TET FEAST in Hanoi! Meatball Jello and Pigeon Soup. (Vietnamese Tet Food Day 1)

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right here gigantic Tet feast and I cannot wait to dig in let's do this watch Oakland ah boy that means Happy New Year's in Vietnamese today we're gonna be talking about Ted or the Lunar New Year which is the biggest holiday celebration throughout the year in Vietnam I'm talking Christmas and Thanksgiving combined I'm gonna be traveling throughout Vietnam trying all the amazing traditional Ted food [Music] Tett or the Lunar New Year holiday is the biggest celebration throughout the year in Vietnam it celebrates the arrival of spring and usually takes place between January and February people from all across the country make the journey home to be with their family relax and feast on traditional Tet foods from north to south the traditional foods of Tet vary and over this three video Tet series I'm gonna try as many as possible and getting it over that extra phone crazy okay can you hear it I'll start with this huge traditional northern feast in Hanoi means this kind of like a flower yes out of pork skin that's crazy including a very unique meatball vegetable jello which color do you think it's the most to be steamed this is earth right yeah okay I'm gonna try earth on day two all head to de nom to try some central Vietnamese Tet food with Helen from the YouTube channel Helens recipe it's a long ago I've never even heard of that okay I'll wait together and on day three I'll head back south near Saigon where I'll learn how to make the famous banh Tet really beautiful so she's kind of put a heel or a cap on one end and she's gonna pack it down and make sure it's super tight that is gonna boil later on for six hours yes and maybe I'll even receive some lucky money on the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] today we're in Hanoi heading to a place called hang Sun a restaurant serving mainly traditional Vietnamese foods with a chef driven by quality and the food to prove it I'll get to sample their menu before taking on an entire Hanoi and Tet feast let's get started today we are at hang Sun a restaurant giving a modern twist to some class keep it going to some classic Vietnamese dishes I might have messed up but I don't care we got limited time we are charging through today this was gonna be a cool intro but there's a restaurant it's gonna have really good food let's just go in there and let's eat huh actually they have a menu right here right off the bench dozens and dozens of dishes I was here the other day and they told me they have customers coming five days a week that they're so amped about the menu that they had tried food over and over and over again that they had to expand the menu to keep everybody happy that's how in demand this place is this looks great let's go inside in slow motion [Music] wandering around hang sons dining room it's easy to see this mysterious simmering dish is a huge hint and I can't wait to learn more about it before diving right in a hangsang team member will help me get more acquainted with their menu handsome own son yeah right now we're in hung son this interview is going really well we tried to section all these into a fortune on kinda long long long time ago 17% of our toast here actually is no let's take a quick look at the menu and some of the stuff I recognize and some I don't would you recommend this one yes I recommend this one talks about our most famous this year would cha cha with the Chinese newspaper yeah very like common in traditional food right yes just in the north yeah that's in the mountain what kind of fish is that again it's a shame about this that's a chocka chocka am I saying it kind of right yeah okay maybe you can get the the first film us together oh whoa I don't need you get it why not I've never had a fish stomach I didn't even think it was big enough to eat like so is this from the same kind of fish yes their stomach yes perfect thank you so much the food has to begun to arrive it's right here these are a bunch of the side dishes that are gonna go with this our big fish dish but first we've got this what is it called actually off camera person here we have what is basically a tapioca cake with a little shrimp ease inside inside of a Ben banana leaf this is the traditional way to open it and inside we will reveal our tapioca creation wow it's really interesting it's kind of translucent the texture is a bit gummy and we're gonna put it in the sauce we have a special kind of fish sauce here let's give it a little dip in the fish sauce and let's try it out mmm yummy face number one I like it and there's pork inside too right yeah and there's pork inside too food expert just like the name says just like this title card says hmm okay that was a great start we've got fish on the way we're starting our Bunsen burner right here so here's our fish it has been pre kind of seared on a flattop the top and bottom is browned and then it's on this heaping bed of fresh dill and spring onions for me this is really cool to see because there's a ton of fresh herbs used in all the different food here but I haven't seen dill a lot and I haven't actually seen dill sauteed like this and then right now she's dumping in the fish stomach oh that is a lot and that is from like 48 fish okay come on are you staying here I don't know what's happening oh it's what she's they help you cook at the table supply use getting going I hear a lot of sizzling happening we're gonna do a really quick is this guy does this sound pretty good quick foodie ASMR can you hear it all right I'm gonna grab some of this fish and then we've got our buoy noodles here we're gonna grab a few more herbs and then this is where the shrimp paste comes in fish in the sauce [Music] mmm mmm oh there's like a flavor explosion oh it's so yeah my yummy face number two I kind of affirm a bit fatty fish but you have this really intense shock of the fermented shrimp paste with a really fresh dill with that and the noodle is all together it's outstanding am i expected the prices here to be really high because everything looks fancy the menu the layout of the place but this dish alone is 120 thousand it's about six dollars it's really amazing what we're gonna do next though is the fish stomach so why don't I start with like three at once I'm so curious about this fish stomach it just looks like a normal stomach Oh tiny I'm just gonna try the first one clean and alone okay I just wanted the full fish stomach experience let's go for it oh that's really good what these taste amazing just it takes on the flavor of what's in here so it's got the oil and it's got the dill but the texture it is like perfectly chewy it's like it's hard what is it like it's like an intestine but if it was really thin almost crunchy okay listen we are just getting started here this was an awesome introduction to the restaurant I was looking at their menu and I stumbled upon the back page here and would you look at that so if you're having a hard time choosing what to eat there's about 15 different dishes here I'm gonna ask very nicely and see they'll prepare this one for me cooking for the Tet feast is underway and I'm headed to the kitchen to see how the chef's brings the magic together as the first of pigeon we marinate with some sauce and pepper after that we fry it until wow this is a pigeon yeah where'd you get it from just outside I'm just kidding I'm sure yes Wow I don't think I've ever had my first pigeon I'm in the kitchen with the head chef of this restaurant which is a huge honor and pleasure for me thank you so much for having me you're creating this huge meal this meal is like kind of a traditional feast and I'm getting schooled on some of this traditional food you know he's [Music] you know I have no idea what is that that is a box feed pork skin yeah what it's like a giant sponge can I can I bite this no no don't eat it okay so we have this pork skin here it's gonna be important of one of our soups he's made a beautiful star out of pork skin some some people they say to Carnaby ah Robbie you call it Chinese Apple yes Oh interesting can I beat it yes mmm not sweet these are actually seasonal vegetables well except I'm pretty sure the pork skin this vegetable you can get anytime right now we're throwing in a bunch of vegetables we have our collar ah be cauliflower white color first chicken green and the rest been loaded plus the last one we're going with orange we got our carrots so it almost even said mom when I didn't mom yeah what were those going oh maybe we're cooking food for another table or something Aldi came back they're back we just took the water out okay okay is a chicken stock which is some stream and Matt dried mustard and Russian oh we put in some some ginger just reusing just and he's putting the pork skin in there now so we put those in there for a little bit to soak up all those beautiful juices and juicy spongy pork skin so we're putting vegetables you're like an artist of pork skin a pork skin artist is beautiful it's beautiful yeah thank you he's made this kind of like a flower yes out of pork skin that's crazy I can't wait to try some of this pork skin it looks just super spongy like it just soaked up all the juices from that soup what is the name of that dish tiny mom tiny bow taking my time that's so cool he just you just whips that up like it's nothing look at this look at this huge platter [Music] first of all it is my honor and my pleasure to be here today to experience this gigantic Ted kind of feast as a foreigner tent is a lonely time where you just walk the streets there's tumbleweeds rolling by everybody is home with their family and you're trying to find food and all you can find is 7-eleven this is a lot better so a couple things stand out to me right off the bat here is this some Java oh yes we love from this one but is there more flavoring because I we fry on this side wow it's beautiful and I love the shapes that they've created out of these I just watch him make this it looks beautiful it's got the pigeon mushroom the lotus seeds on there and this is actually a soup yes and they're gonna put some broth on here yes okay and actually these three middle ones are all different types of soup yes yes it looks like a vegetable jello what is going on here you'll mix the basic insane you can see it they had to pry colors may be there for the people may the elements the fine metal water yeah no walls in there I cannot wait to dig into this so right now they've just brought the special broth and each soup has its own special broth yes broth one done I could smell it from here this isn't something people would normally order and eat in the restaurant they would have it delivered to their home is that right yes Can I grab one of these sausages yes would someone eat just the whole sausage yes okay I smell some nick deep Oh perfect that's perfect for me this is kids food mmm oh I know it's just kind of simple process sausage but I really like this like the most popular sausage in Vietnam so yummy annoyingly because play the point is here they have many layers like 1 2 3 4 5 yeah crazy look at these layers like we've got the crispy so yeah the outside one must master thing about the traditional meal that like we use a sauce together ok that's fine with me Ethan has meaning that like we don't really care about the like the boss season or as genders or any yeah good show its quality yeah well it's not just sauce it's like a symbol let's write up Oh amazing flavor great textures you can really taste every layer you know I saw the chef making this I thought this was really thanks I see so these layers here yeah are like big spongy pieces of pork skin I'm so pumped to try it I asked in the kitchen could I eat this he said no but now is the time if I said this type of skin only nips up all its own the best thing of the so that is a move so uncanny it's like eating bubble wrap with tiny tiny bubbles so as you chew it it's like falling apart in your mouth whoa-ho-ho I've never had a texture like that these are the mean - I saw him making and he's got the abalone on here pigeon abalone soup I just never imagined those two things coming together let's try it on okay abalone perfect our only situation that's true you're tasting and squeezing out the juices of the chicken stock in there and then to eat the pigeon dig in there it's really bony it's like a runway model let's work on that later what is this one in a sticky rice okay that we use a lot in like making that holiday food because it has red color it means hmm what that's crazy it's like squash mixed with rice it tastes like the holidays ever since I saw this in the menu picture it looks like a vegetable jello and you said there's little meatballs inside each color representing one of the elements one of the five elements which color do you think it's the most tasty this is earth right yes okay I'm gonna try earth I'm gonna just stab it and grab it oh look at that right yeah yeah let's go for it oh that's really good this is like the most unique meatball presentation I have ever seen we're obviously not gonna eat this by ourselves as soon as we wrap this up the whole team are all gonna join together and enjoy this feast but first I do want to show the people watching some of your traditional desserts which is right here this brown rice it's got some sesame seeds and coconut shavings on top and you would usually have it with the team oh yeah really think dense sticky rice let's go for it mm-hmm pretty like strong ginger flavor in there sweet rice some coconut some chewiness from the coconut that's awesome which is really amazing and special now I know what I've been missing out on next time I'm just gonna find a family to hang out with cuz do it look at this this is incredible thank you so much for this opportunity and this experience I was really special for me and and absolutely delicious so thank you very much it has been out later this tight series has been possible by one trip Vietnam check back next video as I joined Danang local Helen of Helens recipes to see how some classic central Tet dishes are made one trip is a company putting on tours in Saigon hoi an - Nong and many more cities to come food tours adventure tours and more one trip provides the best local experiences throughout Vietnam for more information on one trip check out links in the description down below and I'll see you tomorrow a piece why don't you Thanks [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,402,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tet food, vietnam food, lunar new year, vietnamese lunar new year, chinese new year, lunar new year food, hanoi food, hanoian food
Id: 0g_ko195cLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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