Best BREAKFAST in Saigon for CHEAP! Can you even call this breakfast??

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oh look at that and then it all becomes inflamed yes this is a fiery roasted breakfast today on the best-ever food review show we are going on another fun food adventure this time in saigon vietnam where we are hunting town the best of breakfast you will not believe the amazing diversity in this city for just a few dollars my first breakfast video reviewing gum Tom in Vietnam inspired controversy I've had so many of these and I just never get sick of it people commenting that this nice lady's delicious sweet marinated pork chops and eggs were not actually breakfast yet she was selling the food between 6 a.m. and 11 a.m. so what else could it be normally in Vietnam we don't distinguish breakfast within another meal I mean we you can just eat like a dish for lunch or dinner for breakfast as well so yes forget about your cornflakes because in Vietnam when the Sun rises and the motorbikes hit the streets there's a huge diversity of breakfast options available a different kind of noodle shoots like Oh our deal or you can get it dry and less sticky right or beg me or Bonet something like that Oh Nate what's that it's the Vietnamese versions beef stick can we start with that first today on the best ever food for you show we're getting beefsteak [Music] I'm covering my service automated like did I've run it through my day right here at location one our first breakfast of the day and V I hope you're hungry yeah I'm super hungry now so visit a local restaurant they selling money so basically is an inspiration from v-spec from the West [Music] first of all the pan is shaped like a cow so you know you're eating beef I like that it's very clear is this a normal breakfast in Vietnam in Saigon yeah it is because it contains a lot of mushishi do you know the name mone bah bahs be mad literally mean avoid avoid avoid we got beep oh look at that and then it all becomes inflamed yes this is a fiery roasted breakfast oh my god it's a work of art that took two seconds and then on this side she's giving him an assist she flips the beef throws on some pate this is like a real team effort here Oh buddy you best believe we're gonna get a cool slow motion montage just for you bro [Music] this is probably the most exciting breakfast in Vietnam I think it probably as fun watching it being made as it's gonna be to eat it well let's find out next today our order starts with peanut oil placed in a blazing-hot cow-shaped skillet with some Findley sliced beef steak than a sizzling fried egg a scoop of liver pate sauteed onions in a bit of cilantro on top all this for under $3 Sam they brought our sizzling skillet to the table it's not quite sizzling anymore because we had to get beautiful to sell motion food shots are you doing all right well start the fun train how do we yes I Connie's love soy sauce so normally you're gonna pour it all over the place all right and then chili sauce this chili sauce it's like super famous all over Saigon and to me it's just kind of like a sweet chili ketchup almost and we just put stuff on the bread and eat it right yeah that's why you need to slice up a lot because you're gonna beat the bread into the fisa oh so there's like a little puddle in here at full of that oil soy sauce some egg in there I got first pate some onion I've got some egg too that is kind of smothered in that soy sauce we're putting it all together it's like a bagel bite everybody what is the Vega bite what's that bagel thing yeah it's a yeah whoo-hoo Aloha that is so delicious yeah the pasta here is home late so they make it by themselves that is so delicious yeah it's super creamy rich a little livery it's so freakin amazing I've been to a lot of places where they serve you kind of a little steak but that state can be pretty tough and what they've done here is they have these super thin sheets of beef so it's really easy to pick up and I think it's gonna be really easy to bite through as well I've got a load of beef here we're gonna put on some onion and then a little more pate the best part here is a little soupy part underneath you just stop up all those oils Oh My lordy you're so ladylike is this really how you usually eat fine let's try this is the best mornin I've ever had [Music] next up you won't believe how much variety they packed into this bowl for only a buck and a half we have arrived at location number two this dish we're about to try it's called van concours is that right yeah the mirror here this pressure into the so thick and so chewy oh and here's some more hungry customers coming or maybe they just brought some like shelves from home good all right guys look I don't I usually don't trust me but when there's a local here telling me it's good food that I know it's good for our bank on starts with thick slippery tapioca noodles sad as it's happy opens at all it shows like these bad slippery wet little paring someone's wall maybe it's a shelf gun then some pork a quail egg and scallions a piece of mock crab a shrimpy and then actual real chunks of crab and then from there she's gonna put in the broth the vibrant orange color of the broth comes from crab eggs and you'll get a little blood cake 230-thousand for a huge bowl of breakfast seafood what time do they open here they open at 7:00 a.m. if they give it to you in the morning it's breakfast officially [Music] breakfast number two has arrived and then we and give me what's happening can you just host my show for me already I just want to eat okay guys so we have here two bit of a bowl of tapioca noodle this one is a Chinese donor you're gonna dip it in here okay also you're gonna need to like the dipping sauce as well oh I knew it we're gonna start with some sauce we've got fish sauce mix that with a little bit of chili and then we're gonna squeeze some lime on top and we're ready to go this broth it's super like thick and viscous it's drenching my bread I'm gonna put that in the old mouth whole food bean oh that is a very blend between savory salty and then like porky and seafood enos together let's try a little shrimpy in that sauce let's go for it I love it I'm going to try this big piece of crab I suspect this might be like mock crap so savory bouncing it is salty oh they have the real crab in there too there huh so they've got some mom crab and some real crab in there can I eat no this is my close-up okay oh yeah the bigger trick here is these flippin noodles because look at how slippery these suckers are I'm gonna try to grip it oh there we go I got a good bite right here let's go for it yeah [Music] those noodles have absorbed that broth in that flavor they're very soft and a little machine and freaking hard to grab on to that man what chopped my chopsticks skills are on on fleek these are the kind of noodles so it's not like eating promise I think you got to get your face like up in the bowl be careful when you feel out of it you don't want the flash older guys I want to be serious for a moment cuz that's a really good point thank you so much I mean a lot of people won't talk about them but on my show we like to get real all right breakfast number three [Music] our last stop today another breakfast value steal using who do a thin rice noodle in Vietnam there's a few different types of main noodles and then here would do which is super common in Vietnam in Saigon but we just haven't featured it yet until right now today we're ordering our noodles dry so here we have these bundles of ruku noodles look at that little guy it looks like a little birds nest so that bundle right there it's just gonna be for one bowl of noodles first they blanch a bundle of noodles once the noodles are done they add soy sauce fried pork fat fried onion fried garlic minced pork and scallion wow she really completed it with a shake there and then the soup is on the side right here dry noodles always come with some broth on the side here they start with fried garlic and onion a shrimpy pork intestines sliced pork quail egg and rib meat fill it up with some savory pork broth and we're ready to go let's bring this to the table all right let's go Chi let's do a slow-motion montage good is it in slow motion [Music] we have our last meal here's read over several dishes and bowls and theme what are we getting into here so this is the dry noodle deal cause we got some nice dark salty soy based sauce in there a bunch of minced pork we've got also this side Bowl it's kind of a fun grab bag full of different meat prices we're gonna lime it up a bit yeah okay it's my first time having this kind of hooked you so I wanted to start with the kind of intended flavor here it looks like there's already a rich salty sauce on here I'm just gonna try this out yeah okay how comfy big of a fight that is a hearty noodle it really surprises you because it's quite thin but it's got a lot of chew to it if you put in too much it's it's a trap I couldn't even do a yummy face I could hardly breathe we try again that's nice all right let's try out the problem [Music] let's bring natural Oh salty fatty but very delicate like nothing too powerful let's get into this meat first of all intestine is high but you're going to touch them very truly I like it this big bad boy right here is our main piece of pork this is the star the leading role and we're gonna pick it up and it's try to chew that meat right off it good meaty fatty it's a little bit tough how much is this whole dish only 37 less than $2 it's ridiculous I'll be honest some people have been complaining about me taking too big of bites on my show I love it well V thank you so much for showing me how to eat again and for you guys let me tell you about a company called one trip one trip is a highest-rated tour company in Vietnam whether its food tours adventure tours or village tours one trip is the best way to experience the real Vietnam so there are more about one trip check out the links in the description down below give a sub if you liked this video give a like if you liked this video don't give it this like even if you dislike this video and I will see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,700,746
Rating: 4.9337215 out of 5
Keywords: saigon breakfast, where to eat in saigon, ho chi minh city breakfast, pho breakfast, ho chi minh breakfast, saigon street food, vietnam food, vietnamese food, where to eat in vietnam, bo ne, saigon bo ne, best breakfast in saigon, Bánh canh cua, Hủ tiếu, Bò né, Vietnamese breakfast, vietnam breakfast, yummy food
Id: kQj1lIQvYPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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