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So, if you’re like me, you probably want to obtain  the best Echoes fast and level up that pesky Data   Bank and well… I actually managed to achieve  this but I have made quite a few mistakes along   the way, so I’ve decided to create this video to  teach everything you need to know about the Echoes   and the Data Bank, so you don’t end up repeating  my mistakes and have the best account possible.  Ok, so let’s start with the most crucial part –  the higher level your Data Bank is, the better   the rarity drop rates will be for echoes, as you  can see here. And the majority of people who are   rushing to level up their databanks are following  a very simple process – you go to the Echo Gallery   right here and just check which Echoes you  still have not obtained and then afterwards,   you will want to obtain the max rarity that  you’re allowed to own that echo based on your Data   Bank’s level. And what you’ll usually do is just  click on this “Track” button and start locating   the echoes whose rarity you’re still missing. So, for example, if your Data Bank is at level 10,   you will have 30% Chance to obtain Purple Echoes  and 70% Chance to obtain Blue Echoes. This also   means until you unlock Data Bank level 15, the max  rarity of an echo you can obtain from Open World   is going to be Purple and then after Level 15, you  will then be able to start farming Gold echoes or   basically as they are called 5-star Echoes. Now with the basics out of the way, the first   thing you want to do is save up all the Green  and Blue rarity echoes until you hit Data Bank   level 15 or even better Level 17. You see, in the  Data Bank menu, if you go to the Data Merge option   here, you can drop in any 5 echoes and then either  1 or 2 new ones will come out. This process is   completely random but it does follow one critical  rule – the rarity will depend on your current Data   Bank level, so its extremely important to save up  these Green and Blue echoes that you have sitting   in your inventory and then immediately use them up  when you hit Data Bank Level 15. Now you might be   wondering why? Well, because now you have a chance  to obtain from this Data Merge the highest 5-star   Rarity echoes and obviously, if you didn’t have  that rarity of the echo, this will also grant you   the Data Bank EXP. Just look at me gaining tons  of new 5-star echoes and A LOT of Data Bank EXP   after doing the Data Merge here. Also, if you take  a close look here, we can see that at Level 15,   there’s only 30% chance for a 5-star echo but at  Level 17 the odds become better and its now 50%,   so if you can keep holding these Green  and Blue echoes until Data Bank Level 17,   you will have an even greater chance to  obtain tons of new 5-star rarity echoes.  Keep in mind, in order to unlock Data Bank  Level 15, you need to have reached Union   level 30 and then to unlock Data Bank Level  19, you will need to be Union Level 40 – so   as you can see here while I have maxed out  the Data Bank Level, I am only Union Level   32 as of recording this video, so it’ll take  a while for me before I hit Union level 40.  Now if you didn’t know already – Co-Op mode  is a great way to farm the echoes with your   friends or other players, since everyone’s world  will contain a certain amount of Echoes and they   only reset after each day, so in other words, you  can hop between different player worlds and keep   farming these Echoes together and this way you  can forego the usual limited amount of Echoes   you will have in your own world. Also, Co-op  unlocks at Union Level 22 and you can join the   other players worlds by clicking this button here. Now if Co-Op is not your cup of tea and you just   like to play solo, then my suggestion would be to  save up your Elite class echoes until you’re done   farming all the Common Echoes and World Bosses  for the day. What do I mean by this? Well,   obviously as you already know, the Data  Bank dictates the current rarity drop rate,   so you definitely want to obtain Elite class  echoes with the most favorable rarity drop rate   you can achieve for the day and while there are  plenty of Common Echoes to farm and you can keep   repeating and farming the World Bosses over and  over again, the Elite echoes are a lot more-rare   and you can run out of them pretty fast. So, keep  this in mind if you’re playing just by yourself   and don’t wanna or you cannot do Co-Op yet. Now there’s a few ways how you can quickly   obtain 5-star Echoes – I’ll talk about Red Mist  enemies in a moment but first, have a look at this   mode called Illusive Realm. I believe at Union  Level 17, you can start playing this game mode,   it’s pretty fun at least to me but what’s more  important here is that you can redeem 2 Elite   Class echo selectors from the shop – it doesn’t  cost much, you can easily obtain the currency   and honestly – these 2 Echoes are going to be  insanely cracked because not only all of them   from the selector will have Elemental DMG as  their main stat but also they will belong to   the set that matches the element. For example,  Calcharo is an Electro DMG dealer, right? Well,   I just redeemed these Elite echoes from the  selectors which both provide Electro DMG   from their main stat and belong to the Electro  set – so as you can imagine, Calcharo is now a   beast thanks to these insane 5-star stats. However, on the same note – don’t fall for   this trap here, where you can see some 5-star  echos in the shops where they all start with   the word Phantom. You will find 1 of them in the  Illusive realm shop and few more in the Points   Shop that you can redeem from after doing Tower  of Adversity and Hologram challenges. Because   here’s the thing – these items right here are  just the Skins for the echoes you already own,   hence why the name starts with Phantom  and some people also call these echoes   Shiny versions – they don’t add anything to your  account besides just a custom look to that Echo,   so if you wanna spend the resources on actually  useful materials first, don’t redeem these rewards   just yet, only when you think the time is right. This next tip is a pretty quick one – if you take   a close look at the Milestones book here, at least  I didn’t notice this at first but you can actually   obtain Data Bank experience by completing all  the missions of each stage. And for example   – you see this requirement to do 5 Tacet Fields  to complete the mission – well as you know, Tacet   fields require Waveplates and is not recommended  to do until you hit Data Bank level 15 and even   then – it’s better to spend Waveplates on Boss,  character and weapon materials first, however,   in this case for this specific mission,  you just need to complete 5 different   Tacet fields and you don’t have to redeem the  rewards with Waveplates, so I have done this,   which resulted in all completed missions and got  a big chunk of EXP to help level up my Data Bank.  Now this next crucial thing I learned has to do  with the Bosses. Ok so first of all – as long   as you have obtained a boss Echo for each party  member of your current team and the main stat is   kinda OK, let’s say you reach Data Bank level 15  and now you can start farming these bosses for a   30% chance to obtain their 5-star version Echo. Well, I would say – don’t bother doing this,   unless you badly need a crucial mainstat from  the boss, like ATK% or Critical Rate because   as you know it – you can waste a lot of time by  just trying to extract the echo from the boss but   if that’s not enough – the chance to obtain  the 5-star version of it, let’s say at Data   Bank Level 15 is 30% as you already know it. Instead, I would recommend for you to push   the Data Bank to Level 17 first, which  then increases the 5-star chance to 50%,   so at least now it’s a coin flip when it comes  to determining the rarity of the Bosses echo   that just dropped, which is massively better  than the 30% rate from level 15 data bank.  However, here’s another sneaky thing you probably  haven’t noticed – if we go back to the Data Bank,   you see this Enhanced Drop rate sentence and  if you click on it, it shows Target Classes   Overlord/Calamity and Remaining Chances  which in my case is 0 out of 15? Well,   every week on Monday this counter resets back  to 15 and now for the next 15 times you fight   a World Boss or the Weekly boss, the chance  for them to drop the Echo increases by 90%   and later at Data Bank Level 20 this  will be a guaranteed 100% drop rate.  And keep in mind, this counter will be reduced the  moment you defeat the boss, not when you claim the   rewards. So, here’s my tip – whenever you login  after the weekly reset, do the first 15 bosses   that would consider to be most beneficial for  the current characters you’re trying to build.   For example, I have been getting really bad luck  with Tempest Mephis – I want to obtain a 5-star   version of it that has Critical Rate as main stat.  When on Monday this Enhanced drop rate resets – I   will go and farm Tempest Mephis boss, because  now its 90% chance it will leave an echo behind,   so very easy to extract the Echo and then I can  check the main stat after every fight and if I get   lucky and get what I want and have remaining  Enhanced drop rate out of those 15 attempts,   I would move on and do another boss for  my other character I am trying to build.  Keep in mind, this enhanced drop rate does  not guarantee a 5-star Echo of the boss,   you will still depend on the randomness that’s  seen here BUT it does mean it will be very easy   to extract the Echo from the boss when they  die, as long as this counter has remaining   uses. Because trust me – I have been fighting this  stupid monkey over the weekend and at one time,   he didn’t leave an Echo behind after I defeated it  like 8 times, so this can be a huge timesaver if   you have those Enhanced drop rates remaining. Now one more thing I wanna talk about are the   Red Mist enemies. If you didn’t know – there’s  a specific number of these special enemies that   can be defeated once in your world and some of  them can drop a guaranteed 5-star Echo version   of themselves. Now some of them will drop a 4-star  version but you can still try and defeat them all,   if you can and I will leave a link in  the description where to find them all.  Keep in mind, some of these fights can be  very tedious and time consuming. For example,   this big bear I fought who is level 120, I  basically just abused its line of sight and   spammed ranged attacks with Mortefi by standing  in a safe place, same thing I also did with the   Scorpions here and after I defeated them, I did  get a 5-star bear and 5-star scorpion echoes.   However, these two fights took me like half  an hour to do because of my low-level team.  So, keep in mind that some of these fights are  very time consuming and it might be worth it   to just go and farm the regular echoes and later  on you can come back and beat these enemies when   your account is of higher Union level. But if you  do attempt these fights, I highly recommend using   Ranged damage dealers like Mortefi, Chixia and  so on because you can usually find a safe spot   you can fire from and just keep spamming  the attacks until the enemy is defeated.  But yeah, I hope you found this video useful,  I am sorry if I don’t post so much as other   content creators when it comes to Wuthering  Waves, I am trying to put in the hours to   actually show you everything I achieved and share  these tips so you can see them for yourself. So,   I would really appreciate if you could press  the like button on this video and subscribe to   my channel because I have some really good  guides that will be coming out very soon.  Anyway, thanks again for  watching and see you next time.
Channel: Gacha Gamer
Views: 410,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuwa, wuthering waves echoes, wuthering waves data bank, wuthering waves best echoes, wuthering waves echo farming, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves beginners guide, wuthering waves tips, wuthering waves fastest data bank, wuthering waves how to, wuthering waves level up data bank, wuthering waves echoes guide, wuthering waves data bank guide, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves secrets, wuthering, waves
Id: aPacx51UGP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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