Installing PS4 Apps Without a USB on the 9.00 Jailbreak

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what is going on guys this modded warfare here welcome back to another episode of ps4 jailbreak tutorials this is the new series that shows you how to take full advantage of the new 9.00 jailbreak for the ps4 if you haven't watched my full tutorial showing you how to jailbreak the ps4 from start to finish check it out it will be part of this playlist and it will be linked down in the video description so in this episode i'm going to be showing you guys how to install ps4 apps onto your ps4 without using a usb drive this avoids the need to use two usb drives obviously one with a hacked image on it to jailbreak the ps4 and then another usb drive of course to install packages with now packages are the kind of file formats that all ps4 apps use so your games your dlc your updates your media apps your homebrew applications emulators they're all inside these package files dot pkg so we're gonna install ps4 apps over our network connection instead in a few different ways using some different homebrew apps and different applications and there's even ways of installing them with your phone as well which one of these applications can be used with your phone so you don't necessarily need a computer for that one so the first method of sending package files over your network connection involves using a computer so the first thing we're going to do is head into settings we're going to scroll down to our system system information to get our ip address so grab your ip address that's just the local ip address of your ps4 right there obviously if it's blank then you're not connected to the internet so make sure you set up your internet connection so as you can see we're we've got our ip address right there we're going to take a mental note of that ip address so before we get started make sure you've obviously ran the jailbreak go on your favorite exploit host website whichever one that is i'll have a couple of them linked in the description and obviously run you know your actual jailbreak your gold hen payload which is the main jailbreak for the ps4 plug in the usb drive with the hacked image on it when it asks you to and then you should be good to go if you don't know what the hell i'm talking about then watch my full jailbreak tutorial linked in the video description so the first method i'm going to show you on how to install packages ps4 apps over your network connection is to do it with your computer uh via a payload so to do this we're going to use the bin loader option in our exploit host now not all the exploit hosts seem to have the bin loader implemented properly right now so i'm going to go to the following website i'm going to go to in my url bar or you can go to one of those two ip addresses will link you over here to this exploit host by al-azif and then we're going to go to ps4 9.00 and we're going to run the bin loader now because we've already ran gold hen by now we've already got our ps4 jailbroken we shouldn't have to plug in the usb drive again with the hacked image on it when we use the bin loader because that's already that's already been done the ps4 is already jailbroken at this point because we've already done it before when we loaded gold hen so we're just going to run the bin loader in this exploit host and wait for it to say a waiting payload there we go as you can see a waiting payload so now to install an app all i need to do is use the sender exe file on my computer so here's an application right here this is the home brew store the ps4 homebrew store and all i'm going to do is drag it on top of the exe and let go and then click run then it's going to ask me for my ps4s ip address so the ip address was for my ps4 i'm going to press enter and there we go you can see package transmitted successfully added to downloads okay and that worked absolutely fine press any key to continue and we're good and now if i go back here you can see i now have the homebrew store installed right here on my ps4 and of course i can do the same with other apps as well using the same method i can just go straight back to the bin loader when i go back on the ps4 it just loads the last page it was on which is the bin loader there we go a waiting payload again now i'll install the other homebrew app which is the internal package installer and i'll do the same thing 68.137.22 and there we go added to downloads app.package and it's ready to use and there we go we now have the internal package installer installed on our ps4 the final app i want to install is the remote package installer so i'm going to do the same thing again i just head back onto the bin loader so here it is remote package installer on my pc i'm going to drag that on to sender.exe type in the ip again press enter and as you can see transmitted successfully and there it is added to downloads ready to use so that's one way of getting apps installed on your ps4 over your network without having to you know use a usb drive to get them on there and now that we've installed these we can actually use these apps now to install even more apps onto our ps4 in other ways so let's just add these to our homebrew folder right here so i'm just going to go ahead and select my homebrew folder and edit folder and we'll select all of these apps we'll keep things organized pop these in our homebrew directory and we should be good to go so here we go so we've got these homebrew apps now so the other app is the homebrew store now the homebrew store is quite a bit different to any other way of installing apps because this literally allows us to install homebrew apps and homebrew games and emulators and mod patches for games and stuff you can install all of those over the internet so this basically just serves the package files to you from a server on the internet and you can just download the apps directly to your ps4 from here so you don't even need a computer or a phone or anything to install these once you have the homebrew store installed that is so i can just go into the store groups and then if i want to install any homebrew games i can select the homebrew games section and you know there's lappy's river rage which is pretty popular i recommend you guys give that one a go um but then there's also of course emulators for example if we select the emulator section uh for example if i go to the next page you actually have a retroarch the unofficial retroarch port that you can run on your ps4 you can download it straight from there and then obviously there's media apps like twitch for example we can download that you just select it you select download and it starts downloading it directly to your ps4 and this version of the twitch app that i'm installing is actually a what's known as a no psn app which basically means it's a version of the app that's had the psn authentication stripped from it so normally you would have to sign into your psn account when you launch the twitch app which we can't do on a jailbroken ps4 because we're not on the latest firmware so basically this app has just had that authentication removed so it will run without having to sign into psn uh it doesn't mean we'll get a few errors when we launch it but we can skip past those and the app should work regardless so anyway we'll go ahead and wait for this to finish downloading it's a bit slow the homebrew store it does take a while to download servers are not the fastest but as you can see we got it downloaded now and now we can hit install and that should install it directly to our ps4 there we go added to our downloads and then once we're done that we should say it's ready to use as it is right there and there it is twitch is now available so i can run this just to show it works and that we're all good and yeah so there's the error that we get but we just click home and as you can see the twitch streams and stuff are showing up and i can you know watch them no problem there's one playing right there i don't want to get any kind of copyright issues there so we'll just go ahead and get rid of that now but as you can see that's another way of installing apps directly to your ps4 obviously the homebrew store doesn't have like proper ps4 games or anything like that in it it's strictly for homebrew you know non-copyright stuff so you can download you know emulators homebrew apps homebrew games and all that kind of stuff and utility applications all that kind of stuff you can download directly from the homebrew store straight to your ps4 no pc no phone required no usb drive required to copy the apps on there so yeah awesome so that's a really really useful one right there so next we have the internal package installer so the internal package installer allows you to install package files over ftp right file transfer protocol so any device you have on your home network that has a ftp client or that you can get an ftp client on like your phone you can just download any like ftp client app from the google play store for example and then download any package files you want onto your phone and then you can just transfer the file directly to your ps4 hard drive using ftp so that is how this program works so what we're going to do first of all is head into settings go to the gold hen settings and enable the ftp server it should say ftp listening on your ip address with the port number so obviously if it doesn't say that to make sure you're connected to the internet on your ps4 connected to your network uh then it should pop up once you've got that enabled we can now use the internal package installer so i'll switch back over to my computer here and i'll use an ftp client like filezilla to install this minecraft package file here so i'll open up filezilla i'll type in the ip address of my ps4 22 and then the port number which was 2121 and quick connect that connects us to our ps4 obviously i'll link filezilla in the video description you can also use winscp any other ftp client app that you want to use then we go into the data folder and we just copy any package files we want to install into the data folder just like this there we go minecraft.package make sure the file name doesn't have any symbols or spaces in it you know anything weird like dashes or underscores preferably just rename it to something that's just no spaces no symbols or anything like that and then it should install okay so now that we have that package file in there all we have to do is go back to our ps4 and run the internal package installer and wait a few seconds and it should detect that package file that's on the the hard drive as you can see right there detected minecraft and now it's installing it and it should only take a few seconds and now it's installed so we'll run it make sure it works that was again copied over our network using ftp and again you can do this on a phone absolutely download an ftp client app on your phone download a package file for the ps4 on your phone and then copy it to the data folder uh using that ftp app and then you can install it with the internal package installer just like we did with the computer just just make sure once you're done installing the application that you then go back into your ftp client and delete the app in the data folder otherwise you have two copies of it the installed version and the version you copied to the data folder so just delete the app from the data folder once it's installed and you should be fine we'll delete that app now and we'll do it again this time with the remote package installer now this is an old app so there's quite a lot of people reporting issues with it because it hasn't been updated in years so there can be some issues using this application but if you can get it working it does have some benefits for example you can install multiple package files one after the other with this application directly over your network you don't even need to you know copy it and then install it it installs it as it's downloading which is pretty useful so if you can get it working it's good if you can't get it working don't worry too much about it it is an old app and it does have some problems okay so switching back over to the computer in order for this to work you need a specialized application to send package files over using the remote package installer so in order to do this you're going to need to download node.js so just download the the latest version or the recommended version of node.js and install it it's just a basic setup installer you know just click next a bunch of times and then finish and it should be installed once it's installed you can then use a package sender app like this one here ps4 package sender and i'll have it linked down in the video description basically for the server you just select the ip address of your computer if you don't know what that is you just type in cmd into your search bar on windows and open the command prompt and type in ipconfig one word and press enter so you can get your ip address there so i'm just going to make sure i select that ip address so the ip address of my computer is the server and then you type in the ip address of your ps4 into the ps4 ip box you drag in the application you want to send and of course i'll do a couple of other ones as well i've got retroarch here so i'll add that one in two to send multiple and then you can set the timeout so the timeout as you can see here it's recommended for wired connections 7 to 15 seconds and 30 to 60 for wireless so i'm directly connected with a wired connection on my ps4 so i'm going to use 7 to 15 seconds if you're on wireless then do like 30 to 60 seconds and then we're going to send the applications so in order to do this if i switch back over to the ps4 you just run the remote package installer and you need to keep the remote package installer open full screen like this in order for it to work then if we switch back over to the computer here i'm going to send all and that starts sending the application as you can see minecraft added to downloads and just wait for that to finish again it's a small package file so it shouldn't take too long over what a wired connection so there we go it's ready to use and then basically because of the timeouts it will wait about 15 seconds and then it will start sending the next package file there we go now it's sending the next package file so it's now sending retro work and then we just wait for that to finish there we go retroarch is ready to use but there we go you can see that's fully sent now as well so i can close the package sender now and i can close the remote package installer and both of those apps have now been installed and there's more options as well that the remote package installer has if we switch back over to the computer for example you can right click and you can check installed packages so you can do that to check if an app or an update or something has already been installed then you don't need to bother trying to install it again or just to verify that things have been installed successfully you can also right click and do things like uninstall game which will send a uninstall command which should remove the application you can also like uninstall a patch for a game and any dlc that's installed or any themes that have been installed as well so you can do that too clear the packages remove the packages all that kind of stuff so we removed retroarch there and if we go back you can see it has deleted it so yeah that's basically it that's the remote package installer it's got quite a few different options there so that is a useful way of getting package files on there because you can install multiple package files one after the other but it does take a little bit of extra setup now now if you're wondering how i'm able to get such fast speeds with my connection when i'm transferring files whether i'm transferring a game over ftp it transfers really quickly if i'm transferring package files over the remote package installer it works really fast without any timeout issues it's because i'm directly connecting my ps4 to my computer with an ethernet cable and then i'm using connection sharing on my computer to share the computer's connection with the ps4 so i'm getting the fastest possible speed that you can get so in order to set that up on your computer if you want to set your network up similar to mine then basically you just go onto your control panel on your computer if we go to the control panel here we go to network and internet settings and then we go to network and sharing center and from here we can go to change adapter settings and then when you get in here you just want to select your wi-fi adapter or whatever adapter network adapter you have that's providing your computer with the internet connection and then you just want to right click on it and go to properties and then go to sharing and then allow other network users to connect through this computer's internet connection and then you can click ok if however you have a drop down menu like i do then select the ethernet adapter as the adapter you want to share the connection with that's the port on your computer that the ps4 is plugged into with its ethernet cable so you click ok and now your computer's internet connections basically been shared down the ethernet cable to your ps4 and then on the ps4 you just set your internet connection up as i've done through a lan cable so you select the option to use a lan cable when you're setting your internet connection up and you should be good to go so that will give you the best possible connection speed when it comes to transferring apps onto your ps4 or doing anything from your computer to your ps4 over the network will be much stronger with much less chance of you know signal issues or anything like that when you have your network set up in this way now one other thing to mention when using the remote package installer is that you must be blocking the connections to sony servers which means that in the network settings you need to make sure that you've set up your internet connection using a custom setup and that you are blocking all the connections to sony servers by using these ip addresses as your dns settings so in you can add them in either order it doesn't matter which one's primary or secondary just make sure you have them both added and then that blocks all connections to sony servers and that will allow the remote package installer to work because if you're not blocking sony servers and you try and use the remote package installer if the ps4 makes some kind of other network request to sony servers then it will interrupt the connection on the remote package installer and it will interrupt your transfer so that's why you want to be blocking connections to sony servers when you're using the remote package installer however that step is not necessary for the internal package installer or the homebrew store they'll work fine even if you're not blocking connections to sony servers so yeah anyway that's basically it guys those are multiple ways that you can install package files you can install your games and apps and dlc and emulators and all that kind of stuff directly onto your ps4 without having to use a usb drive so hope you found that information useful if you did please leave a like and subscribe and i will be continuing this series on and we'll be doing more videos very soon i'll be trying to put out a video like once a day or once every couple of days at least so yeah check back on the channel very soon for the next video so thanks for watching and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Views: 258,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS4, PlayStation 4, Homebrew, Apps, Pkg, fpkg, Install, Remote, Store, package, Games, Patches, Updates, DLC, Network, 9.00, 8.52, 8.50, 8.03, 8.00, 7.55, 7.02, 6.72, 5.05, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Guide, Setup, Deep Dive, How to
Id: uFDuCyFw6wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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