How To Rebuild Database On PS4 - Best Practices To Refresh Your PlayStation Like New Again!

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build it and they will come no it's not a good one oh i got it rebuild it and the playstation 4 should run like new again that's a good one hey everyone thanks for joining me and in today's video i want to go over in more detail what rebuilding the database actually means as well as walking you through how to access that feature and how it can help your playstation 4 run like new again as always if you guys enjoy this video and you find something helpful please be sure to hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe so that you can always stay up to date on my latest videos just like these let's get right into it so what exactly is rebuilding your database well rebuilding your database is a feature that is found within your safe mode menu of the playstation 4. now before i go any further if you don't know yet what uh what safe mode exactly is for the playstation 4 i do recommend another video i published that specifically talks about the safe mode menu and i do recommend that you watch that video just to get a good understanding of what the whole thing is about and i will link to that down in the description below but basically in quick safe mode is a proprietary menu within playstation 4 that shows a myriad of of items that could help your playstation 4 in a bunch of different ways and because of that it could delete some data all data or no data at all so then i'll show you how to go into safe mode and then how to access the rebuild database in this walkthrough i want to first explain what rebuilding your database is rebuilding your database essentially means it'll find any data that the playstation 4 finds might be corrupt or is corrupt and it'll actually try and delete that specific piece of data and reformat the drive so that it'll run as if that corrupt data never existed so how do we access this feature in the playstation 4. first what you want to do is you want to go into what's called safe mode and in order to get into safe mode what you want to do is you want to find the power button on your actual playstation 4 console and what you want to do is you want to push and hold the button if your console's on and you want to wait until it hits that second beat and then it'll prompt you that the playstation 4 is turning off now you want to be really patient here because you want to make sure that your playstation 4 shuts completely off this means you have to visually look at the light bar that runs along the playstation 4 console and making sure that it's completely off and that you also listen for the mechanicals inside of the playstation 4 console to make sure that everything is completely off so here i can see that the mechanicals are off and there's no light running along the side of the playstation 4. once all that is off what you want to do is you want wanna once again go to your power button and you wanna push and hold that button and you wanna keep holding it and you wanna keep pulling it until you hear that second beep once you hear that second beep you want to let go and you want to wait a second instead of it going into the home menu screen like normal now it boots up into what's called safe mode in order to use any of the item menus in safe mode unfortunately you can't use your controller in wireless mode so what you'll have to do and it prompts you on the screen right now is to connect the dual shock 4 using a usb cable and so you can simply use the usb cable that was provided with your playstation 4 to charge your controller with or you can simply find a micro usb cable that's compatible with this controller that has a usb a on the other side to plug into your console so then what you want to do is you want to plug it into your controller and then what you want to do is you want to hit the power button on the playstation 4 button so that turns on once your controller is powered on it'll now enter safe mode because it knows you can control it now and what you want to do is you want to go down to menu number five once you go down to menu item number five this is where you can push the x button and uh enter rebuild database once you go into rebuild database and you initiate that feature it'll now go into a loading screen because what it's going to do is it's going to find that corrupt data on the hard drive it'll try and delete it and it'll reformat that hard drive to merge all that data back together which is actually a really cool feature because instead of it just like wiping out all the data on your playstation 4 like maybe options six and seven do where it just completely wipes out the data on your playstation 4. rebuilding your database keeps almost all of your data except maybe a few things which i'll talk about further along in this video um but it'll still maintain most of it while deleting only the bad parts when you're trying to troubleshoot your playstation 4 i highly recommend that you rebuild your database first before you go into a more severe fix for your playstation 4 such as uh initializing it wiping out all the information and trying to redownload it all back again because that will seriously take all day and rebuilding your database takes a fraction of that time once you go into rebuild database you hit the enter button and you enter you enter the mode what will happen now is you'll see a loading screen it may take up to an hour for it to happen or less depending on how long it takes to find the corrupt data and to reformat your drive again then it will return you back to the home screen such as if you would normally power up your playstation 4. some things that may be dialed back in your settings that you'll have to reinitiate again is maybe your wi-fi connection for your internet or re-signing into playstation network you may need to do those things um for me personally what it did for me when i rebuild my database because i noticed that the system was not running smooth so i tried that as an option to try and fix it and it did work for me um one thing that it did was it reset my audio settings for my headset so i had to redo those it signed me on a playstation network so i'd resign into it the thing that i wanted to make this video about and that was a big deal for me and it freaked me out was that i actually went back to my library because some games may not be downloaded back onto the hard drive yet what i found out was that a lot of my games that i purchased were gone and i didn't realize it at first and it wasn't every single purchase game that was deleted from the network but a lot of them were missing and i didn't realize that until i went into the library and realized it that i didn't download it and i had no idea how to bring it back but i found out that if you simply do what's called restore license what that does is that prompts the playstation to uh to like essentially talk to the cloud for from playstation network and re-establish all the games that you purchase from the playstation store that you didn't necessarily install or download yet hard on your hard drive if that happens to you there is an easy way to restore your license so that you can re-access those games again and that's simply to go over to your settings menu over here on the right and then you need to go into what you call your account management and you want to make sure that you're signed into playstation network when you do this so if you're signed into playstation network you go into your account management all you have to do is simply go over down to where it says restore licenses and then go into that and then it'll say use the restore button to see and it'll close your applications before it feeds all the uh the game download purchase stuff from the cloud so you simply want to hit restore and it only takes a few minutes but it's really fast and thankfully all of my games did re-establish the ones that i purchased from playstation network and it did recognize that i did purchase those games and then i i had the option once again to re-download them back onto the hard drive so when are some times that you you'll want to rebuild your database and what are the best times that have shown successes that rebuilding the databases help the times that you'll want to rebuild your database is a few things one is if you're if you went through a system update for the playstation 4 and it all of a sudden froze or something didn't work right in the playstation 4 and you have a feeling that is because as a direct result of that playstation 4 update that is when you want to rebuild the database because it will dial it back to before you made that update so that you can re-establish that update once again and it should be a more clean install this time another time you want to do it is if you're simply in the system menu like in here and all of a sudden it just freezes if it all of a sudden it freezes and something's not right and you know it's not something to do with your controller itself then you'll want to uh rebuild the database another thing too is if you see uh one of these blocks on here for your game says that it's a corrupt data or simply that you downloaded a game add-on which is like a separate part of the game that you might have bought afterwards or was in like an expansion pack for a game if you if that becomes corrupt and you simply cannot access it or it leads to your playstation 4 system crashing then what you'll want to do is you'll want to rebuild your database to see if the playstation 4 can just find that snippet of data delete it re-merge the the data on your your hard drive and then re-establish that connection again so you can run it like new finally and this is the most scary scenario is if you're running your playstation 4 and starting it up and you see a message on the screen that says that your hard drive is corrupt that is like one of the most scariest things ever and it hasn't happened to me yet thank goodness but if that happens to you if you simply boot up safe mode using the system the way that i showed you earlier in the video and you go into safe mode and you you pull up rebuild database and go through it that way that is a great way of eliminating that message and then reestablishing your hard drive so that you can start up as if that hard drive was like new again and that's it for this video if you guys found something helpful in it and you enjoyed it please be sure to hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe so you can always stay up to date on more of my latest videos just like these i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: John Hammer
Views: 701,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech, gadgets, guides, solutions, consumer electronics, gaming, playstation, rebuild database, safe mode ps4
Id: X-l4oMrL28k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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