Fix Missing Apps on a Jailbroken PS4 (Corrupt Database Fix)

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what is going on guys it's mother dwarfi here welcome back to another PS4 tutorial so in this one has this ever happened to you have you ever gone on to your PS4 or you've been using your PS4 your jailbroken PS4 and all of a sudden all of your apps just disappear and you're back to what looks like a stock system or you go to turn on your PS4 one day and it gets stuck on the PlayStation logo for a bit too long during the boot up sequence and then suddenly all of your stuff is gone when it boots you into the home screen this is a classic database corruption issue something that is quite rare but it does still happen from time to time and people can obviously freak out when they see this they think all of their stuff is gone but typically if you go to the settings and you go down to your storage you will see that you still have the same amount of storage being used on the system so your apps are still installed they're still there however what's happened is the database has been corrupted the database that indexes all of the apps on your home screen has been corrupted and has been reset now anytime the PS4 has trouble with the database or detect some kind of corruption it will do a database rebuild and when it rebuilds the database it does not see fake package files as valid apps to index in the database and therefore they get left out and that's why you see nothing on your home screen and it looks like all of your apps have been uninstalled now I have shown how to fix this in the past in a much older video however that required a kind of convoluted setup with a python script on your computer that's not really necessary anymore we now have Homebrew apps that can fix the database for us and it does a much better job so we're going to go ahead and take a look at that here in this video first of all though I need to simulate a database corruption luckily this is pretty easy all I need to do to simulate a database corruption is boot my PS4 into safe mode and then use the database rebuild option which will force a database rebuild which will not index any of my fake package files and the database will be rebuilt without any fake package files in there and then as you can see after the reboot here we're now back to what looks like a stock PS4 okay so there we go everything has disappeared looks like we're back to a stock system but again if we go to our storage here you can see that we still have content showing up here on system storage and extended storage right there okay so what we're going to do first of all is jailbreak our PS4 again so I'll head back onto the internet browser I head to my exploit host kme and then we're going to run our gold hand payload once it's finished caching okay so now we have that running so we should be good to go here so one of the things I would recommend trying this may be fixed I'm going to bring this up to lightning mods but basically if you try and go to forward slash install this should automatically try to install The Homebrew store and then from The Homebrew store you can install other Homebrew apps that can be used to fix your database so we could try this it doesn't work at the moment because there seems to be an issue where I think it detects that The Homebrew store is already technically installed even though it's not showing up in the database and therefore it doesn't allow it to download and reinstall it using this link as you can see here always just says not enough free system memory but if that's fixed in future that's something you can try if you get the homebrew store installed using this method then you can use the homebrew store to download other Homebrew apps so that's one option but like I said like I said it's not working right now so the other option is we're just going to use a USB drive to install the apps we want so so on the computer you can head to to so you can either use the homebrew store if you can get it automatically installed on your PS4 to download these apps or you can do it here on your computer with so what we want is either the items Flow game manager or the Apollo save tool both of these tools have the ability to fix the database so you can go to the Apollo save tool and hit download or items Flow game manager and hit download I'm going to download this one here I'll also download Apollo as well as a backup then another thing that I would recommend getting is this PS4 tool set by snake so you can download that right here go ahead and download that one so we'll also download that one as well okay so at this point you want to go to your USB drive and you want to copy these package files to the root of your USB drive there we go that's Apollo we've got items flow and the tool set all downloaded there onto our USB drive and then we're going to eject that USB drive and plug it in to our PS4 okay so if we go back over to our gold pen menu here we go to debug settings package installer we're going to want to install the items Flow game manager first you notice it said it's already installed even though it's not showing up so we'll install that first of all and head back and then run the items Flow game manager okay there we go so we are up and running so all we need to do here is hit the options button and you can see that everything shows up properly here and items flow so you could launch everything from here we want to get the apps back on the home screen too so we're going to hit the options button and then we're going to go to rebuild thick package database press X we have a few options here we can rebuild the internal database or only DLC excluding the external hard drive or we can reactivate an account or content and then we're back to the internal database so I'm going to use the option here to rebuild the internal database so it says rebuild the PS4's app database restores missing xmb games apps DLC from internal storage including app to USB so even if you have a USB drive and you're using app to USB to store some of your games on the USB drive it should fix the database for that as well so we're going to rebuild fake package database here and then actually shows you which you know items it's discovering what apps it's discovering and adding them to the database right there got patch installer retroarc PS4 Explorer basically discovering everything by the looks of things and Call of Duty Black Ops 3 rebuilt so 27 apps fixed not fixed zero so supposedly it fixed all of the apps right there so if we go back we'll press the middle button here close out of items flow and it still looks like everything's missing but if we refresh it by either logging out or logging back in but usually you can refresh it just by opening the web browser and closing it again and there we go you can see it has refreshed so we've got gold 10 cheats we've got Apollo we've got Elden ringback we've got the store we've got a bunch of media apps Dying Light 2 patch installer retroarch PS4 Explorer that's all been reinstalled now you may notice that some other things are still missing this is not everything I had other games on here as well um what else did I have I had bloodborne I had a few other things I had a few other media apps like Hulu and various other things that are not showing up here but if you remember initially I had those inside folders so they are installed it's just it's kind of glitched I suppose so you can't really see them but they are available so all I need to do is add them to the folders and then they'll show up so if I press the options button here and I go to add to folder and then we'll just go ahead and create a new folder called Homebrew and we'll put all of the Homebrew in The Homebrew folder so we'll select and we'll get rid of that so we'll do items flow we'll do the gold 10 cheats manager we'll do Apollo we'll do the homebrew store and there's that the patch installer and we've got that as well API and then you can see all of these apps are showing up here right here all of that stuff's showing up and pretty much everything else I think that's all the Homebrew so we'll confirm and we'll click OK and now you can see all of our apps are back here all of the Homebrew apps that weren't showing up before like orbis FTP internal package installer the SMB client so that's all showing up there as well let's just do the rest we'll add more folders so we'll create another folder called let's call this one media we'll create a media folder and we'll select all of our media apps and we'll add them to this so so we've got YouTube Netflix we've got Plex Crunchyroll we also have Hulu Paramount plus Pluto TV ADN Apple TV so we'll add all of that to the media folder and now we have all of the media apps are accessible again and then finally we will do one more for our game backups as well so we'll go ahead and add to folder this folder will be called backups and we'll select all of our game backups here as well so Elden ring Dying Light 2 and we'll just throw in our emulators as well our retroarch cores and also we'll leave okagi Shadow Kings that's actually a retail copy I will do Dead Island and Resident Evil 4. and Black Ops 3. and we'll add those in there so that's pretty much most of the stuff restored however you may notice there's still a couple of items that are missing and those are the ones I actually had installed on the external hard drive all of these apps that have been restored are from the internal hard drive but I did have bloodborne I think I had the FTP app and maybe something else also installed on an external hard drive that's formatted as extended storage for the PS4 as you'll see right here extended storage you can see we've got applications not showing up because the database is corrupted now it may not be showing up because we need to refresh it so I'm going to unplug the extended storage Drive the external storage drive here and then I'm going to plug it back in and see if that corrects the issue there we go it's now showing up so that's all I had to do there all you have to do is uh basically you shouldn't just unplug it like I did I'm not really I don't use extended storage normally so I didn't realize that you're not supposed to just yank it out you're supposed to wait or you're supposed to like remove the storage device properly so what you should do is hold down the PS button here go to devices and then find your USB device stop using extended storage that's the option you're supposed to select then you can unplug the extended storage Drive plug it back in and then if it gives you a message thing it needs to be repaired just click OK let it do that and then they should show up so now even the stuff that was on the EXT the extended storage Drive the external drive is now showing up here as well so we've managed to recover everything even after that database corruption we've managed to recover every single app that was missing that has been successful now one final note you notice there are some new options showing up here that weren't before live from PlayStation the cat capture gallery and the library now I normally had these hidden in my database they were set to be invisible so they wouldn't show up because they're kind of unnecessary for a jailbroken PS4 I don't need these ads so you will after a database rebuild anything that you set to be invisible will show up as visible again like these apps right here live from PlayStation capture gallery and the library which I'm not looking for so what you can do to fix that first of all will just add to our Homebrew folder we'll add our FTP client back in there and then we'll add YouTube TV to our media folder clean that up a little bit and then obviously bloodborne I'll add that to our backups folder we'll get that back on there okay so now all we need to do is hide these apps again and that's why I mentioned downloading the PS4 toolset so if we install the PS4 toolset application this one right here this gives you the option to hide the apps in the database which is pretty handy so we'll run this PS4 toolset okay and then from here we can go down to hide slash show apps and this takes a little while and there we go it now shows up the application so we can scroll over to the ones that we don't want showing we don't want uh I guess live from PlayStation will make that invisible capture Gallery will make that one invisible and unfortunately it locks the library for some reason so I'm not able to make that one invisible that's unfortunate I think that's a bug in this application because you can make it invisible in the actual database file with FTP but anyway we at least we're able to make the other ones invisible so we can go ahead and do that and then if we exit here and we load up the internet browser and close it you can see those apps disappeared so unfortunately we just have the library one that we can't really get rid of but all of the other ones have been successfully hidden and that is pretty much it that's how you can properly fix your database by just using Homebrew applications you can use items flow you can use Apollo if you go into the user tools in the Apollo application you'll find the option to fix the database so you can also use that instead of items flow the reason why I personally like items flow more is because items flow can actually show all of your applications even when they're not added to the database in the actual items flow application they show up and if there's any one that's not being recovered properly you can actually try to launch the application in items flow and it will say Hey this application's not in the database do you want me to add it to the database for you and then it can add them individually as well so lots of options there and items for to be able to fix corrupt databases another thing to mention as well is that it's always a good idea to take a database backup most exploit hosts have a database backup payload that you can run every so often and that can basically back up the database to your USB drive and then there's also a restore database payload which can be used to restore that backed up database if you get a corruption in future although you will have to take regular backups so that your backup isn't too out of date for all the recent applications and stuff that you've been installing since you made the backup one final thing to mention as well other Homebrew apps and specifically the old version of fixing the database using the Python scripts would cause would cause this bug where you weren't able to actually uninstall applications after you've ran them so you'd run a game like this that's been restored after the database corruption and then after you fix the database and you run the game when you press the options button if we close the application and then you'd press the options button to try and delete it and the delete option would not be there it would be like it's a system app and you're not able to delete it which was a problem caused by previous uh recovery options however with items flow this is no longer a problem you can run your applications after fixing it with the database fix and you'll still be able to delete it afterwards as well if you ever want to uninstall the app so that's another thing that's been fixed since then too so yeah much much easier now to fix a database corruption so hope you guys enjoyed this video or found the information useful if you did do leave a like And subscribe and I'll hopefully see you guys in the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Views: 26,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS4, PlayStation 4, Jailbreak, Apps, Games, Missing, Disapear, Disappeared, Disappear, Vanish, Vanished, Database, Corrupt, Damaged, Repair, Fix, Correct, How to, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Guide, Setup, Tips
Id: 1lXCHD5lL08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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