FIVE Must-Eat Hanoi STREET FOODS! (Egg Coffee, Bun Rieu, Xoi Xeo)

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can we ask you any questions I don't think so just like so dedicated to her work I'm we have traveled to northern Vietnam to annoy courtesy of one trip tours and let me tell you my friend these next four weeks are gonna be crazy annoying is the bustling capital of Vietnam with a culinary identity completely different from the south and I have been sent here on a foodie mission I'm talking mind-blowing Street food I've never seen that anything like this he's moving so fast I'm talking one of the most unusual food preparations I have ever seen Wow there is a whole chicken in there I'm talking Hanoi style nightlife they got the water ready I would need a water I'm talking finally settling the debate between northern and southern fog you know I thought I could come out of this easily saying okay North is better or South of butter so grab your chopsticks and get ready to blow-dry your poodle to this food exploring expedition today we're kicking it out by flooring the top-5 must-try street foods of this great city let's go [Music] location one and there's no better way to start your day than with a cup of coffee except for the coffee here has an egg in it somehow there's an egg in there there's a coffee and they're together it's the most efficient way to have breakfast let's go check it out [Music] in 1946 Des Moines father opened a cafe after creating the first egg coffee in this area now a ton of egg coffee joints can be found around Hanoi but this cafe was the first using a blend of egg yolks sugar and a touch of cocoa powder Duke himself whipped us up - fresh cups sunny-side up is this something that we eat or something that we drink well all right let's eat some of this coffee oh it's really pink that's awesome all right let's try it Cheers and it's like a custard but it's just completely creamy if you took a bubble bath and you ate the bubbles it's like that kind of texture you've done that before right and moving on okay I will you try drinking something Cheers so it is powerful let me tell you last week we did the episode about the super strong Vietnamese coffee and this is no exception really thick cold bitter coffee and that egg was trying to bring the bitterness down but it is a fight to the death between the egg and the bitter coffee all of the TV networks visiting cafe yang have focused solely on the egg coffee but duck tells me we're the first ones to feature his new eggy cocktail which contains all the things I love protein and a Saigon special I'm talking about his delicious egg beer [Music] Wow yeah that tastes amazing it's super creamy yeah it actually has a honey flavor to it oh I still taste it Oh what da amazing honey flavor I don't know what happens when you mix the sugary sweetness with the egg and with beer suddenly for me it kind of tastes like honey does it taste like honey to you yeah turn now honey thanks a little bit honey tasting I know Jimmy is a steam blasting very cool let's go eat more things don't go today we are showing you the top five must-try street foods native to Hanoi and right behind me we have I mean it does not get any more street 40 than this unless you were actually eating it in the middle of the street they selling so it's out one of the most popular breakfast in a night all right let's get some breakfast these sticky rice wielding vendors move so fast that we had to shoot with a special high-speed camera so you could see what was actually happening can we ask her any questions just like so dedicated to her work right now this is some intense focus okay this is like tae-bo but she's making food I'm getting anxiety just watching her do this oh my god okay so here's ours high-pressure situation she is moving fast damn long bean what you know about long bean being just chopped into little pieces chicken fat fried onion and then it's at it and that's it yeah oh come on it's only ten thousand about fifty cents for this beautiful blob of deliciousness we have a base of sticky rice on top of that that mung bean chicken fat and then this fried onion I love these fried onions because they're so rich and they're they're almost sweet because they've been caramelized yeah she afraid that you cannot eat the fried onion she want to let Patino cyanine oh are you ready yeah scoop out a scoop that's some of the stickiest sticky rice haha on the sticky rice scale you ready yeah Cheers [Music] [Applause] Wow so much happening obviously it's a savory breakfast this mung bean later is always kind of creamy yes they have to like beat it or stir it and have to be cooked until it's soft and smooth and then hold tightly precious I'm a big giant boom it's like a giant ball of silly putty the onion is really crunchy I love it this was awesome we are just getting the day started let's go eat some more awesome food [Music] [Applause] and the search goes on for the most tasty treats in all of annoying right now we're stepping up to the bottom : restaurant steamed rice pancake rolls they put delicious stuff inside they roll it up they cut it up and we eat it up let's go do that and here we are still okay high right here they have all the filling right yeah yeah yeah what's in there means pork and then wood ear mushroom and seasoning and seasoning okay good it's like we're telling each other secrets but really we're trying not to spit into the wood okay let's move along right here is the bond cooling Creation Station today our bond boon will be made with the super thin layer of steamed rice batter then filled with minced pork and wood ear mushroom topped with some fried onions and maybe even this sausage oh we're about to have a mini sausage party here there we go thank you for everything and let's go eat right here we have our beautiful rolled up punkin we have our fish sauce we have put in chili powder we put in pepper and we have put in freshly sliced chillies right here we have a cute tiny basket full of herbs we have put our sausage into of the fish sauce so we can soak up all those delicious flavors and now we are ready to start all right let's try it out as always a winner I love the texture of this Royce pancake it's got a nice layer to bushiness to it the filling is really savoring that nice blend of seasoning and minced pork and the mushroom in there that final kick the saltiness of your fish sauce is this something that you eat in college did you really yeah I did cuz if 20,000 it's about a dollar and when that one plate and a little bit of sausage that would get you full no satisfying not yeah me yes ago yes yeah I'm not sure like guys what about me as a girl yeah all right let's shut up and just enjoy and our foodie mission continues with location number for a food native to Hanoi and this food is called Hangzhou first of all I see a lot of cucumber she's really excited - Chuck oh this is the banana leaf bin are these banana leaves yes revealing this beautiful rice cake so she's topping it with some different varieties of sausage some mad lava sausage it cool yeah thank you the first thing that I notice is there's no tables in this place they're like why would we have tables we need more chairs people sit in chairs you can't sit on the table this full of different stuff and it's topped with this you're saying that this is actually pickle yeah I'm gonna try it oh it's trickily it's right on that verge it just fell off the edge of being a cucumber and now it's like on its way to being a pickle it's right in that middle ground we have our rice cake and I'm guessing inside of that rice there's some meat and some wood ear mushrooms is it as simple or filling to the fun cool yes he is actually from the north of Vietnam there's a lot of differences in the regions of Vietnam between the north and south there's big differences and and the way they put sauce on food for example actually I was gonna say there's big differences in dialect like the way people speak in their accents and big differences in food as well and right here I've got a piece of this kind of glutinous rice bits pork in there I'm sure of ton of seasoned they can show you try it out yeah sure [Music] that's your main goal it's really savory it tastes like mother's cooking didn't your mom ever make this my mom always buy it that second best it reminds me of my mother's the grocery list when she bought yummy food the flavor of the cucumbers been tempered a little bit by the pickling process what maybe they're already over here it's been tempered a bit by the pickling process and so it just reduces the intensity of the cucumber enough to make it really Ellie giving you a satisfying crunch along with that was sheer ice it looks like a big ball of mush but it tastes tremendous it's excellent we have one more food on our list let's go to that food and cut and go and music montage and we have reached our final location location five look we are getting full but we are in a foodie mission so we are not gonna stop until we have showed you all the awesome food that you should try in the city right now behind us we have a classic of Vietnam originating in Hanoi is real so as believe that it can help to cool your body down in the hot summer day ok I could really use something like that because I'm always sweating through everything hey thanks they take freshwater crabs they kind of pulverize it into tiny little pieces and then they boil it in the water making a fresh water a crab stock aside from crab one after they put in the problem they have fried top and then not tomato and then you will see the the thing that floating on the top yeah it's the most this bony material on the top you know when you go to the ocean and it's kind of for me sometimes it's like that and then it may be from the same it creatures - II took one meal home okay I've reached the depths of my Vietnamese language we know that she says it's delicious and also she likes it so very in-depth interview by your boy Sunnyside on the best ever food review show today our bull Rio we'll start off with some rice noodles and bean sprouts spring onions salt and seasoning tomato crabmeat and plenty of savory broth right now we are going to their secret back VIP room well basically any girl mom n becomes the VIP room that's how it works the most humble food show on the Internet by the way oh we're going deep back here what is this place to be there's like a little yeah this is awesome we have our two beautiful bowls of boone real right here and a basket of mixed herbs and for me I haven't really seen any other Vietnamese foods that have tomato inside now you see okay there you go skinny part of the dish is this foamy crab it's like a delicious and ocean foam right yeah we got our herbs in there pick up there new danke and then put it in your spoon oh gosh which summer cannot have the patience for this oh I thought you went to the food college yeah five years but I should be expert in my excelled in food eating efficiency where you got a little bit of everything germs to tea hmm it's morning mm-hmm I really like that broth my national sweetness from the crap I'm showing you could be a food reviewer so a lot of the fat in here is coming from actually from crab eggs yeah all right you want to share a bite with me no I got ya let's have a bite at the same time that's what I'm saying I'm glad after so many episodes that our communication is just down like that it's like it's like we don't even need to talk because when we do talk you still don't understand I'm gonna get a nice big tomato in here hmm the fresh herbs make a big difference I kind of tomatoey essence with that a little bit of crab flavor in there it's very nice it's refreshing and actually you know what I do feel like I've cooled down a little bit and it might be because of the air conditioning and the fans in here but I think it's probably because of the soup the hot soup be thank you so much for showing me your home turf here up in the north okay you look busy no problem but for you guys if you're interested in spearing the awesomeness that Vietnam has to offer I suggest you hit up one trip leaner company putting on tours in Danang Hoi An and Saigon I'm talking food tours they have a beautiful village tour an adventurous goji tunnel tour all these and more to find out more information please click the link in the description box down below we will see next week a Buddhist [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,643,179
Rating: 4.9101319 out of 5
Keywords: hanoi street food, best hanoi street food, where to eat in hanoi, top five street foods, bun rieu, bun rieu hanoi, egg coffee, giang cafe, cafe giang hanoi, egg beer, Xôi xéo, hanoi xoi xeo, Bánh cuốn, hanoi banh cuon, banh gio, hanoi banh gio
Id: T0gwaAP5k9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2017
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