The big problem with Prismatic Titan.

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There's been a lot of talk recently about Titans,  about how they're not good, their Prismatic   kit is bad, so, how much of that is actually  justified and how much of that is just cope.  The "Titans aren't good," sentiment originally  stemmed from Salvation's Edge, contest version. If   you were following the race, you will have noticed  that a very, very, very small percentage of teams   actually had a Titan in their group for their  completion. I played a Titan for about 24 hours   or so, and then ended up switching to Hunter after  seeing how easily people were clearing the damage   check. It was the first time ever that I didn't  complete the contest mode on my Titan. Titans   struggled in The Witness encounter specifically  because their toolkit compared to that of Hunters   and Warlocks didn't offer as much. Hunters are  quite dominant right now because of Still Hunt   and Celestial Nighthawk, Warlocks have Well of  Radiance at an absolute baseline of usefulness,   but also have some good Prismatic setups that  enabled them to slay out pretty nicely, namely   the Getaway Artist setup with lots of different  elemental buddies and Bleak Watcher turrets.  TItans, on the other hand, were easily  replaceable with either another Hunter or   Warlock, not really bringing much to the  table outside of being a power ammo bot,   using Aeons to hit finishers on subjugators,  most of the time having to burn their super on   them for an easy kill. Their damage  was also relegated to Still Hunt or   whatever Titans could dig up in the depths  of their vault. Their Prismatic kit heavily   revolves around melee attacks if you wish  to play offensively and as we'll discuss,   that isn't really the safest option, nor was  it even really that smart in the contest raid. You know what's not easily replaceable? Your  balls. Nothing to do with shaving on that one,   just trying to find a segue. This  video is sponsored by Manscaped.  The Groin and Go bundle from Manscaped is for  those looking to keep it clean no matter if you're   playing at home or going out of town.  Included is the Lawn Mower 5.0 Ultra   and the The Handyman face shaver. The Lawn Mower 5.0 Ultra's got TWO   interchangeable blade heads, the trimmer blade  to trim through the jungle and foil head to   smooth it all out. Up until I was 29, that's  more heads than I ever got. Also much like   me until age 29, it's waterproof for a quick  clean up. Your 30s are rough folks, buckle up.  It also comes with a range of comb lengths  so you won't have to guess if your hair is   even throughout. No weird looks at the  beach for me this year. Mainly because   I won't be going because that's outside,  nothing really to do with my facial hair.  For those who wanna keep their face smooth on the  go, The Handyman is easy to toss in your bag and   go. It's small, it's also waterproof, uses USB-C,  charges fast, got a magnetic blade cover, legally   Manscaped can not make this more convenient  else they be subject to Clayton Act of 1914.  So if you want to look like a person again,  head on over and use code DATTO   at checkout to get 20% off and free international  shipping. That's, code DATTO,   20% off and free international shipping.  Thanks to manscaped for sponsoring this video. In the grand scheme, do I think Titans are really  in trouble in the raid currently? Not really. I   run the normal version of the raid every week  and frequently see myself at the top of the   damage charts using a Microcosm on The Witness.  My Titan-ness is not a problem or detrimental   on any of the other encounters either, it's  mainly a Witness specific, contest issue. But,   even on the most competitive of days, it doesn't  feel great knowing that simply by being on a Titan   that I am probably being a detriment to my team.  Their defensive capabilities are simply not strong   or useful enough to warrant bringing and the Well  of Radiance nerf did very little, if outright   nothing to impact the raid race as a whole. Which brings us to Prismatic. I wanna preface this   by saying that Bungie has said they're already  having discussions about Titan and Prismatic,   but let's look at why some people  aren't too happy with Prismatic Titan.  The main issue that people are having is that  it feels like there is only 1 practical build   for Prismatic Titan and that's Knockout and  Consecration w/ Frenzied Blade so that you   can get 3 melees. When I was at the preview  event for Final Shape, I ran Knockout and   Diamond Lance w/ Point-Contact Cannon and  while I do feel like that is another option   to run in the kit, especially with Contact  being on the exotic class item, most people   have leaned towards Consecration. Either way, both  of these setups heavily revolve around the use of   melee attacks, which for Titan isn't the most  unwarranted, but that's ALL they really have.  The other 2 aspects are Unbreakable, which is  a short duration shield that uses your grenade   and reflects damage back, and Drengr's Lash, which  sends out a suspension wave from your wall or from   your character if using thruster. These are both  very defensive in nature, offering very little   in the way of extra firepower. Unbreakable  feels like it's more tuned with Void in mind,   which makes sense, but Prismatic offers very  little way to regenerate grenade energy,   making the uptime on it very low. All of this  might be fine, if there were a lot of places   where that defensive capability was valuable  or if these abilities lead to more offense.   This is the issue that I had with the Ward of  Dawn adjustments when those were announced:   there are not many times in the game, if ANY,  that investing my entire super into a defensively   driven effect is worth it over just throwing a  giant axe at an enemy's head and calling it a   day. Full defense has not really needed to  be a thing in the game for many years now,   it's pretty much always better to go nearly full  offense to handle any sort of difficult terrain.   Even Stasis Warlock, which can be thought  of at least slightly in a defensive way,   has a lot of firepower backing it up. What  would you rather bring, a Bleak Watcher   turret that can very rapidly refresh a grenade  charge, freezing and slowing enemies everywhere,   or Drengr's Lash, which could halt a  champion for a couple of seconds at   best or maybe tag a couple of dinky enemies? Now, I don't want to get this twisted with   "Prismatic Titan isn't good," because in the  content that the average player probably plays,   the Knockout + Consecration setup is quite potent.  But the higher you venture into end game content,   into content that's -10, 15, 20 levels, the  less and less appealing Prismatic gets. Could   you make it work in some end game content? I'm  sure many people are making it work. But does   that mean everything is fine, no, it doesn't.  This is exclusively a melee based setup, both   aspects revolve around getting melee kills and I  don't care how much range Consecration has, you're   still gonna need to get closer to the enemy in  order to make it work. Facet of Balance also does   a lot of heavy lifting. I know any time I don't  actually slide and try to melee attack, I'm not   seeing those melee charges come back for a WHILE. Diamond Lance is a nice middle ground between the   two extremes, but the synergy with Consecration  isn't exactly gamebreaking. Sure, ability kills   aren't hard to come by with Consecration in lower  end content or if you wanted to run Unbreakable,   those reflect kills aren't too bad, but the  combat flow of using Consecration still feels   very familiar. Consecration + Knockout isn't  really THAT much different from just playing   Consecration on a solar subclass with  restoration peppered in. The combat flow   is the same as playing on solar. As someone who  played a Consecration build as their main build   for the past 6 months now, I don't hate it,  but my experience is only changed by adding   in Transcendence and making sure I have a mix of  damage types. Unbreakable in lower end content   doesn't really ever feel justified since I never  really need to protect myself to such a degree in   the first place, nor do the enemies really do  enough on average to even warrant a response.  Now, when it comes to Unbreakable  and Drengr's Lash in a GM experience,   where defense DOES have a bit more value, these  two have basically no synergy with each other at   all. I'd rather just play Void or Strand outright,  like why only get the dinkier parts of each one of   those subclasses, when I could fully invest  in Void overshields, ability regen and defense   or the crowd control and defense of Strand?  Ability kills will also be harder to come by,   which gives Diamond Lance less value too,  the only other slightly defensive option.  Even their exotic class item isn't really that  thrilling. There are only a small handful of   perks that have any actual synergy. Sure, you have  things like Assassin/Contact or Assassin/Syntho,   but I'd argue going invis isn't really a big part  of the Titan experience. Inmost Light synergizes   with most things, but at that point... when  do you just throw on Heart of Inmost Light and   call it a day? All of the better options for  the Titan exotic class item is melee driven,   all the top tier combinations, which we'll  talk about in another video, are melee driven:   Severance Enclosure, melees/finishers, Assassin,  melees/finisher, Inmost Light, half melee,   Contact, powered melee, Synthocepts, melee when  surrounded. I'm not saying that other combinations   of perks don't work or can't be built around, but  of all the research I've done on the class items,   most people lean in the direction of those perks. The crazy thing too is that Hunters arguably get   to do the melee thing even better than Titans  with specific setups. Stuff like Calibans or   Inmost Light w/ Assassin, Liar or Syntho; they  are capable of putting out some ridiculous damage   thanks to Combination Blow. Granted, the combat  flow of Combination Blow is still familiar,   but Hunters at least get a lot more fanfare  with their combat and the damage to boot. Not   to mention their grapple melee capabilities. Swapping out Unbreakable and Drengr's Lash for   other things might not be the worst idea if Bungie  wanted to experiment. The problem is that the   exotic class items are all tuned specifically for  the aspects that we have available on each class,   so you'd need to swap those perks too. Can't  have Bear without Unbreakable. Can't have Abeyant   without Drengr's. Something like Controlled  Demolition doesn't have an exotic perk attached   to it in any way, although Flechette Storm's  effect on Wishful Ignorance feels like it could   be rotated in. Removing some of the defensive  capabilities MIGHT affect Titans in stuff like   Master/GM Nightfalls where it's at least a  little valuable though. I don't see Bungie   giving Banner of War to Prismatic any time soon  though, even Into the Fray would be an upgrade.  I think that's all I have for Prismatic  Titan. Again, it's not a BAD subclass,   but it does feel limited in effective builds  for what was meant to be a place to explore   a bit more. While other builds that don't involve  Consecration, Knockout or Diamond Lance can work,   they just don't really feel warranted in a world  where Hunters and Warlocks have crazy setups of   their own and can do more than Titans can.  Thanks for watching, I'll see you next time.
Channel: Datto
Views: 249,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: datto, destiny gameplay, destiny 2, destiny 2 gameplay, datto does destiny, destiny, destiny new gameplay, guide, final shape, episode 1, echoes, prismatic, titan, build, buildcrafting
Id: _NB51foQAKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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