China Town Street Food after Corona Lockdown!!

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does the move like you get a little bit of bread you dip the meat in the sauce and you either Chinatown when I say the word Chinatown you probably think of the one that's nearest to use the China talents in general seem to exist in nearly every large metropolis around the world it seems like no matter what country you go to you will stumble upon a China talent at some point they're everywhere even in the u.s. New York Chicago California today I'm in Chinatown in Ho Chi Minh City this looks gorgeous is there any wrong way to eat this or you just mix it up and do it you want sorry it's an awkward time to copy a station the impact of lockdowns due to cope in nineteen has already devastated the restaurant industry globally but Chinatown seen especially hip-hop essentially the lockdown is over in Saigon people can go out to restaurants but what do you think is stopping people from going out now when there haven't been any new cases for three weeks in Vietnam today I'm in Saigon Vietnam exploring the food it's wrong he's hollowed out a chili I'm gonna try this one now I'm not gonna try it you're not gonna know why the people behind the food she the one walking around delivering the food yes yes this is Chinatown in Vietnam [Applause] [Music] peace tranquility a place to walk and strive with your thoughts and contemplate life if that's what you're looking for here you've come to the wrong place [Music] Saigon is a city that never takes a break energetic tireless a constant roar motorbike engines creating an unending drone even where you might not expect it Saigon Chinatown is no exception but if you break away from the main streets into the alleyways you may find your respite from the city symphony of exhaust pipes a moment of peace [Music] these football-shaped pork butts are a local beloved breakfast food introduced to vietnam by cantonese immigrants so long ago that no one can remember when they weren't here they're called bun Bao this vendor delicately whips up her daily batch made from scratch backed up by over 40 years of experience stuffed with salted egg quail egg or ciaossu or sweeter options like taro puree and egg custard all made by the hints of Miss Lee and her family finally I get to break my own fast with a steaming hot cha su bun I'm gonna peel the paper off yes it is super hot it's very sad newly steamed bun Bao let's try it out [Music] there's opening with so much Tatsu inside I like it because it's like a little knot in the middle of the banbao it really has like beautiful homemade quality to it hmm makes me feel happy I'm not joining our food adventure today Koya a young local who grew up in Chinatown but more on him later she said that the doll she makes by traditional flowers so this one they still have the thickness right now a lot of workmen shop they have a very big assembly line yeah so then using these and it's very thin right beyond that inside it's very savoury meeting and it's almost just like this cha su gravy oh it's very nice who is your main customers here is that people who knew your shop from before is it just the neighbors who happen to be walking through the alley do you have so many difficulties because people don't know her one day she got reviewed on a Vietnamese food reviewing group on Facebook whoo so lots of people go here to buy Wow so is this your own recipe or where did you learn this recipe from yeah Saigon is Chinatown was born over 300 years ago settled by Chinese immigrants also known as the hot people here they're recognized as Chinese Vietnamese Chinese culture has deep roots in these streets churches temples houses commonly seen Chinese businesses and not so common once to one of their best offerings at least for me the food it's unlike anywhere else in the city some younger generations inherit recipes that go way way back but some some got to figure it out they're wrong and oh good morning sir how are you doing today come on in hey all right should we just do the interview in English I don't know indeed okay here this is kungfu meet Gail basically a kungfu noodle yeah what makes it a kungfu noodle [Music] it's art its craftsmanship its food in action mr. Tong is a young ambitious Vietnamese chef who decided to start a career in Chinatown three years ago using the skills he mastered over a decade he now turns some of the most basic ingredients flour eggs and water into some of the best food anywhere are there any other restaurants doing what you're doing here in Chinatown henkle Bob yesterday only to what we got a knock out the other competition yeah happy I was just kidding if anything happens to them it wasn't me are you from Vietnam originally yes but you decided to open the restaurant here in Chinatown why is that yeah oh yeah it's why it's originally from this area of the Chinatown of Saigon Daniel that's why it's tiny okay between you and your wife are there any cultural differences like what are the best fights that you have over something cultural hey yeah my yard oh nothing man yeah yeah okay today we've come for the best on the menu fresh noodles made from scratch paired with mustard greens a generous portion of dumplings Chinese marinated and dried squid shrimp more squid and the meat parade continues with pork heart and tongue next a fish ball a slice of chaucer scallions fried shallots a special homemade sauce and finally to bring it all together the broth what I'm looking at in front of me I mean this looks like heaven this is gorgeous they've got a little bit of everything this is some pork yeah what is this one this one is very special it is a very Chinese ingredient of the dish the bee whisperer squid squid yeah I'm gonna try that first yeah that crunchy it doesn't feel like squid at all they usually squid like that would be chewy oh yeah and it's made it kind of solid and crunchy in a way it's like a sea cucumber almost you hate you come bar and nobody from the scene okay like a dumpling so flippin huge and fantastic super savory dense meat inside I just truly clump some dough on the outside I want to try this broth too oh yeah it's not like super complex like a foie gras but it's like salty savory and just kinda straightforward yeah and these noodles have been hanging out for a little while and they're not clump together they're not saw oh yeah yeah mmm oh I couldn't find anything to complain about with this these noodles are outstanding like dense thick they got character like they have some hardness to it oh okay you know I don't like a mushy noodle oh right right [Music] Rome how much is this 55,000 down oh my god if you were like New York this would be like $15 really yeah grew up in Chinatown but you are Vietnamese right yeah is it just random that you ended up in Chinatown so my ancestors are from China which is way WAY long time ago oh then yeah so 17th century Oh exactly yeah that's really long they're a long time for most of the people they do not know about there even to ancestor from China just because our family name is you know like sort of like indication if you are from China but then lucky my family got a shrine so I know what time they came to Vietnam but my grandparents speak fluent Vietnamese so I would consider myself a Vietnamese of course you've been everywhere in Ho Chi Minh City how is Chinatown different from other places in Ho Chi Minh City and extra busy the street oh it's crowded like food or services this Chinatown is known for its busy atmosphere and heavy foot traffic tourists and vendors packed the sidewalks congesting the throughways in the morning and afternoon but these days China towns across the globe are taking on a new type of pressure Chinatown like most places these days is pretty empty Oakland's Chinatown that some restaurants that would normally be packed on a Saturday night are closed instead in the u.s. restaurants in New York's Chinatown have reported sales drops in between 40 and 80 percent are down 80 percent even before lockdowns New Yorkers and tourists stopped going 14 years she's never seen business this bad likely due to an irrational fear of getting the virus Viet Nam's Chinatown has been affected - are you aware like all around the world people had stopped going to their local Chinatown I mean get polio grab that yeah did you experience the same thing in Chinatown here in Saigon Obatala yeah he say he experienced like a not so many people go here after usual moving more to Kobe 19 he thought that because people are afraid okay that's why they didn't come here do you think we're people afraid of Chinatown or were people just afraid to go out in general I mean yeah I know so anything that people are afraid of going out in general right that's the kind of town okay food delivery is the band-aid restaurants used to stay in business restaurants already set up for delivery fared much better and some still found a way to give back to their community you don't want to sell like overnight products and if she cannot finish that night she would give all of the pork buns for charity Oh oh okay so right now we're in a different part of Chinatown there's a huge market here what is the name of this market yeah so this is called Kudo market the next guy we're talking to is right over here yeah he's so busy after he makes a few more bowls of food he's gonna jump into this interview yeah no sweat no sweat [Music] tucked inside a residential section of trying to tell you'll find this place wet market by day Street food factory by night delivery a diverse delicious selection that could take you weeks to eat this vendor has been here for 25 years offering a wide range of homemade steaming hot goodness meat on the Chinese Vietnamese owner who loves his place each day you have five minutes here five minutes five minutes okay okay the busiest guy I've ever seen yeah you grew up here yeah how long have you had the food cart though 10 years 20 years what is your most popular dish here the call to this is me like putting like fish that's hopeful no they named all of the ingredients like the name it's literally got everything but basically it's fish cake stuffed into vegetables and many kinds like bitter melon eggplant chiles or tomatoes all put in a bowl the fried tofu and the bubbling pork bone broth is this food is it Chinese is it Vietnamese isn't something else completely what is it it fell down so that Chinese food all of your food here is it all 100% Chinese I mixed with a Vietnamese paper because it belongs to their faces right people in Saigon or people here in Chinatown what flavors do they like more or less hang on this I think yeah they like sweet and like spicy this one he's hollowed out a chili that's a real chili yeah it looks gorgeous I'm gonna try this one no I'm not gonna try it you're not gonna know why the darkness [Music] Oh spicy it's spicy are you serious yeah you must think like ketchup is spicy no I have no chili sauce huh now to me it has a great fresh chili taste it's a little bit warm but not too crazy because it's so cooked that it cooks all the spice out not that that make spicy but yeah still a little bit spicy you were talking to him about this whole corona thing how it affected his business what are these things he's good at during the coronavirus time people like they buy takeaway more because he's on like food delivering apps one little pocket of things that he feels happy about if you don't have to do the dishes no more washing dishes that's a good outlook are they all stuffed with the same stuffing yes it's fish cake I'm gonna try this out bitter melon oh this is like old people foot and then we call it bitter melon for nothing that is very bitter yeah the fish cake has a great texture inside yeah but Wow is that bitter I like bitter melon you're an old man mm-hmm what's great about this is he's given us like a little sample or a bowl with all kinds of different versions to try there's one in a tomato oh the tomato's boiled down a lot yeah so it feels like you're having some meaty tomato soup as you bite into it that's really nice I'm confused because it's hard for me to tell like what is Chinese what is Vietnamese yeah how do you tell the difference for me the Vietnamese eat more raw vegetables and a tiny aged a preferred everything is cooked and sued for a very long time the lines between Vietnamese food and Chinese food has gradually faded over time kids born in this generation consider this Vietnamese food but it actually has roots originating in China along with pork buns noodles and one special treat I can't fail to mention deep breath I'll go I'm so full Tsingtao we're at your shop here you're selling but but llao llao llao llao yeah this awful stool can be made from pork beef or even dunk but here at mr. Tom's 40 year old take up their offering patrons the og Chinese version of pulao what is the difference between Vietnamese Palau and the more Chinese inspired fallout is that the main difference is the way they make it with Vietnamese fellow they add coconut cream make a very creamy soup right and for this one teachers cook with soy sauce and so many different kind of traditional herb already cooked in a medicinal broth stomach Tong whoa wait that can't be right is that right the ears intestine chicken feet duck tongue literally the opposite of whatever you'd expect it's all on the menu here we kind of asked for just a mixture of everything they had yet it's like a greatest hits album from the 90s we've got two different types of tongues here yes I like that there's some menage-a-trois of farm animals that do I got in here you're speaking French yeah it means like a freeway not really good really tender and full of flavor the marinade for that meat is delicious they slow cook for a long time that's why it's really tender mmm yeah juicy I've had duck tongue before but like do you think they sell chicken tongues anywhere take them to have tongue Oh chickens definitely have tongues there is yeah here's a picture right now the chicken with the tongue yeah see okay oh now I know no fatty very rich the oil from the tongue coats your mouth do you like intestine yeah oh you do yeah oh this smells pretty good put the intestine in some sauce put all that in the bread that's gonna be a delight it's so chewy it is very chewy that's quite an adventure powerful about nice seasoning at the same time Chinatown in Vietnam I learned that boat here is really damn good I mean I've always said never doubt Vietnam when it comes to cooking yeah and it's no different here in China sound of course I mean China they have many distinct cooking style culinary styles they're masters of cooking over there yeah but same thing here in Vietnam that's trees where silence is blue you can hear the engine Wes Persall and doves arise to the end here this is my bedroom run within a few months for these restaurants it'll likely be as if the corona locked down never happened so he's still allowed to open the shop during the lockdown days okay and then he just make less is he still making less no no yeah so back to normal back to normal well it's great news some restaurants specializing in delivery weren't greatly affected and others will bounce back in time so he strongly believe that after the cove it 19 people will start to come back and he have a very good luck moto which is never give up and he really believed that hard work pays off yeah that's what he hoped brilliant yeah I love it and in this one [Music] the Walloon I didn't know what to expect from this particular Chinatown in New York City the Chinatown feels like a different world compared to its neighboring boroughs but here in Saigon it's not really like charging you've been eat speculation and the idea why is it different in New York where yeah Chinatown was suffering way ahead of the virus getting there and in Vietnam no big deal my personal thinking because another country they are like the first generation or the second generation of the Chinese immigrants I think a very important thing is the Chinese is recognized as one of the minority group in Vietnam so it is a part of the 54 ethnic groups of the Vietnamese right for very long time folks in Chinatown and in the rest of the city largely share the same culture what's different is celebrating usually in a bowl with some broth walls are breaking down [Music] I see the road [Music] you know actually be a nama house 55s and groups yeah the fifty-fifth one is expensive okay it's only Wikipedia though really yeah I thought you recognized yourself weird right yeah it's very weird I dunno maybe it's someone made that up yeah [Music] from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10-person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and a's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here guys that is it for this video I want to say a huge thank you to my dude coy give me an air handshake don't touch don't touch don't touch okay that is it for this one guys we will see you next time a bit puffy alright thumbs very full of Chinese food right now oh man oh man take a nap
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,121,336
Rating: 4.8652568 out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, chinatown, vietnam, saigon, ho chi minh city, vietnamese food, saigon's chinatown, district 5, district 6, Banh Bao, chinese food, cantonese cuisine, Kungfu noodle, Pha Lau, Kho qua, lock down, covid 19
Id: 23zJ6pQI40Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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