing more than simple bravado the truth is that wire already absorbed all my succulent energy juices i guess we don't actually get to see a four-person battle birdly hey birdly are you okay everything kidding dark only only a kiss from a beautiful gamer girl can save me now birdly you handsome hunk you what like you're like losing consciousness and stuff but could you speak up yeah i was sorry suddenly i'm feeling a bit better hey that's a relief well gotta hurry and save noelle so later dear susan so enigmatic in her ways i can read her heart chris like a health meter and it's beeping for love well enough tales chris good luck may the smarts not be with you the takeaway wasn't supposed to be that being stupid is like an a virtue you know but you know do what you want with it birdly okay oh there's a stray pixel on this one too how is that possible how is it possible that both of these top tower battle areas both have one random black pixel what the hell chris your deep concern for me is dexterous but stay sanguine for my my fellow blue bird i'll find some way to help you yet chris such insistence sorry but i must turn you down i've chosen susan's route in the vn of life okay i think we've had enough is the hacker back here if i go and take a quick peek back oh okay the all this stuff didn't like shut down with the uh the end of that did it oh goodness gracious did i ever rush my way through that and have it go poorly guess i should have taken my time but i i wanted to double check this door oh whoa the statue rocks here elsie can we take this for my room that would be stealing you stole the susie-like statue there are all sorts of clothes inside never seen noel wear anything like this there are catalogs of search results seems like most things couldn't be made into objects from the search is ice e real cryptid it's a cross between ice e and something else hey chris take this for your room ah that would be stealing you stole the icy statue for some reason it's a calendar every page is the last month every day is the 25th it's just december 25th over and over it's a bed go to sleep no it's not your bed anyhow could i have actually it's a wardrobe could i have actually uh chris what if noel came in here yeah what if she has ticks get out of there all right all right all right i'll i'll leave it alone team no i will continue to steal i'll steal it all i don't care i i feel as though i it is important that i steal all that for the sake of having a better more decorated home it's a lot easier in that direction for some reason with that that was just a save point right that's not like a i'm not gonna enter into i looked at it and thought like i don't want to shut down the fountain just yet nah never sleeping never sleeping the night the roaring knight today it designed to create this world it damed damed reaching its long hand to the sky it coursed its will into its blade and made wait is chris the knight having the the knife thrusting the fountain from the earth i mean that's insane it can't be chris that just wouldn't make sense unfortunately the world they created is trapped within the confines of the library if only we had a way to make more darkness we might be able to cover the whole world that is when i realized this power this power of the will this power of determination is this not something that all lightners possess if one was simply determined enough could not anyone make a dark fountain so then if the night has taken its leave then i will simply make a new one a new knight oh god noel honey darling sweetie gravy how do you find the giant hand right and how do you feel about world domination no mama really blaster way out of there i have to open the door for the cat then i basically have to like invite her in she clearly wants it but i open the door and she'll just stand there i have like the third cat appearance in a in an eight hour long stream this is misty tiny little baby doesn't mind being picked up such a cute little critter i'm just gonna place you back behind me on on some comfy blankets susie you've come to save me somehow i knew you would you did um i mean i uh wait wait you need to get out of here coming back over the full-sized yep seems that you failed to notice the giant freaking robot in the middle of my palace i saw it i just kind of forgot this isn't good she's invincible like this she's been bragging about her final form all day you think growing a few inches is going to help yes oh my god are we cool to take over the world now susie let's just give up and tell if we're giving up now so what if you've got another form we've got one too chris valsa come on you guys are going megazord yes what are you doing this is our ultimate uh wait a sec now that you mention it oh no it appears i am evenly matched i hope you won't mind if i don't hold back that felt that reminded me of wario land a specific boss battle i like definitely recognized it we're falling any bright ideas on how we're getting out of this one uh we could try flapping our arms fear not your night in glow in dark armor is here bird lays the night that's the solution yep yep yep yep obvious chris suzy my energy is still too low to help you fight so i found help for you behold comrades on your quest again queen you've made all sorts of buddies right using our junk making skills we modified everyone to work together i shall also take credit for this oh my god oh god everyone even the hacker at the end there chris susie behold the ultimate group project with a splendid base my strongest jpegs flashing lights and my axe happy bravery now noise my energy squeak tender loving care fresh cooking i guess if you killed all these and went genocide wrote though they wouldn't be here to like contribute to this right organization and most of all whatever this thing is they really did a good job of like giving them different distinct characteristics eh oh man the animation of that was really great hell yeah finally a worthy opponent round one oh oh it's coming all the way back around to punch out gaga queen blocks the way uh i i ca i can't do any of those things right now so i will block to begin with time for words is over now is the time to fight only okay good i do i do still get to like interact with it in this way damn it that didn't go great susie mashes the controls trying to punch more i kind of was doing that a bit too ah just kidding i totally will keep modeling vlogging as i kick at your face the kicking of the kicks are really hard they're for sure the hardest to dodge you know what it's going quite well i'm doing just fine learned my lesson from the first time the night is young we're fighting time has come for noel to realize her own strength her own will her own determination oh there's like multiple uh rounds to this fight isn't there i i'm just noticing she has like the little squares to the bottom left of her health bar dodge queen's attacks with left right and down oh right i forgot there's down now too focusing into her blade she will create a neo dark photo then another and another oh that was about bad being too aggressive there i could probably try to heal up a little bit oh i just realized i'm actually damaging them okay uh i i can heal [Music] power up each hit i don't know i think i do just want to punch them to bits i would be killing the robot not the person selfics engaged the healing aura fired up but the tp cost increased then when the whole world is covered in darkness she and everyone can live in bliss free of fear and suffering okay i was i assumed i had to punch it seemed to work last time chris suzy why don't you help me too create the world of your dreams also my dreams that was poorly done this is where shit's gonna get rough full on mortal kombat they have to give it at least one the queen's attacks get tougher bro just let me karate chop you and you can have as many skateboards as you want trying to limit the amount of uh attacks i take there oh double i didn't know you could double use sword mode i have sword mode oh no no no haven't sorted this whole time no time for that oh it's sword mode no i thought you meant just straight up attacking yeah yeah that's a good point good point i will i'll do a cell fix first things i i have a hundred damage dealt and chris my dearest true see you can have as many okay i don't remember what you liked yeah no one really bothered to learn anything about chris that's kind of like a kind of a significant part of their character wow jeez what the hell sword mode engaged damage grows until you miss hey is there a third guy oh i'm trying to dodge the wheels well that went a little poorly i think yep not great join me and all of you will become super strong and cool meanwhile i don't need to improve because i'm already perfect that can shoot lasers for my fancy glass yeah i don't i don't understand how some of their moves functioned so i did my i did my best okay i believe i've made my point i'm going to procedurally loop my dialogue now that's amazing oh they're signaling the direction they're they're like going to attack into i think it's incredibly hard to know where to dodge to i was button-mashing way too hard there i think i better try and heal up a little bit time for words is over now is the time to fight only see that's normal some of your your glass-based attacks are the ones that really mess me up oh i didn't mean to skip that but i think we've kind of crossed past what the hell is going on we kind of crossed the part where the dialogues matter yeah yeah we're we're just looping around inside the game let me know honestly kind of working damn those two the double whammy attacks are no good brutal i'm what the hell did i just do my finger was on the wrong button i like couldn't get my attacks off properly i think eight hours of streaming will do that to you god i don't think that should have been that difficult i really just got caught up in there i think i'm back to round one aren't i damn it keep daunting into them that's not that's not helpful i feel like i learned that there's certain attacks you aren't meant to follow up on when they do the the double whammy charge up thing you're supposed to just keep dodging punching the baseballs is supposed to be one of the easy parts now things are going better i'm pretty happy with that that progress stay determined please people are rooting for me i appreciate it the cat wants out again already did fighting with the duck affect things like if your trash thrash machine was the duck did that affect this this battle that would be pretty amazing okay i got this this is where i'm gonna this is where i'm gonna really pull things all together here no stopping me now oh that was the double that was the double one i was waiting for it still caught me damn it the the animations and the the poses and the facial expressions and everything as they're getting beat up are actually like really great i'm really enjoying even just the look of a lot of that or timing i don't understand the wheels i don't understand why this character attacks with wheels like that it's just such a strange thing oh i thought it was being smart positioning myself for effective rocket dodging instead i just got hit by most of that what do you think of that there were differences fighting with the duck that's unreal i'm hearing that i can't even begin to imagine doing the gaster egg video where i start to look for like uh differences between these games and everything what the heck oh my god where i i try to like i i'll have to do things in chapter one like build the thrash machine and then play all the way through to this point to see how it changes things that there's such a dramatic amount of stuff and interactions to be found based on that alone like i don't remotely know how i would ever start hunting for all those it's gonna be it's gonna be a process oh my god what is this fire breath that's getting whipped back and forth that means that went right just great gotta really look for all the signals i gotta heal again for sure at least i actually succeeded in dodging the wheels that time the acid attacks are intense it's coming together i think i got this yeah it is nothing at this point you know i really tried to dodge those i didn't try to attack i just botched the dodges oh final attack they said i i was not expecting it since dialogue hadn't changed in a while crap crap crap crap crap there's still more to it why is it what's what's with baseballs why are baseball such recurring motif in this i get baseballs thrown at me um by multiple different characters in multiple different battles the moon looks like a baseball what is what is up with that is that all earthbound references like or i don't know i don't know what it's all about battle power dropping overheat activated listen well you may have defeated me but i still possess one thing you three will never have detachable hands there's still more to this punch you're punched in half noel darling honey sweetie gravy take the pin i gave you and stab the earth creating our new supreme empire what's wrong noel i know it would make you happy or should i with the last one of my battery crush suzy into eight bits leave leave susie alone you think listening to you makes me happy no i'll never be happy not if i'm controlled by you why can't you understand that noel perhaps my computations were miscalibrated noelle disregard me and with your own power choose the world that makes you happy oh the static behind the eyes like we had with spamton green queen queen are you okay seems she ran out of battery power i guess we can seal the fountain now right everybody everybody queen she said choose the world that makes you happy [Music] i don't want to live in a world ruled by her but if that wasn't the case i wonder if this world wouldn't be so bad [Music] susie don't you think so too i uh now that you mention it chris isn't this world just better we make so many friends here you know i've never had an adventure like this before with axes and battles and magic everything can be healed with a little spell and no matter what happens no one tells us what to do gosh yeah so even if things were really scary just now i mean so is there any reason not to not that i can think of me neither then noel let this be my real apology summoning everything to his halberd concentrating my will into this blade i will make a new fountain and unleash a bright future a future that shines for us a future whose brightness is born from darkness stop and what in the world are you all doing well we thought just stop i mean stop do you realize what will happen if you do that i will just you'll bring the roaring the roaring knight is that like their ragnarok when the light is subsumed by shadow the fountains fill the sky all will fall into chaos the titans will take form from the fountain and envelope the land in devastation the surviving darkness crushed by the darkness will slowly one by one turn into statues leaving the lightners to fend for themselves lost eternally in an endless night is that your idea of paradise everyone's oh face including the giant robot oh damn i did not know that you didn't uh but your whole plan was to the computer i don't know everything i was just guessing based off the night's reaction the night's actions why the heck hell would i want to end the world well that's relief uh i'm sorry after everything i just caused trouble for you again noel that's okay birdly i understand i thought about it well charging my battery you cannot calculate other people's feelings you understand how i feel not really i just don't want noel to be sad well i'm glad you two kind of get it now guess we all made a pretty sweet team in the end [Laughter] no we freaking didn't can you let go of us now oh yeah so long yeah the queen is just a computer probably not lancer's mom but there is a weird thing where they look so similar to lancer and sans and uh the card king from before that like is this somehow the all made in the image of some gaster or some knight or higher power or something that they all some common thread between these dark worlds susie hey you stood up to queen not half bad really ah yeah just guess you gotta wake up soon huh [Music] everything got so intense i forgot it was a dream then i just hope i get to have more dreams like this hey well when you wake up um well i just want to say [Music] they're so animated and jumpy and lively well then i suppose it's time for you all to exit running program tender goodbye i will miss each of you noel your unneeded honesty susie your foolish bravery chris your chill vibes is she gonna dump on birdly the burglary it doesn't have to be goodbye queen chris can you can take you back to our castle town you and all our recruits can live there [Music] cancelled deleting tender goodbye [Music] all right time to do what we came here for hey noel if you see the real susie just just know that maybe she's look she doesn't have a tail okay okay i got it it's not a secret let's just go chris i'd really really like the character of the queen they still were like the driving i see people agreeing with this in the comments here that they're like they were the driving antagonist but like not really the villain is very interesting very well handled very intriguing character potentially one of my favorites from all of deltarune potentially all of deltarune and undertale spamton was unreal the queen was great as well chris it looks like we're here again huh roaring night whenever they are they're making these fountains but is that really a bad thing [Music] newbert is the night there we go since they started showing up everything's gotten a lot more interesting hasn't it well we don't have to think about it that we don't have to think about that now chris it's your turn i don't understand the noel stuff like why are we not taking her out with her how how else is she going to get out you know i think i guess we'll go grab her after something it was as if your very soul was glowing i love how triumphant this little music is looks like it froze for a second there what happened oh it was a dream wasn't it a a dream that was all a dream i guess they're gonna go through the same thing chris and susie just did where you're kind of like did that happen of course that must have been a dream such feelings such thoughts oh sweet lady of justice to think i would ever think susie would be susie susie what are you doing here uh you invited us to study remember oh right i uh studying with them oh well heavens to yikes that's a good saying they're they're well i guess we could try it that's so nice oh my my alarm i'm going to be late for my shift with miss boom oh no how is it that late already well i do everyone i must gather my book longings and take them away to the book hole perhaps uh how i love the texture of freshly picked up books now let us hasten my dear noel the little lights in the closet are wigging me out i think they're just lights but it could be eyes good day chris suzy bye chris and uh bye susie um see ya was that a slap where are you were you looking for something oh and they're looking for the tail nothing but bye i thought they slapped chris with that turn around the heck is her problem anyway way to treat somebody who just saved the world chris hey wait a sec chris we just actually saved the world didn't we damn we really are heroes and no one even knows i guess it's better that way though right people freak out if they knew the world's in danger though kind of sucks noel has to forget too whatever let's get out of here you guys didn't have to keep all that to yourself you could have told them that none of that that that was real and like filled them in you know why not it's i i guess like susie made the lie once and just stuck with it but like i think he could have informed ball of junk i do i still have cards i got both of them that's good that's good news i insist on comprehensiveness whatever it at whatever stage it was that i decided i was gonna stick with this when i was in the the lake of green three two hours ago or something that i decided i was sticking with this i also knew i was gonna do the whole walk through the town it's 2 30 in the morning for me but i'm doing this but i need a break i'm probably going to get another beer just cause like whatever you know this is three years we've been waiting we're eight and a half hours in why not just keep the party going so for one last time i'm putting the stream on pause for one last time you guys get to hear about my upcoming game publisher i can't take credit as a developer but it's just easier to say my my upcoming game devastate i'm looking at my own camera my own feedback of my face not at the camera so but you guys can see the ad for that whatever one two three more times the extra remind you go wishlist devastate if you haven't done it yet now is the time go do that it shows steam it's the same as like liking a video and commenting on it it shows steam that you're interested it boosts it up in their algorithm they start recommending it it snowballs from there it's crazy it's like a year long of work with these small time developers uh and like we're i don't know we're eager to be putting our first thing out so yeah one last time here's the trailer for that all right i'm gonna go take a quick break i'll be back and we're gonna go explore this town together thanks for sticking with me for so long regardless how long you guys have been been visiting here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] never never did i think this stream would last this long ridiculousness one more thing i have you guys is a bit of a captive audience i'm dropping a link in the chat here this channel this other channel i'm linking graham games just hit a thousand subscribers that's cool this channel is like my old relic archive style let's play channel honestly i streamed here because i'm trying not to like upset the new thing i got going over on that new channel it would be weird to have a bunch of highly edited highlight videos and then one nine hour long stream so yeah i haven't haven't done i i don't know so i did this over here still but this is kind of a legacy channel at this point that's the channel i'm working towards promoting more if you guys want to see other let's play stuff in the future from me that's going to be the better place to check it out yeah just figured i'd throw that out there i think it's going to have a lot of fun good stuff let's let's explore the town it's a recycling bin looks like someone accidentally printed off a lot of useless emails well there's not really any reason to ever print emails so that's just a useless process as is it's a computer it's nothing but a blue screen looks like it crashed a dolphin screensaver is advertising some kind of malware oh fun exciting you could grab your own malware various posters talking about internet safety just in case you didn't have enough malware they're advertising it to you now it's a computer the monitor is flickering brightly it's a computer okay all the same on that a trash can you get the feeling it doesn't have any friends it's hard to explain why you feel this way about a trash can looks like the library's state-of-the-art public laptop someone left it on can't interact with all the little little crumpled paper balls the closet is spacious and full of old electronics a large person could easily fit inside it's full of many backup devices like extra mice extra keyboards or extra maracas for any dogs who want to take another three years to develop the next chunk of their game before you left you gathered up everything in the room everything got a bunch of empty rooms all around town all of a sudden no reason to go back in there please surf the web responsibly in fact maybe don't do it at all i do want to know if this stuff is all the same it's the weekly cartoon review just looking at cartoon criticism is sapping your energy rapidly there's only so much of that to go around in a day in a week in a lifetime there's a book here you lick the page it's delicious this must be what they meant by flavor text someone's diary read it that this these are things that i think were were there previously upstairs though that's new hey hey are we gonna witness this character like become a follower or a goner or something i love reading books especially the books upstairs i think that's what they had said previously it's a book it's book one about souls read it yeah the soul has long been called many things the font of our compassion the source of our will the container of our life force but even now the true function of it is unknown how to care for a human it's a book for monsters on how to care for humans look in the back look inside there are photos of unfamiliar humans inside you shut the book quickly you just don't want to see that don't want to see other humans according to the card in the back looks like your mother took it out repeatedly many years ago that's very sweet really this guy went upstairs but that's it nothing okay there's a crude drawing of an ice cube wearing a headband the teen zone where teens can be kids a feeling of immense relief washes over you i just i saw someone mention that i had something extra to look at there man it got late didn't it yeah you're telling me susan yes we should go home huh all right you don't have to say it don't want to walk home by yourself huh well you're going to make me i guess let's go we get to do it as a group that's cute i don't think it would be worth popping back into the school might not even let us [Music] quick look quick look see tim hey damn still study study hard time get a smart go to college achieve dream then tim become tim become as if you could even envision it what a what a what a turn that took the computer wallpaper is updated there's still the okay seeing tim here might be like the one the one thing to uh to encounter but i should probably follow up on the closet the other dark world this got opened [Music] no that that must have already been still an orange on the desk [Music] oh shh just like that hi hey uh i really didn't think that would work so this is your castle town it's not bad chris susie on behalf of everyone i oppressed thank you i'm going to be your wacky roommate now okay i'm fine with that i think chris i bet you have a lot of people to talk to but you don't have to do everything at once save and take a break anytime you want oh now you tell me i thought i had to do it all at once are you saying that wasn't necessary jeez how would a thought uh-huh i wonder if she'll be back hey boss we're just reminiscing about fighting you do you have new dialogue that's right they took so long on their turn what a horned girl i never got to see her oh welcome home and things have changed again here in gourmet town thanks for getting rid of queen yeah this form is much cooler so i'm keeping it i like i like that you're sticking with it kathy's happy to see so many new faces happy happy's happy young masters thank you for such a wide space to clean the people here have such clean hearts as well securi it's nice to have make friends that like good clean fun what a wonderful place thank you this town not that restaurant looks weird i'm not going in in the bakery i was rejected from the cafe what can i do now mama mina as long as the purple i don't i don't understand why what prize is in terms of a response to that question you know well well welcome to top bakery uh is there anything i could fuse i don't have most of what's needed oh i sold i sold the shackle a black wristband covered in spikes has the tendency to get stuck on itself oh the tension bow though i have what i need for that gain ten percent more attention from grazing bullets ah that's not exciting at all that's a bummer i'm chef lancer try my delicious hand form cookies what's the price here dollars yeah you know what i now pronounce you cookie and wife so that time i actually got to receive the cookie properly shawn man what are we gonna talk about what is that it appears to have a shadow crystal unfortunately i believe that you were missing one from your previous adventures oh but are you sure are you sure you didn't defeat that clown perhaps you just haven't remembered that you had it that's right as long as you ever defeated that enemy in the past then perhaps even now that crystal might turn up somewhere close perhaps okay so maybe i can still recuperate what i should have got from defeating the devil which i eventually did just not on this save i guess there are many fresh faces in town i see it warms this old fluff to see such hope i was even surprised to see the queen again again same as ever well aren't we all so the queen was always a robot then take your time i if i i beat jevel yes did i say beat shawn i don't know i i we're too far into the stream for me to know what i've said anymore those young men have made an interesting shop they're leaving the bagel business so i have the rest of their remaining stock by the by it's growing late isn't it yeah everyone keeps reminding me you should hurry home once you finish your business here you don't want to get caught when the sun goes down what happens then what happens then job you gotta tell me i need to know that's a lot to talk to in there i'm taking a taking a bye on that when i think we could go hang out in our castle though new bert's add a wild ride time to settle down give my riches to the weak with this windfall i've ceased to be spherical newbert you're one of a kind so new birds and ball are a couple now and newberg gave their wig who's this guy he's scary he's a little bit much isn't he i'm trashy i bet you're gonna make a lot of new friends how about a strawberry cake is a warm room warming gift there's a slice of cake in your fridge susie it's not cauldron fresh is this still locked about the basement violent protection we're still behind bars it's okay you guys like it everyone everyone's sticking with that but you you have to have something new to say you may have bested me but you'll soon face someone more fearsome more tyrannicals than you could ever imagine green we already met her what oh they are different colored blues well nice hamster wheel so you two have come to humiliate me no i'm serious it's cool [Music] that water bottle however do not speak you'll love the royal water bottle [Music] it's nothing compared to the one at my mansion she did have one materialistic as always materialism evaluation denied so they know each other i simply give myself the treatment i deserve you slept curled up on a dirty throne every day enough wench what purpose have you here queenie beanie that sounds pretty like a cute pet name just thought i would send a message kingy wingy that you don't have to worry about lancer i'll be looking after him from now on after all i am his mother i mean the odds of that were pretty high but like good to have the confirmation within this game and not have to wait for another chapter you know when was that decided arbitrarily right now so maybe not then do what you please with the boy if he cries bounce him on the ground like a ball she might actually be his mother i don't know there's a lot to read into there i don't know and he could just be saying it is in like uh you know whatever you haven't been his mother for all these years like you birthed him but you haven't been his mother i don't know i don't know it's it makes the most sense it makes the most sense that it's a literal father and mother i think it's time to abort this conversation as you wish oh quite sorry mine king queen has a new man about town now yeah i think i left my puzzle on posthaste who was that that was my son's lesser father cannot calculate someone less than you be gone that's a good burn bye bye kingy wingy by the way did you want anything from the store cashews order processed i mean she could be a cyborg right she was turning people into robots and giving them robot faces or whatever we have nothing to discuss she could have been not always a robot but i really really couldn't say oh did those statues get added yes this maybe isn't the best thing in your room no i i think i would disagree a hard disagree and also susie statue jealous of my cool statue chris huh what no it's not me it's just cool hey this was confirmed in that sixth anniversary stream that these little bandaged chairs are meant to be the same ones from that kickstarter video suzy chris toothpaste boy queen is teaching me all sorts of things about being a bad guy she's like how do i put this a third father to me a girl dad if you will you need a mom go outside and play peach boy beach boy beach boy welcome this entire castle is now my room i was gonna set up something upstairs why i already have everything i could ever want friendship fans and a small round boy now go play with your friends peach boy chris any leftover regards you can give to bird i think it was you have do give noel my regards leftover regards birdly i keep ending up in this situation can't say i'm a fan or can i not a fan of fanning i get that there was so much stuff in the early part of this chapter like setting up that noel not noel too much too many names too much streaming that ralph say had like potentially like nefarious inclinations and it never led anywhere who knows if that was all misdirect looks like it won't forgive you for sparring it unless you can beat it in a fight but what are there i'm guessing there are new challenges the task manager chapter 2 all-stars face everyone in a row it'll take stamina yeah i'm not doing any of that right now i got people to talk to you know i think that was a that was a good little check-in i like that that's available that anytime a cute little wave we can pop down and just say hi to our friends that's very nice now now i'm just gonna go head around town [Music] and talk to anyone i can find [Music] undyne's gone [Music] check it on noelle or and or rudy here to make an appointment nah just here to hang out i see you probably see a lot but not with a lot of depth just very like a very minimal way of seeing things whoa chris you can play the piano [Music] i almost thought you were serious for a sec what's with that pissed off look this monster indicated that we did know how to play so there's still something off with chris the beads of the toy march on it's oh it's not like the icy guy anymore now we have um shiron looks like she's resting her voice it's a regular sink it's a clone of the other sink that's all carried over small piano icy pain thing no just having a new character in there though hey silver drake i've never beaten this boss before all right hand it over honey i got this oh dad this is my battle that's not the monster's eye i totally get what you mean it's one of those nurse hats that's so funny i just assumed it was a giant melt in one eye so um how about just telling me what to do sure how about trying fire shock i'd love to dad but the mage left the party she was the maid she left our party i guess we never really used her we never used her in battle oh yeah how about one of your 99 blaze potions uh i'm saving those your birthday come on live a little okay dad this one's for you hey yeah it reflects fire attacks whoops hey you gotta heal i wish i knew healing magic in real life then i'd make you better it wouldn't just be me and mom your mother is hey it's okay sweetheart i i'm getting better might even be able to go to church tomorrow really are you sure you're okay holidays happen whether you like it or not even though everyone likes holidays well gotta go home sooner mom will call it's not like a family catchphrase see you tomorrow honey bye dad love you susie why are you here mal malavino sorry guys this game is only one player ah dad this is um suzy oh this is susie very very chill of you dad very not obvious nice heard a lot about you you have cool think i have to go now susie huh yeah lay a finger on her and i'll kick your ass just kidding well kind of kidding oh the hell is bringing you flowers hey what's wrong with the married man getting flowers so your wife gave them to you i'm messing with you chris's dad did i'm gonna try to understand this [Music] hey chris why are you checking the sink that's what i'm asking sweetheart i just have to i have to know all sinks i have to know them intimately so why do you collect creepy dolls noel and her sister made that respect well sister patient name what that's weird that i don't know i don't know what that response was supposed to be to hearing about her sister hey chris forgot my name or something sorry i used up a lot of my energy just now probably not going to be very fun to talk thanks for visiting though chris and you too susie okay the current situation seems like i need some more tests so just gotta wait a day it can't keep me down for too long baby sooner or later on bus note here besides your dad ain't much without his main man oh do you work with asgore what is it christmas look chris can't say much but noel might look like she has it all but her mother her mother you know love her but she's tough on her normally i i balance it all out but i can't do much when i'm not there oh i'm hearing people say that it's implied that the sister passed away i wonder if that's the case they definitely talk about memories of deaths and it would make sense it's talking about how it's just noel and her mother and things like that damn her sister's definitely passed away that's so horrible i can't do much when i'm not there but i'm going to get better i have to hey chris she's a nice girl huh the hell are you taking her here for why don't you take her to the movies hey yeah the hell didn't we go to the movies chris yeah take me too while you're at it yeah chris come on kettle corn chris big don't skimp out get on out of here and do something fun like talk to sans i'm obviously going to put that off that'll be one of the last stops i make [Music] oh alfie's hell if i'm going any further already close enough to getting banned from school don't want to be banned from outside of school too that's a thing right oh i can actually go inside here this time well cared for flowers photos of chief undyne and deputy navs deployed just straight up uh we knew that last time that we could um kind of figure out that that's who was inside of the precinct we couldn't actually go in oh des des the sister was short for december that's brilliant you guys i think a few people kind of like figured that out at the same time that's that makes so much sense undyne is rescuing all caddy's family from a tree napstablook is also stuck in the trees somehow key for me hey get out of the road oh sorry bad habit anything i can help you with punk [Music] not in a rapport huh at times like this punks like you should be home playing video games dark world huh super dangerous alternate world in the library or are appearing people might fall inside listen punk you seriously think i'm gonna believe that dark world seriously broke the key holy crap oh no they're letting all all the dogs like dog me greater dog doggo i just realized that's who all was in there hey hey wait ah not again it's like i gotta go recapture those criminals i didn't get a chance to interact with them first hey by the way that yellow glasses lady she your teacher she kind of had an accident earlier with her bike just wanted to make sure she was feeling better so uh give her this got a heart-shaped box of candies that say get well soon see the blossoming romance yet another it has to your bike hastily scrawled underneath the kit mouth suit get well soon it's all the store had open it and i'll arrest you look i'll even put a note on it now stop interrupting me i gotta go you got the previously described box of candy with a note on it you skimmed a news article about undyne new police chief undyne's explosive debut passionate young rookie becomes the new police chief though energetic it may be hard to live up to the legacy after asgore dreamer was removed from the force interesting bit of history there there's no need to read anymore i guess we would know the story wouldn't we that's that's interesting he wasn't always the flowers guy oh jailbreak i'll sound the alarm what's a hell of an alarm i made the jailbreak alarm my mixtape it's a nice beat to study or relax to while you escape from prison that was awesome it's a beaten bike the horn looks like it might give a hunk of despair huh chris do you have something for me lord chocolate i'll give it even though i know chris likes chocolate but chris what is that you're giving me a box of heart-shaped chocolates whoa no no i can't accept that from you what it's it's from the police you mean she's giving me this well soon gift to my bike and uh there's a note on it that says open this and i'll rescue you little punk chris i tell her i appreciate it did you need something talk about school oh how's your project going with uh susie you went to the library together with noelle and birdly that's that's amazing chris and uh while you were there this has nothing to do with me but the teen zone seems to have some good anime reviews you know not sure if you and the gang were checking that out as you studied next time you go you might want to casually bring that up among your fellow deans how's it going there fellow kids i i know your dad liked me mewtwo at least again nothing to do with me and uh complain about the police chris it's no secret the police in this town are how do i put this just uh eye candy i guess oh that came out wrong i mean they're symbolic they barely do anything it's because of the mayor there there there isn't any crime it makes me wonder if she even needs the police or if they're just getting in her way sorry i'm just saying what you already know after all she's your neighbor right there are so few games that can introduce a character like the mayor and your neighbor and your friend's mom in a way where like i would be eagerly waiting for three years to find out their identity like we don't even know who they are that's something unbelievable unbelievable that this game has done that like i don't think any other has ever done for me that level of intrigue to just want to absorb every ounce of detail all right let's go i think oh there he is having a wide open space is great for us kids sometimes it's good to get your freak out people thought he was doing the spooky dance but it doesn't really work if he's not changing direction you know uh a few people have kind of moved around the town a little bit oh man there's a lot different going on all around here i kind of want to find out if the mayor is in today well well if it isn't the teens our beloved rats of the city you want to get into politics you better graduate from diaper school first that's what i did look at me now i don't even work here and you're just perpetually picking up your briefcase this briefcase is full of diapers or to the pros dips you're gonna have to level up to understand a man's world that bald guy keeps trying to show me something from his briefcase is it bribe i'm really deep into politics now [Music] put me in coach put me in you're you're done with uh your your pizza pizza it's a painting of the town [Music] oh i'm sorry you're looking for the mayor she's very very busy preparing for the festival still don't know the mayor but perhaps the festival will be significant to chapter three we tried to play baseball but that kid kept dancing in the middle of the lot we should have come to the dark world then because there was non-stop baseball related themed things i don't feel like there's any way to stop it if i can't stop him should i join him no no maybe you should though having a wide open space is great for kids gotta have our little freakout nothing like admiring the great paint job me and my bro did on our church missed a spot [Music] weren't those guys like a couple in the other in undertale now i don't even know uh sans is like the last thing i'm gonna do i'm putting that off i'm exploring everything else i'm not jerry i'm terry is that a joke from parks and rec that would be very funny i'm super cool i totally don't have to go to the bathroom well i believe you oh terry say it again say you don't have to go to the bathroom again what that says he just stands around talking about now he doesn't have to go in the bathroom no alvin around this time hey oh here they are chris welcome did you seek something from me how about uh gerson it's been a few years since my father passed on fans of his famous book series lord of the hammer you still receive condolences from them until just recently a brave man brilliant and sharp chris it is a shame you were not able to have him as a teacher and difficult for miss alfies as his replacement but let us pray that the angel will smile upon her as for the ritual a hammer is buried in the earth here to symbolize his existence connect his spirit to the divine originally a smith by trade he began writing history and made a turn into telling stories as a means to entertain his children that such a story created for such a simple purpose could blossom into such a large wonderful world-changing thing that is the majority of words chris majesty you know those few sentences i said that's the majority of words i don't know how many words you thought there were in the english language but that was the majority of them my father was blessed to have such a talent for writing asriel ah chris your brother your brother he is a very kind young man perhaps even a little overzealous in his younger days he would visit me often to confess to various sins despite the absence of sin or confession in our religion i remember his small face sobbing as he admitted he had dropped the lizard in the pit to jump high nearly admitting the fact that he had done so in a video game he also confessed to various sins on your behalf begging for your forgiveness for dropping the lizard on purpose i would always forgive him and send him home playing like mario and jumping off yoshi to get that extra distance oh is there something in front of this marker a snowy gemstone for a proud mother there's like something laid in front of it there i'm guessing i'm guessing of all things these would not have changed so this is your idea of hanging out chris going through the graveyard works for me i guess as long as you're into it person memorial bench throughout my career some of my best ideas came from dreams take a rest if anyone asks your writing [Music] you heard alvin mumbling to himself as he walked away are you proud of me father and is it right for this hammer too [Music] nothing good day chris may the angel watch over you i was curious about the hammer comment if there was a little bit more to that there's no way this door will be open or accessible or anything but there could be something or someone down here so you still gotta check hey there's people you think it's true you really think there's what you chicken you got a beak and wings like a chicken no what just i ain't afraid only kids believe that stuff for chris are you gonna be a weenie like chris you want to say that again susie didn't see you there really something scary in there huh sounds to me like you'd better worry i like how she can so easily turn her like intimidation back on about what's out here first [Music] you okay chris what's the deal with this place well you don't got to talk about it i don't got like is it well known well accepted that this is connected to chris this is like a human thing that i would know about yeah standing here there's still sound effects to be heard that hasn't gone away it's locked oh it's gonna be like chapter five before we ever get to see what's going on in there [Music] um i would have checked all that stuff to the diner whoa go in there if you want but i'm staying here caddy's working there today she hates me so what if i took jock boy's hat once i looked cool jockington fans they're crazy man good question i do not know where susie's house is i think i remember that being kind of a point of confusion in the first one to tell you the truth i thought this was the post office but by the time i realized i'd already sat down i'm not hungry so i've just been telling the waitress i'm still deciding for a few hours now how am i supposed to get out of this one that's quite the conundrum you found yourself in just ignore them i know they're embarrassing why are they even here because they care then they can care somewhere else what noel golden hair starry eyes she is the light laughing in the night totter protection spells shoulder occult findings but lately she slips into the darkness chris you walk among the dark protector from susie i'm talking about susie it seemed like you were talking about something much more specific peer boy heart of gold curiosity high intelligence low fetches frisbees dress him up carry in a bag precious boy don't know why what a what a direct way you have of speaking of these things dad mom sister ukulele football games soap operas yelling standing on tables afraid of vacuums stupid loud very loud chris you and i studied a cult together incantation for silence find it tell me our little catty she's doing us proud working hard supporting us serving us pickles terrifying us with their shape the little snakes trying to get us to leave proud of her boo catty you go girl show those customers who's boss little lady kicked their tush whoo beat him down you got this oh it's so supportive so friendly you got all those pack pancakes under there still bud i don't even know if you noticed but i've been getting stronger you could say i'm bulking up for the winter oh boy i love bulking is this aaron this guy next to me he is really bulked up i remember i admire that i don't know if you do that bulking up for the winter oh my god my little sis is so cute in her outfit sorry just gotta like take him in here ugh chrissy like listen to the song i made about her cat he's the best cat he's the best she curses me every day glares because i'm in her way caddy's the best sister ever what's up chrissy that's very nice of you oh my god chrissy you're not gonna believe this i was at the beach playing ukulele right and like that green alligator evil neighbor girl like invaded and started like playing my song with me oh my god like it was so fun wait isn't she like my enemy yeah she definitely was last game now you guys finally have discovered your long destined friends wow chrissy you're like in a rush huh okay don't get stuck in a tree [Music] i'm sure that was meant to be like not wow caddy's my friend and i support my friends through thick and thin long and short cold and hot whatever shape the world takes i'll be there life is a big ball game and when the man is on the field he does a big dunk try to be that dunk i'll try jockington for you all i've ever wanted was to be the dunk caddy's family is always asking when her next shift is so they can come in and cheer her on never seen anything like it it's kind of nice isn't it how you doing hun what sorry i couldn't hear you over all the noise all the cheering what a nice bunch of folks the cars are just over here now why i just want to go home but i'm still stuck in a traffic jam even though it's only one other person and not on the road that's the trouble with cars if you want to do donuts you have to be prepared for jam that's pretty good car punch this is a great parking place i can see myself settling down here home is where the car is lots of great jokes everyone who tells me to hurry up i'm going to slow down even more i'm going to take longer you could escape out of the library didn't you studying how wonderful personally i hate libraries this is one of the characters like lady garf or something who works in the library of undertale libraries are outdated we have things like newspapers now knock knock knock oh is that a human if humans are made of bones where do skeletons come from good question how do you separate those two [Music] not knocking it's amateur you still got a long way to go i've been practicing but just like the bed inspecting or whatever i will level it up yo uh chris is that you you're not hanging out if uh we're not hanging out with susie's with you chris suzy sucks why don't you stop her no you guys are mean you suck i don't want to hang out with you bratty is hanging out in here now [Music] like look chrissy you hear that guy at the pizza place god what was his name pizza pants heard of erin he got like a super hot girlfriend burger pants he's got a girlfriend what's her name like uh pizzerina anyway what did you want to talk chrissy like guess what today i like went to the beach to play my you can like guess who's already there that copycat playing the same song i wanted to play oh my god cat on the beach grody did she like get lost looking for the litter box so like i try to like play the same song too to you know assert my ukulele dominance and we end up get this playing the whole song together like oh my god who does this girl think she is she thinks she can just like harmonize with me oh i can't stand her hey chris this free milk is amazing it's just magically refreshes itself overnight okay confirmation that susie's been the one drinking all this that alfie's lays out um hey that's my trash from other people's houses like privacy much god living with azzy made you weird [Music] okay we we would have interacted with all that i do want to go visit our dad [Music] oh yeah i want to see if i can go in here great okay that's exciting double ice pizza great ice wolf big customer ice wolf maybe only customer ice wolf thinks icy is cute ice wolf big fan [Music] yet more romance never stops there's some condiments at the table i see's original parmesan cheese maybe oh it's i thought it was a jukebox that might finally actually work no but this is just like a pop fountain machine it's a soda dispensing machine that's the same thing i said you took a look at the flavors water ice double ice bread flamin hot cheese soda gamer blood energy drink juice red flavor and the the gamer blood energy drink was a joke in like the xbox version of undertale specifically wow my co-workers seem so energetic lately i don't know what's happened but seeing him happy makes me happy too oh a customer would you like a blue soft serve i i would did he beat this thing until it was bloody what the hell try our new chocolate pizza melts in your pants not in your mouth now why would i want that the pizza sauce is boiling red burbling burning like my blood yearns for battle ah the warriors shall show it's the wizards fist this guy's the night i've learned the secret burger pants looks down little buddy you aren't gonna believe this i've got a girlfriend asriel you've got to tell azrael right now he's going to be so proud of me hmm what's she look like a little buddy how do i put it i don't actually know i haven't met her in real life but from the way she texts god little buddy she's good it must be stacked lie and say you want to hear more so far she's the perfect girl little buddy she loves pizza and bikinis and to top it off she sent me a picture of herself wearing a pizza bikini little buddy perhaps it is uncouth but look look at this god damn it's several pixels that vaguely resemble a zoomed in jpeg of a pepperoni pizza yes i know what you're thinking little buddy her camera is not of the highest caliber but to a scholarly scholarly man of the world like myself this is what love looks like little buddy but i'm i'm happy for you here's here to hear about my girlfriend well do you have more so far she's the perfect girl okay same same same old same old i did realize i did not ask um bratty about susie that was it one more branch in the dialogue there and then i'll probably go check on sans before i go check on our dad might as well see what's what they're up to oh my god it's like so sweet you have a nasty dirty little friend but like this is my polluted alleyway so like i think i might have to go to the mayor and get a traffic sign that says like no plus ones because like okay yeah that's fair i think you raised some really good points i i i fully understand what you're what you're saying wow this is full on isn't it there's some car magazines on the rack it might be fun to look at them but there's other people around ics pizza pinups magazine hot and fresh chias pepperoni just like in your dreams it's a bunch of cards and heart-shaped chocolates get well soon i'm glad your bite crashed well those are the only two options that i guess it makes sense to go with the get well soon that stuff it's used half off what is it trash you can't reach the top rendering it impossible rendering it impossible to get a basket you'll never be able to buy something in this state oh i've been told to not to literally do sans last [Music] i'm sorry to everyone who got excited about sans i i now that i'm hearing that this is the order i should do it in i guess i'm switching it around it's a broken grill it smells like burnt cat food there's a cat flap it's locked somehow one of the cats ever used the door only the cat flap various cat themed junk is piled up inside the house it seems to be a bit of a cat style no noel this time it's an ornate gate it appears to be locked so still we don't even know the name of of the mom how how how is it possible there's some kind of scratching noise coming from inside there's a hissing noise inside whoa froggit rivet rivet i sometimes hear beautiful singing from that house over there how eerie could it be a ghost yeah we got mettaton haps to blook my brother's too old to take for a walk anymore i'm aimless i wish i had someone to whip me into shape what what you're looking for blue key they aren't here unless you're looking for someone else you me me me what if i got to say to you nothing like i'd recognize a pathetic face like that by the way say hi to your dad for me wait wait don't do that he doesn't know what nothing [Music] if you're here looking for bloopy uh uh someone else fine fine fine want to talk to someone else here oh my someone's here to see me it's you again is it darling oh my why do you keep coming to the door are you a fan of mine as if someone could be a fan of a nobody like me no body do not have a body well if you are a fan could i bother you for a favor since the internet went down i haven't had much entertainment do you have anything entertaining darling could you bring it by tomorrow it would mean the world to me thank you [Music] then leave leave leave i didn't i didn't mean to initiate hey luke's luke skywalker or mike wazowski or something like that if there's some goofy thing with this character in the in the game files i wanted to buy flowers but the store is closed the door around back's unlocked but i don't think i should go in it's your dad's truck the floor of the front seat is littered with old papers and country cds can i go around the back but there's flowers blocking the way i did not expect to not be able to access that clam girl no way oh hey hey they're so colorful listen up see that weird circle on the beach yesterday i waited on it and something weird came out of course it's not yesterday anymore so too bad well i'm already aware maybe i'll stick my fingers in this picnic table quickly though my fingers won't fit through the holes yeah mine either as much as i wish is uh is susie gonna gonna take part in this [Music] i'm waiting for you onion they told me to come back tomorrow today is tomorrow hopefully no way are there there's the clam character guy wasn't there for you at all oh it's pulling it it might not be a fun value thing it might be pulling from the previous save file chapter one where i had talked to them and said i would come see them the next day well then i don't think i can visit asgore i guess uh back to sans's place sometimes the hoofed girl comes here opens the freezer door then stands in front of it lost in thought guess she really likes the cold or waffles it looks like a normal palm tree but it's chock full of useful groceries uh it's incredibly deep and holds all sorts of things loose eggs it's too much responsibility for an egg yeah i'm the sicko that looks at all the milks to find the best expiration date yeah every rational person does that you got something about it i don't even know what character that is like who the heck are they various frozen bagels and treats hey chris want to see if we can fit inside you just crouch down under the waffles damn i think someone's looking that's where chapter three is going to take place is inside a freezer we'll go to a winter world and noel will really shine there you know it's a rack of candy jerky and various nuts see turkey is candy and peanuts too actually they're legumes peanuts jerky pretty good good there sans hey what's up nothing take it easy well that was worth it worth waiting three years i really assumed if i just spam the heck out of that something would happen hey what's up occupation hey you're the boss around here me i'm just the janitor and where's the cashier [Music] cashier we don't have one and who do we buy stuff from me then that makes you the cashier nope i'm the janitor i'm just filling in are there any other employees nope then why don't you hire someone else whoa do you think i can afford that on a janitor salary oh there's a scene that will happen if you walk around the stand thingies like these oh whoa okay that's so nuts that i just managed to not trigger that so specifically that's so weird that i went in and out in and out and never did the loop hey hey forget something thank you for the tip on that one desktop dinosaur why yes i think i left my eggs on the counter yes your memory is not what it's cracked up to be there is really egg on my face now is there not so much egg everyone can't stop talking about eggs hey you're excused now it sounds as if you're egging me on egg rag off i expect a lot from you well i am exceptionally well i am exceptional and don't forget me your ex-husband oh asgore come on man read the room ah hello asgore tori i didn't expect to see you here but i i have some extra flowers and i was wondering if oh i was just about to go actually yeah sure home is where the heart is and eggs um so when asriel comes home yes we should all discuss that together soon anki donkey say hi to chris for me of course have a nice day i'm loving all the eggs in the chat you know what i want bone man free pickles why thank you can i ask what kind of flowers do you think make her remember how she felt before uh maybe you should talk to your plants about that don't worry they're the first ones i asked there's there's such good listeners you know flowers well yeah nothing like a captive audience yes i even keep them in glass like that movie yes that's the one aladdin it's it's very similar to that movie [Music] because you're you're the beast she's the beauty is that what you're getting at well have a good one i'm trying that was such an easy cut scene to miss hey chris uh never mind thank you for that one thank you for making checking up on me making sure i didn't miss all that buy things hey welcome to the convenience store you want to buy something put it in a basket and bring it here in case you didn't know what a store was i am coming back i know i haven't asked about the brother i want to check faintly faintly a trouser growing further away further not closer we're losing our boy now i want to go back yeah i was i was joking guys when i said aladdin i thought the the pregnant pause i left ahead of it would be my indication that i was joking i just thought i should go back and see if maybe asgore would have unlocked the door or something after that [Laughter] a lot of people got thrown off by the aladdin comment i'm just being a dingus that was all see brother brother what are you talking about i don't have a brother just messing with you i totally do toby knew that i didn't want to react to that until i made it deeper into the conversation because i was like toby's just dope he's totally messing with us though to be honest i never mentioned him to you did i i'm gonna lie a little weird you asked i never let my brother hang out with a stranger especially not alone or in my house that's way too irresponsible try to have some self-awareness okay meanwhile i'll ask what his schedule is for real sorry kid the brother thing's gonna have to wait how long maybe a day maybe another two years who's keeping track at this point [Music] i can't i can't believe it i can't believe both the onion sand thing and papyrus [Music] we're like fake outs but i do think that i i toby was planning to release the rest of the game all at once right so like so in his mind i'm sure working on the game he was like yeah it's fine it's fine if this doesn't happen immediately because people will be able to play it when it comes out and what you know there'll be no more waiting but yes now now there is another massively super duper is more waiting chris you going home uh not yet huh uh sure all right yeah but if i say yes all right then i guess it's goodbye for today see you tomorrow chris she probably just lives in those like apartments right chris i was studying with your i meant to call toriel because i wanted to see what the unique call conversation would have been why chris is that your friend why don't you invite invite her inside nah i mean uh slumber party chris i should have i should probably get going i was gonna bake a pie did you want any i guess i can come over for a bit oh suzy has such great hair feel free to come in just looking around oh excuse me i'm chris mother toriel yes ma'am i remember or maybe she's just trying to keep her posture strong and everything her old teacher [Music] you do and you are susie are you not um you remember my name too of course miss alfie's is a good friend of mine she often talks about you i'm glad to hear it chris the hell is alfie saying about me susie why don't you wash your hands over there then we can make the pie together make it together i don't know how to do not worry i can teach you okay chris susie seems like a nice girl i'm very happy you're friends with her but chris i heard from alfie's about her behavior if by any chance she influences you leave the chalk alone all right hands uh washed wonderful now we can oh chris how about you show susie how to bake it chris you know how to make pie oh haven't you made me any then dumbass you pie hoarding pizza i i mean uh excuse me ma'am susie you can call me toriel outside of school ah okay sweet chris you need to wash your hands too then i suppose i shall teach susie for now susie and i will start getting ready to make the pie oh we will wait [Music] it's the tv looks like it's plugged in but it's dusty i just thought it would poke around quick the hell are you leaving me here with your mom is this like what's it called an introvert thing i thought just check around floral scent landline i'll go wash my hands baby will you run the tap yes i will it started to run it's making a lot of noise he seems bad the heart thing all over again oh you like drowned that out good fake out to not wait till bedtime again because i was i definitely thought i had more of a window until things got weird are you gonna escape out the window into a dark world or is it just outside it's so dark in there well let us get the flower so that's this bag and you just oops susie with a flower on your nose i meant to do that thought you would stop to smell the flower eh come on now on to the next part so where the the heck is chris oh chrissa does this sometimes well they should hurry i'm getting sleepy do you know what they call a sleeping susie huh what they would call her a snoozy that was such a sleeping susie i did that was a confusing sentence i got you then i guess you'd be a a snorial snorial snoozy and snorial yeah you really like that one i would be like a great dream dream graham dream something like that i wish i was dreaming right now wasn't it funny all right where the hell is chris toriel the pie is nearly done oh the sugar wait here a moment i left it in the car okay oh what is chris gonna come back with chris is the one being sassier what the heck did you go do that seems too aggressive so now we we get to be back in control can't even interact with it what the heck hey chris hurry up next time we're already almost done so what's next oh uh the pie we already worked quite hard uh have we not how about we finish it later um okay it seems preposterous because the whole point is to finish it so you can eat the pie and you're robbing yourself of that but your choice then uh i guess i'll walk home summer party summer party oh there's no need to do that oh actually susie would you like to stay over huh i mean if it's okay then here look at this our couch is used to being used as a bed it's not perfect but we can sleep out here is that a comment of forcing asgore to sleep on the couch that sounds good to me yeah splendid i'll make sure everything is in order just call your parents will you not yeah of course so what the hell uh sleepover damn i haven't had one of those in forever comfy looking chris it's not like someone has to tell you to sit right there chill out for a sec i've been sitting for like 10 hours and a bunch of the day before that it's too much setting it's time for me to lie down so now what i got it maybe between the pillows here there i knew i'd find a remote in there and always find good stuff wedged in the couch jesus dusty when'd you last use this thing well who cares so what are we gonna marathon tonight blood crushers three hell busters invasion of the cat petters there's a cat petters rpg joke before maybe i see the movies for your speedo chris i want to burn uh it's been a it's a good day huh chris you ralph say lancer everyone it's just cool hanging out together right that's why you know don't you think we should try to have them come to our world come on think about how much better it would be raleigh could do our homework lancer could live under your bed we could all walk into school together it'd be perfect you know i mean we'd be unstoppable is what i'm saying seems a little far-fetched what come on it'd be easy ralph said looks like your mom right just say he's a long-lost cousin it'd be easy lancer can even make him a f we can make him a fake mustache can make asriel a fake mustache well whatever let's just get back to watching so the festival's coming up right a thing where the town becomes a carnival stupid right except for some of the weird carnival stuff that's come up like musically the merry-go-round thing that jevel's in the animal carts that like the kings and the animal crackers are in there's a weird amount of carnival stuff sprinkled into the two worlds but say you had to uh take someone noel or i'll say you you maybe oh this whole i'm gonna hold on to it i don't want to step on noelle and and susie's toes you know i still think val says evil what i was just joking you don't have to stare at me like a weirdo look let's just go back to watching tv now this is what i'm talking about a giant monster movie special like maybe who she bases suzy zilla off i always like them better than the giant human movies i'm so excited giant human movies exist now this is something we can marathon you ready chris 12 hours of building bashing car crunching action 10 hours of streaming the second part of a game because we are locked in got it i better not see you move until your eyes are bloodshot now let me just get comfortable here and instantly asleep that's where i'm at right now there maximum comfort achieved i thought rousey was evil because they were acting super shady and super suspicious in the first like 30 plus minutes of the game and then it basically never came up again susie fell asleep now is when you fit in your shady activities chris watch the early part of the stream and tell me you don't think there's a chance ralph says evil i never thought so in chapter one but they were being so shady at the beginning of the game officer officer thank good goodness i finally got through oh no i thought i saw someone prowling around outside and when i checked our car that tires looked like they'd been slashed officer if you could please come over you will soon thank you i wonder if chris's horrible behavior is part of what made asgore lose their job tormenting the police chief i don't know they're already asleep straight to the geriale i'm just waiting for the hammer to fall here like it can't just end with everyone sleeping there we go you rip your heart out right in front of everyone what you doing leave susie alone is chris the knight like the the the body the vessel of chris is the knight and we're the the player is the heart oh my god i think that's the case that grin that's flowey's grin i think [Music] is the music supposed to kind of chop like that i think it probably is meant to holy yeah because i'm with you in the dark song it's like not playing normally it's like a remix that's cool oh my goodness that was a a very long end sequence but some pretty good damn reveals but it's crazy that things that were set up like three years ago we're not paid off papyrus understand the the mayor but like so much else oh my god i don't i it's gonna be a while before i i try and do anything i think with like a gaster eggs video for this chapter two it's gonna take a while to assemble that's that's nice to see it's gonna take a while to assemble the information enough to be worthy of like a video you know what i thought it was confirmed five chapters that's insane how big is this game gonna be is toby shooting for this to be like their magnus open like not this is so much bigger than undertale already i think maybe not quite maybe not quite yet but like not going to take long that the chapter is very long so many things you do in chapter one seemingly affect chapter two oh that sort of research is gonna take forever and i have to take some time off and like not even think about this game for a while because it's all i've thought about for like not just 48 hours straight whatever that announcement was that this released in 48 hours plus now a 10 hour stream i've been thinking about nothing but this game for three years but really specifically the last 58 hours i need a break i could have sworn i could have sworn on the steam page for this game um there there was like a thing you know you know what i'm talking about guys a thing uh massive soundtracks smooth pixel animation bullet dodging devilishly difficult hidden bosses and only one ending try chapter one and two for free chapter three and five are now in development and will someday be available as a paid release oh so chapter six and seven aren't even like in development yet as i guess what i'm gathering there or maybe they'll come as dlc after release i have no idea man that's a long ways off at this point can you pet dogs in the first two chapters crying the fact is over that i i don't even know i there's so much to unpack i don't even think i can discuss any of it because i'm so exhausted it's four in the morning i need to go to bed you guys are wonderful thank you for chiming in even if it was for uh 10 seconds you know thank you for bothering at all i'm gonna shut this down i oh just yeah that that was a lot i'm gonna ask one more time you know wishlist deltarune that's out there that's an option i've brought that up enough times but i will also one more time say go check out graham games that's the new let's play channel highlight focused who knows if people ask for it maybe i'll like cut this 10 hours up into like five 10 to 20 minute videos like really highlight or i don't know just in case people don't want to have to re-watch this whole thing but the stream will remain archived here i don't even know guys you're all amazing we're all tired everyone's ready for bed who would have guessed well worth well you're worth a three-year wait that was that was unbelievable i was yeah wow that was quite the experience good night everyone good morning what have you holy gravy i'm never gonna stream again not for not for three more years all right i don't mean that have a good night everyone
Channel: Full Graemeplays
Views: 61,242
Rating: 4.9055834 out of 5
Keywords: graeme games, deltarune, gaster eggs, live, deltarune stream, deltarune release, deltarune chapter 2, deltarune full game, deltarune full playthrough, deltarune full playthrough chapter 2, deltarune chapter 2 full playthrough, deltarune pacifist, deltarune pacifist playthrough, deltarune chapter 2 pacifist, deltarune pacifist chapter 2, deltarune secret boss chapter 2, deltarune secret boss fight, deltarune secret boss reaction, deltarune spamton neo, deltarune spamton theme
Id: U9mEdCn3Dio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 597min 56sec (35876 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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