MOST UNIQUE Vietnamese Street food in Hanoi's Old Quarter + Hanoi Night Life

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I did ask you to bring me into some street food you definitely nailed the street part this is this it's almost all the way on this train [Music] tonight you're taking a tour with two of the hottest guys in town exploring the most unique foods Joy's old quarter has to offer here's a taste of what's to come we're gonna drink some 25 cents beer hoy we'll go to a secret restaurants we'll smoke out of this thing will eat this weird fruits we'll have fish eat our feet we'll eat some street food [Music] location 1 and we are on the outskirts of Old Quarter we're making our way in but first we need a quick drink and there's no better way to wet your whistle then with some good Hanoian bo boy am I saying that right that's right be a hug via hobbies most people actually put a lot on a beat compress until I can they sweets out to a couple you drink it I sounds like just draught beer right yeah nestled between lot 1 and lot 3 of this street this tiny Tap House serves up sidewalks suds for only $6,000 glass if you look to your right hair I was hoping that this was the keg was the beer I think that's just her water she has the valve it is coming out it is beer come on call and these are six thousand per glass that's about 25 cents people still drinking all the time and they've been selling for 20 years in this spot and this spot so before they have tables actually selling it here yeah then the cops kind of came but I can't do that there's one thing on the menu and it's in that keg right here they've got water presumably to watch out the cuffs when you're done they've got a basket over there with all the classes in it we've got a fan right here because we want to enjoy some modern conveniences like cool refreshing hair protection from the elements couple bar snacks and we're good cheers my friend how we doing the whole thing [Music] it just went down really easily I don't know what happened oh nice yeah oh that was incredibly refreshing hopefully Noah so while he's talking to them see took his my pudding he was born in Vietnam and then he moved to the states when he was a kid they call that via cutie maybe you can consider a guide or maybe you can just kind of consider this an adult hangout such that you get to eavesdrop on what about that how about that we're gonna guide each other through a night of fun and exploration today is all about the most unique interesting food in all of the noise Old Quarter down this hallway there is a secret restaurant you would never know it was there unless somebody told you and then guided you by the hands so take me by the hand and sure I didn't think you would commit to that and then let's go eat some foie and now we walk down the long narrow hallway what is going on here here they're selling just some medicine spices and things we are entering this kitchen through this narrow passageway every we are check it out you have heard all five but here they've got something a little bit different I'm talking dry chicken fall Hotel basically means stirring noodles I thought I had to have a rock I'll have that broth this one does not have to be on a separate oh that's what I like about a tri noodle they're like look we're not gonna leave you hanging here's a size bowl of some broth but instead of beet they've got chicken I'm gonna figure this out in my mouth that's how I deal with confusing situations okay I chew on it that's good no it didn't get you can get these are boneless chicken feet deboned chicken feet debunks so we're getting some of that so we gotta get some of those I've never seen boneless chicken feet in Vietnam this is gonna be a first for me today's dish will start with some fog noodles a bit of cabbage chicken and chicken skin a generous flashing of chicken fat a couple scopes of their house sauce made with soy sauce sugar and a bit more chicken fat top that with crispy fried onions and some fresh herbs and bam right here we have our chicken feet and if I want any kind of looks like if the chicken was about to go into surgery this is what they want to slip on their feet there's no bone in its just the outer layer right there what is the story of the chicken feet well so it's a goofy is I think that before they boil it they somehow take out the bone they debone it very mysterious machines and they don't show people GMOs are crazy these days there could be a farm with a bunch of boneless chicken flopping around okay so will this dip it right here in that beautiful sauce salt pepper and some lime and here we go at the same time at the same time where's your of auditor mm-hmm what's up with these bonus trees they have bones 95% people you got a toe there so I got a nice like palm here you can see his life line right there my turn salad that was it as future tip tip tip and let's take a refreshing bite of boneless chicken feet that's good Arroyo Joey those kind of known to eat the food goes really well with the beer because it's not about traveling down taking off it's about just keeping your mouth busy while you're drinking and then here of course we have our beautiful tripod we've got the herbs we've got that kind of black sauce getting in there this is a gigantic bowl and how much is this bowl you know 45 oh man so over like two dollars for this massive one that is a lot of dog do you like my pronunciation so far it's awesome I feel like I'm going out of my way to properly pronounce this word every time hey haters in the comments what you got now you're running out of inner material aren't you can we try eating this at some point or do it to do more stuff to it no other business it cheers Cheers do it whoa that is awesome and they dates with full of a soup oh it just tastes like the base of any perfect chicken noodle soup the chicken fat that's a nice little surprise I've never had something just seasoned with chicken fat okay well let's have some more mmm I make me really happy the really dominant flavor is whatever their special black sauce is is just really salty I think of something probably combined with soy sauce guys you guys start putting chicken fat under an assorted food items in your house but what can I what's next I've been seeing people smoking out of those bongs can we try one of those there's a cloud and what does that mean it's a lotta money - OH oh my god I don't know what's happening around me so this is just tobacco okay you put in some tobacco is there any that was good you hit a nice note on that one here we go just suckin suckin [Applause] [Music] the rest of it now you gotta pull the rest of the smoke Oh what is he laughing at look at this guy they got the water already I don't need a water bro real quick is everything spinning for you also nothing is spinning oh I'm spinning that's only tobacco that's the onlythe aback oh wow guys I'm gonna do my best to be a real host still I'm fine I'm a tank I feel light on my feet I feel like a ballerina right now I can do some pirouette there are tons of videos of foreigners doing this and they're like falling over Ted mm-hmm I mean you know they wake up they put they pass out basically right it feels like when you stand up way too fast and all the mud leaves your heads and you're up here like I need a second God and you see some rainbows that's what it is it's like a five minute buzz and then you're just like I'm pretty sure thank you yeah come on come on that was one that was it that was an interesting experience over here my producer booting don't do it check me out Aldean I know it exactly what's happening all right high five all right [Music] that certain law was great I felt really relaxed and a little dizzy but I didn't throw up and so what I wanted to do now is show you a way that I like to relax and it includes fish and includes fish includes fish eating your ear feet that sounds awesome [Applause] Bobo us there's an aquarium tank full of about 40 tiny fish and we're gonna put our feet in that tank now are you ready look guys I do a lot of eating of other things is time for other things to eat me know I'm saying let's try it ready ready oh hey oh it's cold [Music] [Laughter] - look how many fish are on my feet no look at that look at mine I'm trying to avoid them no no let it happen try to happen the fish are eating the dead skin off your feet it's a mutually symbiotic relationship they eat our feet skin we don't need that I think actually this is part of the normal diet in the wild even I'm not really a fish scientist I eat a lot of fish so I've just been told it's good for my nervous system I'm feeling very nervous now that is how how the nervous system works all right bro all my fish are dead are your fish dead these fish are full but I'm not let's get some more food yeah [Music] look I'm feeling fresh we did the tough Lau I'm recovered after this Vaughan the fish ate my beats court beats our feet are happy are you feeling better than the chicken feet right here you stomped us you pointed this out what is going on here what's happening he's here I'll call myself if you translate literally it means an ugly fruit but the name for in English is Jack Kuhn home in Linden maybe we can just call it dragon tow jacket Oh only Ashley sold in the north and Han over here but that's really unique that's kind of the theme of our episode okay right now she's scooping the fruit oh this that's a skill you got all your fish scale right here okay that's how much fruit we got come on Jake it's a tiny kind of spiral cousin it looks a little bit bigger than a great bull let's see what happens [Music] [Applause] whoa whoa it's a little bit like green apple in there soft inside like a pear kind of just sweet at first and then it gets really sour like a like a green apple that's so unique that is unique but you just ain't only the seed this time I think you've got it wrong you supposed to you reversed it yeah yeah like that nailed it hi here I got you this we're gonna eat together Ohio yes it's delicious I think that's as much as we can talk about I don't really know any more Vietnamese today this place is is this what we're going right this is where we going this is a place that's gonna have unique Hanoi seafood yeah and you're gonna get addicted we have I don't know like 30 people noshing right here on this sidewalk is this the kitchen right here that's the kitchen Wow that is a mobile kitchen everything that's being cooked is right here on this street I did ask you to bring me to some Street food you definitely nailed the street part which is this it's almost all the way on this tree we walked up here they have a full kitchen basically right on this side it's all there it's like hey where'd you put the spices right on the ground oh that's right and where'd you put that bowl of intestines that's also on right there on the ground oh okay good this is a fair question a lot of people ask about friendliness are you worried about that and a place like this it should be alright it's nothing everybody hates it right which leg would be okay people who freaked out about foot poison and killing all these people are just going home and vomiting in their toilet and then they come back every Friday kidding this is like a weight loss method for everybody here just relax a little bit everybody warning me of my videos relax we have our fried intestines fermented shrimp paste there's a lot of powerful smells on this table vermicelli rice cake and then we have some plum wine first we should probably start with a plum wine oh man wine in Asia it does not mean my love the thing is they use the word wine for liquor and red wine grape vines it's the same word this is really I had no idea I always wondered about that why are you calling it rice wine when it's like scorching fiery path time I throw boom squeeze it you mix it up and you wanted to kind of turn white like that right yes let's give it a try I've got a nice crispy piece of pig intestines cousin we're gonna give it a tip Cheers yes [Applause] over there all right later on nice a lot of strong flavors in there how does it speak to you it gives me the desire to drink isn't definitely a drinking for writing a book all the flavours here are super detects let's have a shot tourists Cheers yes I think you're exactly right we take the shot and now I'm like oh I want some food all right then you eat the food and you're all you want to suck I'm gonna have a shot yeah a little bit of game unis on there but we'll cover that up with some shrimp ray so they don't think it's man it is intense it's like making my eyes water over here little bit of noodle chase that Oh who forgot about the hurts this meal is like a never-ending chase you need to chase each thing with each of next thing you have a shot you have the intestines you put in with the shrimp taste it's super powerful you chase that with some cucumber or some of the rice vermicelli there but it's still in your mouth a bit and you're like man I really want to drink you taste in a way to chase them this is a dangerous meal very dangerous thank goodness is it our last location oh thank god if Ralph at first and then it just grows on you and then you just you have to keep going and you walk more and more follow what happened so I guess we have constant blackouts here yeah that's it that's pretty adventurous oh and we're back Cheers if you want your own awesome Vietnam experience please hit up one trip they are a company putting on tours in Saigon hoi an engine hang you talking food sewers I'm talking the Gucci tunnel adventure I'm talking the Mekong Delta adventure all these annual art if you want more information click the link in the description down below I will see you next week Abby [Music] you
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,960,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hanoi old quarter, hanoi street food, where to eat in hanoi, vietnamese street food, hanoi night life, old quarter night life, hanoi bia hoi, hanoi chicken pho, old quarter food, where to eat old quarter, dry noodle pho, hanoi dry noodle pho, tuc lau, hanoi tuc lao, how to tuc lao, hanoi fruit
Id: unTGXgUBbuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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