Flirtationship: IT'S COMPLICATED!

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so there's this girl if I tell you guys the story you have to one promise you're not gonna drop any names in the comments - you're not going to contact any of the females that have ever appeared in any of my videos I know how you guys are as soon as a girl appears in the video automatically she's in love interest because for all you guys know whoever this girl is I'm talking about has never appear in a video and I don't my friends getting her ass just because they collapse on a video of me okay deal you guys doing on my voice you are now bound by this agreement slash contract so there's this girl and let's just call her jasmine me and Jeff and around the phone one night and the question comes up what three girls would I drop everything for and get in a relationship with I told her my first pick I told her my second pick and then I was like this is really hard for me to admit but you're my third pick she was quiet for a second and then she was like okay those are your top three but where exactly do I rank in there and I was like one honestly based on what I know about all through you guys you would definitely be the most fun she went quieter than for a few more minutes and then she was like well I kind of have a confession too this is so hard for me to say but when I think of you I don't just think of you as just a friend not gonna like my heart jumped when I heard her say that because for the first time in over five years someone that I kind of liked actually seemed to like me back the last girlfriend that I had we dated for a year and a half never told you guys this I was a virgin she was a virgin and she went and had sex with one of her co-workers take a second to let that sink in and just imagine how that made me feel easily the lowest point in my life that I've ever hit now after that happened I pretty much put my feelings behind an impregnable force field that Superman himself could not get to it was guarded by a ninja [Music] so a few nights later she's on the phone and he says you're such an awesome guy but I just don't think we'd work out and I agreed a day or two after that we're back on the phone and she's like we have such amazing conversations and had just such that you won't work out about a week later I kind of say it and I'm just like hot man it sucks we won't work out she's like we'll see that it makes me sad we've been saying this for like two weeks now or like I understand why it's making me sad all of a sudden she's like well what do you want to do about it I don't know so we kind of just like change the topic and get off the phone and then she sends me this text now I had never really run this hypothetical through my head itself getting a little bit nervous because the more I talked to this girl the more was starting to kind of like her I didn't want to think about it at this point pretty much from that moment on our phones went either way to sabotage our flirtationship text messages weren't going through calls will be missed it got so bad that I have to start doing screen captures of my previous text and sending them to her as picture text messages that's how bad it got so I tried texting less and calling more but I have the worst timing when it comes to making phone calls hello what you doing girl oh you're gonna police chase oh my bad no no no I'll just call you back later but at this point me and jasmine we're talking on the phone every single day average call six or seven hours and I see that's dangerous for me because the more we talked the more I started to kind of like this girl [Music] it was at this point that I kinda had to let her know the priority that I gave my video blogs I was kind of like listen when I get inspired I go into my cave and I disappeared for like two or three days and it's probably gonna be like this for future videos too just so you know her blackout days were Monday Tuesday and Thursday those were her shows forcefield was totally up she was the first thing I thought about when I woke up laughing I thought about Farmington and apparently one night these texts came through because two reasons one she had just got out of a long-term relationship and she thought she needed more time and two she thought I was just looking for a friend with benefits I spent like the next 20 hours just injecting feelings for this girl she'd even call it tell me this just texted it to me like am i that's insignificant to you oh the last two girls that I was in flirtationship with as soon as we got to that step were to get into a relationship they just kicked me to the curb so I had lots of practice in getting rid of my feelings it might have happened once or five times before so I've become very efficient at it she doesn't want to talk for a while that's fine she just got out of a long relationship I understand before the end of the first night though she calls me like why are you toying with my emotions right now I just let it go to voicemail and she left me the sweetest voicemail ever like this girl knew what she was doing we squashed it and she was kind of like yeah I think I just overreacted and if you still want to keep trying we can keep trying we talked it out we got back to business as usual but that force field was back in business baby security around my force field with that threat level red and then she sends me this and I got back to work up another video we're skyping every night again about a week later she's like please don't get mad at me for asking this and I want you to be honest but I get the feeling of the warmth is kind of gone between us on your end is that accurate when she said that I don't know how she knew because I was not making it obvious I was like yes it is trust me I want it to be there but I just think it's gonna take some time honestly after I got that text I think my emotions are just trying to figure out if you are the right person to invest into and she didn't like that at all she was just like I gotta go bye yeah she called me back thirty minutes later we get to talking smoothing things out and she was like just so you know when I got off the phone I just broke down and started crying I never ever once want to be responsible for her even shedding a single tear and she just got out of a long-term relationship wasn't the greatest situation and coming from that like I planned on making this thing as easygoing and as happy as possible a few nights later we're on skype cameras are on I'm applying to YouTube and Facebook emails she falls asleep I get done I maximize her little window and I'm just there at this girl as she's sleeping no makeup on it just hits me like a ton of bricks like bro this is your dream girl it was just like a realization and the force field was lifted again the next few days I start getting this feeling things are different it felt like I was making her more priority and it was just like whatever on her end so I just straight-up asked her I'm like is everything ok because you the warmth from your end all of a sudden she said no no everything's fine and everything's cool don't worry about it are you sure because I'm sensing your midi-chlorian count is much lower than it used to be it feels like there's something you're not telling me good our schedules finally lined up to where we could actually hang out and we go to the movies or walking and I could have my arm on this girl which is kind of like she doesn't say anything but she just coincidentally adjust her purse strap and shrugs at the same time I go for my arm around her I'm just like whoa okay we sit down waiting for the movie to start and she puts her head on my chest and I'm kind of like stroking her side and that was nice movie starts she starts eating her chips she finishes the chips and grab her hand I'm holding her hand and she looks at me and pulls her hand away and we just for the popcorn I'm just like I could take a hint I'm hideous I get it you don't really want me to touch you I fine I kick into you know salty middle schooler mode and just you don't want to touch my hand you're gonna see him what up I'm just gonna put them in my armpits and lean away from you I'm just gonna sit here like this you know I take her home and the whole ride home I'm not really initiating conversation she was doing a good job of keeping a conversation going I'm kind of salty that I had a feeling something was up you're not tell me what it is and the discussion goes to the topic of me not being aggressive when it comes to girls and I'm like what planet is this girl on right now we're in her room and then I bring it up we get to the movies I go to put my arm around you and you kind of just like shrug me off as you adjust her purse and she was like no I was adjusting my purse okay well I kind of went to hold your hand when the movie started she's like I actually was gonna hold your hand after I finished the popcorn but you were acting all distant so what I understand about the situation is those two attempts weren't attempts and I'm not aggressive enough okay oh this Widow wants aggression okay let me get some of that lotion real quick and lay down so she looks at me gets the lotion I'm not like a lot of my friends for whatever reason they have beat Bo BIA they don't want to touch by his feet I'm not like that I'm massaging her foot and then she's like once we massage my hands so I'm massaging her hands and then she gets up close of the door and locks it and lays back down and she's like you know what massage my back now I'm straddling her massaging her back and this girl's got some curves she's got a very interesting shake and then it kind of hits me like oh by the way yet you're massaging your dream girl then she's like why don't you uh dim the lights okay how to do that just go to the fan pull the middle switch to turn him off and then pull the right switch to turn to dim I get up pull the middle switch and sit back down lights are off play up like no lights light or to mainstream and I massage her for an hour and she falls asleep at around ten o'clock I just brush her hair to the side and I figured you know it would be really nice if she woke up to a massage plus warm tongue on the back of your neck slashed shoulder combo and that's what I do I kind of go in in a massaging her and sucking on the back of her neck at the same time and she wakes up and kind of moans and tries to turn over to like no because I know once she turns over that's a line that once we cross we can never go back I'm sucking on her neck from behind kind of vampire self as I like massage she likes it really rough so I'm just like digging my thumbs in there after about five minutes of her trying to turn over she kind of stuff really fast we just kind of and in my head I'm just like please be a good kisser and she was in this moment I'm just like dude you were kissing earlier dreams right now she was the first girl that I've kissed this entire year and this year is pretty much over so it's been a while we've finished a little session and we're spooning and she looks at the clock she's like there's no way we just were fooling around for like an hour and 40 minutes you know I take her hand I'm just like kissing her hand and now that me kissing her hand it just dawns upon me like this girl is so not into you for the next week like I can't even lock this girl down on the phone I finally locked this girl down and she tells me you know what after you maybe cry I just started to disconnect from you romantically and that's where I'm at right now which kind of sucks but y'all don't worry about me okay I'm not giving you guys the full full full story because I'm pretty sure those videos pretty dang long right now this whole experience even if it ends here I had a lot of fun so much rather keep this in a positive light then end it with oh let's just keep it in the comments if I want to keep talking about it I'll keep talking about it refer to this girl is Jasmine only even though I know when I go over to like guru gossip I'm gonna see Suzy dance just we're cooking I know how you guys are it's gonna be alright okay I'm having a little pity party and my friends just showed up my boy BJ just showed up he got pizza my boy Chang he just showed up he bought some Chinese food we got a hot chick just showed up too so I'm good my homeboys been a journey downstairs about to go hang out with them too so imma be good y'all don't worry about me let's keep it friendly in the comments if you have anything even remotely negative to say at least make it comical I'm no flirtationship room so I'm sure some of you guys have some interesting stories if you want to drop a video response or even just have a story you want to drop in regular text comments please do so I mean I need a little bit of work I've been out of the game for a while so if I don't want to share your flirtationship stories be my guest you [Music]
Channel: sWooZie
Views: 4,962,957
Rating: 4.9446521 out of 5
Keywords: swoozie, dating, flirting, relationship, adande
Id: zH11XSLhkQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2011
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