PS4 11.00 Jailbreak FAQ

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hey what is going on guys welcome back to another PS4 video so today I thought I would do a Q&A video going over the most common questions that I've got on Twitter and in the comments section of my YouTube videos about the 11.0 PS4 jailbreak so let's go ahead and dive straight into it here with the first question this is the one I've seen the most and that is of course relating to the success rate H why do so many people have issues a lot of people getting stuck at 93% when trying to load the exploit so OB obiously we're still in the early stages of this jailbreak so there's still some jankiness involved and we don't really know exactly why certain consoles or certain computers have trouble actually loading the jailbreak right now so I do have a few recommendations to try and help you get a better stability so to begin with you need to make sure that you don't have any device between the computer and the PS4 so you need to make sure that you don't have like a switch a network switch in between you just need to have the ethernet cable connected directly between the PS4 and the computer in order to get it to work so that is one thing uh the second thing is that Linux is much more stable and initially the script was developed on Linux and it was meant for Linux it was only ported to Windows a little while afterwards and generally Linux is a lot more stable when running the exploit so I do have a tutorial my first tutorial on how to actually load the jailbreak covers how to set it up in a Linux virtual machine so I would definitely recommend checking out that video I'll leave it linked below and if you set it up that way you should have better chances of success when loading the jail break especially if you're somebody on Windows who is trying like you know 100 plus times and you're still not able to get it loaded then Linux is definitely something that's worth trying you can just follow that video up to the point where you run the script and before you run the script you just want to swap out the stage 2. bin file inside the stage 2 folder with the one from cyal for Gold Head and rename it to Stage 2. bin run the script and you should be good to go so that is another thing I would recommend now in terms of some of the issues that you run into you know when you try and load the exploit if it actually does load and you get the PPP WN message that pops up in the top left hand corner but you don't then get the gold hen message that should pop up afterwards that usually happens because the USB drive the payload the gold 10 payload is not being detected on either the internal hard drive of the PS4 or the USB stick so there may be a problem with your USB stick where you might have to try a different one or maybe you've renamed the file the file needs to be called golden. bin do not rename the file and it needs to be copied to the root of a USB drive that's in X fat or fat 32 format I'd I'd also recommend not having other USB devices connected to the PS4 when you're trying to load the exploit so those are a few things you can try there if you're running it and it's crashing the console every single time a lot of the time that's might be caused by a mismatched stage two payload you have to bear in mind that you have to use the one from Cyro to load gold hen lightning mods has released stage two payload loaders as well but they're not compatible with gold hen for version 11 so if you're using lightning mods payload loader with cyro's gold hen for 11.0 then you're going to run into those crashing problems so make sure you're using cro uh stage 2. bin file which you will find in the golden 7zip file that contains the golden. bin it's also got a folder for pppw stage 2 which has the 11.0 and 9.00 uh stage two loaders and and of course you want to make sure you're using the one for 11.0 so those are all the main things that I can recommend right now now in terms of other devices there's a lot of questions about other devices obviously we have the Raspberry Pi method uh so far that's been pretty stable for me on my Raspberry Pi 4 should perform a little bit better on the Raspberry Pi 5 I have heard that some people are having issues on older raspberry pies like Raspberry Pi 2os Raspberry Pi 3s the problem with that is that those devices um are less powerful and they're having trouble running the script where it gets stuck and you have to reset the Raspberry Pi to get it to work again and it can take a lot longer between each attempt uh this is just a problem we have with the script running using python at the moment uh if we can get a working rewrite in C or C++ and there is a project at the moment that is working on doing that okay so as I was looking up this project for this video it looks like it's complete it was originally work in progress and I was going to say that you know hopefully it'll be complete at some point and we'll be able to see a difference but it looks like it's complete already so yeah I'm definitely going to be testing this very soon to see how much faster it is on Windows as well as of course on Raspberry pies and this could actually allow you know these older uh less powerful raspberry pies to run the exploit more reliably and a lot quicker as well between each attemp so yeah this could actually make a pretty big difference here and it could also allow us to run it on other low powered devices like routers and maybe other Arduino style boards so uh yeah definitely stay tuned cuz this is looking very promising and of course Android is another popular one that people want to run the script on so that they can use their phone to run the jailbreak so there actually is a project for this already which I'll leave linked down in the video description the project is by dark life 944 and it does require a rooted Android phone unfortunately but if you do have a rooted Android device you can try running this and actually load the jailbreak from your Android device you will need a USBC to a ethernet adapter so that you can connect the ethernet cable to your phone cuz it does not work over Wi-Fi so that is something that you'll have to do um if you are setting things up that way but yes an Android version is available so some of the most common questions are about updating your firmware so if you're on a previous jailbreak should you update to 11.0 I would say categorically no there is absolutely no benefit right now to updating from a previous jailbreak like 9.00 5.05 6.72 to 11.0 because you're already on a very stable jailbreak a very mature jailbreak that's had a lot of support a lot of work has gone into getting that jailbreak to run um as stable as possible you know you already have all of the home brew support and the payload support so there really isn't a whole lot of reasons to update to a higher firmware especially when all of the latest games you can pretty much run on an older firmware like 9.0 anyway thanks to all of the back ports so yeah there really isn't much of a reason to update to 11.0 you would just be you know swapping out a stable jailbreak for an unstable jailbreak right now so yeah definitely not recommended so beyond that what about updating from a firmware that is not already jailbreakable like 9.03 9.60 10 .01 10.70 you know if you're on any of those firmwares where you don't have the jailbreak yet but obviously the obviously the exploit works on your firmware should you wait for your firmware to get support or should you just update to 11.0 now in my opinion I would just update to 11.0 because that is the latest firmware and the latest firmware always gets the most support that's the firmware all of the developers are going to be on that's the firmware that's going to get priority uh there really isn't that much of a priority to Port it to all older firmwares uh when you can just update from an older firmware to 11.0 to get support now obviously there are some people that are stuck on an older firmware because they have a broken Blu-ray Drive for example and they can't update to 11.0 in that case eventually you should get access to the no Blu-ray Drive updator which will hopefully get support for your firmware so the no Blu-ray Drive updator just uses the exploit to allow you to update your firmware even if you have a broken Blu-ray Drive so you'll just have to wait for that to come out and then you'll be able to update to 11.0 now there is one caveat where up to 9.60 there does exist a webkit exploit the PS3 webkit exploit that works up to that firmware so some people are going to want to stay on those older firmwares in the hope that maybe this uh kernel exploit that we're using with uh pppw uh is going to be able to be triggered from that webkit exploit and then it might get more stable or maybe a new kernel exploit will come out that can be chained with that webkit exploit to get a better jailbreak generally um if you want to wait for that you can I generally wouldn't bother we already have a Jailbreak on 11.0 so might as well take advantage of it when you can as early as possible but yeah I mean you can wait if you want but you know most of the time new kernel exploits that are being developed are being developed for higher firmwares a lot of the exploit developers are not going to bother trying to make a new kernel exploit for a firmware that's already jailbreaking able they're going to look at you know a higher firmware to try and jailbreak so that's why I don't really you know expect that to happen unless this current colal exploit can be chained with it but it doesn't look like it can be triggered with webkit so far so I really wouldn't bother staying on 9.60 myself but you know if you want to do that you absolutely can uh but in most cases I would say update to 11.0 unless of course you're on a previous jailbreak okay so final question about firmwares what about 11.02 and 11 50 of course if you've updated to 11.02 or 11.50 you cannot access this jailbreak the jailbreak was patched in 11.02 and higher so you'll have to wait for a new jailbreak to come out for your firmware and that could be months or potentially years as the last jailbreak was 9.00 and it took 2 and a half years to get this new 11.0 jailbreak which is unfortunate but yeah you'll have to wait potentially a long time until you get the jailbreak now there is something called the revert method which might apply to people who are on 11.02 uh where there is a method to actually revert to the previously installed firmware where you can basically revert from 11.02 back to 11.0 or lower however it's quite an involved process it involves a lot of soldering stuff uh you know reading and writing to certain chips on the motherboard if you're comfortable with that kind of stuff you can look into that method I do have a full tutorial that covers how to do the revert method so that you could revert back to 11.0 or lower and access the jail break but uh yeah it's definitely not going to apply to most people maybe if you have a PS4 repair shop somewhere near you that you can send your console into and they can do the revert for you uh that would be a possibility but for most people um it's not really that viable of a solution but uh if you're interested in it I will leave the tutorial link down in the video description okay so moving on to the next question what about having to use a USB for gold 10 is there any way we could load gold 10 without requiring the USB drive well of course the USB drive is only required for the first time that you're actually launching gold hen at which point it's copied to the internal hard drive and then it can be loaded from there in future so the USB drive is only required for the first time that you launch the exploit which really isn't that big of a deal in my opinion um however some people are obviously don't like that for whatever reason so we may potentially see in future a modified stage two payload that will allow you to send the gold hen payload over the network instead of you know putting it on the root of a USB that might be a solution in the future the problem right now is that we can't just use like a stage two payload as a way of loading gold hen just as a stage two payload because there is some kind of size uh limitation with how much data you can have as the stage two payload and therefore you know you can't actually just have the stage two payload be gold 10 it has to load gold 10 from a USB drive so the stage two is just the loader and it loads gold 10 from the USB or the hard drive so that's just the way it is at the moment now for loading additional payloads though and this is the other question uh what about loading additional payloads do you have to put it put more payloads on the USB you know you have to swap out the gold handen payload if I want to run the you know the game dumper for example I have to swap out the gold 10 payload on the USB and load it that's actually not required we actually have a bin loader server built into gold 10 if you go into the gold 10 settings and you go to the server settings you can enable the loader server and it will listen on Port 9090 and it supports TCP and HTTP post mode so there's two different ways that you can send payloads over the network so with TCP you can basically if we switch over to my computer here I can use a program like netcat GUI where I can just enter the IP address of the PS4 and the port number 9090 and I can drag a payload like this disable updates payload for example into the program and then I can just send it over the network to the PS4 and you can see there we get the message that the payload was received from the IP address of my computer and then it loads the disable updates payload and what's even better about this is the HTTP post mode uh is going to be even better because we'll be able to load payloads just like we did on older jailbreaks by using the web browser so if you go on to the web browser right now you can head to the website kme ps4. site SL pppw chameleon has set up a page for loading payload loads on 11.0 using the HTTP post method and this will allow you to load these additional payloads like the uh the app dumper disable updates FTP two decks permanent art and the kernel module dumper and any additional payloads will be added in here as well and you'll be able to load them once they're updated for 11.0 so we can select like the disable updates payload and we get the payload received from Local Host and then disabled updates so this is a way that you can run additional payload so you don't have to put them on the USB drive to load them with the exploit you can just load gold hen as normal from the internal hard drive and then use the bin loader server to load any additional payloads using a website like this so that makes things a lot easier but there are a couple of payloads a handful of payloads that cannot be loaded using the bin loader server I believe the kind of mura loader and the Linux payloads I don't think can be loaded through the bin loader server so there may have to be some other solution figured out there or or we might just have to load those particular payloads off a USB drive like we did with gold 10 initially but uh yeah anyway we'll wait and see what happens there so the final question is can you access PlayStation Network unfortunately no none of the PS4 jailbreaks allow for accessing PSN because we're on an older firmware and you need to be on the latest firmware to access PSN so unfortunately we do not have access to PSN this is basically an offline experience now there are some ways that you can play online you've got for example the easy dfn server for fortnite which is a private server for fortnite that you can play on your jailbroken PS4 and access you know online games with other people and of course there's services like excellent Kai and hamachi which can allow you to broadcast your land connection to play with you know a couple of your friends for example so there are a few ways that you can play online quote unquote but it's obviously nothing like PSN it's not anything like the PSN experience so yeah for the most part it is essentially an offline experience so anyway that is it for the FAQ obviously there are some other things that people are asking but for some of these things I'm going to have dedicated videos on you know we'll be covering that in future videos along with Homebrew applications and many other things so anyway that's it for this one hope you guys enjoyed it or found the information useful if you did please leave a like And subscribe and once again I'll hopefully see you guys in the next one [Music] [Music]
Views: 73,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IIVyQ-v1GC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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