How to Fit 45 Degree OFFSETS ? | PIPEFITTING

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[Music] welcome welcome family my name is david cerisa today we're going to be showing you guys how to do a simple 45 degree offset and how do we find the dimensions and takeoffs for that so let's get started [Music] alright guys so here we have a 45 degree opposite it's a simple 45 degree offset right now we have it in the horizontal plane here and just to show you guys how it works here basically offsetting a line from coming this center line here over to this center line here using two 45s to connect them back here we have an example of a 45 degree offset drawn out and now typically out in the field you're gonna run into finding your runner your set and basically finding the center line of your first pipe and then finding the center line of your second pipe and this is using a 45 degree angle here typically what you're trying to find is this distance here the travel that'll be your center line of 145 and the center line of your other 45 and in order to do this you need to know either run or you're set or if you have the distance of the travel there's various formulas that are found in our chico cards and our pipe fitter blue book to be able to help us calculate that and find our our dimensions all right guys so here we have our pipefitter bluebook and on page 10 you can see here we have our 45 degree offset here personally i like to use the chico cards a little they're a little easier to read and understand in the book but this will also get you to the right place so on page two you can see here we have simple offsets and we go over for our 45 degree elbow and it gives us various numbers for our formula here that is right here so depending on which dimension we already have that's known either our travel our set or our run we can use this formulas multiply them and that should give us our dimensions that we are needing typically the run is usually known usually on isometric drawings that's usually how they come and they show you the degree of the elbow and that lets you know which uh which column to go to it also does have for 60 degree 30 degree and 22 and a half but right now we're just going to be working with a 45 degree elbow so we are going to do a formula using if we know uh our run i'll show you guys how to find our travel here and then how to do our takeoffs for our 45s here we have our piping see this is going to be our run here so this is going to be our center line here on this line we also have our center line here on this line and what our run is is going to be our dimension straight across from this center line to this center line basically in this motion here so i'm going to go ahead and show you guys what that looks like there and that's what we mean by the dimension being straight across and we had a run of 33 and and 13 16. all right guys so we're going to go ahead and figure out this opposite here i have a dimension here of our run which is 33 and 13 16 inches and we are going to go ahead and do our formula and to our chico cards we are going to multiply this dimension times 1.414 and that's going to give us our distance for our travel here so i'm going to go ahead and use our our construction calculator here these are nice to have they work in fractions and they work also in decimals and that just makes life a lot easier instead of having to do everything by hand so we're going to go ahead and enter our number there 33 inch and 13 16 times 1.414 and that gives us a travel of 47 and 13 16. go ahead and write this up here 47 13 16 pitch all right guys so we already have our travel here which is 47 and 13 16 of an inch as you can see here i already have this simple offset laid out here on six inch pipe so i'm actually going to measure center of our 45 to center of our 45 which that is going to be our travel here in this dimension okay so that is going from center to center so in order to find our actual pipe size we are still going to have to do our takeoffs of our 45 one for this side and one for this side so it's actually going to be 2 45s that we'll be removing to get our distance of pipe here and to figure that out we're going to refer back to our our chico cards here and we're going to go back to page 7a and as you can see here we're going to use c here which is showing a 45 degree elbow we are gonna go down to the letter c and then come across to six inch pipe and that is giving us a takeoff of three and three quarter inches all right guys so we know our travel so now we're going to go ahead and do our fitting takeoffs for our 245s which i have shown here each 45 is three and three quarter inches that we need to remove on that length so i have it shown here two of them we've already go ahead we've already gone ahead and done the math and it came out to 40 and 5 16 of an inch and also to note guys when you're working with uh with tig you have to account for your gap as well so i took off an eighth inch for each side which gave me a total of quarter inch for our two welding gaps and doing our math our piece of pipe that we need is going to be 40 and 1 16 of an inch all right guys so we're going to measure out our piece of pipe here after takeoffs let me show you guys here we're going to go there and we are very close maybe about a 30 second off it's very very close to the dimension we need all right guys so my name is david cerisa i showed you guys how to do a simple 45 offset you guys want me to show you guys how to do reverse this and if you have the travel known how to do the run please let me know on my instagram or comment down below and don't forget to like comment and subscribe and see you guys to the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 123,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test
Id: VICyUb89cs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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