How to Jailbreak the PS4 in 2024

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hey what is going on guys it's moded Warfare here welcome back to another PS4 jailbreak tutorial it's been over 2 years since my last tutorial on how to jailbreak the PS4 and there has been quite a few changes since then so it's about time that I did an update on this so I've gone ahead and reset my PS4 back to basically a stock PS4 with nothing on it so that I can show you how to set up the jailbreak from scratch so if you have an old PS4 that's just been sitting in a closet for a few years Gathering dust maybe now is the time to take a look at it see if you can Jailbreak it and get a lot more out of it so let's go ahead and take a look at how to set this up okay so the very first thing you want to do is head up to your notifications check your downloads and make sure you don't have a system software update that is pending either downloading currently or has downloaded and is waiting to be installed if you see one of those showing up here like this one here version 11.02 make sure you hit the options button and delete it select it there and get rid of it get rid of that download and then we're going to head over to our settings and scroll down to our system settings and then in the system settings we're going to go to automatic downloads and make sure that system software update files and application update files are both unchecked this will prevent the console from automatically downloading and installing system updates so you want to make sure that you do that because we don't want to accidentally update our console to a higher firmware which will have patched the jailbreak so next you want to make sure that you can actually jailbreak your PS4 by heading into the settings and going to system information you can see I'm on system software version 9.00 now in order to jailbreak the PS4 you do need to be on that exact system software version 9. now if you're on an older firmware that's not really an issue because we can update to 9.00 if you're on any older firmware so if you're on 8.03 8.50 8.60 something like that you'll be able to update to to 9.0 if you're on a higher firmware like 9.03 9950 9.60 10 something 11 something then unfortunately you're on too high of a firmware to do the jailbreak you need to be on 9.0 or lower so if you're on an older firmware than 9.00 an older system software version stick with me here because I'll show you guys how to update from an older version to 9.00 so that you will be on the correct firmware version to jailbreak the PS4 if you're already on 9.0 then just skip to the time stamp you see on screen to skip this section okay so let's go ahead and take a look at how to update your console to 99.0 so in order to do this you will need a USB stick so make sure you grab yourself a USB drive and you'll need a computer that you can use to get the files so what you want to do is head over to dark software. XYZ PS4 firmware list I'll also have another mirror site that you can go to to download the firmware version we want to download the the 9.00 system software version from our retail firmwares list right here if we scroll down we're going to find 9. so WR the way down we've got it right here 9.00 467 megabytes and we're going to click the button here to download it and once you have got the system software version downloaded we're going to pop that onto a USB stick so grab yourself a USB drive so I've got one right here USB e if I right click on the drive and go to properties make sure that the file system is either X fat or fat 32 which means it will be detectable by the PS4 if it's NTFS it will not be detected so make sure it's X fat or fat 32 and we're going to create a new folder on this drive in the root of the drive called PS4 in uppercase characters and then inside that folder we're going to create another folder called update which is also going to be an uppercase characters and then inside that folder is where you're going to want to put your update file so drag the update file inside that folder and there we go so the next thing you want to do is head to view and go down to show file name extensions you want to make sure that is ticked and with that we can then rename the file and make sure that you delete the 900 so it's just called ps4update.pup in uppercase characters press enter and you should be good so this is how you have to have the USB drive structured in order for the update file to be detected by the PS4 it needs to be the root of the USB drive you've got your PS4 folder then the update folder then the update file and it all has to be named exactly the same as you see here so with that we can go ahead and eject the drive and plug it into our PS4 itself okay and on the PS4 firstly we want to head back out to our settings go to our network settings and make sure you disconnect from the internet so uncheck the connect to internet box that will prevent the console from trying to install the latest firmware from online instead of the one on your USB stick so from here we're going to then go down to system software update and let it check for the system update and it should say update of system software 9.00 was found that's the one on your USB stick if it says 9.00 you can click okay and let it install that update file uh if it doesn't detect it then check double check the USB stick make sure you have named everything correctly and it's in the right format so once you've done that and you've got everything up to date it will reboot a couple of times while doing the update and then it will boot you back into the home screen and you'll be updated to 9.00 so once you're back into the home screen after the update head to your settings go back down to system and check system information and it should now say that you're on system software 9.00 and that means you are now ready to do the jailbreak okay so once you've confirmed that you're on 9.0 we can now move on to do do the jailbreak so basically what we want is a spare USB stick that you don't need to use for any other purpose you just want to have a dedicated USB stick that you can use to jailbreak the PS4 so grab yourself a USB stick it can be any size USB stick so even a really small USB stick will be fine like an old one should do just fine okay so the next thing we want to do is switch over to the computer and plug in your USB drive into your computer so from here we want to download the software Rufus which you can download right here link will be in the description along with everything else that you need so go ahead and click that to download it next we want to grab the xat hack Pico image which is the image file that we're going to use to jailbreak our PS4 from the USB so just click on this right here in GitHub and then click this button here to download the raw file once you've got those downloaded copy them over to your desktop so we're going to open Rufus okay so once you have Rufus open select your USB drive in the device list you can tick the box to list USB hard drives if it's not automatically detected and then you should be able to find it here so from here we're going to click the button here to select and we're going to select our xat hack Pico image that we downloaded and we're just going to write that to the USB drive by clicking start obviously back up any data on the USB drive before doing this CU it will erase the drive so click okay and let that install the image it should literally just take about a second and there we go it is done so we can now close and what you should notice is that the USB drive will no longer be detected on the computer so if I go back here onto my computer you can see the USB drive is no longer detected which means it has written the image successfully so now we can go ahead and unplug the USB drive but we don't want to plug it into the PS4 just yet so we'll switch back over to the PS4 here okay so now that we're back on the PS4 we're going to head back to our settings and go to our network settings go to the network settings and and reconnect to the internet if you were previously disconnected check your internet connection make sure everything is up and running okay so now that we're connected to the internet we can head back to our homepage and run the internet browser now I'd recommend clearing everything from the browser to make it run as lightweight as possible cuz the jailbreak is ran using the browser and the more memory that the browser has the less likely you are to run into crashes and issues so if we press the options button we can head to settings and delete the cookies and delete the website data and then from there we can also hit options and go to browsing history and press options and clear browsing history and that will get rid of all of that and then you can close the browser and reopen it and it will run now run as lightweight as it can okay so now we're going to go to the website es7 in1 doite and this is an indexing site that indexes a bunch of websites that host the jailbreak so that way if any website goes down in future you can just select one of the other ones that are available here so the one we're going to run is the chameleon host so we'll select that option and then select this option here on the right for the aiio host and let that load up and then we're going to choose the manual host exploit menu and then the PS3 manual host either one will work but this one's faster so we're going to select that option and it's going to install the offline cache so what this is doing is caching the website in the browser for offline use so even when you're not connected to the internet you'll still be able to return to this exact link and access the web page offline so it's probably a good idea to add this page to your bookmarks so press the options button and go to add bookmark and click okay to add that to your bookmarks okay so from here we can run the actual jailbreak payload itself which is the goldhen payload we're going to choose the latest beta build which is the one on the left you've also got the full release on the right which is an older version but it is more stable but for getting things set up we're going to run the version on the left here the beta build so we're going to press X on that and let it load okay so once you get the message to insert USB now you're going to plug in the USB drive that has the Pico image on it into one of the USB ports on the PS4 and then you're just going to wait until you get a notification that pops up on screen that should say the USB dries file system is unsupported as you can see right there wait for that message to start to disappear and then click okay and then we can unplug the USB drive once you get this jailbreak done message now you might not get the jailbreak done message it might give you an error that says failed to trigger exploit if you see that message you'll have to restart the PS4 and try again it may also just crash the PS4 during this stage in which case you'll just have to hit the power button twice to turn it back on and then get back onto the page and run the jailbreak again until it eventually works and then we can click okay to this message and it will run the gold hen payload and that's us got the jailbreak running now there's other errors that you might also run into when you try to load the golden payload you might get a not a free system memory error or a failed spray error or another similar error if you get any of those you can just refresh the web page and try and load the payload again it's only the failed to trigger exploit message that you actually need to restart the PS4 for okay so once you have the jailbreak running we should have the updates blocked so if we head into our system software update you can see it will try to download the update file however it should shortly fail there we go cannot download so we have successfully blocked system software updates and that is persistent so even when you restart the PS4 updates will remain blocked so you shouldn't have to worry about accidentally installing any system updates now okay so now we have the jailbreak running you'll notice that we now have the goldhen settings menu showing up here in the function menu we've also got it at the top of our settings menu as well if we go in here we have a bunch of settings that we can customize so if we head into the debug settings we've got the package installer and that is for installing apps games DLC and updates you can copy them to the root of a USB drive they come in package files. PKG files you copy them to the root of a USB drive and then you can go into the package installer and install the packages that are on the USB just by clicking install all and it will install them directly onto the console so I'm using it to install bloodborne here just as an example so that's how you install stuff onto the PS4 manually just like installing APK files on an Android device so next we want to go down and enable the game debug settings and then we're going to go back and enter our cheat set settings and we can go to show title ID I tend to enable this for title ID and app version although it can slow down the menu if you have a lot of apps installed so you might want to keep that off if that is the case then we're going to go back and go to the plugin settings and enable the plugins loader and then we'll go back to the game overlay and I'm going to enable the FPS counter there's also a system info that you can show as well as scan lines for retro games so that's personal preference but I'm going to put the FPS counter on there and then I'm going to go into the server settings and enable the FTP server which is definitely a handy thing to have enabled and that is pretty much all the settings that I like to have set up there so you can see we now have our game installed and we've got the title ID and app version showing now gold hen is still not running at its full potential yet because we're missing patches plug-ins and cheats that it's able to use so we want to get that all installed so we're going to head over to the internet browser again we'll close this page and we'll head to PKG for/ install so head to that website in your PS4 browser and let it load the online store installer okay there we go starting the online store installer once you see this you can close the internet browser and it should have installed an application called The Homebrew store which is exactly what it sounds like it's a third party app store that you can use to install third party apps onto the PS4 so we're going to run the home brw store so click through all of the messages that pop up when you first launch it and then you'll get onto the actual Home brw Store itself here and we're going to head down to the store groups option and then go down to the utility section and select that and then we're going to use the d-pad to scroll up one page and we're going to go to the PS4 cheats manager select that option and download and install and that will download the application Direct directly onto the PS4 from the home brw store so it has to download and then it does the installation there we go installation complete so once you see that message we can go ahead and close out of the home brw store and we now have the cheats manager installed so we're going to run this application and once you get this up and running we're going to go to the update section and then go down to the internet option for updating cheats patches and plugins select that option and then update cheats from GitHub and that will install all of the latest cheat files over 3,000 sheats installed and then we'll do the same for the patches 295 patches and then the same for the plugins that will download 11 plugins there we go so we now have the plugins patches and cheats installed and we now have gold hen fully set up so one of the things that this allows us to do is apply patches to our games so as an example I can go into the patches section press the triangle button to filter for games that I only have installed and then I can select bloodborne and enable the famous 60fps patch for bloodborne I can enable that I can also enable the resolution patch for 720p so we can get a higher frame rate and then also we'll skip intro logos as well so that's how you apply patches we can close out of the cheats manager now and the last thing we need to do is head to the golden settings once more go to the plug-in settings and enable the game patch plug-in okay so that's everything fully set up for gold hen so just to show what that's all done if we load up a game like bloodborne we can see that when we start to load this we'll get our FPS counter that I enabled in the bottom left hand corner we also have our patches being applied on launch so it skip the intro logos and goes straight to the actual game itself and from here I will jump into a game okay so we're loaded up into the game here as you can see we're running at a higher frame rate than 30 FPS so we're getting a smoother bloodborne experience experence here and I can also hold down the share button to access the cheats and I can enable things like the master code infinite health we'll turn those on and then we can press Circle to go back into the game and we should have the cheats applied so if we get attacked here you can see my health is not going down because we have infinite health enabled so there we go that is an example of some of the things that you can do with gold hen once you have the cheats patches and plugins applied so the last thing to mention here is that this jailbreak is a tethered jailbreak so when you restart the PS4 you will lose the jailbreak but all of the applications and your settings will still be there so what happens when you restart the PS4 is that none of your applications that you've installed when you were jailbroken will be accessible when you try and run them you'll get a message saying that you cannot use this content like when we try and load bloodborne here when we've just rebooted the PS4 and you'll you'll also notice that the gold hen menu option has disappeared so all you need to do is go back on the web browser go back to your bookmarked page and load the goldhen payload again once the golden payload is loaded you'll then be able to access everything that you were able to access before because the console will be jailbroken again now obviously that is a bit inconvenient having to run the jailbreak every single time you restart the console so one option is to use rest mode instead if you go into the settings and you scroll down to the power saving settings you can then go to set features available in rest mode and you can enable the box to keep applications suspended if you enable that checkbox then you can just put the console into rest mode after you've jailbroken it and then you can recover from rest mode and the jailbreak will still be running so instead of turning the console off you can just put it into rest mode and recover from rest mode and still continue to use the jailbreak so that is one option but you probably will have have to restart the console at some point so you'll just have to rerun the jailbreak again now obviously you'll have to use the USB drive every time you rerun the jailbreak so one option is you can use Raspberry Pi chips or ESP chips to Auto inject the USB image for you so you don't have to plug in and unplug a USB drive every time you want to run the jailbreak I have separate tutorials for that that I'll leave Linked In the cards and down in the video description and finally this video is part of a playlist of tutorials that show you many many other things that you can do with a jailbroken PS4 like you can run Linux for example and load PC games and other emulators there's lots of other things you can do with a jailbroken PS4 so check out the playlist link down in the video description to take full advantage of your jailbroken PS4 so that's it from me for this video hope you guys enjoyed it or found the information useful if you did please leave a like And subscribe and once again I'll hopefully see you guys in the next video [Music] [Music]
Views: 340,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS4, PlayStation 4, Jailbreak, 2024, 9.00, Homebrew, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Guide, Setup, How to, Install, Installation, Mods, Modding, Deep Dive, poobs4, GoldHEN, HEN, Homebrew Enabler, ps4hen
Id: vGhSgogxaG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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