5 Must-Eat Street Foods in Kuala Lumpur's China Town (PLUS 1 that you can try if you feel like it)

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what the f where I go wrong in my life why did I waste my younger 20s it's so good get excited because unless you were born without tastebuds this video is everything you've been dreaming of you're gonna see some foods so yummy it'll make you want to burn down your house collect the insurance money and fly to Malaysia immediately this video has everything insightful interviews with locals ah you like this one more more the most articulate well-mannered food host on the Internet we are in Chinatown we are in the middle which we are in Chinatown slow motion yummy food shots today we have travelled to a magical town full of monumental meals tasty treats and yummy yum Yum's I'm talking about follow them for Chinatown and today we're doing it big [Music] welcome to Chinatown right off the bat we got my man right here and he's making that good cheese roti he's got moves all day yeah I like it I like it you might be asking me Sonny you're in Chinatown but this isn't Chinese food no it's not this is Indian food and maybe Indian influenced by a Malay a little bit so what they've done is they've taken this Indian bread and they they've remixed it a little bit they've got different versions here we're gonna jump into the cheese version which is griddling away right now on the on the hot top each throwing some oil on there it's giving it a flip so what's really beautiful about food in Malaysia is it's this incredible conversion between Chinese Malay and Indian food and then when you bring it all together and make for a very dynamic culture and Malaysia and even more important for me it makes for a dynamic cuisine and that's what we're gonna see a lot today in Chinatown and I just had to show you this it's one of the must-have things while you're in Malaysia while you're in Kuala Lumpur is the roti a lot of people get it with egg it has a little more body to it it feels a little more like a meal I like it with the cheese because I like everything with cheese look at this this skill is undeniable undeniable it's like a wet-t-shirt hitting a gym floor let me make up this bread like a wet t-shirt love it that's how you know it's good it doesn't need to cook down long it's only been about a minute minute and a half and it is bubbling away it's getting nice and toasty cheesy crusty crunchy and it's munchies it place it on my hands now here's a special thing about street food this is actually a restaurant that you're supposed to sit down in but if you take the food from the restaurant and you bring it to the street BAM it's Street food and that's what we've done right now it's still piping hot ah it's burning my thumbs look at that oh my god it's Joey it's bready it's cheesy it's everything you want in a snack you take your little masterpiece here you give it a dunk in the curry and you put it in the food bin that's how it works [Music] I don't know how it's so good it's about five cents worth of dough and then some processed cheese like a processed Kraft singles and it's still so amazing somehow he's giving me some curry this is a Rando curry I don't know there's a huge selection of curries here BAM back to me hi again we got the curry in the bowl we give it a couple dump and then you got a slam dunk it like this [Music] come on over the top look at the stretchiness factor right there listen I have been in Kuala Lumpur for exactly five days so I'm pretty sure I can recommend where to get the best roti you know I'm saying well dip it in the Stephanie curry and then we get a slam dunk right here big winner let's keep moving on [Music] stop number two and look here's what I want you to do during this video what I want you to do is fix up your own meal so you can eat along with me it's gonna be nothing but food pornography and me and you a lot of eye contact and a lot of chewing sounds okay so get your own food so you could eat along with me do you you feel me what flavor is it pork we have grabbed the hanging concoction she's unwrapping it like an anniversary present and revealing its contents what is inside we can see that there's definitely rice involved in this whole thing it's like a little rice sandwich ma'am would you liken this to a little rice sandwich she's gonna get back to me on that everybody knows that I spent seven years in food college and never graduated but what I did learn is how to taste food and guess what its contents are and that's what's gonna happen right now so here we have our first bite there's some pork there's some rice there are some bean and some unknown mysterious items you don't want to know everything that's in your food when you eat it let's give it a try here we go oh that's really interesting it's very rich not a lot of salt it's almost like a hummus the bean in there very dense look at the stratified layers here this is good survival food I mean it's already wrapped in a leaf you're in the jungle you need rations you need to live for 21 days I mean this is a ball of calories right here if your airplane goes down you land on an island but you've got 21 of these you're gonna be good for about six months here we go now but at first I was missing all the port fights if you're just getting a bit of rice and bean you're not getting that big payoff but once you work your way to the middle I mean it's like a sucker with a tootsie roll in the inside and you get to the inside and you get to that nice fatty piece of pork that is like the prize let's keep going [Music] hello how are you doing today he's making a peanut pancake whoa so you have a huge one what is this huge one and that's coconut Oh how long have you been making these pancakes yes thirty-eight years oh my god yeah how is that possible you don't you look very young no I fixed a Betty oh wow as hard as young but his face is old he says an inspiration a man who has been creating the perfect peanut pancake for years and in fact for decades yeah awesome can I ask you is this your first time buying it the first time because that I bought for 'test hmm I found it good then I bought some more I like your style you gotta test it out don't go crazy yeah and if it's good then you buy a lot yes okay cool thank you I'm gonna get some no thank you Wow testimonial right there and look we didn't pay that guy that was a real authentic customer who was recommending this room what is your name again my name my name is Dan spawn Oh James I've heard of you this step is very important he's putting the peanuts on now you just said you're James Bond double o8 double oh yeah that makes sense the final bit of prep on the peanut pancake that looks beautiful as smells great oh we're going in with a fresh one right here then we're putting on just straight-up sugar and that's all he is slicing and dicing so we fold a pancake over we trap all the peanuts inside and then he cuts it into about ten pieces don't want be it yeah so right here we have the delicious coconut pancake fresh off the griddle let's give it a try mmm that is legitimate I love it a bit mild coconut flavor nothing too strong or intense or too sweet really the main thing is the texture it's a bit more chewy on the brown side and then doughy on the opposite side but you know it's all cooked perfectly it's just cool to see somebody who's been doing this day in and day out for years obviously this spot is popular and also popping oh my god just popping come from the word popular this place is pop popping meaning that it's popular anyways right here we have the peanut pancake the sugar he pour it on there is bubbling up he's gonna throw on some peanuts he folds it over and then you get the masterpiece you see before you right now just like a piece of pizza we're gonna take a big bite here we go the peanut pancake in Chinatown well don't mess up my food shot hmm I like that's even better than the coconut I knew it would be this is so good that even if you have a peanut allergy I'd give it a try anyways you know it's worth it I would risk my my life for this pancake it's that good the outside edges are super crunchy it's great because since he folds it on itself it's kind of steaming itself after being cooked okay so the outside gets chewy the inside gets although doughy and almost mushy but in a good way so simple but so delicious now that's a good pancake we're gonna get some spicy pun me how do you like it oh yeah let's do medium spicy I'm a medium kind of guy we're gonna see the man in action so this is the flat honey noodle he's gonna throw it in the hot water he's putting in some greens he's gonna blanch those a little bit it's very cool and collected he's not nervous at all fish ball pork ball some vegetable oil dark sauce is just like a soy sauce and then a dangerous amount of chili this looks gnarly I love it in with the greens putting in some dark crunchy fried anchovies and just a tiny tiny bit of raw yes a bunch of fried onions that looks fantastic this looks like a dream honestly the texture of these noodles it looks absolutely magnificent and here we are this little Street side restaurant it's parked right in front of a bookstore which is pretty fascinating go grab a book go grab some noodles and you got a nice little afternoon they've got some broth on the side with our greens in there a couple meatballs but look at this this looks absolutely mouth-watering now regarding the spice level oh yeah this is gonna be good and he did not hold back let's get a nice juicy bite I like a noodle with body it's a little bit it's got some chew to it you know let's give it a try here we go the bun me noodle mmm oh wow oh my god that's gonna be so hot in about 10 seconds you know when you wipe your mouth out it looks like a spicy lipstick you know it's gonna be bad spicy as heck but wow that has a ton of flavor a ton of pepper a ton of chilies and the best thing about this is just the texture of that noodle kind of like that al dente style noodle mm-hmm I'm really freaking impressed it's a great texture combination you got the give of the noodle and then the crunch of the fried anchovies look at all these kids over here are you getting the pun me yeah is it good you what you like it yeah come back it's a big deal everybody's coming here for the pond me you get off school you come here for a little snack let's ask him again do you come here like every day yeah yeah cool come back that's enough for them look this is my show they come here every day because they know they're legit oh hold on are you are you Chinese oh my god there's legit local people eating here enjoying the food every day that's how you know it's good you don't get that perfect lot positioning right in front of the bookstore if you're making some average noodles chili overload spicy overload and salt overload all together it's amazing our food journey continues here in Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur and behind me now we have the delicious the amazing soybean curd I don't know if it's delicious or not but let's find out we got my dude here mr. Kim soya bean he's scooping up the tofu curd juice you know what let's just order it and try it out another busy spot very popular hello sir I want your best soy bean curd I said that one tofu it's like a tofu dessert and what do you put on top brown sugar white sugar all right look all different colors of sugar can live together in this dessert he's scooping up this actually it's very beautiful soft tofu whatever you think is best okay I guess the sugars can't go inside you just choose one sugar I should have known oh thank you I didn't expect it to be hot it's quite hot and he's put in some brown sugar it smells vini it smells a lot like soybean hopefully not too hot let's give it a try that is really good I'd never had a tofu dessert until coming to Asia of course you know we didn't have a lot of tofu desserts in central Minnesota believe it or not what I like about it it's really soft you can kind of push it with your tongue you don't even need to chew it so if you had no teeth I mean that's you could eat this but the flavor is really mild it's not overly sweet you could eat this whole thing and you're not gonna feel sick all right it's not it's not a ton of sugar it's just the right amount of sugar mmm it's a great treat to beat the heat it's gonna make you feel neat and fully complete let's keep going [Music] it has been a wonderful night of eating and now we are ending with one of my favorite tasty treats that I'm so happy to show you know when I was in Guangzhou recently in China we had something called clay pot rice it was so amazing but we didn't have time to shoot it there but we can shoot it now and we can make up that lost foodie time when you look up here famous clay pot chicken rice its famous okay that's a big thing look at the grilled fish does that look famous to you I don't see the word famous here how you doing do i order from you maybe not we're gonna go in and figure out how to order Oh have you come a little closer you see we've got chicken here we have some Chinese sausage and I think that's all right now we are at the clay pot roasted place and it's famous right and grilled fish the grilled fish it didn't say famous it just said grilled fish are you sure it's famous how long have you been roasting the rice in the clay pot here 35 years right here in this bud Wow that now that sounds famous to me could I have just chicken and Chinese sausage and and I'll maybe even extra Chinese sausage [Music] for me this is a really big moment claypot roasted rice chicken and they've got the Chinese sausage in there then they throw in some soy sauce some sesame oil some mystery sauce that I don't even know what it is all of that together in here and bam it is ready to try and I couldn't be more excited let's give it a try a big old scoop of chicken we've got rice it has turned a nice dark brown from all the sauces in there oh it smells rich it almost it smells salty can something smell saltine because it does [Music] chicken has never tasted that good what the f where I go wrong in my life why did I waste my younger 20s it's so good the folly of chicken breast is that it's always it's very often to dry this chicken is extremely juicing the soy sauce is very present very salty Chinese sausage is super fatty it's a bit sweet too it just adds a hint of sweetness to the already really salty dish and then it gives it a lot of bat okay the chicken it needs some fat and needs a fat friend I could be your fat friend but right now the turkey sausage is my friend bad friend this is easily the best thing I've had today it was really good it was really good oh hi how samaa died how long oh there's grilled fish you like this one more Lauren no cool all right well I think we had a good talk good talk thank you good job all right bye all right and that is how you have a whole conversation while only knowing two words in Mandarin but no joke if you come to Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur you have to try the famous pot roasted rice throw in chicken throw in some Chinese sausage and whatever else you want - it's gonna be amazing and bam those are five must-try foods and Kuala Lumpur Chinatown plus one food that you can try if you feel like it you can figure out which is which and I will see you next week as we conclude the Kuala Lumpur series a piece as much as I love trying different kinds of street food it's even more interesting to see how people go about trying to sell it and what we have behind us this a kind old woman she's making some food here and she has a speaker that's shouting out for her what's on the menu and then and then and then she does it so she takes turns with the spears brilliant she goes she goes back and forth all day long that has to be hypnotic this is some kind of deep form of meditation I [Music] wish I knew what was happening like is she on speakerphone with the president is she she was calling out her menu and thank you [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 4,934,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: china town, malaysia china town, kuala lumpur china town, kuala lumpur street food, clay pot roasted chicken, roti, kuala lumpur roti, chinese pancake, chinese street food in malaysia, kl china town, best ever food review show, sonny side
Id: wjsmj5SJxMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2017
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