FIRST TIME Trying GOUACHE!... What's Gouache?!

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other very little about gouache except that the word gouache is really weird wash wash wash sounds like Sean Connery saying grass I'm going to go mold wash Oh Stan kitsch won't get off the lawn I'm trying to mow my blah I'm so sorry Cabela's and German welcome to draw with Jasmin I'm Josue and today I'm going to try something new and something that I see a lot of other artists on YouTube use and know what they're on about I don't know what the deal is with gouache but I've had enough of living in ignorance and today with you I'm going to experiment with gouache for the first time so I'm gonna head down to my local art shop get a little bit of advice and try and learn whatever I can from whoever has some gouache the local art shop and sometimes really when you're learning something new you need someone by your side to help you guide you through the process I mean if only there was a way to use the Internet to learn skills and share them with each other online ah guess what there is and this video is sponsored by a place called Skillshare you can go to Skillshare and look up among their thousands of courses on illustration drawing design and more on something specific like gouache watercolors oils Skillshare is a longtime friend of this channel and an amazing place that i can recommend you guys to go to really dive in deep and sink your teeth into deep courses and learning new skills I even have some courses on Skillshare myself which I feel I'm quite uniquely qualified to teach specifically YouTube I have a course on Skillshare on how to be a youtuber and turn it into a business and help it supplement your creativity in your projects and I also have a course on how to present to camera and if either of those things seem like things you want to learn from me personally go check them out the links in the description the skill share have set up a coupon for the first 1000 people to use it to get full unlimited access to all of their premium courses for two months absolutely free once again the link is in the carton in the description for two months of free Skillshare membership and go check out my courses while you're there so I'm gonna head on the out to a local launched up and grab some washi supplies and come back and open them up with you and we're just gonna learn something new and see where that takes us gosh gosh gosh gosh gosh how can we find the gouache I don't need much I'm a noob I just need to dabble gouache or just to try some gouache I guess I don't I don't know what colors to get what cadmium cadmium is always reliable hey hello blue classic it's my glass jam should I get light green or halo green I've got some colors I don't know how many colors I mean what colors are they oh I'm an idiot am I still looking at water colors yes I am that's what kept the gouache are the bigger ones and I got the blue is that how you pronounce a path a low I say hello any green in the brand if you want to what are you painting on is that paper or canvas or like what's the best hey I like this I think I might go this it looks a bit old-timey it's got the frayed edges it'll make me feel a bit like Gandalf yep I like daggers yeah I don't know what it does but it looks cool thank you I'm too eager thank you very much hello darkness my old [Music] thank you very much Cheers so I've just embarrassed myself in front of the locals and bought myself some glass I think they're the two things I wanted to do today so let's go back into the studio and give it a go okay I have wash inside my glossy bag of goodies I have some paper have a little palette to mix stuff on and then I have some gouache I also got a new brush not because I particularly need a new brush but because this brush is called a dagger so as for the content of this video I'm going to approach this in two part the first part is I'm going to learn as much about gouache as quickly as I can and to do that I'm going to be using Skillshare and following along with courses and then the second part is I'm going to try and take everything I've learnt in my crash course and apply it to a painting and just try and create something cool within a fairly short experience I didn't just see what I can come up with after a day of applied learning with the help of Skillshare and a new medium I start off by watching a bunch of different Skillshare courses on gouache while playing with the new material and by both using the medium and practice and by hearing the advice of more experienced tutors I feel like I learned a lot really quickly for example did you know that there are different kinds of gouache I didn't apparently the three main types are artists gouache designer gouache and acrylic gouache I feel like I'm saying gouache a lot artists wash being the most expensive of the three and both artist and designer gouache can both be reactivated at any time after the painting is dried acrylic or cheap ugh washes have more binding agents and less pigment meaning that they don't reactivate later and it actually takes more paint to get the same results anyway I learned this from romaker Spiegel Jones in her class gouache for illustrators create acute animal portraits she highlights the similarity between gouache and watercolor but the difference be matte gouache is more suitable for clear shapes lines and it provides more vibrant colors with gouache you can also work from either light to dark or dark to light which is harder to do with water as you can see with the materials I'm working with at this point the vibrancy of the colors is most definitely a notable attribute of the medium as are the variety of textures you can get in a class by sova Hoover I'm sorry if I pronounce your name wrong called modern landscape illustration with gouache the opacity of the gouache colors is explained demonstrating that by using more water the color becomes noticeably lighter you can actually get quite a range of tonality with a single hue of gouache there's that word again it sounds so weird she also mentioned that if you want to work on top of dark areas in gouache to paint those areas in ink or perhaps another medium just so that when the water mixes with the upper layers and your gouache is put down doesn't dull your colors or dilute or mix them with the darker layers underneath I tried this out by painting a dark black square in both the gouache on top and ink below it which later on I would come back to try painting some colors on top of just to see how it reacts now at this stage I was feeling pretty confident having played around with a bit of gouache so I wanted to try a little thumbnail painting using the tips from the aforementioned classes as well as some from my favorite of the classes that I experienced with my gouache instruction by Julia Busan but bolson part but bolson Hart I'm sorry sorry it's a German name i ruining it as well I loved her classes floral illustration with gouache and painting everyday objects with gouache I move forward on a mini painting copying a Google image of a random person which I felt had a nice mix of blurry and soft background that I could use of water and wash layers to begin with and then clean and contrasting foreground layers with the woman's face and a few areas of detail now in the two courses of Julia's that I just mentioned she demonstrates how gouache dries darker than how it looks when you mixing it or painting it this was particularly important to keep in mind especially with the skin tone as I needed to mix it quite a bit lighter than I felt was suitable at first to end up with it in there perfect tonality to be copying the image something Julia mentioned which I'd love to try in another video is that gouache is essentially the same thing as watercolor so you can actually mix them together for cool effects I can imagine how using them together would be pretty cool or could produce some interesting results so maybe that's something back to in a future video who knows something I came to notice with working in gouache was that unlike watercolour mistakes are much more easily reversible by painting over them or Starlin again or even remix ink the colors you've already painted on the paper or canvas simply by reactivating them with some water right on your surface that you're working on all in all my first time using gouache was pleasantly surprising and left me feeling confident moving forward in no small part thanks to the instructors I mentioned I'll link them in the description down below so if you want to follow along with them in your skill share free trial and you want to join with me in this process you have a great place to start and I can highly recommend them now with my thumbnail painting finished and refined I'm quite excited and ready to get a start on something a little more ambitious so this is the result of my initial experimentation I have obviously this batch of colors I played around with initially just to sort of get the feel for it my initial impression the moment I put down the brush is this stuff is really nice like it's a really clean flat color when you have just that middle level of saturation with water then obviously when you add more water it acts a lot more like watercolors but then with less it's sort of acrylic ish but just not as smooth you get a lot more of those textures which of course could be cool and I think that's why gouache is probably a go-to favorite for the storybook aesthetic in children's books because you can get those really nice textures and grains in your image this blue and green set of swatches we're just created with a single color and obviously those tonal changes are just based on how much water I use so that's really cool and really interesting but also a bit tricky what also is tricky is if you over wet it you end up with some of the bodywork that I have here much like the water color stuff just really take it in thin layers if you're going really wet just to add layer by layer rather than being a little over the top like I was when I work on my whole piece moving forward I'm gonna start off with the wettest areas and then get drier as I move to the later layers of the piece I feel that this was a really nice practice and actually gave me quite a lot of confidence having wrapped up to be honest it's not perfect but that being said the the aesthetic is kind of what I think looks I finished the more painterly textured look this has been a lot of fun and actually kind of cooler than I expected both in how the material handles and the vibrance of it I really love the colors like that's such a really vibrant blue the richness the colors is really nice and I think there's a lot that can be done here so I'm gonna move on and try and create a full and perhaps more ambitious piece I want to go for something that feels like it could be at a children's storybook I want to go for something with a bit of a bit of a nature aesthetic to it so that that the textures and the more rough aesthetics will I feel working the pieces favored I don't quite know what I'm going to do yet but maybe I'll Google image a bunch of different landscapes and see what I'm inspired by and see what comes about so let's get stuck into it [Music] [Music] the theme of my painting is inspired by my son he has a plush toy foxy called mr. foxy which has had since he was an infant and he loves taking with him everywhere as well as a blankie he calls his so soft which he takes with him to sleep one of the games he likes to play is pretend picnics so I thought a perfect theme for a children's storybook aesthetic would be that of my own child and some of his most charming favorite things captured in the squash sunset peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so here you go ladies and gentleman this is my finished gouache painting my first ever gouache paint I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out there are a few things I would change or that I learned through the course of it that I might do differently but all things considered I think I achieved that sort of storybook effect that I was going for that I think is entailed in a lot of gouache work that I've seen I really liked the warmth overall and and I gotta say the vibrancy of the colors is quite strong so much so that actually had to bring the intensity of the color down quite a bit because it is a bit I guess more vibrant than you expect sometimes but I've got to say I really do enjoy sort of moving between working with it like a watercolor and then like a thicker paint where you can get some of these really nice textures like that it's just really quite fun to work with and cooler than I expected so I guess there is something to this holographing once again I want to give a big shout-out to Skillshare for sponsoring this video and for their amazing courses that make work like this possible especially in mediums that I'm not familiar with and sometimes need a little bit of help with I can highly recommend Skillshare once again the link is in the con in the description to go check out Skillshare for two months absolutely free check out my courses and check out a load of other courses on business and design and art and music and absolutely everything you think of it's an amazing resource and I'll highly recommend it a massive thank you to you for watching I had a lot of fun I hope you enjoy the result and until next time I'll see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Draw with Jazza
Views: 2,467,448
Rating: 4.958354 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: bzqbLyhIO48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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