PlayStation Portal Hack Updates!

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hey what's going on guys welcome back to another video So today we're taking a look at some of the updates for the PlayStation portal hack from the flow there's been quite a few updates along with a little bit of drama along the way so we're going just going to try and get up to speed on all of the new developments so first of all if we do a little recap here so back in February the flow said uh on Twitter that after more than a month of hard work PPSSPP is running natively on Playstation portal yes we hacked it with help from XYZ and zaeta 2 so we have a PlayStation portal hack from the flow it's not been released as of yet uh where he showed him running a PSP game through a PSP emulator natively on the device which would hopefully allow us once it comes out to run other emulators on the device as well uh not only that but potentially other operating systems or the ability to access other game streaming services so it would just open up the PlayStation portal to be able to do a lot more than what it can currently do because it's kind of just a one-trick pony at the moment where it's only able to use remote play on the PS5 very limited device so yeah having a hack for it would be pretty handy so a couple of weeks ago the flow posted that we responsibly reported the issues to PlayStation and the bugs are now fixed as of firmware 2.06 so if you want to be able to access the hack in the future you'll need to be on firmware 2.05 or lower in order to be able to access it if you've updated to 2.06 already the hack has already been patched in your firmware and therefore there's no point in actually uh you know continuing to worry about this because it's it's not going to apply to you if you've already updated to 2.06 now unfortunately this created quite a bit of a stir from all the people from a lot of the people that were following this and I think a lot of it comes from people who are not necessarily familiar with the flows work and how he tends to handle disclosure of these vulnerabilities you know for the people that know from the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 scene you know we're used to the flow reporting these vulnerabilities to Sony and then requesting disclosure so that they can be disclosed legally uh through the bug Bounty program within you know a few months or potentially a year or so in the worst cases uh after it's been reported to Sony and then we can all access it at that point however I think a lot of people who are following this don't have that context and just thought that you know the flow is potentially just throwing away this exploit why would the hacker who's discovered this great exploit just report it to Sony and basically waste it by being patched in 2.06 I think that was the mentality there was a lot of comments kind of hating on the flow after this uh post was shared now unfortunately things got even worse when the flow discovered that uh the PlayStation portal forces you to update to the latest firmware when doing the initial setup and he said please don't go ahead and buy the device just yet until we figure out if it can be bypassed obviously the flow did not realize that when he reported it to Sony so with Sony patching it now uh this has actually created quite a big issue because of course if you buy a brand new PlayStation portal even if it's not been updated to 2.06 because it's not gone through the initial setup sequence uh you're kind of stuck because even if you try and go through the initial setup sequence it's going to force you to update to 2.06 and if you don't update to 2.06 you can't get through that initial setup to actually start using the device uh so that is a serious problem and there hasn't really been a workaround found yet there is a workaround for just the normal update prompt so that if you've already gone through the initial setup sequence but you're getting prompted to update to 2.06 whenever you connect to the network there is a way to bypass that so that you can keep using your PlayStation portal on the older firmware until the hack releases I'll be showing you guys in just a minute how you can actually uh set that up to get around that issue but if you've not gone through the initial setup sequence right now unfortunately you're kind of out of luck so far maybe there'll be a way to bypass it discovered soon it's probably just best at this point to just leave the PlayStation portal off until a solution can be found so anyway this kicked up quite a bit of drama of course there's a lot of people that were very upset about uh this whole situation about the flow reporting it to Sony and and having the exploit be nerfed in this way uh now the flow put out several replies saying it guarantees safe and legal disclosure to the public which is a win-win for everyone what approach would you have taken otherwise who also went on a little bit of a rant saying no idea why folks cry about disclosure if we just released to the public do you think Sony would just leave it unpatched reporting versus not reporting is only a few weeks of difference he then says you all don't realize all the recent PS4 PS5 jailbreaks are only possible because I reported vulnerabilities eventually got to the point where he pretty much said you know maybe I should just keep everything private and not release any vulnerabilities like all like other people I believe he even may have made his Twitter profile private for a short period of time but it looks like things might be calming down now because as of yesterday the flo put out another post saying that in order to keep using your PlayStation portal with your PS5 on 2.05 block this web address here in your router and reboot very important do not factory reset the device as otherwise it will force you to update so again there's still no kind of fix for the initial setup sequence right now but what he is saying is that you know if you if you've already gone through the initial setup sequence and you just want to keep using your PlayStation portal on 2.05 without updating it to the latest firmware which would patch the hack then you can just block this web address in your router and that appears to be the best way to do it uh because if it's blocked in your router then anytime you connect on your uh Playstation portal to the Network then it will be blocked and you will not get the update prompt so all I did here with my PlayStation portal as you can see right here it's showing an update prompt where it's wanting me to update to the latest firmware in order to be able to use the device and there's no way to kind of get around this so all I all I had to do was log into my router through the default gateway or the IP address of the router uh in your url bar on your internet browser you just log into your router and then you find uh the method for blocking uh websites in your router it might be a parental control filter or just a website block list or URL filter in my router here I have an ASUS router so it's in the firewall settings on mine and there is a URL filter and I can just set it to the deny list and then add the link in there as one of the websites I want to deny access to and then I just apply that and that web address is then blocked so dwcd l. that in your router and then from there when I reboot my PlayStation portal you will see that it will no longer give me the update prompt because it's not getting the information from Sony that there's a new update available because that web address is being blocked so that is the best way to do it at the moment potentially you could use you know DNS stuff or proxy or there's other ways that it could be done but this is probably just the best way to do it in general most routers will have a a method of blocking websites so that is the way to do it it right now block that address in your router and then as you can see here I'm now able to use the PlayStation portal it's no longer giving me the update prompt and if I check my uh my firmware version here in the device settings you can see I am on 2.05 so my PlayStation portal is vulnerable to the hack and I'll be able to use the hack once it comes out and I'm still able to use the PlayStation portal in the meantime to connect to my PS5 and continue using it as normal so that's what I would recommend right now for anybody that's already gone through the initial setup phase but hasn't updated to 2.06 yet block that web address in your router so you can keep using your PlayStation portal in the meantime until the hack is released so that's the way to go right now unfortunately we'll just have to wait and see if we get some other way to bypass the initial setup update prompt at some point in the future uh until then if you're you know running into that issue you're best off just you know leaving your PlayStation portal in the closet and not touching it unless you really want to use it in which case you can update to 2.06 but you won't be able to take advantage of the hack when it releases so yeah that's the situation bit unfortunate but you know the flo did obviously didn't realize that that was a problem until after he already reported it to Sony so you know it's just a bit of an unfortunate situation there it basically means that you know it's not really a good idea I guess to go out and try and buy a brand new PlayStation portal that might still be on 2.05 because you'll have to go through the initial setup sequence and you won't be able to get past it without updating so that's a big issue so if you are still planning on trying to get one so that you can take advantage of the hack when it comes out then I suppose the best way to go about it right now would be to look for a pre-owned system on eBay that hasn't been updated where the person who owned it previously will have already gone through the initial setup phase and uh yeah you could find out from the seller if it's on 2.05 and then buy it at that point but this really seems like a that is going to really just benefit people who already own the device currently who already bought it a while ago have gone through the initial setup on the older firmware and are not updating it so yeah anyway that's the situation right now with the PlayStation portal hack that's everything brought up to speed any new developments come out that are significant I will do another update here so hope you guys enjoyed this video or found the information useful if you did please leave a like and a subscribe and once again I'll hopefully see you guys in the next one [Music] [Music]
Views: 60,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PlayStation, PlayStation Portal, Portal, PS5, PlayStation 5, Jailbreak, Mods, Modding, Overview, news, guide, setup, how to, installation, walkthrough
Id: fteNRHhyPWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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