4 Step Guide to the PS4 Corrupted add-on game data error ***Sony PS4 Software update 10.50***

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following the most recent PlayStation 4 10.50 software update that Sony decided to bless us all with back in early March 2023 a lot of PS4 owners have come across a whole host of issues with this particular update the main feedback has been around either not being able to completely install the 10.50 update all the update has been installed okay but there is an error presented when trying to load up their games so now for those of you that were fortunate to get the update installed okay but when loading your games you know a message Sims the one in this video where it mentions the add-on for the following applications is corrupted there is a workaround for that it's a really really simple one that will allow you to get past that message and allow you to play your games Step One open up your TV video app from your PS4 home screen step two open up even Netflix or the YouTube app and make sure that it's loaded in step three press the Pierce button on your controller to return to the PS4 home screen step 4 select your game and load it up they're all appear but it will automatically close Netflix or YouTube instead of your game and your game will load in as per normal
Channel: dmacca80
Views: 246,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS4 software update, 10.50 update, PS4 data error message, Add-on error message, PS4 fix, PS4 10.50 update, PS4 corrupted, ps4 corrupted data fix, cannot continue using the application the data for the following application is corrupted, how to fix corrupted data on ps4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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